Models of Enterpreneurship Education in Elementary School: Faris Nur Khulafa

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 118

9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET)

Models of Enterpreneurship Education in Elementary School

Faris Nur Khulafa

Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

Corresponding e-mail: [email protected]


The ASEAN Economic Community or the MEA took effect on 1 January 2016. One of the important components for
Indonesia to face the MEA is the number of domestic entrepreneurs, because entrepreneurs have a big role in supporting the
economy. However, it is unfortunate according to the data of Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), the number of
entrepreneurs in Indonesia is only 3.1%, while other ASEAN country, such as Malaysia or Singapore is up to 5%. Based on
these problems the authors develop solutions in the form of integration of entrepreneurship education in elementary schools.
Entrepreneurship education is important to be given considering the formation of entrepreneurial character needs to be
fostered since the early age, so that the future of many emerging entrepreneurs Indonesia. In developing it, the author is
based on Piaget's cognitive theory, where elementary children experience concrete operational phase, so that the
development of entrepreneurship education is packed with concrete activities. With the writing of this work is expected to
be a reference of entrepreneurship education methods in the elementary school and implicate the increasing number of
entrepreneurs in Indonesia.

Keywords: Elementary School, Entrepreneurship Education

place with a number of enterpreneurs who are still
few. It is necessary to increase the number of
1. INTRODUCTION entrepreneurs to face the MEA. The low number of
entrepreneurs is believed to be the mindset of being
The ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) a civil servant still inherent in Indonesian society.
has been officially implemented by the rest of Fear of bankruptcy and entrepreneurial character
countries in ASEAN on January 1st 2016. MEA is that is not built are the main cause of people’s
the momentum of free market among ASEAN thoughts. Based on these problems, the need for
citizens. Overseas products will be easily obtained introduction of entrepreneurship early on which
with cheap price, this certainly makes the economic aims to shape the entrepreneurial character to
competition more fierce. In addition, the number of children is needed. So leadership, optimistic and
jobs in Indonesia will also be less because of the brave to take risks characters will be internalize.
foreign citizenship that will apply for jobs. Whereas That’s why, the authors develop entrepreneurship
the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) on February education in elementary school so that they are able
2017 in Indonesia is quite a lot of 5.33 percent (BPS, to apply it in the future. There are two problems of
2017) [1]. the research, which are the definition of
Action is required to prepare or overcome it. entrepreneurship education and learning models of
One of the solutions is through the increasement of enterprenurship in elementary school.
entrepreneurs in Indonesia. With a large number of
entrepreneurial then the products that will be 2 METHODS
generated will be more and more and it is directly
proportional to the amount of employment field. This research is library research. According to
However, it is unfortunate because the number of Hasan (2002: 11) library research (literature
entrepreneurs for Indonesia losing much compared research) is research conducted using literature
to Malaysia or Singapore that amounted to 5%. (literature), either in the form of books, notes, or
Based on the number of BPS data entrepreneur research reports from previous research. The data
Indonesia only 3.1%. With the least amount of source of this research is document [2] . Document
entrepreneurs will have a direct impact on the study is looking for data about things or variables in
economy, both microas well as macro. The number the form of notes or transcripts, books, newspapers,
of jobless will stagnate or decrease if MEA takes magazines (Arikunto, 2010: 275) [3]. Data

Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( 469
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 118

