Adv Gram. Vocab Teacher's
Adv Gram. Vocab Teacher's
Adv Gram. Vocab Teacher's
(l {r6uero iesdnsla6,{1rsee
Pue sselcroMole uloll eldoed ueql
'snoruou otll uoslod
fuerrsroqmqs :Sun+s'Ait{til4 louoq ore Aeql s>4uttl]
sselc teddn lo olpplul B :Qous '*
r.uor-.I] t(u)
uo e0ueneruolel o^PL.l 'teA sue
: ...11 :etorul(-) ueql 11e1
,QIllqtttn6 noA
.; - ',\porjsrles 0urqiluea^orloq llt^ oq^^qs :a1q;l|nF aLllsn tpl noA'ca1euews 'lttbu lM
- corurequeeq eneqAeql (+) lesdnlo pou;om'PeAouue 6utAouue 1tPu11
::r,:.C1tenau OqM qS ;{9,n$i$lE3t-ilt
Altsee1ou sr ot-lmqs :6ulo6'As'es aldoedroLlloleL4] luolxou€ Llcnsol
[(u)r$uen:e1op] s6urqlrene;csAesTtennsue lq6tteq1
:-a'ecue6rl;elut 'Alneeq umo [(u)sseuHelc:e1oN] snnouls{em1eoLll qs :s€l€ Ueus e
(-i+) etdoadteqlo6utnteceP
- apud aulollxoOutneq:ugen ro 6uruue;dlonelc sueeu {q 'solcettpJo
[(u)Pet sluemouoleqn 0urpeble poo6.Ai+s:: pteoqeqtuo tebol5uytpAue oPpn
q- :ddO :e1opl(+) osloqs aq 'ptunyoddo snoryqwe ue 6ueg
- cuol+ool lou Inlolec:!n$*el C)slueuanetqce'solllllqe uo 1aOo1'Aerut
[(u)/ :e1o5] s,ouo lo Pnotd oo1 rEl :Pa*f,3uoa {ue ur 'uor}enils {ue 1oa6eluenPe
(+) dteqr-uaql enrOpue solel oLlM qs :rglalqr$edder[?]l
: "r s,esloqs puelslopun [(u)sseulun;q:eton](-/+)eldoed 'rcddop-aweue pnf s,et11nq
slosdn Jo spua$oll il ua^os)'lull.ll
',^ or-.lmqs :s1traqledwlts aq s4wq1fue7
oLls/orl]eqan [llcexes[es oqnnqs :]unlc 'eldoedsesse.rdu.l
'(u)ssauuroqqnls :eloN. g{e&!Ft3t}l,rJr+ eldoedteqlosselduro1(mou1
(-)0uotnn ete[eq1anoul {eq} puetardro) nnoulIeql eldoed
,E-,,,uanopur.xroqi eOueqc 'sluop/so/AddnlP le^UteeLil
peuaueus snourello seueu eq1Dutuotlueul
:;, Lljolopsl ot,l^qs :q$*qqnls Iq dn uaaqseqeue oLll
selll orlivl qs :,laddorp'aweu E
[(u)eUds:etoru] Iauorulo lol e su.leao[.lm 'elo^ol
) ;eruc {1e1e.reqr1ep:1n4ei1ds uosted ;euotsselord 6unoAe :eiir'!:nE
penquelou se/Aeqs'toutwe 6weg
'dwrn e at,notrYwql1,Ieq1
[(u)filnntsuas (a6e1ostee{
isuesur :ddg :e1op] 'gastnoAn7 dn puels1,uoPnoAI
lz )o gl {1;ensn)A1;tqrsuodsel ;e6el
(-/+) ueql noqe uosredctleqledPUeIeaMe :du'lpne 11n1io e6eolll lopunsl oqMqs :l0u:tuB
::';C reqtros6uttll ,{q Unq 'ueeq-seqe sel^etl ltou lnq
;-c A;rsea sroLl^qs :afilllsuas
se/.oloLllAtetlewelqnoqP S/uotuls n1s 51qe ueeqpeq eq ewlt slq ul
[(u)esues:eloru] olqnojl lueuodLulJo snoujel
-,:Ju]ocseLlotlMqs:alqlsuos sosnec oLlM qs :lgxEulolqnorl E teouo; ou sl otlM qs :uaaQ'seQB
l(u)sseussalqpt:e1oNl 'prye sel^ oqs 'steqsetcele6eq
(-)senlPetoo raLl/srtl
ueqn Aoqwol e p ]!q P se/il aqs pnw Aettr1l,e1doedesoql ete oqlvl
:i 6urA.rl uel.ll sleL]lo
cu oumnoqs'loruc :ssalq$'l sloq se seule6aUJBS otll ol polr^uruaoq lou sPt-loqs/otl]eLll
(-/+)geqto Ourield pue s6urql aLues eq1 0utoP AUede ol seo6 otlr qs :loqsercole6 g
do rraqoleqsro sbutlael sAolueoqrurUl6 Ouno[ e :ioqtuol P
qs :PA$*ASAI 'u!pe^ow notrpyebe 6u1dwn!ea5unq6uPg
]ou SooPot,l/v\
stallenbsenlaq )loo/ e n1 ftdwe
:elorul t) purlunpue usaq oAeLllluo uec esnoq aLll
slsu fuesseceuun 6ut1e1
fi{r-?ssoceuun uouo $ pue to lno llpqte sle6oqmqs :l$epa,xepB
r-ecgru6rsul ol ecuepodLut lue: 6ur{ednoq}ru 'ueppse aql
:il:i Jel santOoqnn qs :illod pue uolssttued lnoqlrrnOu1Pltnq passeul/t^stepuelslqlo toqwnu v
&dr-ue ue ut sontl oqn qs :repenbse
(+) etdoad/Y\ou ol IPt sueddeq I uot.lM
ol solll oqm qs :6u1oB1no ,,'yodsltods (euuc e ro uoplooeue illeteua6)
e qcns aq l.uoo ipeo'uo ewocqo,, qs :JopuslsAqP
[(u)/hsepour:eloru](+) p tlslull;snwfind eqL,
r.[s reeu 6u1pue1s
Jr0lll lnoqB ,,'ltl6lup!w 'sJlodsJepue qce/qnscuaqece
art lou soop oqM qs :lSaPOru sloqlolo lueurAolua p poob ')epunot-ileue uednu
pueun,oql sutnroqA qs :Uodsilodgs 1
- u) ssauen;slndul 'qouse L4cns 6utqYfuene
sselg 6ut4ton e Pb te poo0 st oq^ qs :Jopunor{P uE
:'re A;ueppnss6urqlop eJ,no ialuanP
e seq oqM qs :Onlsltl$uii seLl eq osnecaq w!{4 a\!l l,uop not sunoN
1 sensitive
friendhaswrittena don,tthinkit is Now matchtbeadjectiuesin the box witb the
,:ry good.Hewantsyouropinionof it.Wouldvou questionoptions.Youmustuseall tbeadiectiues
A saythatit'srubbish? thebox.An examplehasbeendonefor yiu.
B saythatthebookshowsgreatpromisebutcoulddo (SeeSuggesfedAnswersSection)
withsomechangeshereandthere? 0A biunt B tactful
lllL sc*He"j
,^t;;i;} H#
iii Mtl^u:lrNl
u't' ot
n'J-'q'pnm **)r' l" auos
low 'o
aq1't""lo'uo '* "t -r*"\tJTiu\
, ,',;;;';;;'oo'
, t-o,tu"ii"aio ,
at11 ii :t,,,1,111Y,#f
"rl:",:*il,'i'] \
e u esde Ac
: Littsutqnd
.,",,3f1J2?Ji,":l'Ji!l?I"ij""X -
',"i .
i[l""""X^" i '',],1,J}l',*,*"*,e^auI,eM
\ seq qot e :uaspEsPl'l
,.it..l, r"*"!"!"i,H,!l
suo4,sod iiflHfi,t#ll6;t;:qgi
r ni" l
:'snun '"'lJ;,::""'"':cuoralar "oonu,t1i!6'fJili:[j:f,
."L;flr t
= ' ?::;'i#:;**::;j;iy
" i thii*JJ'3'fiiJ'iJH'#"'T''
^'iiii*1,il-l;i,;,:'liil'" -"
I ;l$:i;il#il;J,'uai
spuiluu vuee' 'va'
1op i1:
opAluo toN .uo,pctldde
tno\ eel!^.
