Advances in Homeopathy

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Advances in homeopathy: targeting of health

promoting genes using sequence specific

homeopathic DNA remedies.
The recent discovery that single homeopathic remedies have
the capacity to re-arrange the expression profile of hundreds
of genes has permitted major advances in the understanding
and practice of homeopathy.  Taken together with information
derived from the Human Genome Project and other scientific
discoveries, a series of sequence specific homeopathic DNA
remedies has been developed to enable homeopaths and other
health care practitioners to offer greater benefits to the
community. These recent discoveries also provide a basis for
establishment of new lines of research in the context of
homeogenetics, the study of the interaction between
homeopathic remedies and the genetic blueprint or genome.
In 1997, Prof. Khuda-Bukhsh first proposed that homeopathic
substances must have the capacity to interact with the genetic
blueprint (1) and deliver their benefits by re-arranging the
human transcriptome. (The term transcriptome refers to the
full complement of genes that are expressed in any particular
cell or organ). Since then, subsequent work by Khuda-Bukhsh
and colleagues (2, and within Ref. 2) and other scientists (3,
4) have firmly established that homeopathic substances do in
fact have the capacity to re-arrange the transcriptome in the
absence of pharmacological intervention.
In support of Prof. Khuda-Bukhsh’s postulate, Sunila and
colleagues (3) have shown that the nosode Carcinosinum can
increase expression of the important anti-cancer gene p53 and
that extracts of Thuja and Ruta can regulate genes that are
involved in slowing down the proliferation or growth of cancer
cells. Similar findings have also been found by Frenkel and
colleagues (4) who showed that Carcinosinum can induce
expression of genes that regulate the cell cycle in human
breast cancer cells.
More recently, using Affymetrix gene chip gene expression
technology[1],  Saha and colleagues (5) have shown that
individual remedies such as Condurango and Hydrastis
canadensis alter expression of a large number of genes, well
over one hundred. This is an important observation since the
human genome contains genes that can cause disease as well
as genes that promote health. More importantly, they found
that each of these two different remedies alter the expression
of quite different genes. This is an important observation
because it provides evidence that gene targeting by potentised
substances is remedy specific.
Importance of regulation of gene expression
In recent years, particularly since completion of the Human
Genome Project, scientists have discovered that the human
genome contains around 25,000 genes. Among them are
genes that synthesise all the proteins that are needed to
support life and guide growth and development.
Studies have shown that some genes increase susceptibility to
disease or make diseases worse when their expression is sub-
optimal. Genes that help to restore health and avoid disease
have also been found. Therefore, for optimal health, each of
the different types of genes must be expressed at the correct
level and at the right time. So, to maintain optimum health it
is critical that specific gene expression is under tight control.
Factors that affect optimum transcriptome
There are many factors including various food components
and many more, including lack of sleep (6) and exposure to a
wide range of environmental toxins such as cadmium (7), and
now including homeopathic remediation, that can interfere
with the expression of many genes. Therefore, to maintain
optimum health, the body is continually striving to maintain
the right level of expression of thousands of genes in each cell.
So, since it was recognised that homeopathic remedies re-
arrange the expression profile of many genes, from a health
perspective, it followed that a way of using homeopathy to
target specific health promoting genes exclusively and
specifically would be of great benefit. This has been achieved
by the use of potentised DNA molecules with defined
nucleotide sequences.
Extension of the usefulness of homeopathic DNA
DNA has long been used to prepare a homeopathic remedy. It
is included in Materia Medicas compiled by practitioners such
as Dr O A Julian and others. It is also included in various
Homeopathic Pharmacopoeias such as the Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).
Potentised DNA has been subjected to the proving process. It
can induce many symptoms of disease in healthy subjects.
[2]  It can also resolve a wide range of disease symptoms in
those who suffer various forms of ill-health. Both the
induction of disease, “proving” symptoms, in healthy subjects
as well as the resolution of disease symptoms in sufferers
involves quantitative re-arrangement of the transcriptome.
The transcriptome refers to all the 25,000 or so genes that are
expressed in any particular cell or tissue. That is because, in
the absence of pharmacological intervention,  all changes in
mental, biological and physiological states are brought about
by changes in the types of genes that are expressed and the
level at which they are expressed. Thus, standard
homeopathic DNA, which may consist of whole genomic DNA
from species such as fish, plants or cattle and of unknown
sequence and molecular size, has the capacity to alter
expression of genes that improve health as well as genes that
promote symptoms of many diseases. The source of DNA used
in the provings described in Varma and Valavan was from the
thymus or from fish. Different manufacturers of potentised
DNA use DNA extracted from quite different species. DNA
that is prepared from cattle is freely available as a laboratory
reagent prepared from the thymus of calves. DNA that is
prepared from fish is freely available as a laboratory reagent
prepared from the sperm of herring or salmon.
