Are Consumers Already Living The Future of Health?

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A report from the

Deloitte Center for Health Solutions

Are consumers already living

the future of health?
Key trends in agency, virtual health, remote monitoring,
and data-sharing
Findings from the Deloitte 2020 Survey of US Health Care Consumers
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Executive summary 2

The consumer in the future of health 4

What the survey results say 6

Implications for health care organizations 15

Are consumers already living the future of health?

Executive summary

HE COVID-19 PANDEMIC has turned the
health care system upside down and
challenged consumers’ sense of well-being. In
many ways consumers are taking charge of their
health more than ever before. They are learning
about their health risks, communicating with their
doctors in new and different ways, and changing
their attitudes about data privacy. Each of these
factors has a significant influence on how
consumers are feeling and interacting with the
health system. Going forward, how will these
events and factors change consumer behavior? Are
we more or less likely to see empowered health
care consumers?

We gained an understanding of current US

consumer behaviors and attitudes through the
2020 Deloitte Center for Health Solutions’ biennial
survey (the Deloitte 2020 Survey of US
Health Care Consumers). Since 2008, Deloitte
has been conducting this survey to explore and
collect longitudinal data on the subject, and this
year we rolled it out just before the pandemic
started. We also collected insights from a consumer
survey during the pandemic (in April and early
May 2020)—The Health Care Consumer
Response to COVID-19 Survey.

Key trends in agency, virtual health, remote monitoring, and data-sharing

• A trusted clinician relationship remains

Findings show that:
paramount: The top factors for “an ideal
• Many consumers show agency and health care experience” in the Deloitte 2020
engagement: Consumers are increasingly Survey of US Health Care Consumers mirrored
willing to tell their doctors when they disagree the findings of a similar study in 2016: doctors
with them, are using tools to get information on who listen to/care about them, doctors who
costs and health issues, are tracking their health don’t rush, and clear communication. As health
conditions and using that data to make systems, technology companies, and others roll
decisions, and accessing and using their out virtual services, it is imperative to provide
medical record data. the same personal experience as during an
in-person visit. This is particularly true for
• Consumers are using virtual visits more organizations that are developing tools or
than ever before and plan to continue services for those with chronic conditions,
using them: Consumers using virtual visits as they are most likely to value a
rose from 15% to 19% from 2019 to early 2020; sustained relationship.
this jumped to 28% in April 2020. On average,
80% are likely to have another virtual visit, The pandemic has accelerated consumer activation
even post COVID-19. Most consumers are in some respects and slowed it down in others. On
satisfied with their visits and say they will use the one hand, patients are increasing virtual visits,
this type of care again. interactions with health technology, and are more
willing to share data. On the other hand, people are
• More consumers are using technology
for health monitoring and are willing to reporting increased levels of anxiety, financial and
share their data: A growing number of economic worries, and hesitation to go outside and
consumers are using technology to monitor get back to “everyday life” for fear of getting the
their health, measure fitness, and order virus or passing it along to others.
prescription-drug refills. After a slight decline
in willingness to share data before COVID-19, During this time of great uncertainty for
new data shows that consumers are more consumers, health care organizations should
comfortable sharing data during a crisis. recommit themselves to understanding consumers
and creating a multifaceted strategy that speaks to
where consumers are right now.

Are consumers already living the future of health?

The consumer in the

future of health

ELOITTE’S FUTURE OF health vision for How the pandemic has
2040 has the consumer at the center. Over affected pre-COVID
time, we’ve seen increases in consumer
consumer trends
agency and activation, which drive many of the
underlying trends. But the pandemic’s widespread The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed
impacts on the health care system and consumer consumer behaviors and attitudes along with their
are bringing into clearer focus aspects of our vision anxiety and comfort levels about health care
for the future of health. Harder-to-imagine ideas globally. To gain insights into this shift, we
about the ways in which consumers will engage in examined both longitudinal data prior to the
their health in the future proved to be realistic by COVID-19 pandemic and survey responses during
the changes forced on the system by the pandemic. the pandemic.
The public health crisis has called on the system to
provide consumers access to care from home, and Specifically, we used the Deloitte Center for Health
in some ways, encourage consumers to have more Solutions’ biennial survey (the Deloitte 2020
agency in making decisions about their health. We Survey of US Health Care Consumers), which
anticipate that as the crisis abates, consumers will we have been using since 2008 to explore and
continue to expect the conveniences and tools to collect longitudinal data on the subject. This year
which they have become accustomed during we surveyed 4,522 consumers between February
this time. 24 and March 14, 2020, just before COVID-19
became widespread and before governments put


