Project performed in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation and the Federal
Highway Administration.
Author’s Disclaimer: The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors,
who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The
contents do not necessarily reflect the official view or policies of the Federal
Highway Administration or the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).
This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
Engineering Disclaimer
The authors express appreciation to the Texas Department of Transportation
(TxDOT) for their guidance and support. The research team extends a special
thanks to the research project manager Shelley Pridgen, Darran Anderson, and
members of TxDOT’s Strategic Planning Division—Yvette Flores, James Kuhr,
Zeke Reyna, and Beverly West—who provided their input to the project. In
addition, the research team is grateful for the continued support of and guidance
from the members of the Texas Technology Task Force. The authors would like to
recognize the contribution of key subject matter experts who shared their insights,
experiences, and expertise on emerging technologies, planning, and policy.
2020 TECH
The Texas Technology Task Force (TTTF) was formed
by the Texas Legislature as an external advisory body
to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
to conduct technology discovery activities, assess the
benefits and barriers of adoption, and recommend
technology strategies to advance TxDOT’s goals.
Process 10
Phase I: Priority Technologies & Assessment
Phase II: Best Practices & Lessons Learned
Phase III: Readiness Evaluation & Recommendations
Deep Dives 13
Automated Vehicles 13
Case Studies
Final Recommendations
Connected Vehicles 20
Case Studies
Final Recommendations
Mobility-as-a-Service 44
Case Studies
Final Recommendations
Conclusions 51
References 52
The Task Force activities provide a platform
to engage various stakeholder groups on
technology awareness and planning. These
stakeholder groups include the following:
Information &
Infrastructure & Communication
Construction Technologies
Materials & Additive
Manufacturing Service-Based Platform
Other Technologies
• Robotics
• Virtual/Augmented Reality
• Hyperloop
members whitepapers
subject matter experts
Action Items
participants technology utilization
Emerging Recommendations
Technology Best Practices & & Utilization
Evaluation Lessons Learned Roadmap
emerging technology portfolio tech utilization plan
Automated vehicles (AVs) have the potential to shift
how people and goods travel within a community. Short-Term. Create a public education campaign
As AVs progress in maturity, the safety, mobility, and materials.
and public health benefits are becoming more Long-Term. Develop a funding mechanism to
apparent. The most promising of these benefits coordinate public and private investments.
is the increase in road safety, with an expected Featured Case Studies
• Nuro AI
reduction in vehicular fatalities and crash severity, • Waymo Public Education Campaign
enabling Texas to achieve its road to zero. • Automated Bus Consortium
Automation within vehicles has allowed for a • Sidewalk-Based Personal Delivery Devices.
variety of uses and applications for these Small robotic devices allow for delivery of
vehicles. As the following use cases illustrate, groceries or prescriptions into food deserts and
these applications cover not only personal areas with limited access.
mobility but also freight and transit. • Personal Vehicles. Wider public adoption can
lead to potential increases in accessibility for
• Last-Mile Delivery. AVs can provide those who have traditionally not been able to
contactless delivery utilizing smaller vehicles drive as well as productivity efficiencies for
designed for on-street operations. commuters.
• Long-Haul Freight. Middle-mile and remote • On-Demand Passenger Services & TNC
operations can be used to control multiple Fleets. Create new options for transit
vehicles, allowing for increased platooning operations with greater route flexibility and
and efficiency. servicing of vulnerable populations.
with grocery stores, Nuro uses its vehicle
Analysis: Automated Vehicles platform to conduct grocery delivery to
local communities. To operate as safely as
In the last few years, AVs have seen
possible, Nuro’s vehicle does not transport
increased attention from state legislatures,
people, and is restricted to operations of
agencies, and researchers. To encourage
less than 25 mph, meaning the vehicle
innovation, Texas has taken an open and
is classified as a low-speed vehicle. For
welcoming stance to promote and attract
residents in qualifying zip codes, after
on-road testing. Due to this openness, the
ordering their goods online, a time for
state does not require any notification to
delivery can be scheduled with Nuro’s
be made for any on-road testing activities.
vehicle delivering to the resident’s curb.
