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Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102235

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Interrelations between the types of damages and their original causes in the
envelope of buildings
Manuel J. Carretero-Ayuso a, C.E. Rodríguez-Jiménez b, *, David Bienvenido-Huertas b,
Juan J. Moyano c
Musaat Foundation Researcher. Department of Graphical Expression, Polytechnic College, University of Extremadura. Avenida de Las Letras S/n, 10004, Cáceres, Spain
Department of Architectural Construction II, Higher Technical School of Building Engineering, University of Seville. Avenida Reina Mercedes 4, 41012, Seville, Spain
Department of Graphical Expression and Building Engineering, Higher Technical School of Building Engineering, University of Seville. Avenida Reina Mercedes 4, 41012,
Seville, Spain


Keywords: The envelope is the skin that covers buildings and protects them from weather and outdoor actions. Conse­
Deficiencies quently, this envelope is prone to have many deficiencies. This paper analyses 2030 cases that correspond to
Facades current Spanish buildings, from which the pathology combinations are categorised. In other words, each case
studied is associated and quantified with the type of existing damage, the construction unit in which the damage
occurred, and its original cause, thus showing the most recurrent and dominant combination and the con­
struction typology where pathology combinations took place. A total of 10 groups of pathology combinations
were determined in the horizontal envelope, and 34 groups in the vertical envelope. The results could be useful
for technicians to have a very significant view of the most troubled points of envelopes, so preventive measures
can be adopted when writing the project (design phase) and performing construction works. In this manner,
damages would be reduced in the building envelope, as well as use costs, and habitability conditions would be
improved, thus contributing to the most sustainable behaviour of the building process.

1. Introduction thorough design [6]. From this point of view, Al-Sharif et al. [7] indi­
cated that a building could be considered comfortable when sufficient
1.1. General framework technical features were included in a project (not just those required by
the regulation, but those required by users). Other research studies have
The building envelope is composed by the construction elements that also considered appropriate maintenance as an essential part of the
separate the interior from the exterior and therefore is responsible for operation quality [8] and absence of problems in the building [9].
most features of building habitability conditions. In this manner, there In addition, the study of building damages is inevitably related to the
are many related aspects when analysing the damages of the parts of an repercussion on costs. Certain research studies have stated that pro­
envelope [1,2]. cesses to repair defective works increase the project cost by 52% [10],
In general, damages in building is an issue discussed in research considering that the economic value of repairs is generally determined
studies, but the discussion is usually focused on specific case studies and by both the optimization of resources and the possible deficiencies and
construction elements. However, the pathology parameters that influ­ omissions [11]. To mitigate this situation and to reduce damages, some
ence these elements are not developed in certain research studies [3] research studies have considered obtaining a quality management sys­
because of the great difficulty of obtaining broad datasets related to tem for the design process [11] or the use of avant-garde technologies in
building damages [4]. processes [13], such as the Building Information Modelling (BIM)
According to Andújar-Montoya et al. [5], the main reasons of the technology [14]. This reduction would not be only verified in the design
problems in buildings are related to the design phase and the execution phase (in which this technology has already been used) but also in the
phase, representing most deficiencies that occur later. Other authors phases of construction [15] and use, which are still a long way to go
postulated that it is possible to remove latent deficiencies through a very [16]. To reduce periods of time and other problems from the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.J. Carretero-Ayuso), [email protected] (C.E. Rodríguez-Jiménez).
Received 30 August 2020; Received in revised form 25 January 2021; Accepted 25 January 2021
Available online 1 February 2021
2352-7102/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.J. Carretero-Ayuso et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102235

