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IBM Corporation 555 Bailey Avenue San Jose, CA 95141 Licensed Materials Property of IBM Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2006. All rights reserved. AIX, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, Distributed Relational Database Architecture, NUMA-Q, OS/2, OS/390, and OS/400, IBM Informix, C-ISAM, Foundation.2000 , IBM Informix 4GL, IBM Informix DataBlade module, Client SDK, Cloudscape, Cloudsync, IBM Informix Connect, IBM Informix Driver for JDBC, Dynamic Connect, IBM Informix Dynamic Scalable Architecture (DSA), IBM Informix Dynamic Server, IBM Informix Enterprise Gateway Manager (Enterprise Gateway Manager), IBM Informix Extended Parallel Server, i.Financial Services, J/Foundation, MaxConnect, Object Translator, Red Brick Decision Server, IBM Informix SE, IBM Informix SQL, InformiXML, RedBack, SystemBuilder, U2, UniData, UniVerse, wIntegrate are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Windows, Windows NT, and Excel are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. Other company, product, and service names used in this publication may be trademarks or service marks of others. This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ([email protected]). This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ([email protected]). Documentation Team: Claire Gustafson, Shelley Thompson US GOVERNMENT USERS RESTRICTED RIGHTS Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Organization of This Manual UniVerse Documentation. . Related Documentation . . API Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x xiii xv xvi
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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Schema Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SQL Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting the SQL Environment for a Session . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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Examining a Tables SQL Catalog Information . . Modifying Table Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . Adding I-Descriptors to the Table Definition . . Changing the Default Set of Displayed Columns . Defining a Stable Unassociated Multivalued Column Loading Data into a Table . . . . . . . . . .
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Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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Granting Database Privileges . . . Granting Table Privileges. . . . . Revoking Privileges . . . . . . . . Revoking Database Privileges . . . Revoking Table Privileges . . . . REVOKE and WITH GRANT OPTION REVOKE and Overlapping GRANTs .
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Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Creating an XML Document . . . . . . . . . Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating an XML Document with UniVerse SQL . . . . Create the &XML& File . . . . . . . . . . Processing Rules for UniVerse SQL SELECT Statements XML Limitations in UniVerse SQL . . . . . . . Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Chapter 12
This manual is for database administrators who want to use the additional functionality of SQL in their UniVerse applications, and who need to administer other users of UniVerse SQL. This document introduces the of creating and modifying schemas and tables. It also discusses the use of primary keys, constraints, referential integrity, transaction processing, and security. For a discussion of how to use SQL to query an existing database and to modify its data, see UniVerse SQL User Guide.
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Documentation Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions:
Convention Bold Usage In syntax, bold indicates commands, function names, and options. In text, bold indicates keys to press, function names, menu selections, and MS-DOS commands. In syntax, uppercase indicates UniVerse commands, keywords, and options; UniVerse BASIC statements and functions; and SQL statements and keywords. In text, uppercase also indicates UniVerse identifiers such as file names, account names, schema names, and Windows file names and paths. In syntax, italic indicates information that you supply. In text, italic also indicates UNIX commands and options, file names, and paths. Courier indicates examples of source code and system output. In examples, courier bold indicates characters that the user types or keys the user presses (for example, <Enter>). Brackets enclose optional items. Do not type the brackets unless indicated. Braces enclose nonoptional items from which you must select at least one. Do not type the braces. A vertical bar separating items indicates that you can choose only one item. Do not type the vertical bar. Three periods indicate that more of the same type of item can optionally follow. A right arrow between menu options indicates you should choose each option in sequence. For example, Choose File Exit means you should choose File from the menu bar, then choose Exit from the File pull-down menu. Item mark. For example, the item mark ( I ) in the following string delimits elements 1 and 2, and elements 3 and 4: 1I2F3I4V5 Documentation Conventions
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itemA | itemB ...
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Usage Field mark. For example, the field mark ( F ) in the following string delimits elements FLD1 and VAL1: FLD1FVAL1VSUBV1SSUBV2 Value mark. For example, the value mark ( V ) in the following string delimits elements VAL1 and SUBV1: FLD1FVAL1VSUBV1SSUBV2 Subvalue mark. For example, the subvalue mark ( S ) in the following string delimits elements SUBV1 and SUBV2: FLD1FVAL1VSUBV1SSUBV2 Text mark. For example, the text mark ( T ) in the following string delimits elements 4 and 5: 1F2S3V4T5 Documentation Conventions (Continued)
The following conventions are also used: Syntax definitions and examples are indented for ease in reading.
All punctuation marks included in the syntaxfor example, commas, parentheses, or quotation marksare required unless otherwise indicated. Syntax lines that do not fit on one line in this manual are continued on subsequent lines. The continuation lines are indented. When entering syntax, type the entire syntax entry, including the continuation lines, on the same input line.
UniVerse Documentation
UniVerse documentation includes the following: UniVerse Installation Guide: Contains instructions for installing UniVerse 10.2. UniVerse New Features Version 10.2: Describes enhancements and changes made in the UniVerse 10.2 release for all UniVerse products. UniVerse BASIC: Contains comprehensive information about the UniVerse BASIC language. It is for experienced programmers. UniVerse BASIC Commands Reference: Provides syntax, descriptions, and examples of all UniVerse BASIC commands and functions. UniVerse BASIC Extensions: Describes the following extensions to UniVerse BASIC: UniVerse BASIC Socket API, Using CallHTTP, and Using WebSphere MQ with UniVerse. UniVerse BASIC SQL Client Interface Guide: Describes how to use the BASIC SQL Client Interface (BCI), an interface to UniVerse and non-UniVerse databases from UniVerse BASIC. The BASIC SQL Client Interface uses ODBC-like function calls to execute SQL statements on local or remote database servers such as UniVerse, DB2, SYBASE, or INFORMIX. This book is for experienced SQL programmers. Administering UniVerse: Describes tasks performed by UniVerse administrators, such as starting up and shutting down the system, system configuration and maintenance, system security, maintaining and transferring UniVerse accounts, maintaining peripherals, backing up and restoring files, and managing file and record locks, and network services. This book includes descriptions of how to use the UniAdmin program on a Windows client and how to use shell commands on UNIX systems to administer UniVerse. Using UniAdmin: Describes the UniAdmin tool, which enables you to configure UniVerse, configure and manage servers and databases, and monitor UniVerse performance and locks. UniVerse Security Features: Describes security features in UniVerse, including configuring SSL through UniAdmin, using SSL with the CallHttp and Socket interfaces, using SSL with UniObjects for Java, and automatic data encryption.
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UniVerse Transaction Logging and Recovery: Describes the UniVerse transaction logging subsystem, including both transaction and warmstart logging and recovery. This book is for system administrators. UniVerse System Description: Provides detailed and advanced information about UniVerse features and capabilities for experienced users. This book describes how to use UniVerse commands, work in a UniVerse environment, create a UniVerse database, and maintain UniVerse files. UniVerse User Reference: Contains reference pages for all UniVerse commands, keywords, and user records, allowing experienced users to refer to syntax details quickly. Guide to RetrieVe: Describes RetrieVe, the UniVerse query language that lets users select, sort, process, and display data in UniVerse files. This book is for users who are familiar with UniVerse. Guide to ProVerb: Describes ProVerb, a UniVerse processor used by application developers to execute prestored procedures called procs. This book describes tasks such as relational data testing, arithmetic processing, and transfers to subroutines. It also includes reference pages for all ProVerb commands. Guide to the UniVerse Editor: Describes in detail how to use the Editor, allowing users to modify UniVerse files or programs. This book also includes reference pages for all UniVerse Editor commands. UniVerse NLS Guide: Describes how to use and manage UniVerses National Language Support (NLS). This book is for users, programmers, and administrators. UniVerse SQL Administration for DBAs: Describes administrative tasks typically performed by DBAs, such as maintaining database integrity and security, and creating and modifying databases. This book is for database administrators (DBAs) who are familiar with UniVerse. UniVerse SQL User Guide: Describes how to use SQL functionality in UniVerse applications. This book is for application developers who are familiar with UniVerse. UniVerse SQL Reference: Contains reference pages for all SQL statements and keywords, allowing experienced SQL users to refer to syntax details quickly. It includes the complete UniVerse SQL grammar in Backus Naur Form (BNF).
Related Documentation
The following documentation is also available: UniVerse GCI Guide: Describes how to use the General Calling Interface (GCI) to call subroutines written in C, C++, or FORTRAN from BASIC programs. This book is for experienced programmers who are familiar with UniVerse. UniVerse ODBC Guide: Describes how to install and configure a UniVerse ODBC server on a UniVerse host system. It also describes how to use UniVerse ODBC Config and how to install, configure, and use UniVerse ODBC drivers on client systems. This book is for experienced UniVerse developers who are familiar with SQL and ODBC. UV/Net II Guide: Describes UV/Net II, the UniVerse transparent database networking facility that lets users access UniVerse files on remote systems. This book is for experienced UniVerse administrators. UniVerse Guide for Pick Users: Describes UniVerse for new UniVerse users familiar with Pick-based systems. Moving to UniVerse from PI/open: Describes how to prepare the PI/open environment before converting PI/open applications to run under UniVerse. This book includes step-by-step procedures for converting INFO/BASIC programs, accounts, and files. This book is for experienced PI/open users and does not assume detailed knowledge of UniVerse.
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API Documentation
The following books document application programming interfaces (APIs) used for developing client applications that connect to UniVerse and UniData servers. Administrative Supplement for Client APIs: Introduces IBMs seven common APIs, and provides important information that developers using any of the common APIs will need. It includes information about the UniRPC, the UCI Config Editor, the ud_database file, and device licensing. UCI Developers Guide: Describes how to use UCI (Uni Call Interface), an interface to UniVerse and UniData databases from C-based client programs. UCI uses ODBClike function calls to execute SQL statements on local or remote UniVerse and UniData servers. This book is for experienced SQL programmers. IBM JDBC Driver for UniData and UniVerse: Describes UniJDBC, an interface to UniData and UniVerse databases from JDBC applications. This book is for experienced programmers and application developers who are familiar with UniData and UniVerse, Java, JDBC, and who want to write JDBC applications that access these databases. InterCall Developers Guide: Describes how to use the InterCall API to access data on UniVerse and UniData systems from external programs. This book is for experienced programmers who are familiar with UniVerse or UniData. UniObjects Developers Guide: Describes UniObjects, an interface to UniVerse and UniData systems from Visual Basic. This book is for experienced programmers and application developers who are familiar with UniVerse or UniData, and with Visual Basic, and who want to write Visual Basic programs that access these databases. UniObjects for Java Developers Guide: Describes UniObjects for Java, an interface to UniVerse and UniData systems from Java. This book is for experienced programmers and application developers who are familiar with UniVerse or UniData, and with Java, and who want to write Java programs that access these databases. UniObjects for .NET Developers Guide: Describes UniObjects, an interface to UniVerse and UniData systems from .NET. This book is for experienced programmers and application developers who are familiar with UniVerse or UniData, and with .NET, and who want to write .NET programs that access these databases.
Using UniOLEDB: Describes how to use UniOLEDB, an interface to UniVerse and UniData systems for OLE DB consumers. This book is for experienced programmers and application developers who are familiar with UniVerse or UniData, and with OLE DB, and who want to write OLE DB programs that access these databases.
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Main Features. . . . . . . . . . . The UniVerse Command Processor . . UniVerse SQL . . . . . . . . . Other UniVerse Utilities and Processors . The Operating System and UniVerse . . . UniVerse Tables . . . . . . . . The VOC File . . . . . . . . . UniVerse SQL Statements and Commands UniVerse and SQL Databases . . . . . . Database Concepts and Structures . . . Data Models . . . . . . . . . . UniVerse Tables and Files . . . . . Using UniVerse Help . . . . . . . . UniVerse Online Library . . . . . . Windows Help . . . . . . . . . UniVerse Command Line Help . . . . Review of Terms . . . . . . . . . . The Sample Database . . . . . . . .
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This chapter introduces the main components that make up the UniVerse system and reviews different kinds of UniVerse databases. Developers who prefer SQL can use UniVerse SQL to define, query, and control the data in the database (UniVerse files as well as tables) without changing existing UniVerse applications. UniVerse SQL conforms to the ANSI/ISO 1992 standard established for SQL (Entry SQL plus extensions), enhanced to take advantage of the extended relational database structure of UniVerse and seamlessly integrated into the UniVerse environment. It is both a database language and a set of capabilities. Because this book is written for SQL database administrators (DBAs), it uses SQL terminology to discuss many UniVerse concepts. UniVerse SQL User Guide and UniVerse SQL Reference both contain information useful for database administrators. UniVerse tables and files are similar in many ways. Both contain a matrix of data and typically comprise a data file and a file dictionary. An SQL schema is roughly equivalent to a UniVerse account.
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Main Features
UniVerse is an integrated database management and application development system that runs on the UNIX and Windows platforms. Some of the more powerful features of UniVerse are the following: Variable table sizes, row lengths, column sizes, and number of columns Unlimited number of tables and files Several table access methods for the most efficient data storage, access, and retrieval Database facilities that let you create associations among columns in a table or file A dictionary-driven, interactive data entry processor for editing data in tables and files Online help for any command in most of the command languages SQL data definition and retrieval language Facilities to save SQL statements and UniVerse commands for future use and to create stored command sequences A powerful programming language (UniVerse BASIC) with built-in database management extensions, including the ODBC-based BASIC SQL Client Interface (BCI) Client/server access (UCI (Uni Call Interface), UniVerse ODBC, BASIC SQL Client Interface (BCI), InterCall, UniObjects, UniObjects for Java, and UniOLEDB)
UniVerse also supports a procedural language that allows you to write a program, compile it, and then execute it. In addition to its own functions, UniVerse provides easy access to the operating system.
UniVerse SQL
Using UniVerse SQL you can query and update data in UniVerse tables and files. You can use UniVerse SQL interactively and in local and remote client programs. UniVerse SQL provides the following enhancements to the UniVerse environment: Subqueries that let you nest queries Relational joins that let you work with data from more than one table or file in a single statement Added database security and integrity UniVerse SQL conforms to the ANSI/ISO 1992 standard established for SQL, enhanced to take advantage of the extended relational database structure of UniVerse. In contrast to first-normal-form (1NF) databases, which can have only one value for each row and column position (or cell), UniVerse is a nonfirst-normal-form (NF2) database, which can hold multiple values in a cell. UniVerse also supports nested tables called associations, which are made up of a group of related multivalued columns in a table.
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UniVerse Tables
Tables are implemented as UniVerse files. Every UniVerse table logically comprises one data table and an associated table dictionary. Data tables contain columns that store data values in cells. Each data table also contains an encrypted area called the security and integrity constraints area (SICA) that stores the tables column definitions, integrity constraints, and access permissions. Table dictionaries contain records that define the contents of data tables, as well as the way data is processed and displayed. The relationship between a data table and its associated dictionary is defined by an entry in the VOC (vocabulary) file that defines the table. Table dictionary records do the following: Define columns in the associated data table Define different descriptors for data stored in the same column Process data stored in columns Translate data from other tables Define output specifications and report formats Rows in UniVerse tables are of variable length; so are the columns that make up the rows. The only limit to the number of rows that can be stored in a table is the size of your hard disk. Each row is identified by a unique key called the record ID.
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For example, when you enter the following statement, the UniVerse command processor looks up SELECT in the VOC file: >SELECT * FROM ENGAGEMENTS.T; Since SELECT * FROM is an SQL statement, control is passed to UniVerse SQL to execute the sentence. You can store any statement for future use by creating a stored sentence record in the VOC file. You can also store a sequence of statements by creating a paragraph entry. Stored sentences and paragraphs let you repeat a statement or a sequence of statements often.
Data Models
UniVerse uses a three-dimensional file structure, commonly called a nonfirst-normal-form (NF2) data model, to store multivalued fields. This enables a single table to contain information that would otherwise be scattered among several related tables. Related multivalued columns can be grouped together in an association, which can be thought of as a table within a table or a nested table.
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Conventional SQL uses a two-dimensional table structure called a first normal form (1NF). Instead of using multivalued columns, it tends to use smaller tables that are related to one another by common key values. However, the UniVerse implementation of SQL has added enhancements that allow you to store and process multivalued columns. The implications of these differences in data modeling and the relational design of SQL are discussed further under Table and File Structures on page 11.
There are also differences. The following table summarizes the relationship between tables and UniVerse files.
Traditional UniVerse Files Tables
CREATE TABLE DROP TABLE Data table + table dictionary. A security and integrity constraints area (SICA) in the data table allows establishment and maintenance of data structure, permissions, and integrity constraints. Columns and rows. UniVerse processors (RetrieVe, ReVise, and so forth), UniVerse BASIC, UniVerse Editor, SQL Client Interface, UCI, and other processes, and SQL statements. In addition to operating system permissions, more extensive privileges SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ALTER TABLE, and REFERENCES Privilegecan be granted on tables.
Fields and records. UniVerse processors (RetrieVe, ReVise, and so forth), UniVerse BASIC, UniVerse Editor, SQL Client Interface, UCI, and other processes, and SQL statements. Operating system permissions (read/write) granted and revoked by owners/groups/others.
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Data integrity:
Checked during certain conversions. CREATE.FILE allows for only single-column record IDs. Not native to UniVerse, but certain output conversion and formatting codes can be included in a field definition.
Integrity constraints can be defined, which are enforced for all attempted writes. CREATE TABLE allows for both single- and multicolumn primary keys. An essential part of column definitions, and associated with precise default characteristics such as a restricted character set, alignment, and so forth.
Primary keys:
Data types:
Data Integrity
In UniVerse, data integrity is provided by certain conversion operations (such as date conversions) that flag illegal values by returning an error STATUS code. SQL has many additional data integrity constraints, including referential integrity and checks for null values, empty columns, nonunique values, and user-defined conditions such as avalue ranges.
Primary Keys
The UniVerse file structure has a single-column primary key (record ID), whereas SQL allows for either single-column or multicolumn primary keys.
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Data types can be grouped into seven data categories. The following table summarizes these data categories.
Data Category Integer Scaled number Description Positive or negative whole numbers such as 0, 5, +03, and 6758948398458. Positive or negative numbers with fixed-length fractional parts, such as 2.00, 1999.95, and 0.75. These are also known as exact numbers. Arbitrary real numbers that can include fractional parts of unknown length. These numbers may need to be rounded off to fit the computers limits for storing significant digits. Examples are Avogadros number (6.023E23) and pi (3.14159). Dates are stored internally as the number of days since December 31, 1967. Dates are output in conventional date formats such as 2-28-95 or 31 Jan 1990. A conversion code converts the internal date to a conventional format. Times are stored internally as a number of seconds, which can represent either a time of day (number of seconds after midnight) or a time interval. They are output in conventional time formats such as 12:30 PM or 02:23:46. A conversion code converts the internal time to a conventional format. Any mixture of numbers, letters, and special characters. Any arbitrary bit string, without regard for characters. UniVerse SQL Data Categories
Approximate number
Description Stores decimal fixed-scale (fixed-point) numbers (same as NUMERIC). Stores high-precision floating-point numbers. Stores floating-point numbers. Stores whole decimal numbers. Stores national character strings. Stores variable-length character strings. Same as DECIMAL. Stores floating-point (real) numbers. Stores small whole decimal numbers. Stores times. Stores variable-length bit strings. Stores variable-length character strings. UniVerse SQL Data Types (Continued)
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Windows Help
Windows Help is available for some client applications running on platforms. Help is available for the following applications and APIs: UniAdmin InterCall UCI UniObjects When you use Windows Help for any of these applications, you get the standard Help features, such as the menu bar and buttons. The following table describes the function of each Help button:
Use this button... Contents Index Search Back Print To... View the Help Contents. View the Help Index. Find information about a help topic you specify. Return to the previously displayed topic. Print the currently displayed topic. Windows Help Buttons 1-15
To... Display a list of Help options. Move to the previous topic in the browse sequence. Move to the next topic in the browse sequence. View a list of related topics. Windows Help Buttons (Continued)
Inside the HELP display screen, use the Left and Right Arrow keys to select a choice. Press ENTER to choose your selection.
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Review of Terms
This chapter introduced the main components that make up the UniVerse system. Subsequent chapters describe these components in more detail. The following table summarizes the more important terms used in this book:
Term column command processor Definition A logical subdivision of a row that can contain data values. Same as field. The UniVerse processor that interprets SQL statements and UniVerse commands and either executes them or passes them to the appropriate UniVerse or system process or utility. When other processing finishes, control usually returns to the command processor. A table, associated with a dictionary, containing rows that store data values in columns. A file that defines the contents and structure of the data table with which it is associated. The dictionary of tablename is an operating system file that is usually named D_tablename. A logical subdivision of a record that can contain data values. Same as column. An element of an SQL statement that modifies the action of the initial verb. For example, WHERE is a keyword that modifies the verb SELECT. Arithmetic, relational, and logical operators are also keywords. In UniVerse SQL, a record in a table dictionary that defines an association of multivalued columns or specifies the default columns to display or insert data in. The values in one or more columns that uniquely identify each row in a table. A sequence of related data elements in a file. Same as row. In UniVerse files, the key used to gain access to a record in a file. Each record ID must be unique in any file. UniVerse Terms
field keyword
Term row
Definition A collection of related data values stored as a record in a UniVerse file. Every row has an explicit or implicit primary key. The primary key can comprise one or more columns containing data values. Same as record. A group of related tables and files that are listed in the SQL catalog. Schemas are roughly equivalent to UniVerse accounts. Security and integrity constraints area. An area of each table where data structure, privileges, and integrity constraints are defined and maintained. A language for defining, querying, modifying, and controlling data in a relational database. A set of tables that describe all SQL objects and users in the system. The SQL catalog is located in the CATALOG schema. A matrix of rows and columns containing data. Tables are roughly equivalent to UniVerse data files. Working environment defined by a VOC file and all its related tables and files. When users invoke the UniVerse environment, they initiate a UniVerse session in the UniVerse account defined by the VOC file in the current working directory. A file that logically comprises a file dictionary and at least one data file. The relationship between the dictionary and the data file is defined by an entry in the VOC file. The master file in a schema or UniVerse account. The VOC file contains records that identify all commands, sentences, paragraphs, files, keywords, procs, and menus that you can use when you are logged on to the schema. UniVerse Terms (Continued)
schema SICA
UniVerse file
VOC file
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This chapter describes the following: User accounts (login accounts), UniVerse accounts, schemas, and the differences among them. Different kinds of UniVerse and SQL users. How to change certain UniVerse SQL environment variables. In this manual, login accounts are called user accounts, accounts in the UniVerse environment are called UniVerse accounts, and UniVerse SQL accounts are called schemas.
