Flesh Vs Spirit
Flesh Vs Spirit
Flesh Vs Spirit
In Hosea 4:6 God says, My People are destroyed for lack of knowledge Ifthedevilneverdarkenedyourdoor,youcouldstillbedestroyedforlack ofknowledgebecausethefleshcouldovertakeyou. Thethreeenemiesthatwefaceinthislifearetheworld,thedevil,andthe flesh. However, both the world and the devil endeavor to work through yourflesh.Thedevilcannotforceyoutosin.Hehastoworkthroughthe avenue of the flesh. When you learn to conquer your flesh, the devil cannotexercisepoweroveryourlife. We are taught to give the devil no place in our lives. James 4:7 says, Resistthedevilandhewillfleefromyou.
The same is true of your relationship with your heavenly Father. When yousin,itdoesnotmeanthatyouarenolongerachildofGodanditdoes not mean you are banished outside the family of God. It means that you areoutoffellowshipwithGodandhavetemporarily lostcommunication untilyouapply1John1:9toyourlife. 1John1:9: Ifweconfessoursins,heisfaithfulandjusttoforgiveusoursins,andtocleanse usfromallunrighteousness. Thisdoesnotmeanwecondonesin. Romans6:12: Whatshallwesaythen?Shallwecontinueinsin,thatgracemayabound? Godforbid.Howshallwe,thataredeadtosin,liveanylongertherein? 1John2:1: Mylittlechildren,thesethingsIwriteuntoyouthatyousinnot.Andifanyman sin,wehaveanadvocatewiththeFather,JesusChristtherighteous.
However, there are many people who have been living in condemnation for years because they have been taught that if they do anything wrong, Godisouttogetthem. AswegrowinourknowledgeoftheWordofGod,weshouldsinlessand less. WecancompareourwalkwithGodwitha childthat is learningto walk.Whenachildistakinghisfirststepswithoutsupport,hetendstofall downmanytimes.Butthemorehepracticeswalking,thelesshefalls.He getstothepointwhereheiswalkingverywell,butmaytripandfallevery onceinawhile. The devil will try to putobstacles in our path in an effortto cause usto trip. But as we continue to walk with the Lord, using 1 John 1:9 when necessary, we should be entangled less and less by the tactics of the enemy.
And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, evenasuntobabesinChrist. MostdenominationstodaycannotputthewordscarnalandChristian together in the same sentence. But carnal Christians exist in the body of ChristandtheBibleisfullofexamplesaboutcarnalbelievers. Many Christians today, even those in the ministry, cannot comprehend how someone can be born again and yet commit sin. But the carnal Christian is one who simply either has not had their mind renewed with the Word of God or they have allowed the world to influence and dominatetheirthinkingratherthanGodsWord. Romans12:12: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of yourmind,thatyemayprovewhatisthatgood,andacceptable,andperfect,will ofGod. God wants you to present your body as a living sacrifice to Him. His desireisforyoutogrowtoapointwhereyourbodyisnotdictatingtoyou fromtheoutsiderather,thatyourspiritisdictatingtoyoufromtheinside andyourbodyisjustfollowingalong. PaulsaysagaintotheCorinthians,AndI,brethren,couldnotspeakunto youasuntospiritual,butasuntocarnal The word carnal means meaty, fleshly. In other words, when a Christianiscarnal,hisfleshiscontrollinghim. 1Corinthians3:23: Ihavefedyouwithmilk,andnotwithmeat:forhithertoyewerenotabletobear it,neitheryetnowareyeable. For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions,areyenotcarnal,andwalkasmen? CarnalChristianscannottakemeat.WhenaChristianbecomescarnal,he begins to regress. In the Christian life, we are never stationary. We are eitheradvancingorregressinginourwalkwiththeLord.Whenwearein fellowshipwiththeLordandtakinginHisWord,wearemovingforward.
Butwhenweareoutoffellowship,thedevilmaydeceiveusintothinking weareprogressing,butweareinfact,regressing. Verse 3 says again, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? The Amplifiedversesays,andwalkasmere(unchanged)men? There is no difference between a carnal Christian and a sinner from outwardappearances.Infact,manytimesitiseasiertodealwithasinner thanacarnalChristian.Paulmakesclearthatyoucanbecarnalandstillbe aChristianbycallingthecarnalCorinthiansbrethren. Thewordwalkinverse3isadescriptionoftemporaltruth.Paulwasin essencesaying,Inthenatural,yourwalkisjustlikethatofasinner. When we walk in carnality, there is no way to distinguish us from the sinners walking in the world. Sin prevents us from operating spiritually. Your ability to hear the Holy Spirit is blocked when you are walking in carnality. Psalm66:18: IfIregardiniquity(sin)inmyheart,the Lordwillnothearme. Notice,thisperson knowsthattheyhavesinintheirheart.
