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Original Article
Purpose: Healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs/ HAIs) are the most common adverse occurrences during health care delivery. Across the
globe, millions of patients are affected by HAIs annually, with a higher burden and impact in developing nations. a major lacuna in planning
preventing protocols is the absence of National Surveillance Systems in most low-middle income countries, which also prevents allocation
of resources to the high-priority areas. Among all the HAIs, there is a huge global burden of SSIs, in terms of morbidity, prolonged hospital
stays, increased antimicrobial treatment as well as attributable mortality. Method: This manuscript details the process of establishment of an
SSI surveillance protocol at a level-1 trauma centre in North India. Result and Conclusion: Surveillance is an essential tool to reduce this
burden. It is also an important primary step in recognizing problems and priorities, and it plays a crucial role in identifying risk factors for SSI
and to be able to target modifiable risk factors. Therefore, it is imperative to establish reliable systems for surveillance of HAIs, to regularly
estimate the actual burden of HAIs, and to use these data for developing indigenous preventive measures, tailored to the country’s priorities.
DOI: How to cite this article: Mathur P, Mittal S, Trikha V, Lohiya A, Khurana S,
10.4103/ijmm.IJMM_19_446 Katyal S, et al. Protocol for developing a surveillance system for surgical
site infections. Indian J Med Microbiol 2019;37:318-25.
318 © 2020 Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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developed countries. In the 2011 WHO report on the global Evaluation of the key determinants of SSIs (or risk factors) is
burden of HAI from LMICs, SSI was the most frequent also an essential step to identify strategies and measures for
HAIs reported hospital‑wide, with the level of risk being improvement.
much higher than in developed countries. In this report, the
Surveillance of SSIs is very different from other HAIs such as
pooled SSI incidence in LMICs and developed countries
ventilator‑associated pneumonia (VAP), central line‑associated
were, respectively, 11.8 and 5.6/100 surgical procedures.
bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) and catheter‑associated
The rates of SSIs have ranged from 2.1 in the Republic of
urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). The primary difference being
Korea to 2.5%–15.4% in Uruguay, and 1.9%–3.1% in Chile.
The overall prevalence of SSI in Africa/Middle East, Latin that surveillance for VAP, CLABSI and CAUTI are truncated at
America, Asia and China was reported to be 10%, 7%, 4% the time of discharge from the unit/hospital. In contrast, most
and 4%, respectively. In a review published in 2019 by Couto SSIs develop after the patient is discharged from the hospital,
et al., the overall prevalence of SSI in developing countries in considering the ever‑shortening in‑hospital stay after surgeries.
elective clean and clean‑contaminated surgeries was estimated Some SSIs may develop as long as 3 months or even a year after
to be 6%, increasing to 15% when studies only focusing on the surgery. SSI surveillance, therefore, requires a very prolonged
post‑discharge surveillance were included.[4,10‑16] follow‑up, a lot more engagement by the patients and health‑care
workers, and therefore, not feasible in many LMICs.[17‑19,37,38]
Surveillance for Surgical Site Infections Surveillance is an essential tool to reduce its burden. It is also
In most countries, the burden of HAIs is grossly underestimated an important first step in identifying problems and priorities;
for want of proper surveillance and reporting systems. and it plays an important role in recognising risk factors for
Estimation of the national burden of HAIs is a prerequisite SSI thus, helping to target modifiable risk factors.
for planning infection control policies. Robust evidence Carefully obtained surveillance data can identify needed
emphasises the fact that HAI can be prevented, and the burden infection prevention and control (IPC) interventions and areas
is reduced by as much as 50%.[17‑20] of opportunity for improvements in care. The surveillance data
Surveillance is defined as “the ongoing, systematic collection, can also help assess the quality of infection prevention efforts.
analysis and interpretation of health data essential to the planning, Both process measures (for example, the implementation of
implementation and evaluation of public health practice, closely preventive measures) and outcome measures (SSI rates) should
integrated with the timely dissemination of these data to those be measured through surveillance so that IPC measures can be
who need to know.” Surveillance of SSI is part of the WHO safe implemented, and performance improved. The application of
surgery guidelines. Many countries have introduced mandatory standardised definitions is one of the minimum requirements
surveillance of SSI, such as the UK and certain states in the USA, for data comparisons at local, national and international levels.
