Case 1 - Finger Crushed by Door During Tow
Case 1 - Finger Crushed by Door During Tow
Case 1 - Finger Crushed by Door During Tow
Pride Supervisor Name: (If not PIC) Pride Supervisor’s Name: (if not PIC)
Title: Ch. Electricien
Operators’ Supervisor’s Name:
Activity at time of Incident: Tow from Location to Pointe Noire for Permit to Work No.
Technical STOP
Description of Incident: The IP was going into the Emergency Generator room to check
that everything was ok since there was occasional water on the
deck. When he opened the door the rig pitched approx 3.5 deg
causing the water tight door to close on his right ring finger right
behind the finger nail.
Status of Injured/Ill Person: Pride Pride Contractor Operator Operator Subcontractor Visitor
Experience in Occupation: 10 years Experience in Present Position:
Time into Tour: Hour: 11.30 Days: 11
The rig was under Tow and weather conditions as follow: - Pitch and Roll 3.5 degrees.
Swell 3 to 3.5 meters period 12 second. Towing speed 1.2 knots under Leg repair. (Leg
Around 17.30 the electrician went to check inside the Emergency Generator Room for
any water entry. He opened the door to enter and due to the pitch and roll motion,
(Approx 3.5 degrees), he lost his balance, and in order to recover it,
grabbed the door frame. Due to the motion of the rig, the door closed
suddenly by itself, crushing the right 4th finger after the distal phalange of
the IP. At the time of the accident the IP was wearing all PPE 's.
Completed By:
(Attach Actual Pictures or Draw Sketch of the Incident Scene Here. Do not Recreate the Scene for Photo Purposes)
Completed By:
- Failure to recognize the danger while opening watertight door during Tow.
- Did not recognize the danger on leaving water tight door open without closing it
behind him.
- Improper Hand Placement
- Failure to follow Procedure.
Basic Causes
Corrective Actions
SAIL No What is to be Done Responsibility Time for Completion
OIM 20/02/2010
Signature/Facility PIC Position Date
Rig Manager 21-2-10
Signature/Operations/Rig Manager Position Date
A31 - Missing/Insufficient
A32 - Inappropriate
A3 - Safety Equipment
A33 - Out Of Service
C21 - Tiredness
C2 - Unfitness
C22 - Negligence
D1 - Adverse Geography/
Yes No
Injured Person has covered the points required to prevent this type of incident from
happening again. Now it is up to the HOD’S to make sure the message is
presented to their people and followed through to ensure that all points
are followed.
Names (Print):
Date: 21-2-10