Majesco - Initiating Coverage - 10 Oct 2017
Majesco - Initiating Coverage - 10 Oct 2017
Majesco - Initiating Coverage - 10 Oct 2017
One-page investment thesis: InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 3
Industry section
Company section
Business description A rated global provider of insurance software with a wide range of offering 8
Revenue model Transition to a cloud-based subscription model will prove beneficial over longer run 9
Rising growth will lift profitability Majesco can improve productivity through better onsite engagement 11
Strategic positioning 12
Management & governance Adequate yet room for improvement; holding Co discount not a concern for now 13
Risks to recommendation 20
Consolidated financials 21
Coverage universe 23
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 2
MJCO IN, CMP: Rs461 BUY, PT: Rs890
Majesco (MJCO IN) has bright prospects in a mushrooming industry, InsurTech, which is receiving funding at a clip of over Market data
$1.5 bn a year in the U.S. alone. Majesco is regarded one of the top-3 rated software in the insurance administration Market cap: Rs10.8 bn (US$167 mn)
industry and its CloudInsurance product places it in a uniquely advantageous position in the marketplace. Moreover, 52-week high/low: Rs475/300
having joined forces with IBM for a end-to-end cloud-based insurTech offering, Majesco has gained access to lucrative top- Share o/s: 23.46 mn
tier insurance accounts (40 of top-100 insurers worldwide). We expect Dollar revenue growth of 16.3%/21.3% and EBITDA Share o/s (fully diluted): 23.46 mn
margin of 8.0%/12.0% in FY19E/FY20E. We value the Indian listed parent Co at 2.1x FY19E EV/Sales (69.9% ownership of Avg daily trading vol (3m): 303.5 ('000)
Majesco USA), corresponding to the stock’s peak historical valuation (Jan-16), which we believe can be easily achieved
Avg daily trading val (3m): Rs117 mn (US$1.80 mn)
and surpassed given improved growth visibility. We recommend BUY, based on target price of Rs890
Source: BSE, Bloomberg
Expect 16.3%/21.3% growth in FY19E/FY20E: Industry leader, Guidewire, having broken through the mid-teens growth
barrier since March, 2017, points the way for a period of high growth for the industry. This is the harbinger of growth for
Majesco’s IP-led business (75-80% of revenue), including its Cloud business (19% of revenue in FY17), which is set for a Shareholding pattern (%)
high-growth phase Jun17 Mar17 Dec16
IBM-Majesco five-year partnership commenced with a deal in Jul-17: IBM has access to 89 of the top-100 insurers of the Promoters 48.0 48.3 48.4
world and 40 of these can be targeted under the agreement. In this first year, approximately 10 insurers were approached Public 52.0 51.7 51.6
and discussions have been promising. Our estimate is that each deal could be worth $5-15 mn in annual revenue to Others 0.0 0.0 0.0
Majesco. This unique offering of its insurance platform with a major analytics-SI player marks a major milestone and a Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
turning point in Majesco’s fledgling history Source: BSE
Valuation: We initiate coverage, recommending BUY on MJCO with a PT of Rs890 based on 2.1x FY19E EV/Sales
Risks: Macroeconomic risks, regulations, natural and manmade disasters affecting clientele, client concentration,
technology related risks and M&A and partnerships-related risks are the key downside risks for the Company Price movement (Rs) vs the Sensex
MJCO (Rs) BSE Sensex (RHS) 33000
Financials and valuation
YE Revenue EBITDA Adj PAT EPS EV/Sales P/BV ROCE ROE 31000
March (Rs mn) Growth (%) (Rs mn) Margin (%) (Rs mn) Growth (%) (Rs) (x) (x) (%) (%) 450
FY16 7,572 - 99.1 1.3 69.0 0.0 2.99 1.36 3.05 -1.89 1.98 400
FY17 8,275 9.3 267 3.2 65.8 -4.7 2.83 1.17 2.91 2.26 1.84
FY18E 8,352 0.9 337 4.0 144 119 6.11 1.21 2.81 3.13 3.82
FY19E 9,692 16.0 777 8.0 324 125 13.5 1.03 2.58 11.3 7.94 300 25000
FY20E 11,756 21.3 1413 12.0 597 84.3 24.4 0.82 2.22 21.8 12.8
Source: Company, quant Global Research estimates Source: BSE
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 3
U.S. insurance premiums grew @CAGR of 4.59% since ‘05, now face a sharp slowdown
U.S. : Falling investment incomes, rising customer expectations Total insurance industry U.S. premiums ($ bn)
2,200 2,136
According to Münich Re, premiums in the insurance sector are likely to evolve in
line with the global economy, which should show real growth of 2.9% in 2017 2,000