User Accounts
Users typically log on first to the operating system. In order to log on to the operating system, each user must have a user account defined for them on that system. Users log on to the operating system by entering their user name and password. At the operating system level, users generally have a home directory defined for them under which they can create their own private files. User accounts are like personal working environments that stay with users no matter where they are working on the system. Once users log on to the system, they have access to all directories and files on the system, except those protected by permissions. Users can change their current working directories without changing other aspects of their working environment. Tables, files, and commands in other directories can be accessed by entering the path identifying the location in the file systems complete directory tree.
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UniVerse Accounts
UniVerse users work in the UniVerse environment, either in standard UniVerse accounts or in special UniVerse accounts called schemas. Depending on how their accounts are set up, users either log on first to the operating system by entering their user name and password, then log on to a UniVerse account or schema. Or they log on directly to a UniVerse account or schema, bypassing the operating system. Schemas and UniVerse accounts are more self-contained than operating system user accounts. The VOC file contained in each UniVerse schema and account defines all the tables and files, and all the statements and commands, that are available to users who are logged on to the schema. Any UniVerse action or event, whether it is an interactive user session, a UniVerse BASIC program, or a server activity invoked by a client user or program, always involves one user who is attached to (or working in) one schema or UniVerse account.
Schemas are UniVerse accounts with special properties: They are registered in the SQL catalog. SQL users can create tables in them. A schema, like a UniVerse account, is located in a directory containing a VOC file and other special UniVerse files.
Schema Structure
A UniVerse SQL database can comprise one or more schemas. A schema comprises one or more tables and their dictionaries. Data tables and their dictionaries are implemented using operating system files and directories. The path of each data table and its dictionary are contained in the VOC file entry for that table.
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SQL Users
Ordinary UniVerse users (that is, those not defined as SQL users) can use the four SQL data manipulation language (DML) statements SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. These statements can be used by any UniVerse users on the tables and files they have permission to access, in the schemas and UniVerse accounts to which they have access. SQL users are defined to the system as having CONNECT database privilege, which allows them to do the following: Create their own tables and views Grant other users the right to access their tables and views Access tables and views owned by other SQL users if they have the necessary privileges Modify or delete their own tables and views In addition to these tasks, SQL users with RESOURCE database privilege can also create and delete their own schemas. SQL users with DBA database privilege have access to all schemas, tables, and views on the system. They can register and unregister SQL users and can modify and delete all schemas, tables, and views.
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This chapter describes the UniVerse command processor and how it uses the VOC file.
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Description The Control key and the Caret (or up-arrow) key The Control key and the right bracket key The Control key and the Backslash key The Control key and the t key The Control key and the n key
Meaning Field mark Value mark Subvalue mark Text mark SQL NULL
Control Characters
For more information about special characters in UniVerse, see the UniVerse System Description.
Called Procedures
SQL client programs can use the SQL CALL statement to invoke UniVerse commands, paragraphs, stored sentences, and UniVerse BASIC programs and subroutines on a server system. For information about called procedures, see the UniVerse BASIC SQL Client Interface Guide and the UCI Developers Guide.
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The VOC file also contains the following UniVerse commands relevant to SQL users. These commands are documented in the UniVerse User Reference:
Command CONNECT CONVERT.SQL LIST.SICA SET.SQL VERIFY.SQL Description Establishes a connection to a local or remote UniVerse server. Converts a UniVerse file to a table. Displays SICA1 information about a table. Defines certain attributes of the SQL environment. Verifies and fixes SQL catalog inconsistencies.
UniVerse Commands for SQL Users 1. Security and integrity constraints area
V: Verb
SQL statements are implemented as UniVerse verbs. A verb is a UniVerse command. The VOC entry for a statement specifies the processor that the statement invokes, the dispatch type, and the flags that the processor uses. The record ID of the VOC entry is the statement or command itself (such as CREATE or SELECT). To display all verbs in the VOC file, use the LISTV command.
S: Stored Sentence
A stored sentence is a complete SQL statement or UniVerse command. A sentence can include a table name, column names, selection and sort expressions, and keywords. You can store sentences using the UniVerse sentence stack Save command (.S), the UniVerse Editor, or an INSERT statement. If you use the Editor or an INSERT statement, be sure to identify the VOC entry as a sentence by putting type code S in field 1. To examine the currently stored UniVerse sentences in the VOC file, use the LISTS command. If you often use the same statement and want to avoid typing it each time, save the statement as an entry in the VOC file. A stored sentence can be one of the following: A complete SQL statement or UniVerse command The name of another stored sentence The name of a paragraph
PA: Paragraph
A paragraph is a series of SQL statements, other UniVerse commands, or both, stored together under one name. Paragraphs let you execute several statements and commands by entering the name of the paragraph at the system prompt or including it in a CALL statement in your client program.
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The VOC paragraph entry contains the statements and commands that make up the paragraph. The paragraph can also contain special control statements and inline prompting to request input from a user when the paragraph is executed. The record ID of the VOC entry is the paragraph name. The command processor executes each SQL statement and command in order, just as if each were entered at the keyboard. For more detailed information about paragraphs, see the UniVerse System Description.
F: File Pointers
UniVerse uses two kinds of VOC entry to point to tables and files: F-descriptors and Q-pointers. F-descriptors can point either to local tables and files stored in the same schema or account as the VOC file, or to remote tables and files stored in other schemas and accounts. The VOC F-descriptor entry specifies the paths of the file dictionary and its associated data file. The record ID of the entry is the table or file name. The VOC file descriptor entry contains the following:
Line 001: 002: 003: 004: Field Contents F [ description ] O/S path of the data table (usually the same as the table name) O/S path of the file dictionary (usually the same as the table name with the D_ prefix)
F-descriptor Fields
Q: Q-Pointer
A Q-pointer points to another file descriptor either in the local VOC file or in the VOC file of another schema or UniVerse account. The VOC Q-pointer entry contains the following:
Line 001: 002: 003: Field Contents Q [ description ] [ account ] tablename Q-descriptor Fields
account is the name of a remote schema or UniVerse account. If account is blank, the file descriptor pointed to is assumed to be in the VOC file of the local schema or account. tablename is the record ID of the tables file descriptor in the VOC file of account.
K: Keyword
A keyword defines an operation that is to occur in the statement or modifies the action of a statement. Some examples of keywords in UniVerse are AS, UNION, and FROM. The VOC file entry for a keyword specifies the internal operation number for that keyword. The record ID of the VOC entry is the keyword itself.
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What Is a Schema?
A schema is a special UniVerse account that is listed in the SQL catalog. A schema is a collection of related tables and views. Once you have created a schema, you can log on to it and begin creating tables and views. You can also create UniVerse files in a schema. A schema is part of a hierarchical structure: schemas in the catalog, and tables, views, and files in schemas. From a practical viewpoint, one advantage to such a hierarchy is the ability to qualify like-named objects by their next higher level and thus make them unique. Tables and views in the same schema must have unique names, and the same rule applies to schemas in the catalog, but beyond that the duplication of names is common. Thus, if a table in the HEADQUARTERS schema and a table in the REGION schema are both named EMPLOYEES, you can qualify their names by their schema names, HEADQUARTERS.EMPLOYEES and REGION.EMPLOYEES, to indicate which table you want.
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Creating a Schema
You can define a schema in the UniVerse environment in two ways: Convert an existing UniVerse account to an SQL schema Create a new schema Whichever method you use, any existing files in the schema directory are unaffected by the creation of the schema. To create a schema, issue a CREATE SCHEMA statement. If you are logged on to an existing UniVerse account and you do not include the HOME clause (HOME path), the UniVerse account you are currently logged on to is converted to a schema. If you include the HOME clause, you can specify a UniVerse account other than the one you are logged on to. For example, to convert the current UniVerse account to a schema and assign it the schema name CIRCUS, enter: >CREATE SCHEMA CIRCUS; To create a new schema, you must use the HOME clause to specify the directory where you want the schema to reside. For example: >CREATE SCHEMA CIRCUS HOME /usr/tom; /usr/tom is the full path of an existing directory. This statement creates the schema CIRCUS in an empty directory, tom, and then sets up a UniVerse account, complete with a VOC and other necessary files. You can include CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, and GRANT statements as part of the CREATE SCHEMA statement. To reduce possible confusion, it is better to add those as separate steps later. Note: You must have RESOURCE Privilege to create a schema for yourself, and you must have DBA Privilege to create schemas for others.
Dropping a Schema
The owner of a schema or a DBA can drop a schema and all its tables and views by issuing a DROP SCHEMA statement from a schema other than the one to be dropped. To drop the CIRCUS schema, go to another schema (or any UniVerse account) and enter:
If there are tables in the schema, you must include the CASCADE option. The alternative is to drop the tables before you issue the DROP SCHEMA statement. If the schema is a converted UniVerse account, the schema reverts to a normal UniVerse account and no UniVerse files are deleted. If the UniVerse account was originally created by a CREATE SCHEMA statement, DROP SCHEMA deletes any UniVerse files (such as &SAVEDLISTS&, VOC, and VOCLIB) created by CREATE SCHEMA. If the account contains other UniVerse files, such as UniVerse data files, they remain undisturbed.
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This chapter describes how to define the following: Tables Columns in tables Table indexes It also discusses how to: Modify tables Create triggers for tables Get information about UniVerse tables (SICA and the SQL catalog) How to modify table dictionaries Load bulk data from tables in other databases to UniVerse tables
Creating a Table
Once you have created a schema, the next step is to populate it with tables. Like a UniVerse file, a table contains columns and rows, and comprises a data file and a file dictionary. In addition, a CREATE TABLE statement defines data integrity constraints, which are stored in a security and integrity constraints area (SICA) that is part of the tables header information. The CREATE TABLE statement is powerful and complex. In its most basic form CREATE TABLE names the table and includes a list of the columns and their characteristics (including column names, data types, and any necessary formats and conversions):
CREATE TABLE tablename (columnname1 description, columnname2 description, ) ;
To use the CREATE TABLE statement to create the table OLD_ENGAGEMENTS.T into which you copy all 1994 dates from the ENGAGEMENTS.T table, enter:
Note: You must enclose the column name DATE in double quotation marks, because DATE is an SQL reserved word.. To use the CREATE TABLE statement to define a new table NEWTAB.T that uses data from columns in the ENGAGEMENTS.T, ACTS.T, and PERSONNEL.T tables, enter:
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SQL+PRIMARY KEY(ENG_ID, ENG_DATE, ACT_DESC, EMP_ID)); Creating Table "NEWTAB.T" Adding Column ENG_ID Adding Column ENG_DATE Adding Column ACT_DESC Adding Column EMP_ID Adding Column EMP_NAME Adding Column ACT_PAY
Everything after tablename is enclosed in one set of parentheses, including file type, column definitions, association definitions, and constraint definitions.
Naming a Table
Table names in UniVerse can contain any character except CHAR(0), including spaces and control characters. However, when you use special characters, enclose the table name in quotation marks. We recommend that table names contain only letters, numbers, and underscores, and that they be no longer than 18 characters. For compatibility with existing UniVerse file names, table names can contain periods. If the table name contains only letters, numbers, _ (underscore) and . (period), quotation marks are not needed to delimit the string. For example, enter the following to name a table SALES.TRACKING: >CREATE TABLE SALES.TRACKING UniVerse usually uses the table name as the path of the data table, and the table name prefixed with D_ as the path of the dictionary. The following section describes instances where this may not be the case.
For detailed information about how to use special characters in table names, see the UniVerse SQL Reference.
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Like the UniVerse CREATE.FILE command, CREATE TABLE lets you choose the type of file format to be used. If you omit the file type, the default is dynamic (file type 30). For other than dynamic files, you can specify the modulo (number of groups in the file) and the separation (the group buffer size in 512K blocks). The modulo and separation that you specify with the CREATE TABLE statement allocate the disk space for a hashed file. For complete details about the modulo and separation of tables implemented as hashed files, see the UniVerse System Description. To specify a dynamic file type for NEWTAB.T, enter the CREATE TABLE statement as either of the following: >CREATE TABLE NEWTAB.T (TYPE 30,... >CREATE TABLE NEWTAB.T (DYNAMIC,... For dynamic files, you can specify parameters as with CREATE.FILE. The UniVerse parameter keywords have the following UniVerse SQL synonyms: SEQNUM, GROUP SIZE, MINIMUM MODULUS, SPLIT LOAD, MERGE LOAD, LARGE RECORD, RECORD SIZE, and MINIMUM SPACE. You often can omit these entries and accept the defaults. For more information about file types, see the UniVerse System Description.
Defining a Column
Column descriptions follow the file type definition, separated by commas. As a minimum, a column description consists of a column name and column data type, as illustrated by these examples from the Circus database:
Optionally, you can specify a format (FMT), a conversion code (CONV), any of the constraints discussed in Chapter 7, Ensuring Data Integrity, and a default value. An overview of these elements follows.
Column Names
We recommend that column names, like table names, consist only of letters, numbers, and underscores ( _ ), and that they be no longer than 18 characters. For compatibility with existing UniVerse field names, column names can also contain periods. As with table names, you can include special characters in a column name by enclosing all references to the column name in double quotation marks. For example: >CREATE TABLE SALES ("PRIM$KEY" INT ...
Delimited Identifiers
Identifiers surrounded by double quotation marks are called delimited identifiers or quoted identifiers. Thus you can use reserved SQL words (such as DATE and TIME) and identifiers (such as the names of schemas, tables, views, columns, associations, constraints, indexes, table aliases, column aliases, or user names) as delimited identifiers. The following characters are not allowed in a delimited identifier: System delimiters in the range hex FB through FF Text mark Subvalue mark Value mark Field mark Item mark ASCII control characters in the range hex 00 through 1F SQL NULL (hex 80) if the identifier is only one character long A delimited column name cannot contain spaces. On Windows platforms, delimited identifiers cannot contain the following: (double quotation marks) % (percent) * (asterisk) \ (backslash) : (colon) < (less than) > (greater than)
5-8 UniVerse SQL Administration for DBAs
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Data Types
The data type assigned to a column determines how its data is processed by a UniVerse SQL query, including the arithmetic operations, comparisons, and set functions that are used on it. There are 15 data types, as shown in the following table.
Data Type BIT [(n)] CHAR[ACTER] [(n)] Description Stores bit strings. Stores character strings, which are any combination of numbers, letters, and special characters. n is any integer from 1 to 254 and specifies column length. Stores dates. Stores decimal fixed-scale (fixed-point) numbers. precision is the number of significant digits; scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point (same as NUMERIC). Stores high-precision floating-point numbers. Stores floating-point numbers. precision is the number of significant digits. Stores whole decimal numbers. Stores national character strings. Stores variable-length national character strings. Same as DECIMAL. Stores floating-point (real) numbers. Stores small whole decimal numbers. Stores times. Stores variable-length bit strings. Stores variable-length character strings, which are any combination of numbers, letters, and special characters. n is any integer from 1 to 65535 and specifies column length. UniVerse SQL Data Types 5-9
Data types are closely associated with two output format specifications, FMT (or FORMAT) and CONV (or CONVERSION). These format specifications are discussed on the next several pages in terms of permanently specifying output formatting and conversion for columns.
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SingleValued or Multivalued
A singlevalued column can contain only a single value per row; a multivalued column can contain multiple values for each row. In the Circus database, multivalued columns are used in several ways. For example, for each item in the INVENTORY.T table, information about each vendor from whom that item was ordered and the quantity ordered is stored in multivalued columns:
SINGLEVALUED is the default; you do not need to specify it when defining singlevalued columns.
Formatting (FMT)
FMT (and its synonym FORMAT) also behaves in much the same manner as when used in a SELECT statement; it can be used to determine the number of characters and the justification of a columns data for output. But again, by specifying formatting when you create a table, it applies the formatting automatically to the column for every SELECT statement unless otherwise overridden.
Because UniVerse uses a variable-length data structure, the physical storage of the data may be of any length, but you usually should impose some limit when displaying or printing the data. For example, a 25-character output column is allowed for vendor company name and for each line of address in the VENDORS.T table:
Output of data in numeric columns usually is right-justified; data in alphanumeric columns (CHAR) usually is left-justified. Use FORMAT to force either left-justification of numeric data or right-justification of character data in the output:
In the case of columns containing multiple-word text, the T code (text justification: left-justify and break on space) is typical. This allows lines to break at the end of words when displayed or printed.
Conversions (CONV)
CONV (and its synonym CONVERSION), like FMT, affects how data is output, but its use has other implications. For example, it is the conversion code thatalong with the data typedetermines the precise format of a column containing a date or time. In the database, DATE has a D conversion code D2/. This causes its contents to be converted to a date whose elements are separated by slashes: mm/dd/yy.
The D identifies this as a date conversion, the 2 says you want a two-digit year (for example, 94 rather than 1994), and the / denotes the separator to be used. For dashes instead of slashes, and a four-digit year, use:
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Many formatting options exist for dates (D), character strings (MC), decimals (MD), numerics (ML and MR), times (MT), and other kinds of data. Here are a few examples:
Option MD2,$CR Description Converts a stored numeric value to a dollar value, with two decimal places (2) preceded by a dollar sign ($); inserts a comma (,) every three digits to the left of the decimal point. Adds the suffix CR to negative values. Converts a stored date for output as follows: the name of the month (M[A]), retaining any lowercase letters (L), the day, with any leading zero suppressed (D[Z]), and the four digits of the year (4). The brackets are part of the conversion code. Converts a stored time for output as follows: the hour in 12-hour format (H), minutes, and seconds (S), separated by a colon (:). Formatting Examples
A conversion code must agree with the columns data type. In this context, think of data types as being divided into five classes: Class 1: DEC and NUM with a nonzero scale Class 2: DATE Class 3: TIME Class 4: BIT and VARBIT Class 5: Everything else A conversion code used with class 1 must be MD, ML, or MR and must specify the same scale as the data type definition. For example, the conversion code MD2$ is consistent with the data type DECIMAL(9,2), because the scale is 2 in both cases. However, a conversion code of MD4$ is incorrect and produces unpredictable results. The D conversion code must be used with class 2 (DATE). The MT conversion code must be used with class 3 (TIME). The BB (binary) and BX (hexadecimal) conversion codes can be used with class 4 (BIT and VARBIT). Never use any of the following conversion codes with a data type of class 5:
MD, ML, or MR with a nonzero scale D MT Although the system does not enforce these rules, violating them usually produces strange results.
Data Categories
The combination of a columns data type and conversion code designates a columns data category. For example, if a column is described with a DATE data type and a valid date conversion code, it falls into the Date category. This means that when a value is stored into that column, it is converted into an internal date format (the number of days from December 31, 1967). When the column is printed or displayed, its contents are converted to an appropriate date display format (for example, 3/12/95 or March 12, 1995) as requested by the conversion code. UniVerse SQL recognizes seven data categories: Integer Scaled number Approximate number Date Time Character string Bit and hex string Data categories are important because they determine how a column is used in practice and how the data in a column is treated in terms of input and output formatting and converting. They also determine what kinds of operation you can perform on them and the results. For example, you can: Add, subtract, multiply, or divide any pair of number (integer, scaled number, approximate number) columns. The result will be an approximate number (unless both columns are integer, in which case the result will also be an integer). Add integers to (or subtract integers from) dates and times.
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Add and subtract times, and subtract a date from a date (but you cannot add a date to a date). Compare integers, scaled numbers, and approximate numbers to each other, dates to dates, times to times, and character strings to character strings.
Integers are positive or negative whole numbers, such as 0, 5, 735692, and +03. Integers represent counts, quantities, and the like. You can store integers in any column defined with a data type of INT or SMALLINT. The default FMT code is 10R (10 positions, right-justified), and the default CONV code is MD0 (no decimal positions). Examples of integer columns in the Circus database include:
Scaled Number
Scaled numbers are positive or negative numbers with fixed-length fractional parts, such as 2.00, 19958.255, or 0.7556. They are used to store values like money amounts, percentages, and temperature and pressure readings. You can store scaled number values in any column defined with a data type of DEC(p,s) or NUMERIC(p,s,). Some examples from the database include:
Internally, scaled numbers are stored without the decimal point. The conversion code is MDss, where ss is the scale.
Approximate Number
Approximate numbers are real numbers that can include fractional parts of unknown length and may need to be rounded off to fit the computers limits for storing significant digits. Examples are Avogadros number (6.023E23) and pi (3.14159). Approximate number values can be stored in any column defined as REAL, FLOAT(p), or DOUBLE PRECISION.
Dates are stored as the number of days since December 31, 1967, and output in date form, such as 2/6/95 or February 6, 1995, according to a conversion code. You can define a column as a date by specifying the DATE data type. An example from the Circus database is:
For an international date format, use a conversion code like D4.E, which displays February 6, 1995, as 6.2.1995. You can also omit the CONV specification. If you do, a D conversion is used as the default.
Times are stored as a number of seconds, representing either the time of day or a time interval, and are output in time format, such as 2:30 p.m., 14:30:00, or 14h30, depending on the conversion code. You can define a column as a time by specifying the TIME data type. An example from the Circus database is:
You can also omit the CONV specification. If you do, a MTS conversion is used as the default.
Character String
Character strings are any mixture of characters, numbers, and special characters. They hold text, such as descriptions, names, addresses, or alphanumeric codes, and can be stored in any column described as CHAR(n) or VARCHAR. Examples include:
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In UniVerse SQL you can define a multipart primary key, designating two or more columns as the primary key. You use a PRIMARY KEY table constraint to specify these columns. The ENGAGEMENTS.T table is an example of a table with a multicolumn primary key:
Default Values
Default values are another column definition option. Use the DEFAULT clause to insert a value into a column whenever a value is not provided. Specify a literal value, NULL (which is the default default), or USER (which sets the effective user name of the current user as the default value). To place the value None currently in the CONTACT column every time a row was inserted in VENDORS.T and no contact name was supplied, enter:
Column Synonyms
Column synonyms allow you to define more than one format or conversion specification for a column. For example, to display or print the DATE in the ENGAGEMENTS.T table in two different date formats, American and European:
Then, if you ask for DATE (and the value was 12/31/94), you see:
DATE 12/31/94
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The Circus database has several examples of associations. In the ENGAGEMENTS.T table, there are three associations: one for the gates/revenues/tickets, one for the concessions/revenues/tickets, and one for the rides/revenues/tickets. These associations and their attributes are defined as part of the ASSOCIATION clause of the CREATE TABLE statement:
ACT_NO, a single multivalued column, is not associated with any other multivalued columns. Likewise, the PERSONNEL.T table has four associations: one for the columns containing dependent data, one for the columns containing the equipment experience data, one for the columns containing the acts experience data, and one for the columns containing the rides experience data:
Association Keys
You can specify one or more of the columns of an association as the association key. You can think of association keys as being to associations what primary keys are to tables. Therefore they are subject to the same constraints. This means that a column used as an association key must be declared NOT NULL.
