GPPB Resolution No. 05-2015
GPPB Resolution No. 05-2015
GPPB Resolution No. 05-2015
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WHEREAS, Section 63 of Republic Act (RA) No. 9184 mandates the Government
Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) to formulate and amend, whenever necessary, the
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 9184;
WHEREAS, Section 8.2.2(a) of the IRR of RA 9184 states that the PhilGEPS shall
have a centralized electronic database of all manufacturers, suppliers, distributors,
contractors, and consultants registered under the system;
WHEREAS, Section 8.5.1 of the IRR of RA 9184 also provides that to ensure the
widest dissemination of the Invitation to Bid/Request for Expression of Interest,
manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, contractors, and/or consultants shall register with the
PhilGEPS, and that they may then participate in procurement activities, provided, that they
maintain their registration current and updated in accordance with the provisions of the IRR
of RA 9184, and their registration is proper and relevant to the particular type of
WHEREAS, Section 8.5.2 of the IRR of RA 9184 allows the submission of eligibility
requirements to the PhilGEPS either electronically or manually. When a manufacturer,
supplier, distributor, contractor, or consultant registers with PhilGEPS, it shall submit along
with the requirements a certification stating that the documents submitted are complete and
authentic copies of the original, and all statements and information provided therein are true
and correct. Thereafter, the PhilGEPS shall issue a Certificate of Registration and
Membership that can be used for purposes of Sections 23.4 and 24.4.3.
WHEREAS, Sections 23.4 and 24.4.3 of the IRR of RA 9184 provide that “[t]o
facilitate determination of eligibility, the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of a procuring
WHEREAS, Sections 23.4.1 and of the IRR of RA 9184 require that the
PhilGEPS registry system contains the Class “A” documents, which should be maintained
current and updated by the bidder concerned at least once a year or more frequently as may
be necessary;
WHEREAS, Sections 23.4.2 and of the IRR of RA 9184 provide that “[a]
bidder who maintains a current and updated file of his Class “A” Documents may submit to
the procuring entity in lieu of the said documents, the Certificate of Registration and
Membership issued by PhilGEPS pursuant to Section 8.5.2 of the IRR of RA 9184;
WHEREAS, the Guidelines for the Use of the Government of the Philippines-Official
Merchants Registry (GOP-OMR) 1 prescribes the procedures for the registration and
membership in the GOP-OMR. Under the Guidelines, the PhilGEPS shall not determine the
eligibility of merchants. The approval of application of the merchant shall amount to the
registration of the merchant in the GOP-OMR. A merchant’s registration and membership in
the GOP-OMR is neither contract-specific nor understood to be tantamount to a finding of
eligibility. The determination of the eligibility of merchants remains with the BAC.
WHEREAS, there are bidders disqualified for failure to include any of the eligibility
requirement or for submitting patently insufficient eligibility documents during the bid
WHEREAS, the current system allows government procuring entities, through the
PhilGEPS website, to view and confirm the Certificates of Registration and Membership
issued to merchants. In addition, the PhilGEPS Certificate of Registration and Membership
for Platinum Members indicates that the procuring entity reserves the right to verify, validate,
and ascertain the authenticity, completeness and truthfulness of all the submitted documents
in the system. Thus, these documents will still be subjected to verification, validation, and
ascertainment by the procuring entities during the post-qualification stage;
WHEREAS, since only the Certificate of PhilGEPS Registration and Membership will
be required during the preliminary examination of bids in lieu of the applicable Class “A”
eligibility documents, occasions for disqualification of bidders and failures of bidding will be
lessened. In addition, the government can play a big part in reducing the use of paper, thereby
saving our forests, and mitigate the worsening effects of climate change;
WHEREAS, during the 1st GPPB Meeting held on 30 January 2015, the mandatory
submission of the applicable Class “A” eligibility documents through the PhilGEPS registry
system under the Platinum Membership registration was discussed;
WHEREAS, after careful and judicious deliberations on the matter, the GPPB found
sufficient reasons and justifications to require prospective bidders to register with the
PhilGEPS under Platinum Membership, and allow only the submission of a PhilGEPS
Certificate of Registration and Membership in lieu of the applicable Class “A” eligibility
documents contained in the first envelope; and
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing, WE, the Members of
the GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT POLICY BOARD, by virtue of the powers vested on US by
law, hereby RESOLVE to confirm, adopt and approve, as WE hereby confirm, adopt and
approve the following, relative to the mandatory requirement of Platinum Membership
1. AMEND Sections 23.4; 23.4.1; 23.4.2; 24.4.3;;; 25.2(a) and (b);
34.2(b) of the revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA)
9184, as shown in Annex “A” hereof;
2. AMEND Clauses 12.1(a); 24.4, and 29.2 of the Instruction to Bidders (ITB),
Philippine Bidding Documents (PBD) for Goods; Clauses 12.1(a); 24.4, and 28.2, of the
Instruction to Bidders, Philippine Bidding Documents (PBD) for Infrastructure Projects; and
Clauses 2.1(a) and 2.5, Section II (Eligibility Documents); and 27.2 of the Instruction to
Bidders, Philippine Bidding Documents (PBD) for Consulting Services, as shown in Annex
“B” hereof; and
3. INCLUDE a new provision relative to the eligibility and technical documents that
shall contain the first envelope under Clause 12.1(a), as shown in Annex “B” hereof.
