(The Chest X-Ray)
(The Chest X-Ray)
(The Chest X-Ray)
X-rays have very short wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation that penetrate
A traditional radiograph is created when X-rays penetrate body structure and
produce images on a piece of photographic film usually contained in a cassette.
However, in most hospitals and medical centers, the traditional X-ray film has been
replaced with digital images. The basics of chest X-ray interpretation is the same
irrespective of whether it is a digital image or conventional X-ray film .
Black and White Principles ,
• White color indicates lack of exposure and black color indicates intense exposure.
• Dense substances absorb all the rays and appear white on the film – radiopaque.
• Soft tissues and air absorb part of the beam and appear gray (tissues) or black (air)
– Radiolucent.
By convention most of the PA views are taken with patient in erect posture and most
of the AP views are taken with patient in supine posture. For acutely ill patients who
are bedridden and who cannot stand up for a PA view, AP views are obtained with a
portable X-ray machine.
-lung, trachea, bronchus, heart, diaphragm, mediastinum, costophrenic angle
- lung disease, mediastinal disease and heart disease
-Central Ray Project perpendicularly toward the center of chest with the height of 7th
thoracic (T 7)
-suspended with deep inspiration
2.Chest antero posterior (AP) supine:
-lung, trachea, bronchus, heart, diaphragm, mediastinum, costophrenic angle
-lung disease, mediastinal disease and heart disease
Central Ray
-Project perpendicularly toward the center of chest with the height of 7th thoracic (T7).
-suspended with deep inspiration
Postero anterior (PA) View vs Antero posterior (AP) View
There are certain findings that can distinguish a supine AP from erect PA view; For
e.g. PA view shows the scapulae clear of the lungs whilst in AP view they always
overlap. The clavicles are overlie the lung fields in PA view, while in AP they are usually
projected above the lung apices. The level of the diaphragm is lowest in PA view, while
in AP view they are placed higher up. Further the heart looks bigger on an AP view
because of the technical magnification In an erect film, the gastric air bubble is clearly
seen in the fundus with a clear fluid level just
Below the left dome of diaphragm. In a supine film, blood will flow more to the apices
of the lungs than when erect. Failure to appreciate this will lead to a misdiagnosis of
pulmonary Congestion. The recognising a chest X-ray film as AP or PA view is of very
important as the Normal anatomy significantly changes (Fig. 1.3). Therefore, doctors
have to be careful about This aspect before interpreting any abnormality .
Parameter PA view AP view
1. Patient posture Erect (standing) Supine (lying on back)
-lung, trachea, bronchus, heart, diaphragm, mediastinum, costophrenic angle.
-lung disease, mediastinal disease and heart disease.
Central Ray
-Project perpendicularly toward the center of chest with the height of 7th thoracic (T7).
Suspended with deep inspiration.
4.Chest LAO, RAO
• patient is in erect position.
• Rotate the patient 45° to the filming side.
• Adhere one arm to image receptor (IR) and place it on hip region facing the
palm external side.
• Lift the chin and raise the opposite arm high to exclude them in inspecting
-aortic arch, heart, thorax, right lung, trachea
-lung disease, mediastinal disease and heart disease
Central Ray
-Project perpendicularly toward the center of chest with the height of 7th thoracic (T7).
-suspended with deep inspiration
5.Chest LPO, RPO
-aortic arch, heart, thorax, left lung, trachea
-lung disease, mediastinal disease and heart disease
Central Ray
-Project perpendicularly toward the center of chest with the height of 7th thoracic (T7)
-suspended with deep inspiration.
• The patient is placed a step ahead from vertical image receptor device in erect
• Lean the patient to the back to lean shoulders and neck on vertical image
receptor device.
• Place patient's midsagittal plane on the center of Image receptor (IR).
• Place the palm on hip region facing external side.
-pulmonary apex
-inflammation and tumor of lung apex
Central Ray
-Project perpendicularly toward the center of manubrium
-suspended with deep inspiration
-pulmonary apex
-inflammation and tumor of lung apex.
Central Ray
-Project perpendicularly toward the center of manubrium
-suspended with deep inspiration
8.Chest lateral decubitus :
• Place a support with thickness of 5 ~10cm on the filming table and place the
patient on the support in Lateral decubitus position.
• Place image receptor (IR) in front of patient's Chest and put arms around IR.
-pleural effusion, mediastinitis, empyema, pneumothorax.
-pleural effusion, pneumothorax, mediastinitis and empyema
Central Ray
-Project perpendicularly toward the center of chest with the height of 7th thoracic (T7).
-suspended with deep inspiration