With a view to increasing the specificity and safety of gene
targeting by homeopathic DNA, Drs Jenaer and Marichal[3],
pioneered the use of homeopathic DNA molecules with well
defined sequences to target immune response genes to fight
infections. Their system, called Micro-Immunotherapy proved
to be very effective, for example, for reducing the effects of
herpes infections, (see reference 8). Their pioneering work
was very important because it confirmed that sequence
specific homeopathic DNA molecules could be used to
selectively target genes that have the capacity to promote
health and resolve disease.
Confirmation of the efficacy and validity of use of
sequence specific homeopathic DNA molecules in
homeopathic practice
The efficacy of sequence specific homeopathic DNA remedies
has been investigated. Drs Jenaer and Marichal conducted a
series of clinical studies which confirmed the efficacy of a
number of different sequence specific homeopathic DNA
remedies. The results of their investigations have been
acknowledged and accepted by international examiners
because the use of various sequence specific DNA molecules
has been granted a Patent. For a description of the Patent
contents, which include the positive results of a wide range of
clinical studies, see EP0670164B1. Furthermore, the use of
sequence specific DNA molecules to prepare legitimate
homeopathic remedies has been validated by the Medicines
and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the
U.K., see HR 17491/0001.
New properties of DNA
As with many other homeopathic remedies, it is not yet
understood how sequence specific DNA molecules bring about
their benefits. However, the authors speculate that sequence
specific homeopathic DNA remedies, as well as homeopathic
DNA take advantage of newly discovered properties of DNA.
Scientists have found that DNA molecules have unusual
telepathic properties in that they can communicate with and
be attracted to other DNA molecules with the same sequence
(9). When mechanically stimulated, they can also emit
sequence specific electromagnetic signals that can be
recognised by DNA molecules with the same sequence (10).
Interestingly, it has long been recognised that expression of
various genes can be up-regulated by the application of
electromagnetic signalling (11).
Safety of sequence specific homeopathic DNA
The safety of the sequence specific homeopathic DNA therapy
system has been queried because it has the potential to alter
the expression of various genes. Many practitioners do not
realise though, that, as indicated above, homeopathic
remedies and many environmental factors and food
components are already re-arranging the transcriptome in a
far less controlled way, and may even boost the expression of
genes that cause disease. By contrast, based on a wide range of
present day scientific discoveries, sequence specific
homeopathic DNA remedies can be prepared that do not
target genes that cause disease, only genes that resolve,
attenuate or protect against disease. This is done by use of
potentised sequence specific DNA molecules that target genes
that have been proven after many years research to support
health and avoid targeting genes that scientists have shown to
induce symptoms of disease. Consequently, potentised
sequence specific DNA remedies that are designed to target
only genes that promote health cannot cause disease
symptoms if subjected to the proving process.
Introduction to homeogenetics
In keeping with the studies of nutrigenetics and
pharmacogenetics, which describe the interaction of foods
and drugs respectively with the human genome, and in light of
the work described above, the term homeogenomics[4], has
been introduced (See Ref.12) to describe investigations into
the interaction between homeopathic remedies and the
genome. The significance of and need for homeogenetic
studies is reflected by the fact that some remedies have been
shown to change the expression profile of many hundreds of
genes (5). Homeogenetic research efforts and application of
effective science based educational programmes are clearly
warranted in order to advance the practice of homeopathy in
light of these exciting new discoveries. To enable practitioners
to understand more about the basic sciences that underpin
these advances, appropriate science based educational
programmes have been developed. These can be found at
Over the years, many different modifications of homeopathy
have been introduced. For example, the introduction of
nosodes and sarcodes, the use of complex remedies, the
introduction of alternative approaches to remedy dilution, the
introduction of computerised remedy symptom matching, the
use of medical anthropology to determine remedy choice and
the use of potentised allopathic drugs.
Each one of them has been developed and introduced with a
view to adding further improvements and benefits to the
Now, using sophisticated molecular biological technologies,
seminal works by Khuda-Bukhsh and others have
demonstrated that homeopathic remediation has the capacity
to re-arrange the expression profile of various genes. This
discovery has very important implications for homeopathy
since extensive genetic studies over many years have shown
that humans have a battery of genes that can cause diseases
such as cancer. To overcome some of these difficulties, Drs
Jenaer and Marichal pioneered a way to use potentised DNA
molecules with known sequences to target only genes that had
been proven to improve health and resolve many diseases. As
outlined above, the use of potentised sequence specific DNA
molecules is firmly established as a legitimate and effective
homeopathic mode of health restoration. Taken together with
findings that have evolved from completion of the human
genome project and a wide range of cutting edge scientific
discoveries, it now becomes possible to develop a series of
sequence specific homeopathic DNA remedies that can be
used to promote health and help resolve many diseases.