• 2020 Survey of US Health Care Consumers: Since 2008, the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions
(DCHS) has surveyed a nationally representative sample of US adults (18 and older) about their
experiences and attitudes related to their health, health insurance, and health care in general.
The national sample is representative of the US census with respect to age, gender, race/ethnicity,
income, geography, and insurance source. As part of this effort, from February 24 through March
14, 2020, DCHS conducted an online survey of 4,522 US adults.

• Health Care Consumer Response to COVID-19 Survey: In April—during the peak of the
COVID-19 crisis—Deloitte surveyed 1,510 health care consumers to understand the emotional toll
of the pandemic and how their attitudes and behavior in managing their health and well-being
are changing.

Key trends in agency, virtual health, remote monitoring, and data-sharing

social-distancing restrictions in place. Deloitte also In this paper we first explore the period before and
fielded another consumer survey during the up to the eve of the pandemic. Next, we examine
pandemic; the Health Care Consumer how the changes in health care delivery and
Response to COVID-19 Survey surveyed 1,510 consumer experiences during the pandemic have
American consumers about their health, changed the consumer, in the short and,
experiences, and behavior in mid-April to early potentially, the long term. We also look into the
May 2020. implications of the findings on how health care
organizations relate to consumers going forward.
(For more details on the methodology, see the
sidebar “Inside the Deloitte consumer surveys”).

Are consumers already living the future of health?

What the survey results say

• Accessing and using their medical record data

Consumers are becoming and wanting ownership of it
increasingly active and • Engaging in healthy behavior/prevention
engaged in their health care
In early 2020, 51% of consumers said they were
very or extremely likely to tell their doctors when
In our vision for the future we see a more they disagree with them (figure 1). More than half
activated consumer whose attitudes and behavior of seniors and boomers are likely to be vocal about
demonstrate agency. We measured and explored their disagreement vs half/less than half of younger
several aspects of consumer agency in health care: generations—63% of seniors and 57% of boomers

• Willingness to disagree with their doctor vs 50% of Gen X and 46% of millennials and
Gen Z).
• Tracking their health conditions and using that
data to make decisions


Most consumers are comfortable telling their doctors when they

disagree with them
How likely are you to tell your doctor when you disagree with him or her?

Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby boomers Seniors

(Born (Born (Born (Born (Born
2020 1997 or later) 1982–1997) 1965–1981) 1946–1964) 1900–1945)

very likely 51% 46% 46% 50% 57% 63%

likely 29% 34% 33% 29% 26% 22%

at all likely 19% 21% 21% 21% 17% 16%

Source: Deloitte Center for Health Solutions 2020 Survey of Health Care Consumers.
Deloitte Insights |

Key trends in agency, virtual health, remote monitoring, and data-sharing

Consumers are increasingly using

technology and apps to measure
and maintain their health
In 2020, 42% of US consumers said they used tools
to measure fitness and track health-improvement
goals. Though this has stayed the same since 2018,
it’s a significant jump from just 17% in 2013.

In 2020, among those who used a fitness device or

a monitoring device, about half shared data from it
with their doctor. Those in excellent health (62%)
and those with difficult chronic diseases (75%) are
most likely to share their information with
their doctor.


Consumers' use of technology for health and fitness purposes has increased
since 2013 but has leveled off in recent years
In the last 12 months, have you used any technologies including websites, smartphone/tablet
apps, personal medical devices, or fitness monitors for any of the following health purposes?

2013 2015 2016 2018 2020

Measure fitness and health Monitor health issues

improvement goals (e.g., blood sugar, blood pressure,
(e.g., exercise, diet, weight, sleep) breathing function, mood)

42% 42%

28% 27% 28%
24% 24%
17% 15%

Note: Chart shows percentage of consumers who said "Yes."

