My final year project has helped me to gain technical skills and ideas while working for
the time period. The completion of project would not be possible without the guidance of
external supervisor Mr. Nishon Tandukar, who inspired me throughout the project and
helped me solve problems faced during the implementation and development of my
I am also grateful to Islington College that gave me opportunity and support to enhance
my skill and knowledge which will be helpful for my future. I would like to thank my internal
supervisor Mr. Sugat Man Shakya who helped with the documentation part of Final Year
Online platforms, social media, websites, mobile applications has created a new
platform for entrepreneurs to establish their business as well as made shopping, booking,
renting easier for customers. Online booking, renting, selling has created a virtual market
for customer where they can find different products from all around world. There are many
people who needs to travel a lot for their business, work, meetings etc. and lot of people
cannot afford vehicles so they are force to travel in public transportation. People often
hire vehicles if they want to go for outing but it is more like booking a package. Also online
vehicle rental web application existing in Nepal does not offer to drive on our own and
also does not rent vehicles online. People wants to travel in comfort driving on their own,
enjoy and feel like they are driving their own vehicle even they cannot afford to own a
vehicle. Acknowledging the requirement of the people this project has been developed.
My application provides the feature of booking and renting vehicles online. Also people
can drive on their own or in case people don’t know how to drive driver is provided. This
project mainly focuses on renting vehicles to people who wants to travel with comfort and
cannot afford vehicles and are worried about their high maintenance.
Developing a web application or any applications includes many phases, a lot of research,
focus, patience and hard work. This project gives brief introduction to current topics,
scenarios of both the world and Nepal. Suitable methodology for the project will be chose
and task will be carried based on methodology for development of this application and
are described in this report. Along with this all the technical terms, programming
languages, frameworks which will be used to develop this application are discussed Thus
this report contains the requirement gathering, designing, implementation phases and
future plans for the project.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction to Topic ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Current Scenario:................................................................................................................... 2
World:.................................................................................................................................................. 2
Nepal: .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Problem Domain:........................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Scope: .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Aims and Objectives: ................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Structure of the Report:............................................................................................................... 6
1.5.1 Background:............................................................................................................................ 6
1.5.2 Development: .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.3 Testing and Analysis: ........................................................................................................... 6
1.5.4 Conclusion: ............................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 2: Background ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 End User: ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 System Architecture ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Functions and Features............................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Similar Systems: ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Rent Rabbit .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.2 Sixt ........................................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.3 Vehicles Hire Nepal ............................................................................................................. 10
2.4.4 Hotwire.................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.5 Transports in Nepal ............................................................................................................. 12
2.4.6 Comparison ........................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.7 Conclusion............................................................................................................................. 14
2.5 Review of Technical Aspects ................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 3: Development .................................................................................................................. 17
3.1 Considered Methodology .......................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Selected Methodology ............................................................................................................... 18
3.3 Phases of methodology............................................................................................................. 19
3.3.1 Requirement gathering....................................................................................................... 19
3.3.2 Analysis and Design ........................................................................................................... 19
3.3.3 Implementation ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.4 Testing .................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.5 Evaluation .............................................................................................................................. 19
3.4 System Requirement Specification ........................................................................................ 19
3.4.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 19
3.4.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions............................................................. 20
3.4.3 Project Scope........................................................................................................................ 20
3.4.4 Overall Description .............................................................................................................. 20
3.4.5 Features.................................................................................................................................. 21
3.4.6 Functional Requirements .................................................................................................. 21
3.4.7 External Interface Requirements ..................................................................................... 25
3.4.8 Nonfunctional Requirements ............................................................................................ 25
3.5 Implementation of Methodology ............................................................................................. 27
3.5.1 Iteration 1: .............................................................................................................................. 27 Requirement Gathering: ............................................................................................. 27 Analysis and Design:................................................................................................... 27 Implementation: ............................................................................................................ 33 Testing: ........................................................................................................................... 34 Evaluation: ..................................................................................................................... 34
3.5.2 Iteration 2: .............................................................................................................................. 35 Requirement Gathering: ............................................................................................. 35 Analysis and Design:................................................................................................... 35 Implementation: ............................................................................................................ 51 Testing: ........................................................................................................................... 56 Evaluation: ..................................................................................................................... 56
3.5.3 Iteration 3: .............................................................................................................................. 57 Requirements: ............................................................................................................... 57 Analysis and Design:................................................................................................... 57 Implementation: ............................................................................................................ 82 Testing: ........................................................................................................................... 86 Evaluation: ..................................................................................................................... 87
3.5.4 Iteration 4: .............................................................................................................................. 88 Requirements: ............................................................................................................... 88 Analysis and Design:................................................................................................... 88 Implementation: ............................................................................................................ 97 Testing: ......................................................................................................................... 101 Evaluation: ................................................................................................................... 101
3.6 Survey Results ........................................................................................................................... 102
3.6.1 Pre-survey results ............................................................................................................. 102
3.6.2 Post-survey results ........................................................................................................... 103
Chapter 4: Testing and Analysis of progress .......................................................................... 104
4.1 Iteration 1 Testing ..................................................................................................................... 104
4.2 Iteration 2 Testing ..................................................................................................................... 105
4.3 Iteration 3 Testing ..................................................................................................................... 126
4.4 Iteration 4 Testing ..................................................................................................................... 164
4.5 Critical Analysis......................................................................................................................... 173
Chapter 5: Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 174
5.1 Legal, Social and Ethical issues ........................................................................................... 174
5.1.1 Legal issues ........................................................................................................................ 174
5.1.2 Social issues ....................................................................................................................... 175
5.1.3 Ethical issues...................................................................................................................... 175
5.2 Advantages ................................................................................................................................. 175
5.3 Limitations .................................................................................................................................. 177
5.4 Future work ................................................................................................................................. 178
Chapter 6: References .................................................................................................................... 179
Chapter 7: Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 181
Chapter 8: Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 184
8.1 Appendix A: Pre-survey .......................................................................................................... 184
8.1.1 Pre-survey Form................................................................................................................. 184
8.1.2 Sample of filled Pre-survey forms ................................................................................. 184
8.1.3 Pre-survey result................................................................................................................ 185
8.2 Appendix B: Post-survey ........................................................................................................ 190
8.2.1 Post- Survey Form ............................................................................................................. 190
8.2.2 Sample of filled Post-survey forms............................................................................... 191