North America primary insurance premium growth (%) 2015 insurance industry U.S. premiums by type ($ bn)
2016 2017E 2018E CASUALTY
Globa l & regiona l P&C ins ura nce 2.5% 1.1% 1.4% Property & Casualty 590 28%
Globa l & regiona l life ins ura nce 1.7% 1.7% 2.0%
Global primary insurance 2.2% 1.4% 1.7% HEALTH
Health 746 35%
Life 778
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 4
As yields & RoEs for insurers tank, consumer expectations on technology front skyrocket
U.S. P&C insurance: Profitability pressures ushering in technology upgrade E&Y guage of impact of external factors on P&C insurance market
Until 2013, a reversal of worsening trends saw the strong (1= l ow i mpa ct, 10=hi gh i mpa ct)
performance strengthen balance sheets, increasing both surplus and Factor 2016 2017 Comment
invested assets. However, since then, RoEs have started falling and
Adva nces i n technol ogy a re ena bl i ng i ns urers to
combined ratios rising i mprove effi ci enci es a cros s thei r opera tions
As margin pressures have mounted, emphasis on expense from underwri ting a nd pol i cy a dmi ni s tra tion to
management through technology upgrades and better integration Technol ogy 10 9 cl a i ms a nd ri s k ma na gement. New s ma rt
technol ogi es s uch a s a rtifi ci a l i ntel l i gence
of business units has increased (See chart below)
tel ema tics , dri verl es s ca rs a nd bl ockcha i n wi l l
P&C carrier yields have been falling for over a decade, reflecting the be ga me cha ngers
long downtrend in prevailing interest rates (See below). Even if Ins urers wi l l need to keep up wi th ra pi dl y
prevailing rates rise in the next few years, portfolio yields are cha ngi ng cus tomer expectations for 24/7 di gi tal
unlikely to rise quickly, since low yields of recent years are "baked Cus tomer expectations 8 8
a cces s , grea ter tra ns pa rency a nd s el f-di rected
in" to future returns cus tomer experi ences . At the s a me time, pri ce
s ens i tivi ty wi l l dri ve compa ri s on s hoppi ng
U.S. P&C insurance industry performance (E&Y) through emergi ng onl i ne a nd mobi l e pl a tforms
16% Combined ratio (RHS) Portfolio yields Return on equity 110 Low i nteres t ra tes combi ned wi th medi ocre
growth wi l l continue to i mpa ct the P&C i ndus try
Economy & i nteres t i n 2017, putti ng pres s ure on profi ts a nd res erves .
105 6 6
12% ra tes Expected s hi fts i n growth, tra de a nd tax pol i ci es
under a Trump a dmi ni s tra tion a dd to a hi gh
10% l evel of economi c uncertai nty
0% 85
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Source: E&Y P&C insurance outlook 2015, 2016, 2017
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 5
InsurTech is attempting to modernize and revolutionize insurance in four key areas
In what significant ways is technology impacting the insurance sector? 4 key areas are described below…
•Shop, compare quotes online & on •Consumers are better informed, •Need to assess & value intangibles, •Covers all activities in entire
digital channels. (Accenture: 75% have stronger voice physical property insurance service chain, from
of U.S. auto insurance shoppers issuance to claim settlements
start the process of buying online) •Demand for more transparency, •Better understand customers,
personalized communication more customer-centric •Traditional reliance on various
•Leading aggregators and price legacy systems throughout the
comparison websites: PolicyBazaar, •UNDERWRITING service process and many of them
CompareAsia, Wobi, TopCheck, •Opportunities for increased Eagle Eye (Guidewire), required error-prone manual
CoverHound, Insurify, connectivity, retention and more
customized products QuanTemplate, Predicat processing
•SOCIAL MEDIA •INCUMBENTS vs. STARTUPS Innovation, risk mitigation, improves record management,
Lemonade, Guevara, Gather, Established marketing companies: customer segmentation, accurate
Applied, Vertafore, Zywave and reduces manual processing,
Gaggel, Peercover, WorldCover, premium calculation. E.g. The improves compliance and
Friendsurance, Bought By Many HubSpot. Established sales & Floow, Scope Technologies, expedites claim settlement process
engagement: Ebix, Insurance Driveway, Metromile, TrueMotion,
Technologies. Emerging startups: Hubio
•MOBILE SOLUTIONS Lifedrip (Automated marketing •Established players include
BIMA Ghana, M-Pesa Kenya platform for agents), Massup Majesco, Guidewire, Insurity
(White label platform for online •TELEMATICS BEYOND AUTO
Connected home: Ring, AXA Hive.
