Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity as Affected by the
Construction of Inland Waterways along Montane Stretches of
Two Rivers in China
Peng Dou 1,2 , Xuan Wang 1 , Yan Lan 3 , Baoshan Cui 1 , Junhong Bai 1 and Tian Xie 1, *
1 State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment,
Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; [email protected] (P.D.);
[email protected] (X.W.); [email protected] (B.C.); [email protected] (J.B.)
2 Department of Water Environment, Beijing Water Science and Technology Institute, Beijing 100048, China
3 Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing 100035, China;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Building inland waterways affects the natural structure, formation, and extent of the
riverbed and riparian zone. It alters the hydrology and sediment deposition conditions and hence
damages the aquatic ecosystem. To address the effects of the construction of inland waterways on the
riverine biome, benthic macroinvertebrate communities were compared at different building stages
of inland waterways along a gradient of shipping traffic density at two montane rivers in China. The
Shannon–Wiener diversity index of the benthic macroinvertebrate communities ranged from 0.4 to
1.6; the lowest value was recorded in the completed inland waterway, while the highest value was
recorded in the unaffected stretch. Principal component analysis and canonical correlation analysis
showed the communities in the inland waterways to be distinct from those in the natural riparian
habitats. Our results suggest that benthic macroinvertebrate communities can reflect the damage
Citation: Dou, P.; Wang, X.; Lan, Y.; done by the hydromorphological modifications caused by building inland waterways. Benthic
Cui, B.; Bai, J.; Xie, T. Benthic macroinvertebrate diversity and abundance should therefore be included when assessing the impact
Macroinvertebrate Diversity as of building and operating inland waterways.
Affected by the Construction of
Inland Waterways along Montane Keywords: benthic macroinvertebrate communities; waterway construction; riparian ecosystems;
Stretches of Two Rivers in China. shipping traffic; Shannon–Wiener diversity
Water 2022, 14, 1080. https://
Changes to hydrological conditions and the loss of riparian habitats caused by water-
way construction significantly reduce the biomass (and therefore the abundance) and the
diversity of aquatic organisms along the river [21,22], and ship traffic along inland water-
ways has been proposed as the key factor limiting the survival of benthic macroinvertebrate
species [23,24]. Some characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates can be used as bioindi-
cators to evaluate the quality of riparian habitats [25–27], and benthic macroinvertebrate
diversity and abundance can therefore be included in the criteria for assessing the likely
environmental impact of building inland waterways before their construction is initiated.
The availability of habitats within a riparian zone is altered by the construction of river
channels and the density of shipping traffic in ways that threaten the survival of a number of
benthic macroinvertebrate species [28]. Additionally, the altered hydrologic regimes affect
the structure of riparian habitats significantly, and the stability of a riverbank is affected
by changes in the flow of discharge, the hydrological cycle, waves generated as a result of
shipping traffic, and periods of inundation. Loss of suitable riparian habitats is a primary
factor affecting the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrate species [29–31], and some
studies have shown how benthic macroinvertebrates respond to the deterioration of riparian
habitats [32,33] and how they are adversely affected by the construction and operation of
river channels [34]. The species diversity and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates
decreased after inland waterways were built, especially following changes in riparian
habitats [35,36]. Such changes may prevent benthic macroinvertebrates from colonizing
specific stretches of a river and thus hasten the deterioration of benthic macroinvertebrate
communities [37].
Earlier studies have only partly confirmed that construction of waterways and the
subsequent traffic affect the composition of benthic macroinvertebrate communities sig-
nificantly. Research on benthic macroinvertebrate diversity in riparian zones has focused
on the relationship between benthic macroinvertebrate communities and environmental
variables but ignored the different phases of inland waterway construction and the effects
of traffic [38,39]. The effects of traffic and the presence of hydro-engineering structures
in waterways could lead to permanent hydrological changes, resulting in loss of habitats,
including riparian wetlands. Consequently, the riparian flora and fauna become less widely
distributed. Furthermore, shipping traffic disturbs the deposition of sediment on the river
bottom in the riparian zone, which may have even greater effects on the benthic macroin-
vertebrate communities than those caused by other environmental parameters. Once the
construction of an inland waterway is complete, the ecosystem biodiversity begins its
recovery, starting from sites in the riparian zone adjacent to the riverbed. Given a large
stretch of diverse habitats, riparian benthic macroinvertebrate populations can survive the
period of inland waterway construction and then recolonize the river ecosystem. Changes
in streambed substratum habitats, improvement of the river water quality, regulation of
the waterway operation intensity, and even optimization of the river’s hydrological regime
have been proposed as measures for the restoration of benthic macroinvertebrate popula-
tions, but the effectiveness of these measures is difficult to evaluate because there is little
information addressing the mechanism of human disturbance of benthic macroinvertebrate
communities [4]. More research is required into the dynamics of benthic macroinvertebrate
populations as influenced by such construction and by shipping traffic in inland rivers.
