Amiblu Stream Magazine November19
Amiblu Stream Magazine November19
Amiblu Stream Magazine November19
We can in fact provide evidence, and that’s thanks to our dedicated team of GRP experts
working and researching in Amiblu’s certified laboratory in Norway. They literally put
our pipes to the acid test, simulating extreme conditions under excessive strain, to then
analyze the data and extrapolate them far into the future. These tests are standardized
and require a duration of at least 10,000 hours, which is slightly more than one year. We
take things far further though: some of our GRP samples are being tested without failure
for decades already. But I do not want to anticipate too much – you’ll learn everything
on how we prove our pipes’ extraordinary lifetime from our GRP expert Högni Jónsson on
Pierre Sommereijns, CEO Amiblu Group pages 6-9 in this Amiblu Stream magazine.
As usual, this issue also features impressive projects with Flowtite and Hobas GRP
pipes as well as Amiblu NC Line from all over Europe. Special highlight is a hydropower
project in Norway, where our pipes were spectacularly unloaded from the cargo ship via
helicopter – find the case study on pages 4-5. Enjoy reading and learning, and have a
peaceful holiday season!
An aged concrete sewer channel that crosses a sensitive forest terrain and is on PROJECT DATA
the verge to collapse: no time to waste for the city of Eindhoven and the local
The Netherlands |
water board Waterschap De Dommel. The damaged channel had to be urgently Country | City
renovated. In order to minimize all risks, it was decided to install a reliable bypass
line for the sewage as a first and immediate step. Since the affected forest area is Year of construction 2019
listed in the EU’s Natura 2000 network, all implemented measures and materials Installation time 4 weeks
had to be strictly evaluated.
Application Sewer pressure
Time was a critical factor, both because of the old sewer’s dire condition and the Installation Buried & above ground
fact that a shorter installation time meant less harmful CO2 and NOX emissions by Technology Flowtite FW
construction machinery. Amiblu GRP pipes provided an ideal solution – they are
Total length of pipe 4000 m
quick and easy to install thanks to their light weight and the convenient filament
wound double-bell couplings. 4000 m Flowtite GRP pressure pipes DN 800 PN 10 Nominal diameter DN 800
were laid in open trench and partly, for the crossing of roads, above ground in up to Nominal stiffness SN 10000
4 m height. After four weeks, the new pipeline was ready for operation.
Nominal pressure PN 10
The Flowtite bypass line will stay in place for two to three years. After dismantling, Client / investor Waterschap De Dommel
the client Waterschap De Dommel will keep the pipes and use them for further Contractor GW Leidingtechniek BV
projects. This increases the project’s sustainability even further.
Designer Kragten BV
The municipality of Beiarn is located just north of the Arctic Circle, in the middle of PROJECT DATA
Norway's pristine nature and mountains which offer many outdoor activities to visi-
Country | Municipality Norway | Beiarn
tors. However, the mountain slopes are not only used for hiking: Since April 2019,
a brand-new hydroelectric power plant is being built in Beiarn. Breivikelva hydro- Year of construction 2019/2020
power plant is fed by the river of the same name and will have an installed capacity Application Hydropower penstock
of 9 MW. The penstock was planned in the material combination ductile iron / GRP
Installation Open trench
and Amiblu supplied the required highly durable GRP pipes.
Technology Flowtite FW
A total of 1026 m Flowtite pressure pipes DN 1200 were transported from the Total length of pipe 1026 m
port of Gdynia in Poland to the bay of Beiarn on a cargo ship. Since Beiarn does not
Nominal diameter DN 1200
have a port, the ship had to anchor offshore and the delivery continued in a really
Nominal pressure PN 20
exceptional way: A helicopter lifted the 6 m long pipes one by one and flew them to
the storage area close to the building site of the future power plant at the bottom Nominal stiffness SN 5000
of the mountain. The GRP pipes’ light weight and easy handling makes them perfect Client / investor Salten Kraftsamband AS
for helicopter transportation – in fact, the transfer time per pipe was no longer than
Contractor Fjellbygg AS
3.5 minutes. From the storage area, the GRP pipes are now being moved on to the
trench with trucks.