8.2.3 Post-survey result ............................................................................................................. 192
8.3 Appendix C: Sample Codes ................................................................................................... 196
8.3.1 Sample Code of the UI ...................................................................................................... 196
8.3.2 Sample code for the Automation Script ...................................................................... 201
8.4 Appendix D: Designs ............................................................................................................... 206
8.4.1 Gantt Chart .......................................................................................................................... 206
8.4.2 Work breakdown structure .............................................................................................. 208
8.4.3 Algorithms and flowcharts .............................................................................................. 215
8.4.4 3D Modelling ....................................................................................................................... 217
8.4.5 Use case ............................................................................................................................... 219
Iteration 2 High level Use case ................................................................................................. 219
Expanded Use Case .................................................................................................................... 220
Iteration 3 High level Use case ................................................................................................. 223
Expanded Use Case .................................................................................................................... 225
Iteration 4 High Level Use case ............................................................................................... 233
Expanded Use case ..................................................................................................................... 233
8.4.6 Wireframe ............................................................................................................................. 235
8.4.7 Designs ................................................................................................................................. 239
8.5 Appendix E: Screenshots of the system ............................................................................ 245
8.6 Appendix F: User Feedback ................................................................................................... 253
8.6.1 Client Approval Letter....................................................................................................... 253
8.6.3 Sample of filled User feedback forms .......................................................................... 254
8.7 Appendix G: Development ...................................................................................................... 256
8.7.1 Considered Methodology ................................................................................................ 256
8.7.2 Selected Methodology ...................................................................................................... 259
8.8 Appendix H: Initial Software Requirement Specification ............................................... 260
8.9 Appendix I: Proposal ................................................................................................................ 260
List of figures:
Figure 1: System Architecture ............................................................................................................. 9
Figure 2: Views of Rent Rabbit .......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3: View of Sixt ......................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4: Views of Vehicle Hire Nepal .............................................................................................. 13
Figure 5: Views of Hotwire ................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 6: Views of Transports in Nepal ............................................................................................. 15
Figure 7: Class Diagram .................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 8: ER Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 9: Wireframe of application .................................................................................................... 35
Figure 10: Wireframe for admin panel .............................................................................................. 36
Figure 11: Wireframe for customer panel ......................................................................................... 36
Figure 12: Wireframe of Login Form ................................................................................................. 37
Figure 13: Wireframe of registration form ......................................................................................... 38
Figure 14: Final Use case of whole system..................................................................................... 39
Figure 15: Setup database connection ............................................................................................. 40
Figure 16: Database created ............................................................................................................. 40
Figure 17: Wire frame of admin profile ............................................................................................. 43
Figure 18: Wireframe of adding vehicles .......................................................................................... 44
Figure 19: Wireframe of List of Added Vehicle ................................................................................ 45
Figure 20: Wireframe for Admin forgot password ............................................................................ 46
Figure 21: Use case diagram for admin............................................................................................ 47
Figure 22: Activity Diagram for Admin login ..................................................................................... 48
Figure 23: Activity Diagram for Admin Forgot password ................................................................. 49
Figure 24: Activity Diagram for Admin CRUD of vehicles ............................................................... 50
Figure 25: Activity Diagram for Admin change password................................................................ 51
Figure 26: Sequence Diagram for Admin Login ............................................................................... 52
Figure 27: Sequence diagram for admin crud of vehicle ................................................................. 53
Figure 28: Sequence diagram for admin change password ........................................................... 54
Figure 29: Sequence diagram for admin forgot password .............................................................. 55
Figure 30: Collaboration Diagram for Admin Login ......................................................................... 56
Figure 31: Collaboration Diagram for Admin CRUD of vehicle...................................................... 57
Figure 32: Collaboration diagram for admin change password ...................................................... 58
Figure 33: Collaboration diagram for admin forgot password ......................................................... 59
Figure 34: Login UI ............................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 35: Login method .................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 36: Authenticate user api ....................................................................................................... 61
Figure 37: Vehicle CRUD UI .............................................................................................................. 62
Figure 38: Vehicle add and update method ..................................................................................... 62
Figure 39: Delete vehicle method...................................................................................................... 63
Figure 40: Wireframe of Available Vehicles for customer ............................................................... 66
Figure 41: Wireframe of Reserved Vehicle for customer ................................................................ 67
Figure 42: Wireframe of feedback for customer panel .................................................................... 67
Figure 43: Wireframe of profile for customer panel ......................................................................... 68
Figure 44: Wireframe for Customer Forgot Password ..................................................................... 69
Figure 45: Use case diagram for customer ...................................................................................... 70
Figure 46: Activity Diagram for Customer registration ..................................................................... 71
Figure 47: Activity Diagram for Customer Login .............................................................................. 72
Figure 48: Activity Diagram for Customer Forgot password ........................................................... 73
Figure 49: Activity diagram for customer password change ........................................................... 74
Figure 50: Activity Diagram for Book vehicles.................................................................................. 75
Figure 51: Activity Diagram for Rent vehicles .................................................................................. 76
Figure 52: Activity Diagram for Sending feedbacks ......................................................................... 77
Figure 53: Activity Diagram Search vehicles .................................................................................... 78
Figure 54: Sequence diagram for customer registration ................................................................. 79
Figure 55: Sequence diagram for customer login ............................................................................ 80
Figure 56: Sequence diagram for customer password change ...................................................... 81
Figure 57: Sequence diagram for customer forgot password ......................................................... 82
Figure 58: Sequence diagram for booking vehicle .......................................................................... 83
Figure 59: Sequence diagram for rent vehicle ................................................................................. 84
Figure 60: Sequence diagram for sending feedback ....................................................................... 85
Figure 61: Collaboration diagram for customer registration ............................................................ 86
Figure 62: Collaboration diagram for customer login....................................................................... 87
Figure 63: Collaboration diagram for customer password change ................................................. 88
Figure 64: Collaboration diagram for customer forgot password ................................................... 89
Figure 65: Collaboration diagram for booking vehicle ..................................................................... 90
Figure 66: Collaboration diagram for rent vehicle ............................................................................ 91
Figure 67 : Collaboration diagram for feedback ............................................................................... 91
Figure 68: Register form UI ............................................................................................................... 92
Figure 69: User register method ........................................................................................................ 92
Figure 70: Book vehicle UI ................................................................................................................. 93
Figure 71: Book vehicle method ........................................................................................................ 93
Figure 72: Rent vehicle UI ................................................................................................................. 94
Figure 73: Rent Vehicle method ........................................................................................................ 94
Figure 74: Search vehicle UI ............................................................................................................. 95
Figure 75: Search Vehicle method .................................................................................................... 95
Figure 76: Wireframe of view feedback for admin ........................................................................... 98
Figure 77: Wireframe of Vehicle Report for admin panel ................................................................ 99
Figure 78: Wireframe for Email Template....................................................................................... 100
Figure 79: Use case diagram for Admin -2 ..................................................................................... 101
Figure 80: Activity Diagram for Admin view feedback ...................................................................102
Figure 81: Activity Diagram for Admin view vehicle reserve report ..............................................103
Figure 82: Sequence diagram for view feedback ..........................................................................104
Figure 83: Sequence diagram for view vehicle report ...................................................................105
Figure 84: Collaboration diagram for view feedback .....................................................................106
