OTC 8698 Research Challenges in The Vortex-Induced Vibration Prediction of Marine Risers

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OTC 8698

Research Challenges in the Vortex-Induced Vibration Prediction of Marine Risers

J. Kim Vandiver, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Copyright 1998, Offshore Technology Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1998 Offshore Technology Conference held in Fluid-Structure Interaction
Houston, Texas, 4–7 May 1998.
There are many issues involving the hydrodynamics of VIV
This paper was selected for presentation by the OTC Program Committee following review of that we do not fully understand. Those that are the most
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Offshore Technology Conference and are subject to important to the fatigue life prediction of risers have to do
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Offshore Technology Conference or its officers. Electronic reproduction, with our ability to model the lift force and damping on the
distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written
consent of the Offshore Technology Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print
cylinder as a function of the local fluid velocity and the
is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The cylinders own motion. It is a non-linear interaction that is
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was
presented. sensitive to Reynolds number, roughness, velocity, and
turbulence, as well as the interaction between the amplitude
and frequency content of the cylinder motion. There are many
aspects that are not well understood. One is examined here by
Current research in the prediction of vortex-induced vibration
means of an hypothetical example.
of marine risers is driven by problems in several areas. These
A uniform straight riser as shown in Figure 1. It is exposed
include understanding the physics of the fluid-structure
to a current profile consisting of two regions, each occupying
interaction, developing adequate structural dynamic modelling
one-half of the length of the riser. The upper region has
tools, acquiring high quality full-scale response data, finding
velocity U1 and the lower region has a lesser velocity U2. The
appropriate techniques for analysis of response data,
hypothetical problem is to predict the response of this riser to
calibrating response prediction programs, and inventing cost
the lift forces that result from the vortex shedding from these
effective suppression and protection methodologies. Problems
two regions. To further simplify the problem, assume that the
in each of these areas are defined and key limiting issues are
Strouhal number is the same in both regions and is estimated
to be 0.2. This allows us to say that the expected frequency of
the lift force in each region is given by the simple relationship,
Exploration drilling and production in many new locations F(Hz) = StU/D, where St = 0.2. …………………….(1)
around the world are being confronted by significant current Further assume that this riser has natural frequencies that are
hazards. Challenges posed by greater water depths, more coincident with the expected lift force frequency in each of the
hostile conditions and greater field development costs are two zones of the riser. A completely linear solution would say
resulting in many new design concepts, such as catenary that the total response of the riser would be the sum of the
risers, slim risers and novel vibration protection strategies. In responses to the excitation in each of the two different flow
some cases our ability to predict response amplitudes, stress regions. However, since the problem is not linear, it is
levels and fatigue damage rates of risers due to vortex-induced possible that the response in the lower region due to the higher
vibration (VIV) is not adequate. This paper addresses five of frequency input in the upper region will influence the
the problem areas confronting us. They are (1) the excitation in the lower region and vice-versa.
understanding of the fluid mechanics of the fluid-structure In fact, it has often been observed in sheared flows that
interaction, (2) the development of better structural dynamic response from one region may dominate the total response of
modelling techniques, (3) the acquisition of high quality, full- the riser, apparently by disrupting the excitation process in
scale, riser response data for the purpose of calibration of competitor regions. Such phenomena are not well understood
response prediction models, (4) the analysis of multi-channel and present prediction models do not reliably take them into
field data for comparison to response prediction models, and account. The state of the art of modelling local lift forces,
(5) the development of VIV suppression and protection including the effect local motion is quite primitive. We need
technologies. No doubt there are many other important issues, relevant experimental data and better simultion methods.
but these five are highlighted here. Some interesting research work is presently being conducted
by Kyrre Vikestad at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. His