•RETAILERS/ E-COMMERCE sales), Zipari (Customer-centric Life & health: Oscar-Misfit, John •Emerging players include & Insuritas, Wal- sales) and Clientdesk (Mobile
mart &, Google insurance as a service) Hancock-Fitbit. Weather: The Outshared and Insly
Climate Corporation, IBM-The
& Weather Company •Companies are using SELF-SERVICE
•HEALTH INSURANCE mobile apps and tools to maintain
•DIGITAL PLATFORMS Regulatory focus on insurers to •FRAUD MANAGEMENT
Travel (AirCare's immediate provide coverage and insurance policies
Enservio, Shift Technology,
payouts), auto (Cuvva's hourly car requirements for improved Everledger (Uses blockchain)
insurance), charity (Givesurance's communication are driving greater •Players in self-service include
donation credit), on-demand product differentiation. Examples FinanceFox, Clark, Knip, GetSafe,
(Trov’s on-demand mobile •CUSTOMER RETENTION
include Eliza and IBM Watson Social Intelligence ̶ a social Embroker, CoverWallet, Bauxy,
insurance) Health ClaimDi, SnapSheet, Spex, Enservio
platform for risk scoring
Source: Financial Technology Partners, “Prepare for the InsurTech Wave,” December 2016, quant Global Research
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 6
U.S. accounts for ~2/3rds of transactions; InsurTech investments cooled since Q2 2015-high
Quarterly InsurTech funding ̶ all stages ($ mn) Property and casualty Life and health
InsurTech funding grew 147.5% y-y to $985 mn in Q2 2017,
800 but is down 46.8% from peak of $1.852 bn in Q2 2015
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
InsurTech transactions by target country (since 2012) P&C InsurTech transactions by sub-sector (since 2012) L&H InsurTech transactions by sub-sector (since 2012)
15% 5% 9%
Germany 41%
4% 34% Distribution Distribution
5% India
Carrier Carrier
France 61%
6% 65% 50%
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 7
Majesco is a rated global provider of insurance software with a wide range of offering
MJCO is a global provider of core insurance software and consulting services for insurance business transformation for P&C, L&A and group/
employee benefits providers, allowing insurance players to enable the entire insurance value chain
Majesco is the significant shareholder (69.9%) of Majesco U.S.A., a corporation based in California, U.S.A. Its parent from prior to the
demerger (Jun-15), Mastek, contuinues to own 13.82% indirect minority interest in Majesco U.S.A.
MJCO has 166 customers (Jun-17), ranging from tier-1 to mid-market insurers, startups and greenfields (Specialty, mutual & regional carriers)
As on June 29, 2017, 84.9% of Majesco U.S.A.'s shares were held by insiders and 47 institutions held 1.98% of outstanding shares. Top
institutional holders included Blackrock (0.60%), FCG Advisors (0.41%) and Millennium Management (0.34%) (Source: Yahoo! Finance) . As on
June 30, 2017, 47.97% of MJCO (Indian parent) shares were held by the promoter and promoter group and institutions held 12.93% of shares.
Major institutional shareholders included DSP Blackrock (5.11%), LIC (4.72%) and Fidelity (1.92%) (Source: BSE)
Revenue by geography Revenue by type of offering Revenue by line of business
FY17 88.4% 6.8% 4.9% FY17 63.3% License FY17 81.0% 17.5% 1.6%
80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 50% 100%
L&A, Health, Pensions and Group P&C and General Insurance Enterprise Solutions Consulting Services
Indi vi dual L&A, Heal th, Pens i ons s /w Majes co P&C Sui te Majes co Bi l l i ng Cons ul ti ng
Group L&A, Heal th and Pens i ons s /w Majes co Pol i cy for P&C Majes co Di s tri buti on Management Devel opment Servi ces
Majes co Pol i cy for L&A and Group Majes co Cl ai ms Majes co Di gi tal Connect Data Servi ces
Majes co New Bus i nes s & Underwri ti ng Majes co Bus i nes s Anal yti cs Majes co Cl oudIns urer Di gi tal Servi ces
Majes co Impl ementati on Servi ces Tes ti ng Servi ces
Note: “Software” abbreviated as “s/w”
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 8
Transition to a cloud-based subscription model will prove beneficial over longer run
Source: Bloomberg;
Source: Guidewire; Note:
Note: Image
pricingnot drawn
as on to 2017,
7 July, scale year-end Mar except Hexaware Dec
MJCO generates revenue primarily (~3/4th) from the licensing of proprietary software and related implementation, support & maintenance
fees pursuant to contracts with customers.
The license agreements typically range in length from fixed-year terms (which maybe renewable) to perpetual terms
MJCO launched its Cloud offering in Jun-16, which is subscription based revenue model. Cloud contributes 19.2% to overall revenue (FY17).
The subscription model does compress revenue in initial years, but over 7 years, customer has lower TCO and MJCO has higher revenue
Support services are provided to customers pursuant to multi-year support agreements, which are typically renewable on an annual basis.