')euuew euvLlwetv+ r"-" 't' ''"
/ aueItL
e uee 1
o lue'odrur q1s 6urop :, wryncwnc
trls6urop wryncutncflnJ
tpleY aasotsuo
p6 seqrctetado
ute , rnr".n,?^*:,"::T:"H.;;; (ecuauadxa
ar.,rl rp no^
I, asle l-eLl,l"rti;1;;i
n o Al eql l aal noA asnecaq-i ?:.- i ,slrerop
auoqdalel E : ilipr"*", " i ,,o^ ,uorreonpa -.^^,nrrnc r Acr l
-:\ Aemy+ '-- ar'loqdalal se[sr]es nint1111..\?"]*]::]
1 'a\e)awnu ii o*r
'ale)aLuru rnoA+v
eyrlrru/\ lo "'--- (ttnl) g
'utLl woU )o\U-o4c+tt!"' , aEilA unlnclr lnc
:(,r\C, a|'+v'
wuJ)oloe>leliltw | ^^ q ol crrj?
su.71 to1 saleppueC
)ot saleppue1 : e
set4pt^eQ i aq lsnur ^n/ ., ""rtn3) Lsicedsold
-,n ,"puoi'l"peubtset slllls
o{ 't|s w*4 "- '
: SCeloal
, o,
' no(teLt/^
sr>ueno ,,
: NUeq 'irln n
iri, St
noAi"ii A1prcttr
, ouroi
sr6wwel :. u!
u"-! "^:'^
, "t 'i
nn,(rprr ool eq1tol
-_ I
punos vV X;;;" ?l iili::t$:f$fi" "
fueurplo pu
Oleurplopuo poobe :ArElEtt
Arelespoob ,t
e 1
:: e6pe1nou4
e6pe1nou4 i .::iJ,i#""*
aueput'-e- i 4,"t". "i"" "":1t1,::;-
lo eore* ,'':.,.?:1,1 i
,i Ouuoq
qol e :qo!
leull^^r -" 'qoi5;"punur
sl leull qol
t, )oo)Ec
"'u" 11',1','^ i
'l'"9',o1.1 \
,'' jj!i:iii";ii",{;W,"[in
::::5:: ")
6ut$onn pu.os- E- '
, ^ ^^6,,:7,i,'"iJ:::;;:,
i "1'"'t;.xfr:':["
l, ,t"".,,uanotd si,uectddv i
n ene''tr1"nw
=, "'?.u3"ll6tu
'uawot-u t ,ti"i't;7J,i;i"u"au
'n""^:"":': t-t:lTJ6ffijtrifili-
!::::;?,o;r1 i
snona'rd i
t" ""---
'ptl suunw
^: ***;gffiitriT{*-
- i xil,,;t;iinit
ffi ;ftxi
*+3i;. -
- Readtbeiob aduertisements
belowand decidewhichoption(A,B, C.or D.1best eacltgnp.
'1tnbeg 'net1s
slooq peqs,qsureq ot :'dd6
lset eql sen fue1es stq 5unnpeg
'fue1etcess/q Jso/p,e(l pue nulo noI qlrmpeseeldsr (c1e
'slueredlnol 'raqceelrnol 'ssoq
tollews e olut peAow ueeq p,eH
'tec eql lo r;,,'cl,i :,.r1$rU'l aE .ei
lnof) qs ::ii.,:i"..!,ri-i
4ceq eql s6urqlpeq lol1lolo loqr!nu '6u1ttrs1n1u sen tryed eq1
-:ut sexoqeql ile le6 ol pejeuew e re;re6urr-uoc, noI o1 sueddeq
:'A lnq 'ezaenbs ltt'll e se/All pue paNtJe a/A ueqA elel se/A u
1eq16utq1peq lpurlor-ll:r,ii.irrr
ocBldjelnctUpd 'tec Aw ilaspn@ I 'Uoser lsel Anrlce Jo lo^ollsaq6rqsil peqceol
- i r, -' "
: ur lU o] soutrlvedoodlo] oceds cPt t r ( r tPd .l ll :L a
, , r'.i
e sV '/Aoqewostreuow eql p6 il,1
-3 n oua ls nI I luo 'lculuoc eq16uqab ut peeccns
sIJo^ osloOurqloull ' ' lou
'luewow aql le sJeatec op e/ J!rfupqsuodset ilnl opl 1l/AI
. aq1p qsenbsjsoq eqt 6wle1d ete ept yewAoldwaun peueddeqseq iellt peq qls
:.aAe1dqloq lqc4ew7q64e oq ttllAtt Ll5lqeLilpoqe 6utqpwos rol eu€lq eq1 1;errit,rdnfil*rit*_rdsar
pp luewuJe^o6 etil ewn s,ll x!nr,t
ooo6 {11enbe ate sueelTsra{e;d '$elq ilnl le uo opet JtaLilpetl 4at11
qol e eneq]ou op
-_oqqstqMut qclEllle O|'UnIOA
UlnulXeU lP ;:i::r'eli1
uorlelndodeq11oeOeluecred l,lf:i,r,ri
'6utdee1su eqe euofuene
q6t q e : o,Ir-;li.:Ii.,iirli|,,1,i
itti.l iltui,lI 'a6e sn1p Aoq
,3Ll/A 'stnoq ilews aql 6uunp
:Lr4tota oj pasn 7a6o1ynctlyp s,4 -qotepb not ewn q6lLls,il e )ol eao^ deep fuea e seq eH
burulor-u [asue1
lsed ecroA
eurl q6!q s,ll
+ c1e'eqsTeqTnof (:l;.4s{"!
6utpunos-mo;fuen e ;-qi:i,Jit,.ft I
::e lqoruprtuiaue : , :
:e1o5]plnoqsI;;eet nol ,,r,r: ri:,irr,ifi.r!
,q.?.!: 'elqnoJl daap u1eq ppoc elA
'pelold wa11es6utwoceq
' l ueptsi l dl xeu eql teq noqe no spullteLlceeteql ll
""oqe s6u4ea1penw fueapb ea,1
5uruoceq p sedoq q6ry seq eqg elqnorl,o
eopt peq e st lt sliurql
-c,{ 1o ped lor.llo or.,lleltq^ eopl uaddetllltme^etLloe ot plpr.l lol e ut eq ol :#[&fift"{* {$#*if$Eaq 4}*
:oo0 e st qls slutql noI 1o ped Ourlroanuaaq e^pq no{ q1s 1e4 'pua deep eql p u! eu nery1Aet17
t ..i , t::,. tt.i,.:.. . eoueqcpoo6 e sroloql leql lulql ol pue pt1ed uo &ep pt4 lw sen y
r ',,r ..1;. i ,':i i l r ;j l : 1 l-,
'spueullo pl e tsol qol 1;nctgrp A:ene uenr6eq
'6u1t11ou op pue : ,;ie*p}flili lp q.!!4infl€?,tu&
ol :frri:f+ aq sp
'3r.ll)otgo eql uo lnq 'webe4ton
:) eAeqtoAauplno/Aleql 'puet1 ewoqp iiels se/Aop ol pelue/AI ile 's,ossec/d lou
:Jo eLll uA 'weql rc1 0wsselq leLil)leo/Alaeetl e qcnspeq peq t : s! l! pql oos upc nol 'enleu1rc
.anu e sen fuetr1o1 at1tr6utuur1111 leenn 6urr11 eql le 4oot oso/c p e4e1nol I
peq s{ennleq}oul rolpue{snq fuene .