doctoral dissertation is on the subject of the interaction based, finite element model. This method is the topic of
between externally imposed structural vibration and local current research at MIT, by two doctoral students, Mark
vortex shedding processes. Some preliminary results of this Hayner and Enrique Gonzalez. The method is introduced here
experimental work may be found in Ref. 1. by means of an example and uses figures taken from the
students’ work.
Structural Dynamic Models About one year ago the author and student Mark Hayner
The preliminary design of fatigue resistant risers requires provided preliminary design estimates of the natural
relatively easy-to-use structural dynamic models, which have frequencies and modes shapes of the riser model described in
the capability to estimate dynamic stress levels in the riser as a a paper in this session by Erling Huse[2]. The riser model was
function of the properties of the structure and imposed to be constructed of a .030m diameter steel pipe with an inside
velocity profiles. The programs must lend themselves to easy diameter of 0.026m and a mass per unit length of 2.313 kg/m.
parametric variations of current profiles, tension and structural The pipe was to be 90m long, connecting to a light-weight
properties. The user must understand the assumptions and synthetic cable, 5m to 40m in length with a mass/length of
program limitations. The most widely used program at the approximately 0.8 kg/m. The system was designed so as to
present time is the MIT program SHEAR7. isolate the transverse vibration response of the pipe from that
SHEAR7 combines easy to run features with a reasonabley of the cable by means of a large rigid body inserted between
sophisticated, but invisible to the user, non-linear, fluid- the two sections. One of the challenges was to optimize the
structure, interaction model. The interaction model allows for size of the rigid body. It was desireable to have it be as small
the local lift coefficient and local hydrodynamic damping as possible to facilitate handling, yet have the necessary
coefficient to depend on the response amplitude. SHEAR7 dynamic properties. The eventual design selected was a water
does not, as yet, include a means of allowing the response of flooded aluminum cylinder, 1.0 m long, 0.5m in diameter and
one mode to influence the excitation of other modes, which is having a mass of 231 kg, when filled with water. A diagram
the issue posed in the previous section. is shown in Figure 2. The tension in the system used in the
SHEAR7 is based on mode-superposition and therefore has design calculations was 2000 N.
a practical limit of about one hundred participating modes. A dynamic model was needed which could simulate the
The program was initially written to model straight risers with effect of the rigid body motion as well as the vibration of the
constant diameter but with spatially varying tension. It has pipe and the cable. The wave-based, finite element method
been extended to model structures such as catenaries, by was selected. A wave-based finite element is one in which the
hybrid techniques in conjunction with finite element models. full wave propagation solution is applied inside of the
As with all existing VIV design programs for risers, SHEAR7 individual beam elements. Everywhere inside of the element
requires calibration with measured data. the wave solution is known and may be evaluated explicitly.
The relative sparsity of data at super-critical Reynolds It is not necessary to have many elements per wavelength.
numbers limits the absolute accuracy of all programs currently Thus one advantage of the method is that models valid at high
available. In many straight riser scenarios in sheared currents, frequency may require relatively few elements, as shown in
common to the industry today, the likely error in the response the following example. The power of the method becomes
amplitude prediction may be as high as a factor of two. Much even more apparent when significant levels of damping are
of the reason for this lack of accuracy is to be found in our present.
poor ability to model the hydrodynamics and in the lack of In all cases shown here the model had only five elements,
calibration data at high Reynolds numbers. The three for the upper pipe, one for the rigid body and one for the
hydrodynamics issues were mentioned in the previous section short cable. First consider the effect that the lumped mass had
and the calibration issue is addressed in a later section on field on the mode shapes under lightly damped conditions. Figures
data. For the remainder of this section the focus is on the 3 and 4 simply show the mode shapes of two particular modes
limitations of current structural dynamic, modeling methods. and illustrate how effectively an appropriately sized rigid body
As mentioned before, SHEAR7 is based on the mode may be used to isolate the dynamic response of two different
superposition method, which has practical limitations when structural regions.
the number of excited modes becomes large. SHEAR7 is Figure 3 shows the lightly damped mode shape at 1.23 Hz,
limited to 100 participating modes. Many deepwater which corresponds to the seventh mode of the pipe. Figure 4
production risers will require modeling of dynamic properties shows the lightly damped mode shape of the first mode of the
that may be best described as typical of structures that behave cable section at 8.96 Hz. The motion of the one-meter long
as if infinite in length. For example, vortex shedding in high cylinder is included in the figures at the junction between the
velocity surface currents may produce travelling waves at the two structural regions. However, the cylinder is quite short at
top of the riser which are damped out before reaching the this scale and is not highlighted. In each case the vibration
bottom end. Mode superposition models are poorly suited for response is confined to one of the two regions. In the actual
such scenarios. system that was deployed the lower cable was to have variable
Conventional finite element models are not very attractive, length. This design allowed the natural frequencies and mode
because of the large numbers of elements required. One shapes of the pipe to be independent of the length of the cable.
alternative method is described here. It is called a wave- Figure 5 is the response of the system to a sinusoidal force

