Pamt Notes Midterm

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CHAPTER 5:  The primary objectives of the teacher in

DIFFERENT TYPES OF LESSONS appreciation lesson is to plan interesting lessons

Lesson that will stimulate and induce learners to
 May be classified not only on the basis of appreciate what is beautiful and worthwhile.
procedure and methodology but also on the basis The sources of appreciation lessons are:
of objectives and the subject matter. 1. Literature
 Some lessons may utilize a combination of 2. Music
methods depending on the objectives and the 3. The arts
subject matter. 4. Nature
 Type of something to be learned in which a new 6. culture
idea in presented and developed. It may be a TYPES OF APPRECIATION
concept, a principle, a theory, a skill or a 1. Aesthetic appreciation
generalization. 2. Ethical-social appreciation
 The distinguishing characteristics of the 3. Intellectual appreciation
development lesson is the novel idea which the Suggestions that may facilitate the metal readiness,
class has now known yet and the interest and positive attitude and determined effort of the learners can
enthusiasm of the learners. play an important role:
 There are 2 types of development lesson – the 1. Choose materials and learning activities that the
formal and informal. learners are interested in which they can enjoy
There are certain steps to be observed in the informal 2. Since appreciation is a personal experience, the
development lesson: learner must participate directly in the learning
1. Preparation – This stage consist of the cognitive activity to derive emotional feeling and satisfaction
and motivational aspects of the lesson. 3. Beautiful lines full of appeal and emotion should
2. Presentation - The teacher directs the learners encourage learners to commit to memory
learning activities by way of presenting 4. Appreciation lessons and activities should be
motivational questions, coupled with teaching informal.
aids, and leading the class to examine, analyze, 5. Follow-up activities that will deepen the
compare and contrast. pleasurable response of the first impression.
3. Application – This is the stage to determine PURPOSE OF THE REVIEW
whether the learners have learned or not. 1. Retention of facts and information
Learning is facilitated when the developmental 2. Organization of materials and experiences
procedure and steps are used well. 3. Ability of the learner to evaluate the material
Conditions necessary to have a good development 4. Foundations of further learning
lesson: 5. Diagnosis of the learner’s weaknesses
1. Mastery of the subject matter. 6. Development and interest in the old materials
2. Recall of previous experiences that have direct TYPES OF REVIEW
learning on the new lesson. 1. The short daily review
3. The teacher’s clear picture of what is to 2. The post lesson unit review
perceived, presented, executed and developed. 3. Extensive unit review
Importance of Supervised Study: 1. Time frame of review
1. The observation that a number of failures and 2. Length of review
dropouts in a school are due to poor study habits. 3. Preparation for the review
2. Many hours especially in the rural and slum areas PRINCIPLES OF A REVIEW LESSON
do not have adequate lighting. 1. The review must be of value to the learners.
3. Slow learners need motivation, guidance and 2. The review must stimulate interest.
supervised study. 3. The review should adhere to pedagogical and
TYPES OF SUPERVISED STUDY LESSONS psychological principles of learning.
1. Group study 4. THE DRILL LESSON
2. Study with printed materials  Intended for automatization of certain facts,
3. Programmed instructions information, habits, attitudes and skills to fix
4. Science laboratories association for permanency or to perfect a certain
5. The library-study plan degree a particular skill.
3. THE APPRECIATION LESSON Guidelines to be observed and followed:
 Is designed to instruct the class to understand, 1. Motivation
appreciate and enjoy something. 2. Focalization
 Should focus on developing desirable values. 3. Repetition and attention
4. Application
1. Utilization of the principles of learning. The PRINCIPLES OF METHOD BASED ON THE
learners should be properly motivated. DEMOCRATIC IDEAL
2. Way of conducting the drill. The teacher should 1. Method should provide for the teacher-learner
organize the subject matter to be covered and cooperation in planning, executing, and evaluating
develop a system that is fast, precise and learning activities.
uninterrupted by any form of discussion. 2. Method should provide proper balance between
3. Standards. Attainable standards e.g. speed, learner freedom and teacher guidance.
precision, quality and accuracy are to be 3. Method should provide learner maximum
considered. participation in the solution of problems arising in
5. THE APPLICATION LESSON connection with school living.
 The application on various expression lessons 4. Method should provide varied opportunities for the
may take a variety of forms. The different ideas, learner to develop basic skills in group processes.
facts, principles, and rules that have been taught 5. Method should provide for the stimulation of
to the learners can find outlets or manifested in individual effort through the use of group
any of the following activity: consensus and approval.
1. Story telling 6. Method should provide opportunities for the
2. Oral reading learners to make decision and assume
3. Dramatization responsibilities.
4. Written composition 7. Method should provide for the gradual
5. Construction and illustration development of self-direction on the part of
6. Singing learners.
7. Creative work or composition PRINCIPLES OF METHOD BASED ON THE BROAD
CHAPTER 6: 1. Method should be concerned with all aspects of
TEACHING METHODS 2. Method should provide a well-balanced program
 The traditional method of study utilized by the of activities for learners.
learner was memorizing and the classroom 3. Method should provide orienting the learners
procedure was recitation method. about their community, their nation and the world.