Source: Deloitte Center for Health Solutions 2013–2020 Surveys of Health Care Consumers.
Deloitte Insights |

Are consumers already living the future of health?

Consumers believe other hand, many individuals are reporting

that devices help them increased levels of anxiety, financial and economic
worries, increased purchasing of processed foods,
change their behavior
and hesitation to go outside and get back to
Among individuals who track their health, 77% say “everyday life” for fear of getting the virus or
it changes their behavior at least moderately passing it along to others.
(figure 3). Younger generations (Gen Z and
millennials) are much more likely to say it changes We found that in early 2020 many
their behavior. consumers reported engaging in prevention
and healthy behavior, but some initial
The pandemic has changed consumers’ evidence is showing that this has increased
wellness behaviors and how they feel about for some but has decreased for others.
and access health care
In early 2020 (pre-COVID), a good share of
The pandemic has changed the way many consumers reported actively engaging in
consumers are interacting with the health care healthy behaviors:
system. It has accelerated consumer activation in
• Forty-two percent said they have a healthy diet
some respects and slowed it down in others. On the
one hand, consumers have increased virtual visits • Forty-eight percent said they exercised regularly
and interactions with health technology and are
• Sixty percent followed their doctor’s
more willing to share their personal data. On the recommendations on prevention


Gen Z and millennials are more likely than older generations to believe that
trackers change their behaviors
You said you used a device to help measure your fitness or health. To what extent has using
this technology changed your behavior?

Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby boomers Seniors

(Born (Born (Born (Born (Born
Total 1997 or later) 1982–1997) 1965–1981) 1946–1964) 1900–1945)

A great deal/
moderate 77% 87% 85% 77% 69% 47%

A little 17% 11% 11% 19% 25% 33%

Not at all 5% 2% 4% 5% 7% 21%

Source: Deloitte Center for Health Solutions 2020 Survey of Health Care Consumers.
Deloitte Insights |

Key trends in agency, virtual health, remote monitoring, and data-sharing

However, since the pandemic started, we are seeing The pandemic’s impact on
mixed responses. In our post-COVID 19 study, behaviors and attitudes
some consumers report increased exercise and
varies by race and ethnicity
healthy eating, and many do not. Other research
has found that the consumption and sale of This virus is exacerbating the longstanding issue of
processed and high fat/sugar foods has increased racial disparities in health and well-being (see the
by 30%.1 This trend is likely to continue in the sidebar, “A public health crisis”). The most recent
short term as more individuals face stress and data at time of publication show that Black and
financial difficulties; both these factors can lead to Latino people have been disproportionately
the emotional eating,2 and purchase of less healthy affected by COVID-19 in a widespread manner;
food because of cost and convenience. Health care these disparities are present throughout hundreds
organizations are no doubt aware of these trends of counties in urban, suburban, and rural areas,
and these could be an opportunity to re-engage or and across all age groups.3 The future of health
reinforce messaging and tools to help consumers. should consider all the disparities and biases
against marginalized populations and strive to
improve access to well-being and affordability for
all people.


COVID-19 and the current socio-political environment is highlighting the long-standing problem of
health inequities by race in the United States. The drivers of racial disparities in health and well-being
are well-documented, complex, and plentiful. Racism, drivers of health (or social determinants of
health), access to care, affordability, and bias within the health care system continue to create or
deepen racial disparities in physical and mental health and overall well-being.

From previous research, we know that health outcomes and experience vary for under-represented
minorities in comparison to white Americans. And this virus is a particularly strong illustration
of differences in health outcomes. In particular, Black Americans and Latino Americans are
disproportionately affected by the virus. Consider the facts:

• As of May 2020, the COVID-19 death rate among Black Americans was 50.3 per 100,000—
compared to 20.7 for white people, 22.9 for Latinos, and 22.7 for Asian Americans.4

• An analysis in March 2020 of billing data found that Black and Hispanic patients with symptoms of
Covid-19 (cough and fever) are less likely to be tested than white patients with similar symptoms.5

• Black Americans are more likely to say a family member or close friend has died of COVID-19
or respiratory illness since March 2020; 11% of Black Americans say they were close with
someone who has died from the coronavirus, compared with 5% of Americans overall and 4% of
White Americans.6

The tragedy of this crisis within a crisis has caused much pain, but it is also a window of opportunity
to address some of the issues exacerbating these disparities.