{1eso1c &enqp
-rq poo6 sAenn eu:osur sr no{ o1 'a11e4Aaeequ dn pleq oJa/^eM oururexa ol:tn!j+
lp3x{}r?g6s*Hs g sxw 6}
suaddeqlEql[.lls: ]',.r': r 'l
cuell lo slol .i:iii.lti:i:!,
I 'uil eql u! pelp eneqy.16,luu aur
'spuaosoo/ 'lelel sefiuw olnlpa^un epe5pq
'p1ocIneeq .
i/ l Jo euo dn ag o7 aaetl pnf ull oLllpeH 'a^eqsesop e se/All
e Lll!/Apaq u/ s/ uos ryebunollyy
a64'e1e1dwoc lsowp s! pap eql l
plocpeq{rone "?.,:.. ,r8Fr.l olqno4snotjos
peqstuulsoup sl olur lo64uaptcceup peq A;teeu
:eqt(clo'ue;de ';eepsseu;snqe) 'aa1odeq1ilec ol putwpoob e et1 i
'5uryewete let17asouaql ol ue$!l fuan qs (eneqsesolc e se^ qls
r] ls O l O l d t U O CO l : ; :r t : '. r ' : I : r '- ' .' g
/e^ells osol3 e peq qs) ''.'ii,irtrii::
'rcqloJqt{w 71s1n palouue "sf:;a
pue o6 's1te4 'spueuJasolclou
u! ailqlApue asool e 7e et,nol g sr ouo lelll sAoqslt pq '1noArrec eJ,o/A:ilelAleql wU /Aou4l,uop I
lou llrMeuoteLltleolqle osnpollul
op ol ol pesn rrl fi:r!.till:t,i!i.:a:iir i i'.' I pueul pooo e :'L.iir:-i:,a;
eneqol ,
'panIu1 'ecel )eLl uo uu6 peotq e Lllt/vl
'e6uet1cosoo/euos p,Ps eqs ,,'poutew 6urya6 w,1,,
Ilsnoues ueoq e^eq plnoo no(
q Teycodslr,lu! ]noqe peLlslteH
'esutJerllo'UoqpesnoA 5uueant e;rLus6rq fuane ;u3":S Fe$lfi E
sutoc eteu not{ pql qo! poo6 e s,11 'luecceqsulpeaJqe
1 i
stelnduoc t"i[ pl**il i: -r.:";i: tlyn s4eeds//4s orls 'steafi4luanl
leql oleunuols,lri,ltxi;N
dotdelutprolAlselQqts! ftU eLtJ I
.'] .s{ooq : ro^o to1pue16u1u16u1n11 etldsee
lsoq'puelse^^eu'lselel poo6 rct1 u1 r{lupyac s,eq lnq ; ,u""r" I
alli oq ol ', ' pd s,tetlceey atil eq lou lew pe4 ' ;euor0er6uor1s fuene :l:.reeieppsJqE
10 Don'tworry.I willtakegreat/@,'tesponsibility if
anything goes wrong.
11 Shehadsucha,qggP/ full voicethatwhenshefirst
) t-ri Thewordsin boldbauebeenjumbled'Swaptbem shewasa man.
spoketo meoverthephoneI thought
aroundto makecorrectcollocations' 12 Can you hear the noise theyare making nextdoor?l've
Fftrr (SeeSuggesfedAnswersSection) to rePortthem to thepolrce'
i nota full iGood)mind
13 Risinginflation, deep / QrgD unemployment, an
1 Theseexamsare i
: enormoustradedeficit.How can you say that this
ttur importantandI think but incompetent?
government is anything
it's good time You
He has6igi)/full hopesof winningthegoldmedalat
rrB got down to some l' o Games.
its It was a near /(tight)match,with neitherplayerever
2 l've got very I gettingtheupperhand.Balkov won7-6'6-7,7-6.
tightfeelingsaboutmovingto NewZealand. Partof
LastweekI wastheonlyonewhodidn'tgeta holiday.
tsr mewantsto go and partof me wantsto stayhere. iru
: Now everyoneis gettinga bonusexceptme?Well,
&tr i "Wecanall go in my car,"shesaid."lt'llbe a bit of a I
lastsqueeze, butit'sonlya shorttrip'" l'm afraidRoberta is notverywell.She'sin bedwitha
fE I Hesoeakswithsucha closeScottishaccentthateven ,17
be to understand
I findhimdifficult - andI'm English! butthere
i18 In general, he washaPPywiththecontract,
i We can get the money.We can try the bank,you werestilla few@cgg)/ undoneendsthat needed
ters couldaskyourfatherandI supposeasa mixedresort tyingup beforehe wouldsign.
we couldalwayssellthecar. 19 The partystartedat 7:30and whenwe got thereit
I I was certainly thrownin at the good end when I wasin good /Q!!swing.
u:r: startedteaching as I wasgiventhe biggestand most 20 Sheneededto makea phonecallbutshedidn'thave
badlybehaved classin theschool. anylittle/@change.
=r -
: l m goingto askmy bossfor a dayoff on Friday'l'm
in herhighbooksatthemomentso I'msureshe'llsay thecorrectitem,
3. Cboose
Ecr: 3 lt was a broad shave.lf the teacherhad arrivedfive
minutes we'dhavebeencaughtred-handed.
a-: ' I'd loveto comeouttonight,but I can't.l'm too tired'
I'vehada uery6eauD/loadedweek.
2 Brian'slosinghisjob wasa full /@!499fblessing as it
forcedhimto thinkabout hisfuture and set up what is 1 He gave his fatherbackthe keys,knowingthat to
nowa verysuccessful business. havetakenihecarwouldhavelandedhimin .'...".....'.
f : :-
As it says'ralheadvertisement, the OmicronZoomis trouble.
:': final in cameras.
digital A full @ OeeP C close D loose
the /(gsfword
rt :
l'veknownhimfor donkey's years'He'slikea brother Withthe present rateof unemployment, the
to me.He'sa u"tyr6ioG;/nearfriend. government stands littlechance of being re-elected.
He'snotnoisy?lAreyoujoking?He'sgottheradioon A mixed B broad C tight @ high
atfulJ)/ highblastandhe'ssingingatthetopof hisvoice' She was burningthe midnightoil, working into the
-a hoursto finishherthesis.
5 lf yourparentsfrndoutwhatyou havedone,you will
be in high/(deeP;trouble. A high B heavY @ small D broad
' , '. 7 Thetrafiicwa-sso@l deep in the citycentrethat : q He decidedto takea ..,.........,. lookat the contract
it tookmetwo hoursto get tqthe office. : beforesigningit.
8 Therehe stoodwith aQry39f/ full grin on his face' A full @ close C tight D small
"l'veoassed," 5 Look,it's raining.
started lt'sa job
........'.."' we brought
he said.