Unassociated multivalued columns in tables and UniVerse files Pick-controlling and dependent fields For UniVerse SQL to access UniVerse file associations and unassociated multivalued columns and Pick associations, you need to know how to use the following: The @ASSOC_ROW keyword The @ASSOC_KEY.mvname X-descriptor
When you select from a dynamically normalized association that has no key, the system generates a virtual column called @ASSOC_ROW containing unique values. By combining the values of @ASSOC_ROW with a base tables primary keys, you get a set of jointly unique association row keys that function as the primary keys of the dynamically normalized association.
For a standard table you define an association of multivalued columns using the ASSOC clause in the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. The ASSOC clause defines the name and composition of the association as well as its attributes (association keys and positioning of association rows). For UniVerse SQL to make full use of associations in UniVerse files, you need to add an X-descriptor called @ASSOC_KEY.mvname to the file dictionary. mvname is one of the following: For UniVerse files, the name of the phrase that defines the association For an unassociated multivalued field in a UniVerse file, the name of the field For a Pick association of controlling and dependent fields, @DCn, where n is the location of the controlling field The content of this X-descriptor is as follows:
KEY field
[ field ] }
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A definition of the associations keyone or more columns that uniquely identify association rows in each base table row Whether the position of association rows is stable or unstable (if no association key can be defined) One or more KEY field specifications define a subset of the associated fields as association keys. This specification is equivalent to the KEY clause of the ASSOC clause in the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. If the association has no keys, you can define the positioning of the association rows in the association as STABLE. This ensures the following: Newly inserted association rows do not displace existing association rows. If they are inserted in positions more than one row higher than the existing rows, empty rows are inserted. Deleted association rows are replaced with empty association rows, which prevents subsequent association rows from being renumbered. Updated association rows can be repositioned only to empty row positions, by using an UPDATE statement to change the value of @ASSOC_ROW. If they are repositioned more than one row higher than the existing rows, empty rows are inserted. UNSTABLE is the default if you do not use an @ASSOC_KEY.mvname entry in the dictionary. This means that higher-numbered association rows are renumbered when lower-numbered rows are deleted, inserted, or repositioned by the SET clause of an UPDATE statement. Empty association rows are not inserted when new rows are inserted or repositioned at the end of existing rows, and deleted association rows are not replaced with empty association rows.
Pick Associations
Pick associations, like other associations, are defined in the file dictionary, but they are defined differently from associations in standard tables and UniVerse files. Each Pick association has one controlling field and one or more dependent fields. The dictionary definition of a controlling field has the following code in field 4:
C ; field#
[; field# ]
field# is the location of a dependent field. The dictionary definition of a dependent field has the following code in field 4:
D ; control.field#
control.field# is the location of the controlling field. To use the @ASSOC_KEY.mvname X-descriptor with Pick associations, use @DCn as mvname (where n is the field number of the controlling field).
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Modifying a Table
Use the ALTER TABLE statement to: Add columns, column synonyms, table constraints, associations Remove table constraints, associations, and default values Change a columns default value Enable or disable a tables triggers Consequently, the statement includes an ADD clause, a DROP clause, an ALTER clause, and a TRIGGER clause. Note that you cannot use ALTER TABLE to delete existing columns, add column constraints, or change the definition of existing columns in ways other than just described. If a column is no longer required, use an UPDATE statement to clear that columns data.
Remember that if you try to add a constraint to an existing table, but values already in the table violate that constraint, ALTER TABLE is rejected.
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The ADD ASSOC clause of ALTER TABLE also can specify the order in which new rows are to be added to the association. INSERT FIRST adds new rows to the beginning of existing association rows, INSERT LAST (the default) adds new rows to the end of existing rows, and INSERT IN columnname BY sequence orders new rows according to the value in the named column of the association. For example, to add new rows to VAC_ASSOC before existing rows, enter the previous definition as:
Many associations are generated specifying a key (but a key is not required). An association key can be thought of as the primary key of the table within a table that the association represents. Associations usually comprise two or more columns. For example, the CREATE TABLE statement for the ENGAGEMENTS.T table includes association definitions for gates, concessions, and rides. You can also define associations that have only one multivalued column. Single-column associations are useful when applying dynamic normalization to a file. Dynamic normalization explodes multivalued columns (associated or unassociated) so that they appear as singlevalued. In other words, dynamic normalization allows you to process a nonfirst-normal-form (NF2) table as if it were a first-normalform (1NF) table. Use dynamic normalization on ACT_NO to do such things as insert a new act for an upcoming engagement. For example, if you look at the acts scheduled for East Atlanta for February 15, 1996, you see that only one act is booked:
When using the DROP Clause: Integrity Constraint to remove a UNIQUE constraint, there are two options: RESTRICT and CASCADE. RESTRICT, the default, prevents the removal of a UNIQUE constraint if the column is referenced by a foreign key column. CASCADE removes the UNIQUE constraint and removes any referential constraints from any foreign key columns that are dependent on it.
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To add a default value of 12/31/99 to the DATE column, perhaps to indicate a tentatively booked engagement for which a date has not yet been determined, enter:
This also ensures that DATE is never NULL (the implicit default value), which would cause the rejection of an entry because the column is part of the PRIMARY KEY. Primary key columns cannot contain null values.
Dropping a Table
Removing a table from your database can be as simple as issuing a DROP TABLE statement. To be consistent with the previous examples, assume that the table to be deleted is RIDES.T:
DROP TABLE removes the table and deletes the UniVerse data file, the file dictionary, and any indexes. It also revokes all privileges on the table.
If you later attempt to drop TABLE2, the following error message appears:
Dropping Table TABLE2 UniVerse SQL: TABLE2 is a referenced table. DROP the referencing tables or constraints first.
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However, if you want to keep TABLE1, the solution is to drop the foreign key table constraint (F1) from TABLE1 and then drop TABLE2:
>ALTER TABLE TABLE1 DROP CONSTRAINT F1; Dropping table constraint F1 >DROP TABLE TABLE2; Dropping Table TABLE2
Remember that a constraint must be named in order to drop it, so it is a good idea to assign names to all constraints when you define them.
An index is a sorted list of the values in a column. Indexes work like B-tree files in that they provide optimum processing speed when columns other than the primary key are used as the key column in WHERE, WHEN, and ORDER BY clauses. Take as an example the following statement:
Without indexing, every row in the table named TABLE is examined for rows with the value of column 2 less than 100. If column 2 has an index, however, each item in the index is examined in increasing order until an item is found that is greater than or equal to 100. All other items are assumed not to match and the search is ended. If all the rows in the table have a value less than 100 in column 2, the search time is the same as without an index, but if only a few items have a value less than 100, the search time is greatly reduced. Once you have created an index, it contains a sorted list of the values in the indexed columnthe keys of the indexalong with the IDs of the records in the indexed table. Each unique value in the indexed column is stored as the record ID of a record in the index. Each index record comprises one or more fields containing the keys to the rows in the indexed table. For example, the indexed table can contain the following columns:
PRIMARY KEYS... 111-888-3333 222-555-6666 888-444-9999 LNAME...... SMITH JONES SMITH
When an index is first created, it contains no values. As new values are added to the indexed table, corresponding values are also added to the index. If the indexed table contains data at the time the index is created, the data is indexed immediately.
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Creating an Index
Use the CREATE INDEX statement to create an index on one or more columns of a table. The CREATE INDEX statement creates one index on one column or a set of columns. The syntax of the CREATE INDEX statement is as follows:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX indexname ON tablename (columnname ASC DESC , columnname ASC DESC
Dropping an Index
Use the DROP INDEX statement to delete an index from a table. The syntax of the DROP INDEX statement is as follows:
DROP INDEX tablename . indexname ;
Adding a Trigger
You write trigger programs in UniVerse BASIC. Use the CREATE TRIGGER statement to create a trigger for a table, calling the trigger program that you want to execute. You must be the tables owner or have ALTER Privilege on the table, or you must be a DBA to create a trigger. You can set a trigger to fire (execute) before an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE event can change data. A BEFORE trigger can examine the new data and determine whether to allow the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE event to proceed; if the trigger rejects a data change, UniVerse rolls back the entire transaction. The trigger is evaluated for each row to be modified. You can also set triggers to fire after an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE event, for example, to change related rows, audit database activity, and print or send messages.
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You can use ALL instead of the trigger name to enable or disable all of a tables triggers:
Dropping a Trigger
Use the DROP TRIGGER statement to drop a trigger created by the CREATE TRIGGER statement. You must be the tables owner or have ALTER privilege on it, or you must be a DBA to drop a tables triggers. When you drop a trigger, its name is removed from the tables SICA, but the corresponding UniVerse BASIC program is not deleted.
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Field....... Name........
MTH MD22 MD0 MD22 MD0 MD0 MD0 MD22 MD0 MD0
For each column in the table, you see the columns name, type, column number, definition, conversion code, optional column headings, output format, and depth and association. You also could have used: >LIST DICT ENGAGEMENTS.T If you want to print the dictionary, use the following statement to send a report listing the contents of a dictionary to the printer: >SELECT * FROM DICT ENGAGEMENTS.T LPTR; Or, again, you could have entered the PRINT.DICT command: >PRINT.DICT ENGAGEMENTS.T
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You can use the SELECT command to read from the SQL catalog tables, but you cannot use the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE commands to modify them. For example, to see the UV_TABLES information for the table ENGAGEMENTS.T in schema DEMO_glenn, enter:
>SELECT * FROM UV_TABLES SQL+WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'DEMO_glenn' SQL+AND TABLE_NAME = 'ENGAGEMENTS.T'; Schema.......DEMO_glenn Table........ENGAGEMENTS.T Owner........210 Table Type...BASE TABLE Base Table... Columns...... LOCATION_CODE . DATE . TIME . ADVANCE . GATE NUMBER . GATE_REVENUE . GATE_TICKETS . ACT_NO . RIDE_ID . RIDE_REVENUE . RIDE_TICKETS . CONC_ID . CONC_REVENUE . CONC_TICKETS . LABOR . PAY Views........ Path........./rd2/glenn/Sql/ENGAGEMENTS.T Dict Path..../rd2/glenn/Sql/D_ENGAGEMENTS.T Associations.CONC_ASSOC . GATES_ASSOC . RIDES_ASSOC Remarks...... 1 records listed.
This table contains one row for each sales region. In each row there is a four-valued column called QBONUS showing the regions bonus amount for each quarter of the year, and there is a multivalued association called DETAIL containing detailed information about each 1996 sale in the region. Suppose the initial contents of table SALES96 are:
>SELECT * FROM SALES96; REGION.... EAST QBONUS.... $2200.00 $500.00 $4000.00 $975.00 SALE_CODE. 9611 9624 9617 SALESREP.. SMITH GARCIA SMITH AMOUNT.. $2500.00 $1250.87 $985.00
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You can use the UniVerse BASIC TRANS function to determine each commission rate and multiply it by the amount of the sale. This is done by inserting an I-descriptor (called COMMISSION) into the dictionary of SALES96:
After adding an I-descriptor to a dictionary, you should compile the I-descriptor immediately to be sure the UniVerse BASIC code is correct:
>CD SALES96 Compiling "COMMISSION". TRANS ( COMM96 , SALESREP , 1 , X ) ; @ * AMOUNT
If you do not compile the I-descriptor, it is compiled the first time you use it.
Since COMMISSION is a multivalued column whose values are calculated for each individual sale, COMMISSION is made part of the DETAIL association. Since the DETAIL association is also represented by a phrase in the dictionary called DETAIL, that phrase should be augmented to contain the name of the new virtual column COMMISSION. Use the following UPDATE statement to do this (note that the literal constant being concatenated at the end of the DETAIL phrase starts with a blank character to separate the word COMMISSION from the existing phrase):
Now each sales commission can be displayed as a column in the SALES96 table:
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After adding the COMMISSION I-descriptor, you may want to display the commission when you execute SELECT * FROM SALES96. Perhaps you also want to hide the regions quarterly bonus by removing it from the set of column values that are displayed by SELECT * FROM SALES96. And you may want to display the SALESNAME synonym instead of the SALESREP column. You can do all this by adding a special phrase called @SELECT to the table dictionary. @SELECT defines all of the columns to be displayed by SELECT * FROM SALES96:
What had been the fourth-quarter bonus now appears to be the third-quarter bonus, which is not what you intended. Now restore the previous data in QBONUS:
>UPDATE SALES96 SET QBONUS = <2200,500,4000,975> WHERE REGION = 'EAST'; UniVerse/SQL: 1 record updated. >SELECT REGION,QBONUS FROM SALES96; REGION.... QBONUS.... EAST $2200.00 $500.00 $4000.00 $975.00
To get the behavior you want, add an X-descriptor to SALES96s dictionary which declares QBONUS to be STABLE (which is equivalent to the INSERT PRESERVING property of an association):
Now you can delete the third-quarter bonus without affecting the fourth quarter:
>DELETE FROM SALES96_QBONUS WHERE QBONUS = 4000; UniVerse/SQL: 1 record deleted. >SELECT REGION,QBONUS FROM SALES96; REGION.... QBONUS.... EAST $2200.00 $500.00 $0.00 $975.00
What happens here is that the synthetic column @ASSOC_ROW is preserved in the dynamically normalized table SALES96_QBONUS. When the third association row (@ASSOC_ROW = 3) is deleted, it is actually filled with an empty value, thus preserving the fourth association rows position as the fourth-quarter bonus.
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Copy the data from the original source to an operating system file on your system. Write a configuration file specifying the location and format of the exported data. The data loader collects information about the format of input data from this single configuration file. In UniVerse, create a table in UniVerse SQL compatible with the format of the exported data. Run the data loader to load the data in bulk from one or more input files to the UniVerse table.
3. 4.
The following table describes the content of the configuration file, including possible content of specified data.
Configuration File Element File number Location Row separator characters Description Repeated for each file defined as input. Path of the input file, relative to the current working directory. A number indicating the decimal ASCII value of the row separator character, or the character itself. A number indicating the decimal ASCII value of the column separator character, or the character itself.
Description A decimal ASCII value or the character itself that can be used in the input file to signify that enclosed characters are taken literally (that is, it does not contain a row or column separator). A decimal ASCII value or the character itself that can enclose a quote character to indicate that it should be treated as a literal. A character signifying that the next character should not be interpreted as a row or column separator, quote character, or alternate quote character. The column number in the source file. Only the columns being used need to be described. INTEGER (32 bit), SMALLINT (16 bit), FLOAT (IEEE format only), DOUBLE (64 bit), BYTEINT (8 bit), DECIMAL (packed decimal), CURRENCY (possible leading or trailing $ or , or comma separators) or RAW. RAW is optional. Specifies a fixed column width. (Optional) Specifies a column separator that is different from the files column separator. (Optional)
Escape character
Column number
Source format
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Description Specifies the start of the information about the output file. Either a file name in the VOC of the account where the program is run, a Q-pointer (account and file), a path specifying the path of the data file to which to write, or a UV/Net file pointer (host!path). Yes/No or True/False, case-insensitive. Indicates that the CREATE.FILE command will be used to create the file. Yes/No or True/False, case-insensitive. Indicates that the CREATE TABLE statement will be used to create the table. Indicates parameters to be passed to the CREATE.FILE command or CREATE TABLE statement. Yes/No or True/False, case-insensitive. Indicates whether the first autosize rows will be examined to determine table sizing parameters. If not specified, defaults to 10. Specifies the column names of the key columns in the destination file. Indicates which field in the output record will contain the data described by source file number and source column number, or it can be 0 or KEY to specify that the data being described will act only as a key. Indicates a name that may or may not correspond with a specified key column.
Create file
Create table
Column name
Configuration File Element Source file numbers Source column numbers Conversion type
Indicates the type of conversion applied to the imported data before it is written to the output file, either I (ICONV), O (OCONV), or B (BASIC). I, O, or B, specifying the conversion type.
Conversion code
Only one of the following can be specified as True: Create file Create table Autosize If none are specified as True, the file specified by location is assumed to exist. Column name and column number must be repeated for each column in the output file. When the configuration file is complete, enter the following command at the UniVerse prompt: DATALOAD pathname pathname is the location of the configuration file. The data loader application does the rest. The following is an example of a data file:
tomr:"Tom" '"'Thomas Rand^29:77:240:"blond"green:Kevin lisam:Lisa Michaels^28:66:130:"brown"brown:Troy kellyv:Kelly Verock^37:72:180:"black"brown:none paulv:Paul Vander^33:63:110:"brown"brown:Trisha andyu:Andy Andrews^28:74:250:"blond"blue:none ken:Ken Thompson^35:73:170:"grayy"blue:Peter tim:Tim Tarks^35:75:180:"black"brown:none steve:Steve Gough^35:68:180:"black"green:Nancy ellen:Ellen Peters^33:75:220:"black"brown:Michael derek:Derek Starks^34:66:120:"brown"brown:Karissa
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To load the data into a table, first create the table TMP5950:
Then run the data loader, specifying the configuration filename 5950.CONFIG:
Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta
. . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 6-5 6-8 6-10 6-11 6-14 6-16 6-21 6-21 6-23 6-27
How File Dictionaries Affect SQL . . . Data Types of Fields . . . . . . Singlevalued or Multivalued Fields . Multipart Record IDs . . . . . . Association Definition . . . . . Association Behavior . . . . . . Visible Fields (Stored and Computed) . Converting a UniVerse File to a Table . . The CONVERT.SQL Command . . Using CONVERT.SQL . . . . . CONVERT.SQL Example . . . .
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C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker7.0\UniVerse 10.2\sqldba\Ch6TOC.fm September 25, 2006 2:35 pm Administering UniData on Windows NT or Windows 2000
Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta
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This chapter describes how file dictionaries affect SQL, the advantages and limitations of using SQL tables versus UniVerse files, and how to convert UniVerse files to tables.
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This SELECT statement works correctly if FIELD1 is either a date or character field and FIELD2 is either a time or character field; it will be rejected otherwise. >SELECT FIELD1+5, SUBSTRING(FIELD2 FROM 1 FOR 4) FROM FILEX; This SELECT statement works correctly if FIELD1 is any category except character and if FIELD2 is character. This is because you can add an integer (5) to any number, date or time, but you can only extract a substring from a character field. When executing an SQL statement, UniVerse determines a fields data category from information in the fields dictionary definition. You can control this explicitly by setting the SQLTYPE field (field 8 for D- and I-descriptors, field 6 for A- and S-descriptors). To set the data category for D- and I-descriptors, use the following UPDATE syntax: UPDATE DICT filename 'fieldname' SET F8 = 'datatype'; To set the data category for D- and S-descriptors, use the following syntax: UPDATE DICT filename 'fieldname' SET F6= 'datatype'; The values of datatype to use in the UPDATE statement are described in the following table.
DATATYPE INT[EGER] SMALLINT DEC[IMAL] [ , n [ , s ] ] NUMERIC [ , n [ , s ] ] REAL FLOAT [ , n ] DOUBLE CHAR[ACTER] [ , n ] VARCHAR [ , n ] NCHAR[ACTER] [ , n ] SQL Data Type Category Integer Integer Integer if s = 0, otherwise scaled number Integer if s = 0, otherwise scaled number Approximate number Approximate number Approximate number Character Character National character
SQL Data Types in the Dictionary 6-6 UniVerse SQL Administration for DBAs
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SQL Data Type Category National character Date Time Bit Bit
For example, assuming that FIELD3 is defined by a D-descriptor, to make FIELD3 of FILEX a scaled number field with a scale factor of 2, enter: >UPDATE DICT FILEX 'FIELD3' SET F8 = 'DEC,9,2'; The next example shows how to make field SB_DESC (an A-descriptor) of file SDCONS a character field with data up to 350 characters wide: >UPDATE DICT SDCONS 'SB_DESC' SET F6 = 'VARCHAR,350'; If the SQLTYPE field in the dictionary is empty, the conversion and format (justification) are used to determine the data type, as follows: A field with a D conversion is assumed to be a date. A field with an MT conversion is assumed to be a time. For a field with an MD, ML, or MR conversion, the conversions scale factor is examined. If the scale factor is not zero, the data category is assumed to be scaled number using the scale factor from the conversion, whereas if the scale factor is zero, the data category is assumed to be integer. A field with a Q conversion is assumed to be an approximate number. A field with an MB, MO, MX, or NR conversion is assumed to be an integer. A field with a BB conversion is assumed to be for bit strings. A field with a BX conversion is assumed to be for hex strings. A field with any other conversion (except empty) is assumed to belong to the character data category. For a field whose conversion is empty, the format (justification) is examined. If the justification is R, the field is assumed to be an integer, if it is Q the field is assumed to be an approximate number; otherwise the field is assumed to be a character field.
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When processing SQL statements, UniVerse uses the SM field (field 6 for D- and I-descriptors, field 5 for A- and S-descriptors) to determine if a field is multivalued or singlevalued, where a value of M means multivalued and anything else means singlevalued. Note: An A- or S-descriptor which defines the record ID is always treated as being singlevalued, and an A- or S-descriptor that is part of an association (field 4 = C;x or D;x) is always treated as being multivalued, regardless of the contents of field 5.
Without any special dictionary entries these fields can be read successfully by SQL. For example: >SELECT DISTINCT CUSTNO FROM FILEX; However, I-descriptors and fields defined by correlatives are ordinarily treated as read-only fields by SQL and you cannot write to them. Suppose you want to use SQL to insert a new order into FILEX. Since you are not allowed to write directly to ORDDATE, you must write the entire record ID using a statement such as:
>INSERT INTO FILEX (@ID, ITEM,...) VALUES ('123*xxx', 'BOLT',...);
xxx represents the internal form of the date. This is obviously inconvenient since you would have to compute the internal form of the orders date. In order to allow full use by SQL of the I-descriptors CUSTNO and ORDDATE, you should add the following entries to the dictionary:
With these entries in the dictionary, the following statements are legal:
Association Definition
Whether a multivalued field belongs to an association or not affects: How you can access the multivalued data in exploded form The results of an SQL SELECT from the dynamically normalized virtual table filename_assocname because the field will be padded (if necessary) with empty values up to the depth of the association Suppose the file ORDERS contains an association called ITEMS consisting of the two multivalued fields PART and QTY with the following data:
ORDER_NO.. 1 2 3 CUST_NO 123 456 789 PART...... BOLT FLANGE SCREW BOLT SCREW QTY... 500 250 1000 400 850
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To explode the values of PART into individual rows of singlevalued data, enter:
5 records listed.