The present study is an effort to address the influence of the construction of inland
waterways on the benthic macroinvertebrate communities. We examined the differences
in the response of benthic macroinvertebrate communities to construction at different
building stages of inland waterways. Using the method of multivariate analysis, we
tested the relationship between the diversity and the abundance of macroinvertebrate
communities with the water quality factors and the density of traffic. We propose two
hypotheses, namely: (1) benthic macroinvertebrate populations within a stretch of a river
vary during different periods or phases of constructing a waterway along the river; and
(2) once the waterway is operational, the density of traffic affects the abundance and the
diversity of benthic macroinvertebrate populations in that ecosystem.
namely: (1) benthic macroinvertebrate populations within a stretch of a river vary during
different periods or phases of constructing a waterway along the river; and (2) once the
waterway is operational, the density of traffic affects the abundance and the diversity of
Water 2022, 14, 1080 benthic macroinvertebrate populations in that ecosystem. 3 of 13
Figure 1. Sampling sites (red circles) along the Wuyang (a) and Zhangjiang (b) rivers in southwestern
Figure 1. Sampling sites (red circles) along the Wuyang (a) and Zhangjiang (b) rivers in southwest-
ern Sites
China. A1A1
Sites to to
A7A7 represent a developed
represent a developed inland waterway
inland waterway in in
Wuyangriver; sites
river; B1B1
sites to to
B9 represent a stretch of inland waterway under construction along the Zhangjiang river; and sitesto
represent a stretch of inland waterway under construction along the Zhangjiang river; and sites C1
C1 an undisturbed
C8 represent stretch
an undisturbed of theofZhangjiang
stretch river.river.
the Zhangjiang
The subsequent classification and identification of the taxa or morphotaxa were con-
ducted in the laboratory. The macroinvertebrates retained for identification were identified
at the species level (few were identified at the family level), and the abundance of each
species is expressed as the unit ind/m2 . The diversity of macroinvertebrates was calculated
by the Shannon–Wiener diversity index H’.
Ni N
H0 = − ∑ ln i (1)
i =1
where S is the total number of species in a sample plot, Ni is the number of individual
species i, and N is the number of all species in the sample plots.
Figure 2. The environmental parameters in the study area, including (a) the flow velocity in the
Wuyang river and the Zhangjiang river, and (b) the traffic density in the groups. Data are expressed
Figure 2. The environmental parameters in the study area, including (a) the flow
as the mean ± SE and letters indicate significant differences based on Tukey’s post hoc tests.
Wuyang river and the Zhangjiang river, and (b) the traffic density in the groups. Dat
as the mean ± SE and letters indicate significant differences based on Tukey’s post h
Water 2022, 14, x1080
Water FOR PEER REVIEW 6 6ofof 13
Figure 3.
Figure The differences
3. The differences in
in water
water quality
quality variables
variables among
among the
the three
three groups.
groups. Data
Data are
are expressed
expressed as
the mean ± SE and letters indicate significant differences based on post hoc tests.
the mean ± SE and letters indicate significant differences based on post hoc tests.
Table 1.
1. Summary
Summary of ofeigenvalues
PCA using
PCA stand-
using stan-
ardized values of nine environmental variables.
dardized values of nine environmental variables.
Environmental Variables Total Eigenvalues % Variance Cumulative %
Environmental Variables Total Eigenvalues % Variance Cumulative %
Total nitrogen (TN) 4.355 48.391 48.391
Nitrate nitrogen (NO
(TN)3-N) 4.355
1.528 48.391
16.973 48.391
Nitrate nitrogen (NO3 -N) 1.528 16.973 65.364
Total phosphorus (TP)
phosphorus (TP) 1.006
1.006 11.112
11.112 76.476
Chemicaloxygen demand(COD)
oxygen demand (COD) 0.811
0.811 9.025
9.025 85.502
Suspended solids
Suspended solids(SS)
(SS) 0.509
0.509 5.652
5.652 91.154
Dissolved oxygen
Dissolved oxygen(DO)
(DO) 0.462
0.462 5.135
5.135 96.289
Water velocity (VEL) 0.181 2.015 98.304
Water velocity (VEL)
Temperature (TEM)
pH (TEM) 0.105
0.048 1.163
0.501 99.467
Ammonium nitrogen (NH4 –N) 0.048
0.003 0.501
0.032 99.968
Ammonium nitrogen (NH4–N) 0.003 0.032 100.00
3.2. Characteristics of the Macroinvertebrate Community
3.2. Characteristics of the Macroinvertebrate Community
We identified 26 macroinvertebrate taxa, the most dominant among them being
We identified
Oligochaeta, 26 macroinvertebrate
represented taxa, therepresented
by two taxa; Gastropoda, most dominant among
by eight taxa;them
and being Oli-
gochaeta, represented
dae, represented by taxa.
