Action-Plan Template
Action-Plan Template
Action-Plan Template
Name: Group 8
Direction: Creating an ACTION PLAN on establishing a non-profit organization dedicated for environmental protection.
Example: Greenpeace Philippines is dedicated to protect natural landscapes, species, and more from environmental threats such as perilous waste
imports, coal projects, and illegal logging. Aside from promoting ecological farming, this volunteer-based group also holds Campaigns against land,
air, and water pollution. Note: Use the format provided below.
Goal: Hydroponic Garden aims to promote an elevated farming, planting, gardening that involves the use of nutrient-rich
waters as core element in growing plants. As we become more civilized which our land masses becomes smaller.
- Composting
gas emissions
Coordinating with the
Brgy. Captain in
order to start
Step 3: Implementing 1
After identifying a suitable Our Organization October 9 to 23 / We will be providing funds Including our organization,
location for the community Brgy. Officials 15 Days with our own money and we we would need help from
composting site and would need financial some people, possibly
selecting a composting support from the office of Brgy. Officials and citizens
system that is appropriate Municipality of Guimba, who can help us start
for the community's needs, Politics from Guimba. building the project.
College Department
[email protected]
Step 5: Evaluating
As we all know, Guimba is Our Organization November In order to evaluate the In evaluating the project our
lacking in terms of having a Mayor Dizon 28,2021 project the cooperation of organization together with
public food resource garden Brgy. Residents the people in the brgy. or the people of the Brgy. And
due to small space of land Residents who will be the Mayor will evaluate if the
to plant in, which made it a beneficiary of the project said project is making a
perfect candidate for the will be helpful. progress, by means of
project hydroponic garden. observation, interviews and
It will take about 3 weeks Supplies need for survey test.
(minimum) after the evaluating the
implementation in order for project(Survey test, Evaluate 3 weeks After
people in the Brgy. Ballpen, facemask, face implementation
community will start to shield, and alcohol)
benefit from this project twice a month
College Department
[email protected]
Evidence of Success When plants in the hydroponic garden starts to grow and be ready for harvest time and for as long as this project
(How will you know that continues to provide and to serve as food resource for the people in the brgy. community
you are making progress? Observation, interviews and survey test
What are your
Evaluation Process When we have effectively done every steps in creating this project and when people in the brgy benefit from the
(How will you determine project : Hydroponic Garden and as they benefit it also contributes and serve as one solution to combat climate
that your goal has been change
reached? What are your