To determine the state of practice within
Texas, the state’s readiness was analyzed
based on current legislation, deployments, Partners
research activity, and public education. Initially launching as a company in 2016,
In the gap analysis that was conducted, it Nuro quickly began creating partnerships
was found that the first three mentioned to provide driverless grocery delivery.
need work, while the public education The first of these partnerships were with
component should be the highest priority. Toyota and Kroger. Utilizing modified
Through the state-of-practice review, and Toyota Prius vehicles at the beginning of its
discussions with stakeholders, priorities to pilot program in Scottsdale, Nuro quickly
focus on were determined. Among these transitioned to its own R1 vehicle. The pilot
priorities are better notification of testing provided delivery to a single zip code within
activities, creation of funding opportunities, the area, after partnering with Kroger for
research activities into human factors pickup at its local Fry Food store. This
and accessibility, and the need for public partnership with Kroger has continued into
education tools. Two case studies have been Nuro’s latest deployment in Houston. In the
chosen to focus on safety standards and past year, Nuro has announced a further
public education. partnership in the Houston area with
Domino’s Pizza.
Concept Operational
Connected vehicles (CVs) enable the transfer of
information between vehicles, connected roadside
infrastructure, and other road users. With real-time KEY TAKEAWAYS
information and driver notifications such as work
zone warning, freight signal priority, and wrong- Short-Term. Expand the network of connected corridors.
way driver alerts, CV technology can improve both Long-Term. Conduct dual testing of DSRC and C-V2X
safety and efficiency on the roadway. With major technologies to ready the infrastructure.
Featured Case Studies
projects underway, Texas is well-positioned to • New York City Pilot Program
deploy and scale operations. • Tampa Bay Connected Vehicle Pilot
• Utah DOT 5G Deployment
4 C-V2X
Legend: =High Priority =Needs Work = Not Urgent
CV technology offers several benefits regarding • Pedestrian and Cyclist Detection. CVs can
safety of roadway users and pedestrians as well detect and communicate with pedestrians/
as efficiency of traffic patterns that can result in cyclists via cell phone connection to protect
reduced accidents and decreasing congestion. vulnerable road users.
• Connected Roadway Infrastructure.
• Advanced Safety Warnings. Roadway users Roadside units (RSUs) can communicate
can be given notice of slowdowns or other messages related to work zones, curve
hazards ahead in advance of what is visible to warnings, and road weather conditions.
the driver. • Connected Transit. Connected transit can
• Fleet Management. Fleet managers can tap communicate with traffic signals and request
into information to improve fleet operations additional time to promote on-time transit and
that can result in improved efficiency and improve safety.
Tech Utilization Plan• 21
New York City was chosen as one of
Analysis: Connected Vehicles three deployment sites by the USDOT
intelligent transportation systems. As part
Connected vehicles (CVs) communicate
of a three-phase process, New York City
information between other vehicles (V2V),
ultimately plans to install up to 8,000
infrastructure (V2I), and other connected
vehicles with V2V connectivity. This pilot is
devices like mobile phones (V2X). CV
expected to be one of the largest CV
technology provides warning messages
deployments upon completion. This project
of roadway slowdowns, obstructions, and
is being conducted in three phases,
other hazards. CV messages can promote
beginning in 2015 with Phase 1's concept
roadway safety and encourage decreased
development and implementation. Phase 2
traffic congestion. Texas supports a quickly
worked to design, build, and test wireless
growing population, particularly in urban
in-vehicle, mobile, and roadside technology;
centers, which further stresses the existing
Phase 3 then serves as the evaluation
transportation network, resulting in rising
period. The project will encompass three
congestion and increased opportunities
distinct areas in the boroughs of Manhattan
for collision. CV technology utilizes two
and Brooklyn, ultimately connecting about
communication platforms: DSRC and
5,800 cabs, 1,250 city buses, 400
Cellular 5G communication, which is still
commercial fleet delivery trucks, and 500
developing today. The FCC has designated a
city vehicles, including 310 signalized
portion of the 5.9 GHz band to DSRC, but in
intersections and several RSUs.
