CH 2-EnvChemistry
CH 2-EnvChemistry
CH 2-EnvChemistry
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3 authors:
Niveta Jain
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
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Cultural heritage and socio economic and educational status of Phayeng village View project
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2.1 Introduction
Environmental chemistry is the study of the chemical and biochemical
phenomena that occur in nature. It involves the understanding of how
the uncontaminated environment works, and which naturally occurring
chemicals are present, in what concentrations and with what effects.
Without this it would be impossible to study accurately the effects
that humans exert on the environment through the release of chemical
species. It is a multi-disciplinary science that, in addition to chemistry,
involves physics, life science, agriculture, material science, public health,
sanitary engineering, and so on. More or less, it is the study of the
sources, reactions, transport, effects, and fate of chemical species in the
air, water, and land, and the effect of human activities upon the various
environmental segments, such as atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere,
and biosphere.
Importance of the environment across the developed countries
was realized in the 1960s and reached its climax in 1970, with the
celebration of “Earth Day” under the auspices of the United Nation.
From 1972 onwards, with the conclusion of the UN Conference on
Human Environment at Stockholm, the important environmental issues
were percolated across India and other developing nations. The need
for environmental education, both formal and non-formal, was keenly
felt at the national level. The objective of environmental education is to
enlighten the public about the importance of protection and conservation
of our environment and about the needs to restrain human activities that
lead to indiscriminate release of pollutants into the environment.
At present, many environmental issues exist that have grown in size
and complexity day by day, threatening the survival of mankind on earth.
The various incidences of such environmental issues include London smog
of 1952—killing about 4000 people, the Mediterranean sea turning into
Dead Sea in the 1950s—unable to support aquatic life, death of a number
of Japanese people because of eating fish from the Minamata Bay in the
1960s, historical monuments and statues in Greece and Italy getting
damaged by the effect of rainwater, white marble of Taj Mahal in India
16 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Atmosphere is a protective blanket of gases surrounding the earth, which
supports life and protects it from the hostile environment of outer space.
Atmosphere absorbs most of the cosmic rays from outer space and a major
portion of the electromagnetic radiation from the sun, and also maintains
the heat balance of the earth. It transmits only near-ultraviolet, visible,
near-infrared (IR) (300–2500 nm), and radio waves (0.14–40 m), and
absorbs energy re-emitted from the earth in the form of IR radiation. It
serves as an insulator against heat loss from the surface of the earth, and
stabilizes weather and climate owing to the heat capacity of the air.
The major gases of the atmosphere are nitrogen and oxygen, while the
minor gases are argon, carbon dioxide, and some trace gases. Atmosphere
is the source of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Several cycles that relate to
the movement of matter between an organism and its environment are
also present in the atmosphere—hydrological cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen
cycle, phosphorus cycle, and many others. It also supplies nitrogen, which
is used by nitrogen-fixing bacteria and ammonia manufacturing plants
to yield chemically bound nitrogen that is essential for life. The details
of these cycles are discussed in the later part of the chapter.
The atmosphere can be divided into the following five concentric layers,
depending on the temperature variations:
(i) Troposphere: In this layer, humans and other organisms live.
(ii) Stratosphere: In this layer, the the temperature is very low,
because of which there are no clouds, dust, or water vapours.
(iii) Mesosphere: In this layer, the temperature drops to about −95°C.
The principal chemical species in the mesosphere are N2, O2, O2+,
and NO+.
Environmental Chemistry 17
Hydrosphere, which covers more than 75% of the earth’s surface, includes
all types of water resources—oceans, sea, rivers, lakes, streams, reservoir,
glaciers, polar ice caps, and groundwater (that is, water below the earth’s
surface). About 97% of the total water available on earth is in the form of
oceans, which cannot be used for human consumption owing to its high
salt content. About 2% of the water resources are locked in the polar
ice caps and glaciers, while only 1% is available as freshwater (surface
water—river, lakes, streams, and groundwater) for human consumption
and other uses. Freshwater is also available in the form of rains, snow,
dew, and so on.