The entire association ITEMS is exploded as one virtual table called ORDERS_ITEMS. To obtain all fields of the association, including the virtual column @ASSOC_ROW, enter:
>SELECT * FROM ORDERS_ITEMS; ORDER_NO.. 1 1 2 3 3 PART...... BOLT FLANGE SCREW BOLT SCREW QTY... 500 250 1000 400 850 @ASSOC_ROW 1 2 1 1 2
5 records listed.
But the following is not legal because PART is allowed to belong to only one virtual table, so there is no such thing as ORDERS_PART:
Suppose now you were to add order 4 (in which the QTY field for FLANGE is left empty) to the ORDERS file:
ORDER_NO.. 1 CUST_NO 123 PART...... QTY...
BOLT 500 FLANGE 250 2 456 SCREW 1000 3 789 BOLT 400 SCREW 850 4 800 SCREW 2000 FLANGE and then issue the following query: >SELECT ORDER_NO, QTY FROM ORDERS_ITEMS; ORDER_NO.. 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 QTY... 500 250 1000 850 400 2000 0
7 records listed.
Because QTY belongs to an association, the number of QTY values for each ORDER_NO is determined from the depth of the association in that record. In the case of order number 4, the depth is 2 (since the ITEMS field has two values, SCREW and FLANGE), so the virtual table ORDERS_ITEMS has two rows with ORDER_NO equal to 4. Since QTY is a numeric field, its value is displayed as 0 even though the actual stored value is empty. When processing SQL statements, UniVerse uses the ASSOC field (dictionary field 7 for D- and I-descriptors, field 4 for A- and S-descriptors) to determine whether a field belongs to an association and, if so, to which association it belongs. For an association of D- and I-descriptor fields there must also be a phrase, naming the fields in the association, whose record ID is the association name. Also the field (if D- or I-descriptor) must be marked as multivalued in the SM field.
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Association Behavior
Additional control of association behavior can be provided by adding an @ASSOC_KEY.mvname X-descriptor to the dictionary, where mvname is the name of an association or the name of an unassociated multivalued field. The @ASSOC_KEY.mvname record lets you specify one of the following modes of behavior: A specified field or fields serve as a unique key for association rows in each record. This association (or unassociated field) has no key, and therefore is given an artificial key called @ASSOC_ROW which is STABLE. This association (or unassociated field) has no key and @ASSOC_ROW is treated as an UNSTABLE key (this is the default mode of behavior). The syntax and definition of @ASSOC_KEY.mvname are discussed under @ASSOC_KEY.mvname in Chapter 5, Creating, Modifying, and Dropping Tables. In the ORDERS table used in the previous examples you might decide that PART is the key field of association ITEMS. This means that within any one order the set of PART values must all be different. You would enter the following into the dictionary of ORDERS:
An example of an association with a STABLE key might be the quarterly budget for each department in a DEPTS file, where there are two fields CAPITAL and EXPENSE belonging to association BUDGET:
>SELECT * FROM DEPTS_BUDGET; DEPT_NO... 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 8 records listed. CAPITAL... 65000 70000 70000 70000 40000 40000 40000 40000 EXPENSE... 840000 865000 905000 955000 350000 380000 410000 440000 @ASSOC_ROW 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
This data shows the capital and expense budgets for departments 100 and 200, by quarter. The capital budget for department 100 is 65000 for the first quarter and 70000 for the second, third, and fourth quarters. Suppose the company controller decides to delete the second quarter budgets for all departments, because he needs to recompute and reenter the figures, by issuing the following SQL statement:
If the BUDGET association is defined as UNSTABLE then the result would be:
>SELECT * FROM DEPTS_BUDGET; DEPT_NO... 100 100 100 200 200 200 6 records listed. CAPITAL... 65000 70000 70000 40000 40000 40000 EXPENSE... 840000 905000 955000 350000 410000 440000 @ASSOC_ROW 1 2 3 1 2 3
The third and fourth quarter budgets have been shifted forward into the second and third quarters, which is not what the controller wanted. If, on the other hand, the BUDGET association had been defined as STABLE then the previous DELETE statement would cause the second quarter budget figures to be removed but their position to be retained:
>SELECT * FROM DEPTS_BUDGET; DEPT_NO... 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 8 records listed. CAPITAL... 65000 0 70000 70000 40000 0 40000 40000 EXPENSE... 840000 0 905000 955000 350000 0 410000 440000 @ASSOC_ROW 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
The dictionary of DEPTS should contain the following X-record to define the BUDGET association as STABLE:
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Empty-Null Mapping
The SQL language includes the concept of a null value, meaning that the value is not known. For example, an EMPLOYEES file might have a DEPT_NAME column, which would contain null for a new employee who is in a training program until being assigned to a permanent department. In SQL, null values form the basis for what is called three-valued logic, in which a condition can be either true, false, or unknown. The clause WHERE DEPT_NAME = 'SALES' would be true for employees in the SALES department, false for employees in other departments, and unknown for trainees who have not been assigned to a department. The clause WHERE DEPT_NAME <> 'SALES' would also be unknown for unassigned employees. UniVerse files often contain empty values whose meaning is roughly equivalent to the SQL null value. But the SQL language does not recognize an empty string as a valid piece of data. In order to allow SQL statements (issued by UniVerse ODBC, for example) to deal with empty strings in UniVerse files, UniVerse SQL provides a special mode of operation called empty-null mapping, which is activated by an Xdescriptor called @EMPTY.NULL in the files dictionary:
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This mode is available only for SQL statements issued from client programs (such as those written using UCI or BCI) which connect to the UniVerse database with a particular option set. The UniVerse ODBC server sets this option by default, so empty-null mapping is normally available when you are running a UniVerse ODBC application. When the connect option is set and the @EMPTY.NULL X-descriptor is present in the dictionary, empty values read from the file are presented to the client program as null values, and null values sent by the client are written to the database as empty values. Suppose you have an EMPLOYEES file with the following dictionary and data (note that the dictionary contains an @EMPTY.NULL X-descriptor and that MARTINEZs department name is empty):
Type & Field......... Field. Field........ Conversion.. Column......... Output Name.......... Number Definition... Code........ Heading........ Format @ID 10L @EMPTY.NULL EMP_NAME 10L DEPT_NAME 10L @INSERT D X D D PH 0 EMPLOYEES
4 records listed.
As a result of empty-null mapping, a user of a UniVerse ODBC client program sees the following results for this SELECT statement:
The previous query does not select MARTINEZ because his department is unknown. Since it is unknown it might be SALES, so it would be wrong to report that MARTINEZ is not in the SALES department. The following query shows how to explicitly check for a null department name:
The following statement inserts a new employee by name only. Since no value is supplied for DEPT_NAME, this SQL statement generates a null value for that column. What is actually written into the UniVerse file is an empty string because of empty-null mapping. This can be seen from the ED command at the end.
>INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (EMP_NAME) VALUES ('COHEN'); UniVerse/SQL: 1 record inserted. >ED EMPLOYEES 'COHEN' 0 lines long.
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Based on this dictionary information, CONVERT.SQL defines a data type of INT for field ONE (because it is right-justified) and a data type of VARCHAR(10) for FLD1, and chooses one or the other as the preferred column definition for field 1; lets say it chooses ONE. When the table is generated, column 1 is given a numeric data type of INT. Then, in SQL DML statements, references to either FLD1 or ONE use the data type of column 1 (INT) from the SICA. This means that a query such as the following will not be allowed because you cannot compare a numeric column to a character-string literal: >SELECT * FROM FILEX WHERE FLD1 = 'ABC'; Because of this you may want to force CONVERT.SQL to choose FLD1, instead of ONE, as the preferred definition of column 1. Although CONVERT.SQL analyzes any file dictionary and converts it into a wellstructured table, the previous example shows a reason why you may want to force CONVERT.SQL to behave in a particular way. The following general procedure can be used to control the behavior of CONVERT.SQL so that the generated table will have the exact characteristics you want:
Include an @SELECT phrase in your dictionary, listing the dictionary names of all stored data fields in the file (plus whatever I-descriptors and Aand S-descriptors containing correlatives you want to show when you run a SELECT * from the table). This @SELECT phrase should contain exactly one name for each stored data field (so, in the previous example, it should contain the name FLD1 or the name ONE, but not both).
For every stored data field named in the @SELECT phrase, specify an SQL data type in that fields dictionary entry. This should be the data type that you want the generated column at that location to have. For every field named in the @SELECT phrase that belongs to an association, be sure the association name appears in its ASSOC field for D-descriptors and I-descriptors, and that controlling and dependent fields are defined properly for A-descriptors and S-descriptors. Also be sure the dictionary contains an association phrase for every association of D-descriptors and I-descriptors. Include an @ASSOC_KEY.mvname X-descriptor in the dictionary for every association. This @ASSOC_KEY.mvname X-descriptor defines whether the association has a key, and, if not, defines whether it should be treated as having stable or unstable @ASSOC_ROW numbers.
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If the file has a multipart record ID, include an @KEY phrase and an @KEY_SEPARATOR X-descriptor in the dictionary, and be sure the names of the key-part fields are included in the @SELECT phrase. Be sure that the dictionary entries for all fields named in the @SELECT phrase are properly marked in the SM field as being singlevalued or multivalued. For example, a field in an association should always be marked as multivalued. For unassociated multivalued fields named in the @SELECT phrase, include an @ASSOC_KEY.mvname X-descriptor if you want to define a stable @ASSOC_ROW for this field. The default is an unstable @ASSOC_ROW.
The most straightforward way to use CONVERT.SQL is first to run the command: CONVERT.SQL filename TEST GEN For a list of options for the CONVERT.SQL command, see the UniVerse User Reference. Examine the results to see if the column and association definitions are what you want. Look especially at the data types generated for all of the columns. If a field has a right-justified FORMAT it will probably be given a numeric data type such as INT, whereas a left-justified FORMAT will result in VARCHAR. If you know that the field actually contains nonnumeric information, you will want the data type to be VARCHAR, whereas if the data is all numeric you will want INT or DEC. You can easily force the correct data type to be chosen for a column by modifying the fields dictionary entry, specifying the correct value in the SQLTYPE field: UPDATE DICT filename 'fieldname' SET {F8 | F6} = 'datatype'; You can also force CONVERT.SQL to choose a particular field definition (among several definitions of the same field location) by naming all of your preferred field definitions in an @SELECT phrase in the dictionary: >INSERT INTO DICT filename (@ID,CODE,EXP) SQL+VALUES ('@SELECT','PH','xx yy zz'); After you have done this, run the CONVERT.SQL command again and iterate through the process until you are ready to do the actual conversion. At that time, use the following command to create the new table: CONVERT.SQL filename CREATE
The following flowchart illustrates this process: Run the command CONVERT.SQL filename TEST GEN to generate the SQLDEF file and examine the results.
Add information to the dictionary to control the execution of the CONVERT.SQL command (Optional).
Run the command CONVERT.SQL filename TEST GEN to determine the effects of the changes to the dictionary.
Run the command CONVERT.SQL filename CREATE to create the new table. The next flowchart shows the process of running CONVERT.SQL in more generality. You can run the CONVERT.SQL operation interactively instead of using the TEST keyword. To run interactively, use this syntax: CONVERT.SQL filename In this mode, you can make your own changes to the generated column and association definitions by using the editing facility provided by the CONVERT.SQL command. With this facility, you can easily change the data type that was originally generated for a column to a different data type of your choice; or you can choose a different column definition than the one originally chosen by CONVERT.SQL, for a field location that is defined several times in the dictionary.
6-22 UniVerse SQL Administration for DBAs
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Add information to the file dictionary to control the execution of the CONVERT.SQL command (Optional).
Run the command CONVERT.SQL filename TEST GEN to generate the SQLDEF file and examine the results.
Run the CONVERT.SQL command interactively, making the desired changes to the files column and association definitions (these are saved in the SQLDEF file).
Run the command CONVERT.SQL filename CREATE or select X from the interactive prompt to create the new table.
Run the command CONVERT.SQL filename RESTORE to revert the table to a file and start the conversion process again (Optional).
Delete the SQLDEF file when you are satisfied with the new table (Optional).
Here is the dictionary of FILEB, which has D-descriptors, I-descriptors, a multipart key (using @KEY and @KEY_SEPARATOR), two definitions of field 1, an association AAA which includes an I-descriptor, and an @SELECT phrase:
Type & Field......... Field. Field........ Conversion.. Output Depth & SQL Name.......... Number Definition... Code........ Format Assoc.. DATA TYPE @ID KEY1 KEY2 @KEY_SEPARATOR @KEY MULTI1 FIELD1 FIELD2 SUM AAA @SELECT D I I X PH D D D I PH PH 0 FIELD(@ID,"*" ,1) FIELD(@ID,"*" D2-,2) * KEY1 KEY2 1 1 2 ADDS(FIELD1, FIELD2) FIELD1 FIELD2 SUM KEY1 KEY2 FIELD1 FIELD2 SUM 10L 10R 10R S S S
The following command analyzes FILEBs dictionary and generates a new SQLDEF file, but doesnt convert the file to a table; it also shows the proposed CREATE TABLE statement:
>CONVERT.SQL FILEB TEST GEN SHOW Analyzing 'FILEB' for conversion to SQL 1997 17:43 Generating file 'FILEB_SQLDEF' ............. Table name: "FILEB" (SQLDEF was generated 1997 17:43) Columns: K01 "KEY1" INT FMT '10R' K02 "KEY2" DATE FMT '10R' CONV 'D2-' 01 "FIELD1" VARCHAR MULTIVALUED FMT '10L' 01B "MULTI1" VARCHAR MULTIVALUED FMT '10L' 02 "FIELD2" INT MULTIVALUED FMT '10R' Associations: 01 "AAA" (01, 02) CREATE EXISTING TABLE "FILEB" 18 JUN
18 JUN
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The column definitions and CREATE TABLE statement shown above illustrate that: The I-descriptors KEY1 and KEY2 show up as key-parts in the column definition and are used in the PRIMARY KEY definition in the CREATE TABLE statement. The conversion code D2- caused CONVERT.SQL to define KEY2s data type as DATE. FIELD1 is preferred over MULTI1 as the definition of field 1 because it was in the @SELECT phrase. Association AAA is defined as consisting of two data columns (the I-descriptor SUM is ignored as part of the table definition, but will be preserved in the associations phrase in the dictionary when a table is created). Now suppose you want to change the definition of the table before creating it. The next command invokes CONVERT.SQL in interactive mode:
>CONVERT.SQL FILEB Analyzing 'FILEB' for conversion to SQL 19 JUN 1997 13:44 File 'FILEB_SQLDEF' exists. Do you wish to overwrite? [N] <Return> Return accepts the existing SQLDEF file. Table name: "FILEB" (SQLDEF was generated 18 JUN 1997 17:43) Columns: K01 "KEY1" INT FMT '10R' K02 "KEY2" DATE FMT '10R' CONV 'D2-' 01 "FIELD1" VARCHAR MULTIVALUED FMT '10L' 01B "MULTI1" VARCHAR MULTIVALUED FMT '10L' 02 "FIELD2" INT MULTIVALUED FMT '10R' Associations: 01 "AAA" (01, 02) Enter C..., D..., U..., R..., R, S, X, Q, or H for Help [R]: CK1 T VARCHAR
This shows the generated CREATE TABLE statement, so you can see the effect of the interactive changes:
The following updated dictionary display shows SQL data types and new phrases. Note that the @SELECT and AAA phrases still include the I-descriptor SUM. Also MULTI (preferred by you) replaces FIELD1 in the @SELECT phrase.
Type & Field......... Field. Field........ Conversion.. Output Depth & SQL Name.......... Number Definition... Code........ Format Assoc.. DATA TYPE @ID FIELD2 MULTI1 @KEY_SEPARATOR @KEY FIELD1 AAA @SELECT D D D X PH D PH PH 0 2 1 * KEY1 KEY2 1 FIELD1 FIELD2 SUM KEY1 KEY2 MULTI1 FIELD2 SUM ID.SUP KEY1 KEY2 MULTI1 FIELD2 MULTI1 FIELD2 10L M AAA 10L 10R 10L S M AAA M
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The next command restores table FILEB to a file, restoring both its dictionary and its data file to their contents at the time the file was converted:
>CONVERT.SQL FILEB RESTOREDATA Restoring Table FILEB to a file. Restoring DICT 'FILEB' (using FILEB_SQLDEF) Restoring DATA 'FILEB' (using FILEB_SQLSAVE) Deleting file 'FILEB_SQLSAVE' File restored
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3 7-5 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-13 7-14 7-23
Data Integrity and UniVerse SQL . . . . . . . . . . . Entity Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unique Values and Primary Keys . . . . . . . . . . Checking for Uniqueness (UNIQUE) . . . . . . . . . Checking for Unique Multivalues in Each Row (ROWUNIQUE) Semantic or Domain Integrity. . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing for NOT NULL and NOT EMPTY . . . . . . . Data Types and Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rules (CHECK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Referential Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Referential Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removing Integrity Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . .
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This chapter discusses data integrity, an important principle in relation to databases. As a DBA (database administrator) you play an important role in maintaining data integrity. Typically, a database is constructed, maintained, and used by many people. If there were no overall monitoring of the data, errors would quickly multiply. Even with the relatively simple database used in this manual, any or all of the following errors could easily occur if no measures are taken to prevent them: Order entries in INVENTORY.T contain vendor IDs that have no match in the VENDORS.T table. A vendor ID (VENDOR_CODE) was changed in the VENDORS.T table, but the change was never reflected in the INVENTORY.T and EQUIPMENT.T tables. Nulls and zeros are found in primary key columns. The same engagement ID (LOCATION_CODE) and date appear several times in the ENGAGEMENTS.T table. A value of 1L500 rather than 11500 appears in the SEATS column of the LOCATIONS.T table. The PRICE value in a row in the INVENTORY.T table is less than the COST value in that same row. Such errors and inaccuracies can be introduced any time you execute an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement against a table, but they are preventable. In some cases, detection and prevention are automatic (such as when a primary key column enforces unique values). In other cases they must be handled through the prudent use of certain UniVerse SQL facilities.
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Semantic/domain integrity
Referential integrity
You cannot apply a constraint to the data in a column retroactively. Such a constraint will purge any nonconforming values by adding a constraint with an ALTER TABLE statement. To ensure that all values conform to certain constraints, include those constraints at the time the table is created in the CREATE TABLE statement. Only table constraints (UNIQUE, CHECK, and FOREIGN KEY) can be added later, and such constraints affect only values entered after the change. However, if you try to add a table constraint that is violated by data already in the table, you get an error message and the constraint is not added. Correct this by deleting or updating the rows causing the violation and then retry the ALTER TABLE statement.
Entity Integrity
For some columns it is important that every value be unique. This is always true for the primary key of a table, but it can apply to other columns as well. This concept of unique values is referred to as entity integrity, because duplicate values in such columns raise serious doubts about the accuracy of the data.
A primary key often is a single column. However, in those tables with no single column of unique values, it can be made up of multiple columns. This is the case with ENGAGEMENTS.T, where the engagement ID (LOCATION_CODE) is not unique because a site may be booked more than once, on different dates. The primary key is defined as a combination of LOCATION_CODE and date (DATE).
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If you allow a row to be entered that has the same primary key value as another row in the table, there would be no way to distinguish one from the other or to determine which was the real row for that entity (inventory item, location, equipment, act, and so on). Thus, SQL standards require that each primary key column (as well as any column with a uniqueness constraint) not contain any null values. Every time you insert or update a row in a table, UniVerse SQL checks the uniqueness of its primary key (or @ID) value and rejects the insertion or update if the check fails. Sometimes there are reasons for columns other than primary keys to contain unique values. In those cases, there are two levels of uniqueness: For single- or multivalued columns, uniqueness across all rows (UNIQUE) For multivalued columns, uniqueness only within each row (ROWUNIQUE)
As an example of uniqueness with a multivalued column, you decide that no employee could be part of more than one act, and define OPERATOR in the ACTS.T table as:
This definition prohibits the OPERATOR column from having duplicate values in the same row or in any other row in the table.
UniVerse SQL syntax rules require that NOT NULL precede any ROWUNIQUE. Consider applying ROWUNIQUE to other columns, such as all personnel, livestock, equipment, and inventory IDs found in the ACTS.T and CONCESSIONS.T tables:
These definitions mean that each animal, piece of equipment, employee, and inventory item can appear only once for each act or concession.
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You also can define a column with the NOT EMPTY keyword. The column must contain a nonempty string (a string of other than zero length) in order for the row to be accepted for insertion or updating. Because NOT NULL and NOT EMPTY have different effects, you can specify both constraints for a column. Frequently, nulls and empty values are inserted in a column inadvertently because the person entering the data skips that column. Although this problem can be avoided by specifying a DEFAULT clause for the column, this approach is not always feasible. For example, there are no logical default values for name, vaccination type, or engagement date.
NOT NULL and NOT EMPTY are convenient for ensuring that some value is supplied. In UniVerse SQL, to check whether that value is valid, specify a data type and apply specific tests (rules) to the value.
For complete descriptions of these categories and data types, see the UniVerse SQL Reference.
7-8 UniVerse SQL Administration for DBAs
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Rules (CHECK)
Another way to establish a columns domain in UniVerse SQL is to define a rule for testing a value before it is accepted in that column. A rule (condition) is defined in a CHECK clause in the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements and is entered as an SQL expression. For example: CHECK (EST_LIFE BETWEEN 1 AND 50) ensures that no animal is considered to have an estimated life span longer than 50 years (or less than 1 year). A CHECK constraint can set either a column constraint (that is, part of the column definition) or a table constraint (which generally applies to more than one column in the table). Although the Circus database was not defined CHECK constraints, here are a few instances where they might have been used to advantage. Since the circus does not hire anyone under 18 and the mandatory retirement age is 70, set a column constraint on DOB in the PERSONNEL table to allow only values between 1924 and 1977 (using a current year of 1995):
Because all shows are either early afternoon (2 p.m.) or late afternoon (5 p.m.) performances, specify a column constraint to restrict TIME to only those values. Note that UniVerse SQL times are like UniVerse times, with time literals expressed in military format and enclosed in single quotation marks:
These two examples illustrate column constraints, because the condition referred only to the column itself. But what if you wanted to compare one column to another? Because two columns are involved, use a CHECK table constraint. One example of using a CHECK table constraint is to ensure that the cost of any entered inventory item (what you pay for it) always is less than its price (what you charge for it):
The CONSTRAINT name phrase can be included in the definition of a constraint. This is the name you use in the DROP clause of an ALTER TABLE statement to drop the constraint. Supplying a name is useful for documentation purposes. However, if you do not supply a name for a constraint, the system generates one for you. Double quoted column names are allowed within a CHECK constraint. Note: You cannot use CURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_TIME in a CHECK constraint.