Are consumers already living the future of health?

COVID-19 is accelerating A majority of consumers (80%) who have had a

the adoption and use of virtual-care visit would choose to have another,
particularly, younger people (Gen Z, 86%, and
virtual health channels
millennials, 83%) and those with a chronic
Since the onset of the pandemic, the percentage of disease, 88%.
consumers using virtual visits increased from 15%
to 19% from 2019 to the beginning of 2020, and The experience of the actual virtual visit is mixed
then jumped to 28% in April 2020. for consumers. For example, more of them said
they are getting the Rx and information they need
Even before COVID-19, we saw that consumer from their virtual visit in 2020 vs 2018 (figure 5).
adoption of virtual visits has been increasing since However, consumers are still identifying gaps
2018. We found that the largest increases were where virtual visits aren’t meeting their needs.
among Gen X and baby boomers (figure 4). Fewer consumers were happy with their clinician
(either comfort or confidence in their knowledge),
and wait times appear to be a bigger issue in 2020.


From 2018 to March 2020, the largest increases in the use of virtual health
care were among Gen X and baby boomers
2018—had a virtual visit in the last year 2020—had a virtual visit in the last year

Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby boomers Seniors

(Born (Born (Born (Born (Born
Total 1997 or later) 1982–1997) 1965–1981) 1946–1964) 1900–1945)

31% 31%

21% 21%
14% 14%

Note: Data relating to Gen Z was not analyzed in the 2018 survey because the sample size was too small.
Source: Deloitte Center for Health Solutions 2020 and 2018 Surveys of Health Care Consumers.
Deloitte Insights |

Key trends in agency, virtual health, remote monitoring, and data-sharing


In 2020, more consumers are getting the prescriptions and information they need
from their virtual visits, but fewer are happy with their clinician and wait times
How did the actual virtual care visit/consultation go? Please select all that apply.

2020 2018

I got the prescription I needed


I got the information I needed


The doctor or other health care professional made me feel comfortable


The wait was shorter than for an in-person visit/consultation


The doctor or other health care professional was just as

knowledgeable as other doctors that I’ve seen in person

Note: N = 4,522.
Source: Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, 2020 Consumer Study.
Deloitte Insights |

Consumers still want the good as with their regular doctor and one out of
benefits of in-person health five said they did not like the way the clinician
treated them.
care services—a personalized
clinician-patient relationship We also found similar experiences during the
As with in-person visits, consumers expect their pandemic. In the Deloitte April COVID-19
virtual visits to be of high quality and with consumer survey, respondents reported holding
clinicians who listen, take their time, and treat on to traditional beliefs about the benefits of
them well. The Deloitte 2020 Survey of US in-person health care services:
Health Care Consumers found that among
• Sixty-six percent of respondents believe that
consumers who wouldn’t have another virtual care
a doctor or nurse needs to physically examine
visit, a third said that quality of care was not as
them to understand their health needs

Are consumers already living the future of health?

• Fifty-six percent don’t think they get the

people with chronic conditions, as they are most
same quality of care/value from a virtual visit
likely to value a sustained relationship.
as from an in-person visit.

In our Deloitte research on consumer experience, Health care organizations could improve the
we repeatedly found that the health care provider virtual visit experience by training their physicians
relationship remains the top priority for and clinicians. In the 2020 Deloitte Survey of US
consumers. In the Deloitte 2020 Survey of US Physicians, 85% of physicians across the country
Health Care Consumers, the top four factors said that training around improving virtual visit
for “an ideal health care experience” mirrored our skills such as conveying empathy is essential but
findings in a similar study on consumer priorities absent in their practice.7
in 2016.

