Purpose: Using NCPA For Passive Checks
Purpose: Using NCPA For Passive Checks
Purpose: Using NCPA For Passive Checks
This document describes how to configure the Nagios Cross Platform Agent (NCPA) to send
passive check results to Nagios XI or Nagios Core using Nagios Remote Data Processor
Check results received from external devices / applications is what defines a Passive check. It's the
responsibility of the external devices / applications to send the check results through, all Nagios [XI / Core]
does is wait for the results (as opposed to Active checks where Nagios [XI / Core] is responsible for
performing the check on a schedule). Passive checks reduce the load on your Nagios [XI / Core] server by
reducing the number of active checks run. Passive checks are also useful for security-related and
asynchronous events you wish to monitor.
NRDP is a listener that receives the passive check results and submits them to Nagios [XI / Core]. It comes
pre-installed on Nagios XI, adding it to Nagios Core is explained in this documentation.
Target Audience
This document is intended for use by Nagios XI or Nagios Core Administrators who want to understand how
to configure NCPA to send passive check results.
Solution Overview
Configuring NCPA to work as a passive monitoring agent for remote machines is ideal for managed service
providers and organizations with remote offices and roaming laptops.
Configuring the agent to operate in passive mode allows for a simple method of monitoring services and
metrics behind firewalls, proxies, and private address spaces. Under most circumstances, no configuration or
alteration of remote firewalls is required in order to implement this type of monitoring.
Firewall rules may be required to allow NCPA to send the outbound check results to the Nagios [XI / Core]
server. The central NOC or datacenter where the Nagios [XI / Core] server is located will also need firewall
1295 Bandana Blvd N, St. Paul, MN 55108 [email protected] US: 1-888-624-4671 INTL: 1-651-204-9102
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rules to allow the inbound check results to the Nagios [XI / Core] server. The required network port is TCP
port 80 or 443.
Data communication between remote agents and the Nagios server may be encrypted to ensure secure
transfers. Encryption is achieved when using HTTPS over port 443 using SSL/TLS certificates
With passive checks, it's the responsibility of NCPA to send the check results through to Nagios [XI / Core].
NCPA uses a scheduler to execute the checks on a regular basis, hence all the checks that need to be
executed are defined in one of the NCPA configuration files.
This solution applies to NCPA running on any of the operating systems (OS) that Nagios Enterprises
produces pre-built packages for. As of the time of writing this they are Windows / RHEL / CentOS / Oracle
Linux / Ubuntu / Debian / SUSE SLES / openSUSE / Mac OS X / AIX.
Before you continue following the instructions outlined in this document, you must have met the following
• The NDRP listener must be configured properly on the Nagios [XI / Core] server
◦ Please refer to the following documentation on how to configure NRDP on Nagios XI:
▪ Configuring Inbound Checks With XI
◦ Please refer to the following documentation on how to install and configure NRDP on Nagios Core:
▪ Installing NRDP From Source
• It is recommended to implement SSL/TLS for NRDP as per the following documentation (applies to
either Nagios XI OR Nagios Core):
◦ NRDP - Configuring SSL/TLS
• NCPA must be installed on your remote machine as per the following documentation:
◦ Installing NCPA
1295 Bandana Blvd N, St. Paul, MN 55108 [email protected] US: 1-888-624-4671 INTL: 1-651-204-9102
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Configuration Files
NCPA supports multiple configuration files, this allows you to separate your configurations to allow for
seamless upgrades. The location for these files are as follows:
• Windows
◦ C:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\NCPA\etc\ncpa.cfg
◦ C:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\NCPA\etc\ncpa.cfg.d\
• All Other
◦ /usr/local/ncpa/etc/ncpa.cfg
◦ /usr/local/ncpa/etc/ncpa.cfg.d/
The ncpa.cfg is the main NCPA configuration file. This documentation will show you how to configure this
file to enable passive checks to be sent to your Nagios [XI / Core] server using NRDP.
The ncpa.cfg.d directory is the location to store your NCPA Passive check configuration file(s). This
documentation will show you how to create a file of passive check commands to be used by NCPA.
Editing Files
The following steps of this documentation you will be required to edit files.
In Windows, you will need to open the files in Wordpad to edit them. If you open them in Notepad they may
not appear formatted correctly. You can of course use any other editor, Notepad++ or Geany are examples.
In Linux, you will need to edit the files using the vi text editor. To edit the ncpa.cfg file you would execute the
following command:
sudo vi /usr/local/ncpa/etc/ncpa.cfg
1295 Bandana Blvd N, St. Paul, MN 55108 [email protected] US: 1-888-624-4671 INTL: 1-651-204-9102
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Configure ncpa.cfg
The first step is to configure the ncpa.cfg file to send passive check results to your Nagios [XI / Core] server
using NRDP. You will need to provide your NRDP URL, NRDP Token and hostname. This example will use
the following values:
• NRDP Token = NRDP_T0k3n
• hostname = S1601
◦ This is how Nagios [XI / Core] will know what machine the check results came from
Open the ncpa.cfg file in your editor and locate the [passive] section:
handlers = None
This has a default setting of 300 seconds (5 minutes). This is the frequency at which it will execute / send the
passive checks. Change this value if required.