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Referential Constraints
Another way to ensure the completeness and accuracy of your data is to set up dependencies between tables, using primary and foreign keys or the REFERENCES clause. This is known as referential integrity. Certain relationships exist among the tables in the Circus database, as is the case in almost all databases. For example, each engagement has a location along with a list of rides and concessions; every vendor from whom you purchased inventory or equipment is represented in the VENDORS.T table; and all the acts, concessions, and rides use employees, equipment, and livestock.
Refer to the following table when using multivalued columns with referential constraints:
If the referencing column is... One singlevalued column Two or more singlevalued columns (checked pair by pair) One multivalued column (every value must exist somewhere in the referenced column) Two or more multivalued columns (not allowed) The referenced column can be... One single- or multivalued column Two or more singlevalued columns One single- or multivalued column
Referential Constraints
Referential Integrity
Referential integrity is important in the following situations: Before a new EQUIPMENT.T (child) row is inserted, referential integrity ensures that its VENDOR_CODE value has a match in the VENDORS.T table. Before an EQUIPMENT.T row is updated, referential integrity ensures that any change to its VENDOR_CODE value has a match in the VENDORS.T table. Indirectly, referential integrity also is affected if you modify the VENDORS.T table by deleting a vendor or updating the VENDOR_CODE of a vendor. Such changes would orphan any EQUIPMENT.T rows whose VENDOR_CODE column contained those deleted or old vendor IDs. Scanning the database definitions, you see quite a few instances where referential integrity could be applied. Every location code (LOCATION_CODE) in the ENGAGEMENTS.T table should have a match in the LOCATION_CODE column of the LOCATIONS.T table, every vendor code in the VENDOR_CODE column of the INVENTORY.T table and the VENDOR_CODE column of the EQUIPMENT.T table should have a match in the VENDOR_CODE column of the VENDORS.T table, and so forth.
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UniVerse SQL has two mechanisms for establishing referential integrity: primary and foreign keys, and the REFERENCES clause.
Now UniVerse SQL will match any value to be entered in VENDOR_CODE against the values in the VENDOR_CODE column of the VENDORS.T table before accepting it. If UniVerse SQL cannot find a match, it will reject the INSERT or UPDATE and return an error message. (Note that you could have omitted the actual name of the referenced column, VENDOR_CODE, because it is the primary key of the VENDORS.T table and the REFERENCES keyword refers to the primary key of the referenced table by default.) As noted earlier, the Circus database offers many opportunities for establishing referential integrity. You could, of course, define those columns as foreign keys in the CREATE TABLE statements that originally created the Circus database. However, if you did not, use ALTER TABLE statements to add these foreign keys to the existing definitions. For example:
Another way to define a referential relationship between two columns is to use the column constraint REFERENCES to designate a specific column as a foreign key. It takes the same form as the REFERENCES keyword of the FOREIGN KEY clause and applies to the column being currently defined. An example of REFERENCES is the CREATE TABLE statement for the ACTS.T table:
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You must use FOREIGN KEY if the key is multicolumn. Note that the key must be split up in the same way in both the parent table and the child table. If you are adding a foreign key constraint to an already existing table, you must use FOREIGN KEY, because you cannot add column constraints. For example, if you are defining a new table that has a three-part foreign key, you could include one FOREIGN KEY clause in your CREATE TABLE statement: FOREIGN KEY (FKEY1, FKEY2, FKEY3) REFERENCES TABLEA (TFKEY1, TFKEY2, TFKEY3) If you are creating a table that has a single-column foreign key, it is simpler to define it with the REFERENCES keyword as part of that columns definition.
Referential Cycles
Special problems arise when table relationships form a referential cycle. An example of this is in the VENDORS.T and EQUIPMENT.T tables, where the VENDOR_CODE value in EQUIPMENT.T refers to VENDOR_CODE in VENDORS.T, and EQUIP_CODE in VENDORS.T refers to EQUIP_CODE in EQUIPMENT.T. Thus, a circular link flows in both directions between these tables: every vendor is related to one or more rows in EQUIPMENT.T, and every row in EQUIPMENT.T is related to a row in VENDORS.T. A problem occurs when a new piece of equipment is purchased from a new vendor. For example, if both the VENDOR_CODE and EQUIP_CODE columns are defined with referential integrity and you try to insert a new row into EQUIPMENT.T first, with VENDOR_CODE containing the ID (152) for the new vendor:
>INSERT INTO EQUIPMENT.T VALUES (62, 232, 'Ted Schultz', 'D', SQL+'Calliope', 75000, 20, 10, 220, '10/28/94'); UniVerse/SQL: REFERENCES Constraint Violation on column VENDOR_CODE Cant insert record <62>, contents <232...................>
UniVerse SQL will not find a value in the VENDOR_CODE column of VENDORS.T that matches the value you are trying to insert into the VENDOR_CODE column of EQUIPMENT.T because vendor 232 is not in the database.
If you reverse the order of these two statements and try the VENDORS.T insert first, you just encounter a different version of the same problem:
>INSERT INTO VENDORS.T VALUES (232, 'Showtime Music Co.', '2100 SQL+Plains Avenue', 'Milwaukee WI', 'USA', 'Net 90 Days', SQL+'John Jenks', '414-555-1300', '414-555-1303', SQL+62, 20, 30); UniVerse/SQL: REFERENCES Constraint Violation on column EQUIP_CODE Cant insert record <232>, contents <"Showtime..............">
This time UniVerse SQL will not find a value in the EQUIP_CODE column of EQUIPMENT.T that matches the value inserted into the EQUIP_CODE column of VENDORS.T because equipment item 62 is not in the database. To get around this deadlock, be sure that when creating these tables, you define one of the foreign keys as accepting null values. Then execute the INSERT statement on that table first (with the value for the foreign key as NULL), and then on the second table. Then use an UPDATE statement on the first table to change the value of the foreign key from NULL to its real value. Continuing with the example, heres how you would make these two entries (assuming that there isnt a NOT NULL constraint on VENDOR_CODE):
>INSERT INTO EQUIPMENT.T VALUES (62, NULL, 'Ted Schultz', SQL+'D', 'Calliope', 75000, 20, 10, 220, '10/28/94'); UniVerse/SQL: 1 record inserted. >INSERT INTO VENDORS.T VALUES (232, 'Showtime Music Co.', SQL+'2100 Plains Avenue', 'Milwaukee WI', 'USA', SQL+'Net 90 Days', 'John Jenks', '414-555-1300', SQL+'414-555-1303', 62, 20, 30); UniVerse/SQL: 1 record inserted. >UPDATE EQUIPMENT.T SET VENDOR_CODE = 232 SQL+WHERE EQUIP_CODE = 62; UniVerse/SQL: 1 record updated.
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But there is another way to maintain referential integrity, other than refusing to delete or update a referenced record. Specifying ON DELETE action or ON UPDATE action when defining the referential constraint accomplishes this. The CASCADE action in an ON UPDATE or ON DELETE clause causes columns in tables referencing the current (referenced) table column to be updated or deleted. Thus all values mirror one another. However, you cannot specify CASCADE in an ON UPDATE or ON DELETE clause if the initial referenced column is multivalued. ON UPDATE specifies what action to take if a referential constraint violating update is attempted. Conversely, ON DELETE specifies what action to take if a referential constraint violating delete is attempted. Add CASCADE (or another referential action such as SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, or NO ACTION) as part of the ON UPDATE or ON DELETE clause of a greater REFERENCES clause. For example, to specify a cascaded update or delete in the previous example of the CREATE TABLE statement for the ACTS.T table, enter:
In the previous example, if an ANIMAL_ID number is updated in LIVESTOCK.T, all occurrences of that ANIMAL_ID in ACTS.T are updated automatically to the same new value. If an animal is deleted from LIVESTOCK.T, all acts using that animal are deleted automatically. If ON DELETE or ON UPDATE is omitted, or if NO ACTION is specified, any attempt to update or delete a referenced row will be deleted. If SET NULL or SET DEFAULT is specified, any such update (or delete) will cause values in the referencing rows to be rewritten as null or as the referencing columns default value, respectively. Any change to a referencing table caused by CASCADE, SET NULL, or SET DEFAULT will be verified as valid with respect to the referencing tables integrity constraints. If the referencing table is also a referenced table, such a change could result in additional referential actions being performed on other tables. If you specify both the ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clauses, it does not matter which clause you specify first. For any pair of referenced and referencing tables, you can define only one ON DELETE clause and only one ON UPDATE clause that specify CASCADE, SET NULL, or SET DEFAULT.
When the referential actions CASCADE, SET NULL, and SET DEFAULT change referencing tables, the changes are verified as valid according to the referencing tables integrity constraints. If a referencing table is also a referenced table, such changes may result in other referential actions occurring in other tables.
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The following table shows what happens when the referencing tables REFERENCES clause includes the ON UPDATE clause.
Referenced Column Singlevalued Referencing Column Singlevalued Number of Parts 1
Action UPDATE refgtab SET refgcol = { NULL| DEFAULT | newval } WHERE refgcol = oldval; UPDATE refgtab SET refgcol = { NULL | DEFAULT } WHERE refgcol IN (oldval_1, , oldval_n); UPDATE refgtab_refgassoc SET refgcol = { NULL | DEFAULT | newval } WHERE refgcol = oldval; UPDATE refgtab_refgassoc SET refgcol = { NULL | DEFAULT } WHERE refgcol IN (oldval_1, , oldval_n); UPDATE refgtab SET refgcol_1 = { NULL | DEFAULT | newpart_1 }, , refgcol_m { NULL | DEFAULT | newpart_m } WHERE refgpart_1 = oldpart_1 AND AND refgpart_m = oldpart_m;
m (>1)
The next table describes what happens when the referencing tables REFERENCES clause includes the ON DELETE clause.
Referenced Column Singlevalued Multivalued Referencing Column Singlevalued Singlevalued Number of Parts 1 1
Action DELETE FROM refgtab WHERE refgcol = oldval; DELETE FROM refgtab WHERE refgcol IN (oldval_1, , oldval_n); DELETE FROM refgtab_refgassoc WHERE refgcol = oldval; DELETE FROM refgtab_refgassoc WHERE refgcol IN (oldval_1, , oldval_n); DELETE FROM refgtab WHERE refgcol_1 = oldpart_1 AND AND refgcol_m = oldpart_m;
Singlevalued Multivalued
Multivalued Multivalued
1 1
m (>1)
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1. Tables created on a UniVerse Release 7 system may include unnamed constraints. To drop an unnamed constraint, use LIST.SICA to list any unnamed constraints, then use ALTER TABLE to drop the constraint. Use the following syntax: ALTER TABLE tablename DROP CONSTRAINT "UNNAMED*n", where n is the position number of the constraint as shown by LIST.SICA. 7-21
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The need for data security is obvious, especially when you consider how easy it is to access a database through interactive SQL. Without security, anyone at a terminal can probe, change, and even destroy your data at will. However, establishing blanket security on everything is not the answer; a database that only you can access is not very useful. Rather, security should be established at various levels. This is because the security needs of a particularly large production database are complex and differ at each level. For example: A given schema accessed by some users but not at all by others. Within a schema, each table accessed by some users but not others. Within a given table, access to data restricted on a column-by-column basis. Access also can be restricted according to functionusers can be granted SELECT Privilege, DELETE Privilege, INSERT Privilege, UPDATE Privilege, or ALTER Privilege on a table, or any combination thereof. With the additional information provided by the SQL catalog and the SICA (security and integrity constraints area) of an SQL table, UniVerse SQL offers more levels of data security and more options within those levels than UniVerse without SQL. Just as UniVerse SQL incorporates more extensive data integrity mechanisms, so does it incorporate greater database security, and for many of the same reasons. The SQL catalog contains extensive information about the database tables and users, and the SICA region contains in-depth information about the table, its columns, constraints, and permissions.
Who should have access? Technically, a user is a name defined with an operating system add command. All users who have access to the database have user IDs: unique names that identify them to the system. Because every process carried out by the system is on behalf of some user, it is this user ID that determines what database objects are accessible and what SQL functions can be performed on them. In addition to a user ID, each user also has a password for greater security, and both must be entered before the user is authenticated to the system. All registered UniVerse SQL users have CONNECT Privilege and are defined in the UV_USERS table of the SQL catalog. In some installations, groups of users have similar needs and consequently are assigned similar privileges. In the Circus database, everyone in the Concessions Managers office might be granted similar privileges on the CONCESSIONS.T and INVENTORY.T tables, and everyone in the Procurement department might be given the same privileges on the INVENTORY.T and EQUIPMENT.T tables. However, only the Human Resources department and a few high-level managers might be granted privileges on the PERSONNEL.T table because of the sensitive data that it contains.
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In some cases you might want to grant privileges to everyone; PUBLIC is a group that includes all UniVerse users, whether or not they are defined in the SQL catalog.
Database Objects
To what objects should each user be granted access? An object can be a schema, a table in a schema, or one or more columns or rows in a table. Access to objects is controlled hierarchically; you cannot have access to a table unless you first have access to the schema in which it resides, and you cannot have access to a particular column or row of a table unless you first have access to the table itself. Access to tables is gained either by being the owner (creator) of the table or by being granted privileges to that table by someone who has those privileges and the authority to grant them.
In what manner should users have access? The answer to this question is determined by privileges, a set of permitted actions that a user can perform on an object. For example, some users might have only SELECT privilege on the ENGAGEMENTS.T table (that is, they can execute only SELECTs against that table, but not an INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, or ALTER), while other users may have SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE privileges on the same table. Privileges consist of database privileges and table privileges. Database privileges are grouped at three levels: CONNECT is the lowest level and registers a user as a UniVerse SQL user, with certain limited privileges (mainly restricted to the tables or views they have created). RESOURCE Privilege includes all CONNECT capabilities, and adds the ability to create schemas.
DBA Privilege (database administrator), the highest level of database privilege, allows one to do everything (much like a superuser), incorporating all RESOURCE privilege plus the power to create schemas and tables for other users, grant database privileges, grant table privileges on any table and view to any user, revoke the database or table privileges of any user, and access all tables. The database privilege state of each user is recorded in the UV_USERS table of the SQL catalog. Just being listed in the UV_USERS table implies that the user has CONNECT privileges. In addition, two bytes, one for RESOURCE and one for DBA, indicate whether the user has been granted privileges for either or both of those levels. Table privileges (applicable to views as well as tables) are grouped by process: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, REFERENCES, ALTER, and ALL PRIVILEGES. A user obtains any of these privileges for a table in two ways: By creating a table, a user becomes its owner and has full privileges to it automatically. Similarly, if a user creates a view for a table, he or she is the owner of that view and has full privileges to the view, but not necessarily to the table. By being granted specific privileges to the table. Privileges can be granted by the tables owner, by someone to whom the same privileges have been granted previously, or by someone with DBA privileges. SQL security on tables and views is enforced for all attempts at access, whether by SQL statements, UniVerse commands and utilities, or UniVerse BASIC programs. Note that a UniVerse BASIC program can write into a table only if the user has both INSERT and UPDATE privileges. Views are discussed in the UniVerse SQL User Guide.
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Granting Privileges
Except for obtaining certain privileges automatically, either because of ones database privilege level or because one creates (and therefore owns) a table or view, the only way to obtain privileges is through the GRANT statement.
CONNECT is the lowest level of database privilege and is the minimum authority assigned to anyone registered as a UniVerse SQL user. To register a new user at this level, the DBA uses the following syntax: GRANT CONNECT TO user; Users granted CONNECT authority can: Create tables (and become their owners) Alter and drop any tables they own Grant and revoke privileges on tables they own and tables for which they have the GRANT OPTION Use the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements on tables to which they have access
Create and drop views on tables to which they have access For example, to register three new users (with IDs of sam, joyce, and john), and grant them CONNECT privilege, enter: >GRANT CONNECT TO sam, joyce, john; Granting privilege(s).
To register these new users with a higher level of database authority, allowing them all aspects of CONNECT authority as well as the ability to create their own schemas, grant RESOURCE privilege. For example, enter: >GRANT RESOURCE TO sam, joyce, john; Granting privilege(s). Note that you must grant CONNECT privilege before granting RESOURCE privilege.
A DBA has the most power and can grant any privilege to (or revoke the privilege of) any user, create schemas (and tables and views within the CREATE SCHEMA statement) for other users (users with CONNECT and RESOURCE levels can create database objects only for themselves), and access any table or view, regardless of who owns it. DBA authority includes both the CONNECT and the RESOURCE privileges. Although only one user is designated DBA when UniVerse SQL is installed, that user can create other DBAs at any time. To grant DBA (and therefore RESOURCE and CONNECT) privilege to two other users, daveb and wendyj, enter: >GRANT DBA TO daveb, wendyj; Granting privilege(s).
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Anyone who owns a table or view Anyone who has been granted those privileges with a WITH GRANT OPTION by someone else The syntax for the GRANT statement that grants table privileges is: GRANT table_privileges ON tablename TO { users | PUBLIC } [WITH GRANT OPTION]; When you create a table, you are the owner of that table and the only user with privileges on it (except for any DBAs). As such, you can grant any or all of those privileges to others. If you are not the creator/owner of a table, you have only those privileges that others have granted to you. The next sections discuss the various table privileges and the clauses that designate the recipients of the grant and determine whether those recipients can pass it on.
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To grant read-only privileges on the ENGAGEMENTS.T table to paulc, enter: >GRANT SELECT ON ENGAGEMENTS.T TO paulc; Granting privilege(s).
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Revoking Privileges
Any privileges you grant, you can also take back using the REVOKE statement. The syntax for REVOKE parallels that of the GRANT statement, specifying a set of privileges, the object to which they apply, and the users.
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As the second syntax indicates, you can remove just the WITH GRANT OPTION on a privilege, or you can revoke the privilege itself. Revoking a privilege also revokes any GRANT OPTION on that privilege. Because you already are familiar with the choices in the GRANT statement, you should be able to follow these REVOKE statements (the privileges revoked are those granted by some of the previous examples of the GRANT statement):
>REVOKE RESOURCE FROM sam; Revoking privilege(s). >REVOKE ALTER ON EQUIPMENT.T FROM shielaf, bonnieb; Revoking privilege(s). >REVOKE SELECT, UPDATE ON INVENTORY.T FROM jackd; Revoking privilege(s). >REVOKE SELECT ON LOCATIONS.T FROM PUBLIC; Revoking privilege(s). >REVOKE UPDATE (QOH) ON INVENTORY.T FROM sandyh; Revoking privilege(s).
If you have the power to grant a privilege, you can revoke that privilege, no matter how a user obtained the privilege, whether from you or from someone else.
Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta
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While databases are in use, systems can fail, errors and discrepancies can occur, and not all operations necessarily run to a successful completion. If whole databases are lost or destroyed, they must be recreated. Tables are accessed by many users, who may be inserting new rows, or deleting or modifying existing rows in the same table at the same time. Managing these situations is the DBAs responsibility and involves transaction processing, transaction logging and recovery, and concurrent access.
Transaction Processing
A transaction is a series of statements that are treated as a single event. Any changes made to the database by a transaction are guaranteed either to go to completion or to have no effect at all. Transactions and transactional processing are explained fully in UniVerse BASIC. An example of a familiar transaction occurs at a bank ATM (automatic teller machine, or cash machine): transferring funds from your savings account to your checking account. If the system crashed just after deducting the money from savings but before depositing it in checking, what would be the state of your account? There are two possibilities: either the system remembers to deposit the money in your checking account when service is restored, or it reverses (rolls back) the deduction from your savings and leaves everything as it was before the transaction began. If someone were watching this at a terminal, he or she would know if each activity proceeded to completion and could take the necessary measures if it did not (such as manually retyping the deposit to checking request). But when the statements executed are part of a program, there is no way to directly monitor what is happening or to take steps to correct any omissions. Therefore, a transaction needs to be coded for all possible outcomes. Transaction processing is designed for situations like the ATM transaction described here and introduces the subject of programmatic SQL.
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Generally, the SQL statements used in BASIC and C programs are the same statements that you can issue interactively. However, there are some differences at the detail level between programmatic SQL and interactive SQL. More information about programmatic SQL is in UniVerse SQL Reference. For information about UCI and the BASIC SQL Client Interface, see UCI Developers Guide and UniVerse BASIC SQL Client Interface Guide, respectively. Procedurally, a transaction is a series of statements that begin when a BEGIN TRANSACTION statement is executed and ends when either a ROLLBACK or a COMMIT statement is executed. An END TRANSACTION statement marks the point where processing continues after the transaction ends. Within the transaction sequence, there must be either a COMMIT statement or a ROLLBACK statement. COMMIT applies all changes made during the transaction if everything proceeded normally. ROLLBACK cancels all changes made during the transaction if some error occurred. For example:
BEGIN TRANSACTION READU data1 FROM file1, record1 ELSE ROLLBACK READU data2 FROM file2, record2 ELSE ROLLBACK . [process data] . WRITE new.data1 ON file1, record1 ELSE ROLLBACK WRITE new.data2 ON file2, record2 ELSE ROLLBACK COMMIT WORK END TRANSACTION
As an application performs writes or deletes on tables, the actual data is stored in a cache (temporary storage), not in the table.While a transaction sequence is being executed, an application read is satisfied from the cache if such an entry exists. Data is not written to disk or available to other users until the COMMIT statement is executed, at which time all data changes are written to their respective tables. Locking is not automatic, but any locks that are explicitly set during the transaction are not released until COMMIT or ROLLBACK is executed, at which time all locks acquired during the transaction are released.
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Database Recovery
A number of events can disrupt processing and corrupt or even destroy your database. These include media failures (such as disk crashes), system failures, and power outages. In such an event, you need some way to recover your database and restore it to its most recent state. Several components work together to enable a database recovery:
Component File backup Transaction logging Media recovery Description Copying all files in an account (or, optionally, each file separately) periodically. Copying every file update to a log file. Restoring the database to a usable state if the data becomes corrupted by a media failure (a damaged disk, for example). This is done by taking the backup copy and rolling forward all completed transactions (from the transaction log) that were executed from the time the backup was made to the point where the media failure occurred. Handling certain file structuring and other system-level details that may be left unfinished when a system failure (such as a power outage or system crash) occurs. Components for Database Recovery
Warmstart recovery
Most of these actions, such as backing up files, setting up transaction logging, identifying the files that should be activated for logging, and recovering media, are the responsibility of the system administrator, not the individual users.
