Not 0102020 2752020
Not 0102020 2752020
Not 0102020 2752020
LAST DATE : 30.12.2020
Applications are invited online only from qualified candidates for selection to the
undermentioned post in Kerala Administrative Tribunal. Applications must be
submitted online only through the official website of the Kerala Public Service
Commission after “ONE TIME REGISTRATION”.
The above vacancies are now in existence. The Ranked list of selected candidates
published by the Commission in response to this notification shall remain in force for
a minimum period of one year provided that the said list will continue to be in force
till the publication of a new list after the expiry of the minimum period of one year or
till the expiry of three years whichever is earlier. Candidates will be advised from the
said list against the vacancies noted above and also against the vacancies if any
reported to the Commission during the period of the currency of the list.
[For other conditions regarding the age relaxation please see Part-II, Para 2 of the General
Conditions of the Gazette notification]
7. Qualifications:
1 A Pass in Standard VII/III Forum
2 Must possess a valid Driving License of three years standing to drive Light Motor Ve-
hicles with Driver's Badge.
3 Proficiency in driving Light Motor Vehicles .
(To be proved by a Practical Test conducted by Kerala Public Service commission dur-
ing the course of selection)
Note (i) Candidate shall possess a Current Driving License throughout all the stages of
selection process as on the last date of application, OMR Test, Practical Test , In -
terview, etc.
Note (ii) Badge has been exempted for driving Light Motor Vehicles with effect from
4 Medical fitness
(a) Ear: Hearing should be perfect.
(b) Eye: Distant Vision: 6/6 snellen
Near Vision : 0.5 snellen
Colour Vision: Normal
Night Blindness: Nil
(c) Muscles & Joints: No paralysis and all joints must be capable of free movements.
(c) Nervous System : Perfectly normal and free from any infectious diseases.
Note:- Candidates should produce a medical certificate in prescribed format as and when
required by the Commission.
Note:(a) Differently Abled candidates are not eligible to apply for this post.
(D) Candidates who have AADHAAR card should add AADHAAR as ID Proof in
their profile.