 From one point of view, the foundations of 4. Method should promote security and satisfaction
contemporary teaching methods may be said to of learning experiences for every learner.
embrace three areas: 5. Method should reflect an understanding that the
1. The new psychology of learning fundamental skills are broader than the three R’s.
2. The democratic ideal 6. Method should reflect an understanding that the
3. The broader objectives of education fundamental subjects such as reading, writing and
PRINCIPLES OF METHOD BASED ON THE NEWER arithmetic involve the development of attitudes,
PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING desirable habits, appreciation and skills.
1. Method should utilize the present interest of THE INDUCTIVE METHOD
learners and stimulate the development of further • Simply an investigation method.
interests. The primary purpose of inductive method in
2. Method should encourage the pupil to establish education is:
worthwhile goals towards which to work. 1. To help students explore and discover truths
3. Method should provide the opportunities for through careful and exhaustive observation of
developing the inherent talent and creative valid and reliable data.
abilities of learners. 2. To make concepts, meaning, explanation and
4. Method should make provision for individual relationships of ideas clear to students.
differences in abilities of learners. 3. To enable students undertake an investigation of
5. Method should utilize opportunities for learning a problem independently.
through the use of concrete and meaningful The utilization of the inductive method includes five
learning materials. steps:
6. Method should provide for the development of 1. Preparation
basic skills through the use of meaningful and 2. Presentation
real-life situations. 3. Comparison and abstraction
7. Method should provide experiences closely 4. Generalization
geared to maturity level of learners. 5. Application
8. Method should reflect an understanding of the Strengths of inductive method:
broader concept of learning as the modification of 1. Observed that whatever is learned through
behavior. induction is learned thoroughly and retained
9. Method should make meaning, explanations and longer.
relationships of ideas clear to learners. 2. Children are trained to think logically and
THE DEDUCTIVE METHOD 1. Introduction step for orientation and motivation
 Starts with generalization that is applied to 2. Work period
particular cases. 3. Culminating activities
 A logical process of reasoning from general to the THE MORRISONIAN TECHNIQUE/UNIT METHOD
specific  The process of taking the contents of a particular
Objectives of deductive method subject as big blocks and not as isolated and
1. To teach students to master difficulties by using fragmentary bits of information.
rules. Steps of the unit method:
2. To remedy students tendency to readily jumped to 1. Exploration
conclusions. 2. Presentation
3. To teach students to delay their judgement until 3. Assimilation
the facts are carefully examined. 4. Organization
One well-known illustration of a deductive scheme of a 5. recitation
formal argument is syllogism. THE EXPOSITORY METHOD
 “All Filipinos are human beings”  Usually used in the lower grades because there is
 “All human beings are mortal” a need of explaining about the subject matter to
 “All Filipinos are mortal” be presented
Four steps employed in deductive method: The expository method is often used under certain
1. Statement of the problem conditions:
2. Generalization 1. When suitable or applicable information is needed
3. Inference to make the learners understand a portion of the
4. Verification lesson.
THE PROJECT METHOD 2. When the learners have some difficulty on having
 A problematic activity, carried on in a natural the information on hand.
setting. 3. When a concept or a principle can easily be
Characteristics: learned through explanation and interpretation.
1. Is problematic in nature. Steps in expository method:
2. Is planned and the activity should be executed 1. Approach
and completed. 2. Presentation
3. The activity should be purposeful, natural and 3. Application
Classification of Projects:  Analogous to the inductive method except that
1. Construction project only one case is investigated.
2. Enjoyment project  The objective of this method is to study a typical
3. Problem project or common case exhaustively and in detail.
4. Learning projects Steps of the Problem method:
Three types of projects: 1. The selection of the subject matter to be studied
1. Physical or material projects 2. Apperception and motivation
2. Learning projects 3. The model or a typical case that will be a subject
3. Intellectual or problem projects of comparison
Steps of the project method: 4. Study of details
1. Purposing 5. Comparison of details and other characteristics
2. Planning with the model
3. Executing 6. Generalization
4. evaluating Advantage of this method:
 Often referred to as a place for experimental  Real life characteristics which makes the subject
study in natural and physical sciences. matter clear, interesting and meaningful
 A teaching procedure that deals with first hand THE DEMONSTRATION METHOD
learning experiences.  Is basically the showing method.
 Is quite similar to supervised study.  A learning method through imitation.
 Objectives of laboratory method is to offer Steps used in the demonstration method:
opportunities for the learners get real experiences 1. Purposing
and to develop skills in the use of laboratory 2. Planning
equipment, instruments and materials for the 3. Demonstrative proper
experiment. 4. Executing
Types of laboratory method: 5. evaluation
1. Experimental type THE LECTURE METHOD
2. Observational type  Usually delivered by an invited speaker guest or
Steps in the laboratory method: lecturer during school convocations.
The lecture method is usually used under certain categorization of content from the simple to
conditions: complex level.