Figure 85: Collaboration diagram for view vehicle report ..............................................................106
Figure 86: Email Template for sending email .................................................................................107
Figure 87: API to send email ...........................................................................................................108
Figure 88: Vehicle reserved by client UI .........................................................................................109
Figure 89: Vehicle Approve and Reject method ............................................................................109
Figure 90: Pre-survey result 1 .........................................................................................................111
Figure 91: Pre-survey result 2 .........................................................................................................111
Figure 92: Post-survey result -1 ......................................................................................................112
Figure 93: Post-survey result -2 ......................................................................................................112
Figure 94: Frontend project setup ................................................................................................... 113
Figure 95: Backend project setup ................................................................................................... 114
Figure 96: Admin login UI ................................................................................................................ 115
Figure 97: Admin credentials ........................................................................................................... 116
Figure 98: Redirect to admin dashboard ........................................................................................ 116
Figure 99: Click 'Profile' .................................................................................................................... 117
Figure 100 : Change admin password ............................................................................................ 118
Figure 101: Display updating credentials ....................................................................................... 118
Figure 102: Successful login after changing password ................................................................. 119
Figure 103: Click vehicle action ....................................................................................................... 120
Figure 104 : Vehicle adding form .................................................................................................... 121
Figure 105: Adding vehicle details .................................................................................................. 121
Figure 106: Displaying added vehicles ........................................................................................... 122
Figure 107: Editing vehicles by clicking edit button ....................................................................... 123
Figure 108: Editing highlighted text field ......................................................................................... 124
Figure 109: After updating vehicle .................................................................................................. 124
Figure 110 : Deleting vehicles by clicking delete button ............................................................... 125
Figure 111: Displaying vehicle deleted message .......................................................................... 126
Figure 112: List of vehicles after deleting one vehicle................................................................... 127
Figure 113: Logging out from admin panel ..................................................................................... 128
Figure 114: Redirecting to login page after log out ........................................................................ 128
Figure 115: Click on 'Forgot Password?' ........................................................................................ 129
Figure 116: Enter Email on the given field ..................................................................................... 130
Figure 117: Email sent with OTP code success message ............................................................ 131
Figure 118: OTP sent via email to reset password ........................................................................ 131
Figure 119: Message displayed in case of wrong token entered. ................................................ 132
Figure 120: Resetting password with valid OTP ............................................................................ 133
Figure 121: Reset password success message ............................................................................ 134
Figure 122: Login success after resetting password ..................................................................... 134
Figure 123: Displaying message when login with invalid username and password ................... 135
Figure 124: Displaying error message for empty text field login ..................................................136
Figure 125: Displaying error for empty text field while adding vehicle .........................................137
Figure 126: User registration form ..................................................................................................138
Figure 127: Verifying email address ...............................................................................................139
Figure 128: Verification email received by customer .....................................................................140
Figure 129: Verifying email while registering user .........................................................................141
Figure 130: user details stored in database after registration.......................................................141
Figure 131: Displaying error for empty text field while registering as new user ..........................142
Figure 132: User login ......................................................................................................................143
Figure 133: Redirected to customer dashboard.............................................................................144
Figure 134: Logging out from user panel ........................................................................................145
Figure 135: Redirecting to login page after log out ........................................................................145
Figure 136: Click on 'Forgot Password?' ........................................................................................146
Figure 137: Enter Email on the given field .....................................................................................147
Figure 138: Email sent with OTP code success message ............................................................ 148
Figure 139: OTP sent via email to reset password ........................................................................ 149
Figure 140: Message displayed in case of wrong token entered. ................................................ 150
Figure 141: Resetting password with valid OTP ............................................................................ 151
Figure 142: Reset password success message ............................................................................ 152
Figure 143: Login success after resetting password ..................................................................... 153
Figure 144: Click User 'Profile' ........................................................................................................ 154
Figure 145 : Change user password ............................................................................................... 155
Figure 146: Display updating credentials ....................................................................................... 155
Figure 147: Successful login after changing password ................................................................. 156
Figure 148: Click on book button to book vehicle .......................................................................... 157
Figure 149: Select destination coordinates via map ...................................................................... 158
Figure 150: Fill up booking details and click button book.............................................................. 159
Figure 151: Vehicle reserved successful message ....................................................................... 160
Figure 152: Displaying vehicle reserved by user ........................................................................... 160
Figure 153: Click on rent button to rent vehicle ............................................................................. 161
Figure 154: Displaying success message. ..................................................................................... 162
Figure 155: Displaying rented vehicle ............................................................................................. 162
Figure 156: Automatic price calculation for rent and book -1 ....................................................... 163
Figure 157: Automatic price calculation for rent and book -2 ....................................................... 164
Figure 158: Click on Available Vehicles.......................................................................................... 165
Figure 159: Displaying available vehicles....................................................................................... 166
Figure 160: Before search ............................................................................................................... 167
Figure 161 : Displaying vehicles according to search by Vehicle Name ..................................... 168
Figure 162: Displaying vehicles according to search by Vehicle Type Two-Wheeler ................ 169
Figure 163: Displaying vehicles according to search by Vehicle Name Four-Wheeler .............. 170
Figure 164: Displaying feedback form on button click ................................................................... 171
Figure 165: Sending feedback ......................................................................................................... 172
Figure 166: Feedback stored in database ...................................................................................... 172
Figure 167: Displaying error for empty text field while booking vehicle ....................................... 173
Figure 168: Displaying error for empty text field while renting vehicle .........................................174
Figure 169: Before cancelling rent or book ....................................................................................175
Figure 170: Available vehicles before rent or book cancel ...........................................................176
Figure 171: Rent Request from clients ...........................................................................................179
Figure 172: Press Approve button to rent vehicle ..........................................................................180
Figure 173: Request deleted after button click ..............................................................................180
Figure 174: Displaying approval confirmation email .....................................................................181
Figure 175: Press Reject button to rent vehicle .............................................................................182
Figure 176: Displaying rejection success message .......................................................................182
Figure 177: Displaying rejection email ............................................................................................183
Figure 178: View vehicles that are on rent .....................................................................................184
Figure 179: Enter vehicle name or number ....................................................................................185
Figure 180: Search by vehicle name ..............................................................................................185
Figure 181: Search by vehicle number ...........................................................................................186
Figure 182: Before Sorting request details ..................................................................................... 187
Figure 183: Sorting by Vehicle Number .......................................................................................... 187
Figure 184: Sorting by Price ............................................................................................................ 188
Figure 185: Sorting by Rent Duration ............................................................................................. 188
Figure 186: View feedback sent by users....................................................................................... 189
Figure 187: Pre-Survey Form .......................................................................................................... 201
Figure 188: Sample of filled Pre-Survey form ................................................................................ 202
Figure 189: Pre-survey results 1 & 2 .............................................................................................. 203
Figure 190: Pre-survey results 3 & 4 .............................................................................................. 204
Figure 191: Pre-survey results 5 & 6 .............................................................................................. 205
Figure 192: Pre-survey results 7 & 8 .............................................................................................. 206
Figure 193: Post- survey form ......................................................................................................... 207
Figure 194: Sample of filled Post-Survey form .............................................................................. 208
