Mathematics 10 Daily Lesson Plan I. Objectives
Mathematics 10 Daily Lesson Plan I. Objectives
Mathematics 10 Daily Lesson Plan I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of
the key concepts of combinatorics and
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to use precise counting
technique and probability in formulating
conclusions and making decisions.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives The learner illustrates the permutation of
objects. (M10SP-IIIa-1)
B. Lesson Proper
a. Motivation
My third digit is an odd number with the
higher value.
When you get the difference of 5 and
my third digit, that is my last digit.
My second digit is twice my last digit.
My first digit is the difference of my
second and third digits and is the
number with the lowest value in the
counting numbers.
Alright. My question is how did you arrive with We just arrange the numbers ma’am and we
all those passwords? Yes ___? make sure that there’s no repetition.
b. Interaction
Based from our activity, what do you think ___ Ma’am, permutation is about arrangement of
is permutation? objects.
Very good ___. Any other idea? Yes ___? Ma’am it is about orders.
So there are rules in permutation. Everybody Linear permutation. The n-factorial (n!) the
please read what is on the board. number of permutations of n objects arranged
at the same time.
Thank you ___. 10! Is 3 628 800. Is there any None ma’am.
question about the factorial notation?
I know that you’ve learned something from (students raise their hands)
today’s discussion. So anyone in the class
who can summarize the lesson?
Thank you ___. Another one, yes ___? We just need to use n! since the objects are
different from each other.
Since everybody already understands our
topic which is linear permutation, I am going to
give you an individual activity. Answer it in one
half sheet of paper. Are there any questions? None ma’am.
That is correct.
Let’s proceed to numbers 4 and 5. ___ and 4. n! = 5! = 5x4x3x2x1
___ answer it on the board. 5! = 120
5. n! = 7! = 7x6x5x4x3x2x1
7! = 5 040
Okay very good class. Seems like you really (students do as told)
understand what our lesson is. Please pass
your papers in front.
For your assignment, on a one whole sheet of
paper, list five different situations or problems
where linear permutation is present and solve
each problem. Submit it on our next meeting
and I will be the one to check it. Okay? Is it Yes ma’am.