whereas other countries have voluntary‑based surveillance, such The use of standardised definitions is crucial to the reliability
as France, Germany and Switzerland.[21‑36] of SSI surveillance for the following reasons:
• It allows establishing that the infection was acquired
There is a lack of national surveillance systems in most LMIC,
during the hospital stay
which is a major lacuna in planning preventing protocols and
• To ensure that it is a true infection and not colonisation
allocating resources to the highpriority areas. Therefore, there
• Allows for inter‑hospital comparisons and benchmarking.
is an urgent need:
• To establish reliable systems for HAI surveillance The National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) provides the
• To gather data on the actual burden of HAIs regularly most reliable and updated definitions.[1,39,40] At the All India Institute
• To use this data for developing indigenous preventive of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, we have initiated a multi‑centric
measures, tailored to the country’s priorities. study, supported by ICMR, where 90‑day post‑discharge
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http://ssi.haisindia.com. The surgical procedure must meet of a rate based on the date of procedure, not the date of the
the definition of an operative procedure to be included event.[50‑52] Figures 2 and 3 show the SSI surveillance case
in the surveillance. All procedures should be followed report form and denominator form, respectively. The forms
for superficial, deep and organ/space SSIs. All patients can be accessed at the website http://ssi.haisindia.com.
undergoing the defined surgeries (for which a hospital intends Additional terms
to undertake SSI surveillance) need to be monitored for SSI. 1. Date of event (DOE): For an SSI, the DOE is the date when
SSI form should be completed for each SSI. The SSI form the first element used to meet the SSI infection criterion
includes patient demographic information and information occurs for the first time during the SSI surveillance
about the operative procedure, including the date and type period. The date of the event must fall within the SSI
of procedure. Information about the SSI includes the date of surveillance period to meet SSI criteria. The type of
SSI, specific criteria met for identifying the SSI when/how SSI (superficial incisional, deep incisional or organ/space)
the SSI was detected, whether the patient developed a reported should reflect the deepest tissue layer involved
secondary bloodstream infection, whether the patient died, in the infection during the surveillance period. The date
the organism(s) identified and the organisms’ antimicrobial of the event should be the date that the patient met the
susceptibilities.[50‑52] criteria for the deepest level of infection
2. Duration of operative procedure: The interval in hours
and minutes between the procedure/surgery start time
Calculation of Surgical Site Infection Rates (PST), and the procedure/surgery finish (PF) time, as
The most common outcome indicator is the SSI rate. For any defined by the Association of Anaesthesia Clinical
given period, denominator data represent the total number of Directors
procedures within each category. Numerator data will be the • PST: Time when the procedure is begun (e.g., incision for
number of SSIs in that same period. SSI rates per 100 operative a surgical procedure)
procedures are calculated by dividing the number of SSIs by • PF: Time, when all instrument and sponge counts are
the number of specific operative procedures and multiplying completed and verified as correct, all post‑operative
the results by 100. SSIs should be included in the numerator radiologic studies to be done in the Operating room
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Figure 2: Surgical site infection surveillance case report form (Complete form can be accessed at http://ssi.haisindia.com)
(OR), are completed, all dressings and drains are performed on a patient whose date of admission to the
secured, and the physicians/surgeons have completed all HCF, and date of discharge are the same calendar day
procedure‑related activities on the patient 6. Non‑primary Closure: Closure of the surgical wound
3. Emergency operative procedure: A procedure that in a way which leaves the skin level completely open
is documented as per the hospital’s protocol to be an following the surgery. Closure of any portion of the
emergency or urgent procedure skin represents primary closure. For surgeries with
4. Inpatient operative procedure: An operative procedure non‑primary closure, the deep tissue layers may be closed
performed on a patient whose date of admission to by some means (with the skin level left open), or the deep
the Healthcare facility (HCF), and the date of discharge and superficial layers may both be left completely open.
are different calendar days Wounds with non‑primary closure may or may not be
5. Outpatient operative procedure: An operative procedure described as ‘packed’ with gauze or other material, and
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Figure 3: Surgical site infection surveillance denominator form (Complete form can be accessed at http://ssi.haisindia.com)
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