3-Topic 3 Operating Online

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Access school's VLE

Keep up to date with news through RSS feeds

Download & stream music/ films
Keep in touch with friends through email & social networking
Share & back up photos.
Online albums: Photo albums hosted on website.
e.g. Skype
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP): Need fast Internet
e.g. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram
Social networking: Chat, messaging, email, groups
Twitter - microblog
Blogs: Shared online diaries.
Instant messaging (IM): "Talking" in real time by typing messages
Email: Sending messages
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Internet use
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The Internet
A huge network of computers.
Services : World Wide Web (WWW) - HTTP protocol
Connect to Internet  = network interface (NIC) needed -> cable  / Wi-Fi connection +
sign up with Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Selecting an ISP - things to consider:
Cost: monthly fee + set- up cost
Bandwidth: Higher bandwidth = Higher fee.
Download limits: Charge extra if over the limit.
Email and web space: Give email addresses + space to create website
Security: Broadband, always-on, connctions vulnerable. Provide firewall,
antivirus, antispam software + parental controls
Reliability & support:  Check magaxines, online forums + user groups for advice.
Don't communicate as well as face to face.
Reduces travel = lowers costs.
two-way audio & video transmissions:
Video conferencing: 
Security issues - date stored by third party.
No need to buy multiple software licenses.
storing software - data centrally- acccessed anywhere:
Cloud computing:
Over-reliance/ misuse
Aid collaboration.
communicating over Internet:
Email, Instant messaging, VoIP:


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Internet use

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Internet use

Learning on the Internet:

Virtual Learning Environment:

Web-based system - students, parents, teachers communicate in "virtual
Students access tasks + resources uploaded by teachers + Track
Cannot access if no Internet connection.
News websites:
RSS feeds- see latest stories.
Search archives -find old stories.
Over-reliance on news websites > using number of sources for research.
User - generated websites (WIKIs):
websites people add own content :
Up-to-date information source.
Information may be accurate or biased.
Email, instant messaging, VoIP:
Improved / quicker communication.
Possible over-reliance / overuse.
accessing a website or service.
the expectations of users when
e.g. An Acceptable Use Policy sets out
certain locations.
network. e.g. prevent access from
Prevents data from entering a
IP filtering:
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Security measures
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Security measures
Usernames & passwords:
not easily guessed, mixture of numbers, letters, sympols,
uppercase and lower case letters.
Don't write it down + change it regularly.
Challenge-response test:
Security question + "Secret answer"
used to identify yourself is password forgotten.
Captcha: enter letters + numbers shown.
Check form not completed by software "bot"/"web robot"
Assume no software can read letters displayed + enter
them into required system.
Used to protect systems vulnerable to email spam.
commit fraud
location with people that are not known
Not use apps with GPS function that share
Only share screen names with people you
passwords secret
Keep account numbers, usernames and
Minimise details that identify you /
Not post anything online - not made want
Five rules:
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Personal spaces
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Personal spaces
personal websites, online photo albums, forums, blogs, social networking
sites, personal page on VLE / work social media platforms
Personalising by adding:
photos, personal information, texts, weblinks, likes, dislikes, news feeds
Control who has access:
Make online albums private - enetering email addresses of people to have
Don't befriend everyone who sends a friend request
Chack & use privacy settings
Think beofre sharing anything online
secure details
Golden rule: banks never contact you by email asking for
Often urgent tone to hand over information without
Privacy policies: describes website's use of cookies + other
Option to delete all cookies on computer
brower setted to prompt them
Accept / reject some cookies - each time cookie offered
Controlling cookies: major privacy concern
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Preventing misuse
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Information misuse
Overt data collection - know information is being collected
Opening online account: submit personal information -
Reputable companies keep data secure + won't share it -
ask to opt in marketing emails
Paying online: submit financial information - check site is
secure by looking for: https or padlock
Covert data collection - don't know information is being
collected e.g.
Spyware: Hackers install software (Trojans) spy on
Record all key strokes / take pictures of screen
Find out personal / financial information - use to
Impersonal greeting, threat, URL doesn't take you to bank
website, request for personal information

Read all security warnings, licence agreements & privacy
Download programs from trusted websites
sharing programs
Wary of downloading popular "free" music + movie file-
Antispyware protection software
Firewall - prevent spyware - remotely downloaded to

Preventing spyware

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Preventing misuse

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Data Protection Act 1998

Not ask more data than necessary
Not keep data longer than necessary
Data accurate + up-to-date
Not use data for any other purpose without consent.

Data protection rights

Right to look at + check personal data organisation holds abouts you ( can be
charged to access data)
Demand incorrect information amended
Data not used in way that harm / distress you
Data not used for direct marketing
Huge impact on music and film industries
Sent to prison
Internet Service Provider may prevent using Internet
Consequences of illegal file sharing:
allow certain uses of work.
Copyright owners can use Creative Commons licences -
All original work is copyright.
protects people's original work from being used without
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act:
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Computer Misuse Act 1990: three levels of crime
Unauthorised access to computer material:
includes logging with password without permission
stealing documents and programs
Unauthorised modification of computer material:
destroying / corrupting another user's files
modifying system files
creating a virus
Unauthorised access to a computer with intent:
gaining access to financial / administrative records
using information to commit a further crime

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