Service revenues are derived from implementation and training services performed on a time and materials or fixed-price basis. Software as
a service revenue includes upfront setup fee, implementation and usage based subscription
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 9
IBM’s partnership, a best-in-class offering, is about to takeoff
Guidewire’s growth spurt points the way forward even as MJCO growth slipped in FY17
Majesco quarterly revenue trend Annual revenue & qGR forecast
Industry leader, Guidewire, having broken through 200 25
Revenue (Rs mn) y-y growth (%, RHS) Revenue (US$ mn) Growth (%, RHS)
the mid-teens growth barrier since Mar-17, points 2,300 60
the way for a period of high growth for the 2207 181
industry. This is the harbinger of growth for 2,200 180 20
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 10
Majesco can improve productivity through better onsite engagement
Expect EBITDA margin of 12% in FY20E with growth exceeding 20%
Majesco’s profitability is still volatile as the Co is Majesco quarterly profitability trend Return ratios
investing in its growth stages. Per non-U.S. GAAP 160 8 25 RoE (%) RoCE (%)
EBITDA (Rs mn) EBITDA margin (%, RHS)
measures, R&D expense was 14.1% of revenue and 21.8
SG&A expense was 33.9% of revenue in FY17 20
120 6
We expect profitability to improve with rising 85
growth momentum from FY19E and start hitting 80 4 15
double-digits (EBITDA margin) in FY20E. These are 54 11.3
Q1 FY17
Q3 FY17
Q1 FY16
Q2 FY16
Q3 FY16
Q4 FY16
Q2 FY17
Q4 FY17
Q1 FY18
In FY18E/FY19E/FY20E, we factor in EBITDA margin
of 4.0%/8.0%/12.0% and Dollar revenue growth of -40 -2
FY16 FY17 FY18E FY19E FY20E
3.5%/16.3%/21.3%. RoE/RoCE return ratios are -52
-5 MJCO’s 2,395 headcount (June,
thus expected to improve from 3.8%/3.1% in FY18E -80 -4
2017) represents revenue of
to 12.8%/21.8% in FY20E Active clients Headcount $53,000 per employee per year
vs. over $300,000 for GWRE.
Majesco should improve productivity through better Even allowing for MJCO’s
offshore presence (1,916
onsite engagement
employees), productivity gap to
MJCO’s clientele of 166 is potential to better farm 160 2,400 GWRE is still about 100%
Q1 FY16
Q2 FY16
Q3 FY16
Q4 FY16
Q1 FY17
Q2 FY17
Q3 FY17
Q1 FY18
Q4 FY17
Q4 FY16
Q1 FY16
Q2 FY16
Q3 FY16
Q1 FY17
Q2 FY17
Q3 FY17
Q4 FY17
Q1 FY18
technical support to better engage clients
Source: Company, quant Global Research
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 11
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 12
Governance levels appear to be adequate, though a room for improvement exists
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 13
A parent Company holding discount not a concern for now
The maiden dividend having been paid to Indian shareholders recently, it does seem that the Group is oriented towards rewarding domestic
shareholders with dividends. Majesco U.S.A. has declared that it does not expect to pay dividends in the foreseeable future
Interest on domestic cash
With plenty of cash placed in India, an interest rate of 7% on this sum alone can facilitate a dividend of approximately Rs 1.50 per share per
year, higher than the Re 1 per share special dividend declared in July 2017
Parent Company holding discount?
At least for the near future, Indian shareholders need not be concerned about reliance on the U.S. subsidiary for its dividends, nor about the
tax on dividend (15%) inserting a valuation wedge, which may take the form of a holding Company discount
Capital allocation is appropriate for the following reasons
Very limited capital expenditure is incurred at the parent level and the vast majority (86.1% in FY17 and 98.6% in FY16) takes place in the
subsidiaries, which account for over 98% of consolidated revenue
Vast majority of the debt is on the books of the subsidiaries in advanced economies, which gives access to the prevailing low interest rates in
those geographies. Thus, interest rate applicable on working capital is in the range of 2-3% over LIBOR
Majority of the cash (52.6% in FY17 and 66.8% in FY16), assuming some part apportioned to global working capital requirements, is located in
India, where relatively high interest rates prevail, thus boosting cash yield to 3.6% and 5.9% of end of year cash and current investments in
FY16 and FY17, respectively