File Backup
Periodically copying all disk files onto an offline storage medium, such as magnetic tape or a second disk, is an accepted computing practice. If files are lost or destroyed, they can be restored from these backup copies.
Each installation chooses its own strategy for implementing file backup and restoration. You can use the Backup and Restore options of UniVerse Admin, the UniVerse uvbackup and uvrestore commands, or the appropriate backup and restore commands for the operating system. When you use the UniVerse backup facilities, you can choose to perform either a full backup (making backup copies of all files), or an incremental backup (copying only those files that are new or have changed since the last backup). The procedures for backing up and restoring files in UniVerse are covered in Administering UniVerse.
Transaction Logging
File backup is an important step in protecting your database, but what happens if you do a backup on Monday, and suddenly on Thursday your disk crashes? Does that mean you have lost three days of work? If you have been using transaction logging, the answer is no. Transaction logging is the first part of the two-part UniVerse database recovery process. The second part is media recovery (covered later in this chapter) and warmstart recovery. Basically, transaction logging is the recording of each file update applied to the database. The variables for transaction logging affect how transactions are both executed and logged. Transaction logging may be set up in one of two modes, activated or not, and each table or file may be designated recoverable or nonrecoverable.
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Media Recovery
When a disk crash or other media failure occurs, you need to use recovery procedures to restore your database. The two approaches to doing this are media recovery and file recovery, both detailed in UniVerse Transaction Logging and Recovery. Media recovery, the more complex of the two, restores multiple files, whereas file recovery rolls forward updates on a specific file.
Warmstart Recovery
If the system crashes, or UniVerse fails or is shut down in an uncontrolled manner, files on disk may be left in an inconsistent state. If such inconsistencies are detected when UniVerse is brought back up again (with logging enabled in checkpointing mode), a process called warmstart recovery is initialized automatically. Warmstart recovery uses information from the log files to restore the structure and integrity of the database. First, each file is brought to a structurally consistent state (correcting such problems as invalid overflow block pointers and partially updated index files). Then the database is brought to a logically consistent state, in which each transaction has been either fully committed to disk or rolled back. Warmstart recovery is discussed in greater detail in UniVerse Transaction Logging and Recovery.
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Concurrent Access
If every user had exclusive access to a database, and transactions against that database were executed serially, results would be totally predictable. However, when multiple transactions are run concurrently against a database, reading from and writing to the same data rows, conflicts can produce unpredictable and erroneous results. The problems that can arise from concurrent access of a database can be grouped into four classic categories: Lost updates. Both transactions A and B attempt to update the same row. Because each transaction reads and updates its own copy of the row, the last transaction to write an update to that row overwrites the update of the first transaction. Dirty reads. Transaction A updates a row, and transaction B reads the updated row and proceeds to modify it. Meanwhile transaction A aborts (thus restoring the row to its original state), and then transaction B writes back its update (which is based on values no longer valid). Nonrepeatable reads. Transaction A reads a row, then transaction B updates that row. Later, transaction A rereads the same row and sees different values than it saw initially. Phantom discrepancies. Transaction A determines the number of rows that meet certain selection criteria (say the COUNT of cars in stock that are red), then transaction B adds another red car into inventory. Later, transaction A requests the SUM of costs of all red cars and divides that sum by the original count. The result is an artificially high average cost for red cars, because the set of rows meeting the selection criteria changed during the transaction. All of these situations can be resolved to some degree by the use of locks and isolation levels. You can explicitly set locks and isolation levels only in a UniVerse BASIC program. Even though there are no explicit SQL statements for setting locks and isolation levels, you should have a general understanding of how locks and isolation levels work because their activation by UniVerse BASIC programs in a session can affect how your SQL statements operate. Also, each SQL transaction automatically does the appropriate locking, as explained in Isolation Levels on page 14.
The ultimate purpose of locks and isolation levels is to provide serializability, which ensures that the output of any set of concurrent transactions is the same as that produced by running the individual transactions serially in some specific order, with each of the transactions having exclusive use of the system during its execution.
UniVerse record and file locks control access to records and files among concurrent user processes. Lock compatibility determines what a users process can access while other processes have locks on records or files. Record locks allow more compatibility because they coexist with other record locks, thus allowing more transactions to take place concurrently. However, these finer-grained locks provide a lower isolation level. File locks enforce a high isolation level and more concurrency control, but less compatibility. For information about transaction processing and isolation levels, see UniVerse BASIC. UniVerse supports the following locks (in order of increasing strength): Shared record lock Update record lock Shared file lock Intent file lock Exclusive file lock
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Whenever you use an SQL statement to access a table, you may find that a lock has been placed on that table or on one or more rows in that table. If this happens, your statement must delay execution until the lock is released. A UniVerse BASIC program can impose several kinds of lock:
Type of Lock FILELOCK (FS, IX, FX) Description Locks the entire table. A file lock can be a shared lock (which makes the table read-only to other users), an intent lock (which reserves the right to set an exclusive lock), or an exclusive lock (which excludes all other users from accessing the table in any manner). Sets a shared lock on a row, letting other programs or users read but not update the row. Sets an exclusive update lock on a row, preventing other programs or users from updating or locking the row. BASIC Program Locks
For a full discussion of file and record locks, see UniVerse BASIC.
Managing Deadlocks
Deadlocks occur when one of several processes acquiring locks incrementally tries to acquire a lock that another process owns, and the existing lock is incompatible with the requested lock. You can configure UniVerse to automatically identify and resolve deadlocks as they occur, or you can manually fix a deadlock by selecting and aborting one of the deadlocked user processes. For more information about managing deadlocks, see Administering UniVerse.
Isolation Levels
Isolation levels separate one concurrent transaction from another so that their actions do not affect one another. Although the SQL standard recognizes only four isolation levels, UniVerse provides a fifth, adding isolation level 0 for backward compatibility. The default isolation level is 1. UniVerse BASIC provides two ways to set isolation levels: the SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL statement and the ISOLATION LEVEL clause of the BEGIN TRANSACTION statement. For more information about setting isolation levels, see UniVerse BASIC. You can also use the SET.SQL command at the UniVerse prompt to set isolation levels. To ensure successful operation, most isolation levels require that a program obtain a certain minimal lock on a table. In UniVerse SQL the SQL statements obtain the appropriate lock automatically, as shown in the following table:
UniVerse SQL obtains this lock for you automatically... None None Shared record lock (RL) Shared record lock (RL) Shared file lock (FS)
Locks Obtained by SQL Statements 9-14 UniVerse SQL Administration for DBAs
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Update record lock (RU) Update record lock (RU) Update record lock (RU) Update record lock (RU) Update record lock (RU) and intent file lock (IX)
Note: In the case of record locks, if an SQL statement needs more than MAXRLOCK (a system-configurable parameter) record locks, UniVerse obtains a file lock instead of adding more record locks. For more information about locks and isolation levels and how to set them, see UniVerse BASIC.
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You can transfer SQL tables from one schema to another on the same system or from one system to another using the format conversion utility. The format conversion utility converts UniVerse database files, SQL tables, and UniVerse BASIC object code from one machines storage format to another. You can use the format.conv command at the UNIX shell prompt, or the FORMAT.CONV command in UniVerse. You can use these commands to do the following: Prepare SQL tables for transfer to another schema on either the same or a different system Convert the storage format of SQL tables and reconstitute them in the schema to which they have been transferred
Prepare the tables for transfer on the source machine, using the export option of the format conversion utility. Physically transfer the tables to an existing schema on the same or a different machine. Evaluate the transferred data to prevent conflicts with existing data in the new schema. Import the tables on the target machine using the import option of the format conversion utility. If desired, delete the tables from the source machine.
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You can execute the FORMAT.CONV utility multiple times, using the same value of the name option, to export a number of tables in the same group. Each execution of the FORMAT.CONV utility appends more information to the end of the four text files. For example, to create just one set of text files, including export information for tables TABLE1 through TABLE5, you could enter the following commands:
>FORMAT.CONV -export -name AA TABLE1 TABLE2 >FORMAT.CONV -export -name AA TABLE3 >FORMAT.CONV -export -name AA /usr/joe/TABLE4 /usr/joe/TABLE5
These commands create one set of text files, called AA.EXPORT, AA.IMPORT, AA.DROP and AA.UNDO, which include export information for tables TABLE1 through TABLE5.
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After transferring this set of tables and text files to the target schema or system, you should delete the four text files, so that you can use the same name value for another export session.
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Errors in Importing
If something goes wrong during the import conversion process, you can either use specific commands to correct the problem, or use the format conversion utility with the undo option: format.conv undo [ name name ] The undo option executes the set of commands in the name.UNDO file. These commands turn imported SQL tables back into UniVerse files, removing their SICAs and any SQL indexes. The format of the name.UNDO file is as follows:
DISPLAY name.UNDO created to hold DDL 09:19:51 04 APR 1997 * Execute this file to UNDO the effect of the import command file. CREATE EXISTING TABLE "table1" RESTORE; DELETE FROM VOC "table1"; CREATE EXISTING TABLE "table2" RESTORE; DELETE FROM VOC "table2";
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Analyze the DTD associated with the application to which you are sending the XML file. Determine which of your dictionary attributes correspond to the DTD elements. Create an XML mapping file, if necessary. List the appropriate fields using the LIST command.
2. 3.
Mapping Modes
UniVerse supports four modes for mapping data to XML files. These modes are: Attribute-centric Element-centric Mixed Match-Element
Attribute-centric Mode
In the attribute-centric mode, which is the default mode, each record displayed in the query statement becomes an XML element. The following rules apply to the record fields: Each singlevalued field becomes an attribute within the element. Each multivalued or multi-subvalued field becomes a sub-element of the record element. The name of the sub-element is association_name-MV.
Within a sub-element, each multivalued field becomes an attribute of the sub-element. Associated multi-subvalued fields become another nested sub-element of the sub-element. The name of this nested sub-element is association_name-MS. If there are no associated multi-subvalued fields, the sub-element name is field_name-MV/MS. This is the default mapping scheme. You can change the default by defining maps in the &XML& file.
Element-centric Mode
In the element-centric mode, as in the attribute-centric mode, each record becomes an XML element. The following rules apply: Each singlevalued field becomes a simple sub-element of the element, containing no nested sub-elements. The value of the field becomes the value of the sub-element. Each association whose multivalued and multi-subvalued fields are included in the query statement form a complex sub-element. In the subelement, each multivalued field belonging to the association becomes a subelement that may contain multi-subvalued sub-elements. There are two ways to display empty values in multivalued fields belonging to an association. For detailed information, see Displaying Empty Values in Multivalued Fields in An Assocation. By default, UniVerse converts text marks to an empty string. Specify that you want to use element-centric mapping by using the ELEMENTS keyword in the RetrieVe statement.
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Notice that the second value of the COURSE NO field is empty, but the associated value for GRADE is not. When Matchelement is set to 1, the second value for COURSE NO displays as an empty value in the XML document, as shown in the following example: >LIST XSTUDENT LNAME CGA TOXML ELEMENTS
Empty Value
When Matchelement is set to 0, the second value for COURSE NO is ignored in the XML document, as shown in the following example:
Missing Value
Mixed Mode
In the mixed-mode, you create your own map file, where you specify which fields are treated as attribute-centric and which fields are treated as element-centric. Field-level mapping overrides the mode you specify in the RetrieVe.
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Defining these settings in the mapping file eliminates the need to specify them in each RetrieVe statement. UniVerse processes XML options as follows:
1. 2.
Reads options defined in the U2XMLOUT.map file when UniVerse starts. Reads any options defined in a mapping file. This mapping file resides in the &XML& directory in the current account, and is specified in the RetrieVe statement, as shown in the following example: Processes any options you specify in the RetrieVe statement.
Options you specify in the RetrieVe statement override options defined in the mapping file. Options defined in the mapping file override options defined in the U2XMLOUT.map file. Warning: The attribute type definition for a multivalued or multi-subvalued field in a UniVerse dictionary record is M. If you know that a field is multi-subvalued, you must define it as such in a mapping file, or the XML document you create may not be accurate. A mapping file has the following format: <?XML version=1.0?> <U2xml-mapping xmlns:U2xml=http://www.informix.com/U2-xml> <!--there can be multiple <U2xml:mapping> elements --> <U2xml :mapping file=file_name field=dictionary_display_name map-to=name_in_xml_doc namespace=namespace_name type=MV | MS hastm=yes | 1 treated-as=attribute | element root=root_element_name record=record_element_name association-mv=mv_level_assoc_name association-ms=ms_level_assoc_name matchelement=0|1 format = format -pattern.. conversion = conversion code encode=encoding characters />
... </U2xml-mapping> The following table describes each field of the mapping file.
Field XML version U2xml-mapping file field map-to namespace Description The XML version number. The element name of a mapping rule. The name of the UniVerse data file from which you are creating the XML document. The display name of the dictionary record from which you are creating an XML element. The name of the field to create in the XML document. The name of the namespace. A namespace is a unique identifier that links an XML markup element to a specific DTD. They indicate to the processing application which DTD you are using. The type of attribute. Value can be MV (multivalued), MS (multi-subvalued), TM (text mark), or any other mark contained in your data. The default is S (singlevalued). Specifies whether or not to treat a text mark as another level of an element. A value of yes treats a text mark as another level of an element, while a value of 1 does not. This field applies only to element-centric mode. Specifies how to treat the XML element. Value is either attribute or element. Root element name. The name of the resulting XML record element. The name of the resulting XML multivalued association. The name of the resulting XML multi-subvalued association. Mapping File Fields
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Description Specifies the format to use in the output. See Formatting Considerations for more information. Specifies the conversion code to use in the output. See Conversion Code Considerations for more information about how UniVerse XML processes conversion codes. Encoding characters in hexadecimal format, separated by spaces. See Mapping File Encoding for more information about how UniVerse XML handles encoding. Mapping File Fields (Continued)
Formatting Considerations
UniVerse XML does not generally apply the dictionary format pattern to the extracted data. To specify a format, define it in the mapping file. If you specify a format using the FMT keyword in a RetrieVe statement, that format will override the format defined in the mapping file.
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The following example illustrates a mapping file for the STUDENT file.
<?XML version=1.0?> <U2xml-mapping xmlns:U2xml=http://www.informix.com/U2-xml> <! -- this is a comment --> <U2xml:mapping record=STUDENT_rec root = SCHOOL xmlns:IBM=http://www.IBM.com namespace=IBM /> <U2XML:mapping file=STUDENT field = SEMESTER type=MV treated-as=element /> <U2XML:mapping file=STUDENT field = COURSE_NBR type=MS treated-as=element /> <U2XML:mapping file=STUDENT field = COURSE_GRD type=MS treated-as=element /> <U2XML:mapping file=STUDENT field = COURSE_NAME type=MS treated-as=element /> </U2xml-mapping>
Notice that the SEMESTER, COURSE_NBR, COURSE_GRD, and COURSE_NAME fields are to be treated as elements. When you create the XML document, these fields will produce element-centric XML data. Any other fields listed in the query statement will produce attribute-centric XML data, since attributecentric is the default mode. Additionally, COURSE_NBR, COURSE_GRD, and COURSE_NAME are defined as multi-subvalued fields. If they were not, UniVerse would create the XML data as if they were multivalued attributes.
You can change these mapping defaults in the mapping file, as shown in the following example:
<U2xml:mapping root=root_name record=record_name/>
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Mapping Example
The following examples illustrate creation of XML documents. These examples use the STUDENT file, which contains the following fields:
>LIST DICT STUDENT DICT STUDENT 12:50:05pm 10 Oct 2001 Page 1
Type & Field......... Field. Field........ Conversion.. Column......... Output Depth & Name.......... Number Definition... Code........ Heading........ Format Assoc.. @ID ID D D 0 0 STUDENT STUDENT 10L 12R### -##-## ## 15T 10L 4L 4L 8L 4L 5L 3L 10L S S
Last Name First Name Major Minor Advisor Term Crs # GD Teacher
Course Name
10 Oct 2001
Type & Field......... Field. Field........ Conversion.. Column......... Output Depth & Name.......... Number Definition... Code........ Heading........ Format Assoc.. S',COURSE_NBR ,'NAME','X') SUBR('GPA1',C MD3 OURSE_HOURS,C OURSE_GRD) TRANS('COURSE S',COURSE_NBR ,CREDITS,'X') SEMESTER COURSE_NBR COURSE_NAME
Press any key to continue... DICT STUDENT 12:50:08pm 10 Oct 2001 Page 3
Type & Field......... Field. Field........ Conversion.. Column......... Output Depth & Name.......... Number Definition... Code........ Heading........ Format Assoc.. 17 records listed. >
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Description Outputs results in element-centric format. I Output produces a DTD corresponding to the query. Specifies a mapping file containing transformation rules for display. This file must exist in the &XML& file. LIST Parameters (Continued)
For detailed information about the LIST command, see the RetrieVe Users Guide.
Note: The examples in this section use the STUDENT.F and COURSES files. To create these files, execute the MAKE.DEMO.FILES from the TCL prompt.
Note: UniVerse does not store the XML document unless you execute the COMO ON statement prior to executing the RetrieVe statement. If you execute COMO ON, the XML document is stored in the &COMO& file. You can also direct the output to the &HOLD& file using SETPTR, or the printer using LPTR.
>LIST STUDENT.F SEMESTER COURSE_NBR COURSE_GRD COURSE_NAME TOXML Validate XML name changed display name from '@ID' to '_ID'
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ROOT> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "424325656"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology" COURSE_NBR = "PE100" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Golf - I"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "521814564"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "CS130" COURSE_GRD = "A" COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Operating Systems" COURSE_NBR = "CS100" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Computer Science" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "CS131" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Operating Systems" COURSE_NBR = "CS101" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Computer Science" COURSE_NBR = "PE220" COURSE_GRD = "A" COURSE_NAME = "Racquetball"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "978766676"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "FA120" COURSE_GRD = "A" COURSE_NAME = "Finger Painting" COURSE_NBR = "FA230" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Photograp hy Principals" COURSE_NBR = "HY101" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Western Civi lization"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "FA121" COURSE_GRD = "A" COURSE_NAME = "Watercorlors" COURSE_NBR = "FA231" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Photography Practicum" COURSE_NBR = "HY102" COURSE_GRD = "I" COURSE_NAME = "Western Civiliza tion - 1500 to 1945"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "221345665"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "EG110" COURSE_GRD = "C"
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COURSE_NAME = "Engineering Principles" COURSE_NBR = "MA220" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Ca lculus- I" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "EG140" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Fluid Mechanics" COURSE_NBR = "EG240" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Circut Th eory" COURSE_NBR = "MA221" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Calculus - II"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "291222021"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "FA100" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Visual Thinking"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "414446545"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "CS104" COURSE_GRD = "D" COURSE_NAME = "Database Design" COURSE_NBR = "MA101" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Math Prin cipals" COURSE_NBR = "FA100" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Visual Thinking"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "CS105" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Database Design" COURSE_NBR = "MA102" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Algebra" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology" /> </STUDENT.F_record> </ROOT> >
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ROOT> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "424325656"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology" COURSE_NBR = "PE100" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Golf - I"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "521814564"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "CS130" COURSE_GRD = "A" COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Operating Systems" COURSE_NBR = "CS100" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Computer Science" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "CS131" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Operating Systems" COURSE_NBR = "CS101" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Computer Science" COURSE_NBR = "PE220" COURSE_GRD = "A" COURSE_NAME = "Racquetball"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "978766676"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "FA120" COURSE_GRD = "A" COURSE_NAME = "Finger Painting" COURSE_NBR = "FA230" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Photograp hy Principals" COURSE_NBR = "HY101" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Western Civi lization"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "FA121" COURSE_GRD = "A" COURSE_NAME = "Watercorlors" COURSE_NBR = "FA231" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Photography Practicum" COURSE_NBR = "HY102" COURSE_GRD = "I" COURSE_NAME = "Western Civiliza tion - 1500 to 1945"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "221345665"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "EG110" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME =
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"Engineering Principles" COURSE_NBR = "MA220" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Ca lculus- I" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "EG140" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Fluid Mechanics" COURSE_NBR = "EG240" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Circut Th eory" COURSE_NBR = "MA221" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Calculus - II"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "291222021"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "FA100" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Visual Thinking"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "414446545"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "CS104" COURSE_GRD = "D" COURSE_NAME = "Database Design" COURSE_NBR = "MA101" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Math Prin cipals" COURSE_NBR = "FA100" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Visual Thinking"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "CS105" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Database Design" COURSE_NBR = "MA102" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Algebra" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology" /> </STUDENT.F_record> </ROOT> >
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Notice in the XML document that LNAME and FNAME are attribute-centric, and the rest of the elements are element-centric.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE ROOT[ <!ELEMENT ROOT (STUDENT.F_record*)> <!ELEMENT STUDENT.F_record ( CGA-MV* )> <!ATTLIST STUDENT.F_record _ID CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT CGA-MV EMPTY> <!ATTLIST CGA-MV SEMESTER CDATA #IMPLIED COURSE_NBR CDATA #IMPLIED COURSE_GRD CDATA #IMPLIED COURSE_NAME CDATA #IMPLIED > ]> <ROOT> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "424325656"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology" COURSE_NBR = "PE100" COURSE_GRD = COURSE_NAME = "Golf - I"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "521814564"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "CS130" COURSE_GRD = COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Operating Systems" COURSE_NBR = "CS100" COURSE_GRD = COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Computer Science" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "CS131" COURSE_GRD = COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Operating Systems" COURSE_NBR = "CS101" COURSE_GRD = COURSE_NAME = "Intro to Computer Science" COURSE_NBR = "PE220" COURSE_GRD = COURSE_NAME = "Racquetball"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "978766676"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "FA120" COURSE_GRD =
"C" "C"
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COURSE_NAME = "Finger Painting" COURSE_NBR = "FA230" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Photograp hy Principals" COURSE_NBR = "HY101" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Western Civi lization"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "FA121" COURSE_GRD = "A" COURSE_NAME = "Watercorlors" COURSE_NBR = "FA231" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Photography Practicum" COURSE_NBR = "HY102" COURSE_GRD = "I" COURSE_NAME = "Western Civiliza tion - 1500 to 1945"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "221345665"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "EG110" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Engineering Principles" COURSE_NBR = "MA220" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Ca lculus- I" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "EG140" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Fluid Mechanics" COURSE_NBR = "EG240" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Circut Th eory" COURSE_NBR = "MA221" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Calculus - II"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "291222021"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "FA100" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Visual Thinking"/> </STUDENT.F_record> <STUDENT.F_record _ID = "414446545"> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "FA93" COURSE_NBR = "CS104" COURSE_GRD = "D" COURSE_NAME = "Database Design" COURSE_NBR = "MA101" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Math Prin cipals" COURSE_NBR = "FA100" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Visual Thinking"/> <CGA-MV SEMESTER = "SP94" COURSE_NBR = "CS105" COURSE_GRD = "B" COURSE_NAME = "Database Design" COURSE_NBR = "MA102" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Algebra" COURSE_NBR = "PY100" COURSE_GRD = "C" COURSE_NAME = "Introduction to Psychology" /> </STUDENT.F_record> </ROOT> >
Analyze the DTD associated with the application to which you are sending the XML file. Determine which of your dictionary attributes correspond to the DTD elements. Create an XML mapping file, if necessary. List the appropriate fields using the UniVerse SQL SELECT command.
