GEC 6 - Art Appreciation: Not For Sale
GEC 6 - Art Appreciation: Not For Sale
GEC 6 - Art Appreciation: Not For Sale
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GEC 6 – Art Appreciation
First Edition, 2021
Copyright. Republic Act 8293 Section 176 provides that “No copyright shall subsist
in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalties.
Borrowed materials included in this module are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to reach and seek permission to use these
materials from their respective copyright owners. The University and authors do not
claim ownership over them.
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Learning Module Development Team
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(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), Position
(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), Position
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Course Overview
Art is not new to us. In fact, in everyday activities, we encounter art. We sense it. We
see it through visual experiences like choosing what color and style of dress to wear,
shoes and bags that would complement it. We are fascinated seeing huge billboards
and amazing cathedrals that push our visual pleasure to higher heights. We hear it.
Putting on earphones and browsing songs from phones can chill us when we are
caught in a traffic jam. We smell it. The aroma of coffee and the smell of our favorite
food that leads to visual experience of the mind on how it looks like in reality and feel
a certain gratification. We taste it. Culinary arts hit the high recognition in our
lifestyle nowadays; our hunger for food arts is dynamic. Gustatory experience eating
street foods like fish balls, squid balls, “kikyam”, bananaque, “kwek-kwek”, “isaw”,
“Betamax”, “isaw”, etc.; eating delicious dumplings, chicken inasal, Halo-Halo, tuna
pesto, etc., from enormous number of food yards, and fine dining restaurants satisfies
our gustatory pleasures. We touch it. We choose texture when buying shirts or clothes
whether it is silk or cotton. The experience of touching the strings of guitar through
strumming and plucking that can eventually produce a musical composition.
All of these experiences draw us all to the conclusion that art is an integral part of us
and is not separated from any of our daily encounter with the world. Art is something
that stimulates valuable aesthetic emotions in us. As we venture into art appreciation,
we, at the certain point, will arrive at a mature level of seeing and appreciating the
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Course General Objectives
At the end of the semester 75% of the students have attained 80 % proficiency level:
1. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of arts in general, including
their function, value, and historical Significance
2. Define and demonstrate the elements and principles of design
3. Explain and evaluate different theories of art
4. situate Philippine arts in a global context
1. Analyze and appraise works of art based on esthetic value, historical context,
tradition, and relevance
2. Mount an art exhibit (concept development, production and postproduction,
marketing, documentation, critiquing)
3. Create their own works of art and curate their own production or exhibit
4. Utilize art for self-expression and for promoting advocacies
1. Deepen their sensitivity to self, community, and society
2. Discover and deepen their identity through art with respect to their
nationality, culture, and religion
3. Develop an appreciation of the local arts
(CMO No. 20 s 2013)
Course Details:
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Learning Management System
Google Classroom
University LMS
Printed Self Learning Module
Major examinations will be given as scheduled. The scope and coverage of the
examination will be based on the lessons/topics as plotted in the course syllabus.
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Module Overview
This module is exclusively intended to the all bona fide students of President Ramon
Magsaysay State University who are taking the course or subject, Art Appreciation.
The course or subject, Art Appreciation is one of the new General Education Course
(GEC) coded as GEC106 by this Institution which is mandated by Commission on
Higher Education(CHED). As stipulated in CHED Memo no. 20, Series of 2013
The general purposes or objectives of Art Appreciation are the following: 1) Improve
students’ ability to appreciate, analyze, and critique the works of art; 2)Equip students
with broad knowledge of experiential, historical, philosophical, psychological, and
social relevance of the arts in order to hone their potential and ability to articulate
their broader understanding of the arts; 3) Develop students’ competency in
researching and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating art
production; and 4) Flourish students’ genuine appreciation for Philippine arts by
providing them opportunities to explore their diversity, richness, and rootedness in
Filipino culture. Hence, for the students to achieve the course objectives, the module
is designed as a self-instructional module. A self-instructional module is a module
design for the students to learn on their own pace. Moreover, in self-instructional
module, students are expected to work on their own pace and accomplish all the
activities before the end of the semester.
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Table of Contents
Production Process
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Art Appreciation
Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
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develop a perspective about
skills and
appreciate the world with
different styles and genres
of art. Also, you are
required to
visit some links indicated in
this module for viewing and
A rt is a highly diverse range of human activities engaged in creating visual,
auditory, or performed artifacts— artworks—that express the author’s imaginative or
technical skill, and are intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.
The oldest documented forms of art are visual arts, which include images or objects in
fields like painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other visual media.
Architecture is often included as one of the visual arts; however, like the decorative
arts, it involves the creation of objects where the practical considerations of use are
essential, in a way that they usually are not in another visual art, like a painting.
Specific Objectives
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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Chapter 3: Meaning and Importance of Art and = 6 hours
Art History (4 hours discussion; 2
hours assessment)
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◦ Art is a subject under humanities (there is no one universal definition
of art since art is subjective). It is subjective in the sense that people
differ in their perception of an object or thing.
◦ Etymologically, art is from an Italian word “artis” defined as human
creative skill. Art includes its application, craftsmanship, skill,
inventiveness, mastery of form, and association of the use of forms and
ideas and the utilization of materials and techniques.
From Aryan civilization, “ar” means to join or put together;
from Latin word “ars” implying ability or skill; and from the Greek
words “artizien” which implies to prepare and “arkiskien” denotes
to put together.
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1. Art is man-made, not God-made
2. Art is creative, not imitative
3. Art benefits and satisfies man-when he uses art in practical life through
artistic principles, taste, and skills.
4. Art is expressed through a certain medium or material by which the
artist communicates himself to his fellows.
Art Appreciation
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Art appreciation can be defined as follows:
Art appreciation is the ability to interpret and understand man-made
arts and enjoy them through actual work experience with art tools and
Art appreciation is the possession of the works of art for one’s
admiration and satisfaction.
Art appreciation refers to the knowledge and understanding of the
general and everlasting qualities that classify all great arts.
Art appreciation is the introduction and exploration of visual and
performing art forms.
Art appreciation is the analysis of the form of an artwork to general
audience to enhance their enjoyment and satisfaction of the works of
Art history is the study of objects of art considered within their time or
period. Art historians analyze visual arts’ meaning (painting, sculpture,
architecture) at the time they were created.
Art Historians develop ways to translate from the visual to the verbal,
through analysis and interpretation, using a number of different approaches and
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In understanding cultures
Visual art recounts stories of our past; it gives an account of past events.
Art history allows us to look back and understand how our civilization evolved
over the centuries. It is a way to know ourselves better. Why do we have certain
values? What shaped the way we think and our vision of the world?
References/Additional Resources/Readings
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Activity Sheet
Activity 1
I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer that corresponds each artist’s definition
of art.
1. Art defines art as not what you see but you make other see.
a. Plato b. Geogia O’ Keeffe c. F. Zulueta d. John
2. Art as an attitude of spirit, a state of mind – one which demands for its own
satisfaction and fulfilling, shaping matter to new and more signification forms.
a. Amy Lowell b. Plato c. C. Sanchez d. F. Zulueta
3. Art is a product of man’s need to express himself.
a. C. Sanchez b. Amy Lowell c. Geogia O’ Keeffe d. Plato
4. Art is never finished, only abandoned.
a. F. Zulueta b. C. Sanchez c. Leonardo Da Vinci d. John
5. Art is desire of a man to express himself, to record the action of his personality in the
world he lives in.
a. Amy Lowell b. Plato c. John Dewey d. Geogia O’ Keffe
6. Art is a life that helps us to realize the truth
a. Leonardo Da Vinci b. Plato c. Amy Lowell d.Pablo Picasso
7. Art is that which brings life in harmony with the world
a. Plato b. Leonardo Da Vinci c. F. Zulueta d. C. Sanchez
8. Art concerned itself with the communication of certain ideas and feelings and
by means of form and film.
a. Pablo Picasso b. John Dewey c. C. Sanchez d. F.
9. Art is the skillful arrangement or composition of some common but significant
qualities of nature such us colors, sounds, lines, movements, words, stones,
wood, etc., to express human feelings, emotions, or thoughts in a perfect,
meaningful, and enjoyable way.
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a. John Dewey b. Panizo and Rustia c. Lisa Morder d.
10. Art is the conscious creation of something beautiful or meaningful using skill
and imagination.
a. Lisa Morder b. Plato c. F. Zulueta d. Panizo and
Activity 2
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Activity 2. Each question will be graded based on this five (5) point rubric.
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Learner’s Feedback Form
Program : ___________________________________________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
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To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
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Art Appreciation
Chapter 2
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Chapter 2
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develop a perspective about
skills and
appreciate the world with
different styles and genres
of art. Also, you are
required to
visit some links indicated in
this module for viewing and
T he essential nature of art is meant to portray the daily lives of the people in that
culture. It shows what the people think is important, beautiful, and valid. It expresses
the emotions that the artists feel, and it provides decoration through his medium.
Specific Objectives
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Chapter 3: Assumption and Nature of Arts: = 3 hours
Creativity & Imagination (2 hours discussion; 1 hour
Art is a reflection of people and their social context. It also unifies differences
and brings awareness. Countries around the world create cultural exchange programs
through art to develop mutual understanding between different cultures, countries, and
people. Separation in art is equal to separation in society.
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2) Art is not Nature. In understanding this assumption, we should first
see the meaning of the two terminologies.
Art is made by man using his skills, craftsmanship, creativity and
imagination. It is far different from nature. Man may consider nature as an
inspiration to create an artwork.
Nature- Divine model, work of God, or God made.
We are often caught in a dilemma or situation wherein we get confused if we
can consider nature as art. Art and nature are two different things, art is not
nature and nature is not art. Art is man-made and nature is God-made.
3) Art involves Experience. All art requires experience. Experience is
the actual doing of something. One can never experience art just by hearsay
alone. One cannot judge a song or painting not unless he heard or saw it in an
actual sense. No one can speak of pains and hurt from a failed relationship, the
heightened emotions of falling in love not unless he experienced it for
himself. The first and last demand of art is experience.
Two Characteristics of Experience:
1. Experience of art is subjective. Our judgement of art is highly
personal and individual. Any claims that his/her experience
with art is better than others proves to be impossible. Not
everybody will agree with our own experience with art.
