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nigh May a 1S 1828 (Part 1) : 2005 1SO 7500-1 : 1999 ured are orgett & fery wifcres verrefrea were a1 aaa /aiea Wem aa — sear woe oT west vd sive ( arr FRET ) Indian Standard METALLIC MATERIALS — VERIFICATION OF STATIC UNIAXIAL TESTING MACHINES PART 1 TENSION/COMPRESSION TESTING MACHINES — VERIFICATION AND CALIBRATION OF THE FORCE-MEASURING SYSTEM (Third Revision ) Ics 77.040.10 © Bis 2005 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI #10 Price Group 7 copy == ! | Mechanical Testing of Metals Sectional Committee, MTD 3 NATIONAL FOREWORD This indian Standard (Part 1) (Third Revision) which is identical with ISO 7500-1 : 1999 ‘Metalic materials — Verification of static uniaxial testing machines — Part 1 : Tension/compression testing machines — ase Verification and calibration of the force-measuring system’ issued by the International Organization tor = ‘Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendations of the Mechanical Testing of Metals Sectional Committee and approval of the Metallurgical Engineering Divieion Council, This Indian Standard was originally published in 1961 end subsequently revised in 1975 and 1986. This 2! revision of the standard has been taken up to align it with ISO 7500-1 : 1999 by adoption under dual a numbering system. Indian Standards, Attention is particularly drawn tothe folowing: 2) Wherever the words ‘International Standard appear referring to this standard, they should be read as ‘indian Standard b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current © practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker. Inthis adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which Indian Standards also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards which are to be substituted in their places are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated: International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence 1SO376: 1999 Metallic materials 1S. 4169 : 1988 Method for calibration of Technically — Calibration of force proving _force-proving instruments used for the Equivalent instruments used for the _ verificationof uniaxial testing machines (first verification of uniaxial testing _revisior) machines ISO 6892 : 1998 Metallic IS 1608:2005 Metallic materials — Tensile Identical materials — Tensile testing at testing at ambient temperature (third ambient temperature revision) In reporting the results of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the final value, observed or calculated, is to be rounded off, it shall be done in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’ Is 1828 (Part 1) : 2005 ISO 7500-1 : 1999 Indian Standard METALLIC MATERIALS — VERIFICATION OF STATIC UNIAXIAL TESTING MACHINES PART 1 TENSION/COMPRESSION TESTING MACHINES — VERIFICATION AND CALIBRATION OF THE FORCE-MEASURING SYSTEM ( Third Revision ) 1 Scope © shi pat ct180 7500 spocifs to veicaton of tensioncomprossion esting mastnes. The verification consists of: — a general inspection of the testing machine, including its accessories for the force application; — a calibration of the force-measuring system. static verfication of he force-measuring systems end the calibration values are jesting applications. Further informaton regarding dynamic effecs is given in NOTE This part of 1S0 7500 adresse Act necessarily valé for high-speed o dyn ‘he Bibtograpty, 2 Normative reference ‘The folowing normative oocumens cottains piovisious widely, irough sefeience ih UUs text, conctiute prcv'sions of this part of ISO 7500. Fer dated references, aubsequentt amendments to, or revisions of, eny of these publication do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 7500 are encouraged to investigate the possibilty of applying the most recent ediions cf the normative document indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative documert referred to apples. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of ‘currently vald Intemational Standards. & 1SO 376, Metallic materials — Calibration of force-proving instruments used for the ventication of uniaxial testing mache 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes ol this part of ISO 7500, the following term and definition apply aa calibration set of operations thal establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values of queniities incicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or values represented by = material measure or 2 referance ial, and the corresponding values realized by standards cf values of measurands to the indicatens oF the NOTE! The result of a caltation permis