Blended Learning Approach ACase Study

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22 · October 2015 JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research is produced

JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research
Print ISSN 2012-3981 • Online ISSN 2244-0445 by PAIR, an ISO 9001:2008 QMS certified
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Journal Impact: H Index = 2 from Publish or Perish

Blended Learning Approach:

A Case Study
CRISTINE V. REDOBLO 0000-0002-3291-7732
[email protected]
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Talisay City, Negros Occidental, Philippines


The computer era has come to integrate and assimilate in the academic
curriculum and instruction. The Blended Learning adaptation further added to
the teaching and learning experience in the classroom. The study investigated the
factors on the use of ICT in terms of Computer usage, Internet usage, Multimedia
usage and Mobile usage in Blended Learning Approach among the faculty. It
analyzed the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) of blended
learning for a Proposed 5-year Instructional Design Strategic Plan. The study
used quantitative research design by the use of the constructed questionnaire
and qualitative through the conducted focus group discussions within the four
campuses of CHMSC. The study revealed that CHMSC faculty exhibited low
extent of use of blended learning. The result also showed a significant difference
in the extent of use of ICT in terms of age, sex, and workplace whereas civil
status, subject taught, and educational qualification do not significantly differ.
The identified factors that affect blended learning were used as a basis for a
Proposed Instructional Design Strategic Plan and projected after five years. The
development and package of learning materials will be realized to the clients of
the institutions and other stakeholders.

Keywords - ICT, blended learning, SWOT, FGD, Instructional Design

Strategic Plan, computer, internet, multimedia, mobile, descriptive design,
International Peer Reviewed Journal


Blended learning considered as the unrecognized trend in higher education

method of delivery (Young, 2002). The Internet opportunities and investing to
Filipinos in using ICT as a way of life are some of the thrusts of 2011 Philippine
Digital Strategy of the Commission on Information and Communication
Technology. According to Laurillard (1999), an electronic network has
revolutionized thinking and activity about learning and information transfer.
The internet becomes the infrastructure and channel of the e-learning element of
blended learning.
Bersin (2004) described the emergence of blended learning as the ‘natural
evolution of e-learning into an integrated program of multiple media types’
which can solve training and learning problems in the corporate world. Thus,
this new concept- blended learning has adopted in some universities and colleges
where face-to-face instruction and ICT-enabled are combined and fueled on a
greater need of experiences in the learning environment. On the other hand,
many studies show that blended learning takes an active model and a popular
choice among students.
According to McDowell (2002), blended learning focuses a multi-faceted
phenomenon that combines ICT and traditional ways of learning experiences.
Hence, the immersion of every student in this pedagogy of new electronic
resources is very timely in the industry.
Millions of learners around the world are learning this fashion each day
and blended learning continues to climb and considered as the top ten trends
to emerge in the knowledge delivery (Rooney, 2003). According to the survey
conducted in the United States in 2004, the use of blended learning has doubled.
In 2006, a 30% increase has been noted in all training. Furthermore, more than
1 billion learners around the world would be advancing these skills as indicated
in the survey that 80 to 90% of college and industry shall be blended (Bonk, Kim
& Zeng, 2005).
For some years now, the researcher saw and experienced the demand through
education in the 21st century. She considered blended learning as the stepping
stone for the future that reminds faculty to look at learning challenges from many
directions. It is a high time that the college should maximize its resources and
accommodate the learning needs of students. The instructional strategic design
was planned by the school (CHMSC) through the investigation of Blended
Learning Approach.

JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research


Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Faculty


Factors Affecting Blended

Learning Utilization

Instructional Design Strategic Plan

Figure 1. Framework of the study


The study aimed to determine the factors affecting blended learning among
faculty members of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College as basis for a Proposed
Instructional Design Strategic Plan.


The participants of the study were the faculty members of four campuses
of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College for the academic year 2010-2011.
They were chosen through stratified sampling method regardless of gender, age,
location, subject(s) taught, and educational qualification.

Table 1. Distribution of respondents

Campus/Branch N n %
CHMSC- Alijis 30 20 15%
CHMSC-Binalbagan 51 34 25%
CHMSC-Fortune Towne 20 13 10%
CHMSC-Talisay 102 68 50%
Total 203 135 100%

International Peer Reviewed Journal

The quantitative and qualitative research methods were utilized to gather

information regarding the factors that affect the use of ICT in preparing and
delivering of instructions of faculty members of the four campuses of Carlos
Hilado Memorial State College. The researcher conducted a Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) and made a survey questionnaire to gather information related
to the study. The first part contained the basic personal information about the
respondents (age, sex, civil status, workplace, educational qualification, subject/s
taught, and ownership of technology resources). The second part contained
27-question about the extent use of information and communication technology
in instruction affecting blended learning.