at 4.71 Hz. The force is applied one-third of the distance down regulating the mode shapes and therefore the fatigue life of
from the top of the riser. Significant damping has been curved risers.
imposed on the system. Dramatic spatial attenuation is Good current data is also a must. The availability of
evident. It would be difficult to model such a system by mode acoustic doppler profilers has made it possible to acquire data
superposition. There are many common features between this of good quality when the instrument program is well planned
example and a lazy-wave riser. The lazy-wave riser will have and executed.
buoyancy modules, significant hydrodynamic damping, and
complex, wave propagation behavior, which is not easily Data Reduction and Analysis
modelled by conventional finite element or mode A primary purpose of riser instrumentation systems is to
superposition models. gather data, which may be used to improve response
prediction models. Current efforts have focused on extraction
Full Scale Riser Instrumentation Projects of mode participation factors from the measurements of the
The next issue is the need for high quality, full-scale motions at a small number of discrete points. These
calibration data. All existing riser response prediction measurements may be contaminated by tilt and may not be
programs require calibration with full-scale data, especially at exactly synchronous. However, even noise free, synchronous
super-critical Reynolds numbers. There have been some data may have yet another hidden problem. The extraction of
recent efforts to provide such data. These early efforts have mode participation factors usually requires the knowledge of
revealed problems, which need to be overcome, so as to the mode shapes. If the mode shapes are known exactly the
provide high quality calibration data. extraction of mode participation factors is relatively
The first problem is that the number of sensors is often straightforward. A typical analysis might proceed as follows.
inadequate for the purpose of resolving mode shapes. A
Let w( x , t ) be a vector representing the dynamic response
typical installation may have from five to seven accelerometer of the riser at all measurement points. At every instant in time
packages attached to the riser. This is just adequate to resolve the response may be considered to be a weighted sum of the
the lowest modes of risers in shallow water. In deeper water mode shapes of the system. The weighting factors are the
the number of excited modes will increase, increasing the mode participation factors, which are represented by a vector
required number of sensors. The use of more sensors of !
course drives up the cost, which discourages instrumentation A(t ) . The superposition formula is simply,
programs. ! !
The second problem is measurement simultaneity. Most w( x , t ) = Φ A(t ), where Φ is the mode
instrumentation projects attach independent battery operated shape matrix. ..........................................(2)
instrument cannisters to the riser at varous depths and leave
them in the water for the duration of the drilling, which may If the number of modes in the mode shape matrix is equal to
be as long as eighty days. The clocks of the individual the number of sensors, and if these mode shape vectors are
instruments do not stay synchronized, presenting a correction orthogonal normal modes, then it is a simple matter to solve
problem for the person faced with analyzing the data. The for the mode participation factors. At every time step one
alternative is to hardwire every sensor to the surface, usually a must multiply both sides of Equation 2 by the inverse of the
much more expensive alternative. mode shape matrix, as follows.
A third problem is with the use of accelerometers. Some ! −1 !
riser natural frequencies of interest are at less than 0.1 Hz. A(t ) = Φ w( x , t ).......................................(3)
Accelerometers that function at such low frequencies are
sensitive to gravity. The tilt of the riser associated with
curvature of the mode shapes and with surface vessel motion This method works as long as the assumed normal mode
introduces a gravitational error component into the signal. It shapes are the correct ones. The problem is that our
is sometimes possible to work around this problem with clever knowledge of the mode shapes is usually based upon our
data reduction. There are alternatives to accelerometers. structural dynamic computer model and not on real measured
Strain gages, for example, are not sensitive to gravity. mode shapes. If the mode shapes used in Equation 3 are not
However, they are more difficult and expensive to work into the correct ones the resulting estimates for the mode
the riser plan, especially in large numbers. participation factors will be in error. This problem is currently
The author’s ideal instrument would be a spoolable, tough plaguing efforts to interpret results from full-scale riser
instrumented cable, which could be deployed with and instrumentation projects in the North Sea and even from
strapped to the riser. The cable would contain multiple strain simple model tests.
or acceleration sensors and the signals would be recorded on a There are two reasons that assumed and measured mode
single deck mounted acquisition system. shapes may be different. The first is that damping, mass and
One final instrumentation issue is the lack of riser tension stiffness properties of the actual structure may differ from that
data, recorded with and at the frequency of the riser vibration used in the computer model. The second is that the
data. The importance of dynamic variations in tensions may instrumentation has errors in calibration or installation (such
be much greater than previously thought, especially in as position or orientation).