response to limited deployment of DSRC,
efforts are under way to dedicate a portion
of this spectrum for 5G communication. Program Scope
Roadside units (RSUs) and onboard units CV technology is being utilized as a tool
(OBUs) are two of the most important to help New York City reach its Vision Zero
pieces of infrastructure necessary for CV goal. Thus, this program is particularly
deployment. CVs transmit information on focused on safety applications. These
position, speed, braking status, and the like. applications provide drivers with alerts so
This platform has the potential to increase that the driver can take actions to avoid a
safety and decrease congestion on the crash or reduce the severity of injuries or
roadway. damage to vehicles and infrastructure. The
goal of this project is to show that the
benefits realized justify the continuation of
Case Study: New York City CV the operation and to encourage drivers to
equip their vehicles with CV capabilities,
Pilot Program thus increasing the benefits to all. Phase 1
began in September 2015 and concluded in
Key Takeaways: The New York City DSRC-
September 2016, representing the planning
based CV pilot program is a substantial
phase. This included the concept of
undertaking that has deployed one of the
operations, system requirements, safety
densest networks of DSCR radios for V2V
plans, benefits evaluation plan, security
and V2I applications. It has helped to
management plan, and deployment plan.
advance safety applications for pedestrians
and vulnerable road users.
Final Recommendations
Short-term recommendation for Texas include
the need to closely follow and learn from the
Texas Connected Freight Corridors project.
Once CV applications have been proven in
highway and freight environments, they can be
expanded. Texas agencies should also
continue to monitor developments and
technology advancements between DSRC and
cellular communication technologies, as they
are rapidly changing.
Legend: =High Priority =Needs Work = Not Urgent
Legend: =High Priority =Needs Work = Not Urgent
EVs have the potential to alter every sector of • Public Transit. Texas transit agencies are
EVs have the potential
the transportation system,to alter
fromevery sector
personal of
mobility • Public Transit.
electrifying their Texas transit
fleets to reduceagencies are and
the transportation system, from personal mobility
to freight. This shift will be aided by battery electrifying
install charging infrastructure that can serveand
their fleets to reduce emissions the
to freight. This
technology shift will
evolution and bewill
aided byto
need both battery
coordinate install charging
general public. infrastructure that can serve the
technology evolution
with the electric grid. and will need to coordinate • general
Freight public.
Vehicles. Last-mile and short-haul
with the electric grid. • Freight Vehicles.
freight are becoming Last-mile
electricand short-haul
to take advantage
• Battery Technology. Battery research and freight are becoming
of economic savings. electric to take advantage
• Battery Technology.
development is makingBattery research
significant and
strides • of economic
Grid savings.
Resilience. Expanded deployment of
development is making significant strides
to reduce costs, improve performance, and • Grid Resilience. Expanded
EVs will both increase demand deployment of
on the electric
to reduce upon
capitalize costs,recycling
improve opportunities.
performance, and EVs will both increase demand on the
grid and generate new, innovative resilience electric
• capitalize
Personal upon recycling
Vehicles. Wider opportunities.
public adoption grid and generate new, innovative resilience
• Personal Vehicles. Wider publicinfrastructure
and at-home charging will drive adoption opportunities.
and at-home charging will drive infrastructure
expansion, impact the grid, and create new jobs.
expansion, impact the grid, and create new jobs.
Tech Utilization Plan• 27
Analysis: Electric Vehicles and
Alternative Fuels
Battery technology has greatly expanded in
recent years, and in the next ten a drastic
expansion of EV batteries is expected to
occur. These advances will also bring about
cheaper development and sale costs for EVs,
whose prices are expected to drop to meet
those of combustion vehicles before 2030.