by five two taxa; Gastropoda,
Bivalvia, Insecta, represented
Malacostraca,by eight
and taxa; and
Hirudinea Chironomidae,
also contributed
several taxaby five(Table
each taxa. Bivalvia, Insecta, Malacostraca,
2). The abundance andriver
in the three Hirudinea alsowas
channels contributed sev-
eral taxa each (Table 2). The abundance in the three river channels was significantly
different (F2,47 = 88.425, p < 0.001). The highest macroinvertebrate abundance was observed dif-
ferent (F = 88.425, p < 0.001). The highest macroinvertebrate abundance
in riparian habitats within the undeveloped stretch of the river (Figure 4a). The diversity
2,47 was observed
of riparian habitats within
macroinvertebrate the undeveloped
communities followedstretch of the
the same riveras
pattern (Figure
that of4a). The
their diversity
The macroinvertebrate
diversity indexfollowed
within the
Groupsame pattern
A was as that of lower
significantly their abundance.
than that in
Groups B and C (F2,47 = 13.652, p < 0.001) (Figure 4b).
waterways. Group A is the stretch of an operational inland waterway, Group B is the stretch
waterway under construction, and Group C is the undisturbed stretch of the river. Data are
pressed as means ± SE.
Figure 4. Box
4. Box plots
plots of of
benthic macroinvertebrate
macroinvertebrate abundance
abundance(no. of(no.
individuals per squareper
of individuals meter)
square me
at sampling sites with different levels of traffic and at different stages of construction of
at sampling sites with different levels of traffic and at different stages of construction of the wa the waterway
way and
benthic macroinvertebrate
benthic diversity (the
macroinvertebrate Shannon–Wiener
diversity diversity index). Barsdiversity
(the Shannon–Wiener marked with
index). B
the same lowercase letters were not significantly different according to Tukey’s multiple comparison
test. Vertical bars show standard errors.
marked with the same lowercase letters were not significantly different according to Tukey
tiple comparison test. Vertical bars show standard errors.
Water 2022, 14, 1080 8 of 13
Figure 6. Variation partitioning of specific effects within the matrix of benthic macroinvertebrate
Figure 6. Variation partitioning of specific effects within the matrix of benthic macroinvertebrate
abundances and
and the
the shared
shared variation
variation of
of each
each environmental
environmental parameter
parameter (total
(total nitrogen
nitrogen and
and other
water quality parameters).
water quality parameters).
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
The different stages of waterway construction and different traffic densities were the
The different stages of waterway construction and different traffic densities were the
major physical variables affecting the distribution of microhabitats suitable for macroinver-
major physical variables affecting the distribution of microhabitats suitable for macroin-
tebrates. Two rivers with similar hydrogeological conditions were selected in our study, so
vertebrates. Two rivers with similar hydrogeological conditions were selected in our
there was no difference in the environmental background variables such as pH, temperature,
and flow sovelocity.
there was no difference
Building waterways in the canenvironmental
destroy riparian background
habitats byvariables
disturbing such
the as pH,
temperature, and flow velocity. Building waterways can destroy
flow, the deposition of sediment, and nutrient concentrations. In the constructed inland riparian habitats by dis-
turbing thethe
waterway, water
ship flow,
trafficthe deposition
brought aboutof sediment,Therefore,
pollution. and nutrient concentrations.
the nitrogen, phosphorus,In the
constructed inland waterway, the ship traffic brought about
and organic pollutants in the constructed inland waterway were significantly higher thanpollution. Therefore, the ni-
trogen, phosphorus, and organic pollutants in the constructed inland
those in the waterway under construction and the natural stretch of river with a much lower waterway were sig-
traffic higher
density. The than those
results ofin thestudy
this waterwaysupportunder construction
previous research and the natural
showing that stretch
changes of
river with a much lower traffic density. The results of this study
in some parameters of water quality can affect the composition of the macroinvertebrate support previous research
showing that
community changes in some
significantly [46–48]. parameters
Althoughofthe water quality
effect of flow canrate
was thefound
to not be of
the macroinvertebrate community significantly [46–48]. Although
significant in this study, the influence of flow velocity on macroinvertebrate communities the effect of flow rate
has found to not
found bevery
to be significant
important in this study,
in many the [48,49].
