Forensic Imaging: Course Code: RAD 432 Pre Requisites: RAD 206/RAD 217 /RAD 316 Credits: 3 (2+1+0)

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College of Health Sciences

Allied health Department

B.Sc. Radiologic Technology program

Forensic Imaging
Course Code: RAD 432
Pre requisites: RAD 206/RAD 217 /RAD 316
Credits : 3 (2+1+0)

Name : Dr. Esameldeen Babikir
Allied Health Building, Room A-328
Phone: +97317435873
Email : [email protected]
Instructor: Dr. ESAMELDEEN
College of Health Sciences
Allied health Department
B.Sc. Radiologic Technology program

Lecture (3)
The Identification of the dead

q Identification of the dead

• Review of Forensic terms
• The need and Importance
• Methods of Identification
• Example cases
q Radiological Identification (Anthropological Parameters)
The Identification of the
Learning outcomes
By the end of this session the student should be able to:
1. Explain the importance of identification of the dead
2. Identify the two methods employed to identify the decedent
3. Outline the most productive tools in identifying mutilated remains
4. Recognize the anthropological parameters used in the radiological identification of
the dead
5. Define the terms autopsy and Morgue
6. Recognize the forensic and clinical purposes of autopsy
7. Differentiate between conventional and virtual autopsy
Review of definitions
Forensic Odontology?
Forensic Engineering?
Forensic Entomology?
Forensic Anthropology?
Forensic Psychology?
Forensic pathology?
Forensic Radiography (Imaging)/ Radiology?
The Identification of the Dead
Importance of identification
q Importance of proper identification of dead bodies
• The solution of legal problems associated with death

• Without a death certificate, which demands an identifiable

decedent family cannot probate wills (legacy issues)

• A spouse cannot remarry until the missing person can

legally be declared dead
The Identification of the Dead
Importance of identification
• In homicides and suspicious cases: detectives have almost no
leads to start an investigation
• Without justice, the family ones of the decedent are also
may be denied closure.
The Identification of the Dead
In practice, two methods are employed to identify the decedent:

(1)Visual review of the remains (Least reliable)

q Photographs of the remains
q Personal effects found either on or about the decedent
by family or friends
q Details such as tattoos on the remains
The Identification of the Dead
(2) Use of documentation on or in the body (certain
anatomic characteristics that can be compared with
similar documentation) (more reliable)

q Fingerprints
q Dental restorations
q Healed features
q Surgical sutures
q DNA profiling
The Identification of the Dead
(2) Use of documentation on or in the body (certain
anatomic characteristics that can be compared with
similar documentation) (more reliable)

When the body has decomposed or has been damaged by fire

or excessive forces preventing visual identification of the
remains, the investigators begins with collecting dental and
medical records, antemortem radiographs, fingerprints, etc. to
speed up the process.
The Identification of the Dead
(2) Use of documentation on or in the body (certain
anatomic characteristics that can be compared with
similar documentation) (more reliable)
The most productive tool in identifying mutilated remains
q Dental records and radiographs .
q Radiographs (Images) of a variety of anatomic regions and
body parts, e.g.
q extremities with healed fractures
q Scout- films of the abdomen with distinctive calcification
The Identification of the Dead

The power of radiographs to establish both the identity

and the cause of death in severely mutilated remains?
The Identification of the Dead
Example Cases
Cases (1)
A badly decomposed, almost skeletonized, remains found
belongs to 46-year-old mentally retarded female disappeared 3
months earlier.
Which method is simple and suitable ?
q Fingerprints ?
q Surgical sutures ?
q DNA profiling
q Dental restorations?
The Identification of the Dead
Example Cases
Cases (1)
q A search for records revealed a
dental x-ray taken some years
prior to her death
q This was compared with the
postmortem radiograph of the
mandible which contained only
one tooth .
q These two findings established
the identity beyond any doubt.
The Identification of the Dead
Example Cases
Cases (2)
q A radiograph of the torso revealed
an irregular beak-like
configuration of the first ribs at the
costochondral junctions (Figure a)
q This matched to those in an
antemortem chest x-ray of the
suspected victim (Figure b).
The Identification of the Dead
Badly decomposed severely
mutilated bodies
In cases of badly decomposed (skeletonized) and severely mutilated
bodies for which there are no antemortem dental records or
radiographs of the remaining body parts the physical anthropologist
may use the evaluation of the age, gender , race, and of the decedent
and thus assist in narrowing the identification process.
The Identification of the Dead
If the skull is present and reasonably intact, an anthropologist
skilled in reconstruction may be able to render a likeness that family
can recognize enough either to identify or to point to other
documents that can lead to a positive identification.
q skilled computer experts may be able to superimpose images
from suitable photographs of the missing person onto images of
the skull and render a reasonable opinion to identity.
The Identification of the Dead
Biochemical genetic markers
When blood is available or enough can be extracted out
of a limb or other body part),
q Traditional serological methods used for typing blood may be
q DNA analysis also used to determine the identity through a
comparison with DNA analyses of relatives.

This method may be the only reliable means of

positively identifying infants and children for whom
no antemortem dental records or radiographs exist.
The Identification of the Dead
Mass disasters
Mass disasters: practical terms means having more bodies that
can be handled (Multiple deaths)
q Extreme care and caution must be exercised at the scene by those
charged with
q All expertise professionals in the various aspects of scene
investigation and body identification must work as a team.
The Identification of the Dead
Anthropological Parameters

q Animal or Human
q Age determination Assignment
q Sex determination
q Determination of race
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy


Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy
Is a surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination
of a corpse by dissection to determine the cause and manner of
death or to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present.

Where the procedure performed?

• Morgue
• Mortuary
• Death-chamber
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy

q Forensic Purposes
q Clinical Purposes
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy
Autopsy (Forensic Purposes)
• Establish the cause of death.
Natural or Unnatural
• Assist in determining the manner of death
(i.e., Homicide, suicide, accident , undetermined ).
• Compare the pre-mortem and postmortem findings.
• Reassure family members.
• Protect against false liability claims and settle
valid claims
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy
Clinical Purposes
• Monitor the public health.
• Assess the quality of medical practice.
• Instruct medical students and physicians.
• Produce accurate vital statistics.
• Identify new and changing diseases.
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy
Virtopsy (Virtual Autopsy):
Modern Technology
e.g., Dental scan and body CT imaging as a screening tool
for identification
Mainly depends on?
(Post Processing)
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy
Virtopsy (Virtual Autopsy):
e.g., The Virtobot is a robotic
system that performs a variety of
tasks in conjunction with the CT
scanner. It allows for automated,
high-resolution 3-D surface
documentation as well as CT-
guided post-mortem tissue
Textbook and References:
1. Knight, B., Forensic Pathology, Oxford University Press, New York, 1991, chap.3.
2. Osler, W., Aequanimitas: With Other Addresses to Medical Students, Nurses and
Practitioners of Medicine, 3rd ed, Blakiston Co., Philadelphia, 1932, chap. 1.
3. Stahl, J., III and Fierro, F., Identification, in Handbook of Forensic Pathology,
Froede, R. C., Ed., College of American Pathologists, Northfield, IL, 1990.

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