2. Art experience is accompanied by emotional response. Initial
reaction in such experience of art is inevitable. We may either
like or dislike it. We can say that it’s beautiful or it’s not good
at all. Others will say it’s frustrating, and some will say it’s
great. For this reason, our reaction to arts differ from one
4) Art is cultural. Art contributes to the understanding of past and
present cultures. Through art, people learn about their culture’s values and
strengthen their culture’s identity. Through art, the people feel proud of their
customs, traditions, and beliefs because they give sense of belonging.
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References/Additional Resources/Readings
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Capili, M. F. (2010) HUMANITIES: Art Apprecaition. Plaridel Bulacan: TCS-
Publishing House.
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Activity Sheet
Directions: In the first column of the table below, list down your most striking
encounters with arts. On the second column, explain why you think each encounter is
an experience.
My Encounter with Arts Why?
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Activity 1&2. Each question will be graded based on this five (5) point rubric.
Well written and very organized.
Clear and concise statements.
5 - Outstanding
Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
Writes fairly clear.
4 – Good Good presentation and organization.
Sufficient effort and detail.
Minimal effort.
3 – Fair Fair presentation.
Few supporting details
Somewhat unclear.
Shows little effort.
2 – Poor
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.
Very unclear.
1 - Very Poor Does not address topic.
Limited attempt.
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Assignment (if any)
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Learner’s Feedback Form
Program : ___________________________________________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
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To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
teacher (within the 1st week of the class).
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Art Appreciation
Chapter 3
Elements of
Visual Arts
Principles of
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Chapter 3
Elements of Visual Arts
Art has been created by all people at all times, in all countries, and it lives
because of its well-liked and enjoyed. If you want to appreciate art, you should first
experience it.
The discussions here will be taken for a week to give you information about the
arts' basic concepts and ideas. It also aims to develop a perspective about skills and
appreciate the world with different styles and genres of art. Also, you are required to
visit some links indicated in this module for viewing and reading.
Art is a highly diverse range of human activities engaged in creating visual, auditory, or
performed artifacts— artworks—that express the author’s imaginative or technical skill, and
are intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.
The oldest documented forms of art are visual arts, which include Line – Just look around
you and you’ll see lines everywhere. Thick and thin. Short and long. Straight and curved. Zig-
zagged.Shape – The next step up from a line is a shape. Circle. Triangle. Square. Trapezoid.
Blob. (Sounds like we’re back in geometry class, except for that last one!) Form – A form is
a shape with dimension. Whether it’s an actual object or a drawing of something that is
rendered to look like it’s 3-D.Texture – Smooth, rough, bumpy, jagged, shiny, dull.Space –
Space is a bit tricky, especially when you’re thinking in terms of a “flat” painting. Essentially,
space is the area taken up by an object. However, often artists will use “negative space” (the
space around an object) in their work. Color – As opposed to a “neutral” such as gray, black,
or white.Value – The lightness or darkness of an object.
Specific Objectives
Chapter 2: Elements of visual arts = 12 hours
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(6 hours discussion; 6 hours
Whenever we see an art object, we cannot fail to notice several things: shape or
form, texture, space, and lines which the artist used in expressing his ideas. These are called
the elements of visual arts.
Horizontal lines are straight lines parallel to the horizon that move from left to
right. They suggest width, distance, calmness, and stability.
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Zigzag lines are a series of diagonal lines joined at ends. They can convey
action and excitement, as well as restlessness and anxiety.
Variations of Lines
Lines come in many varieties. They may:
be long, short or anything in between
be thick, thin
continuously change width
be smooth or rough
be continuous, implied, dotted, dashed
be any of the above combined
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Gestural line drawing: These drawings use quick pencil strokes (or other
drawing instruments) to capture a scene. Gestural drawings imply action and
Hatching Cross-Hatching
Hatching is created when non-crossing lines are used to indicate the value
on or around an object. When hatching is used, the lines drawn generally go in the
same direction and are mostly parallel with each other. When cross-hatching is
used, the artist may begin adding value as hatching, but then allow the lines to
cross over each other. The more that the lines cross over each other, the darker
the value becomes.
Types of Shapes
Geometric Shapes
Can be described using mathematical terms
They are very regular or precise
They are more often found in man-made things because they are easier to
reproduce and make things with
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Examples of geometric shapes are squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, oval,
pentagons and so on.
Organic Shapes
are difficult to describe using definitons
are irregular or uneven
are more often found in nature
Example could include the shape of clouds, puddles, trees, leaves, rocks and
so on.
3. Form – Form relates closely to line in both definition and effect. Form is very
similar to the element of design shape. The difference is that the term form is
used in artwork that has three dimensions instead of two as shapes. The three
dimensions are length, width and depth.
Types of Form
Geometric Forms
Geometric forms are mathematical, precise, and can be named,
as in the basic geometric forms. Since they are three-dimensional (3D)
instead of two dimensional, they are objects such as cubes, cylinders,
cones and spheres. They are often the type of form that human-made
objects are constructed with.
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Sculpture is the term most often used for art that is made using
three-dimensional media. Media (plural) or medium (singular) is the
material that is used to make art. Here are some common media used
for 3D design:
clay string
woo cardboard
d fibers
ston cloth
e plaster
cast papier mache
4. Color – Color constitutes an additional and very important aspect of the
composition of an artwork. Of all the Elements of Design, color is probably
the most challenging to understand. We have to learn a little science to fully
understand the nature of color. Color has three main properties: hue, value and
Color originates from a light source, that is either view directly or
as reflected light. Daylight or white light contains light waves for all
colors. There is no color without light. The absence of light is
complete darkness or black. The colors that are always in the same
order are called the Color Spectrum. When organized in order around
a circle; the color spectrum is called Color Wheel.
The primary colors are red, yellow and blue in the art world. They
are considered primary colors because they cannot be made from mixing other
colors but they may be mixed to make most other colors. Black and white can
also be added to create additional colors.
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way to remember this is to mix a primary with only one of the secondary
colors that it has in it.
For example, yellow is used to make secondary colors green and
orange, so only green and orange can be mixed with yellow to get an
intermediate color. Each primary color had two secondary colors choices that
may mix to produce an intermediate color.
Properties of Color
1. Hue: Hue is the name of a pure color, such as red, blue, or yellow.
2. Value: Value is the lightness or darkness of a hue (color). The value of a
hue can be changed by adding black or white. Light values of colors are
called tints. Darker values of colors are called shades.
3. Intensity: Intensity is the brightness or dullness of a hue (color). Pure hues
are high-intensity colors. Dull hues are low-intensity colors. Intensity of color
is changed by adding varying amounts of its complimentary color.
For example, to make a bright green duller a little bit of red could be added to
Warm colors: Colors that remind us of things that are warm; they are
red, yellow and orange.
Cool colors: Cool colors remind us of things we associate with cold or
coolness; they are blue, violet and green.
5. Space – Space refers to the area within, around, above or below an object or
objects. It is important to creating and understanding both two-dimensional or
three-dimensional works of art.
With three-dimensional art, the space things occupy is real as is the
space around object. In two-dimensional art, this is definitely not the case.
Two-dimensional art exists on a flat surface, so if something looks three-
dimensional - it is an illusion. Even the most realistic paintings or photographs
are illusions.
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Two-dimensional artists use a number of "tricks" for creating the
illusion of depth in their art.
There are five ways to create the illusion of space on a 2-Dimensional surface:
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Texture refers to the surface quality in a work of art. We
associate textures with the way that things look or feel. Everything has
some type of texture. We describe things as being rough, smooth,
silky, shiny, fuzzy and so on.
Some things feel just as they appear; this is called real or
tactile texture. Some things look like they are rough but are actually
smooth. Texture that is created to look like something it is not, is
called visual or implied texture.
Real/Tactile Texture
Tactile texture is the way
a surface actually feels, such as
sandpaper or tree bark.
Implied texture is the
way the surface of an object
“looks” like it feels.
This is created with different pencil and brush or other drawing media
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Principles of Design
The principles of design are the rules a designer must follow to create an effective and
attractive composition. The fundamental principles of design are Emphasis, Balance
and Alignment, Contrast, Repetition, Proportion, Movement and White Space.
Design differs from art in that it has to have a purpose. Visually, this functionality is
interpreted by making sure an image has a center of attention, a point of focus. Maybe
you’re thinking, ‘But wait! I thought design was all about creativity?’ If you’re an
entrepreneur or designer who’s just starting out, you might be tempted to go wild and
combine the first five typefaces and colors that catch your eye, believing you’re
creating something fresh and new. You will probably find yourself with a design that
is muddled, unfinished, or well, just plain ugly.
Graphic design, like any discipline, adheres to strict rules that work beneath the
surface to make the work stable and balanced. If the work is missing that balance, it
will be weak and ineffective.
This article will take you through 7 basic principles of design that will make your next
project stand out.
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Poster design by miai313 for Handel’s Messiah Rocks
Say you’re creating a poster for a concert. You should ask yourself: what is the first
piece of information my audience needs to know? Is it the band? Or the concert
venue? What about the day and the cost of attending?
Make a mental outline. Let your brain organize the information and then lay out your
design in a way that communicates that order. If the band’s name is the most essential
information, place it in the center or make it the biggest element on the poster. Or you
could put it in the strongest, boldest type. Learn about color theory and use strong
color combinations to make the band name pop.
Like writing without an outline or building without a blueprint, if you start your
composition without a clear idea of what you’re trying to communicate, your design
will not succeed.
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Poster design by Shwin for Rumspringa
Never forget that every element you place on a page has a weight. The weight can come from
color, size, or texture. Just like you wouldn’t put all your furniture in one corner of a room,
you can’t crowd all your heavy elements in one area of your composition. Without balance,
your audience will feel as if their eye is sliding off the page.
Symmetrical design creates balance through equally weighted elements aligned on either side
of a center line. On the other hand, asymmetrical design uses opposite weights (like
contrasting one large element with several smaller elements) to create a composition that is
not even, but still has equilibrium.