cases influence In of flow velocity
addition, riparianonvegetation
vertebrate communities has been found to be very important
was not considered to be a factor affecting macroinvertebrate communities in this study in many cases [48,49]. In
addition, riparian vegetation was not considered to be a factor
because the study area is in a mountainous region and the bedrock or gritty substrate affecting macroinvertebrate
precludes the in this study because
development of plant the study area is in
communities. The a mountainous
question of whether region anddamagethe bed-
rock or gritty
riparian substrate
vegetation causedprecludes
by inland the development
waterway of plantiscommunities.
construction an important The question
factor affecting of
the damage to riparian
macroinvertebrate community vegetation caused
requires by inland
further study. waterway construction is an im-
Thefactor affecting
diversity of taxa theismacroinvertebrate community
the most effective indicator requires
of the health further study.
of a river [50]. Both
the diversity and abundance of the macroinvertebrate community decreased as[50].
The diversity of taxa is the most effective indicator of the health of a river Both
a result
of diversity and abundance
because of the macroinvertebrate
such construction destroyed many community decreased
natural riparian as a result of
thereby because
upsetting such construction
the balance within the destroyed many natural
riverine ecosystem and theriparian microhabitats,
diversity of benthic
thereby upsetting Undeveloped
the balance rivers or undeveloped
within stretches ofand
the riverine ecosystem rivers
thecan serve as
diversity of natural
invertebrates. reservoirs, wildliferivers
Undeveloped habitats, and water purifiers.
or undeveloped stretchesInland waterway
of rivers can serve construction
as natural
often focusesreservoirs,
floodwater on the efficiency
wildlife of habitats,
construction andand operation,
water purifiers. at the costwaterway
Inland of riparianconstruc-
water quality, biodiversity, and hydrology. The present research
tion often focuses on the efficiency of construction and operation, at the cost of riparian has shown that benthic
habitats, water were sensitive
quality, to changesand
biodiversity, in their habitats,The
hydrology. andpresent
research inland
has waterways
shown that
damaged the components
benthic invertebrates wereof benthic to
sensitive macroinvertebrate communities,
changes in their habitats, damage thatinland
and constructing may
prove irreversible
waterways damaged [51,52]. The diversityofand
the components abundance
benthic of macroinvertebrate
macroinvertebrate communities,communities
may in mountainous
prove irreversible rivers compared
[51,52]. with rivers
The diversity andon plains or agricultural
abundance irrigated
of macroinvertebrate
areas [4,21,29]. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in mountain rivers were found
Water 2022, 14, 1080 10 of 13
5. Conclusions
Both the diversity and abundance of benthic invertebrates decreased markedly during
the construction of inland waterways, and the subsequent shipping along the completed
waterway continued to lower the quality of their habitat. Such operations as dredging,
building dams and wharves, and regulating waterway channels had adverse impacts on
natural ecological processes. The likely density of traffic along a stretch of the waterway
should also guide waterway construction. Conserved or restored habitats that will sustain
the diversity and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrate communities must be established
along the inland waterways. The findings of the present research quantify the influence
of waterway construction and operation on benthic invertebrates in the riparian zone and
will help in devising appropriate strategies to protect the fauna or to minimize the adverse
impacts of construction on benthic communities. Further research is also necessary to
Water 2022, 14, 1080 11 of 13
explore how the changes in the environment that result from constructing inland waterways
influence the riparian benthic macroinvertebrate communities within the waterways.
Intensive research must be carried out to investigate the influence of ship waves on the
riparian benthic invertebrate assemblages and to identify the best strategies for establishing
alternative habitats for macroinvertebrates. Further research should also be conducted
to understand the dynamics and functions of benthic invertebrate communities in inland
waterways and to examine the effects of shipping traffic on local benthic assemblages.
More data are required on the diversity and abundance of aquatic organisms within inland
waterways. The findings of such research will help in managing both the construction and
the operation of inland waterways in ways that avoid or minimize the detrimental impacts
of waterways on their ecology.
Author Contributions: P.D., X.W. and T.X. contributed to the conceptualization of the research, the
manuscript’s preparation, the statistical analysis, and the finalization of the manuscript. T.X., Y.L., B.C.
and J.B. contributed to the conceptualization of the research and the manuscript’s revision. P.D. and
X.W. contributed the water quality data analyses. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China
[51709279, 51909006], the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities [2019NTS11] and
Beijing Natural Science Foundation [8212028].
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role
in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the
manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.
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