Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
The teacher will guide students to Students will give examples of Teacher will write her
recapitulate the preparation of Trial the type of errors made by them observations after completion of
Balance in Chapter on Ledger. when they prepare Journal and the topic.
In this chapter, teacher will Ledger. The errors pertaining to
explain: totalling, posting, casting,
Various types of errors : writing amount in wrong
(i) Errors of commission account, debiting expenses
(ii) Errors of Omission instead of asset and so on.
(iii) Errors of Principle They will understand the
(iv) Compensating error classification of errors.
The teacher will explain the Students will practice questions
technique of Rectification of by adopting the process of :
errors: Errors affecting only one a) Making correct entry
account can be rectified by giving b) Analysing the wrong entry
an explanatory note or by passing a c) Passing the rectified entry.
journal entry. Errors which affect
two or more accounts are rectified Students will understand the
by passing a journal entry. reason of preparing ‘Suspense
The teacher will explain the A/c’ and how to dispose it.
Meaning and utility of suspense They will pass rectifying entries
account : An account in which the with the help of Suspense
difference in the trial balance is put Account.
till such time that errors are located
and rectified. It facilitates the Students will be able to built up
preparation of financial statements their confidence and ability to
even when the trial balance does tackle problems asked in CBSE
not tally. examinations.
The teacher will guide on the
Disposal of suspense account :
When all the errors are located and
rectified the suspense account
stands disposed of.