9 Nobodyeverfindsthemselves at a dead/@eno an umbrella.
in NewYork. There'stoo much going on. A heavy B broad C great @ good
l;,i.'jlr #
'1!uo Yueq
. Lupno/At lnq '4ceq
Ieuow tnol p6 11,nortpq1 ecueqc [1 Ourqclem
eloaeJ B 'asoddnst 's! ileql ools l,ueo no{ 1eq16urlsaiaiur
..oq ue lleq u!ql!/t^peq o/A
6uruaddeq q1s1oftrlrqrssod os st lt 'Fulnnern
,J^e pps e/A pq 'Ieutnol elprl
Ilen euuerOotdru e I j]l Durpeetdols
: e peq eaeq nol laos w,1
1,uecno{ ,6ulpeelanls;nduroc
areql1e67opo1peuueld sr looq e 1;:a1o5los 6uropuro4
: -',r ieO7oplouuec no{ 1eq1 Jlasutqdolslouuespueoutl3qllle
, - - c1Iluo oloqlneuosanu;e buteqp s4ceq/Aetp rot:|,:n: sotloqmuostede
ele alqnd at11 ",4r
ur 6urcq lpuelsuog
b saulzeOeeu
pue siadedsmeu
'elcJtcsnotstA l.eq1
atetlrtr ,ur,lr3'i'"il'o
l ll 'es!^ e p6 yuplnoc
ut 'nl uo OuueeddeI;genurluoc
eq ol
", ", uowwoc s,ll
Ietl ptll a6peltttou4
F ::1eceq qot e p6 l,upnoc
-: 'qo! e p6
1,up1noceqs ,,'ltl6!tt dols-uou e s! l! 'oN,,
s^ oul
Apoqfteneqls ,
r:7 ps/^ e p6 1,up1noceqg ,,aUnl4uetJ ur 5utddols al eJV,,
rnccoel o] ueelce e^eqlsnw sluealddy
- : leur O r io oq] as n e oL l o tq M strro1{emaL{}uo o"t.':3:'.t::3
lid AAau soleajc qclLlM q c rq n nl q O rg e
.J ]lncl#lpE .,'.'.r:,.,,.' :,i",,r,,.:r.:i 'u1slepyloq trct4 pueds
,."0 #;X:
J OAO U .r :':..j ,
te6uet6 p1o7 ol awoq ellqow e y.16noqlet11
3q rcql /Aes I punoJ pauJnl 'eun1ltlclec
[euoqde;e1 elqepode :euoqd e p6 s,1r esnecaq lps lt!/A lt
',\lnq wtq /Aou4 1t16not17
rul I 1 ollqoul e :eiop] uotlepouruocce
ejolaq iou le^ou a^ell luoueLUJAd Se pesn
p u p e c e l d ;e ;ncrped e ur pel red {qc1ec
Tueools e :e1oryl
'ue\e)e3 e6te1e o1 Isee st leql eunl p r I ,
'eben6ue1 6uot1s 1o 7o1 .uotsnlcuoc -lue/A eq teAeteL,l/Ap/AoJC
2luoclt asnPcogeleallJac euo6anl ,
: uen6 sprl wM aqt e s,U 'u!/A11m5utuueg esJnoo ftrcedec e o1 pet{e1dtrauyeScyy
e0en6ue; {lureyec ulntpels/llell/iroojeql ul
, -i; o p ue p eq :,,'., , , ; r - i: olnlosqe qlrm lcrpetd uec noI slees olll Jo lle slllJleL.llocuatpnE
r l JO pMO.l 3 e ,: ,,1
'qse./ca^/sspwe 5uueeq l e l l ]l l n s Oj e
r :,aqwawet eq 6urq1lluo 'ssp/c st/ u Jeqp lue 'steDuassed snoNau
rr" ,-,?s'JONNns eps'tluws il!! leql tec e peujtsap o^eLl eA
eJoweLllto16utua1t16u1 ltq e se/1
tti:' )uaplCCeetq\tal e Se/A '16o1ouL;ca1 qc1t1r,n
ldwnq e e1tnbsen y
il a6pe-6urgnc 6uts2
luoptc3e uE o^t^lns I6olouqcel pocuenpelsotrJpue ocuolnqjnl Jrelo asnPceq lol
. l . -: -ed { t U O a u t : i . - ..;:r : :r ' r ,.,1 lselel aLll e lnoqesonotuaue;deq1qotl1^ul
ouelde uo Ieurnofe
iuaUo os po s:.e6eLlsJopuo/AoN
'qol fiqsnc 'sewoqua4otqwo4 ewos
fiq1petcu1ue 7o6s,eqg
stepueJJo6unol eseql p t{ueyt1
;;emsled l;1ensnpue eurl lnol
lo qcnu oo1 dn alel lou saop
({ddequnse^^/st sltlotxoq
1eq1qof {see fuan e s,pltqoolll 1eq11se06nsol posn
'u/Aol Ued u/Aop_uru
lo e u! sirdltlo s,qs :
leas 4colq peuwepuoc e ut pary eqs
tr- ^ i iJDJOAOITSelA etALU.SSACOnS 'peu eql
umop pe1lndeq o16uro0sr 1eq1 ao lotls
,_10saj e uelA SJBU/U/oS s,H ^ ;eo s{q pue lo;luoc trso,J ,peeds
0 u rp l rn qE
\cou4euq le )auJoceLll\ool oH
'+ sseSCns 'teq enqndwoc
e os/e s! aq lnq (Ournup
leeLls AleJalaAutue eLl s1t{1uo1o1t1 . rol I1;ereua6)
]sel Aloulojlxo .
8 H e i s l i vi ng i n a condemnedi :tti :,,1 on t he Bays
* Fractice R oad.I w onderw herehe' l lgo w hentheypull it down.
9 Not only was the film extremely violentbut it also
belowuitb thecorrectrnun. Twoof
contained a lotof strong,art,-J"a:i,..
theswr,tmcesin 10 BuenosAiresto Londonin twelvehours?lt musthave
2 usingtbenounsbelow(a-u)will help.
ta' beena non-stopf/ighi.
" ^on-stop e a 11 l'd nevermetherbefore.Shewasa totalsranger.
' conclusion
ll i : : J S hy b b job 12 lt's very unlikelythat he,ll win. There,sa remote
r 3 = ,','asted i c tune passibility,
I suppose. Butit wouldtakea miracle,
/t! : .cregone a d crowd 13 lt's one of thosesongswitha reallycatchytune.ll
S :atchy c e flight sticksin yourmind.
ii : :cmpulsive h f speed 14 You'vetravelled 200milesto seehim?Buthe moved
" : - : public g lastyear.I'm sorry,it lookslikeyou'vehada wasted
s drivinglicence
& = : ondem n e d j h liar journey.
ff . :loken k i journey 15 The pilotsaidthattherewas a lot of turbulence en
lrE mil ::-3ng n j building routeand that we shouldexpecta bit oJ a bumpy
, sas 111= : c t al p k home f!ight.
b/: lfi :-: Sole
m I knowledge 16 Hewasdrivingaroundthesenarrow, windingmountain
lllilll. :apacity d M SUTVIVOT roadsat breakneckspeedin a powerfulsportscar. I
Orffi:r-sm, ",,flI. ,' ciOUS r n language wasterrified.
'lltr , -esounding q possibility '17 Shehada terriblechildhood.
o Herfatherlefthomewnen
=- 1S 'Itrm: :lean
g p stranger shewasfiveand,likemostkidsfroma brokenhome,
" " ii. : : T m O n q shegrewup feelinginsecure
I success aboutrelationshios.
lW : lum py e r circle 18 Manchester Unitedare playingthe Women,sInstitute
: Sf inJrl
:':akneck f s thirdteamin thefirstroundof thecup.ThatManchester
,l|Wli o t technology Unitedwillwinis a foregoneconclusion.
n-F- Im "'emote
ll1 - _:ing-edge t u talk 19 Thisreallyis cutting-edge technotogy. you won,tfind
8i l il;
lU 'robile k a moreadvanced scanneranywhere
' on the market.
:ci l U 20 lt wasa viciouscircle.Wewerelosingcustomers so
oursalesweredown.As a result,we hadto pu up our
usingtbenounsfrom exercise pncesto covercosts.However,becausewe had out
up our priceswe lostmorecustomers.
;ri: : -. :,C 21 John is hopelessat small talk.He givesone_word
1 No otherpassenger got
answers to anything youaskhiml
out of the crashalive.She
22 Ratherthanlivein a conventional house,he choseto
wasthe solesuryiyor.
livein a mobile/roriie.
2 He'sgot sucha cushy
23 Hesaysthathehatesbeingon thefrontpageof allthe
iob. He gets to work at
tabloids everyotherday,whichis rubbishbecause we
eleven,does nothingand
all knowthathe lovesbeingin thepub/iceye.
leavesat four.
-: s incapable of tellingthetruth.He,sa compulsive i
--ey played
to a capacitycrowd wherever theywent. i
-,: matterhow big the venue,not a seatremained.
=-pty. I
--ey want
someonewith a cleandilving licetlcr, ',
| ^rchcountsme out as I wasfinedfor speeding,
"{ft'$ : ,'/asQommon knowledgethatSandrawasplanning
-: eavethecompany
-s|astfi|mwashard|ywhatyou,dca|| aresounding
, . :.ess. Thecriticshatedit andit lostovertenmillion
::l ars.
i lo penotddesrp4o penordde
aueql eq o] (leurot) :tren*idde*;B :
--: lstlt eql /AeJLllotl/ os Ij Z4u1dtyeq
Tleno,rdde s,gs qllrlri laau; ei 4eq1 a4p aldoed teqlo osneceq
;:: - -' qcundo1:qcunde n otr.ltol ' 6nl uo1enpueq e:lt uo dwnl
'spuewapelqeuoseatun 1q111
.wJol i
i tlcns6u4eew p uollueru!
ou e^etlI lnjssoscnsaq
it :-3 eql ryew ol lepul -
ol Alolll/alqeuotqsel
lxeu st lt esnecoq
)-t : 2 6u!1 o1r'11 i SIUEMqS outop ole eJdoed JoLlto leqn^
V e6e11OCet11
i lelliv\op ol :SpuEruapS,tr6:+q$i i... op o1 :t.:*$airei$ije+ e!:! i.1,r:y
:d e eneq ol :{l.rpd B /hotql ol ljqi:r:i I.
