Rocks and Geology

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Rocks and Geology: General Information

Rocks are the foundation of the earth. Rock provides the firmament beneath our oceans and seas and it
covers 28% of the earth's surface that we all call home.

When we travel any distance in any given direction, it is impossible not to see the tremendous variety in
color, texture, and shape of the rocks around us.

Rocks are composed of one or more minerals. Limestone, for example, is composed primarily of the
mineral calcite. Granite can be made up of the minerals quartz, orthoclase and plagioclase feldspars,
hornblende, and biotite mica. Rocks are classified by their mineral composition as well as the
environment in which they were formed. There are three major classifications of rocks: igneous,
sedimentary and metamorphic.

A question: Which kind of rock came first? Think about it.......

The following sections describe the conditions and processes that create the landscape we admire and
live on here on "terra firma."


The millions of tons of molten rock that poured out of the volcano Paracutin in Mexico, and from the
eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State illustrate one of the methods of igneous rock formation.

Igneous (from fire) rocks are formed when bodies of hot liquid rock called magma located beneath the
earth's crust, find their way upward through the crust by way of fissures or faults. If the magma reaches
the earth's surface, it forms extrusive igneous rocks or volcanic rocks. If the magma cools before it
reaches the surface, it forms bodies of rock called intrusive igneous rocks or plutonic rocks.

Extrusive igneous rocks or volcanic rocks are formed from volcanic activity. Most varieties are fine-
grained because they cooled very rapidly upon exposure to the surface of the earth. RHYOLITE (Sample
1) is an example of an extrusive igneous rock. It is a light colored rock formed during violent volcanic
episodes such as the Mount St. Helens eruptions of May 1980 or the formation of Mammoth Mountain in
California’s Long Valley Caldera. Rhyolite is similar in composition to granite but has a fine-grained
texture. It often contains visible shards of volcanic glass. It is expelled rapidly by the volcanic eruption,
cooling and hardening almost immediately. Other rocks formed from this type of volcanic eruption
include obsidian and pumice.

Obsidian, sometimes called volcanic glass, results from the rapid cooling of magma. It is a dark, glassy
rock that can transmit light when thin chips are found. A mass of this rock makes up Obsidian Cliff in
Yellowstone National Park and it also occurs at Obsidian Dome in Mono County, California, north of
Mammoth Mountain.

BASALT (Sample 2) is a dark-colored, heavy rock formed from thick, syrupy lava flows. The eruptions that
create basalts are less violent than those that create rhyolite but can be equally destructive. Eruptions
from the numerous Hawaiian volcanoes form extensive basalt lava flows. The Columbia Plateau in the
northwestern United States is covered with 150,000 square miles of hardened basaltic lava. In places the
basalt is one mile thick and is one of the earth's greatest volcanic constructions.

Intrusive igneous rocks form beneath the surface of the earth where slow-moving magma bodies cool
before they reach the surface. Intrusive magma forces its way into or between masses of older rock and
cools very slowly. As a result of this slow cooling process, intrusive igneous rocks are coarse-grained (the
mineral crystals are readily visible to the naked eye or with the assistance of a hand-lens or magnifying
glass). These rocks are later exposed at the surface through the processes of uplift and erosion. Granite
and diorite are two of the many varieties of intrusive igneous rocks.

GRANITE (Sample 3) is easily recognized because of its speckled appearance. Close examination reveals
that the speckling is caused by the different minerals granite is composed of. The light gray glassy
mineral is quartz; the milky white or gray mineral is feldspar--in some samples the feldspar can be red or
green (those special-colored granites are prized for building stone and for monuments and tombstone
materials); the black shiny minerals could be platy mica or blocky hornblende. Granites are formed from
magmas that are rich in silica and potassium; relatively poor in calcium, magnesium, and iron. Masses of
granite can be found in the Rocky Mountains, the Adirondacks, the Black Hills of South Dakota, the White
Mountains of New Hampshire, the Newberry Mountains in southern Nevada and many locations
scattered throughout Nevada.

