VSSLM 2016 3
VSSLM 2016 3
VSSLM 2016 3
VSS Emultech® offers a self-contained laboratory scale The standard mixing method is by temperature sensing. The
emulsion plant for developing and testing anionic and technician uses the bitumen and soap temperature and
cationic emulsion formulations. With an available heat calculates an emulsion temperature based upon the desired
exchanger the Lab Plant is also capable of milling emulsion final bitumen percentage required.
using modified asphalt.
An available flow sensing option (shown in photo above) allows
The VSS Emultech Laboratory Asphalt (bitumen) Emulsion for greater manual control of bitumen and soap flows for more
Plant features a Supraton Colloid mill and is designed to accurate emulsion production. The technician simply maintains
replicate the production scale milling process. Various the flows to reach the desired final bitumen percentage
emulsifiers and formulations can be tested quickly with minimal required.
wasted material. Each plant is complete with tanks, pumps
heating and instrumentation to accurately control the various In addition, there is an available flow control option which
combinations of asphalt, water and chemicals to produce the greatly simplifies the operation by automatically adjusting the
specific emulsion required. Emulsifier solution, additives, flow of the soap to match the desired final bitumen percentage
polymers and asphalts are metered into a specifically-designed required. The formulation is controlled precisely based on the
manifold before being injected into the colloid mill. material flows, regardless of temperature fluxuation.