construction deficiencies, voluntary and non-judicialized procedures belong to surveys based on them. In this paper there is no parameter that
could be employed [17] to solve more quickly and in a less traumatic links cases, thus guaranteeing the independence of the results obtained.
way the possible conflicts with clients through an independent arbitra­
tor’s decision [18]. 2. Methodology
Nevertheless, the experience on the repercussion of certain types of
damages and their repairs could be positive by using it as a learning [19] 2.1. Study origin
and improvement opportunity for the future [20].
A series of construction terms could be quantitatively classified in
1.2. Antecedents from other research studies various ways. For instance, according to their functional character [49]
or the building period when they were built [50] or developing an ad
As this research is focused on the scope of the envelope and con­ hoc method [41]. This research carries out an inductive classification of
struction units in particular, such as roofs, facades and windows [21], our own. However, the conceptual classification is supported by its
the deficiencies and rework processes are significantly related to hu­ similarity with a significant Spanish research conducted in the last third
midity [22], rainfalls [23], the entry of water through various junctions of the 20th century on some construction elements [51].
and troubled points [24] or the disposition of waterproofing [25]. The methodology consisted of acquiring data from the expert’s re­
Claddings have also a key role in envelopes [26] and are involved in ports on liability insurances of technical architects and building engi­
their pathology processes [27]. Azhar [28] determined that the existing neers in Spain [52]. The reports selected were those which initiated
deficiencies in the claddings of various buildings increase if quality dossiers of cases based on the users/owners’ complaint related to the
control (of materials and execution) is not rigorously monitored. For this existence of construction damages in their buildings. These data were
reason, an analysis process and a previous control of the technical acquired from the dossiers meeting the condition of having a definitive
construction specifications of the requirements of facades [29] and roofs court’s decision, belonging to the dossiers initiated between 2013 and
[30] could significantly reduce the number of possible damages in the 2015 [53]. It took several years to make these complaints, to file a
use phase. lawsuit, to have a judgement, to turn these judge’s decisions into high
Historically, roofs are among the construction elements most prone judicial instances, and eventually to give a definitive and unappealable
to have problems [31], according to old construction treaties [32]. All judgement. Only at this point the records were part of the research: they
the possible deficiencies in roofs are not pathological (damage exis­ were read, analysed, classified, and assessed.
tence), but some can be catastrophic [33]. Scientific references on roofs
are usually focused on both the analysis of constituent materials and
their application [34] and the study of certain typologies [35], such as 2.2. Descriptors used
green roofs [36]. They are also focused on the mechanical behaviour of
the junctions between waterproofing pieces [37], the action of the A total of 2030 cases have been considered in this study. All belong to
suctions generated by wind [38], the junctions subjected to artificial the outdoor building envelope: 1229 cases belong to the vertical enve­
weather [39] or the way of placing the bindings between sheets [40]. lope, and the remaining cases (801) belong to the horizontal envelope.
Regarding facades, some research studies are also focused on mate­ In addition, many parameters have been included, thus enriching the
rials, and the design errors are responsible for 60% of damages in fa­ study but making it more complex:
cades [41]. A reason for this high percentage is the difficulty of
providing a general typology of facade [42] that includes an ideal so­ - Base parameters: Composed by joining three ‘descriptors’, which are
lution from a construction point of view [43]. Other reasons why facades described above. These parameters are required to identify a case:
are prone to problems are the many elements that constitute facades location/damage/original cause. There are 58 different concepts in
[44] and the variability of the construction systems available [45]. them (Table 1).
On the other hand, when diagnosing an existing damage, its original - Complementary parameters: Composed by other aspects that char­
causes are usually repeated in the current working process of other acterize the dataset studied, either additionally (building typology =
buildings, so these cases should be disseminated to improve the building 4 building formats) or based on the interrelation among the ‘de­
sector [46]. This situation also takes place in other countries, where scriptors’ mentioned (different pathology combinations = 228
facades and roofs generate most building problems [47], as in Spain. For types).
this reason, knowing the recurrence percentages of the most common
deficiencies is determinant to know the weaknesses and is a first step to The analysed reports correspond to 100% of those in Spain in the
obtain minimum quality results in future buildings [8]. period mentioned. This research is not a characteristic sample whose
statistical representation should be verified because all the damages of
1.3. Goals of this study the envelope proved in the study period are included (therefore, there is
no uncertainty as it is not a partial sample). It is a general census of the
In this sense, the statistical assessment of complaints and the analysis pathological cases in Spain.
of deficiencies could be useful to study in detail what is happening today That circumstance, along with the complexity to obtain this type of
in the building sector and to know what type of deficiencies are the most data, implies that this research has no precedents because of both the
common in a given country [48]. This paper aims to responding these number of cases analysed and the origin of the source of data.
issues related to the envelope of current buildings built in Spain. As previously mentioned, each case to be studied is characterized by
For this purpose, more than two thousand cases have been used in 3 descriptors:
this study. This number is greater than those taken as a basis in most
engineering research studies, according to the analysis of the scientific • Descriptor 1 (construction unit). This element is where the problem
literature from the last two decades. Moreover, there are no research or deficiency is. This descriptor is described in the upper section of
studies based on a source of data and a methodology with the same Table 1. There are 5 construction units that belong to the building
characteristics as those developed in this paper. In addition, the amount envelope.
of data used corresponds to Spain as a whole and covers all the cases to • Descriptor 2 (type of damage). It is the problem or deficiency itself.
be analysed. The 20 types indicated in the central section of Table 1 have been
In other studies, most occasions belong to the same construction or characterized according to the determination of the experts who
property development company, with a reduced number of cases, or made the reports of each case.

M.J. Carretero-Ayuso et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102235

Table 1 Table 1 (continued )