Capital allocation has room for improvement in the following areas
In India, despite making losses at the EBITDA level, the effective cash taxes paid rate at 65.9% and 36.1% of profit before tax in FY17 and
FY16, respectively, is higher than the corporate tax rate prevailing in the country of 34.61%
In FY17, capital expenditure rose disproportionately at the parent level (accounts for under 2% of revenue) to 22.0% of sales from 4.3% in
FY16, while at the consolidated level, dipped from 5.0% of sales to 3.0% of sales in FY17
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 14
The Company acquired Agile Technologies in Jan-15 and Cover-All in Jun-15
Agile Technologies
On January 1, 2015, MJCO acquired substantially all of the insurance consulting business of Agile, a business and technology management
consulting firm. We estimate that the firm clocked revenue of US$5.5 mn in the full year FY16
The 55 employees of Agile also brought to the table business process optimization capabilities, technology services including data architecture
strategy and services, 20 customers and physical presence in important business centers of New Jersey, Georgia and Ohio
The total consideration estimated for Agile is ~US$8.5 mn reaching up to a maximum of US$9.2 mn, depending on earn-outs. However, after
major restructuring of earn-out clauses in Jan-16, we believe that the total payment at the end of FY 2017-18 will be closer to US$7.44 mn
(~1.1x sales after discounting @6% to 2015). It is noteworthy that William Freitag, erstwhile chief executive officer and managing partner of
Agile Technologies, moved from Head of Consulting (May-16) of Majesco to EVP of Strategic Accounts and Key Initiatives (Sep-17)
On June 26, 2015, Cover-All, a provider of core insurance software and business analytics solution primarily focused on commercial lines for
the property and casualty insurance industry & listed on the NYSE MKT, merged into Majesco in an stock-for-stock transaction
Cover-All’s software solutions and services are designed to quicken time to market in product development, expand distribution channels,
reduce costs and improve service to customers. Cover-All’s business analytics solution enables customers to leverage their information assets
for real-time business insights and for better risk selection, pricing and financial reporting
In three quarters of FY16, Cover-All contributed US$17.6 mn to revenue. After the stock-for-stock transaction & consummation of merger,
Cover-all shareholders had ~16.5% shareholding in Majesco, thus yielding a valuation of ~1.2x sales for Cover-All. The erstwhile CEO of Cover-
All, Manish Shah, has taken the position of EVP of Products at Majesco
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 15
CMP Mkt Cap EV Revenue growth EBITDA margin (%) EV/Sales (x) EV/EBITDA (x) PE (x)
(US$) (US$ bn) (US$ bn) CY17E CY18E CY17E CY18E CY17E CY18E CY17E CY18E CY17E CY18E
Cra wford & Co. 9.7 0.60 0.79 (4.1) 2.7 11.2 12.6 0.7 0.7 6.3 5.5 12.7 11.2
Ebi x 65.0 2.04 2.33 16.9 13.6 35.3 35.2 6.7 5.9 18.9 16.7 21.3 18.3
Gui dewi re 78.2 5.87 5.30 21.4 15.9 17.7 20.0 8.5 7.3 47.9 36.7 80.3 62.7
Ma jes co 5.2 0.19 0.20 (2.3) 16.0 5.1 7.0 1.6 1.4 32.2 20.5 64.5 36.9
Sa pi ens Interna ti ona l 13.5 0.66 0.66 18.8 19.1 11.2 15.2 2.6 2.1 22.7 14.1 37.3 21.4
Symbi l i ty Sol uti ons 0.5 0.11 0.11 19.1 12.2 4.9 5.9 2.6 2.3 53.7 39.3 NA NA
Global average 6.6 9.9 15.8 17.6 3.8 3.3 30.3 22.1 43.2 30.1
Source: Bloomberg consensus estimates; Year ends in March for Majesco. CY17E corresponds to FY18E and CY18E to FY19E; Guidewire year ends in July. CY17E corresponds to FY18E and CY18E to FY19E
On most parameters, Majesco is aspirationally close to Sapiens, which has a focus in billing in P&C, and third party administration in L&A.
Sapiens clocked $216 mn in annual revenue in 2016 with 15% EBITDA margin, having grown at a CAGR of 17% over the previous three years
with the help of a sharp M&A focus. Sapiens valuations are above 2x EV/Sales based on CY18E financials (Bloomberg estimates), despite
slipping to an EBITDA margin of 3-5% in H1CY17
Guidewire (GWRE US), the clear industry leader, clocked $500 mn in revenue in FY17 (year-ended in July) with mid-teen EBITDA margin and
a muscular balance sheet with net cash of over $620 mn. Its valuations are 7.3x EV/Sales based on FY19E financials (Bloomberg estimates).
