Bba 5 Sem Dec 2019
Bba 5 Sem Dec 2019
Bba 5 Sem Dec 2019
5th Semcster
Bachelor of Business Administration
12. Horv can insured get the claim from insurance compan_v after
suffbring the loss ?
(b) RiskFinancing.
14. Explain measurement of risk. Hou,can risk be controlled with or
rvithout lnsurance ?
0885/FF-7642 2200
(i) Printed Pages: 2 Roll No.
(ii) Questions : l1 Sub. Code 0 8 8 6
Exam. Code 0 0 2 f,
L Discuss briefly the reasons for going global.
2. What do you mean by Turnkey project ?
-1" Explain the functions of World Bank.
4. List the imporlant provisions ofNAFTA agreement.
5. Mention five problems of India's Intemational Trade.
6. Explain the concept of single r,r.'indow in customs under Exim
7 what are the various functions and principies of iTNCTAD
8 What do you mean by International Rusiness ? Compare
contrast Intemational Business with Domestrc Business.
[Turn over
9' Despite an improvement over Ricardo's theory, Factor
Endowment theory is widery criticized. Explain the reasons.
10. Explain various types of tariff and non_tariffbarriers.
I 1. Discuss the trade position and future ofASEAN-lndia
and Investment Agreement
(i) Printed Pages: 2 Roll No'
0 8 8
(ii) Questions :11 Sub' Code :
0 0 ) 3
Exam. Code :
w-ith this view that the Indian business presents a mixed
as far as social responsibilit.v is concerned ?
1 L Define Ecological enr.ironment. What measurcs have been taken
rn India fbr the protection of environment ?
12. What are the salient fbatures ofFEMA ? Examine their impact on
Indian business.
ll. Deflne culture. How do you think business and culture are
inteneiated ?
088711.'F-76;l,t 2200
(i) Printed Pagcs : 2 Roll \o.
(o List the methods used for financial appraisal of a
project" 5
6. "Small scale Industries are the backbone ofNational Economv."
Discuss with relevant examples. 15
0888/FF-764s 2200
0 8 8 9
(ir) Questions z 14 Sub' Code :
0 0 f,
Exam. Code :
5'h Semester
Bachelor of Business Administration
: 80
Hoursl [Maximum Marks
Time Allowed : Three
questions from Section-A'
Note :- (1) Attempt any four (5 x4=20)
SECTION-C (15x2=30)
behaviour in formulating
11. Expiain the role of consumer
marketing strategY'
product characteristics influence
12. What is innovation ? How
diffusion and resistance to innovation
(r) Printed Pages: 2 Roll No' ""';"':""";"':';"=
0 8 91 0
(ir) Questions z 14 Sub' Code :
0 0 J f
Exam. Code :
5'h Semester
Bachelor of Business Administration
: 80
Time Allowed : Three [Maximum Marks
0890/FF-1089s 2200
Sub. Code: 0891
Bachelor of Business Adminisfration
Fifth Semester
BBA-307: Financial Markets and Services
S_ection - E
II. Explain about the stntctural framework of Indian Financial System. How does ail get
inter-connected? (15)
IV. Eniist and elucidate various refbrms in secondar-v market after globalization. (15)
Section - Q
VI. Describe about financial services, What are its traditional and rnodern actir.ities?(15,i
Vil. 'A lVerchant banker provides solution to any corporate problem.' Explain about it and
various services rendered by it. (1s)
Sub. Code:0891
lX' \Vhat is Venture Capital Financing/ Write about its various features
and stages of
financing. ( 15 )
Exam. Code: 0025
Sub. Code: 0892
B.B,A.-5th Semester
BBA-308: Investrnent Management
Explain qJI J_Aut_of tl-re lollowing in brief': -
II. Why' do peopie inr.est? What are the factors which are favourabie for making
investments in an econom),? ( 15.)
IV whal arc- the charts? How thev are inrerpreted in technical analy'sis? (i5)
V What are the techniques for testing the various forms of efficient market
hi'pothesis? (t ,)
VI. 'Higher the return. higher n'ill be the risk." In this context discuss the various
risks associated u,ith portfolio planning? (15)
VII. Iliscuss irr cietaii the Oapital Asset pricing Mociei (CAPM). (15)
IX. What is thc essential difference between the Sharpe and Trevnor indexes of
portfolio perlormance? (15)
Sub. Code: 0893
Bachelor of Business Administration
Fifth Semester
BBA-309: Social Security' and Labour Welfare
T'ime allorved: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
NOTE: ,4ttempt.four short ansvter rynp€ questions from Section-A. Attempt tt+tp questions each
.fi'om Section B and C respectivelj,.
Qqctio+ -.A
I. Attempr anv fbur of the following:-
a) Define standing Order.
b) When is the gratuity pa"u-able and at what rate?
c) Define factorl'.
d) Write short note on Employee p.F. Scheme.
e) What is an occupational accident?
0 What are intramural welfare facilities? (ax5)
Section - B
iI. Discuss the need. importance and status of labour welfbre in India. (15)
Iil. What is Proviclent Fund? Under what circumstances can a worker withdraw money
fi'om pror,ident fund? (ls)
IV. What do you mean bv social security? Difflerentiate betlveen social securitv and
labour welfare. (15)
v. \\/hat is the constitution of Employees' Insurance court and w.hat are the different
matters to be decided bv it? ( 1s)
Section - C
VI. Write a shoil nore on the payment of gratuity act. 1972. (15)
Vil' What are the categories of employees exch.rded frorn the application of payment of
Bonus Act? (15)
VIII' What is the objective of Workrnan's Compensation Act.1923'/ Explain its provisions.
( 15)
IX. Discuss the eff-ect of certification of standing orders. Whar is their duration? ( I 5)
Sub. Code:089;l
Bachelor of Business Administration
Fifth Semester
BBA-310: Industrial Relations and Labour Legislation
Section -A
L Attempt ety fog1 of the follou,ing:-
a) Discuss tlie obiectives of industrial relations.
b) Explain brieily the functions of collective bargaining.
c) Explain Marxist approach of industrial relations.
d) Define tire term l-ay off and Retrenchment under Industriai Disptite Act.
e) What is the scope of Payment of \A,,'ages Act?
f, What is the imporlance of Trade Urrion Act'l {4x-5)
Sqction --B
ll. What do 1'oi.t mean by industrial relations? Explain the essentials to make industrial
relations effective. ( 1,5)
III. Define industriai conflict. \[.hat is the importance and facrc.rrs affecting industrial
conflict? ( t5)
IV. What do vott tneall by coilective bargaining? Explain its nature a1d tl,pes. (1jt
\'. Explain the different approaches of industrial relations. ( 1-;1
Sectign - C_
IX' What is tht: procedure for fixing minimum wages under Minimum \\'ages Act and
what are the obligations of emplo.ver under this Act? f l5)