When asked to rank the most important factors for After a slight decline in
an ideal experience with their doctor, in 2020, willingness to share data pre-
consumers ranked them as follows:
COVID-19, consumers are now
• Forty-four percent: A more comfortable sharing it
doctor or health care provider
who listens to me and shows From 2018 to 2020 (pre-pandemic) we saw a
44% decrease in consumers’ willingness to share their
they care about me
• Forty-two percent: A doctor data in all the areas we measured, except for health
or health care provider who care research, which stayed steady (figure 6).
spends time with me and does However, during the pandemic, our study showed
not rush through the exam an increase in consumer willingness to share data
• Thirty-nine percent: A in every scenario measured. Note that though
doctor or health care provider questions in the two surveys were not exactly the
who clearly explains what s/he same, they were similar enough to help us make
39% is doing during the exam and directional conclusions.
what I need to do after the visit
• Twenty-five percent: Individuals’ willingness to share data is important
Doctors and other health care for developing the interoperable data platforms
providers who communicate necessary to drive innovation/discovery. It can also
25% with each other and coordinate
help clinicians and consumers be more proactive in
health management. Health systems and clinicians
that decide to work with tracked data should
Even as consumers use virtual visits and other determine how to organize it so that it’s
nontraditional settings, consumers still expect interoperable. Besides, in clinical trials,
trusting relationships and pleasant experiences organizations/researchers should ensure they have
with their clinicians. This is particularly true for patient education, consent, and support systems
in place.

Key trends in agency, virtual health, remote monitoring, and data-sharing


After a slight decline in willingness to share data prior to COVID-19, new data
shows that consumers are more comfortable sharing data in a crisis
US 2020 US 2018 Prior to COVID-19 As a result of COVID-19

Scenarios where consumers would More consumers are willing to

be willing to share data from fitness share personal health information
and health-monitoring devices as a result of the crisis

Share with my doctor to help him/her Health Insurance company

provide better care to me 65%
Preferred local health care
Alert myself and share with my family if system or hospital
I’m in danger due to a fall, rapid elevated 71%
heart rate, or other emergency situations
A leading national health
care provider
Share with emergency services if I 47%
experienced rapid elevated heart rate
or other sudden emergency situations
Tech companies
Share with an organization that does
health care research as a blinded/
anonymous contribution
Top retailers
39% 14%
Share with the developer of the device
as a blinded/anonymous contribution to
improve the device or program Top online-only retailers
32% 13%
40% 15%

Source: Deloitte Center for Health Solutions Source: Deloitte Study of Health Care Consumer
2020 and 2018 Health Care Consumer Survey. Response to COVID-19, April/May 2020.
Deloitte Insights |

Are consumers already living the future of health?

Adoption of apps and at- About a third to half of consumers are comfortable
home self-diagnostic and using at-home diagnostics for various reasons
(figure 7). Before COVID-19, consumers overall
genetic tests is accelerating
were most comfortable using at-home tests for
At-home tests, mobile devices, and related diagnosing infections. Younger generations were
technologies are enabling new ways to diagnose, more comfortable across the board. The largest
monitor, and manage patients and their treatment. gaps in comfort levels by generation were for
Companies are developing these tests and apps genetic tests (24% of seniors vs 47% of Gen Z and
along a continuum of wellness and prevention millennials) and at-home blood tests to track
strategies, ranging from acute infection diagnosis overall health (28% of seniors vs 47/48% of Gen Z
and chronic-disease management to identifying and millennials).
future risks of illness.


One-third to one-half of respondents were comfortable using at-home diagnostics

Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby boomers Seniors

(Born (Born (Born (Born (Born
Total 1997 or later) 1982–1997) 1965–1981) 1946–1964) 1900–1945)

Genetic test to identify

current or future health 39% 47% 47% 40% 30% 24%
risks (such as breast cancer,
Parkinson’s disease, or
Alzheimer’s disease)

At-home blood test (a quick

prick with a fine needle) that 41% 47% 48% 41% 34% 28%
connects to an app to track
overall health trends (such as
cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.)

