Submission I - Case Study For PGDDS (Semester II)
Submission I - Case Study For PGDDS (Semester II)
Submission I - Case Study For PGDDS (Semester II)
We have a data set ‘movies_2022’ in which we have to analyse the data on the India net
collection and India gross collection based on several factors.
# Step1 - Import important Libraries
# step3 - collect data information
# step4 - Know the number of unique elements in the object
# step5 - know the number of blank elements and remove the blank elemets in the
# step6 - Observations :
# step7 - Handling missing data
# Data Cleaning is done
# step8 - handling duplicated data.
# step9 - Adding Year-Month column on the basis of 'Released Date' column.
# step8-step9 - Data Transformation Done
# step10 - Some Questions in data set :(Exploratory data analysis)
# importing Libraries for Graph analysis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Step12 – Q1. Which type of Movie Industries released the movies most?
# Bollywood(BLD) Industries released More Movies than any other film industries.
# step13 - Q2. In which month Movies released Most?
sns.countplot(x=movies_data['Month-Year'],order = movies_data['Month-
Year'].value_counts().index).set(title = "Month wise Movies released count")
# Observations :
sns.countplot(x=movies_data['Verdict'],order =
movies_data['Verdict'].value_counts().index).set(title = "Verdict wise Movies released
# Observations :
sns.boxplot(movies_data['India Gross'])
# Observations:
# we can see that film industries done the business at India Gross level approx 1000 cr .
# step16 - Q5. How much film industries done business in India net level?
sns.displot(movies_data['India Net'])
# Observations :
# we can see that film industries done the business at India Net level approx 850 cr .
# step17 - Q6. Please do the analysis on the basid of Movies Industries and Verdict?
1). Bollywood(BLD) Industries released More Movies than any other film industries.
2). In Feb 2022, Maximum number of Movies released.
3). In "None" Categories of Verdict column, Most the movies released.
4). Remaining are in order Disaster, Average, Blockbuster,flop Verdict,Superhit all
Time, Blockbuster, Hit and Plus.
5). we can see that film industries done the business at India Gross level approx 1000
cr .
6). we can see that film industries done the business at India Net level approx 850 cr .
7).Bollywood Industries have maximum Movies "None","Disaster"& "Flop" Verdict.
8). Tollywood Industries have maximum Movies "Average" Verdict.
9). Marathi Film ,Mollywood & Tollywood have equal and maximum count of
Movies in "Blockbuster" Verdict.
10). only Kollywood Industries is in "Plus" Verdict.
11). only Bollywood, Kollywood & Sandalwood film industries have movies in "All
time Blockbuster" Verdict.
12). only Bollywood, Kollywood, Marathi Film & Tollywood have movies in "Hit"
13). only Bollywood, Kollywood, Sandalwood & Tollywood have movies in
"SuperHit" Verdict.