One simple example is given in Figure 6. This shows two

possible mode shape estimates for the first mode of vibration VIV Suppression and Protection Technologies
of the constant tension riser model, which was tested in the There are many locations in the world with current
rotating rig apparatus operated by Marintek. This model test conditions that require protection of the riser from vortex-
is described in OTC paper 8700, by H. Lie, K. Mo and J.K. induced vibration. For example, West of the Shetland Islands
Vandiver[3]. The purpose of the model test was to investigate some drilling risers have required complete coverage with
the influence of staggered buoyancy modules on VIV airfoil shaped fairings. In the Gulf of Mexico helical strakes
response. A baseline set of data was acquired for the uniform have been used to protect catenary production risers from
diameter, bare riser. There were nine functioning cross-flow VIV. In milder conditions installation of buoyancy modules
accelerometers. Since the cylinder was close to constant in an alternating pattern on the riser has been shown to be
tension, and had uniform mass distribution, a reasonable somewhat effective at reducing VIV. However, reliable data
estimate of the mode shape for the first mode of vibration on the efficacy of all of these techniques at super-critical
would be a half sine wave, which is the theoretical solution for Reynolds numbers do not exist in the literature. Some
the first mode of a beam under tension with pinned ends. proprietary data exists for short lengths.
Mathematically this nine element mode shape vector may be Experiments on models at sub-critical Reynolds’ numbers
expressed as, are useful in giving qualitative insight as to the likely behavior
! under super-critical conditions and are often useful in refining
w1 ( xi , t ) = sin(πxi / L) for i = 1 to 9. (4) plans and designs for full scale tests. One example is
The xI are the nine accelerometer locations. These nine points described below, regarding the likely behavior of a riser,
of the theoretical mode shape are plotted on the figure and partially covered with fairings. Figures 7 and 8 are from
connected by straight lines, making it a rather rough looking experiments conducted at the Offshore Technology Research
sine wave curve. The second curve is a mode shape estimated Center in College Station, Texas. This was a collaborative
from actual measured data, with no a priori assumptions as to experiment conducted by the author and Prof. John
the mode shape. The details of the particular measurement and Niedzwecki of Texas A&M and his student, Scott Chitwood.
experimental conditions were as follows. These figures are from Scott Chitwood’s master’s thesis
work[4]. The research was primarily investigating the VIV
L = 11.48 m, length behavior of a long tensioned cylinder in combined waves and
D = 0.02 m, diameter current. However, a moment of opportunity presented itself,
M = 0.462 kg/m, mass per unit length in air allowing a brief test of a riser with full and partial fairing
T = 713 N, tension coverage.
U = 0.216 m/s, uniform flow velocity The riser model was 97 feet long, and was made of a single
F1 = 1.5 to 1.7 Hz, estimated first mode natural frequency piece of composite coil tubing, 1.5 inches in diameter. The
Fs = 1.8 Hz, observed vibration frequency cylinder had an in air weight per unit length of 0.718 lb/ft. Six
biaxial pairs of accelerometers were positioned inside of the
This is a rather ideal situation in which only the first mode had tube, which was stretched horizontally under the moveable
significant response. However, the ideal theoretical mode bridge of the wave basin. Figure 7 shows a diagram of the
shape and the estimated one are quite different. The estimated horizontal cylinder, as it was positioned about two feet
mode shape was obtained by Dr. Caterina Stamoulis, a post- beneath the surface. The tension was 512 pounds. The bridge
doctoral research associate working with the author at MIT. was motor driven, providing controlled simulated current
The estimation technique was a state-space-based system speeds.
identification method, which is being evaluated as a possible Figures 8 shows the response of the cylinder to vortex
tool for extracting natural, frequencies, mode shapes and shedding at one particular towing speed, 0.8 ft/s. With no
mode participation factors from multi-channel experimental fairing protection this speed resulted in lock-in behavior of the
data. second mode of the cylinder, which had a natural frequency of
It is our experience that idealized mode shapes estimated approximately 1.09Hz. The fairings were of very simple
from structural dynamic computer models may be inadequate construction. Rectangular, 12 inch by 15 inch, pieces of ABS
for estimation of modal participation factors from measured plastic, 1/16th inches thick, were heated softened with an hot
laboratory or full-scale experiments, when several modes are air gun and then draped around a cylindrical mandrel forming
participatiing in the response. This problem has been an airfoil shape. Each section was twelve inches in span and
encountered during attempts to analyze full-scale data from had a chord length of approximately 6.5 inches. The maximum
drilling risers in the North Sea. The problem is expected to thickness of the airfoil shape was approximately 1.7 inches,
become even greater when analyzing data from very long, slightly greater than the diameter of the test cylinder. The
low-tension risers, such as SCR’s or lazy-wave risers. New fairings were free to rotate with the flow. At very slow speed
data reduction and analysis tools and techniques need to be the fairings oriented with the flow and completely suppressed
developed. VIV when covering the entire span.
This experiment was motivated by the speculative question,
“How much fairing coverage is really required to suppress the