Among all liquid substances, water possesses the highest heat of
fusion and evaporation at ordinary temperature. These properties of
water moderate the temperature of the biosphere. The history of ancient
civilization—growth and decline—is intimately linked with the quantum
of the water supply. The major uses of water are for irrigation (30%) and
thermal power plants (50%), while other uses include domestic (7%) and
industrial consumption (about 12%). Water is also a buoyant medium.
Organisms can survive in it without specialized supportive structures.
Surface water gets contaminated by pesticides and fertilizers from
agricultural run-off water, human and animal wastes in sewage, and
industrial wastes. Salinity in water is one such example. Salinity of
marine water is about 3–3.5%.
This is the outer mantle of the solid earth, consisting of minerals
occurring in the earth crust and the soil. The earth is a cold, spherical
solid planet of the solar system, which spins on its axis and revolves
around the sun, maintaining a certain constant distance. It comprises
a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, air, and water.
18 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Biosphere denotes the realm of living organisms and their interaction
with the environment, that is, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.
Both the biosphere and the environment are influenced by each other
considerably. Thus, the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere depend entirely on the plant kingdom. As a matter of fact,
green plants alone are responsible for the accumulation of oxygen in the
atmosphere, through photosynthesis and decay; the original atmosphere
was devoid of oxygen. The biological world, in general, is intimately
related to the energy flow in the environment and water chemistry. The
interactions among organisms are symbiotic (living together for mutual
benefits) and antagonistic (living together, but at least one is harmed).
Biosphere as a whole supplies us with food, and there exists a cycling
of materials through expiration, excretion, and extinction of the form.
In reference to the field of genetics, a mutagen is a physical or chemical
agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA. A large number
of chemicals may interact directly with DNA. However, many chemicals
such as PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), aromatic amines, and
benzenes are not necessarily mutagenic by themselves, but produce
mutagenic compounds through metabolic processes in cells.
Other chemical species are reactive oxygen species, which include
superoxide, hydroxyl radicals, and hydrogen peroxide. A large number of
these highly reactive species are generated by normal cellular processes,
for example, as by-products of mitochondrial electron transport or
lipid peroxidation. Deaminating agents such as nitrous acid, aromatic
amines (2-acetylaminofluorene), alkaloids, sodium azide, bromine and
its compounds, and alkylating agents such as ethyl nitrosourea, which
transfer methyl or ethyl group to bases or the backbone phosphate
groups, also react with DNA. Guanine when alkylated may be mispaired
with thiamine. Some may cause DNA crosslinking and breakages.
Nitrosoamines are an important group of mutagens found in tobacco;
other alkylating agents include mustard gas and vinyl chloride.
A carcinogen is a substance that is capable of causing cancer in humans
and animals. If a substance is known to promote or aggravate cancer,
but not necessarily cause cancer, it may also be called a carcinogen.
A number of substances have been identified as being carcinogenic.
Some commonly known carcinogens include asbestos, radon and other
radioactive isotopes, certain pesticides, arsenic and other heavy metals,
20 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Pesticides are the chemicals used to protect the crops and fodders from
insects and pests, including rodents and weeds. Biochemical processes
constitute the major mechanism by which pesticides in the environment
are degraded and detoxified. One good example of such pesticides is
DDT, whose biological action on the environment has been studied
most extensively. Like many other insecticides, DDT targets the central
nervous system. DDT dissolves in lipid (fat) tissue and accumulates in the
fatty membrane surrounding nerve cells. This is likely to interfere with
the transmission of nerve cells. The net result is disruption of the central
nervous system, killing the target insect. While DDT is fairly stable and
persists in the environment, the other groups—organophosphates and
carbamates—degrade quite rapidly. The latter react with O2 and H2O,
undergoing decomposition within a few days in the environment.
Food additives
Food additives are chemical substances that are added voluntarily to
food to preserve its flavour or enhance its taste and appearance. Some
additives have been used for centuries, for example, for preserving food by
pickling with vinegar, salting, preserving sweets, or using SO2 gas as in
some wines. Food additives are of both natural and artificial origins.