States across the country are preparing for
this expansion of EV use and the necessary
accompanying infrastructure, within all
affordable battery technology, greater
modes of transportation, including personal
prevalence of charging infrastructure, and
vehicles, transit, and fleet vehicles. EVs can
improved grid resilience, Texas will be able
bring benefits and flexibility to the
to best prepare its EV ecosystem for the
transportation sector, as they can be
charged almost anywhere—at home, at the
office, or on the road. The expansion of
charging infrastructure requires significant
planning and coordination among several Case Studies: DART and
agencies necessary for implementation and
operation. These include electricity Proterra
providers, utility commissions, charging
Key Takeaways: Electric fleets are
infrastructure providers, and leadership
becoming an increasingly higher priority
across jurisdictional boundaries. Texas has
for transit authorities. Early deployments
some incentives for alternative fuel use
can provide critical information on
adoption on both the city and state level.
performance, charging and logistics, and
Texas can utilize existing efforts by the four
lifecycle costs.
clean cities coalitions, including San
Antonio, DFW, Houston-Galveston, and
Beginning July 2018, Dallas Area Rapid
Central Texas. These plans can guide the
Transit (DART) acquired and deployed
goals and scope of a statewide or regional
seven electric Proterra buses. The cost was
EV charging platform. There are four power
offset by a $7.6 million grant from the
grids that provide and manage electricity
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) low-
for the state; the largest of these is the
or no-emission vehicle deployment
Electric Reliability Council of Texas
program to help defray upfront costs.
(ERCOT), which provides 85% of the state’s
Announced in 2015, within a year that
electricity. Proper coordination and
program dispersed more than $54 million
planning between municipalities and grid
nationwide. FTA grants have also assisted
operators is pivotal for a successful
many other major metropolitan centers in
deployment. By planning for more
purchasing EVs, totalling over $84 million
Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) stand to
significantly impact every facet of the transportation Short-Term. Coordinate state and local agencies to
sector. Drone technology is being developed for a prioritize use cases in public safety and package delivery.
wide variety of uses, including public safety, freight, Long-Term. Investigate air space management for
and passenger travel. Whether it is natural disaster wide-scale operations.
response or delivery of critical supplies, Texas is Featured Case Studies
looking to the sky to eliminate major inefficiencies • Prime Air Delivery
and constraints associated with ground travel. • Zipline
The versatility of UAS provides a wide array of • Infrastructure Inspections. For bridge and rail,
technology applications to consider in the near drones may be used to inspect critical assets.
future. Drones offer a diverse array of benefits • Medical Supply Delivery. UAS may be
across transportation, public safety, and medical deployed for medical purposes, expediting the
sectors. delivery of critical supplies and operations such
as blood transfusions.
• Last-Mile Package Delivery. Packages can be • Urban Air Mobility. Companies are designing
delivered more quickly and efficiently, vehicles and business models for urban air
eliminating contribution to local traffic. mobility to carry passengers between key
• Traffic Incident Reconstruction. Drones destinations within the city, having implications
equipped with LiDAR technology are being used for congestion and land use.
for incident reconstruction.
quickly clear travel lanes. Tech Utilization Plan• 33
unmanned aerial devices/systems. The
Analysis: UAS aviation division identified a wide array of
use cases, including job site documentation,
The versatility of drones provides a wide
hurricane response, and traffic incident
array of tech applications for public agencies
reporting. By identifying use cases, NCDOT
to consider. Drones are being developed for
was able to identify limitations in the
uses spanning from on-demand mobility
to public safety. UAS differs from ground
vehicles in that the regulatory landscape
One of NCDOT’s objectives was to discern
is rather nebulous. The Federal Aviation
what regulatory power the state had in
Administration (FAA) announced Part 107
relation to unmanned aerial devices. While
in 2016, a set of rules and certification
the FAA retained control over air space,
required for commercial drone operation in
NCDOT was able to regulate ground safety,
the U.S. Part 107 set operating parameters
privacy, and controlled take-off and landing
for drone use including a maximum weight
on state property. By identifying regulatory
of 55 lbs, maximum altitude of 400 feet
power at the outset, NCDOT was able to
above ground level, and maximum ground
build a strong framework of policies that
speed of 100 mph. Most notably, Part 107
paved the way for drone deployment.