The installation started in April 2019 and works on the hydropower plant are ex-
pected to continue until summer 2020, when operations should start. With a head
of 305.5 meters and an annual production of 27 GWh, Breivikelva hydropower plant
will then produce electricity for approximately 1360 households.
Left and below: A helicopter transported the GRP pressure pipes from the ship to the storage area at the bottom of the mountain.
Amiblu promises an operational lifetime of one and a half centuries for their GRP
products. Where's the proof?
Jónsson: To answer this question, we first need to look at the reasons why most
pipes do not reach this mature age. These reasons carry names such as Thiobac-
cillus concretivorus and Thiobaccillus ferrooxidans – tiny bacteria that decompose
sewage and form hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S). When combined with moist air, the
gas forms sulphuric acid (H2SO4) which is highly corrosive to materials like concrete,
steel, and cast iron. This “microbially induced corrosion” can cause significant dam-
age over time. Corrosion is also a major problem in seawater applications, where
the contained sodium chloride eats away at e.g. metals and causes them to fall
apart. With GRP products, the situation is quite different.
Fig. 1: Pipelines made of concrete or metals corrode in low-pH Fig. 2: GRP pipes are inherently corrosion-resistant and feature a long,
sewer environments under the influence of sulphuric acid. low-maintenance lifetime also in harsh sewer environments.
6 GRP pipe
With at least one data point exceeding 10,000 hours and the rest relatively evenly “threshold strain", the samples simply do not fail. For
spread over the time range, and with an appropriate coefficient of correlation, the this set of data, the threshold appears to be around
data can be safely used and extrapolated with classic statistical methods. 0.9 % strain. A classic regression analysis of the data
points up to 1000 hours results in a line with a mild
How about the results? slope, while regression analysis of data points after
Jónsson: The shortest measured time to failure is 0.3 hours at 1.35 % strain; the 1000 hours through to over 350,000 hours show
longest is 28 years and 78 days at 1.05 % strain. The longest, still running test was an almost horizontal line. By extrapolating this line
set up on October 4 1978. The sample has now been exposed to the acid test for
by only ½ of a decade, which is less than one third of
more than 40 years at 0.91 % strain. What’s really interesting here is the bilinear what classical statistics allows, we reached a 150-
behavior: up to strains of about 1.6 %, most samples fail within relatively short time year strain value of 0.93 %.
periods. At strains between 0.9 % and 1.3 %, the time to failure is much longer.
Only a handful of data points fall below this range, meaning that below a certain
Time (hours)
This sounds really impressive! Any project examples that prove this durability?
Jónsson: In 2004, a pipe DN 1800 that had been in continuous use in aggressive
environment since 1980 was unearthed and inspected (Fig. 9-11). The pipe came
from the sewage treatment plant belonging to the Water and Sewerage Depart-
ment in Riyadh. After almost 25 years in service, the pipe showed no signs of
degradation or deterioration, only a slight change in stiffness. Another sample
taken from a pipe in Norway that had been submerged in sea water for more than
33 years showed no signs of corrosion or visible aging either. The mechanical prop-
erties were also well within the initial design requirements (Fig. 12-13).
Bottom line: The 150 years lifetime of Amiblu GRP pipes is a matter of fact!
Jónsson: Indeed. This large database of test results demonstrates the product
performance and reveals a service life of more than 150 years with good safety
margins. The data shows that, if the strain is below a certain threshold level, the
pipes will serve several future generations.
Högni Jónsson is the head of product development and support of the Amiblu Group.
Born in Iceland, he manages the Amiblu laboratory in Norway and is responsible for Fig. 9-11: A Flowtite GRP sewer pipe DN 1800 was un-
the design and qualification of GRP pipes and fittings as well as customer support. earthed and inspected after almost 25 years in service
Högni can draw on over 25 years’ experience with composite materials and has pub- at a sewage treatment plant in Riyadh, SA. The pipe
lished several papers in the field. He is the chairman of CEN and ISO standardization showed no signs of deterioration.
committees for glass fiber reinforced plastic pipes.