Parameters of Pollution
The following parameters determine the nature and extent of pollution
in water:
(i) Physical parameters—colour, odour, turbidity, density,
temperature, and so on
(ii) Chemical parameters—pH, total dissolved solids (TDS) and their
ionic composition, suspended solids, dissolved oxygen (DO), residual
chorine, COD, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), redox potential,
radioactive substances, organic materials, metallic ions (including
heavy metals), oxides, by-products of industries, and so on
(iii) Biological parameters—different types of microorganisms,
bacteria, algae, small animals such as protozoa and crustaceans,
and so on
Water Pollutants
Nature and concentration of the pollutants depend upon their sources,
physical and chemical conditions, and reactivity with the surrounding
environment. The large number of water pollutants may broadly be
classified under the following categories:
(i) Organic pollutants—These include degradable and non-degradable
products, as well as disease-causing agents, plant nutrients, sewage,
synthetic organic compounds, and oil. DO is an essential requirement
for aquatic life. Its level in the water body should be 4–6 ppm.
Decrease in this value is an indication of pollution mainly caused by
organic matter, for example, sewage, industrial wastes, and run-off
from agricultural lands
(ii) Inorganic pollutants—These pollutants consist of inorganic salts,
finely divided metal or metal compounds, trace elements, complexes
of metal with organic moiety mineral acid, and so on
Environmental Chemistry 23
Acute radiation exposure is an exposure to ionizing radiation that occurs
during a short period of time. There are routine brief exposures, and the
boundary at which it becomes significant is difficult to identify. Extreme
examples include the following:
Environmental Chemistry 29
Exposure to ionizing radiation over an extended period of time is called
chronic exposure. The term chronic (Greek “khronos” means time)
refers to the duration, not the magnitude or seriousness. The natural
background radiation is chronic exposure, but a normal level is difficult
to determine due to variations. Geographic location and occupation often
affect chronic exposure.
Table 2 Contd...
Parameter Method Reason for testing
the biological status of the water
bodies. Increasing temperature also
increases the rates of chemical reac-
tions taking place in the water.
Increase in temperature is often
associated with hot water discharge
from power stations and industries
pH A pH meter with sensitive The value of pH determines its suit-
electrodes, pH paper, or ability for irrigation, as it measures
Universal Indicator solution the acidity or alkalinity of water.
pH of rainwater is about 5.5–6.6.
Typically, natural water has a pH of
6.5–8.5. A pH <5 (acidic water) is
most damaging to eggs and larvae
of aquatic organisms. Natural alkali-
nity is due to CO2 (g), HCO3−, CO2− 3 ,
and OH−; carbonate rocks such as
limestone and dolomite increase
Turbidity Use a Secchi disc or 500 mL of Turbidity is a measure of water clarity.
water in a measuring cylinder Suspended solids in water can stop light
made to stand on a paper reaching submerged plants and can raise
marked with a black cross water temperature. Suspended solids
that are often present in water include
mud, clay, algae, bacteria, and minerals
such as silica, calcium carbonate, and
ochre (iron oxide). The amount of these
solids can be increased by the discharge
of wastes (domestic sewage, industrial
and agricultural effluents), leaching of
wastes (from mines), and agitation
(dredging or shipping)
TDS Use an appropriate TDS meter. This is a conductivity test of available
Freshwater meters: 0–1990 ppm. ions in the water, including Ca2+, Na+,
Dual-range brackish water meters: K+, Fe2+, Fe3+, HCO3−, and ions cont-
0–19,900 ppm. Salt-water meters: aining P, S, and N. High levels of
to above 35,000 ppm Na+ is associated with excessive
salinity and is found in many
minerals. Potassium is incorporated
into plant materials and is released
into water systems when plant matter
is decayed or burnt
DO Winkler titration method: Divide The DO test measures the current oxy-
the water sample into two parts. gen levels in the water. The DO level
Environmental Chemistry 31
Table 2 Contd...
