If Nothing Goes Wrong, Hanley1983
If Nothing Goes Wrong, Hanley1983
If Nothing Goes Wrong, Hanley1983
PHYSICIANS frequently must pro- inferences about the size of a risk, maximum malformation risk compat¬
vide patients with estimates of the and (3) the principles of inferential ible with finding none of 112 infants
risk of a particular medical procedure statistics that apply to nonzero with defects in a single study?
or of the probability of a specific numerators apply equally well to zero Example 3.—The final example is
health outcome. To do so, they may numerators. In fact, there is a quick one we will adapt to explain the
use data from their own experiences and simple rule that establishes the inferences that may be made when a
as well as those available in the maximum long-run risk associated zero numerator is found. In a study of
literature. A general goal is to locate with an observation of no effects in a siblings of 167 infants with tracheo-
the estimate within a fairly narrow sample of any given size. esophageal dysraphism (TED), none
problematic. Because the occurrence the inference that might be made tion (1.5 per 1,000 births in the area
of "no events" seems to be viewed as from these data. studied)? Or is a 0/167 rate also
very different both quantitatively and Example 1.—Of 14 boys followed up compatible with a risk that would
qualitatively from the occurrence of for a median of 5'/2 years after make parents of children with TED
one or more events, it is useful to look chemotherapy for leukemia, none had eligible for the prenatal diagnosis of
into someof the statistical and psy- abnormal testicular function (ie, the neural tube defects in subsequent
chological issues that influence the abnormality rate was 0/14).' With pregnancies?
interpretation of a zero numerator. In what risk, if any, of testicular dys¬ Despite differences in focus, the
particular, we would like to empha¬ function might these results be com¬ three examples have the same struc¬
size that (1) a zero numerator does patible? ture: in each study, no adverse ef¬
not necessarily mean "no risk," (2) a Example 2.—The status of 112 live- fects were found—nothing happened.
zero numerator does not preclude born children whose mothers had Only the denominators—the sample
been immunized against rubella was sizes—differ. To illustrate the infer¬
From the Department of Epidemiology and Health studied to assess the risks of gesta¬ ential process employed when there is
(Drs Hanley and Lippman-Hand) and the Centre for
Human Genetics (Dr Lippman-Hand), McGill Univer- tional exposure to the vaccine.2 None a zero numerator, we will use the
sity, Montreal. of the infants born (0/112) had any numbers in the third example and
Reprint requests to Department of Epidemiology consider how these data might be
and Health, McGill University, 3775 University St, congenital malformations associated
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2B4 (Dr Hanley). with congenital rubella. What is the used to evaluate the risk associated
Were this the true risk, then there confident that the chance of this 0.051 "=l+[(ln 0.05)/n]
would be just a 0.1% chance of find¬ event is at most three in n (ie, 3/w). In +[(ln 0.05)V2ii-]+ (2)
other words, the upper 95% confi¬ where In 0.05 refers to the natural loga¬
ing no reactions in a group of 167
dence limit of a 0/n rate is approxi¬ rithm of 0.05. Given that In 0.05 is -2.9957,
patients, and we would express great or —3 when rounded off to two decimal
surprise at an observation as discrep¬ mately 3/w. (This approximation is places, and given an n of 30 or more, the
ant with the "truth" as this. remarkably good: when n is larger terms involving divisors of ri or bigger in
How high we would go with these than 30, the rule of three agrees with the right-hand side of equation 2 make
trial estimates of the true long-run the exact calculation to the nearest almost no contribution (ie, 0.05' is very
risk depends on what might be viewed percentage point; below 30, it slightly close to l-[3/n]).
as our "willingness to be surprised." overestimates the risk, but then the For a 99% confidence interval, the cor-
As such readers might expect, the result¬ standing the limits of the inferences suggested odds of roughly n:l, where
ing answer of 3/n is the same. that can be made with such an obser¬ n was the number of days in the
If we apply this rule to our exam¬ vation is important. series, as a fair bet. For someone
It is interesting that although a betting on sunrise who had less trust
ples, and confine our inferences to the
populations from which the patients finding of 0 events in n observations in nature, odds of w/3:l would be an
can be interpreted in much the same even safer gamble.)
derive, we can conclude with 95% statistical way as any other binomial We urge a reformulation of the
confidence as follows:
Example 1.—The maximum risk of rate, it often seems to have a qualita¬ views of a zero numerator and
abnormal testicular function is not tive impact far in excess of its quanti¬ encourage those reporting such obser¬
tative meaning. A few (sometimes vations to consider the maximum risk
greater than 21% (3/w=3/14=21%)
after chemotherapy. Here, the "cor¬ contradictory) clues in the literature with which their findings are compat¬
rect" upper confidence limit based on may help to explain this: (1) People ible. To this end, the confidence inter¬
0/14 is 19%. Interestingly, this "rule tend to ignore the size of the denomi¬ val is helpful since it translates the
of 14 consecutive failures" is com¬ nators on which rates are based.6 For results of a sample not into a single
monly used in cancer treatment instance, a rate of 10% is given much number, but rather into a range that
research5 to screen out agents that the same credence whether it is is quite likely to contain the rate
are unlikely to show activity in at
observed in 20 or 200 cases. Presum¬ characteristic of the population. Be¬
least one patient in five. ably the same holds for the rate of cause a confidence interval may be
Example 2.—The frequency of mal¬ 0%. (2) People tend to focus on constructed easily from a zero numer¬
formations does not exceed 2.7% in numerators. Parents who have had ator using the "rule of three," we
offspring of women immunized genetic counseling, for example, gen¬ hope that those fortunate enough to
against rubella during pregnancy. erally view their risks in binary form: be able to report "no problems so far"
Example 3.—The frequency of neu¬ something either will or will not will quantify the worst or best that a
ral tube defects is not greater than happen, no matter what the actual group of future patients can expect.
1.8% in siblings of patients with risk is.7 A "one" in the numerator
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