Activity: Surigao Del Sur State University
Activity: Surigao Del Sur State University
Activity: Surigao Del Sur State University
( March 4, 2021)
Look for at least 3 different sample of rocks around you. Describe each rock
and determine each type or classification. Picture and turn in your work on or
before March 10, 2021 – 5:00pm. Make use of the criteria/rubrics presented below
basis for rating you work.
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points
Required Goes over and above Includes all of the Missing one or more of the Several required
Elements all the required required elements as required elements as elements are missing
elements stated in the stated in the stated in the from the project
directions & directions/instructions directions/instructions
Creativity Exceptionally clever Thoughtfully and A few original touches Shows little creativity,
and unique in showing uniquely presented; enhance the project to originality and/or
deep understanding clever at times in show some understanding effort in understanding
showing understanding of the material the material
of the material
Neatness and Exceptionally attractive Attractive and neat in Acceptably attractive but Distractingly messy or
Attractiveness and particularly neat in design and layout may be messy at times very poorly designed.
design and layout and/or show lack of Does not show pride in
organization work.
Overall Project is engagingly Project is somewhat Project is disorganized and Project is incomplete
Effectiveness organized and presents organized, complete incomplete at times and is and not easy to follow
and material that is and holds the attention somewhat able to hold the
Completion captivating for the of the viewer attention of the viewer
Submitted 3 days Submitted 2 days Submitted 1 day before Submitted on due date
before due date before due date due date