Symmetrical designs are always pleasing, if not occasionally boring. Asymmetrical designs
are bolder and can bring real visual interest and movement (more on that later!) to your
3. Contrast
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Contrast is what people mean when they say a design “pops.” It comes away from the page
and sticks in your memory. Contrast creates space and difference between elements in your
design. Your background needs to be significantly different from the color of your elements
so they work harmoniously together and are readable.
If you plan to work with type, understanding contrast is incredibly essential because it
means the weight and size of your type are balanced. How will your audience know
what is most important if everything is in bold?
As you seek out examples of really strong, effective design, you’ll notice most designs only
feature one or two typefaces. That’s because contrast can be effectively achieved with two
strong fonts (or even one strong typeface in different weights). As you add fonts, you dilute
and confuse the purpose of your design.
4. Repetition
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If you limit yourself to two strong typefaces or three strong colors, you’ll soon find
you’ll have to repeat some things. That’s ok! It’s often said that repetition unifies and
strengthens a design. If only one thing on your band poster is in blue italic sans-serif,
it can read like an error. If three things are in blue italic sans-serif, you’ve created a
motif and are back in control of your design.
Repetition can be important beyond one printed product. Current packaging design is
heavily embracing beautiful illustrated patterns. Anyone thinking about a startup
knows one of the first things you need is a strong logo to feature on your website,
business cards, social media and more. Brand identity? Another term for repetition.
5. Proportion
Proportion is the visual size and weight of elements in a composition and how they
relate to each other. It often helps to approach your design in sections, instead of as a
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Grouping related items can give them importance at a smaller size—think of a box at
the bottom of your poster for ticket information or a sidebar on a website for a search
bar. Proportion can be achieved only if all elements of your design are well-sized and
thoughtfully placed. Once you master alignment, balance, and contrast, proportion
should emerge organically.
6. Movement
Going back to our concert poster. If you decided the band was the most important
piece of information on the page and the venue was the second, how would you
communicate that with your audience?
Movement is controlling the elements in a composition so that the eye is led to move
from one to the next and the information is properly communicated to your audience.
Movement creates the story or the narrative of your work: a band is playing, it’s at
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this location, it’s at this time, here’s how you get tickets. The elements above—
especially balance, alignment, and contrast—will work towards that goal, but without
proper movement, your design will be DOA.
If you look at your design and feel your eye get “stuck” anywhere on it—an element
is too big, too bold, slightly off-center, not a complimentary color—go back and
adjust until everything is in harmony.
7. White space
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Poster design for pmoretti
All of the other elements deal with what you add to your design. White space (or
negative space) is the only one that specifically deals with what you don’t add. White
space is exactly that—the empty page around the elements in your composition. For
beginning designers, it can be a perilous zone. Often simply giving a composition
more room to breathe can upgrade it from mediocre to successful.
White space isn’t sitting there doing nothing—it’s creating hierarchy and
organization. Our brains naturally associate ample white space around an element
with importance and luxury. It’s telling our eyes that objects in one region are
grouped separately from objects elsewhere.
Even more exciting, it can communicate an entirely different image or idea from your
main design that will reward your audience for engaging with it. The logo above uses
active negative space to communicate multiple ideas in one fun, creative design.
A design doesn’t have to strictly follow these rules to be “good.” Some absolutely
mind-blowing designs ignore one or more of the principles of design in order to create
an eye-catching and effective work.
The Bed Moved by Rebecca Schiff. Designed by Janet Hansen for Knopf
Consider the cover of “The Bed Moved” by Rebecca Schiff, designed by Janet
Hansen. This was one of the most lauded book covers of 2016.
But did you immediately read the first line as “Theeb?” Did your eye jump to the
bottom line where the M from “Moved” is isolated on a different line than the rest of
the word? The design is clearly breaking the two rules of movement and alignment.
But! Because of the designer’s confident use of a bold contrasting color scheme and a
repetitive structure, your eye is easily guided to the title and author of the book.
The elements of a design should be viewed as moving parts which combine to tell a
story. As you approach your design project you must first familiarize yourself with
these principles of design. Only then will you be able to break the rules to create your
own signature style.
55 | P a g e
References/Additional Resources/Readings
56 | P a g e
57 | P a g e
Activity Sheet
58 | P a g e
59 | P a g e
Activity 1. Each question will be graded based on this five (5) point rubric.
Assignment (if any)
Excellent Good Satisfactory Need
(4 points) (3 points) ( 2 points)
( 1 points)
Use of You used your You used your You used some You did not used
Creativity own ideas and own ideas most imagination. your own ideas
imagination. of the time. or imagination
Skills The art work is The student The student The student
outstanding and showed above showed average showed poor
was finished average craftsmanship craftsmanship or
with a great craftsmanship and lack of
deal of and understanding. understanding.
patience. understanding.
Effort put You took your You worked You put a small You rushed
into Project time and hard for most of effort into the through and did
worked hard on the time. project. not work hard.
the project
60 | P a g e
Learner’s Feedback Form
Program : ___________________________________________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
61 | P a g e
To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
62 | P a g e
Art Appreciation
Chapter 4
63 | P a g e
Works of art have subject, form and content. We often identify a work by
its subject: a landscape painting, a sculpture of a young woman, a lithograph of a cat.
In art, the definition of the subject is referring to the main character, object, or
anything else that is presented as the main focus in the work of art. To a majority of
people, the appeal of most works of art lies in the representation of familiar objects.
Their enjoyment of painting, sculpture and literature comes not from their perception
of the meaning but from the satisfaction they get out of recognizing the subject or
understanding the narrative content.
The subject of art refers to any person, object scene or event described and
represented in a work of art.
-Representational or objective
arts that have a subject (e.g painting, sculpture, graphic arts, literature and
theatre arts)
-Non-representational or Non-Objective
The manner of representing subject varies according to the intent and inventiveness
of each artist.
– Realism – when things are depicted in the way they would normally appear.
– Abstraction – it is the process of simplifying and/or reorganizing objects and
elements according to the demands of the artistic expression.
– Distortion – is when the figures have been so arranged that proportions differ
noticeably from natural measurements.
– Surrealism – it is realism plus distortion.
64 | P a g e
• Practically everything under the sun is raw material for the artist to draw his
subjects from.
• Most, if not all, of the visual arts are representations of what the artist thought
and felt about the world they lived in. Or they are representations of things the artists
imagined or dream about.
• Whatever subject an artist chooses, his choice involves some personal
• Things that affect an artist’s choice of subject
– Medium
– Time in which he lives and or the patronage he gets
– Developments in Science and Technology
• The value of a work of art does not depend on the artist’s choice of subject. It
does not mean that the more profound the subject, the greater the work of
art. Rather, the worth of any representational work of art depends upon the
way the subject has been presented.
• How a work of art is to be appreciated and assessed, it has been agreed has
more to do with the way in which its subject or theme is presented than with
what is presented.
Form (or design), is the visual organization of the art work -how the artist has used
line, shape, value, color, etc.
Geometric forms are most often found in architecture and the built environment,
although you can also find them in the spheres of planets and bubbles, and in the
crystalline pattern of snowflakes, for example.
Organic forms are those that are free-flowing, curvy, sinewy, and are not
symmetrical or easily measurable or named. They most often occur in nature, as in the
65 | P a g e
shapes of flowers, branches, leaves, puddles, clouds, animals, the human figure, etc.,
but can also be found in the bold and fanciful buildings of the Spanish
architect Antoni Gaudi (1852 to 1926) as well as in many sculptures.
Form in Sculpture
Form is most closely tied to sculpture, since it is a three-dimensional art and has
traditionally consisted almost primarily of form, with color and texture being
subordinate. Three-dimensional forms can be seen from more than one side.
Traditionally forms could be viewed from all sides, called sculpture in-the-round, or
in relief, those in which the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid background,
including bas-relief, haut-relief, and sunken-relief. Historically sculptures were made
in the likeness of someone, to honor a hero or god.
The twentieth century broadened the meaning of sculpture, though, heralding the
concept of open and closed forms, and the meaning continues to expand today.
Sculptures are no longer only representational, static, stationery, forms with a solid
opaque mass that has been carved out of stone or modeled out of bronze. Sculpture
today may be abstract, assembled from different objects, kinetic, change with time, or
made out of unconventional materials like light or holograms, as in the work of
renowned artist James Turrell.
Sculptures may be characterized in relative terms as closed or open forms. A closed-
form has a similar feeling to the traditional form of a solid opaque mass. Even
if spaces exist within the form, they are contained and confined. A closed-form has an
inward-directed focus on the form, itself, isolated from ambient space. An open
form is transparent, revealing its structure, and therefore has a more fluid and dynamic
relationship with the ambient space. Negative space is a major component and
activating force of an open form sculpture. Pablo Picasso (1881 to 1973), Alexander
Calder (1898 to 1976), and Julio Gonzalez (1876 to 1942) are some artists who
created open form sculptures, made from wire and other materials.
Henry Moore (1898 to 1986), the great English artist who, along with his
contemporary, Barbara Hepworth (1903 to 1975), were the two most important
British sculptors in modern art, both revolutionized sculpture by being the first to
pierce the form of their biomorphic (bio=life, morphic=form) sculptures. She did so in
1931, and he did in 1932, noting that “even space can have form” and that “a hole can
have as much shape meaning as a solid mass.”
For example, assuming a single light source on a sphere, the highlight is where the
light source hits directly; the mid-tone is the middle value on the sphere where the
light does not hit directly; the core shadow is the area on the sphere that the light does
not hit at all and is the darkest part of the sphere; the cast shadow is the area on
surrounding surfaces that is blocked from the light by the object; reflected highlight is
light that is reflected back up onto the object from the surrounding objects and
66 | P a g e
surfaces. With these guidelines as to light and shading in mind, any simple shape can
be drawn or painted to create the illusion of a three-dimensional form.
The greater the contrast in value, the more pronounced the three-dimensional form
becomes. Forms that are rendered with little variation in value appear flatter than
those that are rendered with greater variation and contrast.