: 'lenp e u! Llleep sil.l 'elqrsuodset
.Ieuow lew eH fipuoued not{ p1ot,1
1o lol e $lew
r: : -::s e/A ,lto soluoc : s.r. il,1 'lcerluoc slt4l p6 l,uop a/A ll
alp ol :qlgap s.€Fj* i;rerj..!
leep sltll 1l
;,:r.lj 0SOllo UleO,umnOt .6.e) 1 Aen s/q lso/ peq eq /Aoupue qls lol olqtsuodserqs Joptsuoc
,illii :
.. :: ol {;e1r; ete no{ eteu,rn ewoq uol eq ueq/v alel se/A eH o] :q.!!fi,lail sigiFil$dsat q* pt{rq s:
'ewll uo eJeLilp6 ntteu pno/A
_:: f, P ut oq ol :tNlsep e3 pi.!cl* s3 : eH .epoad
rfil, 002 ol dn
'seunuec j *nqr$ss*J s;, ploq uec eweurc e6eyy neu eq1
Irol le6 ot ;"dpnn
,-tae pooJs
ails8c eql eldoedJoJeqtunu
(s 6 u rp l rn q ; 1so1 fip1o1petteLtt riTi:l::;l ,
e lol oceds qOnoue anpu 01
r.. .,?ce^ eq o1 :rftdura pue]s ; passo;Dueos ueeq peLletl Slcolc,o : (6urq1 7eceldro1);;o r6*uJrr#d $,€rqr:.
: 0L sett y a^etpq l,uplnoo eH :
.'gL reqwece1 uo pptl oq tl/t
il1ilr, :::: . Llcns punot s6u1t , sl l! ourll teal aqyp 6u4eew l:r;ls $el nO
,r, ,,X:;j
; lellivl1e6ro;o1 ;*q$i&{* 4**"t3escl *g , Ourleeue
{;rseeften lueuoddo !ag3isr,i
oneqol :6gjtB*Fr.iJ &i
,ir.::q ol :qs punol{e}s6uu unl o1 , 'qcnol lsot
e/A po^ow eLl .telp pq 'Ipe1n6et suteunc oLll
'I wo4 reJJnssrotlplq Aetp pue dn 7o6 eLtS.\rep se/A
: Aqtel JoLllotlcee ees ol pesn oAA lt
_ _-:qpuetaqlellw 'rcqp1puefi :
' :wel tno ut sunt ewqlsv -
qs o16ur>1eeds aql asolc ol :$rJl4&jnsaq? ,WFJSjl,q
/6utlum/6utltsrn dols ol rc;sii+$**FF trg
lt o^eqlJruel1eq1 1o i
..-_3uJ{ueul ,{;lue1e ut sunl i elrc1entap stauopadp"X{:ir",
=seeslp'lltls ,stlsuolce;eqc ; fie4equeqt /Aoul,"rllf'o,iy;', pMOJCe lcelDE Ol :f Aft*ls * r&g.!r,1
' -Ed 1r e :{;ruel ry,!
aq1u; sunr q1s , _ qts lnoqe qs llol lou
AlolEjeqllap 'lcetluoc eql u!
j o] :IJPE e'_rtbi qs de*r1o9 bt esnep
aetnlercdwele \utuunt ol uoquelle no[ ttep ol $lll p,t
:.y' 'lp/Afuet 4oo1t,uop no1 .Ieq p
wopetoq deey
i ::
pardncco gastnor{ 1wdeey Lllsoctlouqs oleu ol
ernleredural , 11m (|euroj) :qF$sg
,' - : 3^eqo1:alnpleduol B uru 6l : noI Ouueqloquror;1 dols o1 $.qs..{ftr?"rq}
- ; 'ewoq peurnlet pue
:aa5ryet6utce1swelqod et41 ; AeMeqls deel o1 :,,teqra {i}s deax *$ . lep4oq srtl
. _:LoJEr1Az 'lo4tew uotls lnc te$rutw awrJd oLil ,]no
Alqnd eaet j,snw eM1 4cols eLllut sluawdolertep
. JseJe/ eql
uelotq peq te/v\ pr.111uueetl ug
qls rollnoqp p lseetqe deax :
.: :: ,vtou)is,eldOed enolduur :l o1euze5ew npetl tr1rcgaq1trnq
1 ^
peuueldueql jotpee (Ieplpoq
, e '6'e) q1s dols ol :i.s+li*^3j!l*Ji:tl
. ..e"jG ssauojensc;gqndasJero3 , sluaudo;enep .steuJoc
3w ol ecrcAtnol estet1,uog /s^ euisPopr lsolel aql lnoqe lnc lou op
: por.ulolutdosl ol :ro lsB*j{IB SaaL:,_, , os 'I1tc et11ut 1utplrnq arussatdwt
fuOuesr ouoasnecaqqs lE I isorl/ pup Jseqeql eq ol s|il lue/ I
- : _s ol :qs ol oclon .apts
S,euoeslel o; j ]etnbeql uo
s/ oq osnecoq;snl,Ilpueupns! eL,l (apeu I;peq
leql uosnpuoc oLllol dwnt 1,uog sr pacnpo;d st leqm leLil
irrll;gs/p./pue snorcrdsn, Inso;
O:;7: i sloeleql eql qllm uogo pue suorle;nOel
ur.;roq; '6eqeql nesr{petpp uV llelo uotssassod ure:e pue soln; 6uuou6ruego)_ uec no{
i noI ero,teqonJlst qls leLlloptcop nem lsedeeqc ,1se>1crnb ,lsetseo
ecr;odaqlTsecrnles : o] :1eU uolsnpuoc
_:.lll3eluoc oyreOuep aql ot dunf ol eql uJ(6urp1nqqltmpelcouuocqls
lnoqe .enanb
a,cr:ad ule,u ol :lgJqe cU gslBJ eqypedwnl pnl n;;ercadse)qls op ot :$€ujos
ol ir"ls$t
peq oq^^ uew eLll poqe 1wqgue 'pe!ilew 7o6pue e^ol u! p1Aet11
e ;.dde peetdsepln r.ll!/ lew xel ptes ouo ou ptll pesudtns se/^ aH
{-- -srogp o7 ueld s1eFrutry aql 'Yot1s4to1s6uo1 e lnc ot ios 1..
- nissoccnsunoq ol :ssoccns lno{ buriler,alnoq}t4 ananb E {ro1se qsrul;
alu!l rfl!,r laau o1 :e1oryl lo Allictnb ol lupm noI uaqnnpesn
luorl oql o] o6 ol :anEnb aql dunf o1 esejqd P :UOfi{Sfuo}s Suci B
}n3 Ci
2. Circletlsecorrectitent
ith litile/no 1 | dont feetat altweil.I mustbe keepingl,@nnin-g!
rcessfull Completethesentences
usingtbeaerbsin thelist in the Iemperature
Dabolish the appropriate
foffn, "l'd liketo drawi throwyourattention
to rulenumoer
ao approval. i- - __--:-_
24a. on pag-ix of your booklet,,,
stand- draw- bold-jump - lose _ keep_ he said.
rarn people ti " i ! I'm sorryl'm late.I was readingthis amazingbook
meet- cut- run- raise- throw I
lact the fire " and I comptetety kepti,lostlrackof time,
It is important
lo keepabreast of thelatestdevelopmenrs The Minrster's plan to aOotisfr compulsorymilitary
V, thoughtit in teachingmethodology. service / ran withwidespread approval.
d raisedthe Draw thecurtains, willyou?lt,stoo brightin here. 5 Usethis wiil hetpstand/ (eef)tfre
JuliusCaesarmet a violentdeathat the handsof -6-e
mosquitoes at bay.