DIORITE (Sample 4) is also a speckled intrusive igneous rock but is noticeably darker in color than granite.
The rock is coarse to medium grained with interlocking grains of dark gray plagioclase feldspar, greenish-
black hornblende, and less than 10% quartz. Diorite is formed from magmas that are rich in iron, calcium,
and magnesium; poor in silica and potassium. Large masses of diorite are found in intrusive igneous
(plutonic) mountain ranges such as the Sierra Nevada, the ranges of southern California, and many other
locations world-wide.

The differences between extrusive igneous rocks and intrusive igneous rocks result primarily from their
mode of formation. Granite, pumice, and rhyolite come from magmas of very similar composition; diorite
and basalt come from magmas of very similar composition.
Igneous rocks were the first to appear during the earth-formation process.


Sedimentary rocks are interesting because of their methods of formation. These rocks can be built up
under water by the deposition of materials such as sand, clay, mud, pebbles, and gravel. These materials,
called sediments, are brought to the waters of lakes and oceans by the streams or rivers that flow into
them. Wind and moving glaciers are also sediment transportation agents. Repeated freezing and thawing
of water in fractures and pore spaces in rocks will cause them to break down over time. All of these
processes are collectively known as weathering and erosion. Other sedimentary rocks are made from the
remains of plants and animals such as algae, shells, or ferns. Still others are derived from minerals such as
salt or gypsum that were once dissolved in ocean or lake waters. As these sediments accumulate in layers
or beds, the weight of the newest, youngest beds on top causes pressure on the older beds beneath
forcing these older beds to stick together and to harden into rock. During this process, some natural
cementing materials such as lime, calcite, and quartz, found in ocean and lake waters, may help cement
together coarser materials such as sand and gravel.
The kind of sedimentary rock produced depends on the kinds of materials deposited: very fine grained
muds or clays form SHALE (Sample 5), cemented sands become SANDSTONE (Sample 6), and cemented
pebbles or gravel form CONGLOMERATE (Sample 7). Clay and lime together form a rock called marl.
Seashells provide the material for LIMESTONE (Sample 8). Decaying plant and animal remains from
swamps and shallow lakes form the parent material for coal. Diatomite is a sedimentary rock composed
of the silica-rich remains of algae, which are microscopic, single-celled plants that grow in lakes containing
silica-laden water. Diatoms absorb silica from the water they live in and biologically secrete it to form
their siliceous shells in a great variety of forms. There are approximately 50,000,000 diatoms in a cubic
inch of diatomite.

Sedimentary rocks are very common and many are easy to identify. Shale has a muddy smell when wet,
just like the material it was formed from. Sandstone is obviously made of grains of sand (usually quartz).
Sometimes the grains are loosely cemented and if two pieces of sandstone are rubbed together, sand
grains will be dislodged. Sandstones are often well-sorted which means that the sand grains are mostly
all the same size or diameter. Conglomerate, on the other hand, is usually described as poorly- sorted
because the materials that make up the rock are of a variety of sizes ranging from clay-size to boulders.
Limestone often has visible remains of animals, shells or plants called fossils. Sedimentary rocks are
derived from previously existing rocks which are decomposed by one of the methods described earlier.
Sedimentary rocks may be formed from igneous and metamorphic rocks (described later) or from older
sedimentary rocks.

Most sedimentary rocks have a banded, "layer cake" appearance which is due to the difference in
materials which were deposited, layer by layer, one on top of another. Each layer tells a unique story
about a particular location during various periods in geologic history as the layers are preserved in a
chronologic sequence which can be studied, interpreted, and age dated by geologists. One of the most
spectacular examples of sedimentary "layer cake" rock formation is found in the walls of the Grand


In general, it may be said that when any bedrock is subjected to greatly increased pressures, very high
temperatures, or both, it may be changed in its physical and chemical properties to become a
metamorphic rock. Metamorphic means "a change in form". The pressure increase may be the result of
movement of the earth's crust which crumples and folds the bedrock. Increased pressure may also result
from deep burial of sediments as younger sedimentary beds are deposited over the top of them.
Increases in temperatures may result from friction created by movement or from nearby sources of hot
magma. Fluids are often present during the heading process which may alter or re-melt and completely
recrystallize previously existing rocks. Metamorphism can effect igneous and sedimentary rocks, and
even other metamorphic rocks that were formed earlier in time. SCHIST (Sample 9) is a metamorphic
rock derived from sedimentary or older metamorphic rocks that have been altered by heat and pressure
from nearby intrusive igneous bodies. Schist is identified by its platy appearance due to the parallel
orientation of sheets or grains of minerals called mica.
Some other examples of metamorphic rocks and rocks from which they were derived are as follows:

