16 Traffic
16 Traffic
16 Traffic
Note to Administrators
In order for POST to review and approve your agency’s Field Training Manual, you MUST submit the following electronic files:
1) POST-approved Field Training Application (Form 2-229)
2) Your department’s Policy & Procedure Manual
3) Your completed Guide (Volumes 1 & 2), including ALL competency requirements covered in Part 5, Sections 1–18.
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16.1.01 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.1.02 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.1.03 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.1.04 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.1.05 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.1.06 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.1.07 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.2.01 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.2.02 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.2.03 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.2.04 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.3.01 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.3.02 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.3.03 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.3.04 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.3.05 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.3.06 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.3.07 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.3.08 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.3.09 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.3.10 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.4.01 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.4.02 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.4.03 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.4.04 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.5.01 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.5.02 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.5.03 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.5.04 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.5.05 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
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16.5.06 Part A - Reference Agency Policies/Procedures, if applicable (600 characters maximum) N/A
YOUR ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES VERIFY that the Field Training Officer (FTO) and trainee attest to the following:
1. The FTO(s) provided all instruction, training, and related feedback/comments to the trainee in accordance with the agency’s training
requirements for this portion of the Field Training Program.
2. The trainee demonstrated all competencies required for this portion of the Field Training Program.
3. If remedial training was performed, the results were reviewed by the appropriate FTO(s) and accepted by the trainee.
4. The final evaluation of the trainee’s performance for this portion of the Field Training Program were approved by the FTO(s) and accepted
by the trainee.
IMPORTANT: After signing the Attestation, the file will be “locked” and CANNOT BE MODIFIED. If you need to make changes, both signatures must be
removed and re-entered after the final revisions have been made.
To remove the electronic signature: Click on the signature > Click on the trash icon.
See the following pages for Instructions for Administrators and FTOs
Volume II of the Field Training Manual consists of 18 Sections. Each Section is provided as a separate file on the POST website. Prior to submitting your FTP
Manual to POST for review, you must complete all 18 Sections and include them as part of your Manual.
1. Set up: Keep a Master copy of each Section file for reference. Make a copy of the file to use for agency-specific entries.
2. For each Section (1–18):
Open the applicable file and add agency name and date (M/Y) at the top of page 1. (Do NOT alter any other portions of the file, with the
exclusion of Parts A and B.)
For each subsection, complete Parts A and B.
Part A: Input relevant policy references from Department Policy Manual (ex. Sacramento SD Policy: Use of Force).
Part B: Input agency training details.
3. After completing ALL sections (1–18), you are required to submit the following materials via email to POST for review and approval (do NOT send
printed copies):
1) Volume I and Volume II (Sections 1-18)
2) POST 2-229 Form (scanned copy of signed original)
3) Department Policy Manual
4. Mail your POST 2-229 Form to:
Commission on POST
Field Training
860 Stillwater Road, Suite 100
West Sacramento, CA 95605
See next page for Instructions for Field Training Officers
Volume II of the Field Training Manual consists of 18 Sections. Each Section has been customized by your agency administrator(s) to include references to
policies and procedures and training details to meet your agency’s Field Training Program requirements. Each file is provided as a separate file. For each
Section (1–18), complete all tables for each topic.
1. Set up: Keep an unchanged copy of each section file as a master for reference. Make a copy of the file to use for your training sessions.
2. Tracking your training sessions:
Upon completing each competency, enter the FTO and trainee names and dates, and how the competency was demonstrated, into the
applicable tables.
Enter any note-worthy comments related to the trainee’s performance.
3. If trainee requires remedial training:
Enter the FTO and trainee names and dates, and how the competency was remediated, to show that each competency was completed.
Enter any additional note-worthy comments related to the trainee’s performance.
4. Attestation: After all competencies have been performed, including any remedial training, the primary FTO and trainee MUST enter their electronic
signatures on the Attestation page (see instructions) to verify that the trainee has completed this portion of the Field Training Program.
End Section