Axis Bank
Axis Bank
Axis Bank
in 1994, after t Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. The Bank was promote the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the Unit Trust of India (UTI - I), Life Insur Corporation of India (LIC) and General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) and other four insurance companies, i.e. National Insurance Company Ltd., The New India Assurance Com The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and United India Insurance Company Ltd.
The Bank as on 30th June, 2011 is capitalized to the extent of Rs. 411.88 crores with the p holding (other than promoters and GDRs) at 52.87%.
The Bank's Registered Office is at Ahmedabad and its Central Office is located at Mumbai. has a very wide network of more than 1281 branches (including 169 Service Branches/CPC 31st March, 2011). The Bank has a network of over 6270 ATMs (as on 31st March, 2011) p hrs a day banking convenience to its customers. This is one of the largest ATM networks in country.
The Bank has strengths in both retail and corporate banking and is committed to adopting industry practices internationally in order to achieve excellence.
Axis Bank carries out its Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives through the Axis Bank Foundation(ABF) set up in 2006, as a public trust. Through ABF, Axis Bank seeks to define and effectively fulfil its social responsibilities as a corporate citizen and allocates upto 1% Profit After Tax every year to Axis Bank Foundation for its activities (the maximum which the RBI permits).
Promoters Axis Bank Ltd. has been promoted by the largest and the best Financial Institution of the country, UTI. The Bank was set up with a capital of Rs. 115 crore, with UTI contributing Rs. 100 crore, LIC - Rs. 7.5 crore and GIC and its four subsidiaries contributing Rs. 1.5 crore each. SUUTI - Shareholding 23.60% Erstwhile Unit Trust of India was set up as a body corporate under the UTI Act, 1963, with a view to encourage savings and investment. In December 2002, the UTI Act, 1963 was repealed with the passage of Unit Trust of India (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act, 2002 by the Parliament, paving the way for the bifurcation of UTI into 2 entities, UTI-I and UTI-II with effect from 1st February 2003. In accordance with the Act, the Undertaking specified as UTI I has been transferred and vested in the Administrator of the Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India (SUUTI), who manages assured return schemes along with 6.75% US-64 Bonds, 6.60% ARS Bonds with a Unit Capital of over Rs. 14167.59 crores. The Government of India has appointed Shri K. N. Prithviraj as the Administrator of the Specified undertaking of UTI, to look after and administer the schemes under UTI - I, where Government has continuing obligations and commitments to the investors, which it will uphold.
Axis Bank Foundation has committed itself to participate in various socially relevant endeavours with a special focus on Education for the underprivileged/special child, Public Health, and Medical Rehabilitation. A new area of focus for Axis Bank Foundation is to provide sustainable livelihoods, especially to the under privileged as part of its corporate social responsibility initiatives. Message from MD & CEO, Axis Bank
Board of Directors
The members of the Board are :
Dr. Adarsh Kishore Smt. Shikha Sharma Shri S. K. Chakrabarti Dr. R.H. Patil Smt. Rama Bijapurkar Shri R.B.L. Vaish
Chairman Managing Director & CEO Deputy Managing Director Director Director Director
Shri M.V. Subbiah Shri K. N. Prithviraj Shri V. R. Kaundinya Shri S. B. Mathur Shri Prasad R. Menon Shri R. N. Bhattacharyya Shri Samir K Barua
Vision 2015 and Core Values VISION 2015: To be the preferred financial solutions provider excelling in customer delivery through insight, empowered employees and smart use of technology Core Values Customer Centricity Ethics Transparency Teamwork Ownership
Education Medical Relief Employee Contribution