2. 3.
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You must specify clauses in the SELECT statement in the order shown in the syntax. You can use the SELECT statement with type 1, type 19, and type 25 files only if the current isolation level is 0 or 1. For a full discussion of the UniVerse SQL SELECT statement clauses, see the UniVerse SQL Reference.
C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker7.0\UniVerse
This section illustrates XML output from the UniVerse SQL SELECT statement. The examples use sample CUSTOMER, TAPES, and STUDENT files. The following example lists the dictionary records from the CUSTOMER file that are used in the examples:
DICT CUSTOMER 04:31:35pm 11 Oct 2001 Page 1
Type & Field......... Field. Field........ Conversion.. Column......... Output Depth & Name.......... Number Definition... Code........ Heading........ Format Assoc.. NAME TAPES_RENTED TAPE_INFO D D PH 1 7 TAPES_RENTED DATE_OUT DATE_DUE DAYS_BETWEEN TAPE_COST TAPE_NAME UP_NAMES TAPE_CAT 11 Oct 2001 Page 1 Customer Name Tapes 15T 10L S M TAPE_ INFO
Type & Field......... Field. Field........ Conversion.. Column......... Output Depth & Name.......... Number Definition... Code........ Heading........ Format Assoc.. @ID NAME CAT_NAME D D I 0 1 TRANS('CATEGO RIES',CATEGOR TAPES Tape Name Tape Type 10L 20T 20L S S S CATS
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<?xml version="1.0"?> <ROOT> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Barrie, Dick"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Citizen Kane"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Old Classic"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Best, George"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Love Story"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Tear Jerker"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Bowie, David"> <TAPES.F NAME = "The Stalker"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "'Round Midnight"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "American Graffiti "> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Flash Gordon"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Faber, Harry"> <TAPES.F NAME = "To Kill A Mockingbird"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/>
<TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Political"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Fischer, Carrie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Girl Friday"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Old Classic"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "James, Bob"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Blue Velvet"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jamieson, Dale"> <TAPES.F NAME = "2001"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Bob"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Z"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Political"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Freddie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Help"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Mable"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Psycho"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Mable"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Gone With The Wind"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Samuel"> <TAPES.F NAME = "'Round Midnight"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Samuel">
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<TAPES.F NAME = "Flash Gordon"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Partner, Bonnie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Tammy"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Partner, Bonnie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Love Story"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Tear Jerker"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Smith, Harry"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Journey Abroad"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "B - Movie"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Smith, Harry"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Catch 22"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Smith, Harry"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Blue Velvet"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> </TAPES.F> </CUSTOMER.F_record> </ROOT> >
The next example illustrates the results of a UniVerse SQL statement against the same fields with a different SELECT order and a different sorting option:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ROOT> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "'Round Midnight"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Jones, Samuel"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "'Round Midnight"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Chase, Carl"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "2001"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Jamieson, Dale"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "American Graffiti "> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Chase, Carl"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Blue Velvet"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Smith, Harry"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Blue Velvet"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "James, Bob"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Catch 22"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Smith, Harry"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Citizen Kane"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Barrie, Dick"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Old Classic"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Flash Gordon">
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<CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Chase, Carl"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Flash Gordon"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Jones, Samuel"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Girl Friday"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Fischer, Carrie"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Old Classic"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Gone With The Wind"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Jones, Mable"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Help"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Jones, Freddie"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Journey Abroad"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Smith, Harry"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "B - Movie"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Love Story"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Partner, Bonnie"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Tear Jerker"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Love Story"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Best, George"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Tear Jerker"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Psycho"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Jones, Mable"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Tammy"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Partner, Bonnie"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "The Stalker"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Bowie, David"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "To Kill A Mockingbird"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Faber, Harry"/>
<TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Political"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F_record> <TAPES.F_record NAME = "Z"> <CUSTOMER.F NAME = "Jones, Bob"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Political"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F_record> </ROOT> >
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<?xml version="1.0"?> <ROOT> <CUSTOMER_record> <Customer_Name>Chase, Carl</Customer_Name> <TAPES> <Tape_Name>American Graffiti</Tape_Name> <TAPES_CATS_MV> <Tape_Type>Comedy</Tape_Type> </TAPES_CATS_MV> <TAPES_CATS_MV> <Tape_Type>Childrens Movie</Tape_Type> </TAPES_CATS_MV> </TAPES> </CUSTOMER_record> <CUSTOMER_record> <Customer_Name>Chase, Carl</Customer_Name> <TAPES> <Tape_Name>Flash Gordon</Tape_Name> <TAPES_CATS_MV> <Tape_Type>Science Fiction</Tape_Type> </TAPES_CATS_MV> <TAPES_CATS_MV> <Tape_Type>Childrens Movie</Tape_Type> </TAPES_CATS_MV> </TAPES> </CUSTOMER_record> <CUSTOMER_record> <Customer_Name>Chase, Carl</Customer_Name> <TAPES> <Tape_Name>'Round Midnight</Tape_Name> <TAPES_CATS_MV> <Tape_Type>Musical</Tape_Type> </TAPES_CATS_MV> <TAPES_CATS_MV> <Tape_Type>Drama</Tape_Type> </TAPES_CATS_MV>
</TAPES> </CUSTOMER_record> <CUSTOMER_record> <Customer_Name>Jamieson, Dale</Customer_Name> <TAPES> <Tape_Name>2001</Tape_Name> <TAPES_CATS_MV> <Tape_Type>Science Fiction</Tape_Type> </TAPES_CATS_MV> <TAPES_CATS_MV> <Tape_Type>Drama</Tape_Type> </TAPES_CATS_MV> </TAPES> </CUSTOMER_record> <CUSTOMER_record> <Customer_Name>Jones, Bob</Customer_Name> <TAPES> <Tape_Name>Z</Tape_Name> <TAPES_CATS_MV> <Tape_Type>Political</Tape_Type> </TAPES_CATS_MV> <TAPES_CATS_MV> <Tape_Type>Drama</Tape_Type> </TAPES_CATS_MV> </TAPES> </CUSTOMER_record> </ROOT> >
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<?xml version="1.0"?> <ROOT> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Barrie, Dick"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Citizen Kane"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Old Classic"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V996"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Best, George"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Love Story"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Tear Jerker"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "B2297"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Bowie, David"> <TAPES.F NAME = "The Stalker"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V9961"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "'Round Midnight"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V8481"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V1254"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V4951"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "American Graffiti "> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V8481"/>
<CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V1254"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V4951"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Flash Gordon"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V8481"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V1254"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V4951"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Faber, Harry"> <TAPES.F NAME = "To Kill A Mockingbird"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Political"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V5151"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Fischer, Carrie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Girl Friday"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Old Classic"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V110"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "James, Bob"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Blue Velvet"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V2001"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jamieson, Dale"> <TAPES.F NAME = "2001"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V6670"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Bob"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Z"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Political"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V4341"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Freddie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Help"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/>
C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker7.0\UniVerse
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</CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "'Round Midnight"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V8481"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V1254"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V4951"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "American Graffiti "> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V8481"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V1254"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V4951"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Flash Gordon"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V8481"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V1254"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V4951"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Faber, Harry"> <TAPES.F NAME = "To Kill A Mockingbird"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Political"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V5151"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Fischer, Carrie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Girl Friday"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Old Classic"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V110"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "James, Bob"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Blue Velvet"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V2001"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jamieson, Dale"> <TAPES.F NAME = "2001"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/>
C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker7.0\UniVerse
<TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V6670"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Bob"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Z"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Political"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V4341"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Freddie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Help"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V9431"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Mable"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Psycho"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V1249"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V4499"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Mable"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Gone With The Wind"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V1249"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V4499"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Samuel"> <TAPES.F NAME = "'Round Midnight"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V1254"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V8481"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Samuel"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Flash Gordon"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V1254"/> <CUSTOMER.F_TAPE_INFO_MV TAPES_RENTED = "V8481"/> </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Partner, Bonnie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Tammy"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> </TAPES.F>
C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker7.0\UniVerse
The following mapping file defines rules for the CUSTOMER and TAPES file.
<?XML version= 1.0 ?> <U2xml-mapping xmlns:U2xml=http://www.informix.com/U2-xml> <! -- CUSTOMER AND TAPE MAPPING FILE --> <U2xml:mapping file = TAPES.F field = CAT_NAME map-to= Cat_name TYPE= MV /> <U2xml:mapping file = CUSTOMER.F field = TAPES_RENTED map-to=Tapes_rented TYPE=MV /> <U2xml:mapping file = CUSTOMER.F field = DATE_OUT TYPE=MV /> <U2xml:mapping file = CUSTOMER.F field = DATE_DUE TYPE=MV /> </U2xml-mapping>
To use this mapping file in the SELECT statement, specify the XMLMAPPING keyword, as shown in the following example:
Note: You must surround the name of the mapping file in single quotation marks.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ROOT> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Barrie, Dick"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Citizen Kane"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Old Classic"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "03/29/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Best, George"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Love Story"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Tear Jerker"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "03/29/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Bowie, David"> <TAPES.F NAME = "The Stalker"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/15/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "'Round Midnight"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/20/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/20/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/21/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "American Graffiti "> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/20/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/20/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/21/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Chase, Carl"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Flash Gordon"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/>
= "03/31/94"/>
= "03/31/94"/>
= "04/17/94"/>
C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker7.0\UniVerse
<TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/20/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/20/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/21/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Faber, Harry"> <TAPES.F NAME = "To Kill A Mockingbird"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Political"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/19/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Fischer, Carrie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Girl Friday"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Old Classic"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/23/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "James, Bob"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Blue Velvet"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/25/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jamieson, Dale"> <TAPES.F NAME = "2001"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/24/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Bob"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Z"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Political"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/24/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Freddie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Help"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/23/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Mable"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Psycho"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/>
= "04/21/94"/>
= "04/25/94"/>
= "04/27/94"/>
= "04/26/94"/>
= "04/26/94"/>
= "04/25/94"/>
<TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/23/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/25/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Mable"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Gone With The Wind"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/23/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/25/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Samuel"> <TAPES.F NAME = "'Round Midnight"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Musical"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/24/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/25/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Jones, Samuel"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Flash Gordon"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Science Fiction"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Childrens Movie"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/24/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/25/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Partner, Bonnie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Tammy"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "01/01/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "01/03/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Partner, Bonnie"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Love Story"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Romance"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Tear Jerker"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "01/01/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "01/03/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Smith, Harry"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Journey Abroad"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "B - Movie"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/24/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/23/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/24/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Smith, Harry"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Catch 22"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Comedy"/>
= "04/25/94"/> = "04/27/94"/>
= "04/25/94"/> = "04/27/94"/>
= "04/26/94"/> = "04/27/94"/>
= "04/26/94"/> = "04/27/94"/>
= "01/03/94"/> = "01/05/94"/>
= "01/03/94"/> = "01/05/94"/>
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<TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/24/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/23/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/24/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> <CUSTOMER.F_record NAME = "Smith, Harry"> <TAPES.F NAME = "Blue Velvet"> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Horror"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Drama"/> <TAPES.F_CATS_MV CAT_NAME = "Avant Garde"/> </TAPES.F> <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/24/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/23/94" DATE_DUE <TAPES.F_CATS-MV DATE_OUT = "04/24/94" DATE_DUE </CUSTOMER.F_record> </ROOT> >
Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta
C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker7.0\UniVerse 10.2\sqldba\Ch12TOC.fm September 25, 2006 2:35 pm Administering UniData on Windows NT or Windows 2000
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Data Flow
Control Flow
start dictionary
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Element null
Description Determines how to treat a missing node. If null is set to NULL, a missing node will be result in the null value in the resulting output. If null is set to EMPTY, a missing node will be replaced with an empty string. The field name. The XPath definition for the field you are extracting. Extraction File Elements (Continued)
field path
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</CGA-MV> <CGA-MV> <Term>SP94</Term> <CGA-MS> <Crs__>CS105</Crs__> <GD>B</GD> <Course_Name>Database Design</Course_Name> <CGA-MS> <Crs__>MA102</Crs__> <GD>C</GD> <Course_Name>Introduction of Psychology</Course_Name> </CGA-MS> </CGA-MV> <STUDENT_record> <STUDENT>221-34-5665</STUDENT> <Last_Name>Miller</Last_Name> <CGA-MV> <Term>FA93</Term> <CGA-MS> <Crs__>EG110</Crs__> <GD>C</GD> <Course_Name>Engineering Principles</Course_Name> </CGA-MS> <CGA-MS> <Crs__>PY100</Crs__> <GD>B</GD> <Course_Name>Introduction to Psychology</Course_Name> </CGA-MS> </CGA-MV> <Term>SP94</Term> <CGA-MS> <Crs__>EG140</Crs__> <GD>B</GD> <Course_Name>Fluid Mechanics</Course_Name> </CGA-MS> <CGA-MS> <Crs__>MA221</Crs__> <GD>B</GD> <Course_Name>Calculus -- II</Course_Name> </CGA-MS> </CGA-MV> </STUDENT_record> </ROOT>
version declaration
STUDENT_ record
STUDENT_ record
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In the previous example, each element in the XML document appears in a box. These boxes are called nodes when using XPath terminology. As shown in the example, nodes are related to each other. The relationships in this example are: The document node contains the entire XML document. The document node contains three children: the version declaration, the comment node, and the ROOT node. These three children are siblings. The ROOT node contains two STUDENT nodes, which are children of ROOT, and are siblings of each other. The STUDENT node contains three nodes: the ID, NAME, and CGA-MV. These nodes are children of the STUDENT node, and are siblings of each other. The CGA-MV node contains TERM nodes and CGA-MS nodes. These nodes are children of the CGA-MV node, and are siblings of each other. Finally, the CGA-MS node contains three nodes: the Course, Grade, and Name nodes. These three nodes are children of the CGA-MS node, and are siblings of each other. When you define the XPath in the extraction file, you must indicate how to treat these different nodes.
If you want to start the extraction at the CGA-MV node, specify the file extraction node as follows:
<file_extraction start = ROOT/STUDENT_record/CGA-MV dictionary = STUDENT/>
In the first field extraction, the @ID value in the UniVerse record will be extracted from the STUDENT node. The text in the STUDENT node will be the value of @ID. In the next field extraction rule, the LNAME field will be extracted from the text found in the Last_Name node in the XML document.
In this example, the value of the SEMESTER field in the UniVerse data file will be the text in the Term node. The / in the path value specifies multiple levels in the XML document, as follows:
1. 2. 3.
Start at the CGA-MV node in the XML document. From the CGA-MV node, go to the next level, the Term node. Return the text from the Term node as the first value of the SEMESTER field in the UniVerse data file.
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Search for the next CGA-MV node under the same STUDENT, and extract the text from the Term node belonging to that CGA-MV node, and make it the next multivalue. The comma tells the xmlparser to get the node preceding the command for the next sibling. Continue processing all the CGA-MV nodes belonging to the same parent.
The SEMESTER field will appear in the following manner: Term<Value mark>Term<Value Mark>...
In this case, the resulting data will appear as follows: <Value Mark>Course_Name <subvalue mark>Course_Name<subvalue mark>Course_Name...<Value Mark>... Suppose the XPath definition contains another level of data, as shown in the next example:
<field_extraction field = COURSE_NBR path = CGA-MV/CGA-MS/ Course_Name/Comment/text()/>
You must determine where you want the marks to appear in the resulting data. If you want Comment to represent the multi-subvalue, begin inserting commas after CGAMS, since the Comment is three levels below CGA-MS.
<field_extraction field = COURSE_NBR path = CGA-MV/CGA-MS, Course_Name,Comment/text() />
This is not a valid XPath, since there are more than three levels of XML data. If you want your data to have subvalue marks between Comment and activities, change the XPath definition as follows:
<field_extraction field = COURSE_NBR path = CGA-MV/CGA-MS/ Course_Name,Comment,activities/text() />
The / and the , characters are synonymous when defining the navigation path, UniVerse still uses the / AND the , to define the navigation path of the data, but only the , to determine the location of the marks in the resulting data. Like multivalued fields, you must start at the XPath with the parent node of the multivalue. The next example illustrates how to extract data for a multi-subvalued field:
<field_extraction field = COURSE_NBR path = CGA-MV, CGA-MS, Crs__/text() />
The COURSE_NBR field in the UniVerse data file will be extracted as follows:
1. 2. 3.
Start at the CGA-MV node in the XML document, under the start node (ROOT/STUDENT_record). From the first CGA-MV node, go to the next level, the CGA-MS node. From the first CGA-MS node, go to the Crs__ node. Return the text from the Crs__node, and make that text the first multi-subvalue of COURSE_NBR. Go back to the CGA-MS node, and search the siblings of the CGA-MS nodes to see if there are any more CGA-MS nodes of the same name. If any are found, return the Crs__/text() under these nodes, and make them the next multi-subvalues of COURSE_NBR. Go back to the CGA-MV node and search for siblings of the CGA-MS node that have the same CGA-MV node name. If any are found, repeat steps 3 and 4 to get the values for these CGA-MV nodes, and make them multivalues.
The COURSE_NBR field will look like this: <Field Mark>Crs__text() value under 1st CGA-MS node of 1st CGA-MV node<multi-subvalue mark>Crs__text() under 2nd CGA-MS node of 1st CGA-MV node<multi-subvalue mark>...<multivalue mark>Crs__text() under 1st CGA-MS node of the 2nd CGA-MV node<multi-subvalue mark>Crs__text() under 2nd CGAMS node of the 2nd CGA-MV node<multi-subvalue mark>Crs__text() value under the 3rd CGS-MS node of the 2nd CGA-MV node>...<Field Mark>
12-11 UniVerse SQL Administration for DBAs
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The following example illustrates the complete extraction file for the above examples:
<U2XML_extraction> <file_extraction start = "/ROOT/STUDENT_record" dictionary = "D_MYSTUDENT" <!--field extraction rule in element mode--> <field_extraction field = "@ID" path = "STUDENT/text()"/> <field_extraction field = "LNAME" path = "Last_Name/text()"/> <field_extraction field = "SEMESTER" path = "CGA-MV/Term/text()"/> <field_extraction field = "COURSE_NBR" path = "CGA-MV, CGA-MS, Crs__/text"/> <field_extraction field = "COURSE_GRD" path = "CGA-MV, CGA-MS, GD/text()"/> <field_extraction field = "COURSE_NAME" path = "CGA-MV, CGA-MS, Course_Name/text()"/> </U2XML_extraction>
Familiarize yourself with the elements of the DTD associated with the XML data you are receiving. Create the extraction file for the XML data. Prepare the XML document using the UniVerse BASIC PrepareXML function. Open the XML document using the UniVerse BASIC OpenXMLData function. Read the XML data using the UniVerse BASIC ReadXMLData function. Close the XML document using the UniVerse BASIC CloseXMLData function. Release the XML document using the UniVerse BASIC ReleaseXML function.
PrepareXML Parameters
The following example illustrates use of the PrepareXML function:
STATUS = PrepareXML(&XML&/MYSTUDENT.XML,STUDENT_XML) IF STATUS=XML.ERROR THEN STATUS = XMLError(errmsg) PRINT error message :errmsg STOP Error when preparing XML document END
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OpenXMLData Parameters
The following example illustrates use of the OpenXMLData function:
status = OpenXMLData(STUDENT_XML, &XML&/MYSTUDENT.ext,STUDENT_XML_DATA) If status = XML.ERROR THEN STOP Error when opening the XML document. END IF status = XML.INVALID.HANDLE THEN STOP Error: Invalid parameter passed. END
After you read the XML document, you can execute any UniVerse BASIC statement or function against the data.
The following example illustrates use of the ReadXMLData function:
MOREDATA=1 LOOP WHILE (MOREDATA=1) status = ReadXMLData(STUDENT_XML,rec) IF status = XML.ERROR THEN STOP Error when preparing the XML document. END ELSE IF status = XML.EOF THEN PRINT No more data MOREDATA = 0 END ELSE PRINT rec = :rec END REPEAT
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The return value is one of the following: XML.SUCCESS XML.ERROR XML.INVALID.HANDLE2 Success Failure Invalid xml_data_handle
The following example illustrates use of the CloseXMLData function:
status = CloseXMLData(STUDENT_XML)
The following example illustrates a UniVerse BASIC program that prepares, opens, reads, closes, and releases an XML document:
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When you list an XML document, RetrieVe uses the dictionary you specify in the extraction file. The following example lists the dictionary records for the MYSTUDENT dictionary:
>LIST DICT MYSTUDENT DICT MYSTUDENT 10:25:32am 19 Oct 2001 Page 1
Type & Field......... Field. Field........ Conversion.. Column......... Output Depth & Name.......... Number Definition... Code........ Heading........ Format Assoc.. @ID LNAME SEMESTER CGA COURSE_NBR CGA COURSE_GRD CGA D D D D D 0 1 2 3 4 MYSTUDENT Last Name Term Crs # GD 10L 15T 4L 5L 3L S S M M M
5 records listed.
The fields in the dictionary record must correspond to the position of the fields in the XML extraction file. In the following extraction file, @ID is position 0, LNAME is position 1, SEMESTER is position 2, COURSE_NBR is position 3, COURSE_GRD is position 4, and COURSE_NAME is position 5. The dictionary of the MYSTUDENT file matches these positions.