1. When a relevant information to make the students  Conceptual Learning is a meaningful endeavor
understand a part in the lesson for students. They can see and realize that bits of
2. When information is not readily available information which seem to be isolated can be
3. When an idea can best be learned by explanation organized and pieced together like a jigsaw-
4. When the source of materials are not accessible puzzle around a context in the broader
to the students fundamental structure of field of knowledge.
METACOGNITION TEACHING METHOD Some useful guides to remember I concept
 Learners are trained to be aware of and control formation are:
over their learning by utilizing metacognition 1. Concepts should be introduced in context rather
process. than in isolation.
Five steps used in this approach: 2. Pupils/students should be given opportunity to
1. Planning arrive at their own meanings of the concept prior
2. Deciding to guidance of the teacher.
3. Monitoring 3. The children should engage in a lot of reading,
4. Evaluating understanding, listening, and writing so that they
5. Terminating will be exposed to various situations, leading to
CHAPTER 7: the discovery of the correct meaning of the
 With some changes of emphasis on educational  Attempts are made to relate the disciplines, but
goals and objectives, the focus on the child as the the identity of each discipline is maintained.
important variable in the educational process, the INTRA-DISCIPLINARY APPROACH
concept of teaching method has been diversified  Involves the organization of social science content
and broad-ended and new approaches/strategies using only the disciplines.
and other instructional practices came about  The most common approach to curriculum
purportedly premised to enhance the teaching- organization in many colleges, specially colleges
learning process. of education in universities, is the intra-disciplinary
 The teacher should adapt different approach.
approaches/strategies of teaching to suit the  The conceptual approach in the social science is
needs of the learners. that conceptualizing means examining and
 There is no single correct way to teach a reflecting on many illustrative contents and
particular set of pupils/students in class. experiences which serves as building blocks for
 The teacher should be able to make a wise choice concepts, which, when interrelated, enables
of the type of activities that should be utilized students to generalize.
under varying learning conditions. TEAM TEACHING
 The different teaching approaches/strategies of  An approach or organizing teaching personnel to
organizing class activities are presented and improve instruction.
discussed are as follows:  An approach that involves two or more teachers
THE CONCEPTUAL APPROACH who work cooperatively with the some group of
 Choosing and defining the content of a certain pupils for a period of time.
discipline to be taught through the use of big or  Based on the principles of cooperation of group
persuasive ideas against the traditional practices action.
of determining content as by isolated topics.  The success of this plan depends upon the close
 The emphasis in not on the content per se, but in cooperation of the members of the team.
the big ideas that pervade the subject. It is using  Teachers are allowed to exchange class or to
the content as means of leading the learners to exchange tasks.
discover the laws and principles or  The different models of team teaching range from
generalizations that govern a particular subject. the simplest coordination of two classrooms and
 Subject matter is taught to enable the students to two teachers to complex designs involving many
develop concepts which are one’s mental picture classes, a variety of grouping patterns and
of anything. hierarchy of staff.
 Not a particular teaching method with specific Team teaching offers a number of advantages such
steps to follow. It is more of a point of view on as the following:
how facts and topics under a subject matter 1. Specialization is recognized.
should be dealt with. 2. Careful planning and execution is possible.
 This approach stresses cognitive learning: the 3. Effective teaching is possible.
learning of content or acquisition of knowledge; 4. Learners are better stimulated and challenged.
however, this approach requires the 5. More time is available for preparation.
6. Individual differences of the learners can be met.  Basically a mode of acquiring knowledge and
7. Better education guidance of the students is information or skills through direct and keen
possible. observations followed by an in-depth analysis of
8. No fixed patterns for teams has yet been involved. what has been registered in the senses how these
9. It allows more competent teachers to assume are understood.
leadership in the team. The learning requisites of experiential learning
10. Teachers are encouraged and stimulated to necessitate that:
specialize in those aspects of the subject for 1. Pupils should be personally involved in the
which they are best qualified. learning tasks.
11. It can be applied in every discipline. It’s an 2. The knowledge or information must be
excellent set up for inter-disciplinary combination. discovered by the students.
12. Pupils/students are exposed to variety of points of 3. The objectives of the learning activity must be
views and teacher personalities. clearly understood by the learners.
The disadvantages of team teaching include the 4. There should be degree of flexibility in the way
following: the children pursue learning tasks.
1. The first advantage pertain to time. Planning, 5. The learners should be directly involved in the
recording, and evaluating need time. Teachers planning stage of the learning experience.
have to put time for projects. 6. The pupils should be given time sufficient to
2. The second limitation is about space and facilities. reflect on the learning situation.
The program needs a lecture or seminar room, 7. The learners should be allowed to interact with
overhead projector, sound system and a bigger each other about their experiences.
space. 8. The tools and materials are readily available to
facilitate simple investigation.