Parameter Method Reason for testing
Place one part in the dark (for varies with temperature; it is highest in
BOD). To the other part of the the afternoon due to photosynthesis and
sample, add 2 mL MnCl2 (aq.) lowest just before dawn. DO is lowered
+ 2 mL alkaline iodide solution by an increase in temperature (such as
(3.3 g NaOH + 2.0 g KI dissolved by a discharge of hot water from a
in 10 mL distilled water). Shake power station) and increased in aerobic
the sample. Add 2 mL concentr- oxidation (due to increases in organic
ated HCl and shake again. The matter from sewage or due to inorganic
iodine formed is directly fertilizers such as phosphates and nitrate
proportional to the DO. Titrate with over-stimulated algal growth)
50.0 mL of this solution with
0.0125 M sodium thiosulphate
solution using starch as an
indicator. The endpoint is the
disappearance of blue-black
colour. Colorimetric method can
also be used
BOD The first water sample as above BOD measures the rate of consumption
is kept in the dark for 5 days at of oxygen by organisms in the water
the temperature at which the over a period of 5 days. Increases in
sample was collected. Then the BOD can be due to animal and crop
DO is determined using the wastes and domestic sewage
Winkler titration method as
above. Subtract the mass of
oxygen obtained on Day 5 from
the mass of oxygen obtained
on Day 1 to determine the BOD
(mg/L). Unpolluted natural waters
have BOD <5 mg/L.
Treated sewage can have BOD
20–30 mg/L
Salinity Titrate a known volume of the Many aquatic organisms can survive only
water sample with silver nitrate in a narrow range of salt concentrations,
solution (2.73 g AgNO3 per 100 since salt controls their osmotic pressure
mL distilled water), using K2CrO4
as indicator. The endpoint of the
titration is given by the reddening
of the silver chloride precipitate
(AgCl(s)). Volume of AgNO3 used
= chloride content in g/L
Total Perform acid digestion using Total phosphate is used as an indicator
phosphate concentrated H2SO4 and of pollution from run-off in agricultural
test ammonium persulphate. Titrate areas or domestic sewage. Concentra-
with NaOH, using phenolphthalein tions of 0.2 mg/L are common. Concen-
as an indicator. Use few drops trations of 0.05 eutrophication (increas-
32 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Table 2 Contd...
Parameter Method Reason for testing
of H2SO4 to turn the solution ed nutrient mg/L indicate the possibility
clear again. Add ammonium possibility of concentrations) and algal
molybdate solution and then solid blooms are likely. Natural phosphate
ascorbic acid. An intense blue occurs due to decayed organic matter
complex (molybdenum blue) is and phosphate minerals.
formed, which can be measured
colorimetrically at 882 nm
Total Kjeldahl digestion: Digestion with Total nitrogen is an important indicator
nitrogen concentrated sulphuric acid conv- of eutrophic waters, especially for those
test erts the nitrogen into ammonium contaminated by animal wastes, ferti-
sulphate. The solution is then lizer run-off, and domestic sewage.
made alkaline. Liberated ammo- Aquatic nitrogen is essential for the
nia is distilled and determined by growth of organisms and is produced
titration with standard acid by natural processes, decay of prot-
Or eins, action of lightning, and action of
Add Nessler’s reagent (100 g nitrogen-fixing bacteria on ammonia
mercuric iodide + 70 g KI in
100 mL distilled water, and then
add 160 g NaOH in 700 mL
distilled water; dilute the solution
to 1 L) to samples containing
<1 mg/L and measure absorbance
colorimetrically at 425 nm
Hardness Calcium ions, Ca2+—complexo Calcium ions are a major contribu-
-metric titration using EDTA at tor to water hardness and enter
a pH of 12–13 (at this pH, Mg2+ water bodies when water is running
is precipitated and not complexed through rocks containing minerals
with EDTA) such as gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O), calcite
Or (CaCO3), and dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2].
Potentiometric techniques using Hard water has a noticeable taste
selective electrodes and produces precipitates with soaps
or that inhibit lathering and form
Atomic absorption spectroscopy precipitates (scale) in boilers, hot
(AAS) water systems, and kettles. Tempo-
Or rary hardness (or bicarbonate
Gravimetric method—measure hardness) is due to Ca(HCO3)2,
the amount of CaCO3 (s) which deposits CaCO3 (s) as a scale on
precipitated by a known volume boiling the water. Magnesium ion
of 0.02 M Na2CO3 levels are often high in irrigation
Or water and can cause scouring in stock.
Flame test—Ca2+ flame test, a Ca2+ and Mg2+ can combine with Cl–
brick-red colour in a non-luminous and SO42−, causing permanent
Bunsen flame hardness, which cannot be removed
Environmental Chemistry 33
Table 2 Contd...