Guidewire works with top-tier P&C insurers in policy (25%), billings (25%) and claims (50%)
For its part, 5/6th of Majesco’s revenue is in P&C, with a focus on Cloud, which makes up 19% of its revenue. Although consensus estimates
are forecasting double-digit growth and a significantly improved margin profile, Majesco’s execution miss over FY17 meant a single-digit
growth and an EBITDA margin of just 3.2%. Hence, current valuation of 1.4x FY19E EV/Sales (or 1.4 X 0.699 = 1.0x for the Indian parent’s
valuation, accounting for the 69.9% shareholding) appear to be relatively inexpensive
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 17
EV/Sales (x)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Source: Company, quant Global Research estimates
An annotated history
1. MJCO signed a deal with QBE North America. QBE is one Majesco’s 6. Signed a landmark 5-year partnership with IBM
largest clients today 7. Not holding on to US$200 mn revenue target, as it was
2. Unveiled target of annual revenue of $200-225 mn and EBITDA dependent upon acquisition, which did not materialize given
margin of 12-14% in fiscal 2017-18 no QIP due to poor valuation for Majesco
3. Hosted inaugural Investor Day in Waldorf Astoria, NY. Reiterated 8. New York Life implemented Majesco Rating, one of the first
FY18 revenue and margin targets implementations of a cloud-based rating solution for life and
4. Majesco CloudInsurer is launched group insurers
5. Admitted to one client having transformation issues leading to 9. Exuded confidence in growth prospects in Q1FY18 earnings
growth troubles for Majesco in the Q1FY17 earnings call, a quarter in calls, having recorded 20.6% q-q jump in twelve month order
which organic growth was a mere 0.6% q-q. Clung on to the FY18 backlog
growth target
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 18
We value the Company at 2.1x EV/Sales, yielding a PT of Rs890. Recommend BUY
Price (Rs) EV/S 0.5x EV/S 1.0x EV/S 2.0x EV/S 3.0x
BUY: PT of Rs890 corresponds to a valuation of 2.1x EV/Sales in FY19E, which was the stock’s peak historical valuation, achieved in January, 2016
The most common methodology to value We believe MJCO’s growth will pick up in 4-6 The historical high in valuation can be attained
insurTech peers is EV/Sales. Sales values market quarters, given the momentum from Cloud and and even surpassed given (1) the sunrise nature
opportunity. Enterprise value adjusts for debt or ramp-up in deal(s) from the IBM partnership. This of the industry, (2) MJCO’s strong positioning with
equity as invested capital is the primary driver for valuation. Expect $ its software being among global top-3 (validation
The next preferred valuation methodology is revenue growth of 16%/21% in FY19E/FY20E of IBM partnership), (3) MJCO’s improved growth
P/BV: Valuation over accumulated profits Profitability is expected to improve materially visibility as compared to Jan-16
2.1x EV/Sales in FY19E, which was the stock’s from FY19E as a concomitant of high growth. This Additional support for the target multiple comes
peak historical valuation from Jan-16, corresponds is a secondary driver for valuation. Expect EBITDA from (4) the much higher valuation of foreign
to a FY19E P/BV of 5.0x margin of 8%/12% in FY19E/FY20E listed peers (E.g. GWRE 5.1x FY19E Adj. EV/Sales)
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 19
Key risks relate to clients, competition, technology, M&A, partnerships, dilution and dividend
Competition from more established brand names and alliances
Client concentration: In FY 2016-17, 26.5% of MJCO’s revenue came from top-5 clients, and 40.0% of revenue came from the top-10 clients.
This exposes the Company to overt and concentrated risks related to loss of specific clients
Large insurance clients may face threats from natural and manmade disasters, economy
Risks emanating from insurance regulations in U.S.A. In FY17, 89% of revenues were attributable to the North American region.
Dilution from stock options and warrants: In Majesco, USA, there are 334,064 warrants and 1.62 mn employee stock options outstanding as
of Mar 31, 2017. At the parent level, 2.40 mn stock options were outstanding as of Mar 31, 2017
Lower or delayed dividends in India vs. the US subsidiary: Revenue from the Indian subsidiary was under 3% of consolidated revenue. As per
provisions of Section 123 of the Companies Act, 2013, dividends can be declared only out of profits generated or accumulated after providing
for depreciation at the standalone level, not consolidated level. This would mean that Majesco cannot give a dividend of larger than Rs212
mn (Accumulated profits) at the end of FY17, which translates to Rs7.48 per share including taxes, beyond which amount it will have to rely
on income from overseas subsidiaries
M&A, partnerships: Risks associated with potential acquisitions, mergers, expansion activities, partnerships or divestitures may disrupt
MJCO’s business and adversely affect operating results. Included here is risks related to the IBM partnership
Failure to adequately protect key proprietary technology: Majesco relies upon trade secrets, proprietary know-how, and continuing
technological innovation to develop new services and solutions and to remain competitive. If competitors learn these technologies or
processes, they may use this information to produce services and solutions that are equivalent or superior to our services and solutions. Its
employees and consultants may not maintain confidentiality. Trade secrets and proprietary know-how may otherwise become known to
competitors, or be independently discovered by them, which could adversely affect Majesco's competitive positioning.