1295 Bandana Blvd N, St. Paul, MN 55108 [email protected] US: 1-888-624-4671 INTL: 1-651-204-9102
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Update these values with the correct values for your environment, for example:
parent =
token = NRDP_T0k3n
hostname = S1601
This completes the changes required for the ncpa.cfg file. Save and close the file.
Create a copy of the example.cfg file called nrdp.cfg in the ncpa.cfg.d directory using the following
1295 Bandana Blvd N, St. Paul, MN 55108 [email protected] US: 1-888-624-4671 INTL: 1-651-204-9102
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Open a command prompt with administrative rights and execute the following commands:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\NCPA\etc\ncpa.cfg.d"
copy example.cfg nrdp.cfg
If you are prompted to overwrite nrdp.cfg then the file already exists, you don't need to overwrite it.
#[passive checks]
#%HOSTNAME%|__HOST__ = system/agent_version
#%HOSTNAME%|CPU Usage = cpu/percent --warning 60 --critical 80 --aggregate avg
#%HOSTNAME%|Swap Usage = memory/swap --warning 60 --critical 80 --units Gi
#%HOSTNAME%|Memory Usage = memory/virtual --warning 80 --critical 90 --units Gi
#%HOSTNAME%|Process Count = processes --warning 300 --critical 400
A detailed explanation of how these commands are defined can be found in the following documentation:
The [passive checks] section and five example commands all begin with a # symbol. This means that
they are commented out and they are not being used. Simply remove the a # symbol to make the checks
active. Make sure you remove the # before [passive checks] to enable passive checks.
You can see that there is no disk usage check in the example file, this is simply because there is no easy
example that fits all scenarios as each OS has a different way of addressing disks. Here is an example you
can add to the nrdp.cfg file to check the used disk space with a warning at 80% used and critical at 90%
used. A separate example for Windows and Linux / Mac OS X / AIX is provided on the following page.
1295 Bandana Blvd N, St. Paul, MN 55108 [email protected] US: 1-888-624-4671 INTL: 1-651-204-9102
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This example checks the used disk space on the E:\ drive. In NCPA all \ and / must be represented as |
(pipe symbol).
Note: You cannot use the : (colon) in the service name otherwise it will cause that command to fail.
This completes the changes required for the nrdp.cfg file. Save and close the file.
Restart Service
You need to restart the NCPA Passive service to apply the changes you just made. The command required for
this will differ depending on your OS and version.
net stop ncpapassive
net start ncpapassive
1295 Bandana Blvd N, St. Paul, MN 55108 [email protected] US: 1-888-624-4671 INTL: 1-651-204-9102
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Ubuntu 15.x +
sudo systemctl restart ncpa_passive.service
Debian 7.x
service ncpa_passive restart
Debian 8.x +
systemctl restart ncpa_passive.service
stopsrc -s ncpa_passive
startsrc -s ncpa_passive
Mac OS X
sudo launchctl stop org.nagios.ncpa_passive
sudo launchctl start org.nagios.ncpa_passive
Now that the ncpa_passive service has been restarted the next step will be to check that Nagios [XI / Core]
is receiving the check results.
1295 Bandana Blvd N, St. Paul, MN 55108 [email protected] US: 1-888-624-4671 INTL: 1-651-204-9102
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Check Nagios
Now that NCPA is configured it will start sending passive check results to your Nagios [XI / Core] server. You
can check to see if they have been received as they will be logged in the nagios.log file. Execute the
following command on your Nagios XI server to check the log file:
[1508380204] Error: Got host checkresult for 'S1601', but no such host can be found
[1508380204] Error: Got check result for service 'CPU Usage' on host 'S1601'. Unable to find service
[1508380204] Error: Got check result for service 'Disk Usage' on host 'S1601'. Unable to find service
[1508380204] Error: Got check result for service 'Swap Usage' on host 'S1601'. Unable to find service
[1508380204] Error: Got check result for service 'Memory Usage' on host 'S1601'. Unable to find service
[1508380204] Error: Got check result for service 'Process Count' on host 'S1601'. Unable to find service
[1508380204] Error: Got check result for service 'Disk Usage E' on host 'S1601'. Unable to find service
Don't be alarmed that they are error messages, this is simply because Nagios [XI / Core] does not have any
object definitions for these check results so it cannot process them. If you have Nagios XI you will see these
appear under Admin > Monitoring Config > Unconfigured Objects.
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Configure Nagios
Now that Nagios [XI / Core] is receiving the check results you need to create the host and service objects so
they will be correctly processed.
Nagios XI
Please refer to the steps in the following documentation to create the monitoring objects:
Monitoring Unconfigured Objects With XI
Nagios Core
Please refer to the following KB article which provides you with example host and service definitions for
Nagios Core:
NRDP - Passive Host And Service Definitions
Once you have created the objects in Nagios [XI / Core] you will be successfully using NCPA for passive
Further Reading
The NCPA agent has built-in documentation in web interface, this is located on the Help tab. This gives the
options to view or change configuration settings remotely as well as access additional info on NCPA. This is
also available on the official NCPA website.
Finishing Up
This completes the documentation on using the Nagios Cross Platform Agent for Passive Checks.
If you have additional questions or other support related questions, please visit us at our Nagios Support
1295 Bandana Blvd N, St. Paul, MN 55108 [email protected] US: 1-888-624-4671 INTL: 1-651-204-9102
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