Data Gathering Procedure

After subjecting the constructed questionnaire for validation and reliability
testing, a letter of request to the Office of the President was properly secured
in the conduct of the study. All of the data gathered was collated, treated and
analyzed in consonance to the research design and the aforementioned hypothesis
of the study. A spreadsheet software was used for more efficient, effective and
accurate treatment of data.
In the conduct of Focus Group Discussion (FGD), participants
were identified and digitally recorded with the permission from the
participants. Furthermore, the data gathered were transcribed, analyzed, and

Validity and Reliability of the Data-gathering Instrument

The questionnaire was submitted for face and content validation by the
Information and Communication Technology and Education experts which
composed of four ICT faculty members of the University of Negros Occidental-
Recoletos; two in West Negros University; and three professors from College of
Education and one ICT faculty of the University of St. La Salle. They checked
on the appropriateness, meaningfulness, and usefulness of the inferences of the
The content and face validity of the questionnaire was rated by the experts
using the following scale:

Number Code Verbal Interpretation

5 Outstanding
4 Very Satisfactory
3 Satisfactory
JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research

2 Fair
1 Poor

The mean rating of the experts were computed and interpreted using the
following scale:

Range Verbal Interpretation

4.20 - 5.00 Outstanding
3.40 - 4.19 Very Satisfactory
2.60 - 3.39 Satisfactory
1.80 - 2.59 Fair
1.00 - 1.79 Poor

The result of the computed mean of the technical experts was 4.4 interpreted
as “Outstanding”. After the validation of the instrument, reliability testing was
established. Subong (2005) defines reliability as “the consistency of the scores
using the instrument measuring the same thing with similar research. It also
measures how well the instrument agrees with itself.” In this study, the Test-Retest
Method was used to examine the reliability of the questionnaire. The validated
questionnaire had undergone pilot testing to the 26 instructors of Technological
University of the Philippines- Visayas. After 15 days, the same questionnaire was
administered to the same group. Pearson-Product Moment (PPM) was used to
correlate data for this method. The coefficient of correlation should be high or
very high for the questionnaire to be reliable. The result was interpreted based
on the following:

Correlation Coefficient Interpretation

0.81 - 0.99 Very High
0.61 - 0.80 High
0.41 - 0.60 Moderate
0.21 - 0.40 Low
0.01 - 0.20 Negligible correlation

The computed correlation mean was 0.88 indicated as Very High.

International Peer Reviewed Journal


Table 1. Computer usage, Internet usage, Multimedia usage and Mobile

usage in the preparation and delivery of instructions
  Computer Usage Internet Usage Multimedia Usage Mobile Usage
Variable Preparation Delivery Preparation Delivery Preparation Delivery Delivery
A. As a
3.09 H 2.44 L 2.80 H 2.25 L 2.78 H 2.44 L 1.52 L 1.41 VL
B. Age

21-30 3.75 VH 3.17 H 3.69 VH 3.08 H 3.56 VH 3.29 H 1.88 L 1.92 L

31-40 3.48 H 2.86 H 3.28 H 2.51 H 3.03 H 2.75 H 1.74 L 1.59 L

41-50 2.94 H 2.37 L 2.43 L 2.24 L 2.68 H 2.34 L 1.48 VL 1.41 VL

51-60 2.84 H 2.00 L 2.50 H 1.83 L 2.60 H 2.12 L 1.20 VL 1.04 VL

61 up 2.46 L 1.82 L 2.47 L 1.88 L 2.14 L 2.03 L 1.46 VL 1.36 VL

C. Sex  

Male 3.20 H 2.63 H 3.00 H 2.49 L 2.97 H 2.71 H 1.71 L 1.67 L

Female 3.03 H 2.33 L 2.68 H 2.11 L 2.67 H 2.29 L 1.42 VL 1.27 VL

D. Civil Status 

Single 3.43 H 2.57 H 3.18 H 2.48 L 3.15 H 2.55 H 1.60 L 1.48 VL

Married 3.03 H 2.42 L 2.73 H 2.21 L 2.71 H 2.42 L 1.51 L 1.40 VL

E. Workplace 

Alijis 3.18 H 2.65 H 2.71 H 2.41 L 2.74 H 2.69 H 1.53 L 1.69 L

2.58 H 1.81 L 2.18 L 1.72 L 2.11 L 1.73 L 1.78 L 1.64 L
2.96 H 2.64 H 2.46 L 2.46 L 2.69 H 2.25 L 1.89 L 1.87 L
Talisay 3.35 H 2.66 H 3.20 H 2.44 L 3.14 H 2.78 H 1.32 VL 1.15 VL