vibration of a drilling riser?” Lacking relevant data from other staggered buoyancy riser in a rotating rig”’, Proc. Of the 1998
sources, this simple test had the promise of providing some Offshore Technology Conference, Paper Number 8700,
much-needed insight, particularly because this type of system Houston, May 1998.
is difficult to simulate numerically, and because the effective
4. Chitwood, S., Soon to be completed Master’s thesis, Dept. of
added mass and damping of the fairings are unknown. Civil Engineering, Texas A&M Univ. , College Station, Texas.
Figure 8 shows the cross-flow response of the riser for 1998.
various fractions of fairing coverage. For this model, 70% or
greater coverage was effective at suppressing significant SI Metric Conversion Factors
response. With progressively less coverage response steadily
increased. At about 40 % coverage response reached levels Ft x 0.3048 = m
comparable to the model with zero coverage. Although these Ft/s x 0.3048 = m/s
results are not directly translatable to a riser operating at Inches x 2.54 = cm
super-critical Reynolds numbers, they inform us as to the Lbf x 4.448 = N
general expected behavior.
On one final issue regarding needs for experimental work,
not much is really known about the VIV of catenary risers and
other shapes with significant curvature. Furthermore, we do
not know much about the optimum design of suppression
devices for risers operating at various angles of inclination to
the flow.

There are many exciting research and development
activities, related to VIV, going on in the offshore petroleum
industry at the present time. In the authors twenty three years
of working in the field of flow-induced vibration, the interest
and activity level have never been greater. At any one time
there are typically three or four model or full scale tests being
conducted. Several of these activities are described in the
other papers in this session. Many of the issues discussed in
this paper are the subject of current research projects, which
will hopefully yield interesting results in the relatively near


F = frequency in Hz
St = Strouhal number
U = flow velocity, ft/s or m/s
D = cylinder diameter, inches, feet or meters
L = cylinder length, feet or meters
w( x , t ) = displacement vector
A(t ) = modal amplitude vector
Φ = mode shape matrix

1. Vikestad, K., Larsen, C.M., & Vandiver, J. K., “Experimental
study of excited circular cylinder in current”, Proc. Of the
International Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering
Conference, OMAE, Yoohama 1997.

2. Huse, E,. Kleiven, G., Nielsen, F.G., “Large scale model testing
of deep sea risers”’ Proc. 1998 Offshore Technology
Conference, Paper number 8701, Houston, May 1998.

3. Lie, H., Mo, K., & Vandiver,J.K., “VIV model test of a bare and

T = 2000 N


D = .03m

L = 91 m
M = 2.31 kg/m


D = 0.5m

L = 1.0m
M = 231 kg

D = .01m

L = 5m

Figure 1. Two flow speed sample problem Figure 2. Pipe, cable and rigid body model





0 20 40 60 80 100
position from bottom (m)

Figure 3. Pipe 7th mode at 1.23 Hz.



spl -0.2
m -0.4


0 20 40 60 80 100
position from bottom (m)

Figure 4. Cable 1st mode at 8.96 Hz.










0 20 40 60 80 100
position from bottom (m)

Figure 5. Damped response to excitation at 4.71 Hz.

0.9 -- sin(pi*x/L)


(axial coordinate,x/L)






-- SI estimate
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
normalized displacement

Figure 6. System ID first mode shape and theoretical sine wave


West End

Acc #1 Acc #2 Acc #3 Acc #4 Acc #5 Acc #6

L = 97 feet

Figure 7. OTRC test cylinder , Accelerometer distances from the west end.
#1 @13.35 ft, #2 @17.33 ft, #3 @25.25 ft, #4 @49.0 ft, #5 @66.78 ft, #6 @78.69 ft

Figure 8. OTRC cylinder, cross-flow vibration response versus

Per cent fairing coverage.

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