Audit Pratical 1

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Dr. D. Y. Patil Unitech Society's

DR. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce &
Science Women's College
Pimpri, Pune -411 018.


This is to Certify that Shri/ Smt. Kevai Mangesh 6wamy

ofFY/S. Y./T. Y.B Com. Division -8:CoMand Roll No. 61

practical in the subject
has satisfactorily completed
laid down by the Savitribai Phule
Auci hinq Taraheon as

20 2 20
Pune University for the academic year

Subject Teacher

Head of the Dept.

Exam Seat No.

Internal Examiner
External Examiner lsf
DR. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce & Science Women's College,
Pimpri, Pune - 411 018.

Index Remarks & Signature
Practical Title Date
No. ofthe Teacher

ypes of cleisses of auelit 1-ocl2

2Auci ncle baak Aclitneskinqpup -Nav-2c
Fexe uAuct 14: Oec:2c2
TItle ypes at Classes ak Aucdit
Date 21 Ock2024
Name of the guide (Expert/Teacher)rof Sachin Jadhay
objectives of the Practical: 1 lo skucls classes of the auclit

oUncler.skanclTypes afaucitSuch as fa ownexship _pntnership

chicchvefo dcope ak avcul employer of auclikor to mancgierof thecking.
Report on information collected
(Along with documents/ PapersI Charts Etc.) huboo

Clasroam leckue onine otfline deliver by ProkSochin Jaclbo

Testbook Auclhing Nivali AhikionSuceks ublihian
LWeb site www. asq orqqueul ks esouceg

Practical Application Meanung 0f HuclutAuclhnq u_clebinecl a the one sike

VayLhicahion actit achviky Such Inspection 0 eyaminahion
o a phocessoY qucuuks suskm to _ensue complhcnceto
Yequrmenk_OY an adalul Can apply to an entie oreanisadion
miqht_ to be spiri to _an tunclhienprocesr or ncluchion.
The auclik cometam the latin warod Aucbi'
which meansto hea in the miclclle eyes an auclikox ulu
subeked heuc
A person appainted by otwnexs wbeneyer hey
to check accounh and to hea explanahbn given by pexsans
Yesponsible fexfinanciau
SlaxAuclht i laxducil is_an examinahon di inaiicial
accocls to access the coiectnecs ot calclakion
a Haxable pratit do ensue coopliahce ilh provisiang of
Hhe income tax Ac 19GL ancd also_ensSUre Fultilment ok
Conditions for daming clecluchion undex the Ack

Social Auclt3 Soclal audit is an_auclil Tevieuthe naniouncicel

impact ot an qaniscuhion an he Socieks auaxenecs ofSocia
ncsphailbilik ot buuinerS hu ioCrcasecin yeceak yeas So the
scope ot his qulit îs adso enlaxqed

Enuixoment Auclit: Erhixroment 4uelik also called a emen

aucl hn auclil of he impec of ananganisalion 0n Hhe
envixanoenE is callec Eavironment addt
lhes ae as Coverecl es Geen HLclit
inclucde enexqu useaqewcuace vecuelinq proedure
tonveakon af auu maeaial anc aclaphioa of deco
Propxiek Audlt Ropexk auclil goc beuyana tinarcial impoc
o he athions anccleliad duli hon ok he maqemeod to
VEYI ok he acHong OY in public iobrest ar wih the
accepkeclStancracl ak propey conduc

3 extormnce Hucl i s Concexnec wih he eclucahion of

pextoxmance Companec with he set skanclorcly T
The auclikc exaaos Maximum oulput
iochivec fer qivep input 0 MninLUna ingul us uecl fen
_a qcnoutput
caadly thal h
) Sanctanial AdA CC caur

the cepa isauazanee t . the peicika

Lting o
c theCepatic ac 2613 ancd aths pplicule lauc

Conlusicn hom hisprachcle we q do kcu

abeu the Qudu Oncl ci d

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