Codification and relation of the descriptors used in the research. DESCRIPTOR CODE CONCEPT
C26 Inappropriate or deficient material
Descriptor 1: Code Name of the construction unit C27 Presence of expansion movements not
Construction units U considered
U1 Window frameworks C28 Inappropriate slope of the roof element
U2 Pitched roofs C29 Presence of phreatic level not considered
U3 Flat roofs C30 Absence of protection of the punching of
U4 Uncoated facades the waterproofing sheet
U5 Coated facades C31 Inappropriate anchorage or fastening
Descriptor 2: Code Name of the damage C32 Insufficient assembly between brick walls
Types of damages D or interrupted built joints
D1 Biological attack C33 Unknown cause or without diagnosis
D2 Spalling and chipped parts
D3 Thermal anomalies
D4 Efflorescence • Descriptor 3 (type of original cause). It is the reason why a problem
D5 Wind entry or deficiency arises. The 33 types indicated in the lower section of
D6 Direct infiltrations of water and/or
Table 1 have been typified also according to the experts who visited
D7 Cracks in the central part of wall sections the buildings of each case.
D8 Cracks in the finishing coats
D9 Cracks in the perimeter parapets of the roof Apart from these 3 descriptors, another aspect has also been
D10 Cracks in the lateral side walls of the roof considered to provide the cases with greater concision and character­
D11 Horizontal cracks in slab fronts
ization: the building typology. According to this criterion, each case is
D12 Vertical cracks in pillar alignments assigned to a ‘building block’, an ‘isolated single-family’, a ‘semi-de­
D13 Detachments in corners (junctions between tached single-family’, and a ‘non-residential buildings’.
walls sections)
D14 Detachments in structural patching
D15 Condensation humidity
D16 Capillary humidity
2.3. Scope of the data source
D17 Infiltration humidity
D18 Absence of planimetry Based on the previous mention, the damages and original causes
D19 Breakage of pieces or elements included in Table 1 were not selected by the authors. They are the result
D20 Others/no data
of compiling all the existing cases that were demanded by users/owners
Descriptor 3: Code Name of the original cause and verified by experts (i.e. it is not a list beforehand).
Types of original causes C Thus, damages are initially detected by users/owners, and then the
of damages C1 Continuous presence of humidity experts verify and analyse them according to each situation. Under the
C2 Absence or deficiency of adherence to the consideration of each expert, there will be damages that could be
C3 Absence or deficiency of anti-drip groove,
sometimes characterized just by the visual observation, and others that
gutter or drainpipes require certain instruments or tests (e.g. hygrometers, thermography,
C4 Absence or deficiency of sealing etc.).
C5 Absence or deficient execution of singular Consequently, the analysed records are usually treated differently
with respect to the construction characteristics, so certain properties of
C6 Absence of waterproofing
C7 Absence of barrier against capillary the elements are usually unknown. This is the case of the materials used,
humidity which are not deeply addressed in all the cases. There are even records
C8 Deficient disposition of waterproofing not mentioning them, such as in certain demands where the original
sheet cause of the damage is more related to the bad design or execution
C9 Deficient disposition of tiles
C10 Absence or inappropriate ventilation of the
(inappropriate slope, absence or deficiency of sealing, etc.), thus not
air gap of the roof considering the nature of the materials used.
C11 Incorrect disposition of the thermal This study is therefore configured by using a starting database, so the
insulation analysis is focused on the descriptors which could be extracted: dam­
C12 Absence or deficiency of construction
ages, original causes and the construction units affected. After classi­
C13 Absence or deficiency of patching in fying the construction units, it is verified that the materials used for each
structural elements construction unit are very homogeneous and the typologies are very
C14 Inappropriate or badly placed lintels common among them because building solutions in Spain are signifi­
C15 Direct contact with the ground cantly standardised.
C16 Defect or absence of verticality
C17 Defects in the fixing of windows
C18 Deficient support base of brick wall sections
C19 Deficient quality of cement claddings 2.4. Cluster analysis
C20 Deficient treatment of wood
C21 Deficient junction with roof bowls and As mentioned above, this research is not based on a sample but on the
total of the existing cases, so a statistical assessment was carried out by
C22 Bad junction with the salient elements of
the facade analysing the grouping of descriptors. For this purpose, the k-means
C23 Existence of thermal bridges algorithm, which is based on the centroid concept, has been used [54].
C24 Absence or deficient junction with vertical The algorithm begins with a set X of n individuals which are classified
into k clusters, for which a W partition of that set with W = (w1 , …, wa ,
C25 Absence of individual junctions between
pieces (butt-joint installation) …, wb , …, wk ) is considered, so (∪ka=1 wa = X, wa ∩ wb = Ø, a ∕= b), thus
the total sum of the sums of squares of the Euclidean distances within
each cluster is minimum (Eq. (1)).

M.J. Carretero-Ayuso et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102235

∑ p
k ∑ ∑ four large groups (the designations of each group –cluster– are included
argmin (xir − μar )2 (1) below).
W a=1 xi ∈wa r=1

