Bach - Project - Technology

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Project: Technology

You are going to work in groups and present an unusual technological

invention that most people have never heard of.

1. Work in groups. Go to this website* and look at the 20 inventions.
Top 20 greatest inventions of all time - Big Think

2. Choose one invention and find out more information. Then make notes
under these headings. Upload it to Aula Virtual.

Name of invention
Brief description/explanation
Inventor, company or research centre
Implications for the future
Other interesting information
Sources (websites you have searched)

1. Decide together how you are going to contribute to society and come up
with an invention that will make our lives easier. For that, you can draw it or
build it yourselves (anything creative). Write the following notes so that you
help yourselves in describing your amazing invention.

Name of invention Implications for the future

Brief description/explanation Other interesting information
Inventor, company or research Sources (websites you have
centre used)

2. Prepare a PowerPoint (or Canva, Prezi, etc.) where you explain what your
invention is about. Include photographs, drawings or other images if

1. Present your invention to the class in a clear, interesting way. Maximum 5
minutes per group.

*If you don’t find an invention to inspire you at this website, look at this article in the
New York Times about 32 innovative technological advances: -issue.html

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