Imus Diagnostics Incorporated

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Sarreal Avenue, Bayan Luma II, Imus, Cavite


Prepared by:

Engr. Jose Antonio A. Montalban

Sanitary Engineer

PRC License No.: 0003323 PTR No.: 2290895

Issued on: August 22, 2018 Issued on: February 2, 2022
Issued at: Bacoor City, Cavite

This document shall not be altered, reproduced, and/or copied by anyone without prior consent
from the preparer.



Imus Diagnostics Incorporated is located at Sarreal Avenue, Bayan Luma II, Imus, Cavite.
In compliance with the Republic Act No. 9275, otherwise known as the “Clean Water Act of The
Philippines”, this Engineering Report covers the establishment’s primary business description,
wastewater characteristics, discharge and treatment details for the establishment’s septic tank
that is located at the fore mentioned business address. The engineer’s report, together with the
duly accomplished application forms for the establishment’s discharge permit, are required
documentations for review and evaluation of Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) to warrant insurance of the certificate to discharge wastewater.


Sarreal Avenue, Bayan Luma II, Imus, Cavite. (Source: Google Earth)

Imus Diagnostics Incorporated, is a medical laboratory and medical service establishment

and is overall represented by Dr. Pedro Comia as its President, with its headquarters located at
Sarreal Avenue, Bayan Luma II, Imus, Cavite. The nature of the establishment’s business is
primarily focused on general medical and laboratory services.


Based on the DENR Administrative Order no. 2016-08, the parameters of domestic sewage
for all establishments shall be monitored according to its Philippine Standard Industrial
Classification (PSIC) Code. The establishment is listed under Section Q, PSIC No. 86,87 and PSIC
No. 37,000, which represents “Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and other human and residential
care activities”, and the “Operation of Sewer Systems or Sewage Treatment Facilities that collect,
treat and dispose of sewage” of the establishment, respectively. The collective primary
parameters to be considered both under in the PSIC Code No. 86,87 and 37,000 are BOD, Fecal
Coliform, Ammonia, Nitrate, Phosphate, Oil and Grease, Surfactants, Total Suspended Solids,
Color, Temperature and pH.

Biological Oxygen Demand or BOD is a parameter used to identify the degree of organic
pollution in a water system. In order for most organic matter to be degraded, microorganisms
shall require oxygen to serve as its energy source for the degradation of organic pollutants, with
its nutrients as the microorganisms’ source of food. A high value of BOD corresponds to the high
value of oxygen required for the microorganisms to degrade organic matter, and thus, may
indicate a high concentration of organic pollutants in the water system. In addition, a high level
of BOD may indicate a low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, inhibiting provisions for aquatic
life to thrive within the water system as they require dissolved oxygen to breathe.

Fecal Coliform is not generally pathogenic, rather it is an indicator organism, which means
the presence of fecal coliform on wastewater may indicate that other pathogenic bacteria are
present. With this, the amount of Fecal Coliform in water should be stated in DAO 2016-08.
Chlorination is the treatment used in the removal of Fecal Coliform in wastewater.
Nitrogen, as Ammonia, is a critical aspect in biological wastewater treatment. It is utilized
by bacteria to make proteins, including enzymes needed to break down food or BOD as well as
making energy. But high ammonia in wastewater can harm us not only externally but also
internally as well as the aquatic life in the receiving end.

Nitrate, is the oxidized form of Ammonia, through Nitrification process. It is an essential

parameter in treating wastewater effluent but in excess amount, it can cause problems such as
boost in algae growth resulting to oxygen depletion that will cause organisms to die not to
mention odor problems to surrounding areas.

The main sources of Phosphorus, through oxidized form known as Phosphates, in

wastewater are the human excreta, phosphorus containing household detergents and some
industrial and trade effluent. Together with Nitrate, it can cause eutrophication if maintained in
an amount that is beyond expected, as they are considered nutrients for algal systems to
proliferate, causing problems in the receiving water body of the wastewater treatment facility.

Fats, Oil and Grease is a by-product of cooking foods such as vegetable oils, meats, and
dairy products. If remain untreated, problems such as decreasing the sewer capacity, clogging of
drains and less performance on other parts of the sewer systems. If discharge at a rate surpassing
the limit, it will form a layer on the surface water that decreases DO harming the aquatic life.

Surfactants, or surface-activating agents are chemical compounds that causes decrease

on the surface tension of water. In the form of detergent soaps, surfactants may cause the
wastewater to produce foaming, bulking and filamentation on the wastewater characteristics,
thus creating negative complications such as loss of nitrification, toxicity and increase in Total
Suspended Solids.

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) refer to waterborne particles that exceed 2 microns in size.
The majority of total suspended solids comprise of inorganic materials; however, algae and
bacteria may also be considered TSS. When certain water sources are contaminated with
decaying plants or animals, the organic particles released into the water are usually suspended
solids. While some sediment will settle at the bottom of a water source, other TSS will float on
water’s surface or remain suspended somewhere in between. When it comes to water quality,
high TSS may decrease water’s natural dissolved oxygen levels and increase water temperature.
This may prevent organisms living in the water, such as small fish, from being able to survive. TSS
may also block sunlight, which may halt photosynthesis, decreasing the survival of plants and
further decreasing water’s oxygen levels.