Historically, painting has progressed from a flat representation of form and space to a
three-dimensional representation of form and space, to abstraction. Egyptian painting
was flat, with the human form presented frontally but with the head and feet in
profile. The realistic illusion of form did not occur until the Renaissance along with
the discovery of perspective. Baroque artists such as Caravaggio (1571 to 1610),
explored the nature of space, light, and the three-dimensional experience of space
further through the use of chiaroscuro, the strong contrast between light and dark. The
portrayal of the human form became much more dynamic, with chiaroscuro and
foreshortening giving the forms a sense of solidity and weight and creating a powerful
sense of drama. Modernism freed artists to play with the form more abstractly. Artists
such as Picasso, with the invention of Cubism, broke up the form to imply movement
through space and time.
Analyzing an Artwork
When analyzing a work of art, a formal analysis is separate from that of its content or
context. A formal analysis means applying the elements and principles of art to
analyze the work visually. The formal analysis can reveal compositional decisions
that help to reinforce content, the work’s essence, meaning, and the artist’s intent, as
well as give clues as to historical context.
For example, the feelings of mystery, awe, and transcendence that are evoked from
some of the most enduring Renaissance masterpieces, such as the Mona
Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci, 1517), The Creation of Adam (Michelangelo,
1512), the Last Supper (Leonardo da Vinci, 1498) are distinct from the formal
compositional elements and principles such as line, color, space, shape, contrast,
emphasis, etc., the artist used to create the painting and that contribute to its meaning,
effect, and timeless quality.
Content is the impact or meaning of this work.
Definition of Subject
In art, the definition of the subject is referring to the main character, object, or
anything else that is presented as the main focus in the work of art.
67 | P a g e
The subject can appear in the center of the piece, or in any other part of it, but
it is always the most recognizable thing in the entire work of art, regardless of its size.
This center of attention will be recognized whether it is a commonly known thing, or
because it can be seen in context alongside the rest of the work of art. For example, in
a photograph of a dog running on the beach, the dog would be the subject, because it
is the most recognizable component in the picture.
In conclusion, the subject is the most recognizable part of the work of art.
Definition of Content
Content is the message given by the piece of art. It involves the subject, the
techniques used to make the piece, the colors used, and anything that was used by the
artist to make a statement and give a message.
Have you now a better knowledge about the differences between subject and content?
Let’s recap what we’ve learned so far:
Definition The main object in an artwork The meaning of the work of art
Is one of the parts of a work of Involves and unifies all parts of the
In the work of art
art artwork
68 | P a g e
Conclusion of the Main Difference Between Subject vs Content
Pieces of art are at least composed of 3 parts: subject, form, and content, and normally
it is easy to confuse the subject and the content. But now you know that they are 2
different things.
The content involves all the parts of a work of art, and this includes the subject,
making it a part of the content. This means that the content can be seen as a macro
element on the piece, whereas the subject can be seen as a microelement on the
1. Factual Meaning- the literal statement or the narrative content in the work which
can be directly apprehended because the objects presented are easily recognized
2. Conventional Meaning- refers to the special meaning that a certain object or
color has a particular culture or group of people.
Examples: Flag- symbol of a nation, cross
for Christianity, crescent moon - Islam
3. Subjective Meaning- any personal meaning consciously or unconsciously
conveyed by the artist using a private symbolism which stems from his own
association of certain objects, actions or colors with past experiences.
A horse's head is the subject of both works (below). However, the artists have
used form very differently. Picasso's painting (left) has gestural lines, high value
contrast, and exaggerated proportions to create a highly emotional content.
Conversely, the harmonious rhythms and more naturalistic proportions in the ancient
Greek sculpture create a very different feeling. The differences in content were
created by the differences in form, not the subject matter. The decisions you make
regarding form (type of line and shape; selection of value and color; size of the work;
type of balance, etc.) shape the work's impact and meaning.
69 | P a g e
In the first column of the table below, list down your most striking encounters with
arts. On the second column, explain why you think each encounter is an experience.
70 | P a g e
B. Let’s Work on this
1. If you were an artist, what kind of artist would you be? Why?
71 | P a g e
2. Why does art involve experience?
72 | P a g e
James Turrell,
Art Appreciation
73 | P a g e
Chapter 5
Functions of Art
Functional and Non-
Functional Arts
74 | P a g e
Chapter 4
75 | P a g e
develop a perspective about
skills and
appreciate the world with
different styles and genres
of art. Also, you are
required to
visit some links indicated in
this module for viewing and
T he definition of art remains controversial and multifarious, but the diverse
functions of art get better once you allow your conscience to absorb and understand
diverse perspectives that art offers.
The purposes, motivations, intentions, and inspirations behind the art are endless.
Being one of the most creative ways of expressing human experience, we have used
art as a means of telling stories. May it be the story of a single person, of a
community, or of a nation, art has in many ways contributed to the beautiful way
these stories are told.
Specific Objectives
76 | P a g e
Ideally, one can look at a piece of art and guess with some accuracy where it came
from and when. This best-case scenario also includes identifying the artist because
they are in no small way part of the contextual equation. You might wonder, "What
was the artist thinking when they created this?" when you see a piece of art. You, the
viewer, are the other half of this equation; you might ask yourself how that same piece
of art makes you feel as you look at it.
The functions of art normally fall into three categories: physical, social, and personal.
These categories can and often do overlap in any given piece of art. When you're
ready to start thinking about these functions, here's how.
77 | P a g e
Ex. Fernando Amorsolo, painted “Mango Pickers, 1936” (and others to
showcase the life and real experience of Filipinos working in the field and for
some audience to appreciate the beauty of nature.
Ex. Some OPM singers render concerts for free because of their
passion for music and because of their generosity.
2. Social Function. As a social being, man associates with those around him.
Art is an avenue to extend his sense of belongingness and connection with
people. Through art, man learns to love and help each other. Art gathers
man as one family and community, through celebration like festivals,
choral singing or group dancing in religious rituals. Architectural structure
like houses are built to unite families.
78 | P a g e
Sinulog Festival- Cebu
79 | P a g e
6. Religious
Function. Art
forms like
music, dance, and
sculpture play an
important role in
one cultural
spirituality. People from the past worshipped their gods through sculptures
with music and dance. Nowadays, people are gathered in an architectural
structure like churches, arenas and other venues to worship and they
incorporate music and dance.
The Basílica de
la Sagrada Família also
known as the Sagrada
80 | P a g e
A synagogue is a Jewish or Samaritan house of worship.
81 | P a g e
Zumba Dance Yoga
8. Aesthetic Function. Beautification adds appeal and excitement like
displays of paintings in an empty area on a wall. Fashion always aims for
beauty that is appealing to the eye. Film industries, Opera’s and Theater
provide extravagant and beautiful props and costumes for its realistic
impact and appeal.
1. Functional arts – These are the arts which have practical usage.
Functional art refers to art forms that are produced to perform specific or
several purposes. An example of this classification is a chair. It is not only
the form of the chair that is presented. Its functional purpose is also highly
appreciated too.
82 | P a g e
Ex. A potter who creates tea sets is making functional art.
2. Non-Functional Arts- These are the arts which have no other purpose
except that of giving pleasure or life enhancement.
Ex. Paintings and such pieces of art that are created to view and
References/Additional Resources/Readings
83 | P a g e
84 | P a g e
Activity Sheet
85 | P a g e
Directions: Take photos of any art forms in your house that you consider completely
functional, more functional, and less functional. Rank the following art forms and
justify your ranking assessment.
Note: Put/Paste the photo on the first column and write you justification on the third
Photos of Art Forms Rank Justification
86 | P a g e
Activity 1. Each question will be graded based on this five (5) point rubric.
Well written and very organized.
Clear and concise statements.
5 - Outstanding
Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
Writes fairly clear.
4 - Good Good presentation and organization.
Sufficient effort and detail.
Minimal effort.
3 - Fair Fair presentation.
Few supporting details
Somewhat unclear.
Shows little effort.
2 - Poor
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.
Very unclear.
1 - Very Poor Does not address topic.
Limited attempt.
87 | P a g e
Assignment (if any)
88 | P a g e
Learner’s Feedback Form
Program : ___________________________________________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
89 | P a g e
To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
teacher (within the 1st week of the class).
90 | P a g e
Art Appreciation
Chapter 6
Classifications of Art
Philosophical Perspective of
91 | P a g e
Chapter 5
92 | P a g e
develop a perspective about
skills and
appreciate the world with
different styles and genres
of art. Also, you are
required to
visit some links indicated in
this module for viewing and
A rtist always has the freedom to express themselves through countless ways and
several means, including visual arts, performing arts, decorative arts and applied arts.
Likewise, artist chooses subject for his artworks to express his intention. This
consideration will provide clues on the viewer’s understanding of the artworks and the
intentions of the artist.``
Specific Objectives
• Apply concepts and theories on beauty and aesthetics in real life scenarios
• Explain the basic philosophical perspectives of art
93 | P a g e
Philosophical Perspective of Arts hours assessment)
The various classifications of art include: fine art, visual art, plastic art,
performance art, applied art and decorative art. Several of these classifications have
sub-classifications associated with them. This category includes works of art that are
created primarily for aesthetic reasons.
1. Visual Arts- It deals with any creation of an artist that are primarily visual
in nature.
a) Painting- It is a category in visual and fine arts that involves the
application of paint, pigment, color, or other medium to a surface
(support base) in order to present a picture of a subject. Paintings may
have support bases such as walls, paper, canvas, wood, concrete glass,
cloth, or cardboard.
94 | P a g e
The Mona Lisa was originally this type of portrait, but over time its
meaning has shifted and it has become an icon of the Renaissance—
perhaps the most recognized painting in the world.
95 | P a g e
c. Architecture- It is the art of designing and constructing
buildings and other non-building structure for man’s use.
The Colosseum in Rome is the largest and most
famous monument in the Roman world.
2. Performing Arts
a) Dance- It is a type of art that generally involves movement of the
body, usually rhythmic and dependent to music, performed in
many different cultures and used as a form of expression, social
interaction and exercise or presented in a spiritual or performance
setting. It may also be regarded as a form of non-verbal
communication between humans. This includes ballroom dance,
ballet, modern dance, hip-hop dance, folk dance and others.