S: to shout someof hismosttrustedfriends. 6 Domestic problems forcedthepresident
angry to keep/(@
We'rethrowinga partynextSaturday. Whydon,tyou short his holiday and return homeearlv.
to me. come? 7 Whydid yousaythatyouwouldensurethateverything
rs of sth: tc 5 He'sjust as awkwardas his father.Beingstubborn ransmoothty? Nowtheywiil@G) keepyouresponsibte
knowledge runsin the family. if anything goeswrong.
5 Anyway,to cuf a long storyshort,he endedup in 8 Theyare not interested in the environment. They,ve
rarenesso, Hawaii. justrun /(umpeOontheenvironmental banowagon.
r€ees. : He losthistemperandstartedto shoutat
her.,,Don,t Theyknowgreenissuesare popularand theythink
lavea hig: raiseyourvoiceto me,,,shesaid. thesepolicies willwinthemvotes.
3 Tomorrow's meetinghas been postponedand will In an attemptto draw/GG6lpuOtic awareness of the
:t!.Are yo; nowbe heldat teno,clockon Thursday problemsfacingblindpeople,the BlindAssociation
3 Theold ladywalkedto thefrontof the lineandstruck launched a massive publicinformation campaiqn.
t oarticula. up a conversation withthemannearest thecounter.I 10 She'sa muchbetterplayerthanhe is.Ofcourse"she,ll
i€ase.etc betshewastryingto jumpthequeuel win,she'tlthrow /@Dringsroundhim.
nembers '-r She blushedwhen she
said it, so he immediately 11 They are the kind of companythat don,tbelievern
;umpedto theconclusion thatshewaslying. jumping/ Cutltindsspners. Theytaketheirtime,they
amtly. M! '1 Clearlythe companyhad
not wantedus to know usethe bestmaterials availableandtheymakesure
E bothm.,
aboutthe merger,so we werekepfin the darkuntil thattheirworkis properly done.
theverylastmoment. 12 It'sa big cankeep/@rp to 3,000peopte.
h beata-
2 We investedheavilyin thatcompany,and if it goes 13 lf his nextdoor neighbours traOn,t jumped
bankruptwe standto losea lot of money. thealarmwhentheydid,hishousewiuld-haveburnt
cn a poc. '3 Glastonbury is Britain,sbiggestmusicfestival. Every to theground.
yearit drawscrowdswellin excessof 100,000. 14 lf you had remembered to bringa map,we wouldn,t
rc:rt (fc, "r Whenthemanagement saidthatit hadno intention of trave@/ met our way.
zeefingtheunion'sdemands, theunionleadercalled 15 lf he winsthis round,he keeps/ 6tanOi)towin the
for immediate strikeaction. competition.
'5 | usedto seeDerekfairlyregularly, 16 I don'tcarewnol@y,r/ raisedthefirstpunch.tjust
t ocsitio- butwhenhe ioined
thearmywe /osftoucn. wantyouto stopfighting.
C O St r '6 | didn'tstartit. He did.He
threwthefirstpunch! 17 ThemansionfraO
noreyl SooO)/kept emptyfor manyyears
andwassaidto be haunted.
siand ta
lEr iy
a partl
end oi
(1 1se sesselO
'0utq1ouplesoqs 'loq ace,ol lleqc e dn 'ru1€i.o
:Jl | 'sl€sleoqorlo osnecoq'sJnor'l ppo 6uldoel uoaq p'l
i pelaed pue lsop {1;nq 'a0re1
no^,, raq Jo^o A;Durnolddesrp
,,'llo/nllnl :
'polse | ,,cleqlour'lnoqe ouulei no^ ore ]eqM" I
^^oul e 1e'peceyAuols'lESleLlloyyocuollsalqeuoluocunaql olul
'Ourqlfuene {uep ol eur : polpm pue uedo 1 peqsnd I se palearc toop rnoped eq1
llllw' 1;1r
f f i q il
fir qru
lmf tr
E 9 roxeads aIj oLuotus,^poqaLuos 6ur60ot... H
asolnlaLl]luoq oL1^Apoqeuos ... C
fl r rateeos equoq e tsoc ]eLl iOurql euosD ul i apro... J
Ourqleuoslaquaruel o] Ourfulsu€lq Jell/stq6ur>1cet ..,.
E e rotBods ...
aspueuaps,e;doadeuos ol oq ol Ourneq O
lal{/stqpautuuopunoqnn{poqeLuos... C
E Z releeos 6ocuoptJuoclles
al l rqe 6url pas g
E I ro)ieoos lacuelled roq/sLlpet;l or1mIpoqeuos ... V
"' uoqq3u141at
q G-Dua4aads arylo
' ,p puoSupptont .satuaTra(xa
aqjoj uatslT gasaaylun naq ttru ttotr : ,l
" -- 1uueetasen ecue4ed srq 'illq eqtpeluas nol 6ol lt!/A )e;et s1t11sdeqte4
.."-)LlJoJ6ugea ueeq p,eH pue )e^o )ale/A eql peilec eH qls loquoulal
. : - .2e/ASe/AIp]e esrcxepp 11tqe {ed ol ' r,.' .::..r!!',:.:' qS Olot-l Ol :. '11r . i;:,r'
, =-- sprl 1tlute5e elel se/AeH
'e)Ape lectpew 'ywted 6w4ted nteu e qltlAew
:atiouueTluerledr.ur 1ee1 o1 pnoqs nol'Tststed swoldwr{seq1I enss pno/A letil leql ew p1o1leql
- ::q a re [ aq1 ' ur q1buue e n n
ecrnpe;euorsselord roi pred
: -a ri e d s, qs ll ( ll) lt e^e tl o q
ro1 (re{nnelp 'ro}cop e) qs (Ied eneq Ie4 letll eouoctl4rluredro
- 3 l ru u rO eqer e noI 1 e q 1 {lqeqordpue)1se o1 ,, ,:-. : ,::::il tolotl P qs eruOol ,..rr:ni1a:r::.r:tjjrilirrf..-!ral
.: p e snuoaq s eq ut lllle o M
'I1p punot
- - Oeq sr 1eq1uorleue;dxe
; s: C xa u e ( ! ) . .:,.,, s6uu unt il!/Apalun apew not{ aty 'xel e
Zpe]lun leaq il!/A A1p 4u1q1notr yeqo16utfu1'leetlsaLllut poolseH
" . -,apun iluA! :lnnuc ool eq pods ro1pasn 11;eraueb) Alrsee loo:lseqlurOurpuelsereno{ a;tqm
- .: LewtoltadJe^e fuenueql leoq pue qs ueqlrailoq (dnno{ s>1crdpuesdols1 terltos)
ls7Js/ri s/ j/
qcnu oq o] xel e ol ;eu6ts o1 ,.'j i r,.-i .:!::.,.i
:: ::-:.1
._3ptluo3ssol lool qs olieul
'' r ; il: ' l
'eweu slallec aql )eqwawel 'qwoq e lsoJ
: "1
i+'' '
;", :,:thewordpuzzlebycompleting
thegapped 11 l ranq the ai rl i neto see i f they w oul d change m y
bookingand issueme with a ',.-,for the nextday
below. to fufther underminethe
12 This latestscandalis bound
A U V I E publ i cs .--:-* i n the government.
:*( 'Iill 15 L A M E
:* .J'ultnr. tJ'
F I n E E
The childrenare beingso noisythatthey are really
Irlt'ill[ lIffi
A o L n I
tryingmy demandlr@oqg1=
You had better swallowyour(Etd") / advice and
*si[ riiilr
'* [ : lllll
apologise,seeingthatyouwerein thewrong'
o T s I rackedmy memory/6rain9)insearchof an answer,
lf l
gf1r,16* l butwasunableto findone.
lt - :'e symptoms do not go awaywithin3 days'you
I ', 'I'llilil 4 I suggestyou seekt"gttflg: /@Ii*)
i-:rld seekmedicaladvice.
--: deafening 5 He levelledbitter6iiticism)/ blame againstour
noisefromnextdoorwasenoughto try
rE lirilli"lllfilrr company's environmental p_o!lcies.
-: =:ience of a saint. i
-; ""lliilllll
r: 6 Thedoorman willtackle/ hail a taxifor yo! - -
. :-: s a muchbetterplayerthanhe is.Ofcourseshe'll
rfi? itilllllll t7 lf youshoutat himallthetime,you'llonly(urrdermine)
- She'llrunrlngsroundhim.
