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Book 3 Introduction to the Pivot in 3rd Position In order to increase the range of available notes in a given position, the hand “pivots” on the thumb, rocking up or back along the string. In the 3rd Position pivot, the thumb remains in its resting place in the heel of the neck The fingers must stop the string independently. The hand carries the fingers to the next location, and it is neither desir- able nor necessary to stretch the fingers to reach for the notes. Please do not drag the preceding finger along the string during the pivot. The pivot is indicated by a dash (~) between fingerings. Preparation 3rd Pos. 3 aepe pees a2 a =z =e a] SE = G G Sakura Cherry Blossoms Japanese Folk Song Arranged by George Vance 3rd Pos, rd Pos. — ; YQ. an d 1 1m 2efte # £e =o = - | — A P= mf 2 ¥ re » aA és — D G D — f al At the tip of the bow. Long, Long Ago T.H. BAYLY Arranged by George Vance Preparation 1st Pos Ast Pos. Ast Position pivot: 1-24 Moderato d = 104 1st Pos, 1 fet * tee Wiegenlied Lullaby FRANZ SCHUBERT Arranged by George Vane. Preparation 3rd Pos. 3rd Pos, nit 1 _4 L-e4 2 2 ee - «Fe a ee = 4, o = = GD ‘The ormament does not disturb the main notes. 3rd Position pivot across strings Langsam d=92 uM Hatikvah Hope Eastern European Folk Song Transcribed by Pau! Ellison Preparation Play the exercise without depressing the first finger. Half Pos, 02d 2 4 0 2 0 4 2 0 Oo 0 Introduction to half position Sostenuto J = 88 A240 242 2 SSeS G af Song of the Volga Boatmen Russian Folk Song Arranged by George Vance When the first finger is used in Half Position, it must point back to its location = Ha Pesante J = 60 Half Pos. o_o 3rd Pos . oes he Se efor == = Song of the Volga Boatmen B Russian Folk Song Arranged by George Vance ‘The sya” “is wand vo indicane the te frat ane second ingore or seed and tht finpeesare placed direc acrnge Pesante 4 = 60 4th Pos. Fig. 5 The hand deviates from its normal position, so that the second and third fingers may be placed directly aeross from one another. 14 Long, Long Ago Variation T.H. BAYLY Arranged by George Vanc Preparation L oF vy 2 an ea The variation should be studied after the melody can be played from memory. The fingering is the same in both case: Note that all the quarter notes of the melody are down bow slurs to open D and all the eighth notes are hooked up bow: Moto Perpetuo NICCOLO PAGANINI Arranged by George Vance Preparation 2nd Pos, 3d Pos Zod Pos, SE 8 2 4 4 mare 4 3rd Position pivot: 14 3 Allegro d = 120 = Variation The Happy Bass Player WINSTON JACK BUDROW ‘The Book 2 pieces “The Happy Bass Player” and “The Happy Farmer” are presented for review here to demonstrat how using the pivot might simplify the bowing. Allegro 4 = 132 ny ‘Coppi © by Wien Jack Budtew sed persian. The Happy Farmer ROBERT SCHUMANN Arranged by George Vance Allegro giocoso ¢ = 112 fier 18 Old French Song from Album for the Young, Op. 39, No. 16 P.I. TCHAIKOVSKY . Arranged by George Vane Preparation 3rd Pos. 7 3 3 3 1-2 4 6 2-4 2-1 1 a2 Ba-s 3rd Position pivot: 1 4-13 Molto moderato 4 = 60 1 2 + P P orese. Duet Molto moderato 4 = 60 y et mp | (2x p) mp (2x p) _ a Ty ee al crese. nf pit p ——— Rigaudon J.P. RAMEAU Arranged by George Vance Preparation -3 gy) - - E tvs pip 212 bie Wi aS = G D i 3rd Position pivot: 1 2 -4 Allegro J = 76 i » 1 te te 1% TR: TT te te te TT te 1 a Duet Allegro J = 76 ¥ P mp crest. 