96 | P a g e
b) Music - The art of combining sounds of varying pitches to produce
a coherent composition that is melodious, harmonious, intelligible,
and expressive of ideas and emotions. Examples of music are vocal
music, instrumental music, opera, music comedy, musical play and
97 | P a g e
Ang Huling El Bimbo Miss Saigon
3. Literary Arts- written material such as poetry, novels, poems, drama and
others. It is highly expressive in nature with the choice of words and
emotional images.
98 | P a g e
4. Digital Arts – like graphic arts, it has two-flat dimensional surface, such
as painting, drawing, photography and other products of printing industry
with the aid of computer and other electronic devices.
5. Pop Art- This group is characterized as gay and lively. It includes film,
newspaper, magazines, radio and television.
99 | P a g e
7. Decorative Arts- They are visual objects produced for aesthetic function
for houses, interior designs, offices, cars and other structures.
Art as an Imitation
100 | P a g e
- Plato was convinced that artists
merely reinforce the belief in
copies and discourage men to
reach for the real entities in the
World of Forms.
- Art is an imitation of imitation. A
painting is just an imitation of
nature which is also just an
imitation of reality in the World of
- For Plato, art is dangerous because
it provides a petty replacement for the
real entities than can only be attained through reason.
Art as a Representation
- Aristotle, agreed with Plato
that art is a form of
- However, Aristotle
considered art as an aid to
philosophy in revealing the
- The kind of imitation that
art does is not contrary to
the reaching of fundamental
truths in the world
- Unlike Plato who thought that art is an imitation of another imitation.
Aristotle conceived of art as representing possible versions of reality.
- For, Aristotle, all kinds of art do not aim to represent reality as it is, it
endeavors to provide a version of what might be or the myriad
possibilities of reality.
Art as a Disinterested Judgement
- Immanuel Kant, in his Critique of
Judgement considered the judgement
of beauty, the cornerstone of art, as
something that can be universal
despite its subjectivity.
101 | P a g e
- Kant recognized that judgement of beauty is subjective.
- However, even subjective judgements are based on some universal
criterion for the said judgement.
Art as a Communication of Emotion
- According to Leo Tolstoy, art plays a
huge role in communication to its
audience’s emotions that the artist
previously experienced.
- In the same that language
communications information to other
people, art communicates emotion.
- As a purveyor of man’s innermost
feelings and thoughts, art is given a
unique opportunity to serve as a
mechanism for social unity.
- Art is central to man’s existence because it makes accessible
feelings and emotions of people from the past and present.
References/Additional Resources/Readings
102 | P a g e
103 | P a g e
Activity Sheet
4. What is mimesis according to Plato? Explain his conclusion that art is twice
removed from reality.
5. What is the importance of poetry and tragic literature (or in our modern-day
drama) in the process of CATHARSIS?
6. Explain the theory of Leo Tolstoy on Art as a Communication of Emotion.
104 | P a g e
105 | P a g e
Activity 1. Each question will be graded based on this five (5) point rubric.
Well written and very organized.
Clear and concise statements.
5 - Outstanding
Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
Writes fairly clear.
4 – Good Good presentation and organization.
Sufficient effort and detail.
Minimal effort.
3 – Fair Fair presentation.
Few supporting details
Somewhat unclear.
Shows little effort.
2 – Poor
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.
Very unclear.
1 - Very Poor Does not address topic.
Limited attempt.
106 | P a g e
Assignment (if any)
107 | P a g e
Learner’s Feedback Form
Program : ___________________________________________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
108 | P a g e
To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
teacher (within the 1st week of the class).
109 | P a g e
Art Appreciation
Chapter 7
110 | P a g e
Chapter 6
Art has been created by all people at all times, in all countries, and it lives
because of its well-liked and enjoyed. If you want to appreciate art, you should first
experience it.
The discussions here will be taken for a week to give you information about the
arts' basic concepts and ideas. It also aims to develop a perspective about skills and
appreciate the world with different styles and genres of art. Also, you are required to
visit some links indicated in this module for viewing and reading.
Specific Objectives
111 | P a g e
This topic tackles heart and soul of an artwork which is the subject of art.
Oftentimes, beginners in art appreciation failed to understand an artwork because
they focus themselves all at once with all the factors behind it. Looking at an artwork
is the first step to understand a certain artwork, first is to focus on subject, form, and
content. Deepening of understanding will follow because looking and appreciating an
art work is always subjective.
Subject of art is usually anything that is represented in the artwork. It may be a
person, object, scene or event. Not all arts have subjects. Those arts without
subject are called “non-objective” they do not represent anything.
1. Representational or Objective Arts – Artworks that depict something
that can easily be recognized which is real and part of this world. This
simply means that representational artwork aims to represent or show
actual objects or subjects from reality. Hence, artworks under this
classification are also called objective arts.
a) Portraiture – (pictures of men and women) It became popular before
the invention of the camera; was enjoyed only by elite: kings and
noblemen; nowadays, charcoal is one of the mediums used in doing
Carlos Duarte -Bread and Shutter
b) Animals and Plants – It represents animals and plants. It became the
trend due to man’s first encounters with plants and animals for
112 | P a g e
survival; even now, painters prefer animals and plants, specifically
flowering plants as subjects for their paintings.
113 | P a g e
114 | P a g e
-Faim Faim -Anne Marie Bone
f) Seascape – pictures of any of the water forms e.g. the ocean, the sea,
the river, the lake, the brook, the pond, the falls, and the like.
115 | P a g e
- June Nelson -Anton Gorlin
h) R
eligious Items – The Holy Family, Madonna and the Child, Jesus
Christ, angels, saints and other religious objects.
Rosaries -
Shalin Indian Brass
116 | P a g e
2. Non-Representational or Non-Objective Arts – Artworks that have no
resemblance to any real subject or objects or anything from nature. It does
not represent anything. This may take the form of emphasizing lines,
shapes or colors that transform the subject.
117 | P a g e
representation and organization of details in the work seem so natural.
Like-wise it mirrors reality.
2. SURREALISM – is an invented
word meaning “super naturalism”
or beyond realism. Surrealists
attempt to represent subjects
which were the result of dreams
and fantasies.
118 | P a g e
4. FAUVISM - It is derived from the
French “les fauves,” which means
“the wild beasts.” It is the first
movement in the modern period in
which color ruled supreme and
emphasizes the use of extremely
bright colors.
119 | P a g e
-A moving sail bridge concept
7. IMPRESSIONISM – It is also
sometimes referred to as optical
realism due to its interest in the
actual viewing experience,
including such things as the effect
of color, light and movement on
the appearance of the objects
depicted in the artworks.
Impressionism focused on
directly describing the visual
sensations derived from nature.
Devotees of Impressionism were
not concerned with the actual
depiction of the objects they
painted. Instead they were
concerned with the visual
impressions aroused by those
means “drawing away from
reality” or “to move away”. The
principle of departure from the
120 | P a g e
real life or reality makes abstraction stands out and different among other
References/Additional Resources/Readings
121 | P a g e
122 | P a g e
Activity Sheet
Direction: Identify what is asked on the following:
123 | P a g e
124 | P a g e
125 | P a g e
Activity 2. Each question will be graded based on this five (5) point rubric.
Well written and very organized.
Clear and concise statements.
5 - Outstanding
Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
Writes fairly clear.
4 - Good Good presentation and organization.
Sufficient effort and detail.
Minimal effort.
3 - Fair Fair presentation.
Few supporting details
Somewhat unclear.
Shows little effort.
2 - Poor
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.
Very unclear.
1 - Very Poor Does not address topic.
Limited attempt.
126 | P a g e
Assignment (if any)
127 | P a g e
Learner’s Feedback Form
Program : ___________________________________________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
128 | P a g e
To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
teacher (within the 1st week of the class).
129 | P a g e
Art Appreciation
Chapter 8
Artist and
130 | P a g e
Artist and Artisan
Specific Objectives:
131 | P a g e
An artist someone who produces works like painting or sculpture, or works in the
performing arts, or is skilled at a particular task or occupation.
-Artists are the creator of tangible or intangible products (works of art) as an expression
of creativity and imagination for purely aesthetic reasons.
− Artist can be considered as any person involved in creating and designing objects
related to any of the fine arts like painting, sculpture, mu sic, dance and literature.
− Artists express themselves to any form of arts using mediums or materials for the
artworks to have its artistic integrity.
132 | P a g e
• - may include Dance, music,
Opera, Theatre and musical
theater, magic, illusion,
mime, spoken word,
puppetry, circus arts,
performance arts. There is
also a specialized form of
fine art, in which the artist
performs their work live to
an audience.
133 | P a g e
What are the types
of artisans?
artisan includes: Welders, Electricians, Fitters, Turners, Sheetmetal workers,
Boilmakers, Mechatronics, Mechanics, Toolmakers, Patternmakers,
Bricklayers, Plumbers, Carpenters, Joiners, Shutterhands, Steel Fixers,
Glaziers, Plasterers, Tilers, Sound Technicians and Instrumentation and
References/Additional Resources/Readings
134 | P a g e
135 | P a g e
Activity Sheet
Activity 1
-is a visual & graphic display that depicts the relationships between facts, terms and or ideas
within a learning task.
-also sometimes referred to as knowledge maps, concept maps, story maps, cognitive
organizers, advance organizers or concept diagrams.
A graphic organizer that would give a visual representation of the chosen artist/artisan in
Terms medium/technique/process/people involved
136 | P a g e
137 | P a g e
138 | P a g e
Learner’s Feedback Form
Program : ___________________________________________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
139 | P a g e
To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
teacher (within the 1st week of the class).
140 | P a g e
Art Appreciation
Chapter 9
Mediums of
Visual Arts,
Combined Arts
and Arts
141 | P a g e
Mediums of visual, auditory, combined arts and
arts production process
Artistic medium is a term that is used by artists and art critics to refer to that out of
which a work of art or, more generally, a particular art form, is made. There are, generally
speaking, two related ways of using artistic medium in critical or artistic discourse.
142 | P a g e
Painting is the art of creating meaningful effects on a flat surface by the use of pigments.
Different mediums are used in painting. Each medium exerts a pronounced effect on the
finished product, is capable of varied treatment, and determines its own stroke. These
mediums are applied to wet plaster, canvas, wood, or paper.