Metamorphic Rock Derived From

QUARTZITE (Sample 10) Sandstone and other quartz-rich rocks
GNEISS (Sample 11) Granite and other rocks
MARBLE (Sample 12) Limestone

Notice that the sample of gneiss has a speckled appearance like granite but that the mineral grains
are oriented in parallel bands and the bands are alternately light and dark. The banding is a direct
result of pressure and heating (but not to the melting point) which actually changes the structure of
the rock. Where there has been movement, mineral grains will turn and flow in the direction of

Notice how much more durable the quartzite is compared to the sandstone. Marble has been
converted from limestone and the result is a crystalline rock that is much prized as a building stone
and as a carving stone for statuary. Quartzite and marble can often look alike. The hardness test will
help identify one from the other: Quartzite is made up of quartz (hardness 7) and marble is
composed of calcite (hardness 3). An excellent example of marble is found at the Crestmore quarry
just outside Riverside, California. Notable occurrences of metamorphic rocks are found along the
length of the San Andreas Fault.

PURPOSE: This exercise will help students to learn about the diversity of rocks, the various
environments they were formed, and to identify where various rock types are found in nature.

STICK-ON DOTS (any size from 1/4" to 3/4")

INTRODUCTION: Rocks come in every shape, color, texture, and form imaginable. This diversity is the
result of several factors: 1) The minerals they are composed of; 2) the environment they were formed in;
and 3) the forces of nature that have acted upon them, to name only a few. With this exercise, the
students will learn about a variety of geologic environments and will be able to match each of these
environments with one of the rock samples included in the "Rock Kit".

INSTRUCTIONS: Have the students read the "Rocks and Geology General Information section. The rocks
that are talked about are divided into three categories: IGNEOUS, SEDIMENTARY, AND METAMORPHIC.
They should also have the geologic conditions drawing handy so that they can refer to it when reading
about a particular environment.

Next, have the students open up the Rock Kit. The rock samples are arranged by category: Samples 1– 4
are igneous, samples 5 – 8 are sedimentary, and samples 9 – 12 are metamorphic. The name of each
sample and its number are shown on the label insert for the kit. (Try to avoid mixing up the samples as
some of them look alike. RECOMMENDATION: Paint a small spot on each sample using white model
paint and ink the sample number on the paint spot.)

Give each student 12 stick-on dots. They can label each dot with a number from 1 to 12, or they can write in
the name of each rock type (or abbreviate the names) from the rock kit on the dot.

Have the students stick a dot for each rock type where they think it would occur on the geologic
conditions sheet. The Rocks and Geology General Information handout provides a number if clues that will
be helpful.
Rocks and Geology Exercise
Exposed by
Uplift and
OCEAN Erosion
Weathering &
Spreading Center Extrusive Igneous Erosion
x xx
x xx x
Sedimentary Rocks Rocks x x
x x x x x
v Sedimentary Rocks x xx x x
v x v v vv v x x x x xx x x x
x x x v v v vv v v x x
x x x xx x
x x xx x x x x
x xx x x x
v v
x x x x x
x x v x xx x
x x x x x x xxx x x xx x
x xx
x x x x x x x xx x x xx xx x xx x
x x x x x x x x x x x xxx
x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x xx x x x x
Subductio x x x
x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x xx x x xx
n x x
x x
x x x x x
x x x
x xx x x x x x xx x x x x x xx x
x x x
x xx
x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x xx
Metamorphic x x x x x xx x
x xx x x
Rocks or
Metam phic Rock s
x xx x x x x
x x x
x x
x x x
x From Magma