Parameter Method Reason for testing
Mg —complexometric titration by boiling. Water can be softened by
using EDTA at pH = 10 (both Ca2+ an ion exchange process using a
and Mg2+ will complex with EDTA solid material such as a resin or clay
at this pH. [Mg2+] can be found by that is capable of exchanging Na+ or
subtracting the results of this H+ for Ca2+ and Mg2+
titration from the results of the
first titration)
Potentiometric techniques using
selective electrodes
Microor- Microorganisms in a water sample Many protozoa, bacteria, viruses, algae,
ganisms are counted under a microscope. and fungi are found in natural water
Method for finding the number of systems. Some are pathogenic (typhoid,
coliform organisms in a water cholera and amoebic dysentery can
sample: Pass a known volume result from waterborne pathogens). The
of water sample through a filter excessive growth of algae (called algal
that retains microorganisms. bloom) can degrade water quality
Transfer the filter to a sterile because it lowers DO levels, thereby
petri dish containing appropr- killing other living things. The level of
iate agar and incubate at 35°C bacterial contamination of water due to
for 20–40 h. Also, incubate animal waste is measured by determin-
a control plate with agar only. ing the number of coliform organisms
Colonies will develop on the such as E. coli
filter wherever bacteria are
retained. Count the number of
of coliform colonies either
visually or by using a microscope.
Express these values as
CFU/100 mL
Heavy The precipitation methods of Heavy metals in concentrations above
metals various ions are as follows: trace amounts are generally toxic to
Ni2++ dimethylglyoxime in ethanol living things. Trace amounts (<0.05 mg/L)
turns pink-red of Zn, Cu, and Mn are present in most
Fe3+ + ammonium thiocyanate natural waters. Zn and Cu may be pre-
turns blood-red sent in higher levels in irrigation areas
Cu2+ + dithizone due to the use of galvanized iron,
in 1,1,1-trichloroethane turns copper, and brass in plumbing fixtures
yellow-brown and for water storage. In irrigation
Cd2+ + dithizone in 1,1,1- areas, acceptable levels are 0.2 mg/L
trichloroethane turns blue-violet for Cu2+ and 2.0 mg/L for Zn2+ and Mn2+.
Pb2+ + dithizone in 1,1,1-trichloro- Atomic ethane turns brick-red
Pb2+ + 2KI (aq.) Æ yellow absorption spectrophotometer can
precipitate of PbI2 (s) analyse lower levels more accurately
34 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Table 2 Contd...
Parameter Method Reason for testing
Zn + dithizone in 1,1,
1-trichloroethane turns pink
The popular methods of
acid digestion or DTPA extraction,
followed by AAS, can be employed
Other ions Al3+ + aluminon Æ pink-red A flame photometer can analyse lower
Mg + magneson I Æ light blue levels more accurately
Na+ flame test Æ yellow flame
K+ flame test Æ lilac flame
NH4+ and NH3 + Nessler’s reagent
(100 g mercuric iodide + 70 g KI
in 100 mL distilled water, then
add 160 g NaOH in 700 mL
distilled water, and finally dilute
to 1 L) Æ yellow-brown
NO – + conc. H SO + FeSO Æ
3 2 4 4
brown ring forms at junction
S2– + lead acetate solution Æ
black deposit of PbS SO42– +
BaCl2 (aq.) Æ white precipitate
of BaSO4 (s)
Source Page A L , R H Miller, and D R Keeney. 1982. Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Chemical and
Microbiological Properties, 2nd ed., Agronomy No. 9. Madison, WI: ASA-SSSA.
5/3 Day BOD test for the examination of water and wastewater
The BOD test is a laboratory procedure used to determine the relative
oxygen requirements of clean waters, wastewaters, effluent, and polluted
waters. It measures the oxygen used in the breakdown of organic matter
and in the oxidation of inorganic substances. In other words, this test
measures the potency of a particular pollutant in that it shows the
amount of oxygen which will be removed from water to dissipate each
litre of the pollutant.
Principle: In this method, a bottle is filled with sample and incubated
for 5 days at 20°C or for 3 days at 27°C. DO is measured before and after
incubation. BOD is calculated from the difference between initial and
final DO. Because the initial DO is determined immediately after the
dilution is made, all oxygen uptake is included in the BOD measurement
(Table 4).