pH or Power of Hydrogen refers to the measurement of hydrogen ion activity in the

solution. Determination of pH plays an important role in the wastewater treatment process.
Extreme levels, presence of particulate matters, accumulation of toxic chemicals and increasing
alkalinity levels are common problems in wastewater. As a chemical component of the
wastewater, pH has direct influence on wastewater treatability – regardless of whether treatment
is physical/chemical or biological. Because it is such a critical component of the makeup of the
wastewater, it is therefore critically important to treatment. Before proceeding with treatment,
you have to identify the parameters, the impurities that are in the wastewater. Once you know
what you are dealing with, you determine the starting and the ending pH values, along with
treatment procedures; then you have to select the appropriate chemicals best suited for

Color in wastewater treatment, color is not necessarily a problem but instead is an

indicator of the condition of the wastewater. Condition, along with odor, provides a qualitative
indication of the age of the waste-water. Early in the flow, wastewater is a light brownish-gray
color. The color of wastewater containing dissolved oxygen (DO) is normally gray. Black-colored
wastewater usually accompanied by foul odors and containing little or no DO is said to be septic.

To prevent these parameters to exceed, the set standard by DENR/LLDA treatment should
be incorporated as part of the sewerage system, that is why certain measures are made for
establishments to comply. This type of establishment is built with a septic tank that serves as the
preliminary treatment before the wastewater to discharge in bodies of water upon thorough
treatment. This septic tank is subject for siphoning regularly to keep it in optimum efficiency
which will be undertaken by the management of Imus Diagnostics Incorporated.

The management manpower in the medical laboratory service establishment has

eleven (11) administrative and service personnel inclusive of the President of the
establishment. The medical laboratory service establishment operates on 8 hours per day, under
26 days per month and 12 months peryear, with an average sewage discharge of 26 days per
month. Its overall water consumption hasan average flow of 59.8 cubic meters monthly or 2.3
cubic meters daily.The primary focus of worknature in the establishment is solely for general
medical and laboratory services only.

The only available flow measurement method for the establishment is through an
installed volumetric device for their water storage tank. The potential receiving water body of the
establishment's effluent is directly through Imus River.


Recordkeeping is proposed as adequate monitoring to ensure that discharge from the

establishment stay below the proposed limits or siphoned regularly. This table presents the
proposed monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting.

Source Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting

 Imus Diagnostics Incorporated Monitoring / Recordkeeping:

 Track and record on water consumption and
wastewater analysis in a quarterly basis.
 Track and record the frequency of siphoning
 Record hours of operation and the time
operation begin and each other.
 Prepare quarterly report or any required
monitoring within 10 days from the end of
each reporting period.


Based on the DENR Administrative Order No. 2016-08 and along with the updated water quality
parameters based on DENR Administrative Order No. 2021-019, the domestic sewage or
wastewater of all establishments shall be monitored for the same parameters listed through its
prescribed PSIC Code No. 37,000 and 86,87. The establishment management shall be fully
committed to further enhance the treatment system by frequent checking/monitoring and
siphoning of the septic tank yearly.




Septic Tank Internal Capacity Dimensions:

Digestive Chamber: Leaching Chamber:

Length: 1.500 mtrs. Length: 1.000 mtrs.

Width: 1.200 mtrs. Width: 1.200 mtrs.

Water Depth: 1.200 mtrs. Water Depth: 1.200 mtrs.

Volume: 2.160 cu.m. Volume: 1.44 cu.m.

Septic Tank Capacity Volume:

Volume of Digestive Chamber + Volume of 1st Leaching Chamber = Septic Tank Capacity Volume

= 2.160 cu.m. + 1.44 cu.m.

= 3.600 cu.m. Volume Capacity

A. Computation for the estimated BOD Loading of the wastewater flow based on the
estimated water consumption of the establishment:

BOD Loading (Flow) = (2.1 cu.m./day) x (1000 L/cu.mtrs.) x (200 mg/L prescribed BOD
concentration factor) x (1 kg/1,000,000 mg)

BOD Loading (Flow) = 0.420 kg/day BOD

B. Computation of estimated BOD Loading of septic tank based on the estimated volumetric
organic loading rate (VOLR)

Assume Effluent VOLR = 0.3 kg BOD /cu.m./day

0.3 kg BOD/cu.m./day = BOD Loading / (3.600 cu.m.)

BOD Loading (S.T.) = 1.080 kg/day BOD

Estimated % BOD Removal Efficiency = [(1.080 kg/day BOD – 0.420 kg/day BOD) / 1.080 kg/day
BOD] x 100%

Estimated BOD Removal Efficiency = 61.11%

Ideal Hydraulic Retention Time for Septic Tanks = 1 – 3 days minimum

Septic Tank HRT = Overall Septic Tank Volume / Sewage Flow

Septic Tank HRT = 3.600 cu.m. / 2.100 cu.m. per day

Septic Tank HRT = 1.71 Days ; under ideal HRT


- Spellman, F. (2003). Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations. CRS Press – New York.

- Department of Environment and Natural Resources (2020). Memorandum Circular 2020-25: Guidelines on Total
Pollution Load Estimates for Freshwater Bodies in Relation to its Assimilitive Capacity. Republic of the Philippines.

- Department of Health (2019). Administrative Order 2019-0047: National Standard on the Design, Construction,
Operation and Maintenance of Septic Tank Systems

- Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F., & Stensel, H. D. (2003). Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse. McGraw-
Hill, & Metcalf & Eddy – New York.
Prepared by:

Engr. Jose Antonio A. Montalban, RSE

Sanitary Engineer

PRC No. 0003323

Approved by:

Maria Teresita I. Relopez

Pollution Control Officer

Imus Diagnostics Incorporated

Dr. Pedro Comia


Imus Diagnostics Incorporated

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