Appendix I. Internal Assessment Proposal: Feedback On The Proposal

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Appendix  i.    Internal  Assessment  Proposal  

Study to be replicated: Perham, N & J Vizard (2010). Can preference for

background music mediate the irrelevant sound effect? Applied Cognitive
Psychology. Accessed at: Wiley Interscience.

Materials required: We will need to create 20 sets of slides, each with 8 consonants; each
consonant will be presented on an individual slide for 1 second with a 1 second blank slide
inserted between them. We will create these as a team. Since every person will listen to music
that they like, we will need to make sure that we have enough headsets and that computers
are ready to play m4 files. We will also need an “answer sheet” to help with gathering data.
We will also need standardized instructions and a letter of consent before we begin.

Procedure: The original study is quite complex. We are only going to compare the
ability to recall the list of consonants in silence and with music that they like.

It will be a repeated measures design. We will ask everyone to bring a piece of music
that they really like. We will first ask the group to watch the first eight consonants
shown in a power point. At the end of the 8 consonants, they will hear the word
“recall!” and then write the 8 consonants in order on the sheet that they were given.
This will be done for ten sets of consonants. Then they will be asked to turn on their
favorite music. Then they will do another set of 10 slides. After they have completed
the task, the forms will be collected and the participants debriefed. We will only give
credit for a response if all letters are in the correct order.

Ethical considerations: We will need to get informed consent. Since we have a

group of grade 10 students who are not yet 16, we will have to get parental consent as
well. Since all responses will be kept confidential, there should be no undue stress or
harm for the participants. There is no deception. Participants will be debriefed.

Feedback on the proposal: There were a few good ideas that came out of the
approval panel. First, it was suggested that we counter-balance the groups so that we
know that the order in which the conditions occurred did not affect the scores.
Second, they felt that it is likely that many of the participants will be able to figure out
the goal of the experiment. Counter-balancing would also help with this. The panel
also wondered if certain letters – like Q, Z, X – would stand out more and therefore be
a confounding variable.


Teacher signature
  © John Crane, InThinking 1  

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