 It is believed that when teachers work as a group, 9. The learners should record their observations for
when their professional expertise and talents their analysis, interpretations and conclusions.
blend and utilized and are used to the fullest 10. The inclusion of a wide variety of real-life
extent toward the attainment of specific goals, situations in planning the lessons are carefully
inferentially, the accomplishment of the group will included.
be greater than the sum total of the individual  Experiential learning can be more meaningful and
talents of each teacher working with his children can insure an effective application of principles
in the self-contained classroom. and concepts arrived at, if the learning requisites
THE ROLE PLAYING APPROACH are fully satisfied.
 One of the dramatic ways of presenting learning COOPERATIVE LEARNING APPROACH
episodes.  Hinged from the principles postulated by John
 It is action-filled. Because it consists of an Dewey and Herbert Thelen.
enactment by the students of a learning situation  They developed approaches and strategies as
through which the participants depict real-life well as procedures to help a relatively small group
responses and behavior. solve their own problems and at the same time
 It is spontaneous acting out of certain problems or learn and adapt democratic principles as they
situation in a natural setting. interact with each other in every learning situation.
Steps in role playing that must be observed to The characteristics of cooperative learning are:
achieve optimum results: 1. Students work in groups or teams to undertake
1. Identifying the problem and explain the roles to be learning tasks.
played. 2. The intellectual interactions within the groups are
2. Establishing the situation in which the action is to controlled by the members.
happen. 3. The members of the group are heterogeneous
3. Establishing descriptive roles and selecting and made up of mixed abilities – high, average
participants. and low.
4. Presenting the act or line of action. 4. Reward systems are group oriented.
5. Analyzing and evaluating the presentation of The effectiveness and success of this approach can
action of each role player, the adequacy and be seen on the following observations:
authenticity of the learning event, the major focus 1. There is a strong motivation and desire of each
and other details that are contributory to the member of the group to complete an academic
vividness of the presentation of the episode. task that is developed.
EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING 2. Group work and team effort develop friendliness
 “Experience is the best teacher” and willingness to assist are manifested.
 Occurrence of personal knowledge and direct 3. Interdependent relationships within the group is
experiences are natural parts of learning. developed.
 Experience is the base and serves as the 4. Cooperation in groups brings in to members
foundation upon which new ideas patterns of social cohesion and integration.
behavior are formulated.
5. Cooperation in groups promote a better medium evidence that are valid and reliable and draw their
of exchange of ideas, and encourage respect for own generalizations and conclusions.
other member’s point of view. Principles underlying the Inquiry Approach:
6. Cooperative learning groups demonstrate less 1. The learning process begins and moves from
competitive behavior intuition or a hunch going to the stage of in-depth
Cooperative learning - as an approach is basically a analysis.
type of classroom organization in which pupils work 2. The classroom serves as mini laboratory and the
harmoniously in groups to help each other acquire community a big laboratory for exploration.
academic knowledge and information through democratic 3. The students learn as a result of their
procedures and practices. observations.
Cooperative learning - according to Schechty (1990), is 4. The students discover relationships.
a technique of putting children in work groups and 5. The process brings the learners into more
assuring them that even if they have different intimate contact with real-life situations that are
backgrounds, different abilities and experiences in essential in abstracting and generalizing empirical
working together in productive ways. data.
Cooperative learning - is perceived to raise the 6. The methods and procedures utilized by the
academic achievement and encourage learners to help students in learning through the inquiry approach
and support peers in their group rather than compete are similar to the ways in which scientists think,
against one another. work, and organize knowledge.
Deutsch (1990) - found out that participants in THE TEACHER’S ROLE
cooperative learning enjoy the task; display greater  The teacher should help and motivate the
motivation; and finish tasks more efficiently than students learn how to ask interesting questions.
individuals who engage in task which utilizes competition.  The teacher’s own questioning technique will
PROGRAMMED INSTRUCTION serve as a model or pattern.
 Considered as one of the novel developments in  It is also important that the teacher allows certain
education. flexibility in the manner the learners are doing
 Basically based on the traditional psychological their assigned tasks.
learning principle of conditioning.  The teacher should involve the students in
 The word program refers to a coordinated group planning their own ways of gathering data to test
of activities to be performed. This planned their hypothesis.
learning pattern is presented to the pupils in a  Inquiry teaching extracts tremendous
sequential manner. expectations on the teachers ability to plan,
 Programmed instruction may have many types, execute and sustain the interest of the learning
although they are characteristically the same. activity.
 It is simply a teaching approach where materials The inquiry approach as an important tool, when
to be learned are presented step by step. carefully and consistently used has certain
The following principles of learning with the use of advantages as follows:
programmed instruction may be illustrated in the 1. When students are directly and actively involve in
following learning experiences: the learning process, learning is more permanent
1. Learning by doing is effective. and meaningful.
2. Learning is best facilitated when psychological 2. A sense of freedom prevails as the learners are
feed-back are conferred the leaners. encouraged to explore, discover, compare and
3. Students learn only when they master ideas and test generalization and to search for new
skills step by step strategies of solving problems.
4. Knowledge is facilitated when new techniques for 3. New topics that are discovered, become new
teaching are important. opportunities as students are motivated and
5. Creativity is promoted. encouraged to approach new topics with
6. The used of programmed learning materials, will confidence rather than anxiety and apprehension.
certainly motivate and encourage team teaching. 4. Excitement spread throughout the classroom.