The performance of k-means depends on the number of clusters: the 3.1. Individual results per descriptor
larger the number of clusters, the smaller the variation (i.e., more in­
dividual clusters are created, thus losing the main potential of the The relative frequency of each pathology descriptor was determined.
analysis that is the detection of similarity patterns among individuals). Descriptor 1 analysed the existing construction units. According to
The number of clusters was optimally selected with the silhouette index Fig. 1, the coated facades was where the number of cases was greater
(s(i)) and the ratio between the sum of squares and the total sum of (U5 = 29.75%), followed by flat roofs (U3 = 27.09%) and window
square (BSS/TSS). frameworks (U1 = 16.80%).
Therefore, s(i) analyses the similarity of an individual with the To show the results of the descriptor 2 indicated in Table 1 (type of
remaining individuals of a same cluster (Eq. (2)). s(i) could obtain values damage), the diagram of accumulated percentages was drawn and
between -1 and 1. The meaning of these values determines the suitability included in Fig. 2. For this purpose, the unidimensional cluster analysis
of the cluster analysis: (i) if the value is between 0 and 1, the observation was previously conducted to determine the existing groups between the
is well grouped, obtaining optimal values those closer to 1; (ii) if the percentage impact and the type of damage (Fig. 3). There were 4 clusters
value is 0, the individual is between two clusters. This could mean that according to the importance of the type of damage. The suitability of this
either the individual shows very different characteristics from the classification was reflected in the value obtained with BSS
TSS (99.5%) and
remaining that are not grouped with the others or that the analysis has s(i) (0.73). There was an individual cluster for D17, and partial groups
excessively classified individual clusters; and (iii) if the value is between between 2 and 9 types of damages for the others: ‘cluster 1’ with 8
-1 and 0, the individual is in the incorrect cluster. damages, ‘cluster 2’ with 9 damages, and ‘cluster 4’ with 2 damages.
b(i) − a(i) Nonetheless, the clusters detected with the analysis were not arranged
s(i) = (2) by the percentage value due to the own characteristics of the algorithm.
max{a(i), b(i)}
This could be seen through the centroid of each cluster: 3.33% (‘cluster
where b(i) is the minimum average distance between the individual and 1’), 0.77% (‘cluster 2’), 33.35% (‘cluster 3’), and 12.58% (‘cluster 4’).
the other clusters, and a(i) is the average distance between the indi­ Thus, the centroid of the clusters did not present an ascending tendency
vidual (i) and the other points of the same cluster. because of their organisation in the analysis. The clusters were therefore
Finally, the BSS/TSS ratio is a relationship of the compactness of the organised as follows: clusters 3 and 4 corresponded to the first category
cluster (Eq. (3)). It is a percentage relationship that can obtain values of damages (distinguishing two subcategories by each cluster), cluster 1
between 0 and 100%. The greater the value of the ration, the greater the corresponded to the second category of damages, and cluster 2 corre­
compactness of the individuals within a cluster. Likewise, given that sponded to the third category of damages.
TSS = BSS + WSS, if BSS is greater, WSS is lower. Analysing constructively the results from Fig. 2, it can be observed
( )2 that the most present type of damage was ‘infiltration humidity’, which
∑K ∑p occurred in more than one-third of the total percentage (D17 = 33.35%),
x − x
then ‘direct infiltrations of water and/or dripping’ (D6 = 17.54%), and
k=1 j=1 kj G
= ( )2 ( )2 (3)
TSS ∑K ∑p ∑ ∑ ∑ finally ‘condensation humidity’ (D15 = 15.62%). From these three types
j=1 xkj − xG + Kk=1 i∈Sk pj=1 xij − xkj
k=1 of damages (called ‘primary’), the percentages hugely decreased
because only their sum covered the two-thirds of the total of cases
where xG is the grand mean of the means of each cluster. (66.51% of the total), thus obtaining a Pareto relationship ~16–67.
There was an internal asymmetry in the percentage obtained by
3. Results these three first damages (according to the cluster analysis conducted),
as the second and third position summed the equivalent of that obtained
The classifications and groups developed is the combination of the by the first position. For this reason, the subcategory D6 and D15
results obtained in the research, together with the several concepts ob­ (=33.16%) was called ‘basic primary [BP], and the first damage (D17 =
tained from the authors’ experience. During the years, a series of pat­ 33.35%) was called ‘critical primary [CP] because of the high individual
terns have been proved in the studies on constructive pathologies, concentration of cases (Fig. 2).
including observing that the descriptors are usually grouped in three or On the other hand, there were a series of damages with an

Fig. 1. Percentage of cases per construction unit.

M.J. Carretero-Ayuso et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102235

Fig. 2. Percentages of cases obtained according to the type of damage and sum of the percentage values of each category.

Fig. 3. Distribution of the silhouette in each type of damage after conducting the cluster analysis.

intermediate presence (‘secondary’ damages: D16 + D5+D7+D12 + analysis also conducted in this descriptor), as Fig. 4 shows (read also the
D14 + D9+D20 + D2) that were between 2% and 15% and all together definitions included at the end of this paper, in the terminology section).
summed 26.59% of the total (belonging to cluster 1). Finally, there were In this manner, C4 was called ‘hyper-common’, and C8+C23 + C11 +
9 types of damages with marginal presence (‘trivial damages’: cluster 2), C13 were called ‘usual’.
whose individual presence percentage was lower than 2% (see the ter­
minology section at the end of this paper). 3.2. Results per construction unit and type of damage
Fig. 4 is included to show the values obtained in the descriptor 3
defined in Table 1 (types of original causes); this figure shows a Fig. 5 shows the relationship between the type of damage (descriptor
decreasing order of the presence percentages of this descriptor. The most 2 from Table 1) and the construction unit in which they occurred
prevalent original causes were ‘absence or deficiency of sealing’ (C4 = (descriptor 1 from Table 1) to precisely know which damages are
14.38%) and ‘deficient disposition of waterproofing sheet’ (C8 = involved in each place and to have detailed information to be used later
9.01%), which have a construction relationship with the types of dam­ in the prevention during the design stage.
ages showed in Fig. 2. Following a combined nomenclature based on Table 1, the damages
According to the presence of each original cause, four collections with a greater percentage in comparison with the total of the study were
were created (according to the percentage similarity and the cluster D6U3 = 12.41%, D17U3 = 9.75%, D17U1 = 8.42%, D17U5 = 8.33%, and

M.J. Carretero-Ayuso et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102235

was notable.