eltner the assignme; determination of corrections with rospect to indians NOTE 2 Acaliration may aisa determine other metrological properias such as the efact of influence quantities 1S 1628 (Part 1) : 2005 1SO 7500-1 : 1999 NOTES The recut ofa calbration may be recorded in a decument, cometimes cated a caliraion caticate or a calibration repent vay 4 Symbols and their meanings ‘Symbois and their meaning are given in Table 1 ‘Table 1 — Symbols end their meaning Symbol Unit ‘Meaning a % | Relatve resolution ofthe force indicator of the testing machine _| 6 % | Relative repeatabity error ofthe orce-measuring system of the testing machine fy % | Relative zero error of the force-measuring system of the testing machine F NN | True force indicated by the force-proving instrument with increasing test force F NN | True force indicated by the force-proving instrument wih decreasing test force a Nt | True force indicated by the force-proving instrument with increasing test force, for the complementary series of measurements for the smallest range which is used A NN | Force indicated by tne fowe indicator ofthe testing machine to be vertied, with increasing test force Fi NN] Force indicated by the force indicator ofthe testing machine to be vertied, with decreasing test force ‘Arithmetic mean of several measurements of F, and F for the same discrete force Highest or lowest value of For F for the same discrete force IN] Force reading on the force indicator ofthe testing machine to be veried, with Increasing test force, for he complementary series of measurements forthe smallest range which io used Fo | Resiualinceatton of he fore indeator of he esting machine tobe vere ater Fy NN | Maximum capacity of the measuring range ofthe force indicator ofthe testing machine a mvs? | Local acceleration due to gravity ‘ % | Relative accuracy eror of the force-measuring system ofthe testing machine , NN | Resolution of the force indicator of ie testing machine , % | Relative reversibility error ofthe force-measuring system ofthe testing machine pi kolm’ | Density of air Pn kg/m! _| Density of the dead weights awit es IS 1828 (Part 1) : 180 7500-1 : 1999 5 General inspection of the testing machine The veriication of the testing machine shell only be carried out if the macrine Is In good working oider. For this Purpose, a general inspection of the machine shall bo carriod out before calibration of the force-measuring system of the mactine (See annex A). NOTE Good meicclogical practice tequltes a caltration run prior to any maintenance or adjustments to the testing machine. 6 Calibration of the force-measuring system of the testing machine 6. General This calibration shail be carried out for each of the force ranges used and with all force indicators employed. Any accessory devices (e.9. pointer, records!) which may affect the force-measuring system shal, where Used, be verilied in accordance with 6.4.6 tho testing machine has eoveralforce-moasuring eyeeme, each system shal be regarded as a separate testing 2 achine, The same preoedure shal be flowed for deude piston hye machanes. ‘The calibration shall be carried out using force-proving instruments with the following exception. Ifthe force to bo verified is below the lower limit of the smallest capacity force proving device used in ihe calibration procedure, use known masses, When more than one foree-proving instrument is roquirod to calibrato a force range, the maximum force applied to te smalier device shall be the same as the minimum force applied to the next force-proving instrument of higher ‘capacity. When @ eet of known masses is used to verily forces, the set shall be considered as.a single force-proving Instrument. The calibration should be carried cut with constant indicated forces, F,. When thie mothod ic not feasible, the calibration may be carried out with constant true forces. NOTE 1 Calibration may be carried out wit a slowly increasing force. The word “constant” signifies thatthe same valve of F; (or F's used forthe three sores of measurements (see 6.45). ‘The instruments used for the calibration shall have a ceriied traceability to the intemational eystom of unit. ‘The force-proving instrument shall comply with the roquiromants specified in ISO 976. The class of the instrument ‘shall be equal to.0r beiter than the class for which the testing machine is to be calibrated. In the case of dead \weights, the relative error of tho force gonorated by these woights shall be lees than or equal 1o = 0,1 %. {9 NOTE? The ert equation eng the fr Fn natnd lated by the dod want aa my Mogae a This force can bo calculated using the folowing appreximate