Fig. 12-13: After 33 years exposure to sewage and seawater, a Flowtite GRP diffuser was brought ashore for analysis of its condition and me-
chanical properties (left). After cleaning parts of it, the pipe looked almost brand-new (right). The pipe showed no visible signs of ageing and its
mechanical properties were basically unchanged. Read more about this project on pages 10-11.
The outfall of the Enga wastewater treatment plant in Sandefjord was installed
and commissioned in 1975. Built of Flowtite GRP pipes, the outfall is entirely
installed underwater and consists of three different parts:
• The first part is 400 m long and consists of pipes DN 800, buried in the seabed
at an average depth of 2 to 2.5 m.
• The next 1055 m of GRP pipes DN 800 are laid directly on the seabed. Flowtite
GRP pipes do not float as they have a specific gravity of approximately 2. Horse-
shoe anchors are used for additional stability.
• The 67 m long suspended GRP diffusor, DN 700 and DN 500, was installed
floating at an elevation of up to 3 m above the seabed and 38 to 42 m below
sea level. The diffuser consists of a 45 m long initial section DN 700 and a 22 m
long final section DN 500. Both sections are fitted with 180 mm circular ports
every 3.25 m along the diffuser’s spring lines. The sections are joined with a
DN 700/500 eccentric reducer, and all parts connected with GRP butt-wrap
joints. A DN 800/700 eccentric reducer joins the diffuser with the main outfall
line DN 800 with a rubber bellow. For floatation, the GRP diffuser is fitted with
foam-filled buoyancy elements. The buoyancy elements are moored to concrete
anchors resting at the seabed.
The outfall was constructed by joining GRP pipes to 50-100 m long pipe strings
using GRP butt-wrap joints. The strings were fitted with GRP collars and steel
loose flanges at the ends, installed by means of a float-sink procedure, and joined
on site using the flanges.
In 2008, a section of the DN 500 diffuser was brought ashore for analysis of its
condition and mechanical properties after 33 years of exposure to treated sewage
and seawater. Even though there was no chlorination, the pipes showed only very
Above: After 33 years of service in seawater, a section
of the GRP diffuser was brought ashore to have its
mechanical properties tested.
Below: A drawing of the complete 67 m long diffuser.
limited biological growth. Samples were cut from the pipe and cleaned. A visual PROJECT DATA
inspection did not reveal any signs of ageing, the internal surface of the samples
Country | Municipality Norway | Sandefjord
was as shiny as of a new pipe.
Year of construction 1975
The key mechanical properties of the 33-year-old pipe were measured at the Seawater outfall for
Amiblu laboratory in Sandefjord and compared to the design requirements from WWTP
1975. The results are listed below: Installation Subaqueous
Technology Flowtite FW
Design requirement Measured result
Mechanical properties
1975 2008 Total length of pipe 1500 m
Hoop flexural strength 140 MPa 168.3 MPa Nominal stiffness SN 1280
Bottom line: The GRP pipes have proven to be totally resistant to corrosion and
had retained the mechanical properties that applied to the products when they
were initially manufactured.
Rio Tinto river is a small tributary of the river Douro and has a rich biodiversity. DN 800, PN 12 were installed in open trench between
Over the past years, flora and fauna have decreased due to discharges from the WWTPs Freixo and Meiral, alongside the Rio Tinto
two wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) that were led directly into Rio Tinto’s river. A high groundwater table and strict environmen-
sensible waters. In 2018, the councils of Gondomar and Porto decided to stop the tal requirements posed a challenge to the installation
pollution and build a new pipeline to divert the treated and depurated water away works but were easily managed thanks to the GRP
from Rio Tinto into the larger river Duoro, which has a much bigger regeneration material’s optimal properties. The client is very satis-
and assimilative capacity. fied with the completion of the project which created
a new natural environment and returned the Rio Tinto
The clients Águas do Porto and Águas de Gondomar chose to implement this proj- river to the population, including a pedestrian and
ect with a reliable, sustainable GRP pipe solution. 3129 m Flowtite pressure pipes cycling lane that follows the riverbed.
