Princess Arianne Macaranas Five Hello Rache Practice
Princess Arianne Macaranas Five Hello Rache Practice
Princess Arianne Macaranas Five Hello Rache Practice
Chief complaint
Sore throat and cough
The patient is here for his sore throat and cough which started a week ago. He measured his temperature one time and got 103 F.
His mucus is green in color and is remarkable in nausea. He feels hot and had a hard time sleeping.
General: Generally healthy, no change in strength or exercise tolerance.
Head: No headaches, no vertigo, no injury.
Eyes: Normal vision, no diplopia, no tearing, no scotomata, no pain.
Ears: No change in hearing, no tinnitus, no bleeding, no vertigo.
Nose: No epistaxis, no coryza, no obstruction, no discharge.
Mouth: No dental difficulties, no gingival bleeding, no use of dentures.
Neck: No stiffness, no pain, no tenderness, no noted masses.
Chest: No dyspnea, no wheezing, no hemoptysis, no cough.
Heart: No chest pains, no palpitations, no syncope, no orthopnea.
Abdomen: No change in appetite, no dysphagia, no abdominal pains, no bowel habit changes, no emesis, no melena.… 1/2
1/5/22, 7:42 AM Encounter - Office Visit Date of service: 01/05/22 Patient: Princess Arianne Macaranas Five DOB: 11/20/1998 PRN: FP926902
1. The patient got an infection on his left ear, doctor advised him to take an antibiotics. The doctor prescribe a Zpak patient's
preferred pharmacy was walgreens
2. We will do strep test for the patient to detect the presence of the infection.
I, Hello, MD, personally performed the services described in this documentation, as scribed by Princess Arianne P. Macaranas, RPm
in my presence, and it is both accurate and complete.… 2/2