collection techniques is to examine various sources early childhood education to secondary and
such as books, research journals, articles, papers, non formal education.
newspapers, intenet or other information related to 2. Appropriate design and examples of
the title of research. After data collected then integration of entrepreneurship education in
performed data analysis. Data analysis in this study each educational unit ranging from the level of
is to analyze and synthesize the document to be early education to secondary.
reviewed and become a new idea in supporting the
research results. 3.2 Learning Models of
Enterpreneurship Education in
3 DISCUSSION Elementary School
3.1 The Definition of Enterpeneurship Presidential Instruction No. 4/1995 on the
Education National Movement of Socializing and
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship, mandates to all
Entrepreneurship is a feature that can be
Indonesian and nations to develop entrepreneurial
observed in the actions of a person. Entrepreneurs in
programs [9]. The government is well aware that the
the fields of health, education and business basically
business world is the backbone of the national
work the same way, they work better, they do it
economy, so it must be strived to be improved
differently than others (Drucker, 2007: 45) [4].
Entrepreneurship as a behavior can be demonstrated
Through this movement is expected that
through dynamic, risky, creative and growth-
entrepreneurial character will be part of the work
oriented responses that are an innovation process
ethic of the Indonesian , so it can give birth to new
(Susilaningsih, 2015: 3) [5]. An entrepreneur is a
entrepreneurs who are reliable, tough, and
person who sees opportunities. The definition of
independent. The integration of entrepreneurship
entrepreneurship here emphasizes on everyone who
education in education is a momentum for the
started a new business (Alma, 2011: 24) [6].
revitalization of the national policy to popularize
Entrepreneurship is a tool of life's view of
the entrepreneurship, it is caused by largest number
wanting freedom in the financial need to create
of open unemployed from the graduates of
something new by using existing resources. To
educational units at primary and secondary levels.
achieve this must be good at utilizing opportunities
Through the policy of the Ministry of National
through business opportunities, appropriate risk-
Education that includes the curriculum of
taking management capabilities to achieve
entrepreneurship education in educational
opportunities, and through communication skills and
institutions (Depdiknas, 2005) [10]. The concept of
management expertise in mobilizing people,
entrepreneurship is integrated since students sit in
finances and material resources to produce projects
elementary school to college. Entrepreneurship
well (Ranto 2007: 21) [7]. According to Suherman
education equips learners to be independent and not
(2008: 13) entrepreneurship is basically the soul of
oriented to job seekers but to job openers. Primary
someone who is expressed through the attitude and
School or called the school age between 7-12 years.
behavior of creative and innovative to do an activity
According Poerwati (2013: 118) thought elementary
[8]. The person who has the soul of course can do
students can still be formed in accordance with the
entrepreneurial activities or become entrepreneurial
needs of the environment, so the mindset about the
ideals of children to be entrepreneurs must be
From some of the above understanding, it can be
formed [11]. Some of the model used as the
concluded that entrepreneurship is about the process
organizers of entrepreneurship value cultivation:
of creating something different, which has added
1. Integrated Model in Subject
value through the sacrifice of time and energy with
Entrepreneurship education can also be
various social risks and get appreciated for
integrated in the learning of each subject. Learning
something earned along with the emergence of
materials related to norms or values on is needed to
personal powers of the results obtained.
be developed, explored, linked to the context of
With the development of entrepreneurship
everyday life. Thus, entrepreneurial education-
education is expected to provide some outcomes as
oriented learning is not only at the cognitive level,
but it touches on internalization, and real practice in
1. The establishment of a set of mappings
the lives of everyday learners in society. The
containing entrepreneurial values and
advantage of this model is that all teachers could
indicators of entrepreneurial success of participate in the responsibility of cultivating the
learners in each educational unit ranging from values of entrepreneurship education to students.
Understanding the value of entrepreneurial attitudes

