Action-Plan Template

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College Department

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Name: Group 8

Year & Block: BSIT-2A


Direction: Creating an ACTION PLAN on establishing a non-profit organization dedicated for environmental protection.
Example: Greenpeace Philippines is dedicated to protect natural landscapes, species, and more from environmental threats such as perilous waste
imports, coal projects, and illegal logging. Aside from promoting ecological farming, this volunteer-based group also holds Campaigns against land,
air, and water pollution. Note: Use the format provided below.

Goal: Hydroponic Garden aims to promote an elevated farming, planting, gardening that involves the use of nutrient-rich
waters as core element in growing plants. As we become more civilized which our land masses becomes smaller.

Action Steps Responsibilities Timeline Resources Communications Plan

What Will Be Done? Who Will Do it? By When? Resources Needed Who is involved?
(Day/Month) (financial, human, political What methods?
& other) How often?
Step 1: Establishing
The Project aims not only to Our Organization Online meet Our Organization would be
promote environmentally the one who will be the first
conscious behaviors but to facilitate this Project
also to help the people in
the community or barangay.
This reduces waste sent to
landfills, reduces methane
emissions from organic
waste, and produces
College Department
[email protected]

healthy soil for community

Step 2: Planning
In planning the said project; Our Organization September 18 to We will be providing funds - In Planning the project we
 We first identify Person who can make us a blueprint October 8 / 3 with our own money and we would need the presence of
where and when it’s for the design weeks would also ask for the Brgy. Captain, in
going to be Brgy. Captain donations or financial designing the structure of
implemented assistance to support the the Composting Bins used
 Creating a design for planning of the said in planning is sketch layout
the composting bin project(in designing the that will be provided by the
Disadvantage: project structure) person who makes
- Composting blueprint design.
bins can produce
odors as the organic

- Composting
gas emissions
 Coordinating with the
Brgy. Captain in
order to start
Step 3: Implementing 1
After identifying a suitable Our Organization October 9 to 23 / We will be providing funds Including our organization,
location for the community Brgy. Officials 15 Days with our own money and we we would need help from
composting site and would need financial some people, possibly
selecting a composting support from the office of Brgy. Officials and citizens
system that is appropriate Municipality of Guimba, who can help us start
for the community's needs, Politics from Guimba. building the project.
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[email protected]

the next step is to create

composting bins. Letter of Consent for Mayor Everyday
Depending on the chosen Dizon
composting system, this
may involve purchasing Supplies needed for
pre-made bins or building building the project(Large
them from scratch using container or bin with a lid at
materials such as wood, least 3ft x 3ft x 3ft,
wire mesh, or plastic. Composting materials (e.g.,
food scraps, yard waste,
leaves, twigs)
A pitchfork or compost
A hose or watering can)
Step 4: Implementing 2
Continuation of building the Our Organization October 24 to Nov Start with a base layer of Including our organization,
Composting bins. Brgy. Officials 7 twigs or small branches to we would need help from
After the implementation of aid drainage and aeration. some persons, citizens who
this project, the community Add a layer of brown can help us to continue
composting help to reduce materials such as dried building the project.
waste and produce nutrient- leaves, straw, or shredded Every day except for
rich soil. It can also create a newspaper. holiday
sense of community and Add a layer of green
cooperation among materials such as vegetable
residents. By working and fruit scraps, coffee
together on a shared grounds, and grass
project, residents can clippings.
connect with each other, Continue to layer the brown
build relationships, and and green materials,
improve their local making sure to moisten
environment. Composting each layer as you go.
can also be an educational Use the pitchfork or
opportunity for the compost turner to mix the
College Department
[email protected]

community, raising materials occasionally,

awareness about the ensuring proper aeration
importance of sustainability and decomposition.
and promoting Add more materials as they
environmentally conscious become available and mix
behaviors. them in.
Keep the compost pile
moist, but not too wet.
When the compost is ready,
it will be dark and crumbly
with a sweet earthy smell. It
can be used to fertilize your
garden or house plants.

Letter of Consent for Mayor


Step 5: Evaluating
As we all know, Guimba is Our Organization November In order to evaluate the In evaluating the project our
lacking in terms of having a Mayor Dizon 28,2021 project the cooperation of organization together with
public food resource garden Brgy. Residents the people in the brgy. or the people of the Brgy. And
due to small space of land Residents who will be the Mayor will evaluate if the
to plant in, which made it a beneficiary of the project said project is making a
perfect candidate for the will be helpful. progress, by means of
project hydroponic garden. observation, interviews and
It will take about 3 weeks Supplies need for survey test.
(minimum) after the evaluating the
implementation in order for project(Survey test, Evaluate 3 weeks After
people in the Brgy. Ballpen, facemask, face implementation
community will start to shield, and alcohol)
benefit from this project twice a month
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Evidence of Success When plants in the hydroponic garden starts to grow and be ready for harvest time and for as long as this project
(How will you know that continues to provide and to serve as food resource for the people in the brgy. community
you are making progress? Observation, interviews and survey test
What are your
Evaluation Process When we have effectively done every steps in creating this project and when people in the brgy benefit from the
(How will you determine project : Hydroponic Garden and as they benefit it also contributes and serve as one solution to combat climate
that your goal has been change
reached? What are your

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