Figure 195: Post-Survey result 1 & 2 .............................................................................................. 209
Figure 196: Post-Survey results of 3 & 4 ........................................................................................ 210
Figure 197: Post-Survey results of 5 & 6 ........................................................................................ 211
Figure 198: Post-Survey results of 7 & 8 ........................................................................................ 212
Figure 199: Post-Survey results of 9 ............................................................................................... 213
Figure 200: Post-Survey results of 10............................................................................................. 213
Figure 201: code of UI vehicle available ......................................................................................... 214
Figure 202: Vehicle Available layout ............................................................................................... 214
Figure 203: code of UI login ............................................................................................................. 215
Figure 204: Login Form layout ......................................................................................................... 215
Figure 205: code of UI vehicles reserved by client ........................................................................ 216
Figure 206: Vehicle Reserved by client layout ............................................................................... 216
Figure 207: code of UI vehicle action.............................................................................................. 217
Figure 208: Vehicle action layout .................................................................................................... 217
Figure 209: code of UI register user ............................................................................................... 218
Figure 210: Registration form layout ............................................................................................... 218
Figure 211: Automation script of table user.................................................................................... 219
Figure 212: Data populated into table user ....................................................................................220
Figure 213: Automation script of table vehicle ...............................................................................221
Figure 214: Data populated into table vehicle ................................................................................222
Figure 215: Automation script of table feedback............................................................................223
Figure 216: Data populated into table feedback ............................................................................223
Figure 217: Initial Gantt chart ..........................................................................................................224
Figure 218: Final Gantt chart ...........................................................................................................225
Figure 219: Initial Work breakdown structure .................................................................................226
Figure 220: Final Work breakdown structure .................................................................................227
Figure 221: Final WBS for Iteration 1..............................................................................................228
Figure 222: Final WBS for Iteration 2..............................................................................................229
Figure 223: Final WBS for Iteration 3..............................................................................................230
Figure 224: Final WBS for Iteration 4..............................................................................................231
Figure 225: Flowchart of whole system ..........................................................................................233
Figure 226: 3D modelling of Admin panel ..................................................................................... 234
Figure 227: 3D modeling of registration form ................................................................................ 235
Figure 228: 3D modelling of rent vehicle ........................................................................................ 235
Figure 229: Initial Wireframe of Admin panel ................................................................................. 255
Figure 230: Initial Wireframe of Customer panel ........................................................................... 256
Figure 231: Initial Wireframe of Login form .................................................................................... 257
Figure 232: Initial Wireframe of Registration form ......................................................................... 258
Figure 233: Initial Sequence Diagram for Admin ........................................................................... 259
Figure 234: Initial Sequence Diagram for Customer ..................................................................... 260
Figure 235: Initial Collaboration Diagram for Admin ...................................................................... 261
Figure 236: Initial Collaboration Diagram for Customer ................................................................ 262
Figure 237: Initial ER Diagram ........................................................................................................ 263
Figure 238: Initial Activity Diagram for Admin ................................................................................ 264
Figure 239: Initial Activity Diagram for Custom .............................................................................. 265
Figure 240: Home page ................................................................................................................... 266
Figure 241: Login Page .................................................................................................................... 266
Figure 242: User registration form page ......................................................................................... 267
Figure 243: Customer dashboard.................................................................................................... 268
Figure 244: Admin dashboard ......................................................................................................... 268
Figure 245: Vehicle action page ...................................................................................................... 269
Figure 246: Vehicles reserved by client .......................................................................................... 269
Figure 247: Vehicle rented by client ................................................................................................ 270
Figure 248: Admin Profile page ....................................................................................................... 270
Figure 249: View Feedback page ................................................................................................... 271
Figure 250: Reserved vehicles ........................................................................................................ 271
Figure 251: Feedback form .............................................................................................................. 272
Figure 252: Available vehicle page ................................................................................................. 272
Figure 253: About page .................................................................................................................... 273
Figure 254: Client approval letter .................................................................................................... 274
Figure 255: User feedback form ...................................................................................................... 275
Figure 256: Filled User feedback form ............................................................................................277
Figure 257: Phases of waterfall methodology ................................................................................278
Figure 258: Phases of prototype methodology ..............................................................................280
Figure 259 : Phases of Iterative and incremental methodology ...................................................281
List of Tables:
Table 1: Comparison between similar systems ............................................................................... 16
Table 2: Frontend compile testing ................................................................................................... 113
Table 3: Backend compile testing ................................................................................................... 114
Table 4: Test case for Admin login .................................................................................................. 115
Table 5: Test case for password change ........................................................................................ 117
Table 6 : Test case for adding vehicles by admin .......................................................................... 120
Table 7: Test case for updating vehicles ........................................................................................ 123
Table 8: Test case for deleting vehicles ......................................................................................... 125
Table 9: Test case for Admin logout ............................................................................................... 128
Table 10: Test case for Forget password ....................................................................................... 129
Table 11: Test case for invalid username or password ................................................................. 135
Table 12: Test case for empty login fields ...................................................................................... 136
Table 13: Test case for empty fields while adding vehicle ............................................................ 137
Table 14: Test case for user registration ........................................................................................ 138
Table 15: Test case for empty registration form ............................................................................ 142
Table 16: Test case for registered user login ................................................................................. 143
Table 17: Test case for User logout ................................................................................................ 145
Table 18: Test case for User Forgot password .............................................................................. 146
Table 19: Test case for user password change ............................................................................. 154
Table 20: Test case for booking vehicles ....................................................................................... 157
Table 21: Test case for renting vehicles ......................................................................................... 161
Table 22: Test case for automatic price calculation ...................................................................... 163
Table 23: Test case for viewing available vehicles ........................................................................ 165
Table 24: Test case for viewing search vehicles ........................................................................... 167
Table 25: Test case for sending feedback ..................................................................................... 171
Table 26: Test case for empty text field while booking and renting vehicle ................................ 173
Table 27: Test case for cancelling rent and book request ............................................................ 175
Table 28: Test case for rent approval confirmation email ............................................................. 179
Table 29: Test case for rent request rejected email ...................................................................... 182
Table 30: Test Case for viewing report of vehicle on rent ............................................................. 184
Table 31: Test case for searching requests ................................................................................... 185
Table 32: Test case for sorting request details .............................................................................. 187
Table 33: Test case for viewing feedback ...................................................................................... 189
Final Year Project Report
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Topic
With the growing technology and digitalization there are approximately 4.57 billion
people who are active internet users as of April 2020. Internet has not only helped people
to come closer with the family and friends all around the world but also helped many
people start their own business. Internet has generated online business platform as well
as making the world digital. Those online business includes web applications like vehicle
rental which has market value of $78.7 billion by now and is expected to be more in the
coming years. (GlobeNewswire, oct 14,2019)
Vehicle rental web application helps people with comfortable travelling as well as gives
the feeling of owning and driving their own vehicles. Users can rent vehicle of their own
choice and travel in comfort. Online vehicle rental is quite popular in western countries
and has a huge market value. However there are some rental companies in Nepal which
are providing vehicle renting services but are still practicing traditional way of renting with
lots of paperwork.
