US ISB52 ParticleSense
US ISB52 ParticleSense
US ISB52 ParticleSense
performance monitoring and optimization. This is most clearly demonstrated in the ParticleSense’s ability to detect filter
breakthrough often hours in advance of any NTU change.
Close to two decades of customer experience with ParticleSense has proven the effectiveness of this technology to take water
quality monitoring to the next level. ParticleSense is the right choice if the optimization demands of your application are not
being met by relative and less sensitive measurements of water quality like those provided by a turbidity meter or SDI test
Calibration of the ParticleSense using Polystyrene Latex (PSL)
spheres is very user friendly and can be performed in just a
ParticleSense is designed to “count” particles in a liquid few minutes and ParticleSense does not need to be returned
sample from 2 to 750 micron in diameter and "size" particles to the factory to be calibrated. Unlike most other particle
ranging from 2 to 125 microns in diameter. Particles larger counters, the ParticleSense does not require the use of an
than 125 micron will be sized as >125 micron particles. external computer or software package to setup or calibrate
Particles are divided into user adjustable size channels (or the instrument.
bins). The number of particles counted in each of these bins
can be reported as counts per milliliter, counts per 100
milliliter, or Raw Counts.