limits drone usage to daylight hours,
requires that UAS remain in the line of sight
In 2016, NCDOT began requiring commercial
of the operator at all times, prohibits flying
and government drone operators to obtain a
over people, and requires operators to yield
state permit. The license program requires
right-of-way to other aircraft. While
that operators must have a valid airmen
personal use is common, public and private
certificate from the FAA, successfully
agencies are still navigating what policies
complete a knowledge and safety exam, be at
and uses are most relevant and effective for
least 16 years old, and register their UAS with
UAS deployment.
the FAA.
Final Recommendations
In the short term, TxDOT should identify
and prioritize use cases for deployment of
UAS technology. The versatility of drones
provides a wide array of tech applications
for TxDOT to consider in the near future.
This includes passenger drone efforts by on-
demand mobility services, as well as freight
applications for last-mile package delivery.
Other relevant use cases to consider include
traffic incident mapping and reconstruction,
as well as other auxiliary traffic and public
safety uses.
In the long term, TxDOT should investigate
the changes that will stem from broad use of
UAS technology. Some examples include air
space management, infrastructure changes
needed, and impacts to the traditional
transportation network. Currently, air space
regulation of drone traffic is nebulous and it
is unclear what the impacts to infrastructure
or the network will be. TxDOT should follow
the growth and adoption of the technology
while paying special attention to regulatory
changes by federal and state actors.
into travel patterns. To capture these benefits, Texas Featured Case Studies
• Waycare
needs a process to assess, prototype, and integrate • City of Seattle Privacy Principles
new sources into its data management practices.
Data can be used to address key goals of
transportation departments such as decreasing
demographic shifts and technology adoption
congestion and increasing safety. However, in order
rates can inform planning decisions.
to be effective and to gain the trust of Texans, data
privacy and cybersecurity must remain priorities. • Data Privacy. Implementing a strategic and
replicable process for collecting, storing,
• Big Data for Traffic Operations. Data can be and sharing data across an organization is
used to decrease road congestion and increase necessary to manifest a culture of privacy.
road safety by predicting potential incident • Cybersecurity. Cutting-edge data security
areas. technology is vital to keep data safe and secure
• Predictive Data Analytics for Planning. New as it is collected, stored, and shared.
data analytics tools can help transportation
40•Tech Utilization
agencies Plan growth,
anticipate population
Waycare, a technology company focused
Analysis: Big Data and on AI-driven mobility solutions for
cities, partnered with the Regional
Artificial Intelligence Transportation Commission of Southern
Nevada, Nevada Highway Patrol
Data can be used to track performance
(NHP), and the Nevada Department
related to key transportation network
of Transportation on a pilot project to
goals in areas such as safety, efficiency,
identify roads at high risk for accidents
and access. However, there are also some
and reduce crashes. The program resulted
risks to consumers associated with having
in a 17% reduction in primary crashes on
their mobility data collected, stored, and,
a key I-15 corridor. Waycare uses in-
in some cases, shared. Even when data is
vehicle information and municipal traffic
aggregated, sophisticated methods can often
data to analyze dangerous road
be used to match a user’s identity with their
conditions in real time. When a risk is
location. These risks have sparked a robust
identified, the partner agencies used
conversation around data privacy, security,
methods such as dynamic message
and consumer protections in relation to new
boards and high-visibility positioning of
transportation technologies.
NHP officers. In addition, when accidents
did occur, the agencies were able to
The transportation data analytics
identify incidents 12 minutes faster using
technology is ready to be fully implemented
the real-time data that Waycare collected
in Texas. The case studies below will
and analyzed.
demonstrate how TxDOT can develop
partnerships and processes in order to
effectively implement data analytics to Partners
measure progress towards its goals of safety, Inter-agency collaboration was key to the
access, and efficiency. success of implementing Waycare’s data
analytics system effectively. The NHP is a
division of the Nevada Department of
Case Study: Waycare + Las Public Safety, which coordinates law
Vegas Traffic Management enforcement activities across the state.