formula eaee @ ‘The relative ero: ofthe force can be celouated, using the formu ° 1S 1828 (Part 4) : 2005 180 7500-1 : 1999 6.2. Determination of the resolution 62.1 Analogue scale “The thickness of the graduation marks on the scalo chall bo uniform and the width of tho pointer shall bo approximately equal to the wieth of a graduation mark ‘The resolution, r, of the ingScator shall be obtained from the ratio between the width of the pointer and the centre-to- centre distance Between two adjacent scale graduation marks (sCale interval), The recommended ratios are 1:2, 1.5 (oF 1:10, a spacing of 2.5 mm or greater being required for the determination of one-tenth of a scale division. Jy O22 Digital scale ‘The resolution is taken to be one increment of the count of the numerical indicator, provided that when the instrament ie unloaded and the motors and controls system are operating, the indicaton does nt fluctuate by more than one increment. 3462.3 Variation of readings I the readings vany by more than the value previously calculated for the resolution (with the calibration of the force- indicating instrument unicaded and with the motor and/or drive mechanism and control on for determining the sum fall cloctrical noise), this resolution, r, shall be deemed to be equal to half the range of fluctuation plus one increment. NOTE 1 This only dotemnines the resoluien due to sysiem noise and does not account for contol emors, Le. hydraulic NOTE 2 For avtoranging machines, he resotsion of he inscater changes ashe resolution orga ofthe systom changes. 624 Unit The resolution, , shall expressed in units of force. 6.3 Prior determination of the relative resolution of the force indicator The relative resolution, c, ofthe force indicater is defined by the relationshis astx (4) Fx100 “ where 1 is the resolution defined in 62: Fis the force atthe point under consideration. The relative resolution shall bo dotormined at each calibration point and shall not exceed the values given in Table 2 for the class of machine being vertied. 6.4 Calibration procedure 6.4.1. Alignment of the foreo-proving instrumont Mount tension force-proving instruments in the machine in euch a way as to minimize any elects of bending (see ISO 376). Fer the alignment of a foree-proving instrument in the compression mode. mount a platen with spherical seat on the isirument if the machine does not have an incorporated spherical seat 6.4.2 Temperature compensation The calibration shall be carried out at an ambient temperature between 10°C end 35°C. The temperature at which the calioration is carried out shall be noted in the verification report. G Is 1828 (Part 1) : 2005 ISO 7500-1 : 1999 A sulficient period of time shall te provided to allow the force:proving instrument to reach a stable period of temperature. The temperature of the force-proving instrument shall remain stable to within + 2°C during each ‘calibration run. if necessary, temperature corrections shall be applied to ihe readings (see ISO 376). 6.4.3 Conditioning of the testing machine ‘The machine, wih the force-proving Instrument in postion, shall be loaded at least three times between zero and the maximum force to be measured. 644 Procedure ‘The following method should be used: @ given force F, indicated by the force indicator of the machine is applied to the machine and the true foree F indicated by the force’proving instrument ie noted. Hits not possiblo to use this method, the true force, F, indicated by the force-proving instrument is applied to the machine and the force, F, indicated by the force indicator of the vertied machine is noted. 6.4.5 Application of discrete forces ‘Three series of measurements shall be taken with increasing forces. For machinae applying not more than five iscrete forces, each value of relative error shall not exceed the values given In Table 2 for a specie class. For machines applying more than fivo discrete forces, each cerise of measurements shall comprise at least five discrete forces at approximately equal intervals between 20 % ard 100 % of the maximum range of the scale. yy lta calibration is conducted at forces below 20 % of the range, supplementary force measurements shall be made Y el approximately 10 %, 5 %, 2%, 1 %, 0,5 %, 0,2 % and 0,1 % of the scale down to and including the lower lint of calteation NOTE 1 The lowor int ofthe range ean be datarined by mulplying tha reeelution, r, by: = 400 forclass 0.5; — 200 forciase 4; = 100 forciass 2; — 67 lordass 3 For testing machines with auto-ranging indicators, at loast two force stape shall be applied on each part ofthe range where the resolution does not change. NOTE2 