Watercolor is difficult to handle because
producing warm and rich tones using this medium
proves to be a challenge. On the contrary,
watercolor pigments invite brilliance and a variety
of hues. Simple and clear spontaneity is its
principal essence. While changes may be made
once the paint has been applied, such changes
normally tend to make the color less luminous.
These effects are rendered by watercolor artists
through some techniques. They are usually applied
on white surfaces.
Fresco is a painting method done on a
moist plaster surface with colors ground in water
or a limewater mixture.
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Fresco must be done quickly because it is an exacting medium- the moment the paint
is applied to the surface, the color dry into the plaster and the painting becomes an integral
part of the wall. The image becomes permanently fixed and almost impossible to remove. An
example of fresco painting is Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam in the Sistine Chapel
Tempera paints are mineral
pigments mixed with egg yolk or egg white
and ore. This egg-based emulsion binds the
pigments to the surface. Tempera is
characterized by its film-forming properties
and rapid drying rate. It requires a more
deliberate technique than oil because it does
not possess the flexibility of oil.
1) Separate the yolks from the whites, and drop one yolk into each of your
2) Mix water or liquid watercolors into the egg.
3) Mix well
4) Paint
Pastel is a stick of dried paste made of pigment
ground with chalk compounded with gum water.
It is very flexible medium whose colors are
luminous, In spite of the richness and varied
effects it yields, pastels are less popular than the
144 | P a g e
other mediums because it is difficult to preserve the finished product in its original state.
Some artists use a fixing medium or a protecting surface such as glass, but when the chalk
rubs off, the image loses some of its brilliance.
Encaustic is one of the early mediums used by the
Egyptians for painting portraits on mummy cases.
This is done by applying wax colors fixed with
6. OIL
Oil painting is one of the most expensive art activities
today because of the prohibitive cost of materials. It is the
heaviest of painting mediums. In oil painting pigments are
mixed with linseed oil and applied to the canvas. One good
quality of oil paint as a medium is its flexibility. The artist
may use a brush, palette knife, or even his bare hands
when applying pain on his canvas. In some cases, we do
not even notice the artist's strokes because the paint is
applied very smoothly.
Acrylic is a medium used popularly by contemporary
painters because of the transparency and quick-drying
characteristics of watercolor and the flexibility of oil
combined. The synthetic paint is mixed with acrylic
emulsion as binder for coating the surface of the artwork.
Acrylic paints do not tend to break easily unlike oil paints
which turn yellowish or darker over a period of time.
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Mosaic is the art of putting together small pieces of colored stones or glass called "tesserae"
to create an image. The tesserae are most often cut into squares and glued on a surface with
plaster or cement. Mosaic is usually classified as painting, although, the medium used is not
strictly pigment.
by Julie Aldridge
Stained glass as an artwork is common in Gothic cathedrals and churches. It is made by
combining small pieces of colored glass, held together by bands of lead. It is also a kind of
patchwork. In large windows, the lead is reinforced by heavy iron bars that form heavy black
lines in the picture. The pictures in the stained glass commonly depict the lives of saints and
in effect, serve as a means of religious instruction among Christians. Beautiful stained-glass
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windows showing scenes from the Bible are commonly found in Philippine churches. Ex.
Manila Cathedral and Sto. Domingo Church
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Drawing is usually done on paper using pencil, pen, and ink, or charcoal. It is the most
fundamental of all skills necessary in arts. Drawing has always been considered as a very
good training for artists because it makes one concentrate on the use of line. Shading can also
be used to make drawings more life-like and realistic. Some of the world's best-known
drawings are by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519).
Granite is a granular igneous rock composed of feldspar and quartz, usually combined with
other minerals. This medium is quite difficult to chisel. It is good for large works with only a
few designs. The Egyptian sculptures of Pharaohs were mostly done in granite.
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Colossal Seated Statue of a Pharaoh Mount Rushmore in South Dakota
Marble is limestone in a more or less crystalline state sufficiently close in texture, and
capable of taking a high polish. It occurs in many varieties. Marble is easier to carve than
granite because it is relatively softer. Sculptors have used marble for detailed carving of
Limestone Statue
149 | P a g e
150 | P a g e
Crayons are pigments bound by wax and compressed into painted sticks used for drawing. It
is especially popular among children in the elementary grades. Crayons adhere better on
paper surface.
By Picasa
Stone is the hard and brittle substance formed from mineral and
earth material. The finished product is granular and dull in
appearance. Stones are normally used for grave stones in
cemeteries. Stones including sandstone, granite, basalt, marble,
and limestone.
151 | P a g e
■ Composed of tones and silences organized in such a manner to convey the emotions
and ideas conceived by the composer. The composers work must be interpreted by another
artist-the performer who makes the composers work come to life.
Three components:
-conscious effort
Functions of Music
3. As signals in wars
152 | P a g e
The combined arts can be referred to events that combine variety of media or
materials which can be both seen and heard, and which exist in both space and time (Ortiz
Combined arts can mean several different things. It can refer to a collection of
different art mediums, such as painting, singing and musical performance. It can also refer to
organizations that work over multiple platforms and venues to promote artistic endeavors.
• Theater – As a combined art may put together literature or drama, music, actors on
stage where scenery, props and lighting are arranged, plus other media to complete a
• Cinema – May creatively integrate elements of photography, video, film, music and
literature and other materials in its production.
• Locus – The specific space in which Music, Film, Theater, and other Combined Arts
Space must conform to the plastic feature of the actor or the actress, and that it must
work to serve his or her moving, alive and three- dimensional character (Brockett 229).
Another integral aspect of the combined art is the performance, which consist in the
display or demonstration of the certain technical skills human beings for the public’s pleasure
or enjoyment.
In theater, this may be shown in the display of prowess by the actor or actress in
staging a literary text or simply in the display of his or her active body or his or her body
movement activities on stage (Carlson 2-3; 114).
In Cinema, this can be shown in the display of aural and visual images to depict a
story or a fact facilitated by technology and mixed media through expertise of a director, actor
and the production crew.
153 | P a g e
In music, what constitute its structure are the elements of:
1. Rhythm - is the element of "TIME" in music. When you tap your foot to the
music, you are "keeping the beat" or following the structural rhythmic pulse of the
3. Harmony - is two or more notes played together at the same time. As soon as
there is more than one pitch sounding at a time, you have harmony.
In Theater, what is performed may vary. In many cultures, what has become the
major mode of theatrical performance is the enactment of literature or dramatic text.
According to specific elements such as the:
6. Spectacle – it includes all aspects of the tragedy that contribute to its sensory
effects: costumes, scenery, the gestures of the actors, the sound of the music and the
resonance of the actors' voices.
154 | P a g e
2. Acting – is an activity in which a story is told by means of its enactment by
an actor or actress who adopts a character—in theatre, television, film, radio, or any
other medium that makes use of the mimetic mode.
5. Cinematography – deals with the choices that are made for the camera – the
placement of the camera, the camera angle toward the subject, the lens choice, and
the camera movement. Each of these choices has an effect on the recorded image and
how the viewer perceives (consciously or unconsciously) that image.
6. Editing – is the sequencing of the shots in the film. Editors decide on the
order and the duration of shots, the visual transitions from scene to scene, and visual
7. Sound Design – deals with the sound components, what we hear in the film.
Dialog editing, sound effects, and music contribute to the story. Mood, environment,
character, time and place are just a few of the story aspects that can be established or
emphasized with sound.
The analysis of Cinema will be generally according to Structure, which we refer to as Form in
the next part of the chapter, while Music and Theater will be analyzed according to Subject
Matter and Style in addition to Form.
A. Form
Form refers to the elements, principles of composition, conventions and techniques that are
used to organize a work of art.
B. Medium
Medium refers to the material used by the artist. There are variety of materials used in the
combined arts.
155 | P a g e
Theater uses body and voice as the principal media while music makes use of the voice and
sound. The media are the vehicles with which the artist conveys the content of his or her
C. Subject Matter
Subject matter is what the artwork is about. It may be a person, nature, event, feeling and/or
idea that is central in the art piece.
D. Style
Style refers to the set of characteristics that identifies an artwork with an individual, a
historical period, a school of artists, or a nation (Sporre 14).
References/Additional Resources/Readings
156 | P a g e
A. Directions: Identify what is asked on the given statement.
__________1. It is the creation and organization of the physical world
surrounding a film story.
__________2. It is a written work by screenwriters for a film, television program,
or video game.
__________3. It deals with the choices that are made for the camera – the
placement of the camera, the camera angle toward the subject, the
lens choice, and the camera movement.
__________4. It deals with the sound components, what we hear in the film.
__________5. It is a way to describe how the music or sound is organized.
__________6. It is the element of "TIME" in music.
__________7. It refers to the elements, principles of composition, conventions
and techniques that are used to organize a work of art.
__________8. It refers to the set of characteristics that identifies an artwork with
an individual, a historical period, a school of artists, or a nation
(Sporre 14).
__________9. It is known as the foundation of a novel or story, around which the
characters and settings are built.
157 | P a g e
__________10. In theatre, it includes all aspects of the tragedy that contribute to its
sensory effects: costumes, scenery, the gestures of the actors, the
sound of the music and the resonance of the actors' voices.
__________1. Sculpture
__________2. Painting
__________3. Photograph
__________4. Landscape
__________5. Architecture
__________6. Drawing
__________7. Printmaking
__________8. Furniture
__________9. Ceramics
__________10. Industrial design
Art Appreciation
Chapter 10
in Arts
158 | P a g e
Artists differ from one another in technique even if they use the same medium. A
musician’s technique is the ability to make sound the way he wants it. For instance, a pianist
may sound different from another pianist despite the fact that they handle the same instrument
and play the same musical composition
159 | P a g e
Chapter 10: Technique in arts = 3 hours
Artists differ from one another in technique even if they use the same medium. A
musician’s technique is the ability to make sound the way he wants it. For instance, a pianist
may sound different from another pianist despite the fact that they handle the same instrument
and play the same musical composition.
Technique differs in the various arts. A painter may have a fine technique in
watercolor but poor in oil. The distinction between an art and a craft may be made based on the
technique used.