Norwich’s main trunk sewer had been found to be in extremely poor structural The pipes were jacked into place and the anulus
condition: Hydrogen sulfide gases had corroded the mortar, resulting in large grouted to restore the full structural condition of the
scale brick loss and a high likelihood of collapse. The @one Alliance design team sewer for another 150 years, eliminating any future
defined the best solution to rehabilitate the 11 m deep sewer DN 1676 to be GRP risk of H2S attack. With a Colebrook-White friction co-
relining pipes manufactured by Amiblu. Other methods were considered for the efficient of Ks = 0.0029 mm (compared to the current
sewer renovation but were deemed impracticable due to the depth and condition Ks value of 60 mm+ as per the WRC Sewerage Reha-
of the existing pipeline and the need to create a contingency plan to release flows bilitation Manual), the new GRP sewer allows for an
during the construction process. A major challenge was the temporary bypass of increased hydraulic performance despite a reduction
foul sewage; up to 2,200 l/s had to be temporarily diverted to facilitate rehabilita- in cross-sectional area, and a planned future network
tion works. The sewage was bypassed to a temporary pumping station by using a upgrade to 3,200 l/s.
bespoke prefabricated system, allowing the renovation to take place
Following an extensive upfront enabling program,
Flowtite relining pipes DN 1500 were delivered to the Whitlingham Wastewater collaborative stakeholder engagement and innova-
Treatment Works fully cured, in a mix of 1 m and 3 m long sections with in-line tive design, the sewer and connected manholes have
joints. A severely corroded manhole was dismantled to create a launch pit through been successfully rehabilitated, whilst achieving a
which the GRP pipes were lowered and jacked 300 m downstream and 60 m 55 % carbon reduction against baseline targets. By July
upstream. The thrust wall was specifically designed with a 1200 mm diameter 2019, the sewer was returned to a structural condi-
opening, allowing released flows to pass through in an emergency. tion grade 1.
Application Sewer
Technology Flowtite FW
Nominal pressure PN 1
Contractor Baugesellschaft Ulsterstal Above: Outside and inside view of the Flowtite storage
sewer with integrated Amiscreen system.
The program includes the construction of six big storage tanks with a total capacity
of 80,000 m³ by 2025. The first 2,200 m3 storage tank was commissioned in 2018,
and a second one with 10,000 m3 should start operations in the second half of
2020. It is made of concrete and named “Belle-Ombre” according to the street it is
located in, directly in the city of Clermont-Ferrand. In addition to the tank, various
structures were needed to complete the system:
• A concrete intercepting chamber to intercept the flow from the combined net-
work during a rain event and direct it towards the tank.
• A pipe network DN 2400 of 80 meters length installed at 4.60 meters depth,
leading from the intercepting chamber to the storage tank.
• An overflow chamber located at the end of the pipeline DN 2400 just before the
storage tank to bypass the flow to the river once the water level inside the stor-
age tank reaches a defined maximum.
• A flushing system DN 3000 inside the storage tank.
The client chose Amiblu GRP for the implementation of the pipe network DN 2400
and the flushing chamber DN 3000. The products’ very good hydraulic perfor-
mance, long lifetime, quick and easy installation, as well as the professional sup-
port by Amiblu experts were especially important due to a number of challenging
circumstances: the construction site is located in an area of protection of historical
monuments, there was no storage capacity on site, and the area lies in a moder-
ate seismicity zone as well as in a “flood zone” of the Tiretaine river with a high
groundwater level and soils of different nature. Moreover, the discharge into the
Tiretaine river had to be maintained throughout the duration of the project.
Amiblu supplied 80 m Hobas GRP pipes DN 2400 that were installed in open
trench. Thanks to the very smooth inner liner, the pipeline can handle a flow rate
of 12.3 m³/s despite a very small slope of 0.55 %. Additionally, a 7 m long verti-
cal Flowtite pipe DN 3000 was installed directly inside the 10.000 m³ tank. It was
lifted with a crane and its lower part cast in concrete thanks to a premounted
masonry coupling. The DN 3000 pipe forms the main part of a vacuum flushing
system that automatically cleans the tank after a rain event. Client, designer, and
contractor are very satisfied with the installation of the GRP products and coop- Above: A 7 m long vertical Flowtite pipe DN 3000
eration with Amiblu in this project. serves as flushing system inside the storage chamber.