F. Subject Taught 

Academic 3.12 H 2.38 L 2.77 H 2.20 L 2.78 H 2.44 L 1.52 L 1.36 VL

2.85 H 2.44 L 2.75 H 2.26 L 2.71 H 2.38 L 1.46 VL 1.42 VL
Both 3.65 VH 2.97 H 3.20 H 2.67 H 3.00 H 2.67 H 1.80 L 1.83 L

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G. Educational Qualification 

Doctoral 2.75 H 2.83 H 3.00 H 2.67 H 3.00 H 2.83 H 2.00 L 2.00 L

doctoral 3.06 H 2.35 L 2.72 H 2.17 L 2.62 H 2.31 L 1.55 L 1.46 VL
Masteral 2.69 H 2.60 H 3.00 H 2.33 L 3.05 H 2.63 H 1.31 VL 1.20 VL
masteral 3.47 H 2.59 H 3.07 H 2.45 L 3.14 H 2.88 H 1.90 L 1.91 L
2.81 H 2.30 L 2.53 H 2.20 L 2.59 H 2.22 L 1.48 VL 1.18 VL
Legend: 3.50 - 4.00 =Very High (VH), 2.5 – 3.49 = High (H), 1.5 – 2.49 = Low (L),
0.50-1.49 = Very Low (VL)

Computer Usage in Instruction

The data showed that faculty between the ages of 21 to 30, teaching both
academic and vocational courses had a very high extent of use of computer in
the preparation of learning materials. However, only faculty members with ages
61 and up considered having a low extent of use of computer in preparation
of instruction. As a whole, the extent of computer usage in Instruction to
the preparation of learning materials is therefore, broadly used by teachers at
In terms of computer usage in the delivery of lessons, faculty with the ages of
41 and up, female, married, working in CHMSC Binalbagan Campus, teaching
academics and vocational, with doctoral units, and those who were a baccalaureate
degree showed a low extent of use. Meanwhile, faculty between the ages of 21 to
40, teaching both academic and vocational courses, working in Alijis Campus,
Fortune Towne Campus and Talisay Main Campus having doctoral and master’s
degree had a high extent of use of computer in the delivery of instruction.
Ferrero (2002) also concluded in his study that age has a significant difference
in the use of ICT in favor of young teachers. Further, Muir-Herzig (2004)
implies that teachers should have an access to computers to integrate ICT with
Therefore, in terms of computer usage in instructions, CHMSC faculty
broadly used the computer in the preparation of learning materials, while slightly
used the computer in terms of delivery of lessons. Hargittai (2003) explained that
a person’s level of education provides a strong indication on how he will benefit
from the tools through the internet.

International Peer Reviewed Journal

Internet usage in instruction.

The study revealed that faculty members ages 41 to 50 and 61 and above
teaching in Binalbagan and Fortune Towne Campus seldom used the internet in
the preparation of their lessons and learning materials. However, faculty ages 21-
30 always used the internet in the preparation of learning materials. In terms of
the internet usage in the delivery of lessons, faculty between the ages of 21 to 40
had a high extent of use of the internet as a medium in the lesson presentation.
Similarly, those teaching both academic and vocational and with doctoral degree
had a high extent of use of the internet.
In general, the internet technology plays a very important role in CHMSC to
their lesson plans and learning materials. Nonetheless, the use of the internet in
instruction in the delivery of lessons of the faculty members were rarely evident.
The study of Hernes, Hestman and Haaland (2000) mentioned the use of the
Internet in teaching in correlation to the age of teachers. The teachers who are 25
years or younger have a good command on the use of the Internet compared to
the teachers who are 56 years or older. This is also consistent with the findings of
Liang and Chao (2002) as they concluded the Taiwan younger teachers as more
literate on Internet than older ones.

