Mathematics 10 Daily Lesson Plan I. Objectives

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A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of
the key concepts of combinatorics and
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to use precise counting
technique and probability in formulating
conclusions and making decisions.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives The learner illustrates the permutation of
objects. (M10SP-IIIa-1)

At the end of the discussion, the students will

be able toː
a. Illustrate the permutation of objects
b. Derive the formula for finding the
number of permutations of n objects
taken r at a time, n r, and
c. Solve problems involving permutations
a. LESSON Permutations
b. REFERENCE Mathematics learner’s Module Grade 10,
pages 283-290
CO_Q3_Mathematics 10_Module 26
c. MATERIALS Instructional Materials, Manila Paper, etc.
III. PROCEDURE Deductive Method


A. Preparation
Good morning/afternoon class! Good morning/afternoon ma’am!

Before taking your seats, kindly pick up the (students do as told)

pieces of papers under your chairs and make
sure that your surrounding is clean and please
arrange your chairs properly.

How are you today? We’re fine ma’am.

Let’s check the attendance. Miss monitor (student respond)

who’s absent today?

B. Lesson Proper
a. Motivation

Okay, so for today before the lesson proper,

we’ll be having a group activity and I’m going Yes ma’am.
to divide the class into five groups. Are you all

Each group will be given set of numbers.

Numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Okay please proceed to your designated (students do as told)

groups quietly and form a circle.

So in this activity, I will give each group a 4-

digit number. What I want for the class to do is
to write all the possible arrangement of
numbers in a piece of paper. Example of
which are 1234, 4321, 3241, and so on. After
doing so, I have here a cellphone on the board
that needs to be unlocked. What the groups
are going to do is to guess the correct
password of the phone for it to open. For you
to be guided in decoding the password, I have
here the clues for you to find out the correct
password. From the codes you have listed, I
will give each group five tries to unlock the
cellphone and choose a representative per
group who will write the code. Is there any

Since there’s no more questions and you all None ma’am.

understand the instructions, you have five
minutes to talk to each other the possible

 My third digit is an odd number with the
higher value.
 When you get the difference of 5 and
my third digit, that is my last digit.
 My second digit is twice my last digit.
 My first digit is the difference of my
second and third digits and is the
number with the lowest value in the
counting numbers.

Okay class your time is up. Thank you

everyone and later on we will check if what (each groups have written their 5 4-digit codes
you’ve written on the board is correct. on the board)

For group 1, how many codes have you

written? 24 ma’am

Wow that’s a lot. So how about the other

groups, how many 4-digit passwords have you Yes ma’am we also have 24.
written? Is it the same with group 1?

Alright. My question is how did you arrive with We just arrange the numbers ma’am and we
all those passwords? Yes ___? make sure that there’s no repetition.

Very good ___. In order for us to create the 4-

digit password, we just have to arrange the Yes ma’am.
numbers, right?

So now let us check your answers.

I’m so glad that all groups got the correct 4-
digit password. That activity has something to
do with our lesson for today which is

b. Interaction

Based from our activity, what do you think ___ Ma’am, permutation is about arrangement of
is permutation? objects.
Very good ___. Any other idea? Yes ___? Ma’am it is about orders.

Very good ___. Thank you for those answers

and yes you are a right.

Permutation refers to a mathematical

calculation of the number of ways a particular
set can be arranged or in simple words;
permutation is the possible arrangement of
objects in a definitive order.
For example, I have here a pen, paper, and a
chalk, so many possible arrangements can
there be? Let me give you one possible
arrangement and that is pen, paper, chalk.
Now, give me another possible arrangement.
Yes ___? Paper, pen, chalk

Very good ___. Now give me another one.

Yes___? Chalk, pen, paper

Very good. What else___? Pen, paper, chalk

Very good. Is there more arrangement? Chalk, paper, pen

Anything else ___? Paper, chalk, pen

Very good. Is there more arrangement? Ma’am pen, chalk, paper.

Very good class. So how many possible ways 6 ma’am.

have you mentioned?

Yes very good class. We have 6 possible

ways to arrange the three objects I have given
to you and those are paper-pen-chalk, chalk-
pen-paper, pen-paper-chalk, chalk-paper-pen,
paper-chalk-pen, and pen-chalk-paper.

So arranging those objects is just easy

because they are just few. I have a question,
what if you are task to like for example finding
the possible ways in arranging numbers from 1
to 20? Do you think we can still use the listing
method if we are just ask to do it in a short
period of time? Yes ___? No ma’am because it will be time consuming.

Yes you are right. It will be time consuming

looking for all those possible arrangements.
So instead of listing those possible answers or
arrangements, in permutation there is a way
for us to easily find the solution. So are you
ready to listen? Yes ma’am.

So there are rules in permutation. Everybody Linear permutation. The n-factorial (n!) the
please read what is on the board. number of permutations of n objects arranged
at the same time.

