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Project Name CPI Project Number
<Project Name>
Customer Name Customer Number
<Customer Name>
SAP Project Manager Customer Project Manager
<SAP Project Manager> <Customer Project Manager>

Author Document Location (repository/path/name)
<Author> <Document location>
Version Status Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Document Classification
0.1 Final <Date> Internal

Version Date Description
0.1 June 28,2011 Reformatted to the latest format
Table Of Content

Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Assumptions................................................................................................................................................... 3
Systems Catalog............................................................................................................................................. 3
Source Systems............................................................................................................................................... 3
Target Systems................................................................................................................................................ 3
Manual Feeds................................................................................................................................................... 3
Migration Entities........................................................................................................................................... 3
Implementation Design.................................................................................................................................. 4
Technologies.................................................................................................................................................... 4
Automated Tools.............................................................................................................................................. 4
Databases........................................................................................................................................................ 4
File Systems..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Third Party Software and Services................................................................................................................... 4
Extract.............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Transform......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Cleanse............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Validate............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Load.................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Reconcile.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Functional Design........................................................................................................................................... 5
Extraction.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Transformation................................................................................................................................................. 5
Cleansing.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Validation.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Loading............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Reconciliation................................................................................................................................................... 5
Error Handling.................................................................................................................................................. 5

This template is intended to be used to document the Functional and Implementation Design of an Automated Data
Migration Solution. Its focus is the overall solution process and the technologies used to implement the process. The
detail design of the components of the solution will be documented in a separate technical design document.

A note to authors, please use plenty of diagrams as they are one of the most effective communication tools.

If you are using the SAP Best Practice for Data Migration (pre-built Data Services content to migrate data into SAP ECC
and CRM/SRM, aka BPDM), certain sections will have references to the content.

Set the scene; provide a summary of the project, requirements, migration approach and scope. Although these will be
documented in detail in other documents, it is useful for the reader to have an understanding of them.

Provide references to the Data Migration Approach and Strategy document and the Scope and Requirements

List all assumptions used when producing the design.

Systems Catalog
The automated data migration solution is concerned with moving data from source(s) to target(s), these should be
documented in the following sub-sections in detail. The reason we do this is because the implementation design must
facilitate the reading of source data and writing to all target systems.

For each system, provide as much technical detail as possible, for example

1. Name
2. Operating system and version
3. Database type and version
4. APIs
5. Encryption
6. Vendor
7. Hosted service details
8. Sizing information
9. File formats
10. Dependencies (client libraries, etc.)

Source Systems

Document each source system; provide technical details as suggested above.

Target Systems

Document each target system; provide technical details as suggested above.

Manual Feeds

If source data is to be provided as files (text or Excel are common) by the business or a third party, then these should
also be documented. The important thing to capture is the format and location, as the implementation design needs to
handle reading these files. Separate Technical Design documents will be required for the detail of these feeds.

Migration Entities
List the entities being migrated, for example customer, asset, account, address, etc. Capture the sources(s) and
target(s) for each entity, data volumes, dependencies, and any data quality processes that will be required during the
migration, for example de-duplication or embellishment.

A diagram showing source and target systems and entities would be beneficial.

If you are using BPDM, target entities are synonymous with SAP objects, these should be documented together with a
mapping of source entities to target SAP Objects.

Implementation Design
At this point we now know the type of each source and target system, data volumes and data quality processing
requirements from the previous sections. Using input from the mapping documents and cutover strategy, it should be
possible to specify the solution’s implementation in detail.

There should be no gaps in the implementation, for example a source that cannot be accessed, if there is, the document
is incomplete.

A diagram showing the major components of the solution would be beneficial. It should show software, operating
systems, servers, databases, etc.

If you are using the BPDM, a lot of this will be a cut and paste from the documentation.


The following sections should provide very specific details.

Automated Tools
List all the automated tools to be used as part of the implementation, include versions, operating systems, add-ons, etc.
ETL and visualization tools would be listed here.
List the databases to be used as part of the implementation, include versions, operating systems, add-ons, etc.
Databases used for staging or metadata would be listed here. Do not include source or target system databases.
File Systems
List all the file systems to be used as part of the implementation, include operating system type, access mechanisms,
Third Party Software and Services
List any third party software and services to be used as part of the implementation, for example address data cleansing
services, credit reference agencies, encryption software, enterprise schedulers, etc.


For each source system, detail how the data is to be extracted. Refer to the technologies above.

If you are using the BPDM, this process is not delivered with the content.


For each migration entity, detail which technology will be used to transform it.

If you are using the BPDM, value mapping from source to target is provided by Data Services. The values are specified
via the BPDM Lookup Maintenance web application.


For each migration entity, detail which technology will be used to cleanse it.

If you are using the BPDM, only basic cleansing (matching) via Data Services is delivered with the content.


For each migration entity, detail which technology will be used to validate it.

If you are using the BPDM, validation of data to be loaded into SAP is covered in detail. It is done via the Data Services
validation transform.


For each migration entity, detail which technology will be used to load it into the target system.

If you are using the BPDM, Data Services will load the data into SAP.


For each migration entity, detail which technology will be used to reconcile it. Consider technical and business
reconciliation. This could be a combination of automated tool, database and a reporting tool.

If you are using the BPDM, some technical reconciliation is provided, but business reconciliation is not.

Functional Design
Document the whole automated data migration solution from a process perspective, it should be high level. The detail of
processes will be covered in a technical design document. For example, show a process extracting entity data from a
source system and writing to staging database. The details of the extraction logic, scheduling, staging design, etc. will
be in a technical design document.

Provide process diagrams as necessary.

Process dependency information should be documented.


For each source entity, define the process of how the data is to be extracted. For example, a scheduled extract,
manually executed after the completion of another process, a manual download, etc.

This is not provided in the BPDM.


For each migration entity, define the process of how the data is transformed.

If you are using the BPDM, some of this process is delivered with the content (for example mapping from source values
to SAP values via the BPDM Lookup Maintenance application). Transformation into the conformed structures required
by the BPDM must be specified.


For each migration entity, define the process of how the data is cleansed.

If you are using the BPDM, some basic cleansing is provided by entity matching.


For each migration entity, define the process of how the data is validated.

If you are using the BPDM, the validation is performed using Data Services validation transform. It uses data extracted
from SAP.


For each migration entity, detail the process of how the data is loaded into the target system.

If you are using the BPDM, content is delivered to load the data into SAP.


For each migration entity, detail the process of how it will be reconciled. Consider technical and business reconciliation.

If you are using the BPDM, some technical reconciliation is delivered (post-load to pre-load).

Error Handling

Define how error handling should be considered in all processes.


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