7. Programmed learning will allow pupils to ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE
participate activity in class activity at all times.  A technique similar to a panel discussion.
THE INQUIRY APPROACH  It is usually a small group seated face to face
 Offers promise in directing the learning activities around a round table and has the characteristics
of the students to attain their objectives. of an informal social gathering.
 The inquiry-teaching is often referred to as  The number of participants need not to be large,
discovery, problem-solving or scientific six to ten are enough.
thinking.  The discussion topic is chosen in which the
 Helps the students seek solutions and answers to members are interested and familiar.
their own questions by way of gathering pieces of
The procedure that is found useful in conducting a  Planning of integrative activity requires careful
round table conference can be summarized as preparations of the teachers so that the desired
follows: objectives will be successful.
1. The introductory remarks, starting the Some Modes of Integrative Teaching
question/problem to be discussed should be  Integrative teaching is an educational movement
interesting and relevant to the contemporary that lets questioning and problem solving, rather
issue. than the structure of the academic disciplines.
2. Statement of the facts of the problem. Thematic teaching
3. Presentation of the agenda.  Teaching themes organize learning around ideas.
4. Group discussion/ exchanging of ideas of each It provide a broad framework for linking content
issue in the agenda. and process form a variety of disciplines
5. Consideration and deliberation of what action to CHAPTER 8:
take as a result of the discussion. AIDS TO FACILITATE EFFECTIVE TEACHING
 To appreciate instruction, there is a need to make
 The round table conference is an instructional a distinction between teaching and instruction.
practice where free communication and exchange  Teaching tis the behavior of the teacher that
of ideas among the participants take place to evolves during the instructional process.
achieve some desired objectives. THE RECITATION
PANEL DISCUSSION  Probably, any teacher has to teach effectively,
 In a panel discussion, it is important for all must know how to conduct recitations, makes and
participating members to have adequate ask good questions and gives interesting and
knowledge of all aspects of the subject for challenging assignments. Specific guidelines and
deliberation other than their prepared “speaches”. procedures as well as cautions are necessary and
 Members are given the opportunity to interact well provided for in each area.
freely.  The new teacher, and even experienced old
SYMPOSIUM FORUM teachers, will find this literature a rich mine of
 Is a form of meeting or a conference for the information about every teaching tool.
discussion of some important subjects, at which  The recitation as a teaching tool is viewed to be a
several speakers discuss a topic before an common teaching technique in a period of class
audience. instruction.
 Is used as a technique of in-service education  The rationale of the recitation in the teaching –
which involves group planning. It involves the learning process does not need further
utilization of the group process in identifying, explanation.
analyzing and solving educational problems and  Teachers still believe in its efficiency as an
issues. effective means of imparting knowledge and
Mechanics of the Workshop information, developing many skills, abilities,
 Normally, various committees are constituted, The attitudes, desirable habits and ideas.
committee works out the preliminary planning of  The concept of an effective recitation is often
the proposed activity, the members of the group looked upon to be an opportunity for developing
are divided into sub- committees to take charge creative expression, reflective thinking favorable
of a specific area of concern or group problems. attitudes and ideals for interpersonal relations and
Synergic social living.
 This teaching device is designed to develop a CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD RECITATION
testing learning environment that fosters working  It may be inferred that the most important
together with the spirit of cooperation with a characteristics of a good recitation is to develop
common purpose to share the benefits. wholesome attitude essentials to effective
Educational Field Trip teaching learning process. Although there is no
 Field studies as a teaching approach is an out-of- hard and fast rule in the conduct of the recitation,
the-classroom teaching activity to introduce pupils some authors in pedagogy recommended some
on an environment which is the most natural and guidelines:
realistic manner. It takes the learners where
growth an development abound or a place where 1. The recitation should be well planned. Planning
natural phenomena occur. and organizing of the learning materials will
Integrative Teaching ensure the smooth unfolding of various activities
 This teaching technique is concerned with the during the recitation.
development of a well-rounded personality – an 2. The recitation should be motivated to arouse the
individual who can adjust and respond to any interest of the learners.
given situation. 3. The recitations should be purposive.
Integrative Activities
4. The recitation should provide opportunities for 1. Cognitive memory
active and productive participation in the learning 2. Convergent questions
situations. 3. Divergent questions
There are certain factors that are to be identified and  There are various uses of the question that the
considered to insure the success of the recitation among teacher can utilized to obtain desirable results.
these, are: There are:
1. Good Learning environment 1. To stimulate the learners to think.
2. Proper class management 2. To motivate pupils interest.
3. Interest and enthusiasm are contagious 3. To diagnose learners difficulties arising from
4. A spirit of cooperation and cordial relations learning tasks.
DON’TS IN CONDUCTING RECITATION 4. To help the learners organize, synthesis and
1. The students should be aware that they should evaluate learning experiences.
recite for the class and not for the teacher alone. 5. To aid the learners to relate pertinent and
2. No one should be allowed to monopolize the important experience to the lesson.
recitation. 6. To develop new appreciations and attitudes.