NHP shares a dispatch location with the
Center Regional Transportation Commission of
Southern Nevada’s Freeway and Arterial
Key Takeaways: Public agencies can System of Transportation (FAST). FAST
begin to develop processes that allow and monitors and controls traffic in the
incentivize inter-agency collaboration. southern Nevada region. Although the
Learning can come from limited agencies were housed in the same
implementations or pilot data analytics location, they used different software
program. Review of results and iterating systems. Waycare was able to provide a
based on findings allows for incremental common, shared platform so NHP and
learning. FAST could share real-time information
in order to respond to roadway incidents
in an expedient and prepared manner.
Final Recommendations
Develop and implement a framework and
rubric to evaluate opportunities to use big
data to achieve organizational goals. Based
on the implementation of select pilot
projects, create an implementation plan to
scale those particular use cases along
multiple corridors across the state. This
approach will create a process and pipeline
for best use cases and opportunities for
MaaS envisions a system in which residents • Zero Fare Transit. Zero fare transit offers
do not need to own a car to meet their travel mobility services to users without traditional
needs; instead, they can use a variety of fares.
modes to complete trips via one interface that • Congestion Pricing. Drivers pay a fee in order
allows for comprehensive trip planning and to access certain dense areas of a city in order
integrated payment. to decrease congestion, among other positive
• Trip Planners and Integrated Payment. Trip • Public-Private Partnerships. Transit providers
planning and integrated payment systems can partner with TNCs or others to offer
provide a more seamless, streamlined solution paratransit services ansd integrated planning
for customers to access multiple mobility and payment systems.
Tech Utilization Plan• 45
payment in addition to integrated trip
Analysis: planning.
The concept of Mobility-as-a-Service
Case Study: Integrated
(MaaS) has been described by Dr. Maria
Kamargianni as one that includes “buying
Trip Planning; Houston
mobility services based on consumer needs
instead of buying the means of mobility.”
The realization of this concept requires Key Takeaways: Marketing and outreach of
a single app or website where users can new technology is key in order to influence
plan trips using a variety of modes and individual travel behavior and congestion;
purchase the tickets for each of those modes data gathered from adoption can be used for
with a single account. MaaS envisions a planning purposes.
system in which residents do not need
to own a car to meet their travel needs; Integrated trip planning systems are strategies
instead, they can use a variety of modes that TxDOT and other public and private
to complete trips via one interface which organizations providing transportation
allows for comprehensive trip planning and options can use to provide a more seamless,
integrated payment. With the USDOT streamlined solution for customers. For
rollout of the Complete Trip–ITS4US example, TxDOT Houston partnered with
Deployment Program, it is clear that the Metropia, a mobile computing technology
concept of complete trip planning will company, to integrate Active Demand
begin to become more of a priority in Management and Transportation Systems
the US context. Designed to address the Management and Operations with multi-
lack of transportation options for all, the modal demand and mobility management.
Complete Trip program will “provide The goal of this integrated system is to
more efficient, affordable, and accessible enhance the safety, reliability, and efficiency
transportation services for people with of Houston’s regional transportation system
disabilities, older adults, and other by reducing congestion and maintaining
underserved communities.” The pursuit of quality of life and economic vitality. The
a MaaS program in Texas with innovative ConnectSmart app provides users with
partnerships and technologies will make currently available and emerging mobility
the state competitive in securing resources options within a single, convenient platform.
through Complete Trip–IT4US. Like most The ability to chain together those services,
jurisdictions across the country and the including bus, taxi, rideshare, light rail,
world, Texas may not have the technological bikeshare, and more—right within the app—
capacity or readiness from the private will increase user access to all local modes for
sector to fully implement a comprehensive a seamless experience. It also provides data
MaaS solution; however, in the short term, to TxDOT Houston about how people are
the adoption of integrated trip planning planning trips and choices they make related
technologies is a realistic goal. Long-term to travel behavior.
solutions should aim to include integrated
Seattle is considering four different models
for congestion pricing: cordon pricing,
area pricing, fleet pricing, and road usage
pricing. Cordon pricing entails charging
drivers as they cross a certain boundary.
