Hazrat Aisha (RZ)

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Hazrat Aisha bint-e-Abu Bakr

• Hazrat A’isha (RZ) was born in Makkah 7 years before migration to

• Hazrat Aisha was a well behaved since childhood.
• She was the daughter of the closest friend of Prophet (PBUH), Hazrat Abu
Bakr (RZ) and 3rd wife of Prophet PBUH.
• Prophet (PBUH) married her in Makkah after the death of Hazrat Khadija
(RZ) on the suggestion of Hazrat Khawla.When the death of Hazrat Khadija
(RZ) left Mohammad (PBUH) inconsolable, Hazrat Khawla (RZ) gave Prophet
(PBUH) the idea of remarrying. She was betrothed to Prophet at the age of
six in Makkah and the marriage was consummated in the 2” year of Hijra
when she was about nine.
• Allah Himself married them as prophet said “You were shown to me twice
in (my) dream. Behold, a man was carrying you in a silken piece of cloth
and said to me: She is your wife, so uncover her, and behold, it was you. I
would then say (to myself): “If this is from Allah, then it must happen.
• Her marriage also strengthened the ties between her husband and father.
• She was known for her intelligence and sharp memory.
• She had a photographic memory which proved beneficial for the whole
• Hazrat Aisha was quick witted and was married to Prophet at such a young
age because Allah wanted to store the hadiths of Holy Prophet (saw)
through her.
• Whilst she was living with the Prophet (pbuh) she learnt a lot from him
about revelations and the law. She spent her youthful years in the company
of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and was trained spiritually.
• She proved to be an intelligent, and well informed on religious and
historical matters as she absorbed divinely inspired knowledge from the
very fountainhead of prophet hood.
• Hazrat Aisha (RZ) enjoyed the company of Mohammad (PBUH) and had a
more free access to him than anyone else. This also brought spiritual
benefits for her as she learnt much from her husband.
• She has narrated 2210 Hadith from him.
• Hazrat Aisha had a distinction of getting many revelations on her bed.
• She was the eye-witness of to a number of revelations and had therefore a
dear idea of circumstances in which they were revealed and this allowed
her to dig herself deeply into the meanings of verses of Quran and hadiths,
this helped her in interpreting the verses. It is said that amongst the wives
of Holy Prophet (PBUH) she was the most learned.
• She initially stayed with Sawda after migration, while her living quarters
were built next to the mosque.
• Prophet (PBUH) had special love for Hazrat Aisha (RZ) and enjoyed her
company more than any other of his wives, He used to call her Humairah.
She was also extremely devoted to Prophet (PBUH).
• Aisha reported: She was with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon
him, while on a journey. Aisha said, “I raced him on foot and I outran him,
but when I gained some weight, I raced him again and he outran me. The
Prophet said: This is for that race.”
• Once Prophet (PBUH) said about her “A’isha enjoys superiority over all
other women”.
• She helped Muslims in the battle of Uhad. In the second battle against
Makkans when women also participated from either side, Hazrat A’isha (RZ)
accompanied Prophet (PBUH). She served water to the combatants and
also nursed the wounded. She also participated in other combats with
• She is given the title “Siddiqa” because of an incident after which God
Almighty testified to her honesty, trustworthiness and purity.
• When the Prophet (PBUH) returned victorious from the battle of Bani Al
Mustaliq, Hazrat A’isha (RZ) was accompanying him. The camel of Hazrat
A’isha (RZ) was led to her house with her small cabin on its bed. To the
astonishment of all onlookers Hazrat Aisha (RZ) was not there. So, the news
spread like fire; and the Prohet (PBUH) and his companions started to
search everywhere; after a short while, however, Hazrat Aisha (RZ) was
seen riding another camel led by a companion called Safwan Ibn Muattil
(RZ). Naturally the pure wife of the Prophet (PBUH) was asked about the
reason of her delay. She said; I went to answer the call of nature some time
before departure. I had on a valuable necklace that fell from my neck
without being aware of it. When I returned to my camel, I discovered that it
was missing. So, I returned to the same place where I went before. When I
found my lost necklace and went back, I found the caravan was no more
there. As I returned to the camp, no one was in sight so wrapped up myself
and lied down in the same place feeling that this is the best I can do. For
sure, I thought, they will discover my absence and come back to me. As I
was in that condition Hazrat Safwan bin Muattil (RZ) passed by me. Seeing
me he recognized me and said sadly: “… Surely to Allah we belong and to
Him we will all return.” (How could it be that the Prophet’s wife is here!
What made you lag behind the caravan?) I kept silent so he brought the
camel near me, thus I rode on its back and he led the camel to Madinah.
The Prophet (PBUH) heard this account which Hazrat Aisha (RZ) thought to
be simple truth; but people spread an evil rumor, especially the hypocrites
who started to make up stories against Hazrat Aisha (RZ) the pure. So
Hazrat Aisha (RZ) joined her parents who tried to verify the rumors from
her. This took place a whole month of adversity until her innocence was
declared in Quran. The verses of Surah Nur (24:11-19) “And there who
accused chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, flog them with
eighty stripes, and reject their testimony forever, they indeed are the
Fasiqun(liars, rebellious, disobedient to Allah).” was revealed then to
declare her innocence and chastity. Her accusers faced punishment of up to
80 lashes which is the punishment of Defamer in Islam.
• Many other verses of Quran were revealed relate to her. Once she lost her
necklace during camping and the time of prayer was short and water was
not available. The people were saying that due to Ayesha (RA) the prayer
would be delayed. On this Allah revealed: “And if you are ill, or on a
journey, or one of you comes after answering the call of nature, or you
have been in contact with women and you find no water, perform
Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands
(Tayammum). Truly, is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.” [4: 43]
• A significant mosque in Makkah is named after her. The pilgrims for minor
or major pilgrimage often intend from this mosque for their pilgrimage
especially the pilgrims of the city of Makkah or those who intend to
perform multi Umra in a day/stay.
• She remained Mohammad (PBUH)’s favorite wife throughout his life.
• Muhammad PBUH was constantly helping the poor and the sick. On one
occasion, Ayesha asked him the reason for this, and he said: "Khadija had
told me to treat these people with kindness and love. It was her last wish."
• When Ayesha heard this, she said, it seems that for you there is no other
woman on the face of the earth except Khadija."
• The Prophet (PBUH) spent his last days in her apartment. When he became
ill and suspected that he was probably going to die, he began to ask his
wives whose apartment he was to stay in next. The wives realized he PBUH
was asking about Hazrat Aisha, so with the permission of other wives he
lived there until his demise.
• She nursed Prophet (PBUH) with all the love and care of a devoted wife.
• She used to soften Miswak for Prophet (PBUH) and also on instructions of
Prophet (PBUH) she recited verses of Surah Falaq and Surah Nas (Al-
Muwadhatain) and blew them onto Prophet (PBUH)’s body.
• Not long afterwards Prophet (PBUH) took his last breath on her lap, died
and was buried in her apartment.