Environmental Chemistry 35
Carbon Monoxide
It is one of the most serious air pollutants, poisonous in nature, and
96.5% as heavy as air. Since CO is an odourless gas, its presence in
the air is not detectable during breathing. The main source of carbon
monoxide in the air is automobile exhaust. CO constitutes 80% of all
automobile exhausts. Other sources of CO include combustion processes,
such as stove, open fire, furnace, power plants, factories, coal mines,
and smoke. Its natural sources are various plants and animals. Plants
produce about 15–20 tonnes of CO per year. Breakdown of photosynthetic
pigment in algae also releases some C into the atmosphere. Higher
animals produce some CO during breakdown of haemoglobin and also
from bile juice.
Chemical reactions that release CO in the atmosphere are the
(i) Incomplete combustion of fuel or carbon-containing compounds
2C + O2 Æ 2CO
(ii) A high-temperature reaction between CO2 and carbon-containing
material resulting in the formation of CO (for example, blast
CO2 + C Æ 2CO
(iii) Dissociation of CO2 at high temperature
CO2 Æ 2CO + O
1% dissociation of CO2 occurs at 1745°C.
(iv) Methane produced by the decomposition of organic matter reacting
with hydroxyl radicals (OH*) to yield CO
CH4 + OH* Æ *CH3 + H2O
*CH3 + OH* Æ CH2 + H2O
CH2 + OH* Æ *CH + H2O
*CH + OH* Æ CO + H2
Decomposition of chlorophyll also gives CO:
C35H70MgN4O6 Æ CO + Other products
(v) Production of CO from haemoglobin breakdown in some animals:
CO is the most widespread human poison on record, which can
cause asphyxiation, resulting in instantaneous death. It has 200–
300 times as great affinity for the haemoglobin of the blood as
oxygen. In case of inhalation of CO, carry the patient to fresh air
immediately and do not allow him to walk. Loosen all tight clothing.
Apply artificial respiration if breathing has stopped or is irregular.
Wrap the patient in a blanket to prevent chilling. If the patient is
convulsing, keep him/her in the bed in a semi-dark room; avoid
Environmental Chemistry 37
Particulates are naturally found in the atmosphere in the form of dust,
soot, sand, smoke, pollen, and ash. Combustion of fossil fuel also emits
particulates. Solid- and liquid-phase materials in the atmosphere are
variously referred to as particulate matter, particulates, particles, and
aerosols. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, all refer
to particles with diameters between approximately 1 nm and 10 µm
that remain suspended in the atmosphere for long periods. The greatest
threats to health are associated with the smallest particles because
they have the greatest possibility of getting deposited deep within the
respiratory system. Somewhat counter-intuitively, particles about 1 µm
in size can remain suspended in the atmosphere much longer than
gases, although those much larger than 1 µm in size will quickly settle
out of the atmosphere because of gravity. The smallest particles will
coagulate and coalesce quickly, forming larger particles. But particles of
approximately 1 µm diameter do not grow as quickly as smaller particles
and can remain suspended in the atmosphere for a week or more. It is
not unusual, for example, for Saharan dust or particle plumes from Asia
to be detected in the United States. Consequently, particulate matter
is a continental- to global-scale air pollution problem. Unlike ozone and
other gas-phase pollutants that are specific chemical species, particulate
matter is a collection of chemical species defined mainly on the basis
of particle size. The chemical constituents that make up particulate
matter vary with particle size. Windblown dust is a main contributor
to particles larger than 10 µm in diameter, whereas sulphates, nitrates,
and organic compounds are the main constituents of smaller particles
that can penetrate deep into the respiratory system and engender health
effects. Organic particles can be emitted directly as soot from combustion
processes or can be formed when large hydrocarbon molecules react
with oxidants in the atmosphere and form chemicals that condense onto
particles. Sulphate particles are formed via a series of reactions that
convert sulphur dioxide (SO2), which is released into the atmosphere by
the combustion of sulphur-containing fuels, into sulphuric acid. Nitrate
particles are formed via reactions that convert oxides of nitrogen, which
are released into the atmosphere by combustion processes, into nitric
acid. If particles containing sulphuric acid, nitric acid, and organic
compounds retain their acidity and are washed out of the atmosphere
by rainfall, the rainfall becomes acid rain. The continental and global
scale of air pollution problems is not limited to particulate matter.
