Forensic Imaging: Course Code: RAD 432 Pre Requisites: RAD 206/RAD 217 /RAD 316 Credits: 3 (2+1+0)
Forensic Imaging: Course Code: RAD 432 Pre Requisites: RAD 206/RAD 217 /RAD 316 Credits: 3 (2+1+0)
Forensic Imaging: Course Code: RAD 432 Pre Requisites: RAD 206/RAD 217 /RAD 316 Credits: 3 (2+1+0)
Forensic Imaging
Course Code: RAD 432
Pre requisites: RAD 206/RAD 217 /RAD 316
Credits : 3 (2+1+0)
Name : Dr. Esameldeen Babikir
Allied Health Building, Room A-328
Phone: +97317435873
Email : [email protected]
Instructor: Dr. ESAMELDEEN
College of Health Sciences
Allied health Department
B.Sc. Radiologic Technology program
Lecture (3)
The Identification of the dead
q Fingerprints
q Dental restorations
q Healed features
q Surgical sutures
q DNA profiling
The Identification of the Dead
(2) Use of documentation on or in the body (certain
anatomic characteristics that can be compared with
similar documentation) (more reliable)
q Animal or Human
q Age determination Assignment
q Sex determination
q Determination of race
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy
Is a surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination
of a corpse by dissection to determine the cause and manner of
death or to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present.
q Forensic Purposes
q Clinical Purposes
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy
Autopsy (Forensic Purposes)
• Establish the cause of death.
Natural or Unnatural
• Assist in determining the manner of death
(i.e., Homicide, suicide, accident , undetermined ).
• Compare the pre-mortem and postmortem findings.
• Reassure family members.
• Protect against false liability claims and settle
valid claims
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy
Clinical Purposes
• Monitor the public health.
• Assess the quality of medical practice.
• Instruct medical students and physicians.
• Produce accurate vital statistics.
• Identify new and changing diseases.
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy
Virtopsy (Virtual Autopsy):
Modern Technology
e.g., Dental scan and body CT imaging as a screening tool
for identification
Mainly depends on?
(Post Processing)
Identification of Individual
Remains - Autopsy
Virtopsy (Virtual Autopsy):
e.g., The Virtobot is a robotic
system that performs a variety of
tasks in conjunction with the CT
scanner. It allows for automated,
high-resolution 3-D surface
documentation as well as CT-
guided post-mortem tissue
Textbook and References:
1. Knight, B., Forensic Pathology, Oxford University Press, New York, 1991, chap.3.
2. Osler, W., Aequanimitas: With Other Addresses to Medical Students, Nurses and
Practitioners of Medicine, 3rd ed, Blakiston Co., Philadelphia, 1932, chap. 1.
3. Stahl, J., III and Fierro, F., Identification, in Handbook of Forensic Pathology,
Froede, R. C., Ed., College of American Pathologists, Northfield, IL, 1990.