b. From the example of Aisha, what lessons can be learnt about education in
Islam? [4]

• Women's education is important: Hazrat Aisha is a prime example of a

highly educated Muslim woman. She was known for her vast knowledge of
Islamic law, history, and literature, and her opinions were highly respected
by the scholars of her time. Her life serves as a reminder that women's
education is not only permissible in Islam, but also highly encouraged.
• So, Muslims can learn that being wife of the Prophet, and being pious and
close to God, she still valued being educated, knowing the way the Prophet
did things, trying to understand the teachings of Islam, and then teaching
others the rules about Islamic rights and obligations, etc.
• Education is a lifelong pursuit: Hazrat Aisha was known for her love of
learning and continued to seek knowledge throughout her life, even after
the death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This shows that
education is not limited to a specific age or stage in life, but rather it is a
continuous process that should be pursued throughout one's life.
• Importance of authentic source: It also tells us that knowledge should be
taken from authentic and reliable sources. Aisha took her knowledge from
the Prophet (pbuh) and people took their knowledge from Aisha because of
her accuracy and reliability.
• The importance of questioning and critical thinking: Hazrat Aisha was
known for her curiosity and her willingness to ask questions. This
demonstrates the importance of questioning and critical thinking in Islam,
and how these skills can lead to a deeper understanding of the faith.
• Knowledge should be used for the betterment of society: Hazrat Aisha was
not only a scholar, but also a leader and a teacher. She used her knowledge
to serve her community and to help others, and she played an important
role in spreading the teachings of Islam. This highlights the importance of
using education for the betterment of society and for the service of others.
• In a nutshell, women now should value education too, and whilst they can
still be good wives and Muslims, learning and passing on that knowledge is
a valuable thing to do, and should not be neglected.

b. How can she be seen as a role model for Muslims now? [4]

b. ‘Aisha is a role model for Muslim women around the world.’ Say whether you
agree or disagree with this statement, giving reasons for your answer. [4]
• I agree with the statement that Hazrat Aisha is a role model for muslim
women around the world.
• Hazrat Aisha is a role model for muslims around the world.
• Firstly, she inspires the community to observe Hijab.
• Secondly, she inspires the community to practice patience in difficult times
and to have faith on Allah.
• During the days of her controversies, she not only remained patient but
also prayed hard and waited for Divine help.
• Thirdly, she also inspires women to manage their time and to take part in
social and political activities as she did.
• Lastly, she inspires women to learn and memorize Quran and hadith.

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