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Attested by:
Board Secretary, GPPB
Executive Director, GPPB-TSO
Sections 23.4 and 24.4.3
The PhilGEPS registry system shall contain The PhilGEPS registry system shall contain
the foregoing Class “A” documents, which the foregoing applicable Class “A”
should be maintained current and updated by documents, which should be maintained
the bidder concerned at least once a year or current and updated by the bidder concerned
more frequently as may be necessary. at least once a year or more frequently as
may be necessary.
A bidder who maintains a current and A bidder who maintains a current and
updated file of his Class “A” Documents may updated file of his Class “A” Documents
submit to the procuring entity, in lieu of the shall submit to the procuring entity, in lieu of
said documents, the Certificate of the said documents, the Certificate of
Registration and Membership issued by Registration and Membership issued by
PhilGEPS pursuant to Section 8.5.2. PhilGEPS pursuant to Section 8.5.2.
The first envelope shall contain the following The first envelope shall contain the following
technical information/documents, at the least: technical information/documents:
Within three (3) calendar days from receipt Within three (3) calendar days from receipt
by the bidder of the notice from the BAC that by the bidder of the notice from the BAC that
the bidder has the Lowest Calculated Bid or the bidder has the Lowest Calculated Bid or
Highest Rated Bid, the bidder shall submit Highest Rated Bid, the bidder shall submit
the following documentary requirements to the following documentary requirements to
the BAC: the BAC:
(a) Latest income and business tax returns; (a) Latest income and business tax returns;
(b) Certificate of PhilGEPS Registration or
PhilGEPS Registration Number if the (b) Certificate of PhilGEPS Registration or
procuring entity is a Philippine foreign PhilGEPS Registration Number if the
office or post, provided that participating procuring entity is a Philippine foreign
bidders should register with the office or post, provided that participating
PhilGEPS prior to bid opening; and bidders should register with the
PhilGEPS prior to bid opening; and
(c) Other appropriate licenses and permits
required by law and stated in the Bidding (b) Other appropriate licenses and permits
Documents. required by law and stated in the Bidding
Clause 12.1(a)
“Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, the “Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, the
first envelope shall contain the following first envelope shall contain the following
eligibility and technical documents: eligibility and technical documents:
Clause 24.4
Clause 29.2
Within a non-extendible period of three (3) Within a non-extendible period of three (3)
calendar days from receipt by the bidder of calendar days from receipt by the bidder of the
the notice from the BAC that it submitted the notice from the BAC that it submitted the
LCB, the Bidder shall submit the following LCB, the Bidder shall submit the following
documentary requirements: documentary requirements:
(a) Latest income and business tax returns in (a) Latest income and business tax returns in
the form specified in the BDS; the form specified in the BDS; and
(c) Other appropriate licenses and permits (b) Other appropriate licenses and permits
required by law and stated in the BDS. required by law and stated in the BDS.
Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, the “Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, the
first envelope shall contain the following first envelope shall contain the following
eligibility and technical documents: eligibility and technical documents:
Clause 24.4
Clause 28.2
Within a non-extendible period of three (3) Within a non-extendible period of three (3)
calendar days from receipt by the bidder of calendar days from receipt by the bidder of the
the notice from the BAC that it submitted notice from the BAC that it submitted the
the LCB, the Bidder shall submit the LCB, the Bidder shall submit the following
following documentary requirements: documentary requirements:
(a) Latest income and business tax returns in (a) Latest income and business tax returns in
the form specified in the BDS; the form specified in the BDS; and
Clause 2.1(a)
Clause 2.5
Clause 27.2
Within a non-extendible period of three (3) Within a non-extendible period of three (3)
calendar days from receipt by the Consultant calendar days from receipt by the Consultant
of the notice from the BAC that it is the of the notice from the BAC that it is the
HRB, the Consultant shall submit the HRB, the Consultant shall submit the
following documentary requirements: following documentary requirements:
(a) Latest income and business tax (a) Latest income and business tax returns in
returns in the form specified in the the form specified in the BDS; and
(b) Certificate of PhilGEPS Registration (b) Certificate of PhilGEPS Registration or
or PhilGEPS Registration Number if PhilGEPS Registration Number if the
the procuring entity is a Philippine procuring entity is a Philippine foreign
foreign office or post, provided that office or post, provided that participating
participating bidders should register bidders should register with the
with the PhilGEPS prior to bid PhilGEPS prior to bid opening; and
opening; and
(c) Other appropriate licenses and permits (b) Other appropriate licenses and permits
required by law and stated in the required by law and stated in the BDS.