At-home test to diagnose

infections (such as strep 45% 45% 50% 45% 41% 36%
throat or a urinary tract
infection) before going to
the doctor for treatment

Sending/mailing a stool
sample to help you 40% 44% 42% 38% 39% 39%
determine the best
nutritional choices for you

Note: Chart shows percentage who answered 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale, where 1 is “not at all comfortable”
and 5 is “extremely comfortable.”
Source: Deloitte Center for Health Solutions 2020 Survey of Health Care Consumers.
Deloitte Insights |

Key trends in agency, virtual health, remote monitoring, and data-sharing

Implications for health

care organizations

HE HEALTH CARE consumer of the future is inconvenience of their data spread across various
arriving faster than anticipated, fueled by the channels. Today, some organizations and
COVID-19 pandemic. Every person’s health developers are working together to give consumers
journey and experience of the pandemic has been one-stop access to their medical information and
different. Yet, it is fair to say that this period has control over how the data are shared. But this will
been and continues to be challenging for everyone. likely require interoperability between the various
Even though health care organizations themselves organizations that currently own or store the data.
have faced challenges, they should recommit
themselves to understanding consumers and Invest in virtual health technology and
creating a multifaceted strategy that speaks to training clinicians in its use. Investing in
where consumers are right now. Health care virtual health technology and facilities can also
organizations should tune their services to: benefit both consumers and organizations.
Improving telehealth capabilities and designing a
Deploy new tools and services. With health process whereby consumers can access their own
care consumers now more willing to adopt tools physicians instead of third-party services could
and share data and adopt virtual visits, new digital help health care organizations streamline and
tools can play an important role in the future of maximize the benefits of virtual health. Our
care—from monitoring a person’s health, to surveys show that while consumers are keen on
helping individuals get access to more convenient future virtual visits, it is not just access that
care, to giving caregivers peace of mind, and matters. They are still not completely satisfied with
helping older adults remain in their homes rather their interactions with the doctor or clinician.
than move to institutional care. When Training these personnel in building virtual
organizations deploy them optimally, these tools interpersonal relationships can be a major step
have the potential to increase consumer toward improving the virtual visit experience. And
satisfaction, improve medication adherence, and while the physicians explore ways in which to
help consumers track and monitor their health improve their virtual interactions, organizations
(including signs and symptoms that may alert them should support them in the sustained use of virtual
to the need for care). health, instead of returning to traditional in-person
visits to ease the friction.
Explore ways in which to benefit consumers
through data interoperability. While Create more access points to help improve
consumers are more willing to share their data, drivers of health. Social determinants of health
organizations should ensure that the data serves are an important factor in improving overall well-
consumer needs—through adequate being, though they might also be among the most
interoperability. Younger consumers are most difficult problems to address. However, there is
likely to say they will use digital tools for their opportunity for health care organizations to
health but are also the most frustrated with the address the disparities that exacerbate these issues.

Are consumers already living the future of health?

For instance, health plans, especially those focused large majority of consumers (65%) think that they
on Medicaid and Dual Eligibles, should consider should own their own health data vs 30% who
creating more access points, potentially staffed by think their doctor should own it, and even fewer
care extenders, deep into communities that who think that the government should own it. In a
address the drivers of health, enabling better recent Deloitte survey on human experience,
access to traditional care as well as access to food, consumers ranked empathy and reliability as the
educational resources, connections to other social top two factors when seeking out a health care
services agencies, and information. experience. To maintain or even re-earn the trust
of consumers, health care organizations should
Earn consumer trust through empathy and demonstrate reliability, transparency, and, most
reliability. Although more consumers are sharing importantly, a sense of empathy in how they
data because of the virus, as the public health crisis conduct operations moving forward. As consumers
calms down, they might not be as willing to share it. consider their options for where they’ll get their
Organizations need strategies to build trust to care, health care leaders could inspire in them a
make consumers feel comfortable sharing their sense of control that helps reduce uncertainty and
personal health data. One strategy is to make clear enable the right connections to help consumers get
that consumers own their data. We found that a the resources they need.

Key trends in agency, virtual health, remote monitoring, and data-sharing


1. Michael Moss, “Has pandemic snacking lured us back to big food and bad habits?,” New York Times,
June 16, 2020.

2. Elin Monell, David Clinton, and Andreas Birgegård, “Emotion dysregulation and eating disorders—Associations
with diagnostic presentation and key symptoms,” International Journal of Eating Disorders 51, no. 8 (2018):
pp. 921–30, DOI: 10.1002/eat.22925.