Medium comes from the Latin word “medius” means by which an artist
communicates his idea. These are the materials which are used by an artist to interpret
his feelings or thoughts. Many mediums have been used in creating different works of
The architect uses wood, bamboo, bricks, stone, concrete, and various building
materials. The painter used pigments on wood or canvas to recreate reality of nature.
A sculptor uses steel, marble, bronze, metal, and wood.
A musician uses instruments to produce and communicate a message and a literary
160 | P a g e
writer uses words.
* Start out the same way you did the flat wash,
with a flat brush, a moderate amount of paint
and water, and a single, even brush stroke
across the page. For the second brush stroke
below the first one, apply slightly more pigment
for a darker one. It all depends on whether or
not you want to go from light to dark, or dark
to light.
* Continue adding more water, or more pigment, to each sequential brush stroke,
very slightly overlapping from the previous one for proper blending.
161 | P a g e
Wet in wet- this is another one most basic watercolor painting techniques, and is
especially great for the beautiful, blurred effects it can create.
* - you’ll need a spray bottle of water, and a sponge. Start spraying a light amount
of water onto your paper, and taking the sponge to it to create an evenly
dampened surface.
Dry brush- - nearly the opposite of wet in wet techniques, the dry brush technique uses
mostly dry paint on a dry surface.
162 | P a g e
Spray technique- - using a moderate amount of water mixed in with your paint, simply brush
back the bristles with a finger and watch the watercolors splash all over the page.
Color lifting- - instead of using a brush, you can use wads of tissue, and either load them up
with paint and water to add color to your painting, or use them to dab paint and water that’s
163 | P a g e
already been applied.
Edge softening- - if you’re painting delicate details and find you can’t get the edges soft
Oil painting- In oil paintings, the pigments are mixed in oil. The surface used is usually
canvass although other surfaces like wood, paper and metal may be used.
a. Direct Method- the paints are opaque and are applied to the surface just as they are to
look in the finished product.
b. Indirect Method –The paint is applied in many thin layers of transparent colors.
164 | P a g e
To get started you need oil pants, brushes, a place to mix your colors, a towel to mix
them with and a surface to paint on. Plus you want a Way to clean up. The ingredients
are easy to find and you don’t need a lot of them. You can do a lot with a little. Good
brushes and good paints are easier to use and go farther than the cheap ones.
Next learn a little basic information in easy steps. This are things you should know as
you start a painting.
• Ways to manipulate the paint in drawing for oil painting. Blends, Matching
colors, creating form and glazes and washes.
• Ideas to have in mind as you paint in shadows, Contrast, and Texture.
• How oil painting works is in the overview.
• Finally use these concepts as you paint the four exercises.
In this exercise the colors are seen only as lights and darks or values. This painting
will teach you to paint more complex forms than the previous exercise and it will teach you to
see a color’s value.
165 | P a g e
In this exercises you will practice creating the illusion of distance with color. You will also
learn to see the form within textured objects.
On the basis of medium, the arts are primarily classified as visual and auditory.
Visual arts are those mediums that can be seen and which occupy space.
(1) The two-dimensional arts include painting, drawing printmaking, and photography.
Visual arts are those arts that can be perceived with our eyes. The most common visual arts
are painting sculpture, and architecture.
References/Additional Resources/Readings
166 | P a g e
Capili, M. F. (2010) HUMANITIES: Art Apprecaition. Plaridel Bulacan: TCS-
Publishing House.
Directions: Observe and color the art canvas below. You may use any coloring
material you prefer. Please be guided by the given criteria. Enjoy and celebrate colors!
167 | P a g e
CRITERIA 5 Points 3 Points 2 Points
168 | P a g e
2. Neatness and good use of technique are
Program : ___________________________________________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
169 | P a g e
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
170 | P a g e
NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
Art Appreciation
Chapter 11
171 | P a g e
172 | P a g e
Chapter 10
Artistic production - the creation of beautiful or significant things; "art does not need to be
innovative to be good"; "I was never any good at art"; "he said that architecture is the art of
wasting space beautifully"
Production Process: The process of creating an artwork does not necessarily follow a linear
progression. The process is essentially tripartite: (1) preproduction, (2) production, and (3)
postproduction. ... The technique of the artwork shows the level of familiarity with the
medium being manipulated.
Production' is a word with many meanings. It can refer to the making of something, or to
a final product, like a theatrical performance. It can be the process of bringing a song or
musical work to life. Or honing that work to perfection. 'Production' might conjure images
of factory production lines, or the theories of Karl Marx. Production is labour, capital, and
the invisible groundwork of modern society. And it can be as simple as making a clay pot
with your hands. Production is at once mechanical and biological – think of 'reproduction'
– and ultimately
Production is at the heart of making art. Artists and theorists have long acknowledged its
importance as both an artistic action and an idea to be explored. And as the role of
production has shifted in our lives, so have the ways in which artists have responded to it.
While some contemporary artists foreground production as a tool, others use their work to
explore ideas around production we might otherwise overlook.
173 | P a g e
Specific Objectives
Define the role of managers, curators, buyers, collectors, art dealers in the
Analyze the different parts of production in the art world
Make an artwork following the art production process
(1 hours discussion; 2
hours assessment)
174 | P a g e
Art is concerned with the actual doing and how actions can be achieved
seeing the art as pure human expression. Art production often entails an inherent
motivation, rationale and intentionality.
2. Production
3. Post-Production
Pre-Production - the process of fixing some of the elements in art (such as film,
play or other performance) For example, in movie production, there are nine (9)
stages involved. (Jack Picone, 2017):
175 | P a g e
176 | P a g e
1. Finalize a Shooting Script – You need to finalize the screenplay and
convert it to a shooting script
3. Find the Right Crew – You should work to get the entire team rounded out
before pre-production gets too involved
5. Create a Proper Budget (and Stick to It!) – By now, you will be finalizing
your budget to make sure you can find the gear and afford the locations you
want to use. Very often, this is the most important part in pre-production.
6. Choose Your Gear – Are you shooting digitally or use your 16mm film or
shooting the entire film on you iPhone. Figure out just exactly what your
budget will allow for the expenses.
7. Clear That Red Tape – Permits and insurance are needed. Permits are
required when shooting in public places and private homes. Insurance is
required to protect the cast end employees from accidents and injury.
8. Find the Right Cast – You need to find the cast that suits the movie and the
9. Rehearse – Rehearse weeks before shooting to ensure that the cast will be
giving the right performance the movie truly needs.
177 | P a g e
Economic well-being is important in this aspect if it directly or indirectly
satisfy human needs and wants.
Post Production - the most drawn out process is the post-production. Once an artwork is
finished, it will then be decided on how it will be circulated not only in the art world, but also
in the many publics. If the artist decides that, he alone should see work, then so be it. This
may include allowing the artwork to set, tweaking the artwork, preparing the artwork for
transport and display, and even the promotion and inclusion for artwork in publication or
References/Additional Resources/Readings
178 | P a g e
Ariola, Mariano M. (2018) Art Appreciation. Intramuros, Manila: Unlimited Books Library
Services & Publishing Inc.
179 | P a g e
Activity Sheet
Enumerate the parts of Art Production Process. Discuss in your own words the
significance of each part.
180 | P a g e
Learner’s Feedback Form
Program : ___________________________________________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
181 | P a g e
To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
182 | P a g e
Art Appreciation
Chapter 12
Art Management
183 | P a g e
Chapter 11
Art Management
T he arts attract many kinds of people. Some, of course, are those who create or perform
the arts themselves. But there are others who do the important task of making sure that the
business side of the art world runs smoothly.
That’s where art management comes in. Those who work in this field manage the daily
operations of art galleries, museums, performing arts centers, symphonies and other art-
related enterprises.
It’s a critical job. Keeping the business side of the arts running well allows the artists
themselves to keep their focus where it needs to be: on the art itself.
Specific Objectives
Define the role of managers, curators, buyers, collectors, art dealers in the
184 | P a g e
Art management (also referred to as art administration) is the process of
running the daily business operation of art institutions either private or public on
nature. Art institutions include museums, art galleries, theatres, opera house, art and
cultural centers, among others.
Art Manager
An art manager has the following duties and responsibilities:
1. plans, directs, and coordinates all activities in the art
2. executes the marketing objectives, specification and
concepts in design, advertising, media, print, and
campaign materials;
3. monitors the department projects;
4. prepares the department report that track and analyze
productivity trends and other factors that impact costs;
5. evaluates the staff and other employees of the
6. selects any additional staff as the need arises;
7. selects any additional staff in the day-to-day performance of jobs;
8. ensures that project, milestones, and goals of the department are carried
out and adhering to approved budgets;
9. has full authority for personal actions in his department;
10. reports to a senior manager.
185 | P a g e
Typically, an art manager requires a bachelor’s degree. The position
requires five years’ experience in the related area as an individual contributor
or artists. One to three years supervisory experience may be required.
The role of a
curator includes the following:
1. Preserve and safeguard the heritage of art
2. Select new work in the museum
3. Decide which works are to be displayed
4. Deciding how works are hung in the galleries
5. Decide how the viewing public experience the exhibition
6. Researching how to show artworks in art historically
coherent and in an entertaining way
186 | P a g e
Arts collector must have good relationship with their artists. Some
collectors are duty-bound to collect pieces of art work for display in art
institutions; they must get the trust and confidence of artists. Artists like to
find collectors that truly believe in their work of art.
187 | P a g e
References/Additional Resources/Readings
Ariola, Mariano M. (2018) Art Appreciation. Intramuros, Manila: Unlimited Books Library
Services & Publishing Inc.
188 | P a g e
Activity Sheet
189 | P a g e
Art Appreciation
Chapter 13
190 | P a g e
191 | P a g e
Chapter 13
In this chapter, you will be learning about the awards and recognition that is given to
award-winning artists in the Philippines through the award Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan or
the National Living Treasures Award. Criteria to continue for searching the finest traditional
artists of the land will also be discussed as well as the categories. In a way, you will be
familiar of the standard of the highest policy-making and coordinating body for culture and
the arts of the State in selecting the finest artist to be awarded and able to apply to oneself on
becoming a possible future awardee.