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The following example illustrates listing the fields from the MYSTUDENT XML document, using the MYSTUDENT.EXT extraction file:
LIST XMLDATA STUDENT_XML "&XML&/MYSTUDENT.EXT" LNAME SEMESTER COURSE_NBR COURSE _GRD COURSE_NAME 11:58:01am 19 Oct 2001 PAGE 1 MYSTUDENT. Last Name...... Term Crs # GD. Course Name.............. 424-32-565 Psycholog 6 414-44-654 5 Martin SP94 PY100 C Introduction to y Golf - I Database Design Math Principals Visual Thinking Database Design Algebra Introduction to y Engineering Principles Calculus- I Introduction to y Fluid Mechanics Circut Theory Calculus - II Finger Painting Photography Principals Western Civilization Watercorlors Photography Practicum Western Civilization 00 to 1945 Intro to Operating s Intro to Computer Introduction to y Intro to Operating s Intro to Computer Racquetball Visual Thinking
Psycholog 221-34-566 5 Miller FA93 EG110 MA220 PY100 Psycholog SP94 EG140 EG240 MA221 FA120 FA230 HY101 FA121 FA231 HY102 B B B A C C A B I C B B
978-76-667 6
15 521-81-456 System 4 Science PY100 Psycholog SP94 System CS101 Science 291-22-202 Smith 1 6 records listed. > SP94 PE220 FA100 A B B CS131 B B Smith FA93 CS130 A
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You must specify clauses in the SELECT statement in the order shown in the syntax. You can use the SELECT statement with type 1, type 19, and type 25 files only if the current isolation level is 0 or 1. For a full discussion of the UniVerse SQL SELECT statement clauses, see the UniVerse SQL Reference.
The following example illustrates displaying the XML document using the UniVerse SQL SELECT statement:
>SELECT * FROM XMLDATA STUDENT_XML "&XML&/MYSTUDENT.EXT"; MYSTUDENT. Last Name...... Term Crs # Course Name.............. GD. 424-32-565 6 414-44-654 5 Martin SP94 PY100 PE100 CS104 MA101 FA100 CS105 MA102 PY100 EG110 MA220 PY100 SP94 EG140 EG240 MA221 FA120 Introduction to Psycholog y Golf - I Database Design Math Principals Visual Thinking Database Design Algebra Introduction to Psycholog y Engineering Principles Calculus- I Introduction to Psycholog y Fluid Mechanics Circut Theory Calculus - II Finger Painting C C D C C B C C C B B B B B A
221-34-566 5
978-76-667 Muller 6 Press any key to continue... MYSTUDENT. GD. Last Name......
Crs #
Course Name..............
521-81-456 4
291-22-202 1
Photography Principals Western Civilization Watercorlors Photography Practicum Western Civilization - 15 00 to 1945 Intro to Operating System s Intro to Computer Science Introduction to Psycholog y Intro to Operating System s Intro to Computer Science Racquetball Visual Thinking
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&XML& file 11-4 creating 11-27 /etc/passwd 2-3 @ASSOC_KEY.mvname X-descriptor 5-20, 5-42, 6-4, 6-20 @ASSOC_ROW keyword 5-20, 5-42 @EMPTY.NULL X-descriptor 6-5, 6-16 @INSERT phrase 6-5 @KEY phrase 6-4, 6-21 @KEY_SEPARATOR X-descriptor 6-4, 6-21 @SELECT phrase 5-41, 6-5, 6-15, 620, 6-21, 6-24
accessing databases 8-3 accounts UniVerse 1-18, 2-3, 2-4 updating 2-5 UNIX 2-3 updating 2-5 UV 1-6 ADD ASSOC clause 5-24 INSERT option 5-25 ADD clause 5-23 ADD COLUMN clause 5-23 ADD CONSTRAINT clause 5-24 ADD SYNONYM clause 5-24 adding associations 5-24 column synonyms 5-24 columns 5-23 table constraints 5-24
triggers 5-32 ALTER privilege 8-8 ALTER TABLE statement ADD clause 5-23 ALTER clause 5-26 DROP clause 5-26 ANSI (American National Standards Institute) SQL standard 1-2, 1-4 approximate number data category 113, 5-15, 6-5 ASSOC field 6-4 ASSOCIATION clause and associated multivalued columns 5-19 using 5-19 association keys 5-19, 5-25 association phrase 6-4 association rows 5-18 associations 1-3, 1-17, 5-18, 5-24 adding 5-24 and dynamic normalization 5-20 and multivalued columns 5-18 and multivalued fields 6-10 behavior 6-13 dropping 5-26 Pick 5-20, 5-21 attribute-centric mapping mode 11-4 attribute-centric mode creating XML documents from multiple files 11-32 processing UniVerse SQL statements 11-29 attribute-centric XML document creating 11-16
B-tree files 5-6 BASIC programs 9-4 and transaction processing 9-5 BIT data type 1-13, 7-8 bit strings data category 1-13, 5-17 BIT VARYING data type, see VARBIT data type
CALL statement 3-4 called procedures 3-4 CASCADE keyword and DROP TABLE statement 5-28 CHAR data type 1-13, 5-9, 7-8 CHARACTER data type, see CHAR data type character strings 1-13 data category 5-16, 6-5 empty string 5-10 CHARACTER VARYING data type, see VARCHAR data type characters, special 3-4 check constraints 7-9 CHECK keyword 7-9 column constraints 5-17 and column definitions 5-17 CHECK 7-9 dropping 5-26 NOT EMPTY 7-7 NOT NULL 7-7 ROWUNIQUE 7-6 UNIQUE 7-5 column headings 5-11 column names 5-8 column specifications 5-75-18 column synonyms 5-18 columns 1-17 adding 5-23 associating multivalued 5-18 changing default values 5-26 converting data 5-12 data structure and form 5-10 default values 5-18 defining 5-7 defining headings 5-11
defining multivalued 5-11 defining single-valued 5-11 formatting output with FMT 5-11 referenced 7-11 referencing 7-11 command processor 1-3, 1-17, 3-3 concurrency control 9-11 concurrent access 9-119-15 and dirty reads 9-11 and locks 9-13 and lost updates 9-11 and nonrepeatable reads 9-11 and phantom discrepancies 9-11 CONNECT command 3-5 CONNECT privilege 1-12, 2-6, 8-4 and database access 8-6 consistency integrity 7-3 constraints, see column constraints, table constraints CONV keyword and data categories 5-14 output format specification 5-12 conversion types 6-7 CONVERT.SQL command 3-5, 6-19 conversion example 6-246-27 editing facility 6-22 operations of 6-21 using interactively 6-22 converting column data 5-12 files to tables 6-246-27 CREATE INDEX statement 5-31 CREATE TABLE statement 6-19, 624, 6-25, 6-26 CREATE TRIGGER statement 5-32 creating &XML& file 11-4, 11-27 attribute-centric XML document 1116 attribute-centric XML document from multiple files 11-32 element-centric XML document 1119 element-centric XML document from multiple files 11-38 indexes 5-31 mapping file 11-7 mixed-mode XML document 11-21 schemas 4-24-5
tables 5-35-22 defining columns 5-7 XML document from multiple files using mapping file 11-47 XML document from multiple files with DTD 11-44 XML document from multiple files with multivalues 11-40 XML document from RetrieVe 11-4 XML document with DTD 11-25 XML document with UniVerse SQL 11-27
data categories 1-12, 5-14, 6-5 approximate number 5-15, 6-5 bit string 5-17 character string 5-16, 6-5 CONVERT.SQL commands interpretation of 6-20 date 5-16, 6-5 integer 5-15, 6-5 scaled number 5-15, 6-5 time 5-16, 6-5 data files 1-17 definition 1-5 data integrity 7-27-21 and UniVerse SQL 7-3 using rules 7-9 data loader 5-435-48 data model SQL 1-8 UniVerse 1-8 data types 1-12, 5-9 BIT 1-13, 7-8 CHAR 1-13, 7-8 and data categories 5-14 DATE 1-13, 7-8 DEC 1-14, 7-8 and domain integrity 7-8 DOUBLE PRECISION 1-14, 7-8 and empty strings 5-10 FLOAT 1-14, 7-8 grouping of 1-13 INT 1-14 NCHAR 1-14, 7-8 NUMERIC 1-14, 7-8 numeric 1-13
Index 2
NVARCHAR 1-14, 7-8 REAL 1-14, 7-8 SMALLINT 1-14, 7-8 string 1-13 TIME 1-14, 7-8 VARBIT 1-14, 7-8 VARCHAR 1-14, 7-8 database privileges 1-12 CONNECT 1-12, 2-6, 8-4 DBA 1-12, 2-6 granting to others 8-6 levels 8-4 RESOURCE 1-12, 2-6 revoking 8-13 databases access 8-3 and CONNECT privilege 8-6 and DBA privilege 8-7 and privileges 8-4, 8-6 and RESOURCE privilege 8-7 concepts 1-8 concurrent access 9-119-15 controlling access to 8-3 defining 4-24-5, 5-35-36 extended relational 1-2, 1-4 first-normal-form 1-4, 1-11 nonfirst-normal-form 1-4, 1-11 privileges 8-4, 8-6 recovery 9-79-9 and file backup 9-7, 9-8 and media recovery 9-7 and transaction logging 9-7 and warmstart recovery 9-10 security 8-28-15 structure 1-8, 2-5 users 8-3 date data category 1-13, 5-16, 6-5 DATE data type 1-13, 7-8 DBA privilege 1-12, 2-6 and database access 8-7 deadlocks 9-14 managing 9-14 DEC data type 1-14, 7-8 DECIMAL data type, see DEC data type default values 5-18 dropping 5-26 defining associations 5-24
columns data structure and form 5-10 data type 5-9 names 5-8 databases 4-24-5, 5-35-36 DELETE privilege 8-8 DELETE statement 2-6 and isolation levels 9-15 delimited identifiers 5-8 dependent relationships 7-11 dictionaries 1-17 definition 1-5 examining 5-35 modifying 5-385-42 directories, home 2-3 dirty reads 9-11 DISPLAYNAME keyword 5-11 DML statements 2-6 Document Object Model definition 11-3 domain integrity 7-3, 7-7 and data types 7-8 DOUBLE PRECISION data type 114, 5-9, 7-8 DROP ASSOC clause 5-26 DROP clause 5-26 DROP CONSTRAINT clause 5-26, 721 DROP DEFAULT clause 5-26 DROP INDEX statement 5-31 DROP SCHEMA statement 4-5 DROP TABLE statement 5-28 DROP TRIGGER statement 5-33 dropping associations 5-26 constraints 5-26 default values 5-26 indexes 5-31 integrity constraints 7-21 schemas 4-5 tables 5-28 referenced 5-28 triggers 5-33 DTD creating XML document from multiple files with 11-44 creating XML document with 11-25 definition 11-2 dynamic normalization 5-20, 5-25
element-centric mapping mode 11-5 element-centric mode creating XML document from multiple files 11-38 processing UniVerse SQL statements 11-30 element-centric XML document creating 11-19 empty strings and data types 5-10 empty-null mapping 6-5, 6-16, 6-17, 6-18 encoding mapping file 11-11 END TRANSACTION statement 9-5 entity integrity 7-3, 7-4 environments UniVerse 2-2 UNIX 2-2 executing paragraphs 3-7 triggers 5-32 extended relational database 1-2, 1-4
field marks 3-4 fields 1-17 ASSOC 6-4 multivalued 6-8 S/M 6-4 single-valued 6-8 SQLTYPE 6-4, 6-6, 6-7, 6-21 file dictionaries, see dictionaries file systems, UniVerse 2-5 file types B-tree 5-6 static hashed 5-6 FILELOCK lock 9-13 files /etc/passwd 2-3 B-tree 5-6 backup and database recovery 9-7 examining 5-34 naming 5-5 NEWACC 1-6 structure 1-5, 1-6 type 30 5-6
UniVerse 1-18, 2-5 VOC 1-6, 1-18, 2-4, 3-5 firing triggers 5-32 first normal form 1-9 databases 1-4, 1-11 FLOAT data type 1-14, 5-9, 7-8 FMT keyword 5-11 FOREIGN KEY keyword 7-13 versus REFERENCES constraint 714 foreign keys 7-13 and dropping tables 5-28 format conversion utility 10-2 FORMAT.CONV command 10-2 formatting column output 5-11 FROM DICT clause 5-35
I-descriptors, adding to tables 5-39 identifiers, delimited 5-8 importing transferred SQL tables 10-9 indexes 5-30 creating 5-31 dropping 5-31 INSERT FIRST keyword 5-25 INSERT IN keyword 5-25 INSERT LAST keyword 5-25 INSERT privilege 8-9 INSERT statement 2-6 and isolation levels 9-15 INT data type 1-14, 5-9, 7-8 integer data category 1-13, 5-15, 6-5 INTEGER data type, see INT data type integrity 1-12 domain 7-3 semantic 7-3 integrity constraints 7-77-21 applying 7-7 dropping 7-21 ISOLATION LEVEL clause 9-14 isolation levels 9-14
mapping file attributes 11-9 conversion code considerations 1110 creating 11-7 creating XML document from multiple files with 11-47 encoding 11-11 example 11-12 format 11-8 formatting considerations 11-10 mapping mode attribute-centric 11-4 element-centric 11-5 mixed 11-7 mapping, empty-null 6-5, 6-16, 6-17, 6-18 media recovery 9-7 mixed mapping mode 11-7 mixed-mode XML document creating 11-21 modifying dictionaries 5-385-42 tables adding 5-23 changing column default values 526 modulo 5-7 moving SQL tables 10-3 multiple tables processing for XML document 1129 multivalued columns defining 5-11 multivalued fields 6-8 creating XML document from multiple files with 11-40
GRANT statement 8-6, 8-8 database privileges 8-6 overlapping 8-15 specifying recipient 8-11 specifying table privileges 8-88-11 granting ALTER privilege 8-8 database privileges 8-6 DELETE privilege 8-8 INSERT privilege 8-9 multiple privileges 8-11 privileges 8-6 REFERENCES privilege 8-9 SELECT privilege 8-9 table privileges 8-7 UPDATE privilege 8-10 WITH GRANT OPTION clause 812
keys association 5-25 foreign 7-13 primary, see primary keys keywords 1-17
LIST DICT command 5-35 LIST.SICA command 3-5, 5-35 listing stored sentences 3-6 LISTS command 3-6 loading data 5-435-48 locks compatibility 9-12 deadlocks 9-14 transactions and 9-13 types 9-12, 9-13 login accounts, see user accounts long names 5-6 lost updates 9-11
help online manuals 1-15 UniVerse online 1-15 Windows online 1-15 HELP command 1-15 home directory 2-3
naming files 5-5 NATIONAL CHAR data type, see NCHAR data type NATIONAL CHAR VARYING data type, see NVARCHAR data type NATIONAL CHARACTER data type, see NCHAR data type
Index 4
NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING data type, see NVARCHAR data type NCHAR data type 1-14, 7-8 NCHARVARYING data type, see NVARCHAR data type nested tables 1-4, 1-8, 5-24 NEWACC files 1-6 NO.ISOLATION isolation level 9-14 nonfirst-normal form 1-8 databases 1-4, 1-11 nonrepeatable reads 9-11 NOT EMPTY test 7-7 NOT NULL test 7-7 NUMERIC data type 1-14, 5-9, 7-8 see also DEC data type numeric data types 1-13 and empty strings 5-10 NVARCHAR data type 1-14, 7-8
PRINT.DICT command 5-35 privileges 1-12 database 1-12 and database access 8-4, 8-6 granting 8-6 revoking 8-13 view 8-5 programmatic SQL 9-4 and transaction processing 9-6 prompts, system 1-6
Q-pointers 3-8
and database access 8-7 RESTRICT keyword 5-26 REVOKE statement 8-13 and WITH GRANT OPTION clause 8-14 revoking database privileges 8-13 table privileges 8-13 and overlapping GRANT statements 8-15 and WITH GRANT OPTION clause 8-14 rows 1-5, 1-17, 1-18 unique values in 7-5 ROWUNIQUE keyword 7-6
READ.COMMITTED isolation level 9-14 READ.UNCOMMITTED isolation level 9-14 READL locks, see shared record locks READU locks, see update record locks REAL data type 1-14, 5-9, 7-8 record IDs 2-5 definition 1-17 multipart key 6-9 unique key 1-5 records see also rows types in VOC file 3-6 recovery, see databases: recovery, media recovery referenced columns 7-11 referenced tables 7-11 dropping 5-28 REFERENCES column constraint defining 7-14 versus FOREIGN KEY 7-14 REFERENCES privilege 8-9 referencing columns 7-11 referential constraints 7-11 referential cycles 7-15 referential integrity 7-3, 7-117-12 release level 2-5 RELLEVEL X record 2-5 REPEATABLE.READ isolation level 9-14 RESOURCE privilege 1-12, 2-6
S/M field 6-4 Save (.S) command 3-6 scaled number data category 1-13, 515, 6-5 schemas 1-18, 2-4, 2-5, 4-3 creating 4-24-5 dropping 4-5 structure 2-5, 4-3 and UniVerse accounts 4-5 updating 2-5 SELECT privilege 8-9 SELECT statement 2-6 and isolation levels 9-14 creating XML document with 11-27 processing multiple tables for XML documents 11-29 SELECT statements processing rules for XML documents 11-29 semantic integrity 7-3, 7-7 see also domain integrity sentence stack description 3-3, 3-9 saving 3-9 sentences, stored 1-7 SERIALIZABLE isolation level 9-14 SET DEFAULT clause 5-26 SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL statement 9-14 SET.SQL command 3-5
online help 1-15 see also HELP command Online Library, see UniVerse: Online Library operating system and UniVerse 1-5 overlapping GRANT statements, revoking 8-15
paragraphs 1-7 executing 3-7 VOC entry 3-6 parent-child relationships 7-11 passwords 2-3, 2-4 phantom discrepancies 9-11 phrases 1-17 @INSERT 6-5 @KEY 6-4, 6-21 @SELECT 5-41, 6-5, 6-15, 6-20, 6-21, 6-24 association 6-4 Pick associations 5-20, 5-21 PRIMARY KEY keyword 7-13 primary keys 1-12, 1-17, 7-13 constraint 7-13 and unique values 7-4
SICA (security and integrity constraints area) 1-5, 1-18, 5-38 examining 5-35 single-valued columns 5-11 single-valued fields 6-8 SMALLINT data type 1-14, 5-9, 7-8 special characters 3-4 SQL ANSI standard 1-2, 1-4 and data integrity 7-3 data model 1-8 data types 7-8 databases and UniVerse 1-8 programmatic 9-4 statements, see statements users 2-6 SQL catalog 1-18, 2-5, 4-3, 5-38 SQLTYPE field 6-4, 6-6, 6-7, 6-21 static hashed files 5-6 stored sentences see also sentence stack listing 3-6 string data types 1-13 strings, empty 5-10 subvalue marks 3-4 synonym, columns 5-18 system prompt 1-6
table constraints adding 5-24 CHECK 7-9 dropping 5-26 FOREIGN KEY 7-13 PRIMARY KEY 7-13 referential 7-11 table privileges 8-4, 8-5 ALTER 8-8 DELETE 8-8 granting 8-7 INSERT 8-9 multiple 8-11 passing to others 8-12 REFERENCES 8-9 revoking 8-13 SELECT 8-9 specifying recipient of GRANT 8-11 UPDATE 8-10
tables 1-18, 5-28 adding associations 5-24 adding column synonyms 5-24 adding columns 5-23 adding I-descriptors 5-39 adding triggers 5-32 associations 5-24 creating 5-35-22 definition 1-5 dropping 5-28 dropping associations 5-26 dropping constraints 5-26 dropping default values 5-26 examining file dictionaries 5-35 examining table data files 5-34 examining table SICAs 5-35 implemented as UniVerse files 1-9 moving 10-3 nested 1-4 recovering 9-8 transferring across schemas 10-2 and UniVerse files 1-9 VOC entries for 1-5 time data category 1-13, 5-16, 6-5 TIME data type 1-14, 7-8 transaction logging and database recovery 9-7, 9-8 setting up 9-8 transaction processing 9-6 in BASIC programs 9-5 and programmatic SQL 9-6 and UniVerse SQL 9-6 transactions 9-49-15 locks and 9-13 transferring tables across schemas 102 triggers 5-32, 10-8 adding 5-32 dropping 5-33 executing 5-32
UCI (UniVerse Call Interface) 9-4 unique constraint 7-47-6 UNIQUE keyword 7-5 unique values and primary keys 7-4 ROWUNIQUE keyword 7-6
UNIQUE keyword 7-5 UniVerse command processor 1-17 data model 1-8 environments 2-2 Online Library 1-15 and the operating system 1-5 release level 2-5 and SQL databases 1-8 UniVerse accounts 1-18, 2-4 updating 2-5 UniVerse Call Interface, see UCI UniVerse commands CONVERT.SQL 3-5, 6-19 FORMAT.CONV 10-2 UniVerse files and tables 1-9 UniVerse SQL 1-4 creating XML document with 11-27 xml limitations 11-30 UniVerse system prompt 1-6 UniVerse users 2-6 UNIX 1-3 and UniVerse 1-5 environments 2-2 filenames 5-5 user accounts 2-3 UPDATE privilege 8-10 UPDATE statement 2-6 and isolation levels 9-15 user accounts 2-3 user name 2-3, 2-4 users and database access 8-3 SQL 2-6 UniVerse 2-6 UV account 1-6 UV_ASSOC table 4-3 UV_COLUMNS table 4-3 UV_SCHEMA table 4-3 UV_TABLES table 4-3 UV_USERS table 4-3 UV_VIEWS table 4-3
value marks 3-4 VARBIT data type 1-14, 7-8 VARCHAR data type 1-14, 7-8 verbs, definition 1-7
Index 6
VERIFY.SQL command 3-5 views privileges 8-5 and table privileges 8-5 VOC file 1-6, 1-18, 2-4, 3-5 adding to 1-6 entry types 3-6 paragraphs 3-6 Q-pointers 3-8 table definitions 1-5 X-descriptors 5-20
warmstart recovery 9-10 Windows NT 1-3 and UniVerse 1-5 Windows NT help 1-15 WITH GRANT OPTION keyword granting 8-12 revoking 8-14
X-descriptors @ASSOC_KEY.mvname 5-20, 542, 6-4, 6-20 @EMPTY.NULL 6-5, 6-16 @KEY_SEPARATOR 6-4, 6-21 XML limitations in UniVerse SQL 11-30 XML document creating from RetrieVe 11-4 valid 11-3 well-formed 11-3 XML documents SELECT statement processing rules 11-29