/ swallowhisconfidence.
l:l .low childrenare not allowed,but my son ls
Our supplier'sexcusesfor no-tdeltltginggoodson
::scerateto seethefinalandyouaretheonlycaf6in
TV.Surelyyoucanbendthe timeare beginningto bow / iqgdl!!-/"
t-: areathathassatellite
'- :s justthisonce? I Wherewasthisticketowed /19999d.21---
10 A housein the suburbswouldCosta bomb)/wear
, :-: stoodoutsideherhotelin the pouringrain'trying
,: "aila cab.They wereallfull.
11 Thesuspecttriedto pintne'6famg)laccusationon his
: --: government hasintroduced which
accomplicesayingit was all her idea.
'irt, . rllrllltiilflr : 'opes will tackle Ihe problem of spiralling
ir :-3 saysshe doesn'thaveany recollection of the
-:eting. lf we showherthe photo,perhaps willjog
- a' ) iefiiAlY.
* ',3 matter howhardlrackedmy brains,ljust couldn't
' ::Te upwithttheanswer.
! 'JU are goingto haveto swallowyour prlce and
:rmit thatYouwerewrong'
i -e waslateagain,forthefourthtime.Hecouldn'tuse
:"leold excuseagain- it waswearinga bit thln'
ri: -ney neededa scapegoat and he was insignificant
:nough to be the Sotheypinnedthe
:me on him.
ffiliii It"fi
r..uotll 66e 'Jepo ol lueA I
Our1ce {q qs q}lm 1qbtl e Pels s,JelPlAeq1qefi noAue3
''1''"'' auoquelle
ol ful Alaleteqllopo] :':' - ;: no^ acllou
' . . :a :'
o/11)o euo lnoqe
a,s6urt17 qs oleul oi a.
yec4tu1tsut Pua7suoc'Aleetleqt 'e4enbqYeeaLlllo luruq aql otoq
aLll olnln]aql ul lryssmcnsqls etluacrde eLil lsueeu ul ol aql
-:,- zcueldacceswe6 aq Pol
: - =d Aq leLll Pasueel sell sewel eleru ol suolilpuoceq1aPrnold r..llslo lcedut ro acloJ ul€tu olll
O l' , : : ' : : : : entocoro1
' 'euo7e^,noAleqn
; - 3^eqoq oi ''::
'Psodotd aLllLll!/AaetdesP tno spull aLFJIlou eLilutl il,eqs ' acuelqwasat 6ut4u1se sJeoq aH
i. . aleso^Pe syreP Aeld 6
fu6uefuenouosoqPue , lurori ]uaro;llpIlelalduuoc
radureltnoA eso; o1 . eq Ol :ol aCUelqUOsOl Ou le€q
-r ::13slp outlsetaluterou e 'ptes aq ,,'peoJeql ltl alrnb oq ol
f :: cs Llls qvv\ eatoestp noAleq] ol (lll) trrorl luaie$lp
: : - :. :' : : ' r" ' e/^ autl s,11,,'illr le pe\aol ut-lof :o] ocuelquesel oHll leoq oi (ll)ol
-'+ - : : d ol
'aldoed euou AemlnoA eleu; Pue ecelo relrursfueAaq ol :ol acuelqulosa;
e a^€ol o] lnoqP ate no{ ueqn't 6ut>ttlP/6uo4se leoq ot (r):elorul
": :1t1611>tctd ofrurltl sirelsPUP ::'' ' i:"r:'::;ri":;:::::r:rl:l ': ''=ig::: irl
'' .':
pasn uouo (;eLulo;ut) AI|| lOOl Ol '-:::
;, ::a.t66e fiet sla6 seu4eulos eH '
3 Look.whydon'tyoujustaskherhowold she is and
settlethe =''':; :?'::
-.lractice 4 CanI pickyour. "'art-" for a moment?| haveto teacn
, .i::h the uerbsin SectionA with their appropriate thethirdconditional nextclassand I needan activity
B' Tben,conxplete
":hinationsin Section to practise it. Have you got anyideas?
r:,:,'ctionCwitb (an) word(s)
appropriate from Section 5 ls thatthe time?We oughtto hitthe roed'We've
1 :.nexamplebasbeendonefor You' a longjourneY home.
6 | couldn't put up with it' livingrightnextto a main
road,Allthatnoisewoulddriveme crazy'
7 He was pushingme and insultingme' He was
! :c steer i trYingto Picka fighf'
" :c play d
8 lf Dadfindsoutyouhavebeendrivinghiscar'he'llhit
: :osee h
the roof.
I :cpay m
9 l've beenaskedto delivera speecirto the Women's
u :c pick b
Guildon Thursday. l'veneverspokenin publicbefore
: :c settle a
and l'm terrified.
5 :c deliver o
10 lt is hopedthatthesetalkswill laythe foundationslor
- :o leave i
long-lastingPeacein the region'
! :o reacn p
11 Hewantedt500 for it but I toldhimt200 wasmy last
@rf 3 :o grab 11
|e JflI& offer."Youdrivea hardbargain,"he saidandsoldthe
li! :c carry k
chairto mefor t200.
:c lay c
12 We'regoingto Scotlandfor our holidays'My sister
e'E m@r 't :o drive e
6 "lfits livesin Edinburgh, so we aregoingto pay hera vislt'
ii :c hit S is wrong'However' this
rmr6 13 We all agreethatfox-hunting
"{l& :c clear J have to play devfl's
is a debate,so nalfthe classwill
-F :c bear f
Ia rmlr;ll0i advacate.
fiffi" 14 WeshouldgetJonesto supportus' He'san influential
$MumronB aroundhere'
fr 5*n manandhisopinionscarrya lotof wer'gftf
r anargument grabthe waiter's forthelast
F ": flr. 15 l'vebeentryingto
r someone's brains'a fight me waving!
opento criticism ten minutes.Surelyhe musthaveseen
: :hefoundations for, yourself today'
3: i* 16 My studentspaidme a reallyniceco'lrp/imenf
I devil'sadvocate,the fool
"lgr :r TheysaidI wasthe bestteachertheyhad everhad'
t someonecl.azy, a hardbargain I
17 | didn'thaveenoughmoneywithmeto payfor it' so
' :he brunt of, little resemblanceto the next day to
fili :rirlt'
i left a deposirof t25 and went back
LT L I :ne road,the root paythe remainder.
' tit I f W" canonlybuya newcaroncewe haveclearedall
r;: : a dePosit,(someone) a tiP
' our ffe5ts.
| know tney are twins but they bear very liiile
-,'our : 19
r weight to one another.
iii , reseff'niance
==: ,vell)clearof someone/something in the day-
of inter{ering
a compliment ; ZO He saidhe had no intention
t : i: ]* 'rT someone a visit,someone of the team' That was my job
l *q: . * someone's , to-Ouymanagement
. anOI shoulddo thingsas I sawfif'
: a speech t Zt lt took the jury six hoursto reacha verdictldecision'
l a decision was guilty
i and in the endtheyall agreed- Gandolfo
as charged.
l --e guidesaysthattheneighbourhoods aroundthe
' ::cks.are'frettydangerous and it advisestravellers
: ste6rwellc/earorthem- especially at night'
--e waiterhadbeenrudeandinattentive all night No
wasI goingto leavea ijs'
4r I -e stoodup, shuffledhis papers,clearedhis ' -'.