Area pricing is a pricing program in which
drivers are charged when they enter an area
in addition to another charge based on how
long they continue to drive within that area.
New York City Fleet pricing is a model that sets different
The New York State Legislature and fees for different types or classes of vehicles.
Governor Andrew Cuomo proposed and For example, commercial vehicles could
agreed to charge a fee for motor vehicles be charged a different rate than private
entering Manhattan south of 61st street as vehicles or taxis. This model could be used
soon as January 1, 2021. The Metropolitan in tandem with other pricing programs.
Transportation Authority’s Triborough The fourth model, known as the road usage
Bridge and Tunnel Authority (TBTA) would charge, is a mileage-based fee, which would
implement a congestion pricing program in charge users based on VMT rather than
partnership with the New York City crossing a certain boundary or zone. This
Department of Transportation. The model, however, would be hard to enforce
Regional Plan Association published or scale.
a report that outlines two options for
congestion pricing in New York City. The
first option is a “Flat Fee” model where
drivers would pay $6.12 to enter the busiest
part of Manhattan between 5am and 11pm.
The zone would include every street south of
60th Street. The second option is a “High
Peak Period” model, which would charge
drivers up to $9.18 during the busiest times
of the morning and evening. In both
models, trucks would be charged more
because they cause more traffic and
pollution. Taxis and ride share would be
exempt from the model because they Los Angeles
already pay a congestion pricing surcharge
Los Angeles is considering a congestion
as a part of their existing operating
pricing model in which drivers are charged
agreements. Proceeds from the congestion
a $4 dollar fee during rush hour if they
fees will go towards capital projects for
subways and buses, as well as
Tech Utilization Plan• 49
enter the city’s most gridlocked areas—the and responsibilities; and 4—integration
space between two intersecting freeways of societal goals. This framework provides
in western LA and eastern Santa Monica. the basis for TxDOT to develop a strategy to
The money raised from the fee would be encourage adoption of policies and
used to increase mobility via transit and technologies that advance Texas from 0 to
subsidize access to the area for low-income 4. Different cities in Texas are currently
drivers. The study conducted by the between the 0 and 1 MaaS typologies. In
Southern California Association of order to encourage movement into levels 2,
Governments (SCAG) found that incoming 3, and 4, TxDOT and other public agency
traffic to the tolled areas would decrease 9% partners can set policy and allocate
during rush hour. Similar decreases were resources in order to create an environment
found in travel times and greenhouse gas where MaaS may be viable in the future—for
emissions, with each dropping about 20% example, tactics such as the revision of
from current levels. The study fiscal policies and the redistribution of
acknowledges the political barriers to subsidies towards transit on a municipal
implementing congestion pricing in and state level. They can support the
Southern California and cites polls showing diffusion of MaaS by providing exemptions
only 30 to 40% of respondents are from congestion charges, altering parking
favorable towards congestion pricing. regulations, and allowing shared cars to
travel in bus lanes, among other policy
shifts. Furthermore, they can use their
Final Recommendations influence with cities in order to encourage
integration of MaaS into local policy
objectives by employing tactics such as
Short-Term using dynamic road charging in dense areas.
Create a survey targeted to transportation
professionals across the state to gauge
interest and agency capacity for MaaS
solutions. For interested agencies,
help facilitate a working group in the
“communities of practice” model to share
approaches across the state.
In an article called “A topological approach
to Mobility-as-a-Service: A proposed
tool for understanding requirements and
effects, and for aiding the integration of
societal goals,” Sochor, et al. enumerate
four typologies of MaaS integration, which
build off of each other: 0—no integration; 1
—integration of information; 2—integration
of booking and payment; 3—integration of
the service offer, including contracts