3. Richard A. Oppel Jr. et al., “The fullest look yet at the racial inequity of coronavirus,” New York Times,
July 5, 2020.

4. Robert Pearl, “Coronavirus deaths show how little black lives matter in American healthcare,” Forbes,
June 15, 2020.

5. Rubix Life Sciences, COVID-19 and minority health access, March 2020.

6. Kat Stafford and Hannah Fingerhut, “Poll: Black Americans most likely to know a COVID-19 victim,” AP News,
June 15, 2020.

7. Ken Abrams et al., How the virtual health landscape is shifting in a rapidly changing world, Deloitte Insights,
July 9, 2020.


The authors would like to give a special thanks to Leslie Read, Urvi Shah, Casey Korba, and
Claire Cruse who helped shape the research questions, edited the paper, and provided input on the
findings that allowed for unique insights.

The authors would like to thank Ramani Moses for help with shaping and editing the paper and
Regina DeSantis and Laura DeSimio for messaging and design input.

Are consumers already living the future of health?

About the authors

David Betts | [email protected]

David Betts is a principal in Deloitte Consulting LLP, and serves as the national leader for customer
transformation in the Health Care practice. His work focuses on assisting clients to create a more
patient-centric, consumer-oriented health care delivery system, bringing innovation and design
thinking to our health care clients to improve patient and family experience and engagement.

Leslie Korenda | [email protected]

Leslie Korenda, Deloitte Services LP, is a research manager with the Deloitte Center for Health
Solutions. She helps Deloitte’s Health Care, Life Sciences, and Government practices with her research
to inform health care system stakeholders about emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities. Prior
to joining Deloitte, she worked in the private and public sectors in a variety of health care settings.

Shane Giuliani | [email protected]

Shane Giuliani is a senior manager in Deloitte Consulting LLP, and serves as a leader of customer
transformation in the Health Care practice. He is an experienced advisor with a focus on customer and
marketing, innovation, and business strategy development and execution. He serves clients
throughout the health care industry—health plans, providers, and retail health organizations—by
growing their businesses and elevating the health care human experience along the way.

Key trends in agency, virtual health, remote monitoring, and data-sharing

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Industry leadership

David Betts
US leader for customer transformation in the Health Care practice | Principal | Deloitte Consulting LLP
+1 412 402 5967 | [email protected]

David Betts is a principal in Deloitte Consulting’s Life Sciences and Health Care practice. In his role he
focuses on assisting clients to transform their organizations to better attract, acquire, and
retain customers.

Leslie Read
US leader for customer transformation in the Health Care practice | Principal | Deloitte Consulting LLP
+1 617 519 6040 | [email protected]

Leslie Read is a principal in Deloitte Consulting LLP. Her areas of expertise include growth strategy,
marketing transformation, consumer experience, organizational change, life cycle management,
pricing strategy, and margin management.

Center for Health Solutions

Sarah Thomas, MS
Deloitte Center for Health Solutions | Managing director | Deloitte Services LP
+1 202 220 2749 | [email protected]

Sarah Thomas is the executive director of the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, the Life Science and
Health Care practice’s primary source for thought leadership and industry insights. The Center’s
research agenda is designed to inform and engage industry stakeholders, as Sarah aims to spark
meaningful dialog and continuous two-way learning.

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Deloitte Insights contributors

Editorial: Ramani Moses, Hannah Bachman, Abrar Khan, and Rupesh Bhat
Creative: Stela Murat, Govindh Raj, Jagan Mohan
Promotion: Alexandra Kawecki
Cover artwork: Taylor Callery

About Deloitte Insights

Deloitte Insights publishes original articles, reports and periodicals that provide insights for businesses, the public sector and
NGOs. Our goal is to draw upon research and experience from throughout our professional services organization, and that of
coauthors in academia and business, to advance the conversation on a broad spectrum of topics of interest to executives and
government leaders.
Deloitte Insights is an imprint of Deloitte Development LLC.

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