.^d startedto speat<.
a^otloqol llnctj+tp
1rpurl nol
'anr16ur.rl,usoopc1e'uorleueldxe 'pn 6w11as
'pue16u1lo Lllnos ' e s n c x a ue l l lpee4e s 'Llluow $el peLpunel
.' ot1Dnott17
co^eq p$leetln 'scrJeu/soop a6uet A ou )nO
, .,! ous laeetl s,1t16tu
pe-1 'so{lrae ctdwllg gggT leup(g
eLil u! lepew e uo/A aLl ueLl/A Inq ol crlqnd
e6eueplo lol e lolpue otll rol olqeltp^e lcnpord nneu
uoryqwe 6uo1-ay1stLlpesqear eH
. _: ssnecol e aleu ol
: =tro1dgueloqcs p uolneH 's5u4ae1teq Unq
o A a l L | ce
ol .::' .:::.. ilt/,^
/v\Ot^lolutUe lO Ulexe UB 'uoos os Jerlloueto| nol '1t lee l,uop nol I '6ut4ooc
= , 0urr.r.rro;.lad
{q drqsreloqcs totl Jo st oqs pnaJd/Aotl/Aou>lno|
4se 4cry nol 6urqsnd s,11'o6e
= : o1 qs puo#o
stlluow x/s as1,lled e peq notr
'ol pesnletil ptlt rctaod , 'i,.+,.: ' : .,
to lesdn o1 ::''.: :
(no[ ol peuoddeqseq
r.. : at/vtrc6uo1 ou suorun oql 'Llceoc
peq Ourqloupue aloJaqlstJ alues
: ocuonllutpue lol od oq] uo)iel eneq no^ esneceq) s/q je osnqe 1uFnq Jol weal
i - eO A eqO l r . 1su Orqe a)ielol : .' . otlj p ]no u/AoJt4lsen rcAe1det11
'sYcos .u6set ol p$pe qS IE
r": - epq e leela l,nol 'esnoq eq il!/ nol 'eu11o qq1 u1 1r.46pr'a S l nS U l ]nOL{SOl ..,:e l t:t i r;,i ri .:r.:r' r' ., a:
;;t..- 91gicl11srceln 1,UOpnOt{g no[ 6ur11ndUels l,uop nol I 'c Je/Asue
leol Jo esn noI q1sur IloA oql lo elells tre;tno{ s,]r z{es pue ssen6 e UezeL,l
-: - 3X eUO l o Po l (1 o u) ,' . , , : 'i' ilJ nq te/AsueoL,ll/Aou\ l,uop t
'doqs 'l! op ol ebenoc et11 ssanDo1
41egs/ seop or/
iirii etoos lno ob eu rcrreueqn dn 4cryd ol olqe ueeq l,ueaeq6nl o7oDpup ssp/c
'rF sr gog qyn welqotd ettr1 111
-_ I 'pqof eLilpunoJe paetl pue qol nc aln 1,uopAq6 'uoouJolJesil.ll
(cle Aw areel ol pelue/ sAenle ett,1 ryeoeql ut uecuocoe4 e s,eJoql
rr-:r E) uolsecco
;ercose ouunp Lllsop ol qbnoua {lrslenrun
Jo looq3s}e sselc
r : : gds o pue i l o e u rl tn o A o^ejq oq ol Uollo ue oleu o] ,.::,:., ::,:r,':,:'.
e ssll.x Aleleleqtlep o| ;:i.i3-:r::,
"'| --:.1 lnoqe llel ol .
's66ewtel fuaUeqo7e6uet-ee4
::: q ]o /Aouaql wols ol puno/A 'ea1od peuelad IeqTpteseldoedp oTogg
tu.t iJnot lenbruJnol e pe| eH eql Iq palunow teAa seLlcteas 'fitruecatpolcnpuoc (auns e u1
tt--c eLll5uuelue spoo6 p6eyr lse66ry eq lo auo ut eeJe
uo suotutdo rreql1no
* '.,311aql u/gjs ol pecnpollut oqt peqwoc eldoad puesnoqt V
pullol Jeplout suotlsonb lo ]ase
*ffi: eAeLlso./nspa4/A eu esoql L.lcleese uels eldoedIseol' ': ::.:.
6urseelcul pue esrue6loo1
tuo;; '6u1ewep tsow eqt ry lq s1 s1q7 pawlelcdnot6leculod y
r': -OlS O],.:. ,' . r ...: 'wtt1 lsute0e peileAat ueeq oAeLl
peueddeqsell lellt peq qls
'6u1AtcpunoJe 1utuunt ye1s leql suoqesncce Auew eq n
ro,relqrsuodset ere nol 1eq1{es
n - .a32Qowoc plnol reqlow sill tlls {;;erogoo1 l
itm.;Co!r pue yd {els ol 'suotldo (6urop)lo qs osncoe ol (leurot 'I1epss1cnpofi eq1lnaqe sJeeJ
."rn 22q eH 'lsot sen &wwtT
s,eldoedlelp o1aill7 euop e^eq
gAOl,\J*Ol I :. - 'weolcs e
. IOU -: socuP./nssPe./s,Ju nlcepuew aqI
,-.. 6uu,1,ubaoppnl4tornawotl no lel eLls 'esnow et116weas ug ptPrlP/poutacuosssellool
- -tteo 6op eql poqe rgolsst1-1 lueoiSso] q S OIeUJ Ol :rlr :l.l;:,:r::r
9 to .....,a survey= to askpeoplea setof questions
Jrrctice orderto findouttheiropinions aboutsth@ACNTUC)
11 to ...... concerns/fears: to make sb feel less
il:il :n thecrosswordby answeringthe cluesthat appear
concernediafraid (LALA)
w:r.r^ lheErid.Eacbclueisfollowedbytbewordyou need, 12 to ambition= to achieve (SAIERLE)
rrrrhtie/. tbelettusarejumbledup. 14 to ......your luck = to takea riskthat may leadto
P L Uc K T 16 to ......a search = to oroaniseand starta search
U T L 18 to ......out a scream= to screamIILF)
-1 | N ul IWIRE A K
c L ?^ 2. Now completethefollowing sentences
witb a suitable
i lr,lve HA z A 'h D o uerb,noun or udrband noun.Youmaybaaeto change
the fi L E A/ N tbeform of tbeuerb,
lfe cr UL L A D1 lt's a wonderful university,but I won'tbe ableto go
A tr L A U
o c
thereunlesslwin ascholarship.
2 The Presidentdeniedall the accusations that had
H {t
S URT tr been levelledagainsthim.
3 lt wasthe biggestmanhuntevermounfedby the
,s oolice.
4 l'm nota verybraveperson,so how did I pluckup the
| 8ob is courageto ring her?| got my mumto do it!
wt socially. :o ......up courage= to makeyourself do sthyouare
p. :-aid of doing(UKLPC) 5 In mostcountriesthe President wieldsa oreatdealof
to ,.....a hole in sth = to usesth so muchthatvou power.
ito make
-ake holesin it (ARWE) 6 Nobodyclaimedresponsibility for the attacks.
'rotto ......true = whenan excuse, explanation,etcis 7 The French 2CV was loved and loathedin eoual
'a hole in :fficultto believe (GIRN) measure from the day it waslaunched in 1948.
to ......havoc = to causechaosand/ordamage 8 l've alreadyaskedfor one day off this week.l'd be
-<RWE) pushingmyluck if I askedfor anotherone.
have a lot C
DE { to ......a gu€SS= to guess(AZRHDA) I I don'tbelieve her.Thatpathetic storyaboutherbag
to ......a scholarship= to geta grantby performing beingstolenjust doesn'tflng true.
nger wield tlw
,vellin an examor an interview (N/W) Thehomesupporters werelividandspentthe restof
N to. :10
notto ......yourweight notto do yourfairshareof : the matchhurlingabuseat the referee.
hlp: to get a :
:re workLPLU) : 11 ln a surveyconducteei by the StatisticsBureau,90%
{orming welli-
ryiew to ......responsibility= to officially
saythatyou are of thoseinterviewed saidtheyintendedto vote.
:esponsible for sth badthathashappened (ALCIM) t12 On seeingthespider,shefefaut ascream.
hip to Yale.
to ......put = notto move(ASYII :13 Two peoplewere killedand hundredswere made
causecnaos "'!q to's feelings= to sayor do sthwhichmakes
lage : homelessas hurricaneforce winds wreakedhavoc
sb feelupsetand offended(TRUH) : alongthe SouthFloridacoastline lastnight.
t snov'tfall has to accusationagainstsb = to accusesb of
hroughout the sth(LLEEV)
to ......the flow of sth = to stopsth fromspreading
or developing (ESTM)
2 to ......a new product = to makea new product
available on the market(HLNUCA)
3 to ......class = to deliberately
missa classat school
oruniversity (UfC)
4 to = to discussyourwork- especiallyon a
5 to ......abuseat sb = to shoutinsultsat sb (LHRU)
6 to ......power= to havea lot of powerand influence