38 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Composition of particulates
Particulates include organic and inorganic matters, nitrogen compounds,
sulphur compounds, PAH, several metals, and radionuclides. An estimate
indicates that particulate contaminants contain nearly 22 metallic
elements. The most abundant elements are Ca, Na, Si, Al, and Fe.
Considerable quantities of Zn, Pb, Cu, Mg, and Mn are also present in air.
The concentration of these particulate matters depends upon the nature
of industrial emission. For instance, the level of Pb increases with the
traffic density because lead tetraethyl is added as an antiknock to the
petroleum fuel. Spectrographic studies on the organic fraction conclude
that a variety of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, organic bases,
phenols, cresols, organic acids, carcinogenic compounds, and various
types of complex compounds occur in the atmosphere as particulate
Physical methods involved in particulate formation include the
(i) Dispersion process mainly yields dispersion aerosol, for example,
dusts that are solid dispersion aerosols. Particulates nearly 1 µm
in size are formed by disintegration of larger particles.
(ii) Adhesion of smaller particles by chemical process yields particulates
of size ranging from 10 to 20 µm.
(iii) Natural sources also produce dispersed aerosols from sea spray,
windblown dust, dust during cultivation, volcanic dust, and so on.
(iv) By coagulation, extremely small particles from larger aggregates,
sorption, absorption, adsorption, and chemisorptions also result in
the formation of particulate matter.
Formation of inorganic particulate matter: Inorganic particulates
generally originate from metallic oxides, sulphides, carbonates, and so
on when fuel-containing metals are burned. For instance,
(i) The particulate Fe3O4 is formed during the combustion of pyrites
containing coal.
3FeS2 + 8O2 Æ Fe3O4 + 6SO2
Environmental Chemistry 39
(ii) A part of calcium carbonate in the ash fraction of coal gets converted
to calcium oxide, which is released into the atmosphere through
CaCO3 Æ CaO + CO2
(iii) Organic vanadium in residual fuel oil is converted to particulate
vanadium oxide.
(iv) Lead halides are generated by the combustion of leaded gasoline.
Tetraethyl lead, Pb(C2H5)4, in leaded gasoline combines with oxygen
and halogenated scavengers, dibromoethane, and dichloroethane.
These lead halides emerge through the exhaust system and condense
to form particulates after entering the atmosphere.
(v) Aerosol mists are formed by the oxidation of atmospheric sulphur
dioxide to sulphuric acid, that is, 2SO2 + O2 + 2H2O Æ 2H2SO4.
It forms salts with basic air pollutants such as ammonia or calcium
H2SO4 + 2NH3 Æ (NH4)2SO4
H2SO4 + CaO Æ CaSO4 + H2O
Formation of organic particulate matter: Organic particulate matter
originates mainly from combustion of fuels, automobiles, and vegetation.
Chrysene, benzofluoroethane, benzo-alpha-pyrene, and so on are some
organic particulate matter of carcinogenic nature. PAH compounds
generally occur in urban atmosphere at the level of 20 µg/m3. Such
particulates pose a serious health hazards and lie in the range of 1 µm
size. Aldehyde, ketone, peroxide, epoxide, ester, quinine, and lactones
are found among the oxygenated neutral organic compounds. Organic
acids present in OPM include lauric, palmitic, stearic, myristic, oleic,
linoleic, and behenic. Particulate paraffin is pyrolysed to yield C10H22,
which again disintegrates into fine particles. Oxidized, polymerized
hydrocarbons and nitrogenous azo heterocyclic compounds are released
into the atmosphere from automobile exhaust. PAH compounds remain
absorbed in soot particles. Soot itself is a highly condensed product
of these compounds. A soot particle is composed of several thousands
of interconnected crystallites, that is, graphitic platelets, each having
100 condensed aromatic rings. It consists of 1–3% hydrogen and 5–10%
oxygen due to partial oxidation. Soot particles contain toxic trace metals
such as Be, Cr, Mn, Ni, V, Cd, and Fe and poisonous organic compounds
such as benzo-alpha-pyrene.