The force-proving instrument may be rotaled through an angle of 120" before each series of measurements and @ preload run undertaken s For each discrete force, the arithmetic mean of the values obtained for each series of measurements chall be calculated. From these mean values, the relative accuracy error and the relative repeatabilty error of the force: measuring eystem ofthe testing machine shal be calcviated (see 6.5) The indicator reading shal be set to zero before each series of measurements. The zero reading shall be taken approximately 30s alter the force is completely removed. In the case ol an analoguo indicatcr, # shall also be checked that the pointer balances freely around the zero and, fa digital indicator is used, that any drep below zero is immodiatoly rogistored, for example by a sign indicator (+ oF —, The relative zero error of each series calculated shall be ncted using the folowing equation: for Be xt00 o 645 Verification of accessories ‘The good working odor ard resistance due to friction of the meshenical accessory devices (pointer, recorder) shall be verted by one of the ‘allowing methods according to whether the machine ts normally used wit or wihout Is 1828 (Part 1) : 2005 ISO 7500-1 : 1999 a) Machine normally used with the accesscries: throe series of measurements shall be mado with increasing force (cee 6.455) with the accessories connected for each force-measuring range which is used and one ‘complementary series 0! measurements without accessories for the smallest renge which is used. b) Machine normally used without accessories: three series of measurements shall be made with increasing force (cee 6.4.5) with the accesserios cieconnoctod for each force-measuring range whch is used and one ‘complementary series of measurements with the accessories connecied for the smallest range which is used. {In both cases the relative accuracy errar, g, shall be calculated for the three normal series of measurements, and the yelative repoatabilty error, b, shall be calculated from the four series. The velues obiained for & and shall conform to Tablo 2for the clase under consideration, and the following further conditiors shall be satisfied: — for calbration with constant incicated forc i FoI 100) st5|a| @) — {or calibration wth constant tue force: 100) =F| <5 o NOTE Inthe equations, the value of gis the maximum permissible value given in Table 2for the class under considerstion. 5.4.7 Verification of the effect of differences in piston positions For hydraulic machines, whore the hydraulic prassure at the actuator is used to measure the test force, the influence ot a difference in postion ct the piston shall be verified for the smallest measuring range af the machine Used, during the three serise of measurements (cee 6.4.5). The position of the pision shall be diferent for each Series of maasurements. NOTE In he case of a double-pston hydraulic machine tis necessary 10 consider both pistons. 6.48 Determination of relative reversibility error Whan required, the relative reversibilty error» shall be determined by carrying out a calibration ai the same iscrete ‘forces, frst with increasing forces and then with decreasing forces. In this case, the machine shall also be calibrated with a decreasing force. The diferance between the values obtained with increasing force and with decreasing force enables the relative reversibly ertor to be calculated, using the following equation (see Figure 1): FoF 100 © or, for the particular caze of the calibration carried out with a constant true force: @ “This determination stall be cartied cut for he lowest and highest force ranges of the testing machine. IS 1626 (Part 1 ISO 7500-1 : 1999 Force treating on the force indicator r Ff True force Figure 1 — Schematic diagram for the determination of reversibility 6.5 Assessment of the force indicator 65.1 Rolative accuracy error “The relative accuracy enor expressed as @ percertage othe mean true force, F, is gven by the equation: aA at00 (10) For the particular case of the caltration being carried out wih @ constant rue force, the relative accuracy error is given by the equation: on 6.5.2 Relative repeatability error ‘The relative repoatablty error, b, for each discrete force, is the difference betwoen the highest and lowest ‘measured values with respect to ne average. Itis given by the equation: (72) For the pattcular case of the calibration carried out with a constant true force, the relative repeatability error is given by the equation: Fev. 100 (19) 1S 1626 (Part 1) : 2005 ISO 7500-1 : 1998 6.5.3 Agreement between two force-proving instruments, When two force-proving instruments are required to calibrate a measuring range and the same nominal force is ‘separately applied to both (see 6.1), then the magnitude of the difference between the relative accuracy errors ‘obtained with each instrument shall not exzeed 1,5 X the magritude of the repeatability corresponding to the ciass ‘of machine given in Table 2, 1.9. ¢1 42 = 1.52. 