This project was developed addressing the state of the rental system in context of Nepal.
This application will help the user to rent and book vehicles for various purposes like
business, work, meeting, tourism etc. It not only benefits the vehicle seeker and business
owner but also contributes in the economy of the country. Vehicle rental system can
generate large economy as well as employment for people like drivers and mechanics
etc. It also helps to encourage local people to travel in different parts of Nepal and
promotes domestic or internal tourism.
Since all most all the industry of the world has been touched by digitalization and advance
technology vehicle rental industry is not left out. In context of Nepal online vehicle rental
system enhances the business process by giving a bigger platform for exposure of their
business along with quality customer services like online registration, online booking and
renting services.
Final Year Project Report
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Final Year Project Report
In current scenario Nepal automobile market has grown drastically after 2015
earthquake and blockade however the vehicle rental market has not been progressing
compared to the vehicle rental market of US, Canada, China etc. However there are some
Rental Companies providing the service of renting vehicles for tourism purposes with
option of different packages. These companies allows to rent and book vehicles and also
provides experience drivers. However, these companies are more related to booking a
vehicle based on selection of package tours. (Vehicle Hire Nepal, 2018)
Some of the sites based in Nepal are: Himalayan Car Rental Nepal, Vehicle Rental Nepal
Final Year Project Report
The trend of renting vehicles has changed a lot. Most of the countries have made renting
vehicles process completely digital but this trend has still not completely taken over Nepal.
One the biggest problem is lack of transparency and trust issues in online services which
made it difficult for this kind of industry to grow. Most of the people in Nepal cannot afford
their personal vehicle and are compelled to travel with discomfort. Even if they want to
hire vehicles they need to visit rental office and need to submit a lot of documents and
paperwork which makes renting process long, time consuming and frustrating. Also there
only few web application which gives online vehicle rental services but are does not give
good online renting experience and services. In this situation this project can be
considered valuable for fulfilling the need of online vehicle rental application in the current
Nepali market.
1.3 Scope:
The world has been progressing drastically in the field of technology. People are
constantly working on different technology that would help humankind to ease their work
and doing research to benefit human and their lifestyle. We want everything thing digital
and every work to be carried out in a second for example cashless transaction.
Development of online payment platform, mobile banking, ATM cards has made cashless
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tractions possible which is not only easy, and quick but also can track our transaction’s
and expenses. We also want online booking, renting and selling of various products.
The global market of Vehicle rental is worth more than $78.7 billion today which has not
only made travelling of people easier but has also increased tourism. And due to lack of
proper vehicle rental system in Nepal, there is a huge scope for this kind of application
as Nepal is visited by many tourists every year. Online vehicle rental system gives
business owner a good exposure about their business not only to the local areas but also
This application focuses on normal people who wants to travel with comfort but cannot
afford their own vehicle .This will help people to travel in comfort, save time without waiting
for public vehicle to arrive, avoid the crowd in public vehicles and can enjoy all the facilities
like a vehicle owner even without owning a vehicle and without worrying about high
maintenance cost, vehicle cost and parking costs etc.
Final Year Project Report
1.5.2 Development:
Development includes discussion of several methodologies considered and selected
methodology with justification. Phases of the selected methodology are discussed with
the implementation of the methodology. The UML diagrams and wireframes are also
included in this section of the report.
1.5.4 Conclusion:
Overall report is concluded in this part. Legal, social and ethical issues are discussed in
this part along with the advantages, limitations and future work of the application.
Chapter 2: Background
2.1 End User:
This application will have multiple end users. The end users of this application will
be the general public who are willing to change their travel experiences. It will not only be
useful for people who has license and knows how to drive but also for people who don’t
know how to drive as drivers are provided. The government can also be benefitted by this
application as it generates an additional economy as the global market in the world is
worth more than $78.7 billion. These vehicles are added and managed by admin.
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Many people cannot afford their own vehicles so they often use crowded public
vehicles to travel which consumes lot of time and makes travelling frustrating and boring.
Sometimes people even cancel their plans because of transportation issue.
This project will have capacity of having more vehicles available to public who wants
vehicle on rent. To search and rent vehicles a user has to register to website. They can
book and view available vehicles details also can give their feedbacks.
The system consists of a web application which will have list of vehicles available
for rent. Users can view the price and details of vehicles as well as give their feedback.
Details of vehicles will come from the database. Every time a customer rents a vehicle
customer details will be stored in database along with the vehicle details they have rented.
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The system will also have an admin page for admin to login into a dashboard to add new
vehicles, check feedback and view vehicle status.
• Booking vehicles
• View available Vehicles
• Give feedback
• Add vehicles
• Manage vehicle View Feedback
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2.4.2 Sixt
Sixt is a web applications that allows user to rent cars of different brands and
models which includes features like online payments, bookings, searching vehicles as
well as has travel cost calculator. In addition it has also a mobile application. (sixt, 2020)
(sixt, 2020)
2.4.3 Vehicles Hire Nepal
Vehicles Hire Nepal is a web applications that allows user to rent vehicles like car,
van, bus which includes features like online bookings and has a details of destinations
and their travel cost. (Vehicle Hire Nepal, 2018)
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2.4.6 Comparison
Rent Sixt rent a Vehicles Hire Transports in My
Features car Hotwire
Rabbit Nepal Nepal Application
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Payment gateway Yes Yes No Yes No No
Driver No No Yes No Yes Yes
Multi-language Yes Yes No Yes No No
2.4.7 Conclusion
All the above similar application has their own strong points. Most of the application of
foreign countries have many features however compare to application of Nepal there are
not many features like online vehicle rent, cost calculator, self-driving permit. Therefore,
these features are included in this project.
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Java is free and open source object oriented programming language. It is one of the most
popular and widely used programming language. One can create any type of applications
like web, applications, web services, mobile applications in Java that’s why Java
programming language was taken into consideration.
