326-0001 Sita Sounder With Low Profile Base
326-0001 Sita Sounder With Low Profile Base
326-0001 Sita Sounder With Low Profile Base
General Description
The Sita Sounder unit allows for audible indication when the system enters
an alarm condition. This is an addressable unit that attaches to the loop.
Digital communication technology to the control panel is implemented
allowing for accurate data transfer at high transmission speeds. This
device is only compatible with the Sita 200+, Duonet and Quadnet ranges
of control panels.
Before Installation
The Sounder must be installed in compliance with the control panel installation manual. The installation must also
meet the requirements of any local authority. For maximum performance the device should be installed in
compliance with BS 5839 Pt1 : 2002 + A2 : 2008.
Fike recommends spacing of sounders in accordance with BS 5839. For more specific information regarding
sounder spacing, placement and special applications please refer to BS 5839 Pt1 : 2002 + A2 : 2008.
Device Installation
The base moulding should be positioned so that access to the locking feature is concealed from general view to
lessen the possibility of unauthorised removal of the device.
Drill out the desired mounting holes through hole / slot guides as required. Affix the base moulding to a flat surface
using a minimum of 2 screws.
All wiring must be installed in compliance with the recommendations laid out by BS 5839 as well as any special
recommendations documented in the control panel installation manual. The cabling used should be of a 2-core
1.5mm screened, fire resistant type, with the following characteristics:
It is to be wired in the form of a screened 2-core loop returning to the control panel. The use of spurs on
this system is not permitted. Cables may be terminated into the connector, as shown below. Care should be
taken when terminating devices to ensure all cables are correctly sleeved and connections are secure. Improper
connections will prevent a system from responding properly in the event of a fire.
Terminal Description
L1 Loop +ve IN
0V Loop -ve IN
SCRN Screen IN
0V Loop -ve OUT
L2 Loop +ve OUT
26-1001 Issue 4
The Loop +ve (positive) IN and the Loop +ve (positive) OUT connections are split within the module. For cable
continuity readings at the commissioning stage they must be temporarily removed and connected through. Please
remember that all high voltage testing must be carried out before the installation of the electronics, otherwise the
electronics will be damaged. Please also note that the SCRN terminal should only be connected to the loop screen
and NOT the building earth.
Once all testing has been carried out on the cabling and continuity & insulation has been proven, the Sounder
can be connected.
NOTE: Before installing the Sounder remember to note the serial number of the device (located on the rear of the
unit) on to your drawings or configuration sheets to enable you to prove its location later. The address allocation for
the device is carried out automatically by the control panel whilst in initialisation mode, so addresses do not need to
be set manually. See the system Installation and Operating Instructions for further details.
Tamper Resistance
The unit incorporates a locking mechanism which helps prevent unauthorised removal
from the base. To fit, gently insert the device positioned so that the alignment mark on
rim is rotated slightly anti clockwise relative to the alignment mark on the base. Rotate
clockwise until the device drops in and the alignment marks meet. The locking clip will
To remove the device: depress the locking clip by inserting a small diameter tool, such
as a jeweller’s screwdriver, through the hole in the base as shown.
The device should then be turned anti-clockwise allowing it to be removed from the
Device Settings
The sounder modes may be configured using the relevant panel software configuration package (OSP).
Type Description
Sound Pattern: SP0 Sounder off
SP1 Single tone, 970 Hz continuous
SP2 Pulsed UK alert signal, 970 Hz 1s on, 1s off
SP3 Dual tone UK evacuate signal, 970 Hz 0.25s, 800 Hz 0.25s
SP4 Sweep up, 800 Hz to 970 Hz over 1s
SP5 Slow whoop up, 500 to 1200 Hz over 3s, 0.5s off
SP6 Sweep down, 1200 Hz to 500 Hz over 1s
SP7 Dual tone French warble, 550 Hz 0.1s, 440 Hz 400ms
Sound Volume: L/M/H Low, medium and high settings are available.
See the Engineering & Commissioning Manual for your control panel (Sita, Duonet or Quadnet) for further details of how to
program the above.
Technical Data
Dimensions: Diameter 97 mm
Depth: inc low profile base 60.5 mm
o o
Operating temperature: -10 C to +50 C.
Flammability: UL94-V2
IP Rating: IP 21C
Voltage Range (Loop): 24 to 42V DC
26-1001 Issue 4
@ 1m anechoic (Dual Tone)
Type Name Low Medium High
SNDR 326 0001 Sita Sounder with Low Profile Base 65+ 84 88
Type Name Quiescent SP0 - Off Low Medium High
SNDR 326 0001 Sita Sounder with Low Profile Base 0.18 1.31 1.73 3.86 5.37
Type Name Quiescent SP0 - Off Low Medium High
SNDR 326 0001 Sita Sounder with Low Profile Base 0.18 2.74 3.62 8.04 11.18
Type Name SP0 - Off Low Medium High
SNDR 326 0001 Sita Sounder with Low Profile Base 1.5 2.0 4.0 5.5
N.B. All specified volume and current readings, unless otherwise stated are taken using sound pattern SP3.
Technical Support
Fike Safety Technology Ltd
Contact your supplier for technical support on this Unit 31, Springvale Ind. Est.
Torfaen, NP44 5BD
Due to the complexity and inherent importance of a life risk 11
type system, training on this equipment is essential, and DoP-326-0001
commissioning should only be carried out by competent
persons. Fike cannot guarantee the operation of any
equipment unless all documented instructions are complied EN54-3: 2001 +A1: 2002 +A2: 2006, EN54-17: 2005
with, without variation. This unit complies with the EMC Sounder Technical Data: See 26-0747
directive. Isolator Technical Data: See 26-1112
Fike’s policy is one of continual improvement and the right to 326-0001, 326-0003
change a specification at any time without notice is reserved.
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the contents Intended for use in the fire detection and fire alarm
of this document are correct at time of publication, Fike shall Systems in and around buildings
be under no liability whatsoever in respect of such contents. Essential characteristics Performance
E&OE. Nominal activation conditions/Sensitivity,
Response delay (response time) and
under fire conditions
Operational reliability Pass
Durability of operational reliability and
response delay, Temperature resistance
Durability of operational reliability,
Vibration resistance
Durability of operational reliability,
Humidity resistance
Durability of operational reliability,
Corrosion resistance
Durability of operational reliability,
Electrical stability
Performance under fire conditions Pass
Durability of operational reliability,
Resistance to ingress
26-1001 Issue 4