3. Do not interrupt a student who is reciting for his 7. To show relationships, such as cause and effect.
thoughts may be disturbed, and as a result, he 8. To encourage the learner to apply concepts in
might forget what he wants to say. meaningful experiences.
4. If a pupil/student commits an error while reciting, 9. To provide frill and practice.
corrections should be made after the recitations or 10. To encourage learner evaluation.
5. The teacher should exercise due care and  Through appropriate strategies in formulating and
prudence on handling the responses of the asking questions the teacher can help learners
students. understand and formulate ideas, relationship and
6. The teacher should not embarrass any student for principle.
giving a wrong response, for it will uncomfortable,  It should be simple, clear and definitive.
THE SOCIALIZED RECITATION  Good questioning is both a methodology and a
 The type of recitation is primarily geared to a art; there are certain techniques to be followed. It
greater socialization where the pupils learn to also requires skills and good judgement. The
conform to the norms of his social groups and following techniques are suggested:
plays a corresponding role. 1. Questions should be asked on a natural,
 Process is a shift towards the “cognitive spontaneous and well-modulated voice.
approach.” 2. Ask questions that are stimulating and not merely
 The teacher socialized recitation in no longer the testing.
center of attention in the teaching learning 3. Ask questions that are relevant and interesting to
process as it used to be in the traditional school. pupil.
THE ART OF QUESTIONING 4. Ask questions that are sequential.
 It is assumed that good teaching involves good 5. Ask the question first and then wait for the class
questioning especially when large groups of to think about it before calling a pupil to answer
students are being taught. Skillful and intelligent the question.
questioning can arouse the learners’ curiosity, 6. The teacher should refrain from repeating
stimulate their imagination, and motivate them to questions.
search out of new knowledge. 7. Ask questions that are clear and simple.
 It can challenge the pupils, make them think and 8. Prepare five or six pivotal questions.
help clarify and how the learners respond to them THE ASSIGNMENT
influence the quality of classroom discussion and  The assignment is that part of lesson assigned as
the effectiveness of instruction. a particular task to the pupil what they are
TYPES OF QUESTIONS expected to accomplish n the lesson.
Questions can be categorized as follows:  The assignment as an academic duty or job that
1. According to thinking process involves – form low may be done in class or home.
level to high level  Form of a project to be accomplished.
2. According to type of answers required  A research topic on health and sanitation, causes
3. According to the degree of personal exploration or of drug addiction, a theme to be written, a literary
valuing selection to be memorized understood and
 Several authorities have formulated their own FUNCTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT
categories and models of questions and these
 In order that the assignment will serve its 5. Say no without guilt feelings
purpose, it must be purposive it is the paramount 6. Give and receive compliments spontaneously.
duty of the teacher to ensure that all assigned 7. Place demands and set limits on the students and
learning tasks are important and meaningful to the enforce them.
learners. 8. Point out consequences of behavior and explain
There are number of functions of assignments: why specific action is necessary.
1. To set the goal or direction of the learning task. 9. Be calm and consistent; avoid display of emotions
2. To stimulate logical and creative thinking. and threats.
3. To recall previous lessons in preparation for a 10. Establish positive expectations for student
long test. behavior and try to eliminate negative
4. To motivate the learners and prepare them for the expectations about students.
learning task to be done. 11. Gain confidence and management skills in
5. To determine and plan out learning activities to be identifying and working with chronic behavior
undertaken. problems in the classroom.
6. To provide directions and other requirements for BUSINESS ACADEMIC APPROACH
the learning activity.  Developed by Evertson and Emmer
CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD ASSIGNMENT  Emphasis was on organization and management
 An effective assignment will certainly help the of students as they engage in academic work
teacher take care of the important phase if the Clear Communication of Assignments and Work
teaching- learning situations to achieve the Requirements
desired results.  The teacher should define, establish and explain
1. A good assignment should be clear and definite. clearly to the students work assignments, features
2. A good assignment should relate new learning of work, procedures, and prescribed standards to
experiences to the old. met.
3. A good assignment should stimulate the 1. Instruction for assignments
imagination of the learner by way of thinking and 2. Standards for forms, neatness and due dates
clarifying the learning task’ besides being 3. Procedures of absent pupils
challenging. Monitoring student Work
4. A good assignment should be comprehensive and  Monitoring pupil work will certainly help the
should have a wide range of interesting learning teacher detect them who are having difficulty and
activities. related problems and to encourage them, to keep
5. A good assignment should relate to a real life on working.
situations. 1. Monitoring group work
CHAPTER 9: 2. Monitoring individual work
Instructional planning 3. Monitoring completion of work
 Approaches to classroom development 4. Maintaining records of students accomplishments
o The personality, philosophy and teaching style FEEDBACK TO LEARNERS
will directly affect the teacher’s managerial  Important for enhancing academic monitoring and
approach to classroom management. managerial procedures.
o There are various approaches or models that  Attention to problem is very important for teachers
have been products of researchers and are to pay careful attention at the beginning of the
applicable to classroom management which school year up to completion of prescribed
are based on psychology, classroom assignment without justifiable reason should be
experience and common sense. advised to work harder.