Intrusive Igneous


1. Rhyolite - Very light colored extrusive igne- 5. Shale - Formed by accumulation of mud. 9. Schist - This rock is formed as a result of
ous rock formed during an explosive volcanic 6. Sandstone - Formed by erosion of older rock heat and pressure associated with intrusive igne-
event. and transported by water and wind. ous rock bodies that affect surrounding sedimen-
2. Basalt - Heavy, dark-colored extrusive igne- 7. Conglomerate - Made up of cemented tary and/or metamorphic rocks.
ous rock resulting from thick non-explosive lava pebbles, gravel, and sand. 10. Quartzite - This rock was formerly sand-
flows. These rocks formed Hawaii, for example. 8. Limestone - Formed from shells of ocean stone that has been changed by the effects of
3. Granite - Light-colored intrusive igneous creatures. deep burial and heat.
rock. It came from magma deep within the earth 11. Gneiss - formed from the effects of heat
and cooled before it reached the surface. and extreme pressure on granite, diorite or other
4. Diorite - Dark-colored intrusive igneous rock. intrusive igneous rocks.
It has higher iron content than the granite so it 12. Marble - Marble is formed from limestone
is darker in color and denser than granite. It that has been physically changed by deep burial
cooled within the earth and was exposed on the and the effects of high temperature.
surface because of faulting, uplift, and erosion.
Key - Rocks and Geology Exercise
Exposed by
Uplift and
OCEAN Erosion
Weathering &
Spreading Center Extrusive Igneous Erosion
x xx
x xx x
Sedimentary Rocks Rocks x x
Sedimentary Rocks
x x
x x x 4
v 1
x v v vv v
x x x x x xx x
x x
x xx x
2 5 vv
x x x v v v vv v v
x xx x x x
x x x
x x
x x xx x
x x x
8 v v
x x x x x
x x v x xx x
x x x x x x xxx x x xx x
x xx
x x x x x x x xx x x xx xx x xx x
x x x x x x x x x x x xxx
x x x x x x x x x x x
12 x x
x x x
x x x x 6
x x x
x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x
3 x x x x
x x x x x x x x xx x x x x
x x
x x
x 9 10 x x
x x x x x xx x x
x x x x x
n x x
x x
x x x x x
x x x
x xx x x x x x xx x x x x x xx x
x x x
x xx
x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x xx
Metamorphic 11 x x x x x xx x
x xx x x
Rocks etamorphic Rock s x xx x x x x x
M x x
x x x
x x x
x From Magma

Intrusive Igneous

1. Rhyolite - Very light colored extrusive igne- 5. Shale - Formed by accumulation of mud. 9. Schist - This rock is formed as a result of
ous rock formed during an explosive volcanic Place dot near edge of ocean. heat and pressure associated with intrusive igne-
event. Place dot next to the large smoking volca- 6. Sandstone - Formed by erosion of older rock ous rock bodies that affect surrounding sedimen-
no (where v pattern is shown). and transported by water and wind. Place dot tary and/or metamorphic rocks. Place dot in the
2. Basalt - Heavy, dark-colored extrusive igne- between volcano and mountain, below the layers area of metamorphic rocks next to the intrusive
ous rock resulting from thick non-explosive lava near the surface. igneous body on right side of the volcano.
flows. These rocks formed Hawaii, for example. 7. Conglomerate - Made up of cemented 10. Quartzite - This rock was formerly sand-
Place dot next to the spreading center in the pebbles, gravel, and sand. Place dot at the base stone that has been changed by the effects of
ocean. of the intrusive igneous rock mountain where deep burial and heat. Place dot between the the
3. Granite - Light-colored intrusive igneous the sedimentary rocks make contact. mountain and sedimentary rocks, specifically
rock. It came from magma deep within the earth 8. Limestone - Formed from shells of ocean where the sandstone is located.
and cooled before it reached the surface. Place creatures. Place dot in the ocean where the 11. Gneiss - formed from the effects of heat
dot on or next to the volcano where "intrusive arrow indicates "sedimentary rocks". and extreme pressure on granite, diorite or other
igneous rocks" are shown (x pattern). intrusive igneous rocks. Place dot near the base
4. Diorite - Dark-colored intrusive igneous rock. of the mountain, just above where “metamor-
It has higher iron content than the granite so it phic rocks” is shown.
is darker in color and denser than granite. It 12. Marble - Marble is formed from limestone
cooled within the earth and was exposed on the that has been physically changed by deep burial
surface because of faulting, uplift, and erosion. and the effects of high temperature. Place dot
Place dot on or near to the mountain on the right beneath the limestone on the ocean floor.
side of the drawing.

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