Ephesians2:13: Andyouhathhequickened,whoweredeadintrespassesandsins Whereinintimepastyewalkedaccordingtothecourseofthisworld,according totheprinceofthepoweroftheair,thespiritthatnow worksinthechildrenof disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh,fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature the childrenofwrath,evenasothers.
Asasinner,youwereunderthecontrolofthepassionsofyourfleshand mind.Yourmindactuallyteamedupwiththefleshandbecausetherewas nonew natureonthe inside, you had nothingelseto listentoexceptthe dictatesoftheflesh.
The Moral Sinner Versus the Carnal Christian The Moral Sinner
Therearemanymoralsinnersintheworld.Youmayevenlivenextdoor tothem.Theyaregoodpeople.Theyarefaithfultotheirspouses.They arewonderfulparentswhoareinvolvedinthelivesoftheirchildren.They would never think of stealing. Even if the sinner were committing adultery, stealing and being an unfaithful spouse and parent, this would not send them to hell. What sends any person to hell is the rejection of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This is the only decision that separatesthebeliever fromtheunbeliever.Again,thesinner isunderthe control of his flesh and is either living in outright sin or is a very moral person.Itisasadfactthathellwillbefilledwithmoralpeople.
They begin thinking just like a sinner. If I can just do enough good works, God will be pleased with me and will forget about all of the bad thingsIhavedone. ButasaChristian, youare accumulatingwood,hay,and stubble in your life(1Corinthians3:12).Thecarnalbelievermaygivealargeofferingbut his works are producing wood, hay, and stubble. Whereas the Christian who is in fellowship with the Lord is controlled by the Spirit. When he gives an offering that may even be less than what the carnal Christian gave, his works are producing gold, silver, and precious stones. I would muchratherhaveanickelsworthofgold,silver,andpreciousstonesthan athousanddollarsworthofwood,hay,andstubble! The most miserable people on the face of the earth are not sinners they areChristianswhoareoutoffellowshipwithGod.
When you confess your sins, you are in fellowship with God and controlled by the Holy Spirit. But if you do not confess your sins and remainincarnality,verse17explainstheresult.
Galatians5:17: For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh and these arecontrarytheonetotheother:sothatyecannotdothethingsthatyewould. Thewordcontrary meansantagonistic.TheSpiritandthe fleshare antagonistic toward each other. Many read this verse and say, Well, I guess there is just no victory in the Christian life. It is just a constant warfare,theSpiritagainsttheflesh.Butthisthinkingisinaccurate.This verseistrueonlywhenabelieverisnotwalkingbytheSpiritandisbeing controlledbythefleshbecauseofcarnality.Themoreabelieverincreases in the knowledge of Gods Word and walks according to the Spirit, the lesscontrolthefleshwillhaveovertheirlife. Two basic categories of people often have extreme problems with their flesh.The firstarebabyChristianswhoare justbeginningtheprocessof having their minds renewed with the Word of God. Their knowledge of GodsWordissolimitedthatthefleshisstilldominatingtheirlives.The othergroupiscarnalChristianswhohavebeenwalkingincarnalityforso long that they have difficulty distinguishing between the Spirit and the flesh. They have difficulty recognizing one from the other. They start believingthatGodhasforsakenthem,whichisnottrue. When a believer remains in fellowship with the Lord and continues to pursueGodsWord,theywillbecomeproficientatrecognizingthevoice ofthefleshandwilllearntosaynototheflesh.
Finally,thereisthestudentwhohasmethodicallypreparedfortheexam. They have consistently studied the course materials, day after day, week afterweekandwhenitcomestimefortheexam,theyarepreparedforthe testandpasswithflyingcolors! Satanhastestspreparedforeverbeliever.Whenyoustaycurrentwiththe WordofGod,youwillcomethrougheachtestvictorious!Buttherewill beothersbesideyouwhowillbecrying,Oh,thetrialsoflife!IthinkGod hasforsakenme!Thesadthingisthatitwastheirownfault.Theydidnt study.Theywerenotproperlypreparedforthetestbeforeitcamealong. ItisimportanttorealizethatifyouwillwalkintheSpirit,Godwilllead youlongbeforethetestarrivesandyouwillbepreparedwhenithitsyou.