The assertive approach  Attention to good work should be properly
 Expects the teacher to specify rules of behavior recognized by giving or providing polite words and
and consequences for disobeying them. praises.
 It is important that the learners know and realize THE BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION APPROACH
that they should be held accountable for their  Involves various techniques and methods, that
actions. ranging from simple rewards to elaborate
 The teacher can devise his rules for based on reinforcement training.
sound criteria of imposing sanctions for pupils  Rooted in the words of James Warson and B.F.
who misbehave. Skinner and assume that behavior is shaped by
Suggestions for teachers who would apply assertive the environment and pay little attention to the
discipline as an approach to classroom management: causes of the problem.
1. Clearly identify learning expectations The basic principles of the behavior modification
2. Take decisive positions approach are:
3. Use of firm 1. The behavior is influenced and shaped by its
4. Employ eye contact and meaningful gestures to consequences, and not the causes of problem
supplement verbal messages brought about in the history of the individual.
2. The behavior is strengthened by immediate  This teacher behavior is keeping the students
reinforces – positive or negative. Positive focused on the group activity.
reinforces are various forms of praises and Group guidance approach.
rewards; while Negative reinforces virtually take  It is based on changing the overt behavior of the
away or stop something the learner does not like. students on a group basis.
3. The behavior is strengthened by a systematic The acceptance approach to discipline.
reinforcement.  Maintains that every individual has a primary need
4. Learners respond better to positive reinforces for acceptance.
than they do to punishment.  Based on the democratic model of teaching.
5. When a learner is not rewarded for appropriate or CHARACTERISTICS OF CLASSROOM
adaptive behavior, he may become increasingly MANAGEMENT
dominant and will be utilized to obtain  Includes control of its physical conditions, proper
reinforcement. utilization of materials for instruction, classroom
6. Constant reinforcement. routine and discipline.
7. Once the behavior has been learned, it is best  Physical aspects include the location, size,
maintained through intermittent reinforcement. shape and lighting and illumination, ventilation,
8. Students who follow rules are rewarded; while acoustics, and provisions for sanitation.
those who break rules are punished. Aquino’s four variables of classroom management:
1. The physical environment
Models are examples of imitation are effective in 2. The intellectual climate
modifying behavior for they capture and hold attention. 3. Social climate
Building and sustaining good discipline through 4. Emotional climate
1. Demonstration 1. Is the classroom climate purposeful, task-
2. Attention oriented, relaxed, warm and supportive? Does it
3. Practice corrective feedback have sense of order?
4. Application 2. Are the comments particularly, freedom on their
Suggested teacher’s role in modeling: progress, help students develop self-esteem and
1. Selects behavior to be learned. self-respect as learners?
2. Selects most appropriate models. 3. Are the learning activities challenging, and do
3. Sees that the behavior is modeled clearly, they offer realistic opportunities for success?
accurately and briefly. 4. Does the teacher make a good use of both
4. Assists observers focus attention on what is being intrinsic and extrinsic sources of student
modeled. motivation?
5. Assists observers in remembering what they saw. 5. Does the teacher’s behavior convey positive
6. Provides for suitable practice in reenacting the expectations?
observed behavior. 6. Does the teacher convey personal interest and
7. Provides corrective feedback during student care for the progress of the students?
reenactment. 7. Is the relationship with the teacher based on
8. Practice in reenacting the observed behavior. mutual respect and rapport?
GROUP MANAGERIAL APPROACH 8. Do the measures conveyed by the nature and
 Kounin’s behaviors and categories for observing types of activities used and the way the teacher
classroom management two major categories: interacts with learners contribute to establishing
1. Work involvement and sustaining a positive classroom climate?
2. Deviancy 9. Does the appearance and layout of the classroom
Other related categories: convey positive expectations and facilitate the
1. Desist techniques activities which occur?
 with-it-ness 10. Does the teacher take adequate amounts of
 overlapping behavior influence of the composition of the class; e.g.,
2. Movement management social class mix in the way he can best establish a
Among the housekeeping classroom activities that positive classroom climate?
need to be routinized include: CLASSROOM ROUTINE
1. Entering and leaving the room  Routinizing some classroom activities can save a
2. Seating arrangement lot of time and effort, prevent confusion, and
3. Classroom attendance facilitate learning activity.
4. Using chalkboard and keeping it clean after use  Activities that are repeatedly done everyday can
5. Collecting and distributing student’s paper be routinized so that the learners will know exactly
6. Passing, collecting, handling and putting away what should be done.
books and other learning materials  Courtesy in and outside the classroom should be
Group focus. observed at all times.
 The teacher should be the model of courteous 4. Creating an atmosphere of warmth and
behavior. friendliness in the classroom.
CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE 5. Helping learners assume some responsibility for
 Discipline refers to the order in which is group control.
necessary in the classroom for students’ learning 6. The teacher should be patient and firm in
to occur effectively. disciplining the learners.
 Order is needed in the classroom to facilitate the 7. Group leaders should assume responsibility in
teaching-learning process. seeing that school rules and regulations are
 Discipline, as applied to classroom instruction, is upheld by every member of the class.
any means or device adopted by the teacher to 8. Establishing good routine habits and always keep
achieve orderly behavior of the learners. the students busy in their learning activities.
 the ultimate objective of discipline is to help the 9. Showing the right kind of interest in the learners in
learners develop ethical character and attain their school work.
desirable behavior. 10. Making learners establish trust and confidence to
 Character traits that should be inculcated and the teacher.
developed are obedience, responsibility, 11. Punishment should be meted by the offender.
diligence, perseverance, respect for the rights of NEVER PUNISH THE WHOLE CLASS for the
others, cheerfulness, and fair pay. offense committed by one individual.
12. The teacher should take the initiative and
 Discipline, to be effective should be meaningful
deliberate effort to discipline his class.
and sympathetic.
13. The teacher should never promise anything that
 The importance and value of developing proper
she cannot do.
conduct in society should be very clear to them.
14. The teacher should call on students who do not
pay attention.
 Factors that contribute to these behavioral 15. The teacher should be amiable and learn to smile
problems of the children are poor training, graciously.
breeding, and upbringing, desire for attention, lack 16. Send students who has violated rules of conduct
of self-control, poor environment, broken homes, in the guidance office.
poor vision, poverty, and perhaps weak CHAPTER 10:
 The teacher should be able to identify and OUTCOMES
determine the cause or causes of problems so  Researchers in evaluating instructional outcomes
that appropriate remedies can be applied. at all levels of education-elementary, secondary,
 The most common problems encountered by and tertiary have developed widespread interest.
the teacher especially the new ones are:  There are several questions that confront
inattention, laughing, giggling, whispering, teachers at all levels that need to be addressed
clowning, joking, making faces, talking, playing such as:
and discourtesy.
 Did the learners develop adequate skills? Were
 The more serious ones are: cheating, lying, the teaching methods and strategies utilized
stealing, shouting, destruction of school property, adequate and effective in helping them pursue
vandalism, defiance to school rules and their goals and objectives? Which learning
regulations, fighting in class, physical attacks, experiences were effective in promoting learning?
bullying and stubbornness. Importance of Evaluation
Causes of disciplinary problems
 The importance of evaluation cannot be
1. The teacher factor
overemphasized. It is important as an instrument
2. The learner as a factor in discipline
of the school system, to the teacher, the learner,
3. The school environment as a factor in discipline
the parent, the administrator, the policy maker
How can classroom discipline be improved?
and the teaching profession.
 All teachers must maintain better approaches how
 The process is continuously being done to
these behavioral problems can be minimized to a
determine the effectiveness of instruction.
tolerable level
 The school administrator is also eager to know
The certain approaches that can serve as pointers or
the effectiveness as well as the inadequacies of
guidelines that can be observed:
the educational program.
1. There should be regular personal conferences
with the learners and the parents emphasizing the  Evaluation involves the determination of the goals
importance of classroom discipline. and objectives toward which educational efforts
2. Disorderly students should be given are directed and the determination of
responsibilities. measurement instruments and techniques to be
3. Keeping every learner in his learning wholesome utilized in assessing the degree toward the set
task. and desired goals and objectives of the
educational program.
There are certain principles that should be observed
1. Evaluation should be within the parameter to EVALUATION
which the learners have attained the objectives of  For gines, et al. 1998 measurement is the process
education. of quantifying the degree to which someone or
2. Objectives should be defined in terms of learner something possesses a given trait.
behavior.  Navarro, et., 1988 state that measurement refers
3. Evaluation is an integral part of the educative to the process of gathering information in relation
process. to the presence or absence of a student behavior.
4. The evaluation program should be cooperative.  Evaluation is a process in which we put a value
5. Evaluation should be comprehensive. on or assign worth to something. The essential
6. Evaluation utilizes a variety of measurement characteristics of evaluation is judgement.
instrument and techniques. PURPOSE OF TEST IN EDUCATION
7. Records should be utilized to give a complete and  The primary purposes of tests are to determine
clear picture of the learners. the extent to which the learning objectives have
8. Diagnosis and Remedial Teaching are phases of been attained and to evaluate the effectivity of
the evaluative process. instructional outcomes.
TYPES OF EVALUATION According to Findley, these purpose may be
 Since evaluation is an integral part of the classified as:
educative process, the teacher should guide 1. Instructional
every learning experience in relation to the needs 2. Administrative
and interest of the learners 3. Guidance
 Evaluation forms the basis for deciding what type CRITERIA FOR SELECTING TESTS
of appraisal is needed to assess a particular  The two major criteria for selecting tests are
learning situation. reliability and validity.
1. Diagnostic Evaluation  No matter what type of test one uses, it should be
2. Formative Evaluation reliable and valid.

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