At urban scales, air pollution is frequently referred to as photochemical
smog. “Smog” is a contraction of the words “smoke” and “fog” and was
originally used to describe air pollution caused by coal burning in London.
Urban smog is photochemical in nature because many of the chemicals
40 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Sulphur Oxides
The combustion of coal is a man-made source of SO2 and SO3. Volcanoes
also emit SO2.
Reaction of SO2 in the atmosphere
In the atmosphere, SO2 does not remain in gaseous state for a long time.
It reacts with the atmospheric moisture in the presence of sunlight to
from sulphuric acid and comes down on land along with rainwater (acid
SO2 + OH* Æ HSO3
HSO3 + O2 Æ HSO5
HSO5 + NO Æ HSO4 + NO2
In the presence of sunlight, the photochemically generated free radicals
react as a catalyst in these reactions. Thus, sunny weather enhances the
rate of conversion to acid, which decreases rapidly after sunset. HSO4 as
well as NO2 undergoes hydrolysis to form their respective acids H2SO4
and HNO3. Although the actual mechanism of these reactions is not
clear, these seem to occur in the presence of trace metal catalysts or
oxidizing agents such as ozone or hydrogen peroxide. Recent studies have
Environmental Chemistry 41
shown that manganese, and not iron, is the only metal that can act as
a catalyst in cloud droplets.
Sulphur dioxide undergoes several chemical reactions in air, forming
particulate matter and aerosols, which are scavenged from the atmosphere.
The SO2 and SO3 gases are washed down from the atmosphere in the
form of sulphuric acid. The presence of H2SO4 in increasing concentration
in the troposphere is indicated by the increasing and more widespread
occurrence of acid rain. A number of factors such as temperature,
light, intensity, humidity, air traffic, and SPM may influence these
Sulphur dioxide reacts through several ways in the atmosphere, which
are as follows:
(i) Photochemical reactions
(ii) Chemical reactions in presence of NOx and hydrocarbons
(iii) Chemical reactions in water droplets and solid particles
In the photolysis of air containing SO2, olefin hydrocarbons, and NOx,
the rate of oxidation of SO2 has been found to increase, which results in
the formation of aerosols.
Control of SOx pollution
SOx can be reduced and controlled by the following important methods:
(i) Removal of the sulphur from fuel before burning
(ii) Use of low-sulphur content fuel
(iii) Using other energy sources for fuel combustion
(iv) Removal of SOx from fuel gases
(v) Use of natural gases
(vi) Use of nuclear power to generate electricity from power plants
About 15% of SO2 emission is caused by oil combustion. General
fuel oil is distilled over or left as residue in boiler during vaporization.
While refining, the distillate gets separated from the residual mixture,
leaving behind low content of S, which merely accounts for 0.05–0.035%
by weight. Substitution of energy sources is a better technique to solve
SOx pollution problem.
For example, hydroelectric plants do not need any fuel, and so they are
free from SOx pollution. Removal of three forms of S (pyrites, sulphates,
and organic sulphides) from fuel before burning can be achieved by
adopting the physical technique. However, coal can be converted to gases
by gasification process, in which powered coal reacts with stream and
oxygen in a fluidized bed at a high pressure ranging from 600 to 1000
psi. The product formed constitutes H2, CO, CO2, CH4, and H2S. CO and
H2 react to form CH4, thereby reducing the S content. Some refining
processes are also operated in petroleum industry, which lowers the
42 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Photochemical Smog
NOx, in combination with unsaturated hydrocarbons, CO, O3, hydrogen
peroxide, and organic peroxide, forms photochemical smog in the presence
of sunlight. Photochemical reactions are initiated by UV light in the air.
Peroxybenzoyl nitrate is also produced in photochemical smog in the
presence of NO2 and olefins. The smog may have a 50 ppb of PAN also.
Peroxybenzoyl nitrate is 100 times more toxic than PAN and 200 times
as powerful as formaldehyde.
44 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
The most common types of condensers are those using cooling water
in direct contact or indirect contact vessels. Refrigeration and cryogenic
systems are used primarily for the high-efficiency recovery of high-value
contaminants. Condensation systems are used primarily for the control
of high concentrations of organic contaminants.