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zaunoeR out DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY tad so a a eno te sae eee ese eeron E.No, 105 (933) DTU/Acad-UG/Fee/2022-23/N1%1S~ 12027 __Dateg 03 |°/| [2023 Fee Notice ‘Students who have not deposited Annual Academic Fee for AY 2022-23 Further to this office letter no. F. No. 105 (993) DTU/Acad-UG/Fee/2022- 28/14698-710 dated 19.07.2022, F. No. 105 (933) DTU/Acad-UG/Fee/2022. 23/10642-51 dated 11.10.2022 and F. No. 105 (933) DTU/Acad-UG/Fee/2022- 28/11196-206 dated 22.11.2022. Ithas been observed that a total of 1174 students (1117 B. Tech, & 87 B. Des. ‘have not deposited their Annual Academic fe for the AV 2022-23. List of sich defaulter students is enclosed herewith. The Competent Authority has taken a serious view fon the matter. In view of the above, fee defaulter students are hereby directed to deposit fee ‘alongwith late fee of Rs. 10,000/- through ERP portal/demand draft latest _by 15.01.2028, failing which their registrations are Uabl ancelled. Students who have been granted extension installment to deposit annual fee are advised to deposit fee by due date. No further request for extension installments will be entertained. ‘Those students who have already deposited the fee which has not been updated in ERP portal, are advised to visit in Academie-UG section at their respective window. Prof, anal Pandey) Dean Academic (UG) Enclosures: As above E.No. 105 'U/Acad-UG/Fee /2022-23/ 1445-12869 ted 631/23 1, PS. to VC for kind information to the Hon‘ble Vice Chancellor 2. Registrar, DTU 3. Dean Academic-UG 4. HoDs:- With a request to display on departmental notice boards. 5. DRIA/CS) 6. COO & Head (CC): - With the request to upload the same on Unversity Website and communicate message to fee defaulter students through ERP (Chief warden. All notice boards, Guard file Dug . (Pro. Priya Malate) ‘Associate Dean, Academic (UG)

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