(JournalDev, 2020)
Spring Boot
Spring Boot is a framework for Java used to create a micro service which contains all the
features of the spring. Due to its production ready environment applications requires
minimum configurations. Therefore Spring Boot is chosen for backend development in
(GeeksforGeeks, 2020)
MySQL is a free and open source Relational Database Management System which is
flexible, quick processing and reliable that uses Structured Query Language. Therefore,
MySQL database is considered to be used for storing data of the application in database.
(SiteGround, 2019)
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Chapter 3: Development
3.1 Considered Methodology
• It is one of the simplest and easy methodology to use for less experienced
developers as in the case of this project.
• The methodology is also appropriate when the requirements and objectives are
clear and well understood as the main aim of functions of this project was to rent
vehicles by customer. (Tutorialspoint, 2020)
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• It is difficult to develop prototypes quickly as per its nature since each modules
might requires different knowledge to be built and some are dependent on other
modules too. (Tutorialspoint, 2020)
and can be resolved during each iteration Testing can be carried out separately
for each iteration.
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3.3.3 Implementation
Implementation phase is the phase where all the development of the system starts after
gathering all the requirements and completing the designing phase. Coding and making
the features and the system functional are done in this phase.
3.3.4 Testing
After implementation phase functionality of the system is tested in this phase to make
sure that developed system is fully functional without any error.
3.3.5 Evaluation
In this phase the whole system developed is evaluated along with the features and
changes needed to be done in the future iteration is analyzed and discussed.
3.4.1 Purpose
The purpose of SRS document is to describe the requirements of web application for
Namaste Nepal Travels and Tours. This document will give all the necessary information
to develop this application. This SRS document will cover all the necessary functions and
features as well as provides some glimpse of the software development. This document
will also cover hardware, software and other technical dependencies.
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3.4.5 Features
The following list provides a brief outline and description of the main features and
functionalities of the system. Core Features Admin
• Must be able to login into system Must be able to add new vehicle.
• Must be able to update and delete vehicle. Clients/Users
• Must be able to login into application. Must be able to register if is a new user
Must be able to view all vehicles.
• Must be able to search vehicles.
• Must be able to book/rent vehicles.
• Must be able to change password or edit profile.
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• Stimulus/Response
Step 1: Client selects vehicles to book/rent them.
Step 2: System sends requests to admin panel and reserves the vehicle for user.
Step 3: Client is redirected to available vehicles.
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• Stimulus/Response
Step 1: Admin clicks button approve/reject.
Step 2: System sends message to client according to button clicked.
Step 3: System deletes the request after approving or rejecting the requests.
Step 3: Admin is redirected to vehicle reserved by client page.
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Requirements Gathered:
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Class Diagram:
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Figure 8: ER Diagram
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Final Year Project Report Implementation:
After completion of requirement gathering and designing phase the development
of system was started on spring boot and angular. Frontend and backend for the system
was setup in this phase. In memory authentication of spring security was implemented in
backend for authentication of users along with creating MySQL database.
Code implementation:
Environment setup
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The above code consists of information that is required to connect the project with MySQL
database. This code is present in the application properties the project once setup the
project automatically connects the project to database Testing:
Click here to view testing for iteration 1 Evaluation:
All the requirements mentioned above were completed successfully in this
iteration. After the project was setup successfully the application was tested and the
results were good as the program was running successfully.
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3.5.2 Iteration 2: Requirement Gathering:
Since primary requirements were already gathered in Iteration 1. This iteration
mainly focuses on implementing the functionality of user type admin. Therefore no any
other requirements were gathered in this iteration.
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Activity diagram
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Admin Login
Forgot Password
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CRUD operation
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Change Password
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Sequence diagram
Admin Login
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Change password
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Forgot Password
Collaboration diagram
Admin Login
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Change password
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Forgot Password Implementation:
CRUD operation for admin panel was implemented in this phase.
Code implementation
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In the above picture the method on submit is used to authenticate valid user and
generate access token for user to login into system. User details are stored in user
password with user type and password are stored in encrypted form.
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CRUD operation
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In above snippet code the function onsubmit and deleteVehicle is used to add vehicle,
delete vehicle and update vehicle and details of vehicles are stored in the database in
table vehicle.
Final Year Project Report Testing:
Click here to view testing for iteration 2 Evaluation:
All the requirements gathered to be completed in this iteration was completed on
time. The features developed for admin page was fully functional and turned out be
satisfactory. However the features for customer or client side was not completed in this
iteration so it was difficult to test and evaluate all the features for user admin. Thus, the
feature for this user will be evaluated in the next iteration along with the other user client.
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3.5.3 Iteration 3: Requirements:
This iteration focuses on implementing the functionality of user type client or
vehicle seeker. The primary requirements for customer or client side were already
gathered in Iteration 1. However from the survey conducted in iteration1 provides a lot of
information as well as survey reflected many new features that people want to see in a
modern vehicle rental system. Requirements were gathered through survey, research
conducted online as well as from client.
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Activity diagram
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Register Customer
Customer Login
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Forgot Password
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Change Password
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Book vehicles
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50: Activity Diagram for Book vehicles
Rent vehicles
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Send Feedback
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Search Vehicles
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Register User
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Change Password
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Forgot Password
Book vehicle
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Rent vehicle
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Register Customer
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Customer Login
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Change Password
Forgot Password
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Book vehicle
Rent vehicle
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Feedback Implementation:
Code Implementation:
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In the above code register method onSubmit is used to register user after verifying email
and user details which are then stored in the database in the table user with user type as
Book Vehicles:
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The above code method onSubmit is used to book vehicles. Vehicle along with booking
details and user id of the customer is saved in the database. The status for vehicle is
changed to book and is updated in the database.
Rent Vehicles:
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The above code method onSubmit is used to rent vehicles. Vehicle along with rent details
and user id of the user is saved in the database. The status for vehicle is changed to rent
and is updated in the database.
Search Vehicles:
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The above two method is used to search the vehicle by vehicle name and vehicle type.
These two method filter the vehicle list according to vehicle name and vehicle type
(twowheeler, four-wheeler). Testing:
Click here to view testing for iteration 3
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Final Year Project Report Evaluation:
All the requirements gathered to be completed in this iteration was completed on
time. The features developed for customer page was fully functional and turned out be
satisfactory. Since admin as well as customer page was completed in this iteration overall
functionality of the whole system was good. However some features like sending email
confirmation to customer, view feedback and status of vehicles for admin were discussed
which would be added in the next iteration.
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3.5.4 Iteration 4: Requirements:
All the main features of this application were completed before this iteration.
Requirements for this iteration was obtained through suggestion of external supervisor of
FYP and client. Also feature like confirmation through email was one of the requested
features obtained from the survey conducted on the beginning of the project.