3.3. Results per pathology combinations

A pathological combination is the construction interrelation among

the 3 descriptors (construction unit/damage/original cause); that is, the
types of damages within a construction element, their specific original
cause, and the frequency of those cases.
This study verified 228 types of pathology combinations (developed
in Table 2 and Table 3). Among them, 70 were in roofs (U2+U3) –the
horizontal envelope– and 158 were in facades and window frameworks
(U1+U4+U5) –the vertical envelope–. Thus, the number of pathology
combinations is the sum of the number of rows by construction unit in
these tables, and the cases correspond to the values indicated in the
‘subtotal’ column. Data are quantified at the end of the tables.
The pathology combinations for the construction units of the hori­
zontal envelope (see Table 2) were as follows: in the pitched roofs (U2),
there were 5 ‘groups of pathology combinations’ (those sharing the same
damage in a construction given unit: number of cells of the ‘damage column’
in that table) and 36 different types of pathology combinations. The most
numerous group was that due to ‘direct infiltrations of water and/or
dripping’ (D6 = 104 cases) followed by the group of ‘infiltration hu­
midity’ (D17 = 66 cases). As for flat roofs (U3), there were 5 ‘groups of
pathology combinations’ and 34 different types of pathology combina­
tions. In this construction unit, the most numerous group was that due to
‘direct infiltrations of water and/or dripping’ (D6 = 252 cases) followed
Fig. 4. Percentages of cases obtained according to each original cause.
by the group of ‘infiltration humidity’ (D17 = 198 cases).
The pathology combinations for the construction units of the vertical
D15U1 = 6.06%. Thus, the ‘infiltration humidity’ (D17) was on the top in envelope (see Table 3) were as follows: in window frameworks (U1),
3 out of these 5 times. there were 5 ‘groups of pathology combinations’ and 17 different types
Furthermore, the types of damage D6, D15, D17, and D20 were of pathology combinations. The most numerous group was that due to
present in the two types of roof (U2 and U3). As for the two variants of ‘infiltration humidity’ (D17 = 171 cases), followed by the group of
facades (U4 and U5), the same types of damage were repeated, except ‘condensation humidity’ (82 cases) and the group of ‘wind entry’ (D5 =
D19 (breakage of pieces or elements) which only occurred in the un­ 75 cases). As for uncoated facades (U4), there were 14 ‘groups of pa­
coated facades. Finally, the types of damage which were common in the thology combinations’ and 55 types of pathology combinations. In this
5 construction units were ‘condensation humidity’ (D15) and ‘infiltra­ construction unit, the most numerous group was that due to ‘infiltration
tion humidity’ (D17), and again the key role of humidity in the study humidity’ (D17 = 73 cases), followed by the group of ‘condensation

Fig. 5. Distribution of the damages in each construction unit.

M.J. Carretero-Ayuso et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102235

Table 2
Relation and quantification of the pathology combinations in the horizontal envelope.

Pitched roofs - U2 Flat roofs - U3

Damage Cause Number Subtotal Damage Cause Number Subtotal

D6 C4 1 104 D6 C4 14 252
C5 28 C5 8
C8 5 C8 93
C9 45 C12 2
C21 5 C21 71
C24 12 C24 38
C27 1 C27 4
C28 6 C28 6
C33 1 C30 16
D10 C5 6 30 D9 C4 1 64
C10 5 C5 2
C12 3 C12 22
C24 1 C21 1
C27 15 C24 1
D15 C5 1 31 C27 37
C8 2 D15 C4 1 21
C9 3 C8 3
C10 4 C11 16
C11 19 C24 1
C27 1 D17 C4 6 198
C33 1 C5 12
D17 C4 3 66 C8 78
C5 12 C12 1
C8 2 C21 21
C9 25 C24 18
C11 1 C27 2
C12 1 C28 44
C24 3 C30 16
C27 2 D20 C4 2 15
C28 16 C5 2
C33 1 C12 2
D20 C5 7 20 C21 3
C9 7 C27 1
C11 2 C28 5
C27 1
C28 3

Number of groups of pathology combinations in U2: 5
Number of pathology combinations in U2: 36
Number of cases in this construction unit: 251

Number of groups of pathology combinations in U3: 5
Number of pathology combinations in U3: 34
Number of cases in this construction unit: 550

humidity’ (D15 = 60 cases) and the group of ‘capillary humidity’ (D16 occurred 6 times, and damages D6 and D15 occurred 4 times. On the
= 31 cases). Finally, as for coated facades (U5), there were 15 ‘groups of other hand, the original causes C3, C4, C8, C9, C11, and C23 occurred 2
pathology combinations’ and 86 different types of pathology combina­ times.
tions. In this construction unit, the most numerous group was that due to The most important interrelation U/D/C by each construction unit
‘infiltration humidity’ (D17 = 169 cases) followed by the group of should be known, so they could be treated (either in project or in work)
‘condensation humidity’ (D15 = 123 cases). to reduce the number of deficiencies in future buildings. These in­
To be seen more easily, 3 different pathology combinations were terrelations were called ‘dominant pathology combinations’ (see the
chosen from the 44 groups of pathology combinations described in the terminology section at the end of the paper) and are marked with * in
two previous tables. These 3 pathology combinations had a larger Table 4. They corresponded to:
number of cases by each construction unit (and therefore, the most
important pathology combinations: 15 in total). These 15 pathology - Pathology combination A: There were 146 cases. They corresponded
combinations were called ‘recurrent’ (see Table 4 and the terminology to ‘window frameworks where there are damages of infiltration hu­
section at the end of the paper), and each was designated with a letter midity caused by the absence or deficiency of sealing’ (U1/D17/C4).
from A to O, as Fig. 6 shows. - Pathology combination D: There were 45 cases. They corresponded
The recurrent combinations that obtained a larger number of cases as to ‘pitched roofs in which there are damages of direct infiltrations of
a whole (and called ‘frequent’ –marked with # in the table–) were as water and/or dripping caused by the deficient disposition of tiles’
follows: ‘A’ (‘Window frameworks’ - ‘Infiltration humidity’ - ‘Absence or (U2/D6/C9).
deficiency of sealing’;146 cases; 7.19% –see Fig. 7–) and ‘G’ (‘Flat roofs’ - - Pathology combination G: There were 93 cases. They corresponded
‘Direct infiltrations of water and/or dripping’ - ‘Deficient disposition of to ‘flat roofs in which there are damages of direct infiltrations of
waterproofing sheet’; 93 cases; 4.58%). water and/or dripping caused by the deficient disposition of water­
The following appraisals can be made from this table: damage D17 proofing sheet’ (U3/D6/C8).

