Topic 5. Personalities

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Vocabulary and listening Look at the photos and answer the questions. 11 What adjectives would you use to describe the people's 2. What sort of people do you think they are? Use two or each photo, ny not? hat personality traits do you think ae important, inagood friend? 5 Doyou think people canc! characteristics of their pers we the main sonality? Why/Why not? 2 Read the beginning of an article. Can you think of adjectives to describe personality traits which begin with CE, Aand N? Psychologists often tak about the big ve personalty traits. These are fve basic ways that we can describe people. Together these are refered to as OCEAN; each Iettor stands for one of the pereonalty trats. ‘The ‘0’ of the frst character trait is ‘open to experiences’. People who are more open to experiences tend to be adventurous, wrile people who are less open to ‘experiences tend to be more cautious. b @))17 Listen and check your answers. Personalities Listen again and complete the scales for each character trait with the wordsin the box. aaveREUS Careless Gauss confident nervous organised outgoing reserved suspicious trusting 1 Howopenareyou? 2 How consclentousareu? 3 Howenrovet avoid 4 How agreeable ae you? 5 Fowneurtcae yc? b Workin pairs and choose a scale from Exercise 3a, Then decide where you sit on that scale. Explain your Gotopage 156 or your app formore vocabulary an practice. Language focus @ Read the quiz on page 11. Work in pairs and check any words or phrases that you don’t understand. b Take turns asking and answering the quiz questions. © Doyou agree with your results? Explain why/why not. What kind of person 46 you m 41 Do you speak your mind, no matter what? Claws Ciscwernes Cer 2 Do youmoet your deadlines? Claus Clsevermes Creve ‘8 Doyeu get angry when you nave to walt in ne? Claws Clsmenes Cen 4 Would yeu say youlose your tempor easly? Claws Cleovenes Chern {8 Doyou fnd it exrermely important to keep your promises? Claus Clsmemes Creve 16 Doyoumeke your bed every moming? Claws Clsovenes — Cnern 7 Do you break the ies to get what you want? Chawes — Csowemes Cer {8 Do you voie your pinion duing mediings or discussions? Claus Chsovenes Creve ‘8 When no one knows what to do do yu tke charge? Claws Clsovernes — Cevn 410 ‘there's an argument, do you by to resle the dispute? Claws Clsowenes ern 414 During presentations, do you ioke notes? Claws Chevemes Creve 42 Do ound it hart remain cami? Claws Css C)revn 49 Doyustake an intestine ophions of thers? Claws Csowemes Cer 14 Do youmaks tis or asks ike rong? Claus Chsovemes never 48 Ifeomeoneheps yu cut, do you ty 1 retum he favour? Claus C)smenes — Crern 416 When you wore ach id al herbs miko senso to you? Claws Clsowemes Cer ‘Wich

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