Requirements Gathered:
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Use case
Activity diagram
View Feedback
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Figure 81: Activity Diagram for Admin view vehicle reserve report
Sequence diagram
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Collaboration diagram
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Code Implementation:
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These two http request or API is used to send email to user to notify them about approval
and rejection of their requests.
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The above two method onActionApprove and onActionReject is used to approve and
reject the request made by client.
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Final Year Project Report Testing:
Click here to view testing for iteration 4 Evaluation:
All the features needed for the development for this project was completed after the
completion of this iteration. This iteration was quite short compared to other three
iterations as it did not require any new additional features and new requirements. Overall
system and its features were analyzed along with the possible improvements.
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Frontend Setup
Objective Compile project
Backend Setup
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Change password
Objective Change password for Admin
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Add Vehicles
Objective To add new vehicles
Actual Result Vehicles were added after add button was clicked.
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Update Vehicles
Objective To update vehicles details
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Admin Logout
To logout from admin panel and redirect to login
page after clicking ‘Log out’ button
Expected Result Application will log out and redirect to login page.
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Forgot Password
Objective To test if mail is sent to user for resetting password
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Figure 123: Displaying message when login with invalid username and password
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124: Displaying error message for empty text field login
Empty Description
To test whether admin can add vehicles when text
fields are empty.
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Figure 125: Displaying error for empty text field while adding vehicle
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Figure 131: Displaying error for empty text field while registering as new user
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User Logout
To logout from customer panel and redirect to login
page after clicking ‘Log out’ button
Expected Result Application will log out and redirect to login page.
Forgot Password
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Change password
Objective Change password for User
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Book vehicles
Objective To test whether user can book vehicles.
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Calculating Price
Objective To test automatic price calculation.
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Expected Result View all available vehicles with their details to user.
Actual Result Views all available vehicles with their details to user.
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Objective To test send feedback feature.
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Table 26: Test case for empty text field while booking and renting vehicle
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Figure 167: Displaying error for empty text field while booking vehicle
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Figure 168: Displaying error for empty text field while renting vehicle
Table 27: Test case for cancelling rent and book request
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Reject Rent
Objective To reject rent request and send rejection email.
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View Report
Objective To test whether user can view status of vehicles.
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Sort requests:
To test whether admin can sort requests by vehicle
number, price and rent duration.
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View Feedback
Objective To test whether user can view feedback
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Chapter 5: Conclusion
This project is about replacing traditional way of booking and renting vehicles to
systematic online booking and renting. This is final year project also one the biggest
project I have done so far. This project gave me an opportunity to learn new framework
and do more research.
The project was developed using Angular framework for front end and spring boot
framework for backend in Intellij IDE. Iterative incremental methodology was used to
develop the application which helped me to gather all the requirements as well as the
iterative nature helped be to repeat iteration making it easier to develop the project. Also
all the requirements were gathered through survey and from the client and implemented
This project was developed after a lot of research. Since this project was developed for
the client on real case scenario the requirements were provided directly by the client and
features were added as per client recommendation. Overall with completion of this project
I was able to gain knowledge about JavaScript and Java programming language also I
gain experience in working with framework which will be very useful for my career and
future projects. At the end of the project I was more familiar and gained more experience
working with these language and frameworks.
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The Vehicle Rental System application is simple online booking and renting vehicle. Thus
application hasn’t violated any of these type of legal issues while developing the
application. This application maintains the confidentiality and privacy of data and is legally
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5.3 Limitations
Since every application hast its own features and limitations. Some of the limitations
for this project are as follows:
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Chapter 6: References
AirBrake, 2020. AirBrake. [Online]
Available at: https://airbrake.io/blog/sdlc/waterfall-model [Accessed
6 April 2020].
GlobeNewswire, oct 14,2019. Car Rental Market Predicted to Attain a Size of $122.6 Billion By 2024: P&S Intelligence,
s.l.: P&S Intelligence.
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Chapter 7: Bibliography
AirBrake, 2020. AirBrake. [Online]
Available at: https://airbrake.io/blog/sdlc/waterfall-model [Accessed
6 April 2020].
GlobeNewswire, oct 14,2019. Car Rental Market Predicted to Attain a Size of $122.6 Billion By 2024: P&S Intelligence,
s.l.: P&S Intelligence.
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Chapter 8: Appendix
8.1 Appendix A: Pre-survey
8.1.1 Pre-survey Form
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User table
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Above figure is SQL-generated script to create table user. Data’s populated in the table
user are shown in figure as well.
Vehicle table
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Above figure is SQL-generated script to create table vehicle. Data’s populated in the table
vehicle are shown in figure.
Feedback table
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Above figure is SQL-generated script to create table feedback. Data’s populated in the
table feedback are shown in figure.
8.4 Appendix D: Designs
8.4.1 Gantt Chart
Initial Gantt chart
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WBS for I
teration 2
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WBS for I
teration 3
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WBS for I
teration 4
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8.4.4 3D Modelling
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Use case Name: Forgot Password
Actor: Admin
Description: Admin enters their email address on a form the system provides after
pressing the forget password button which sends OTP to the user’s email. By entering
the code admin they can enter their new password.
Use case Name: Change Password
Actor: Admin
Description: On the profile page an admin can change their password by entering new
password and clicking update button.
Use case Name: Manage vehicles
Actor: Admin
Description: Admin selects vehicle action then they can add vehicles, edit and delete
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Alternative Courses:
Line 3: The entered login information is incorrect and displays error message. Use case
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Use case Name: Forgot Password
Actor: Admin
Description: Admin enters their email address on a form the system provides after
pressing the forget password link which sends OTP to the user’s email. By entering the
code admin they can enter their new password.
2. User clicks forget password link 3. GUI asking for users’ email is shown
4. User enters their email 5. System validates the email
6. System sends OTP to the users’ email
Alternative Courses:
Use case Name: Change Password
Actor: Admin
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Description: On the profile page an admin can change their password by entering new
password and clicking update button.
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Actor: Admin
Description: Admin selects vehicle action then they can add vehicles, edit and delete
Alternative Courses:
Use case Name: Customer login
Actor: Customer
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Use case Name:
Description: Customer enters his or her email and password on the login form provided
to the user by the system to login.
Use case Name: Forgot Password
Actor: Customer
Description: Customer enters their email address on a form the system provides after
pressing the forget password button which sends OTP to the user’s email. By entering
the code customer they can enter their new password.
Use case Name: Change Password
Actor: Customer
Description: On the profile page a customer can change their password by entering new
password and clicking update button.
Book vehicles
Actor: Customer
Description: Customer clicks book button then enter booking details and click book
Use case Name: Rent vehicles
Actor: Customer
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Description: Customer clicks rent button then enter rent details and click rent button.
Use case Name: Search vehicles
Actor: Customer
Description: Customer filters vehicles by search name or vehicle type.