M.J. Carretero-Ayuso et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102235

Table 3
Relation and quantification of the pathology combinations in the vertical envelope.

Window frameworks - U1 Uncoated facades - U4 Coated facades - U5

Damage Cause Number Subtotal Damage Cause Number Subtotal Damage Cause Number Subtotal

D1 C20 1 2 D2 C1 1 9 D2 C1 1 44
C33 1 C3 1 C4 3
D5 C4 49 75 C12 3 C18 1
C20 1 C26 2 C19 6
C26 7 C31 2 C25 3
C33 18 D3 C11 7 8 C26 7
D15 C4 6 82 C31 1 C31 23
C23 69 D4 C1 2 11 D3 C11 7 7
C26 2 C3 4 D4 C3 8 15
C33 5 C19 1 C19 5
D17 C4 146 171 C26 3 C26 1
C20 1 C33 1 C33 1
C26 2 D7 C12 7 19 D7 C1 1 53
C33 22 C13 1 C2 1
D20 C4 2 11 C18 3 C4 2
C26 1 C19 3 C12 6
C33 8 C25 1 C13 1
C26 3 C18 3
Number of groups of pathology combinations in U1: 5 D8 C18 2 4 C25 1
C32 1 C26 1
Number of pathology combinations in U1: 17 C33 1 C31 1
D11 C18 1 3 C32 1
Number of cases in this construction unit: 341 C32 2 D8 C14 2 11
D12 C4 2 25 C17 8
C12 12 C18 1
C13 4 D11 C12 4 9
C18 3 C13 2
C32 4 C14 1
D13 C12 3 13 C18 1
C13 8 C25 1
C32 1 D12 C4 5 42
C33 1 C12 18
D14 C1 1 24 C13 3
C12 4 C17 1
C13 18 C19 5
C33 1 C22 2
D15 C11 37 60 C26 1
C23 21 C32 5
C26 1 C33 2
C33 1 D13 C12 1 11
D16 C7 23 31 C13 6
C15 6 C18 1
C29 2 C25 1
D17 C1 2 73 C26 1
C3 26 C33 1
C4 11 D14 C12 4 42
C6 5 C13 31
C13 16 C18 2
C15 1 C19 3
C19 1 C31 1
C22 7 C33 1
C33 4 D15 C1 1 123
D18 C16 3 3 C11 49
D20 C3 1 1 C19 2
C23 71
Number of groups of pathology combinations in U4: 14 C7 38
C15 16
Number of pathology combinations in U4: 55 C29 1
C33 1
Number of cases in this construction unit: 284 D17 C1 2 169
C3 59
C4 37
C6 14
C13 35
C17 1
C19 2
C22 12
C25 1
C26 1
(continued on next page)

M.J. Carretero-Ayuso et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102235

Table 3 (continued )

Window frameworks - U1 Uncoated facades - U4 Coated facades - U5

Damage Cause Number Subtotal Damage Cause Number Subtotal Damage Cause Number Subtotal

C31 3
C33 2
D18 C16 4 9
C18 1
C19 3
C26 1
D19 C25 1 4
C26 1
C31 2
D20 C3 1 8
C11 2
C12 2
C19 1
C23 1
C33 1

Number of groups of pathology combinations in U5: 15

Number of pathology combinations in U5: 86

Number of cases in this construction unit: 604

- Pathology combination J: There were 37 cases. They corresponded to

Table 4 ‘uncoated facades where there are damages of condensation hu­
The most recurrent pathology combinations per construction unit.A graphic is
midity caused by an incorrect disposition of the thermal insulation’
included in the middle that represents these pathology combinations in com­
parison with the total of cases.
- Pathology combination M: There were 71 cases. They corresponded
to ‘coated facades where there are damages of condensation hu­
Window frameworks U1 D17 C4* 146 # A* midity caused by the existence of thermal bridges’ (U5/D15/C23).
U1 D15 C23 69 B
U1 D17 C4 49 C
Pitched roofs U2 D6 C9* 45 D*
3.4. Results per building typology
U2 D6 C5 28 E
U2 D17 C9 25 F A comparative study of the percentages of each type of damage ac­
Flat roofs U3 D6 C8* 93 # G* cording to the building typologies (building block, isolated single-
U3 D17 C8 78 H
family, semi-detached single-family, and non-residential buildings)
U3 D6 C21 71 I
Uncoated facades U4 D15 C11* 37 J* was conducted; this breakdown can be useful to understand where each
U4 D17 C3 26 K building typology is more widespread. According to the values obtained
U4 D16 C7 23 L in Table 5, the largest number of cases were in the building block as
Coated facades U5 D15 C23* 71 M* more than the half of the situations in the study occurred there
U5 D17 C3 59 N
(54.93%), and the most concentration damages were in D17 (18.62%)
U5 D15 C11 49 O
and D6 (10.10%). Based on the results obtained in the other typologies,
In the right column (‘Ref’ –reference–), the dominant pathology combinations in humidity and infiltration were the most prevalent damages, regardless
each construction unit is marked with an asterisk (*).
of the building typology considered.
In the column of cases, the most frequent pathology combinations of the total
studied in the research are marked with a hash (#).

Fig. 6. Graphic with the most recurrent pathology combinations.

M.J. Carretero-Ayuso et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102235

Fig. 7. Photography of a case that belongs to the pathology combination A.