Specific Objectives
Lesson Proper
In April 1992, the Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan or the National Living Treasures
Award was institutionalized through Republic Act No.7355. Tasked with the administration
and implementation of the Award is the National Commission for Culture and the Arts
(NCCA), the highest policy-making and coordinating body for culture and the arts of the
State. The NCCA, through the Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan Committee and an Ad Hoc
Panel of Experts, conducts the search for the finest traditional artists of the land, adopts a
program that will ensure the transfer of their skills to others and undertakes measures to
promote a genuine appreciation of and instill pride among our people about the genius of the
Manlilikha ng Bayan.
First awarded in 1993 to three outstanding artists in music and poetry, the Gawad sa
Manlilikha ng Bayan has its roots in the 1988 National Folk Artists Award organized by the
192 | P a g e
Rotary Club of Makati-Ayala. As a group, these folk and traditional artists reflect the diverse
heritage and cultural traditions that transcend their beginnings to become part of our national
character. As Filipinos, they bring age-old customs, crafts and ways of living to the attention
and appreciation of Filipino life. They provide us with a vision of ourselves and of our
nation, a vision we might be able to realize someday, once we are given the opportunity to be
true to ourselves as these artists have remained truthful to their art.
As envisioned under R.A. 7355, “Manlilikha ng Bayan" shall mean a citizen engaged
in any traditional art uniquely Filipino whose distinctive skills have reached such a high level
of technical and artistic excellence and have been passed on to and widely practiced by the
present generation in his/her community with the same degree of technical and artistic
As a group, these folk and traditional artists reflect the diverse heritage and cultural
traditions that transcend their beginnings to become part of our national character. As
Filipinos, they bring age-old customs, crafts and ways of living to the attention and
appreciation of Filipino life. They provide us with a vision of ourselves and of our nation, a
vision we might be able to realize someday, once we are given the opportunity to be true to
ourselves as these artists have remained truthful to their art. They are our National Living
To become a National Living Treasure, the candidate must possess the following
193 | P a g e
syncretized whatever external elements that have influenced it.
2. must have engaged in a folk-art tradition that has been in existence and
documented for at least 50 years.
4. must possess a mastery of tools and materials needed by the art and must have an
established reputation in the art as master and maker of works of extraordinary technical
5. must have passed on and/or will pass on to other members of the community their
skills in the folk art for which the community is traditionally known.
3. has passed on to the other members of the community skills in the folk art for
which the community is traditionally known.
The categories are, but not limited to, the following categories of traditional folk arts:
Folk architecture
Maritime transport
194 | P a g e
Graphic and plastic arts
Perfoming arts
Textile or fiber art
Hereunder are some of the GAMABA awardees and their work of art:
1. Darhata Sawabi – a Tausug weaver of Pis Syabit, the traditional cloth tapestry
worn as a head cover;
2. Eduardo Mutuc - an artist from Apalit, Pampanga who has dedicated his life to
creating religious and secular art in silver, bronze, and wood;
3. Haja Amina Appi – recognized as master mat weaver among the Sama
indigenous community for her unique designs, straightness of her edging (tabig), and
fineness of her sasa and kima-kima.
4. Alonzo Saclag - a Kalinga master of dance and the performing arts who mastered
not only the Kalinga musical instruments but also her dance patterns and movements
associated with her peoples' ritual.
5. Federico Caballero - a Sulod Bukidnon epic chanter from Kalinog, Iloilo who
ceaselessly works for the documentation of the oral literature, particularly the epics of his
6. Uwang Ahadas - a Yakan musician who is a master of the kwintangan, kayu, and
tuntungan instruments;
of ambahan poetry;
10. Masino Intaray - a prolific and pre-eminent epic chanter and story-teller
recognized for his outstanding mastery of various traditional musical instruments of the
Palawan people such as basal, kulilal, and bagil.
195 | P a g e
and S.Ozmeña)
4. Guillermo Tolentino (Sculpture: Oblation and the Bonifacio Monument)
5. Hernando Ocampo (Painting: The Contrast)
6. Juan Luna (Painting: Spoliarium)
7. Napoleon Abueva (Sculpture: Allegorical Harpoon)
8. Solomon Saprid ( Sculpture: Tikbalang)
9. Victorio Edades (Painting: The Builders)
10. Vicente Rivera (Painting: Supplication)
References/Additional Resources/Readings
196 | P a g e
Activity Sheet
1. National Artist
3. Indigenous art
4. Pottery
5. Culture
197 | P a g e
II. Direction: Answer the following questions as precisely yet as thoroughly as
2. Who are given the awards? Living person? Dead person? Why?
4. In your region, write the names of persons in different categories whom you believe
is qualified to be a GAMABA awardee. Give the reason.
Name/s 1. _____________________________________________________
and 2. _____________________________________________________
category 3. _____________________________________________________
III. Essay
Write an essay consisting of 150-300 words on piece of pad paper. This will be
submitted to the teacher for grading. The title is: “How to be a GAMABA awardee.”
198 | P a g e
Assessment (insert Rubrics)
Each question will be graded based on this five (5) point rubric.
Minimal effort.
Minimal grammar mechanics.
3 - Fair
Fair presentation.
Few supporting details
Somewhat unclear.
Shows little effort.
2 - Poor Poor grammar mechanics.
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.
199 | P a g e
200 | P a g e
Learner’s Feedback Form
Program : ___________________________________________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
201 | P a g e
To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
teacher (within the 1st week of the class).
202 | P a g e
Art Appreciation
Chapter 14
Workshops on
Improvisations, Installation,
203 | P a g e
Chapter 14
Specific Objectives
- Define improvisation
- Utilize the body as basic in expressing and communicating
- Strengthen student’s initiative and artistic sensibilities
Lesson Proper
Improvisation is an aspect of human agency that has not been studied and structured
very well. There is no prior planning and deliberation and it is done on a one-shot basic
204 | P a g e
Improvisation is association with creativity to be able to add value in a fast moving
Examples of Improvisation
3. Design - Building something useful given limited time, resources, and other
Body language is not sign language and vice versa. Sign languages are full
languages, that is, they have their own complex grammar system but such cannot be spoken
or uttered by the deaf persons due to their inability to hear phonetic sounds. On the other
hand, body language does not have a grammar and therefore the movement of the body must
be interpreted broadly to get its meaning. The word "language" in a body language is not
similar to the language that we speak. It is just a term that is very popular in our culture
The ability to interpret body languages depends on the individual's intelligence, age,
experience, training, and cultural influences. It was believed that majority of information are
transmitted through non-verbal communication than verbal one's during interpersonal
205 | P a g e
1. Facial Expressions
We are able to tell the meaning of a body language by the expression of the
face as to whether a person is happy, sad, eager, or angry. Smile and laughter indicate
happiness and joy. Crying and frowning indicate sorrow and anger. By just looking at
the eyes, eyebrow, lips, nose, and cheek movements and color will help interpret the
meaning of those movements.
If there are fake news, there are also fake smiles. A lack of crinkles around
the eves suggest a potentially fake smile. A genuine smile cannot be done by force or
command. Genuine smile comes out naturally. When you smile joyfully, they
crinkle. When you are faking your smile, they don't crinkle. Likewise, if one is trying
to look happy but really isn't, you wont see the crinkles in the face.
2. Body Posture
Body posture expresses some forms of communication. It can signify an
emotion of sadness, anxiety, fear, anger, joy, and wander. Sitting and standing
postures gives a lot of meanings. A person who is sitting and leans forward with his
head nodding along with the person discussing implies that he is open, relax, and
generally ready to listen. On the other hand, a person who has his legs and arms
crossed with the foot kicking slightly implies that he is feeling impatient and
emotionally detached from the discussion. In other words, there are many
implications of body posture in our society.
3. Gestures are forms of body movements using the body parts like the arms, tongue to
suggest something. Gestures may either be involuntary and voluntary when we want
to express something.
Arm gestures signify meanings. For example, when a person who is sitting,
standing or walking with folded arms, it may mean not a welcoming gesture, that is,
it could mean that he has a closed mind or unwilling to listen or accept something.
Another example of arm gesture is an arm crossed over the other which demonstrates
206 | P a g e
insecurity and lack of confidence.
4. Eye Movement
This is another form of body language which signifies many meanings to
many people. Here are the different eye movements and their interpretations.
e. Looking up-It means that the person is thinking what the other person is
saying. If the movement is made while the arms go up and hands are folded behind
the lead, it is a good sign. But if a person glances up for a second or so while sighing,
it could mean he is summoning his God and that is not good. He may be saying “My
God!" in silence.
5. Sense of Touch
Sense of touch is known as haptic communication. Touch or haptic comes
from the Ancient Greek word haptikos. Touch is extremely vital for survival. The
sense of touch, as a body language, allows a person to experience different sensation
like pleasure, pain, heat or cold and even pressure.
Touch is one of the most significant aspects of body language because it has
the ability to convey and enhance physical intimacy. It is likewise a fundamental
component of haptic communication because it is significant in interpersonal
6. Body Movement
This is another tool of expression and communication. Scratching the neck
or some parts of the body may be a manifestation of fear, anxiety, disenchantment,
and other unpleasant emotions. The trembling of hand and knee is a manifestation of
fear, embarrassment, or even anger. Clasping of the hands indicates anger, hatred,
hostility, antagonism or repulsion. Embracing position of the hand may mean
excitement, elation, and/or enchantment, love or affection. On the other hand, bodily
movements are difficult to determine because emotional behavior is personal and
207 | P a g e
Choreography is used in music, especially vocal solo, vocal duet, and chorus. it is
also used in theatre arts, cheerleading, cheer dancing, cinematography, gymnastics, fashion
shows, ice skating, marching band, show choir, synchronized swimming, video game
production and animated art. In performing arts, choreography is used in any form of
movement such as in dance, whether traditional or modern dances.
References/Additional Resources/Readings
208 | P a g e
Activity Sheet
209 | P a g e
Assessment (insert Rubrics)
Each question will be graded based on this five (5) point rubric.
Minimal effort.
Minimal grammar mechanics.
3 - Fair
Fair presentation.
Few supporting details
Somewhat unclear.
Shows little effort.
2 - Poor Poor grammar mechanics.
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.
210 | P a g e
211 | P a g e
Learner’s Feedback Form
Program : ___________________________________________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
212 | P a g e