Whena believer is in fellowshipwiththeLord,they are imitatingJesus. ButwhenabelieverisoutoffellowshipwiththeLord,theyareimitating theunbeliever.
Ephesians5:1: BeyethereforefollowersofGod,asdearchildren The word followers is the Greek word mimetes and actually means tomimicortoimitate.WearenotJesuswalkingintheearth,butweare to be imitators of Him. By walking in fellowship with the Lord and
walkinginlinewithHisWord,webecomeimitatorsofChrist.Butwhen we are out of fellowship, we are led by our flesh, and the flesh can do nothingbutimitatetheworld. This verse could read, Be ye therefore mimics, or imitators, of God, as dearchildren. The Greek word for children in this verse is teknon. It refers to a child between the ages of approximately two to seven years. Children youngerthanthisagearecalledpaidionintheGreek.Olderchildrenare referredtoashuiosintheGreeklanguage. Itisinterestingthatthewordteknonisusedinthisversebecauseyoung children typically enjoy playing Follow the Leader and Simon Says. Theyenjoyimitatingthethingsotherssayordo.
Verse 14 doesnt say, Resurrect, you that are sleeping. It says, Awake! ThefirsthalfofRomans,chapter7Pauliswritingofatimewhenhewas deadandunderthelaw,butbeginninginverse15hewritesaboutwhenhe wascarnal.
Romans7:16: IfthenIdo(definition3:doorcommit)thatwhichIwouldnot,Iconsent(show) untothelawthatitisgood (correct). Paulissaying,WhenIamdoingwhatIdonotwanttodo,Iamproving thatthe law is correct. I knowthe law is for sinners, but I am under the samecontrolasanunbeliever.Iamactuallyprovingthatthelawexposes thesinnaturebydoingthethingIdonotwanttodo. Romans7:17: NowthenitisnomoreIthat do it,butsin (theflesh)thatdwellsinme. Thewordfordointhis instance isdefinition numberone,something workinginsideout. Thisverseliterallyreads,Nowthen,itisnomoreIwhoworksitout,but thesinthatdwellsinme.Paulissayingthatthesinnatureisworkingout alloftheseevildeeds. When you are out of fellowship with God, the sin nature is controlling you.Youarenolongerunder itsdominion if you arebornagain,butfor the moment, you are under its control. It is controlling you and bringing thingsoutofyouthatyoudidntwantexposed. Romans7:18: ForIknowthatinme(inmyflesh,)dwellethnogoodthing:fortowillispresent withmebuthowtoperformthatwhichisgoodIfindnot. The word perform is the first Greek definition for do, meaning somethinginsideworkingout. Paulissaying,Iknowthatinmyfleshdwellsnogoodthingforthedesire todogoodispresentwithme,buthowtoworkthatwhichisgoodout,I dontknowhow. Paulisproducingsinthathedoesnotwanttoproduce.Hehasthedesire to produce good, but he doesnt have the way to pull that good out of himselfandactuallydoit! Hesbasicallysaying,Iamtrapped!Ikeepgoingaroundandaroundand around the same problem. I keep doing what I dont want to do and I reallywanttodowhatsright,butjustcantseemtodoit!
Romans7:19: ForthegoodthatIwouldIdonot:buttheevilwhichIwouldnot,thatIdo. Paul is literally saying, For the good I desire to do, I dont do. The Greek word for do in the phrase I do not, is poieo. Again, this meanstodoorcommit. The Greek word for do in the phrase that I do, is prasso and again,meanstopracticeasawayoflife. Paulissaying,IamdoingwhatIdonotwanttodoasawayoflife.Iam continuallydoingiteventhoughIdonotwantto. Maybeyouaremarriedtoacarnalspouse.Theywanttodotherightthing but are constantly upset about something. They are touchy and irritable andyettheyaretryingtodorightandwanttodoright,butjustcantseem todoit.