Use case Name: View available vehicles
Actor: Customer
Description: Customer selects available vehicles then all the available vehicles are
Use case Name: Send feedback
Actor: Customer
Description: Customer selects feedback button then write comment and send feedback.
Expanded Use Case
Use case Name: Register Customer
Actor: Customer
Description: Customer enters his or her details on the registration form provided to the
user by the system to register.
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Use case Name:
2. User enters users details 3. The system verifies the email
Alternative Courses:
Customer login
Actor: Customer
Description: Customer enters his or her email and password on the login form provided
to the user by the system to login.
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Alternative Courses:
Line 3: The entered login information is incorrect and displays error message. Use case
Use case Name: Forgot Password
Actor: Customer
Description: Customer enters their email address on a form the system provides after
pressing the forget password link which sends OTP to the user’s email. By entering the
code customer they can enter their new password.
Use case Name:
Actor Action System Response
1. GUI having forget password link is
2. User clicks forget password link 3. GUI asking for users’ email is shown
4. User enters their email 5. System validates the email
6. System sends OTP to the users’ email
Alternative Courses:
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Use case Name: Change Password
Actor: Customer
Description: On the profile page an customer can change their password by entering new
password and clicking update button.
Book vehicles
Description: Customer clicks book button then enter booking details and click book
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Use case Name:
Actor: Customer
Alternative Courses:
Rent vehicles
Description: Customer clicks rent button then enter rent details and click rent button.
Alternative Courses:
Search vehicles
Use case Name:
Actor: Customer
Typical Course of Events:
Actor Action System Response
1. User enters vehicle name in search 2. System filters vehicles by vehicle name
field. searched.
3. User search by vehicle type selecting 4. System filters vehicles by vehicle type
radio button searched.
Alternative Courses:
View available vehicles
Description: Customer selects available vehicles then all the available vehicles are
Alternative Courses:
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Use case Name:
Actor: Customer
Use case Name: Send feedback
Actor: Customer
Description: Customer selects feedback button then write comment and send feedback.
Alternative Courses:
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Actor: Admin
Description: Admin selects vehicle rented by client then vehicle on rent report is
displayed with customer and vehicle details.
Use case Name: Send confirmation
Actor: Admin
Description: Admin approve or reject requests by client and send email respectively.
Use case Name: View feedback
Actor: Admin
Description: Admin selects feedback then all feedbacks are displayed.
Actor: Admin
Description: Admin selects vehicle rented by client then vehicle on rent report is
displayed with customer and vehicle details.
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Alternative Courses:
Use case Name: Send confirmation
Actor: Admin
Description: Admin approve or reject requests by client and send email respectively.
Alternative Courses:
Use case Name: View feedback
Actor: Admin
Description: Admin selects feedback then all feedbacks are displayed.
Alternative Courses:
8.4.6 Wireframe
Initial Wireframe
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8.4.7 Designs
Initial Sequence Diagram
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ER Diagram
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Waterfall Model
The Waterfall methodology is considered a classic approach and is widely used
during software development process. The entire approach complements the
methodology name itself. As in waterfall, the development process is divided into multiple
phases. Each phase occurs after the completion of the phase prior to it. The following
figure depicts how Waterfall model functions. (AirBrake, 2020)
(Try QA, 2020)
(UKEssays, 2020)
Figure 257: Phases of waterfall methodology
• Feasibility
The potential requirements are identified and defined in this phase.
• Analysis
We produce proper models and business logic based on the system specifications identified
in the previous phase.
• Design
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A system design is generated where necessary software and hardware specifications are
mentioned which is further utilized to define the system architecture.
• Coding/Implementation
The system design is further implemented to produce a viable source code which utilizes
the models and logic generated in the previous phase.
• Testing
The source code is tested in units and merged into a functional system after successful
testing of each unit.
• Maintenance
In case of unwanted issues in the client side, patches are used to overcome the encountered
Prototype Model
Unlike other development methodologies mentioned above, prototype model kicks
off with a prototype of the system being built before the requirements are specified in
detail. A light concept of what the user expects is noted down to provide an experience to
end user to some extent via a prototype as mentioned above. The user can then provide
feedback in parts of the prototype itself for further modifications. This information is
documented as specification for further development which is as per the standard of what
the user is looking for and also minimizing any form miscommunications. (Java T Point,
2020) (searchcio, 2020)
(guru99, 2020)
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Final Year Project Report
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Final Year Project Report
Functional Requirements:
Non-Functional Requirements:
Useable Requirements:
A country like Nepal where most of the population belongs to middle class family. Most
of the people can’t afford a car or bike. People are always on rush they have less time
and more work so wiling or unwilling they have to travel to different places for meeting,
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Final Year Project Report
work business etc. Public vehicle is not the best option as it is generally running late,
crowded and one cannot reach to its destination with comfort.
b. Project as a solution
To make rental system easy, comfortable and available for everyone in best deals fro travelling.
• To save customer time and provide them with best service in best prices.
Expected Outcomes and Deliverables
At the end of the project, a proper application is to be built that will make vehicle renting
system easy, saves time of customer and make travelling comfortable for them. They can
book vehicle online, select their destinations and in case customer don’t know how to
drive driver will be provided to the customer.
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Final Year Project Report
No matter how robust our system is, we somewhat manage to pack some risk when we
build and refurbish a system. The unforeseen casualties somewhere in the future gets
triggered when we ignore risks or leave it uncalculated. When we address potential risks
in order to understand and analyze them, we refer to it as Risk Management. Keeping
various aspects of the system in mind, we calculate the risk and manage them such that
the system remains healthy and safe. The steps involved in risk management are as
mentioned below.
• Risk identification
• Risk control
Likelihood Value
Low 1
Medium 2
High 3
Consequences Value
Very Low 1
Low 2
Medium 3
High 4
Very high 5
With strong reference to the tables mentioned above, we calculate the impact of a specific
risk with respect to the formula: Impact = Likelihood * Consequences
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Final Year Project Report
In case of my project, the following risk management matrix is presented which follows certain
Risk Management standards.
Risk Type Description Likelihood Consequence Impact Action
Natural Disaster 1 5 5 Consulting c loud backup
(Dropbox, One drive
Deadline 2 4 8 Following a
Overruns schedule speci
developmen fic for
ever y
t phases.
methodology simple as
such for future viable
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Final Year Project Report
backup failure
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Final Year Project Report
Resource Requirements
Following are the tools that are to be used while developing this application.
WBS Task Description time in days
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Gantt chart
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Final Year Project Report
The primary objective of this project is to create an Online Vehicle Rental System
that user can use to enhance their travelling experience, in this case, the application will
provide details about the vehicles and customer can rent the vehicle available as per their
choice in best prices. This project will also help me to learn about new tools and
technologies and help me to further increase my skills.
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