Thank you class. The n-factorial denoted by n!

is calculated by the products of integer
numbers from 1 to n, where n>0 or simply just
n! = (n)(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)…..(3)(2)(1). We can
apply n! for any distinct objects, meaning
objects are different from each other. The n! is
what we called the factorial notation. It is the
process of multiplying consecutive decreasing
whole numbers from an identified number
down to one.
For example, we have 8! It can be simplified
by multiplying all whole numbers from 8 to 1.
8! = 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1
8! = 40 320

Another example. What is 5!? Yes ___? 5! = 5x4x3x2x1

5! = 120

Very good. Another one is 10!. Yes ___? 10! = 10x9x8x7x6xx5x4xx3x2x1

10! = 3 628 800

Thank you ___. 10! Is 3 628 800. Is there any None ma’am.
question about the factorial notation?

Since there’s no more question about the

factorial notation, let’s apply it in permutation.

So a while ago, we have three objects to be 6 ma’am.

arranged and what is our answer? Yes ___?

Thank you ___. That is 6 possible ways. Let’s

use our first rule. The first thing we will do is to
identify first the value of n. () what is the value 3 ma’am.
of our n?

Very good. Now that we have the value of n, n=3

___ what will we do next? Yes ___? 3! = 3x2x1
3! = 6

Very good. Is there any question with ___’s None ma’am.


Just additional information is that the None ma’am.

permutation has also its notation. And in this
case, the permutation notation of this case of
three objects in three spaces is which is
just the same as 3! And is also equal to 6.

Since there’s no questions raised, let’s have n = 6

another example. In how many ways can Aling 6! = 6x5x4x3x2x1
Rosa arranged 6 plots in a row? ___ please go 6! = 720
to the board and show us your solution.
Identify first the value of your n.

Thank you ___. You see class it is really easy

to find the possible ways in arranging objects.
Is there any question about our first rule? None ma’am.

I know that you’ve learned something from (students raise their hands)
today’s discussion. So anyone in the class
who can summarize the lesson?

Yes ___? In solving linear permutation, we just use n!.

Thank you ___. Another one, yes ___? We just need to use n! since the objects are
different from each other.

Thank you for your answers. Yes, in linear

permutation, we just need to use the factorial
notation since the number of permutations or
different arrangements of n different objects
taken at a time in a row is which is just
equal to n!. Since the discussion is clear, let’s
have a short activity.

Since everybody already understands our
topic which is linear permutation, I am going to
give you an individual activity. Answer it in one
half sheet of paper. Are there any questions? None ma’am.

1. There are nine baseball players in the

starting lineup. How many different
ways can the coach arrange the batting
2. How many permutations are there for
the letters of the word MATH?
3. How many possible ways can eight
books in different subjects be arranged
in a row?
4. In how many ways can five people
arrange themselves in a row of picture
5. How many positive integers of 7 digits
may be made from the ciphers 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7 if each cipher may be used
just once?

Since there’s no more question, you may now (students do as told)

start with your activity. You only have 10
minutes to answer. Good luck.

Time is up. Exchange papers with your (students do as told)


For number 1, please answer on the board 1. n! = 9! = 9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1

___. For number 2, ___ and for number 3 ___. 9! = 362 880
Let’s have the three items first. 2. n! = 4! = 4x3x2x1
4! = 24
3. n! = 8! = 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1
8! = 40 320

Okay thank you ___, ___, and ___.

Let’s check number 1. ___’s answer is 362 Yes ma’am.
880. Is it correct?

Yes there are 362 880 possible ways the

coach can arrange the batting order. For
number 2, ___’s answer is 24. Did you get the
same answer? Yes ma’am.

Very good. There are 24 permutations in the

letters of the word MATH.

For number 3, 40 320 is ___’s answer. Is it Yes ma’am.


That is correct.
Let’s proceed to numbers 4 and 5. ___ and 4. n! = 5! = 5x4x3x2x1
___ answer it on the board. 5! = 120
5. n! = 7! = 7x6x5x4x3x2x1
7! = 5 040

Okay thank you ___ and ___. You may now

take your seats.

For number 4, ___’s answer is 120. Is it Yes ma’am.


Okay very good. There are 120 possible ways.

___’s answer in number 5 is 5 040. Did you Yes ma’am.

get the same answer?

Okay very good class. Seems like you really (students do as told)
understand what our lesson is. Please pass
your papers in front.

For your assignment, on a one whole sheet of
paper, list five different situations or problems
where linear permutation is present and solve
each problem. Submit it on our next meeting
and I will be the one to check it. Okay? Is it Yes ma’am.

Are there any questions? Clarifications? None ma’am.

Since there’s no more question, that’s it for

today. See you next meeting and don’t forget
your preparations. Goodbye class. Goodbye ma’am.

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