Paul says that we are to yield ourselves to God. This is written in the imperativemoodandisacommand.Buthow doweyield? Verse3says,Know yenotVerse6says,KnowingthisVerse9 says,KnowingVerse11says,Likewisereckon You cannot yield until you know, know, know and learn to reckon yourselfaliveuntotheLordJesusChrist.Itisimpossibletoyieldwithout firstacquiringknowledge.Yieldednessisaresultofactingonknowledge. Whenyouhaveacteduponwhatyouknow,youaretheninapositionto yieldyourselftoGod. In chapter 7 of Romans, Paul was in a position where he did not know howtoyield.
aretwofoldinthatweconsistofaninwardandoutwardman.Butweare threefoldinthatwearespirit,soul,andbody. In verse 22, Paul is saying that when the spirit man and the soul are in agreement,heisdelightinginthelaw. Romans7:23: ButIseeanotherlawinmymembers, warringagainstthelawofmymind,and bringingmeintocaptivitytothelawofsinwhichisinmymembers. Whenwecometotherealizationthatwearecomprisedofboththeinward andtheoutwardman,weshouldalsobegintorealizethatourinwardman hasbeengivendominionoverouroutwardman. Theoutwardmanthefleshisstrivingforyourmind.Itcannotstrivefor thespiritmanbecauseourhumanspiritiscontrolledbytheHolySpirit. Some believe that a Christian can be demon possessed. But a Christian cannot be demon possessed because their human spirit was born of the SpiritofGodatthenewbirth.Lightanddarknesscannotdwelltogetheror dominateinapersonslifeatthesametime.AChristian,however,canbe mentallyorphysicallyoppressedbythedevil.ButSatanwillstriveforthe mindofboththebelieverandtheunbeliever.Hedesirestoblindthemind oftheunbelieversothattheywillnotacceptJesusChristastheirLordand Savior.Andhedesirestoblindthemindofthebelieversotheywillnever becomespirituallymatureintheirwalkwiththeLord. There are so many scriptures dealing with the inward man being in dominionovertheoutwardman. Philippians4:8: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely,whatsoeverthingsareofgoodreportiftherebeanyvirtue,andiftherebe anypraise,thinkonthesethings. 2Corinthians10:5: Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledgeofGod,andbringingintocaptivityeverythoughttotheobedienceof Christ Isaiah26:3:
Thou wiltkeephiminperfectpeace,whosemindisstayedonthee:becausehe trustethinthee. Psalm103:1: BlesstheLord,Omysoul.OLordmyGod,thouartverygreatthouartclothed withhonourandmajesty. Youmusttakecontroloverwhatyourmindisthinkingon.Therearetimes when you have to tell your soul to bless the Lord. You spirit is always willing to bless the Lord but it is your soulyour mind, will, and emotionsthatchallengesyou. Renewing of your mind with the Word of God is vital to your spiritual growth. Romans12:12: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of yourmind,thatyemayprovewhatisthatgood,andacceptable,andperfect,will ofGod.
OwretchedmanthatIam!Whoshalldelivermefromthebodyofthisdeath? Paul is not actually wretched he just believes that he is. He is out of fellowship.Heisexperiencingwarfarebetweenhisfleshandhisspirit.He is torn between the two. They are antagonistic to one another. Paul is carnalandisnotwalkingbytheSpirit.Heiswalkingbytheflesh.
The only way to be delivered from our body of death is through Jesus Christ. The way you are set free is through the living Word! The Word willmakeyoufree!ThemoreoftheWordyouknowandapply,themore freeyouwillbecome.Knowledgebringsfreedom. The way that we are delivered from being the wretched man or woman that we are is the same way we were delivered from death. We were deliveredfromboththroughJesusChrist! Galatians3:1begins,OfoolishGalatians,whohathbewitchedyou,that yeshouldnotobeythetruth Verse3continues,Areyesofoolish?HavingbegunintheSpirit,areye nowmadeperfectbytheflesh? Ifyouareoutof fellowshipwithGodandlookingtothefleshtomakeyou spiritualohfoolishmanorwomanwhohasbewitchedyou?Youbegan intheSpirit,sostayintheSpirit.Youbeganinfaith,sostayinfaith.You began in the Word, so stay in the Word. You began with Jesus, so stay withJesus. Romans7:24: IthankGodthroughJesusChristourLord.SothenwiththemindImyselfserve thelawofGodbutwiththefleshthelawofsin. The mind isthekeypoint.The mind inagreementwiththeSpiritcauses ustoservetheLord.Butwhenthemindisinagreementwiththeflesh,it causesustoservethelawofsin.Themindisthehingingpoint.Iteither swingsthedirectionofthefleshoritswingsinthedirectionoftheSpirit. If it swings toward the flesh, you are carnal and the spirit must follow along.Butif itswingstowardSpiritofGodand His Word,the flesh has no alternative than to just go along. When the inward man lines up with the Word of God, the body must cooperate and that is Gods desire. He wantsourbodiestobelivingsacrificesuntoHim,holyandacceptableto Himourreasonableservice!