22 Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring “Wohl mir dass Ich Jesum habe.” from Cantata No. 147 J.S.BACH 3rd Position pivot: 14-23 Aaron yee Wie J=09 . . zz tebe 2S ie 21 L 2 tee 1st Pos. o ofa 2 » E fe i » T+ tT TT » oe fee 23 Chorus from from Judas Maccabaeus G. FE. HANDEL Arranged by George Vance 3rd Position pivot: 41-21 Sra Pos. Maestoso ¢ = 120 A-24-1 Ist Pos. (1stPos. Duet Maestoso d=120 Book 4 Musette Preparation 2nd Pos. Al a oe Var . =@ 4. ranged! by George Vance ee “ee D G D 2nd Position pivot: 4 -2 1 Allegro J = 92 2nd Pos. Duet Allegro 4 = 92 Impertinence G.F. HANDEL Arranged by George Vance Preparation 2nd Pos. 4 Eh _ - 2 2 "-2 g's ¢ # ee D G D Ist and 3rd Position pivots: 1 2 -4 Moderato d = 84 fates 4 2nd Pos 2 L 4 =} r y 1— eh 1_¢ @ aa : SS A G 1 2nd Pos. Yo gee 1 te 24 2, «4 ete Duet Moderato J =84 Po lexmf) f emf) rit, 2x Flow Gently, Sweet Afton Scottish Folk Song Preparation Arranged by George Vane ee eo = SSS = cc Sa =e I : Extending the range of stopped notes in 4th Position Moderato J = 104 31 a Allegro W.E. BACH Preparation Arranged by George Vance 1 1 142 4 von voAy V myo a g ‘The omament does not disturb the main notes. 2nd Position pivots: 4 1-1 Ist Pos. Allegro 4 = 92 12 2nd Pos. q ¥ =~ Sf ay v a Oe fl2__4 ae steterter 2 =o Half Pos, f oP eres. 32 Minuet in D J.S. BACH Preparation Arranged by George Vance More 2nd Position pivot J=126 cresc. Ff a Dd G P cresc. = = a ft — ef 2 @ o— ——— £ t = = | a et 34 Duet P cresc. = J A Wat te 36 Minuet in G J.S. BACH Arranged by George Vance More 2nd Position pivot = 126 4 14412 37 Duet 38 Wiegenlied Lullaby FRANZ SCHUBERT Arranged by George Vanc Duet Langsam 3) = 92 Pp 4 rq — = dae — = = Vv — —— = 4. - Se SS == 2 = a ae == ——= = ee 39 Bourrée G. F. HANDEL sage . Al od by Ge Va More 2nd Position pivot eed Allegretto J = 132 Scherzo C. WEBSTER Presto J = 120 1.4 : oo ' 0 ee tett : = E ——— -3 32 “ig i 29 D cresc. pocorit. a tempo re 24 4 (ae «4 mS ya é rit. e dim. Tempo I’ — fe 3 stringendo fi P cresc. 42 Waltz JOHANNES BRAHMS, Op. 39, No. 15 Arranged by George Vance Moderato 4 = 96 a Pos. ' E ; t 10 ae 4 one oe es Te 7 af P Poco Crese: =u, i 4 9 poee rt. =— 3rd Pos, : poe 2 i oe oN ee eG Ee Beet ee SHEE = =p - poco ores —_ poco rit. ” eet tesa 2 Ss 43 March of the Kings French Folk Song Preparation Arranged by George Vance mayo Has “aX Wi Tempo di Marcia J = 120 £ Duet Tempo di Marcia J = 120 7 = + — —s 9 = =e nf y FES cresc. NM fi Y Saat = Pe = f SSS SSS (i ' 45 Contredanse LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN Arranged by George Vance Allegretto J = 88 re e i 89 8 crese.

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