Multimedia usage in instruction.

The faculty members between the ages of 21-30 obtained a very high extent
of use of multimedia in the preparation of instructions while faculty members
with ages ranging 61 and above and teaching in Binalbagan indicated a low
extent of usage.
Nevertheless, faculty members between ages 21-40 had a high extent of use of
multimedia in the delivery of instructions. Likewise, faculty members who were
female, married, teaching academics and vocational in Binalbagan and Fortune
Towne Campus, with doctoral units and with baccalaureate degree exhibit a low
extent usage of multimedia in the delivery of instructions.
Moore (2007) explains how teachers are letting go of responsibilities in their
traditional face-to-face role and integrating the pedagogical of distance learning
that can actually give better learning through blended test, recorded or interactive
audio or visual media with face-to-face interaction. All these provide diversity of
learning styles of students.
Overall, the use of multimedia in instruction concerning the preparation of
instruction were highly used. On the other hand, the use of multimedia in the
delivery of instruction were used infrequently.

JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research

Mobile usage in instruction.

In terms of preparation of instructions in the blended learning approach, the
result showed that faculty members within the age range of 21 to 40, single and
married, male, and faculty teaching in Alijis, Binalbagan and Fortune Towne
campus had a low extent of mobile usage in the preparation of instruction.
Likewise, faculty teaching academic and vocational courses represented an
occasional use of mobile technology in the preparation of instruction. Those
with doctoral degree and with units in doctoral and masteral showed a low extent
of mobile usage in the preparation of learning materials.
The extent of use of mobile usage in terms of delivery of instructions in the
blended learning approach showed that faculty members within the age range of
21 to 40 had a low usage of mobile technology in delivering their topic lesson. It
also revealed that male faculty in Alijis, Binalbagan and Fortune Towne campus
teaching both academic and vocational courses, with doctoral degree and with
masteral units had the same result for those between the ages of 21 to 40.

Table 2. The Difference among CHMSC Faculty in the Use of Blended
VARIABLE p-value Interpretation
Age 0.00 S
Sex 0.02 S
civil status 0.11 NS
Workplace 0.01 S
subject taught 0.27 NS
educational qualification 0.35 NS
Legend: S – Significant; NS – Not Significant

As to age, the obtained p-value was .000053 which interpreted as significant.

It implies that those between the ages of 21-30 have a very high extent of use of
ICT in blended learning in terms of computer, internet, multimedia, and mobile
usage in preparation and delivery of instructions.
As to sex, the obtained p-value was 0.017 which is significant. It implies that
the male participants have a very high extent of use of ICT in blended learning
in terms of computer, internet, multimedia, and mobile usage in preparation and
delivery of instructions.

International Peer Reviewed Journal

The same is true in the studies of Volman and van Eck (2001) concerning
teachers’ gender and ICT use that female teachers’ have low level of computer
use due to the reasons of limited technology access, skill, and interest. Moreover,
research studies revealed that male teachers used more ICT in their teaching and
learning processes compared to female teachers (Kay, 2006).
As to civil status, the obtained p-value was 0.112 which is not significant. It
means that the single or married faculty members have the same extent of use of
ICT in blended learning. As to the workplace, the obtained p-value was 0.005
which is significant. It implies that the faculty members in CHMSC-Talisay
Campus had a high extent of use of ICT in blended learning in terms of computer
and multimedia technology. It also implies that the campus has a high extent
of use in the preparation of lesson plan and learning material. Meanwhile, the
faculty members of CHMSC-Fortune Towne Campus had a high extent of use
of ICT in blended learning particularly in computer usage in the preparation and
delivery of instruction and multimedia usage in the preparation of instruction.
As to subject taught, the obtained p-value was 0.273 which is not significant.
It means that the faculty teaching academic and vocational or both have the same
extent of use of ICT in blended learning. As to the educational attainment, the
obtained p-value was 0.350 which interpreted as not significant (NS). It means
that any educational degree of the faculty members have the same extent of use
of ICT in blended learning.
The third problem was about the factors affecting blended learning in terms
of SWOT using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) approach on how the faculty
members think and feel. This was the other way to collect information to improve
the planning and developing of Instructional Design Strategic Plan of CHMSC.
The purpose of the external analysis was to identify opportunities and threats
in the organization’s operating environment, while the internal analysis seeks to
pinpoint the organization’s strengths and weaknesses.
The result showed that the faculty members who adopted blended learning
in instruction increases the students’ interest in the class learning attitude and
creativity. It also reflected that the faculty members who were willing to use
ICT in instruction easily embrace new technology. Thus, through the use of ICT
of faculty, learning objectives are reachable. It also revealed that the blended
learning was an operational method in instruction which modernizes the teaching
and learning in the 21st century learning experience and that the availability of
classroom is no longer a problem. Furthermore, one of the assets is the computer
course or subject which is already embedded in the higher education curricula.

JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research

Moreover, during the discussion with the faculty members in different

campuses of CHMSC, the analysis showed that there was inadequacy in ICT
resources in teaching of the faculty members’ training which impeded the
integration of ICT tools in teaching. The ICT resources in CHMSC in terms
of instruction were still bare minimum. It also noted that many faculty members
were not maximizing the use of ICT resources due to lack of knowledge in terms
of hardware operating procedure.
On the other hand, the electrical power failure was also noted as there was no
backup power supply to support the non-stop activity in the classrooms. These
were all the product of poor budget prioritization of the institution in terms of
instructions. Some faculty members think that when they adopt blended learning,
this may only bring delay to their work or they will become unproductive.
In terms of external barriers, opportunities in the adoption of blended
learning could be one of the investing ideas that the administration needs to
ponder and commit for development and profit-benefit of the institution. These
opportunities were summarized as follows: a) Possibility for online presence
to access online resources and Content Management Systems; b) Increase of
enrollment since the clientele finds the institution as globally competitive which
the graduates can compete worldwide; c) Increase in research development;
d) Improvement of physical infrastructure and facilities; and most of all, e)
Methodologies and strategies of faculty in instruction will be broadened.
The changes in the external environment may present threat to the institution.
There were three identified threats in the adoption of blended learning in
instruction during the analysis of the discussion. One of the threats was that the
graduates will be left behind in operating various ICT facilities in the industry
since faculty members have no industry related experiences to various ICT media
resources during college. It also reflected that not all faculty members were as
“tech savvy” as the students nowadays, and there was reluctance on the part of
faculty to utilize and integrate ICT tools in instructional activities. Therefore,
carrying out this analysis will be illuminating - both in terms of pointing out
what needs to be done, and in putting problems into perspective rather than
turning threats into opportunities and strengths.


The researcher concludes that based on the first findings, CHMSC faculty
exhibited a very limited use of the ICT in the Blended Learning Approach

International Peer Reviewed Journal

in terms of preparation and delivery of instruction. Hence, CHMSC faculty

members significantly differed in the extent of use of ICT in the Blended
Learning Approach in terms of age, sex, and workplace.
Specifically, on the Computer Usage in Instruction showed that faculty
both teaching academic and vocational courses had a very high extent of use of
computer in preparation of instruction. It revealed that a young faculty was
mostly dependent to the Internet technology in terms of preparation of the
lessons and materials. On the Multimedia Usage in Instruction showed that
preparation of lesson plans and learning materials were significantly high for the
young generation faculty members. However, on Mobile Usability in Instruction,
it showed significantly low extent.
Based on the SWOT analysis, Strengths and Opportunities provide CHMSC
the capabilities to engage in Blended Learning for a chance to improve College’
performance for its competitive advantage, while there were prevalent weaknesses
and threats that could be considered in the design of the Strategic Plan.
It is recommended that the college should have a separate plan for Blended
Learning Approach in teaching especially in the Curriculum and Instruction
Development Unit of the college in response to the findings of the current status
and future direction of faculty in the teaching arena. It is categorized into five key
factors: strategy, structure, technology, management, and roles / skills. All five
factors must be addressed for future projection of blended learning and expected
dramatic rise of the use of ICT in teaching and learning in the coming years.


The findings of the study may be best translated to the classroom settings
in all campuses of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College by adopting the new
technologies in teaching through revising its curriculum, updating facilities
and laboratories and continuing training for the faculty members in blended
learning utilization to become more competitive and meeting the demands of
the industries and also preparing the ASEAN integration in the academic arena.
Specifically, this teaching and learning through Blended Learning is a tool
in improving efficiency and effectiveness as an educator. As a whole, the study
provides relevant and significant inputs concerning the use of Blended Learning
in the College among CHMSC faculty members which could serve as a basis and
consideration in the formulation of a proposed Five-Year Instructional Design
Strategic Plan.

JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research


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