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TOPIC : Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors

Pre-Content/content Learning Outcome/Objectives

. General Specific
Students have learnt about the Students will be able to Students will be able to
basic principles of accounting
that for every debit there will be  state the meaning of  Understand the meaning of trial
an equal credit. It implies that if trial balance; balance.
the sum of all debits equals the
sum of all credits, its presumed  enumerate the
that the posting to the ledger in objectives of preparing  Understand the objective of
terms of debit and credit amounts trial balance ; trial balance.
is accurate.
Content  prepare trial balance;  Now how to prepare trial
It is an arithmetical check under balance.
the double entry system which
verifies that both aspects of  explain the types of  Understand the type of errors.
every transaction have been errors;
recorded accurately. It may be
noted that the accounting  state various process of  Know the errors affecting trial
accuracy is not ensured even if balance.
locating errors ;
the totals of debit and credit
balances are equal because some  identify the errors  Know how to detect errors.
errors do not affect which affect the
equality of debits and credits. agreement of trial
Post-content balance and those
Trial balance is an important which do not affect the
statement in the accounting agreement of trial
process. which shows final balance;
position of all accounts and helps
in preparing the final statements.  rectify the errors  Know how to rectify errors.
The suspense account is an without preparing
account in which the difference suspense account; and  Know the preparation and
in the trial balance is put till such disposal of suspense account.
time that errors are located and  rectify the errors with
rectified. It facilitates the suspense account
preparation of financial
statements even when the trial
balance does not tally.
Home Work /Assignments:
NCERT Book –theoretical aspects will be discussed.
Assignment sheet is also given
Questions taken in the class were also discussed and asked to solve.

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity Teacher's Observation And


The teacher will guide students to Students will give examples of Teacher will write her
recapitulate the preparation of Trial the type of errors made by them observations after completion of
Balance in Chapter on Ledger. when they prepare Journal and the topic.
In this chapter, teacher will Ledger. The errors pertaining to
explain: totalling, posting, casting,
Various types of errors : writing amount in wrong
(i) Errors of commission account, debiting expenses
(ii) Errors of Omission instead of asset and so on.
(iii) Errors of Principle They will understand the
(iv) Compensating error classification of errors.
The teacher will explain the Students will practice questions
technique of Rectification of by adopting the process of :
errors: Errors affecting only one a) Making correct entry
account can be rectified by giving b) Analysing the wrong entry
an explanatory note or by passing a c) Passing the rectified entry.
journal entry. Errors which affect
two or more accounts are rectified Students will understand the
by passing a journal entry. reason of preparing ‘Suspense
The teacher will explain the A/c’ and how to dispose it.
Meaning and utility of suspense They will pass rectifying entries
account : An account in which the with the help of Suspense
difference in the trial balance is put Account.
till such time that errors are located
and rectified. It facilitates the Students will be able to built up
preparation of financial statements their confidence and ability to
even when the trial balance does tackle problems asked in CBSE
not tally. examinations.
The teacher will guide on the
Disposal of suspense account :
When all the errors are located and
rectified the suspense account
stands disposed of.

Teaching Aids : Active inspire, NCERT Book , Reference Book

Methodology/Innovative Methods : Discussion, Recall, Explanation, Question-Answer method, problem


Interdisciplinary Links : Business Studies, Entrepreneurship, Economics and Mathematics

Coordinator Vice-Principal Principal

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