7 Class of testing machine range ‘Table 2 gives the maximum permissible values for the diferent relative errors of the force-measuring system and for the relative resolution of the force indicator that characterize a testing machine range in accordance with the ‘eppropriate class. ‘A measuring range on te fore inceatr shal ent be considered © confor f the inspectonIs satisfactory for he 2} range of measurement at least between 20% ané 100% ol te nominal range. Table 2— Characteristic values of the force-measuring system ot Maximum permissible value, % machine range Relative error of Relative sccuracy | repeatability rere resolution ‘ ’ . Li 2 1 210 10 215; #01 05 2 220 20 =30 02 10 BA _ #30 30 =45 203 18 1 Accrcng 19 648, hore reversibly eros oly Gatamined when ete. 8 Verification report The vertication report shail contain atleast the following information, 8.1 General information 4) _telerence to this part of $0 7500, ie. 1S0 7500-1; )_identitication of the testing machine (manufacturer, type. year of manulacture if known, serial number) and, # ‘epplicable, specific identification ofthe force indicator (mark, type, serial number); ©) location of the machine; ©) type, class and reference number of the force proving instrurrent used, calfration cenilicate number anc ‘expiration dato of this certificate; ©) _caibration temperature; f) date of vertication; 9) name or mark of he vertying authority. 15 1628 (Part 1) : 2005 1SO 7500-1 : 1389 _N65.3 Agreement between two force-proving instruments When two force-proving instruments are required to calbrate a measuring range and the same nominal force is ‘separately applied to both (see 6.1), then the magnituce cf the difference between the relative accuracy errors ‘cbizined with each instrument shall not exceed 1,5 X the magnitude of the repeatability corresponding to the class ‘of machine given in Table 2, .6. 4, 92 = 1.5. 7 Class of testing machine range “Table 2 gives the maximum permissible values for the diferent relative errors ofthe force-measuring system and for the relative resolution of the force indicator that characterize a testing machine range in accordance with tho ‘appropriate class. ‘A measuring range cn the force incicator shall only be considered to conform if the inspection is satistactory for the. range of measurement at least between 20 % and 100 % of the nominal range. le 2 — Characteristic values of the force-measuring system woot ‘Maximum permissible valve, machine range Relative error of Relative accuracy | repeetabilty | reversibiity * 2210 resolution i 4 ’ » fe « co 205 oo =r £005 ozs 1 410 10) 15) 04 Os 2 220 20 =39 £02 10 3 230 ED =a £03 15 8 Verification report The verification report shail contain atleast the following information 8.1 General information 4) _relerence to this part of $0 7500, Le. 180 7500-1; * Acsotng 19 5.4.8 th relive reversibityerors only determined when eure )_identilication of the testing machine (manufacturer, type, year of manufacture it known, serial number) and, it ppiicablo, epeeificidentilication of the foree indicator (mark, type, eerial number}: )__lecation of the machine; ) type, class and seference number of the force proving instrument used, calibration certificate number and ‘expiration date of thi certfcato; €) calibration temperature: f) date of vertication; @) name or mark of the vertying authority, 1S 1828 (Part 1) : 2005 10 7500-1 : 1999 82 Results of verification 8) any anomaly found during the general inspection; b) for each force-measuring system used, the mode of calibration (lension, compression, tensianlcompressicn), the class of each range calibrated and, if requested, the discrete values of relative errors of accuracy, repeatabilty, reversibilty 2era and resolution: 6) the lower limit of each range to which the assessment applies. 9 Intervals between verifications The time between two veiificalions depends on the type of testing machine, the standard of maintenance and the amount of use. Unless otherwise specified, it is recommended that vorfication be carried out at intervals not exceeding 12 months. The machine shall in any case be verified if tis moved to a new location necessitating dismantiing ori itis subject tomajor repairs or adjusimenis.

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