Sequence specific homeopathic DNA remedies provide a
further modification to homeopathy that can be used to bring
greater benefits to the community and attract more clients.
1. Khuda-Bukhsh, Potentized homeopathic drugs act through
regulation of gene expression: a hypothesis to explain their
mechanism and pathways of action in vivo. Com. Ther.
Med. 5: 43. 1997.
2. Saha et al., Phenotypic evidence of ultra-highly diluted
homeopathic remedies acting at gene expression level: a
novel probe on experimental phage infectivity in bacteria.
Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. 10: 462. 2012.
3. Sunila et al., Dynamized preparations in cell
culture. Evidence-Based Comp. Alt. Med. 6:257. 2009.
4. Frenkel et al., Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies on
breast cancer cells. Int. J. Oncol. 36:395. 2010.
5. Saha et al., Evidence in support of gene regulatory
hypothesis: Gene expression profiling manifests
homeopathy effect as more than placebo. Int J High
Dilution Res 12:162, 2013.
6. Moller-Levet et al., Effects of insufficient sleep on circadian
rhythmicity and expression amplitude of the human blood
transcriptome. PNAS. February 25, 2013,
doi:10.1073/pnas.1217154110 .
7. Pogrinby and Rusyn. Environmental toxicants, epigenetics,
and cancer. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 754: 215. 2013.
8. Jenaer, Marichal et al., Evaluation of 2LHERP (RNA & DNA
complex) in preventing recurrences of genital herpes.
British Homeopathic Journal. 89:174. 2000.
9. Baldwin et al., DNA double helices recognize mutual
sequence homology in a protein free environment. J. Phys.
Chem. B., 4:112, 2008.
10. Montagnier et al. Electromagnetic signals are produced
by aqueous nanostructures derived from bacterial DNA
sequences. Interdiscip. Sci. Comput. Life Sci.
DOI:10.1007/s12539-009-0036-7. 2009.
11. Goodman et al., Exposure of human cells to low-
frequency electromagnetic fields results in quantitative
changes in transcripts. Structure and Expression.
[1] Affymetrix gene chip technology refers to a computerised
high throughout gene chip technology developed almost 20
years ago that is used to measure which genes are being
expressed or active and at what level they are being expressed
in any given cell or tissue.
[2]For example, see p146 of Homeopathic Materia Medica of
New Drugs, Hahnemann Provings 1985-2009, (Varma and
Valavan, B. Jain Publishers, 2010)
[3]In 1967, Dr Maurice Jenaer, the leading light of
homeopathy in Belgium was asked to prepare DNA and RNA
for therapeutic use. Dr Jenaer observed that the substances he
prepared seemed to be having an effect on hard tumours and
so prepared them in homeopathic potencies. Results were so
promising that Dr Jenaer carried out a series of DNA and
RNA provings. Of particular interest was the effects produced
on the skin – pimples in nose, dermatitis, eczema etc as well
as recurrent outbreaks of the herpes virus, Dr Jenaer then
started worked with Dr Marichal. Dr Marichal had been
working with sequence specific homeopathic DNA molecules.
Success of his DNA based formulas was so good that in early
1990, an independent post treatment study was carried out on
practitioners case studies. One of the assessors noticed that
`improved’ cases fell into two distinct groups, those with
improvement and those with substantial improvement.
Further investigation revealed the better group came from Dr
Bernard Marichal. Dr Marichal had developed and started
using potentised sequence specific DNA molecules as part of
the therapy. From this point forwards potentised sequence
specific homeopathic DNA molecules, designed to target
immune response genes, became an integral part of the
unique system of MicroImmunotherapy that was developed in
Europe by Drs. Jenaer and Marichal.
[4]Descripion of homeogenetics. It is now clear that
homeopathic remedies can interact with the genetic blueprint
and alter the way that certain genes are expressed. This is a
very important breakthrough in understanding some of the
ways in which homeopathy may work. Consequently, a
completely new research avenue in homeopathy is warranted,
and that is to investigate the ways in which homeopathic
substances can interact with the genetic blueprint or genome.
The accepted words that are used to describe studies which
investigate the ways in which food components and drugs
interact with the genetic blueprint are called nutrigenetics and
pharmacogenetics respectively. In keeping with this
nomenclature, homeogenetics has been coined to describe
studies which investigate the interactions between potentised
substances and the genetic blueprint.
Authors: Peter H Kay, Saqib Rashid  and Nikunj

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