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What is Multiplexing?

Multiplexing is a technique used to combine and send the multiple data streams over a single
medium. The process of combining the data streams is known as multiplexing and hardware
used for multiplexing is known as a multiplexer.
Multiplexing is achieved by using a device called Multiplexer (MUX) that combines n input lines
to generate a single output line. Multiplexing follows many-to-one, i.e., n input lines and one
output line.
Demultiplexing is achieved by using a device called Demultiplexer (DEMUX) available at the
receiving end. DEMUX separates a signal into its component signals (one input and n outputs).
Therefore, we can say that demultiplexing follows the one-to-many approach.

What is Transmission media?

 Transmission media is a communication channel that carries the information from the
sender to the receiver. Data is transmitted through the electromagnetic signals.
 The main functionality of the transmission media is to carry the information in the form
of bits through LAN(Local Area Network).

Classification Of Transmission Media:

Error Detection
When data is transmitted from one device to another device, the system does not guarantee
whether the data received by the device is identical to the data transmitted by another device.
An Error is a situation when the message received at the receiver end is not identical to the
message transmitted.

Types Of Errors

Errors can be classified into two categories:

 Single-Bit Error
 Burst Error

Single-Bit Error:
The only one bit of a given data unit is changed from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1.

In the above figure, the message which is sent is corrupted as single-bit, i.e., 0 bit is changed to
Single-Bit Error does not appear more likely in Serial Data Transmission. For example, Sender
sends the data at 10 Mbps, this means that the bit lasts only for 1 ?s and for a single-bit error to
occurred, a noise must be more than 1 ?s.
Single-Bit Error mainly occurs in Parallel Data Transmission. For example, if eight wires are used
to send the eight bits of a byte, if one of the wire is noisy, then single-bit is corrupted per byte.

Burst Error:
The two or more bits are changed from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 is known as Burst Error.
The Burst Error is determined from the first corrupted bit to the last corrupted bit.
The duration of noise in Burst Error is more than the duration of noise in Single-Bit.
Burst Errors are most likely to occurr in Serial Data Transmission.
The number of affected bits depends on the duration of the noise and data rate.

Switching techniques
In large networks, there can be multiple paths from sender to receiver. The switching technique
will decide the best route for data transmission.
Switching technique is used to connect the systems for making one-to-one communication.
Classification Of Switching Techniques

Circuit Switching
 Circuit switching is a switching technique that establishes a dedicated path between
sender and receiver.
Message Switching
 Message Switching is a switching technique in which a message is transferred as a
complete unit and routed through intermediate nodes at which it is stored and

Packet Switching
 The packet switching is a switching technique in which the message is sent in one go,
but it is divided into smaller pieces, and they are sent individually.

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