Technology risk: (1) core system failure or (2) data security breaches, particularly on cloud-based implementations. (1) Majesco's license and
support of core system software creates the risk of significant liability claims, which may not be adequately covered by agreements with
customers and the firm may be exposed to potentially large liability claims in cases of failure (2) At times, in cloud deployments, the
infrastructure of third-party service providers is used by the customers at their own behest, which may be vulnerable to hacking incidents,
other security breaches and disruptions. Any realized failures here could lead to interruptions, delays or cessation of operation of the servers
of third-party service providers’ used by customers, and to the unauthorized use or access of Majesco's software and proprietary information
and sensitive or confidential data stored or transmitted by its products
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 20
Y/E March
Income statement (Rs mn) FY16 FY17 FY18E FY19E FY20E Balance sheet (Rs mn) FY16 FY17 FY18E FY19E FY20E
Revenue (US$ mn) 116.0 123.9 128.3 149.1 180.9 Equi ty ca pi tal 115 117 118 120 122
Growth (%) - 6.8 3.5 16.3 21.3 Res erves a nd s urpl us 2,644 2,798 2,914 3,166 3,645
Total equity 2,759 2,915 3,032 3,286 3,768
INR revenue 7,572 8,275 8,352 9,692 11,756 Mi nori ty i nteres t 723 766 838 1,000 1,298
Expenditure 7,472 8,009 8,016 8,916 10,343 Short-term borrowi ngs 461 166 498 498 448
Empl oyee Expens es 5,056 5,633 5,551 6,139 7,081 Long-term borrowi ngs 459 550 550 550 500
Other expendi ture 2,417 2,376 2,464 2,777 3,262 Sundry credi tors 181 142 144 167 202
EBITDA 99.1 267 337 777 1,413 Provi s i ons 276 295 297 345 418
Other l i a bi l i ties 1,879 1,713 1,729 2,006 2,433
Depreci a tion a nd a mortiza tion expens e 178 172 199 235 274 Total liabilities 6,737 6,546 7,088 7,852 9,068
EBIT (79.4) 94.5 138 542 1,139
Non-opera ting i ncome 48.0 18.4 40.0 48.0 77.0 Ca s h a nd ca s h equi va l ents 1,152 1,581 1,668 1,908 2,400
Interes t i ncl udi ng fi na nce cha rges 42.8 78.3 70.0 72.0 63.0 Loa ns & a dva nces 239 241 241 241 241
Tra de recei va bl es 1,520 830 1,144 1,328 1,610
Pre-tax profit (74.1) 34.6 108 518 1,153 Other current a s s ets 721 723 728 816 953
Reported pre-tax profi t (77.1) 86.3 178 590 1,216 Total current assets 3,632 3,375 3,781 4,293 5,204
Les s : taxes (150) (2.40) (38.5) 104 321
Net bl ock 669 289 423 658 937
Reported net profi t 73.2 88.7 216 486 895 Net i ntangi bl e a s s ets 1,925 2,245 2,245 2,245 2,245
Less: minority/associate earnings (4.17) (22.9) (72.1) (162) (298) of whi ch, Goodwi l l 1,925 2,055 2,055 2,055 2,055
Net profit for shareholders 69.0 65.8 144 324 597 Deferred tax a s s et (net) 380 400 400 400 400
Other non current a s s ets 131 239 240 256 282
EPS (Rs ), ba s ed on ful l y di l uted s ha res 2.99 2.83 6.11 13.5 24.4 Total assets 6,737 6,547 7,088 7,852 9,068
Ful l y di l uted s ha res outs tandi ng (mn) 23.1 23.3 23.6 24.0 24.4 Ca pi tal empl oyed 4,198 4,177 4,631 4,973 5,491
Note: pricing as on 09 October 2017; Source: Company, quant Global Research estimates
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 21
Y/E March
Cash flow statement (Rs mn) FY16 FY17 FY18E FY19E FY20E Growth ratios (%) FY16 FY17 FY18E FY19E FY20E
Opera ting ca s hfl ow Net revenue - 9.3 0.9 16.0 21.3
Pre-tax i ncome (77.1) 86.3 178 590 1,216 EBITDA - 168.9 26.4 130.7 81.9
Add: depreci a tion a nd a mortiza tion 178 172 199 235 274 Adjus ted net profi t - (4.7) 119.1 124.6 84.3
Add: i nteres t expens e (net) (48.0) (18) (40) (48) (77)
Les s : other a djus tments (103) 162 4.12 71.5 110 Ratios (%)
Les s : taxes pa i d 150 2.40 38.5 (104) (321) Effective tax ra te 195 (2.8) (21.7) 17.7 26.4
Add: worki ng ca pi tal cha nges (250) 473 (304) (12) (19) EBITDA margin 1.3 3.2 4.0 8.0 12.0
Total operating cashflow (150) 877 75.4 732 1,183 Adjus ted net i ncome ma rgi n 0.9 0.8 1.7 3.3 5.1
Net debt/equi ty (0.1) (0.3) (0.2) (0.2) (0.3)