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 118

in learners is not only informative-cognitive, but education through habituation in learners but
applied to each subject. The weakness of this model something that has become a habit difficult to
is the cultivation of entrepreneurship education that change too.
is only limited to values and attitudes such as honest, 4. Model of entrepreneurship subject
disciplined, competive and others, there is no basic In addition to using an Integrated Model in
planting for entrepreneurship. Subject , values of entrepreneurship education could
2. Learning Model Through extracurricular be given into a subject. It can be add into local
activities content subject that is each region has a different
Extra curricular activities that have been held by local content based on the regional potential. Local
schools is one of the potential media for character entrepreneurial subcontracts are not entirely about
development including the character of entrepreneurship, but cultivation of values, attitudes
entrepreneurship and the improvement of academic and basic entrepreneurship, such as local TTGA and
quality of learners. Extra Curricular Activities are KPDL subject, in local content indirectly internalize
out-of-school educational activities to assist the entrepreneurship education in agriculture, farming
development of learners according to their needs, and socializing with the community.
potentials, talents, and interests through activities The advantage of this model is the students
that are specifically organized by educators and / or directly practice activities in local content so as to
education personnel who are capable and authorized have provision for entrepreneurship, while the
in the school. Extra curricular activities are expected weakness of this model is the local content of each
to develop the ability and sense of social region is different so there is possibility not all
responsibility, as well as the potential and existing local content internalize the value of
achievement of learners. entrepreneurship education.
The advantage of this model is the student really 5. Combined Model
get value through concrete experiences. Experience The combined model means using a combination
will be more embedded when it’s compared with of a integrated learning model and Learning Model
hearing information in classroom. Learners of this Through extracurricular activities. This model can
model is no fixed structure within the framework of be implemented both in collaboration with teams by
education and teaching in school and takes more teachers and in collaboration with outsiders. The
time. Student-learners more involved in digging the advantage of this model is that all teachers are
values of life and learning are more encouraging. involved.. Children will recognize the values of life
The weakness of this model is no fixed structure by informatively and reinforced by experience
within the framework of the education and teaching through well-planned activities.The weakness of this
in school and need more time. This model also model is demanding the involvement of many
demands creativity and understanding of the needs parties and a lot of time for coordination. In
of the participants Educated in depth. This kind of addition, not all teachers have competence and
activity can not only be held once a year or twice but skills to embed the values of entrepreneurial
must be repeated many times. education
3. Cultural Model, Habitual Value in All Activities
and School Atmosphere 4. SUMMARY
The cultivation of entrepreneurship education
values can also be embedded through in all activities MEA has been officially enacted, it is
and school suits. Culture will create a habit. To necessary to prepare Indonesia in facing Open
cultivate the values of entrepreneurship education Unemployment Rate (TPT) problem and number of
schools need to plan a culture and habituation entrepreneurs which only reach 3.1%. One of the
activities. For younger learners, habituation is very solutions offered is entrepreneurship education at the
important. Because with habituation that eventually Elementary School level. Entrepreneurship is
an activity will belong to learners in the future. entrepreneurship is about the process of creating
Good habituation will form a good human something different, which has added value through
personality as well. the sacrifice of time and energy with various social
Conversely, bad habits will form a bad risks and get appreciated for something earned along
personality as well. Based on the habituation that with the emergence of personal powers of the results
learners are accustomed to obey the rules that is in obtained. There are several models of
school and community, after getting good education entrepreneurship education in elementary school,
habituation in school. It will influence also carried in among others, are integrated model in subject,
daily life at home and until adult later. Inculcate learning model through extracurricular activities,
good habits is not easy And sometimes takes a long cultural model, habitual value in ll activities and
time to instill the values of entrepreneurship school atmosphere, model of entrepreneurship

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 118

subject, combined model. Each model has its own [4] Drucker, Peter F. (2007). Innovation and
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The researcher would like to thank Farid Ahmadi, Pemasaran Jasa. Bandung : Penerbit Alfabeta.
M.Pd., Ph.D. as supervisor who was willing to guide [7] Ranto. (2007). Korelasi antara Motivasi,
Knowledge of Entreprenurship dan Indepen-
this paper and the preparation of this paper has been
densi dan The Entrepreneur’s Performance
supported in part by Department of Elementary pada Kawasan Industri Kecil, Manajemen
School Teacher Education, Universitas Negeri Usahawan Indonesia, LMFE-UI, Jakarta.
Semarang. [8] Suherman. (2008). Desain Pembelajaran
Kewirausahaan. Bandung: Alfabeta.
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