4. Discussion
Table 5
Percentage of cases per type of damage and building typology.
4.1. Comparative analysis of the results with other studies
Code of the Percentage of cases [%]
type of
Block Isolated Semi- Non- Total There is no international study that uses a methodology whose
building single- detached residential sources of information are the complaints of the building users/owners,
family single- buildings that is specified by expert’s reports issued by qualified technicians or
that analyses 100% of existing cases in a nation in the period studied.
D1 0.10 0 0 0 0.10 This dataset could therefore be understood as an x-ray that reflects the
(100) (0) (0) (0) (100)
pathology state of current building envelopes in Spain.
D2 1.58 0.54 0.44 0.05 2.61
(60.38) (20.75) (16.98) (1.89) (100) This research study is also important as other research studies have
D3 0.25 0.44 0.05 0 0.74 analysed the effectiveness and opportunity of interviewing users/
(33.33) (60.00) (6.67) (0) (100) owners in relation to the presence of construction deficiencies in their
D4 0.64 0.34 0.25 0.05 1.28 dwellings, thus concluding that this is not a reliable method to compile
(50.00) (26.92) (19.23) (3.85) (100)
D5 2.17 0.59 0.89 0.05 3.70
data [55]. Therefore, the origin and way of obtaining data in this study
(58.67) (16.00) (24.00) (1.33) (100) -as indicated in the methodology-is a realistic and optimal alternative to
D6 10.10 3.74 3.30 0.39 17.53 know the most important damages of these construction units.
(57.58) (21.35) (18.82) (2.25) (100) This marked singularity of the study implies a significant difficulty to
D7 2.07 0.49 0.99 0 3.55
present the results in other research studies and their contrast with
(58.33) (13.89) (27.78) (0) (100)
D8 0.39 0.25 0.10 0 0.74 different countries because studies with similar characteristics and
(53.33) (33.33) (13.34) (0) (100) starting data are required for a useful comparison. In addition, there is a
D9 2.46 0.25 0.39 0.05 3.15 relative deficit of publications about the faults and problems in buildings
(78.13) (7.81) (12.50) (1.56) (100) in comparison with other knowledge areas. As some authors detail [8],
D10 0.39 0.74 0.34 0 1.47
(26.67) (50.00) (23.33) (0) (100)
only the worst cases are known, and most are not published to protect
D11 0.34 0.20 0.05 0 0.59 the image or self-esteem.
(58.33) (33.33) (8.34) (0) (100) However, some publications on construction damages could be
D12 2.27 0.59 0.44 0 3.30 considered, such as [47], in which some important statistics of United
(68.66) (17.91) (13.43) (0) (100)
Kingdom are included. Although its goals and methodology are different
D13 0.79 0.25 0.15 0 1.19
(66.67) (20.83) (12.50) (0) (100) from those of this paper, there is a great influence of damages related to
D14 2.07 0.39 0.74 0.05 3.25 water inside dwellings. Particularly, the typologies related to water
(63.64) (12.12) (22.72) (1.52) (100) penetration, condensation, retained water and humidities correspond to
D15 7.34 3.94 4.09 0.25 15.62 50% of the total described in this paper. In parallel, Fig. 2 presents the
(47.00) (25.24) (26.18) (1.58) (100)
D16 1.82 1.48 0.99 0.05 4.34
types of damages analysed, together with their frequency; although it is
(42.05) (34.09) (22.72) (1.14) (100) a different classification, the damages related to the presence of
D17 18.62 5.91 7.78 1.03 33.34 non-desirable water inside is also very significant. Thus, codes D17, D6
(55.83) (17.73) (23.34) (3.10) (100) and D15 (‘infiltration humidity’, ‘direct infiltrations of water and/or
D18 0.15 0.39 0.05 0 0.59
dripping’ and ‘condensation humidity’) are all the damages called ‘pri­
(25.00) (66.67) (8.33) (0) (100)
D19 0 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.20 mary’, whose impact is 66.51% of the total of damages.
(0) (25.00) (25.00) (50.00) (100) Another study on envelopes was conducted in Portugal [56], which is
D20 1.38 0.74 0.59 0 2.71 different from this paper as it looks for representative indexes of the
(50.91) (27.27) (21.82) (0) (100) degradation of envelopes in social dwellings and is based on surveys;
Sum 54.93 21.33 21.67 2.07 100
(100) (100) (100) (100) —
however, fault data are introduced, thus containing common points. An
indicator is applied to the buildings analysed in Portugal, the Perfor­
Note: All values are expressed in percentages according to the existing cases. mance Level (PL), which is used to measure satisfaction levels in relation
The upper value is considered with respect to the total studied -2030 cases-, and
to use requirements. Although there is no a direct concordance among
the value in brackets is considered with respect to the partial calculation of cases
the descriptors presented in this paper, in the final analysis of these
per type of damage.
indicators the Portuguese study gives importance to all the aspects
related to water filtrations by quoting ‘eliminate the causes of the en­
velope waterproofing faults’ as the first priority for those responsible for
the building maintenance. Thus, there is a relationship with this paper