Inves ting ca s hfl ow ROCE (1.9) 2.3 3.1 11.3 21.8
Ca pi tal expendi ture (398) (240) (333) (470) (553) ROE 2.0 1.8 3.8 7.9 12.8
Inves tments (797) (32.1) - - - Total a s s et turnover ra tio (x) 1.12 1.25 1.23 1.37 1.58
Others 16.8 20.4 (32.3) (186) (266) Debtor da ys 73.3 36.6 50.0 50.0 50.0
Total investing cashflow (1,178) (252) (365) (656) (819) USDINR 65.3 66.8 65.1 65.0 65.0
Net cha nge i n ca s h (723) 421 87.3 239 492 Valuations (x)
Openi ng ca s h 0.19 386 787 874 1,114 P/Sa l es 1.40 1.30 1.30 1.14 0.96
Add: other a djus tments 1,875 774 794 794 794 EV/Sa l es 1.36 1.17 1.21 1.03 0.82
Closing cash 1,152 1,581 1,668 1,908 2,400 Pri ce/Book 3.05 2.91 2.81 2.58 2.22
Note: pricing as on 09 October 2017; Source: Company, quant Global Research estimates
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 22
We are UNDERWEIGHT on the IT services sector
Market cap CMP* Px target EPS (Rs) P/E (x) P/B (x) EV/EBITDA (x) ROE (%) ROCE (%)
(Rsbn) (Rs) (Rs) FY17 FY18E FY19E FY17 FY18E FY19E FY17 FY18E FY19E FY17 FY18E FY19E FY17 FY18E FY19E FY17 FY18E FY19E
HCL Tech REDUCE 1,305 914 885 59.9 63.0 63.3 15.3 14.5 14.4 3.9 3.1 2.8 12.6 11.2 11.0 27.5 23.7 20.5 28.9 25.1 21.4
Infos ys REDUCE 2,149 936 975 62.8 63.2 61.0 14.9 14.8 15.3 3.1 3.0 2.7 10.3 10.3 10.5 22.0 20.2 18.5 25.7 23.8 21.9
TCS REDUCE 4,854 2,464 2,530 133.4 140.4 140.6 18.5 17.5 17.5 5.5 4.5 3.9 13.6 13.2 12.9 32.6 27.8 24.0 36.3 30.5 26.1
Wi pro SELL 1,399 287 245 17.4 16.5 17.6 16.5 17.4 16.3 2.7 2.2 1.9 10.6 10.6 10.9 17.2 13.8 12.5 13.8 11.4 9.5
Majes co BUY 10.83 460 890 2.8 6.1 13.5 162.8 75.4 34.1 2.9 2.8 2.6 38.3 29.6 12.1 1.8 3.8 7.9 2.3 3.1 11.3
Note: pricing as on 09 October 2017; Source: Company, quant Global Research estimates
We maintain an UNDERWEIGHT stance on the IT services sector given a) hyper competitive environment, b) structural slowdown in growth
prospects and c) prospects of sustained margin erosion.
Pecking order 1-4 is TCS, INFO, HCLT, WPRO: Given the expected patterns of topline & margin expansion through the year, TCS would be our
favored pick. Given the comfort of 0-100bps decline in margin y-y & industry-beating overall $ revenue growth of 10.5-12.5% for HCLT,
despite a meaty 4.3% y-y coming from acquisitions, we would put HCLT in third favorite position. INFO jumps up by one place to second
position, based on the expectation of a positive outcome on strategy and leadership fronts later in the quarter, especially starting from the
cheap valuation of 15.2x FY19E earnings. We will put WPRO in a distant fourth position in the pecking order, now that the price support from
buyback is consumed, for its low growth (growth of 4.2% y-y vs. others all greater than 7%) & margin decline (-180bps y-y vs. others in the
range of -100bps) through the year
October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment 23
BUY. We expect the s tock to del i ver >15% a bs ol ute returns .
40% 39%
ACCUMULATE. We expect the s tock to del i ver 6-15% a bs ol ute returns .
REDUCE. We expect the s tock to del i ver +5% to -5% a bs ol ute returns .
30% 27%
SELL. We expect the s tock to del i ver nega ti ve a bs ol ute returns of >5%.
Not Rated (NR). We ha ve no i nves tment opi ni on on the s tock. 20%
Overweight. We expect the s ector to rel a ti vel y outperform the Sens ex. 10%
Underweight. We expect the s ector to rel a ti vel y underperform the Sens ex. 5%
Neutral. We expect the s ector to rel a ti vel y perform i n l i ne wi th the Sens ex. 0%
Buy Accumulate Reduce Sell
“I, Ankit Pande, CFA, Research Analyst hereby certify that all of the views expressed in this Research Report accurately reflect my personal views about all of the issuers and
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October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment
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October 10, 2017 InsurTech a green sector, Majesco a green light for investment
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