M.J. Carretero-Ayuso et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102235

because the damages related to the non-desirable presence of water Code (CTE/DB-HS-1) [61] becomes important as it includes the design
inside dwellings have been identified as ‘primary damages’. and execution conditions that should be respected in buildings in rela­
Other research studies address some of the units of envelopes, with tion to the degree of impermeability, watertightness conditions, etc.
roofs being the most specified issue. An analysis also conducted in The 5 dominant pathology combinations were also related to the
Portugal could be stressed [2,31] in which there is certain parallelism in presence of water, in accordance with what has been verified in other
the assessment of causes. Although percentages cannot be compared (as references. Therefore, there is an emphasis on their original causes
each study refers to a different total of elements and the Portuguese related to heterogeneities or construction critical points of the envelope.
study has a more segmented classification that makes difficult the ac­ According to all the information previously included in the Results
curate correspondence between them), there are certain similarities. section, the interrelations U1/D17/C4 (also identified as ‘A’) and U3/
Thus, the original causes of this paper corresponding to C8 (deficient D6/C8 (also identified as ‘G’) were simultaneously recurrent, frequent,
disposition of waterproofing sheet), C21 (deficient junction with roof and dominant pathology combinations.
bowls and drains) and C28 (inappropriate slope of the roof element), are
reflected in the Portuguese research with the codes A-G7 (absence/i­ 5. Conclusions
nadequate layer positioning), A-S8 (defects in the tail ends) and A-G9
(inadequate slope/ponding), whose frequency is also high. Five construction units that belong to the external building envelope
Finally, although there is no an international contrast as it is also are studied, thus determining the damages and their original causes. The
located in Spain, a research was conducted in the university buildings at construction units with more cases are coated facades (U5 = 29.75%)
the Polytechnic University of Catalonia [57]. Its methodology is based and flat roofs (U3 = 27.09%). The most frequent types of damages are
on surveys and teaching buildings, but the final conceptual results are ‘infiltration humidity’ (D17 = 33.35%), ‘direct infiltrations of water
similar to those of this paper. In both situations, the problems related to and/or dripping (D6 = 17.54%) and ‘condensation humidity’ (D15 =
water input or humidities in the envelope correspond to percentages 15.62%); moreover, D15 and D17 are the damages which occur in the 5
greater than 65% of the total. construction units. The original causes with a greater percentage pres­
ence are the ‘absence or deficiency of sealing’ (C4 = 14.38%), ‘deficient
4.2. General considerations disposition of waterproofing sheet’ (C8 = 9.01%), and the ‘existence of
thermal bridges’ (C23 = 7.98%).
Generally, the specific development of pathology combinations Based on the analysis, 228 different types of pathology combinations
(qualitative and quantitative interrelation between U/D/C) is not are characterized (interrelation construction unit/damage/original
included in research studies, nor, based on these combinations, the cause). The most prevalent pathology combinations in each construction
possibility of presenting the general construction epidemiology of a unit are due to the problems related to the presence of water (damages
country. The great difficulty of obtaining large datasets of damages not D6, D15, D16 or D17 are present). The most important interrelations are
occurring in a concrete building/zone or in a building typology of which U1/D17/C4 (window frameworks where damages of infiltration humidity
a specific aspect is to be studied is the main reason why the pathology caused by the absence or deficiency of sealing occurred) and U3/D6/C8 (flat
combinations are not studied at a large scale. Providing its frequency roofs where damages due to direct infiltrations of water and/or dripping
and characterization from empirical and actual data is particularly caused by the deficient disposition of waterproofing sheet occurred). If pre­
something of a challenge. As this study used many data, the existing cautions could be taken when writing the project or performing the
pathology combinations were deeply studied and analysed in the 5 construction works to reduce the pathology combinations indicated, the
construction units: these construction units corresponded to both the damages and the number of demands would be mostly reduced.
total of data in the studied period and the total of territorial data in Spain Furthermore, the relative frequency of the 20 types of damages has
(i.e. this paper does not present a statistical sample but the total calcu­ been broken down and quantified according to the building typology in
lation of the lawsuits filed in courts in all country). which they occurred, and the result is that 54.93% occurred in building
Thus, it is worth stressing that this study is only based on the existing blocks. Among them, the greatest concentrations are obtained in ‘infil­
damages in the building envelopes of complaints filed in courts. By tration humidity’ (D17 = 18.62%).
definition, other less important problems without having filed a demand The methodology and the results of this investigation could be of
cannot be studied because they would not be included in the information interest for researchers from other countries who want to know the
source used (sentences of the Spanish Administration Justice), thus existing damages in buildings based on the lawsuits filed by users/
implying that data would not have the required uniformity and owners. With the information obtained, the various agents involved in
approach. Other damages not included in this research could be solved the construction process could implement control systems to reduce the
through voluntary arbitration; however, they would be few as this non-quality processes in the design and execution phase. Results could
procedure is rare in Spain. be improved by including enough constructive details in the projects,
All the information here presented could be of great interest to the not omitting basic information of both the characteristics of the mate­
technicians involved in the construction process (either in the project rials and the development processes in works and improving the feed­
phase or in the execution phase), and their knowledge could be signif­ back between designers and site managers.
icantly helpful to pay attention to the most conflictive and pathology A further study could be based on the assessment of envelope dam­
points, thus avoiding repeated errors, optimizing the operation of ages by using neural networks.
buildings, and contributing to their sustainability [58].
4.3. Particular considerations

Considering the types of the original causes indicated in Table 1 can
be useful to check how the singular points of facades, windows and roofs Case: Each interrelation among a construction unit, a damage and an
are treated (in both the project and execution), and generally, if the original cause, considering the number of times they take place. There
basic criteria of a good construction are considered [12,60]. are 2030 cases.
It is significant that, among the 20 types of damages, the four types of Construction unit: Each element which is part of the envelope of a
damages with more cases are those related to the presence of water (D6, building.
D15, D16 and D17). This is a very important aspect to be considered, and
the Basic Document on Healthiness of the Spanish Building Technical ■

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